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Pih1 is an unstable protein and a subunit of the R2TP complex that, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also contains the helicases Rvb1, Rvb2, and the Hsp90 cofactor Tah1. Pih1 and the R2TP complex are required for the box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) assembly and ribosomal RNA processing. Purified Pih1 tends to aggregate in vitro. Molecular chaperone Hsp90 and its cochaperone Tah1 are required for the stability of Pih1 in vivo. We had shown earlier that the C terminus of Pih1 destabilizes the protein and that the C terminus of Tah1 binds to the Pih1 C terminus to form a stable complex. Here, we analyzed the secondary structure of the Pih1 C terminus and identified two intrinsically disordered regions and five hydrophobic clusters. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that one predicted intrinsically disordered region IDR2 is involved in Tah1 binding, and that the C terminus of Pih1 contains multiple destabilization or degron elements. Additionally, the Pih1 N-terminal domain, Pih11–230, was found to be able to complement the physiological role of full-length Pih1 at 37 °C. Pih11–230 as well as a shorter Pih1 N-terminal fragment Pih11–195 is able to bind Rvb1/Rvb2 heterocomplex. However, the sequence between the two disordered regions in Pih1 significantly enhances the Pih1 N-terminal domain binding to Rvb1/Rvb2. Based on these data, a model of protein-protein interactions within the R2TP complex is proposed.  相似文献   

Delivery of proteins to the vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides an excellent model system in which to study vacuole and lysosome biogenesis and membrane traffic. This organelle receives proteins from a number of different routes, including proteins sorted away from the secretory pathway at the Golgi apparatus and endocytic traffic arising from the plasma membrane. Genetic analysis has revealed at least 60 genes involved in vacuolar protein sorting, numerous components of a novel cytoplasm-to-vacuole transport pathway, and a large number of proteins required for autophagy. Cell biological and biochemical studies have provided important molecular insights into the various protein delivery pathways to the yeast vacuole. This review describes the various pathways to the vacuole and illustrates how they are related to one another in the vacuolar network of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术,从酵母染色体中扩增得到酵母豆蔻酰-CoA:蛋白质N端转酰基酶(YSCNMT)基因,并克隆到pBluescriptKS+载体中。由DNA全序测定表明,获得了YSCNMT编码基因。进一步构建了T7Promoter控制下的含上述完整YSCNMT编码基因的表达质粒pMFT7-5-NMT,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),进行IPTG诱导表达研究。通过SDS-PAGE分析,观察到一与理论分子量一致的诱导条带(约53kD),占全菌蛋白的39%左右,且可溶性部分约占上清液中全部蛋白的34%。经一步P11磷酸纤维素阳离子交换柱层析,将其纯化到纯度达97%以上.纯化的表达产物经N端氨基酸序列分析,所测定的N端5个氨基酸的序列,与从克隆的YSCNMT基因推出的氨基酸序列完全一致(不含N端Met)。对所得的YSCNMT进行酶活力鉴定,观察到了明显的活力。  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, a rate-limiting step of translation initiation is recognition of the mRNA 5′ m7GpppN cap structure by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4F (eIF4F), a heterotrimeric complex consisting of the cap-binding protein, eIF4E, along with eIF4G, and eIF4A. The eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs) repress translation by disrupting eIF4F formation, thereby preventing ribosome recruitment to the mRNA. Of the three 4E-BPs, 4E-BP2 is the predominant paralog expressed in the mammalian brain and plays an important role in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. 4E-BP2 undergoes asparagine deamidation, solely in the brain, during early postnatal development. Deamidation spontaneously converts asparagines into a mixture of aspartates or isoaspartates, the latter of which may be destabilizing to proteins. The enzyme protein l-isoaspartyl methyltransferase (PIMT) prevents isoaspartate accumulation by catalyzing the conversion of isoaspartates to aspartates. PIMT exhibits high activity in the brain, relative to other tissues. We report here that 4E-BP2 is a substrate for PIMT. In vitro deamidated 4E-BP2 accrues isoapartyl residues and is methylated by recombinant PIMT. Using an antibody that recognizes 4E-BP2, which harbors isoaspartates at the deamidation sites, Asn99 and Asn102, we demonstrate that 4E-BP2 in PIMT−/− brain lysates contains isoaspartate residues. Further, we show that 4E-BP2 containing isoaspartates lacks the augmented association with raptor that is a feature of deamidated 4E-BP2.  相似文献   

We have shown that Rpl3, a protein of the large ribosomal subunit from baker''s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), is stoichiometrically monomethylated at position 243, producing a 3-methylhistidine residue. This conclusion is supported by top-down and bottom-up mass spectrometry of Rpl3, as well as by biochemical analysis of Rpl3 radiolabeled in vivo with S-adenosyl-l-[methyl-3H]methionine. The results show that a +14-Da modification occurs within the GTKKLPRKTHRGLRKVAC sequence of Rpl3. Using high-resolution cation-exchange chromatography and thin layer chromatography, we demonstrate that neither lysine nor arginine residues are methylated and that a 3-methylhistidine residue is present. Analysis of 37 deletion strains of known and putative methyltransferases revealed that only the deletion of the YIL110W gene, encoding a seven β-strand methyltransferase, results in the loss of the +14-Da modification of Rpl3. We suggest that YIL110W encodes a protein histidine methyltransferase responsible for the modification of Rpl3 and potentially other yeast proteins, and now designate it Hpm1 (Histidine protein methyltransferase 1). Deletion of the YIL110W/HPM1 gene results in numerous phenotypes including some that may result from abnormal interactions between Rpl3 and the 25 S ribosomal RNA. This is the first report of a methylated histidine residue in yeast cells, and the first example of a gene required for protein histidine methylation in nature.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins perform a variety of functions, all crucially dependent on their orientation in the membrane. However, neither the exact number of transmembrane domains (TMDs) nor the topology of most proteins have been experimentally determined. Due to this, most scientists rely primarily on prediction algorithms to determine topology and TMD assignments. Since these can give contradictory results, single‐algorithm‐based predictions are unreliable. To map the extent of potential misanalysis, the predictions of nine algorithms on the yeast proteome are compared and it is found that they have little agreement when predicting TMD number and termini orientation. To view all predictions in parallel, a webpage called TopologYeast: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/molgen/TopologYeast was created. Each algorithm is compared with experimental data and a poor agreement is found. The analysis suggests that more systematic data on protein topology are required to increase the training sets for prediction algorithms and to have accurate knowledge of membrane protein topology.  相似文献   

Protein-arginine methyltransferases aid in the regulation of many biological processes by methylating specific arginyl groups within targeted proteins. The varied nature of the response to methylation is due in part to the diverse product specificity displayed by the protein-arginine methyltransferases. In addition to site location within a protein, biological response is also determined by the degree (mono-/dimethylation) and type of arginine dimethylation (asymmetric/symmetric). Here, we have identified two strictly conserved methionine residues in the PRMT1 active site that are not only important for activity but also control substrate specificity. Mutation of Met-155 or Met-48 results in a loss in activity and a change in distribution of mono- and dimethylated products. The altered substrate specificity of M155A and M48L mutants is also evidenced by automethylation. Investigation into the mechanistic basis of altered substrate recognition led us to consider each methyl transfer step separately. Single turnover experiments reveal that the rate of transfer of the second methyl group is much slower than transfer of the first methyl group in M48L, especially for arginine residues located in the center of the peptide substrate where turnover of the monomethylated species is negligible. Thus, altered product specificity in M48L originates from the differential effect of the mutation on the two rates. Characterization of the two active-site methionines provides the first insight into how the PRMT1 active site is engineered to control product specificity.  相似文献   

The biological methyl donor S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) is spontaneously degraded by inversion of its sulfonium center to form the R,S diastereomer. Unlike its precursor, (S,S)-AdoMet, (R,S)-AdoMet has no known cellular function and may have some toxicity. Although the rate of (R,S)-AdoMet formation under physiological conditions is significant, it has not been detected at substantial levels in vivo in a wide range of organisms. These observations imply that there are mechanisms that either dispose of (R,S)-AdoMet or convert it back to (S,S)-AdoMet. Previously, we identified two homocysteine methyltransferases (Mht1 and Sam4) in yeast capable of recognizing and metabolizing (R,S)-AdoMet. We found similar activities in worms, plants, and flies. However, it was not established whether these activities could prevent R,S accumulation. In this work, we show that both the Mht1 and Sam4 enzymes are capable of preventing R,S accumulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown to stationary phase; deletion of both genes results in significant (R,S)-AdoMet accumulation. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such an accumulation of (R,S)-AdoMet has been reported in any organism. We show that yeast cells can take up (R,S)-AdoMet from the medium using the same transporter (Sam3) used to import (S,S)-AdoMet. Our results suggest that yeast cells have evolved efficient mechanisms not only for dealing with the spontaneous intracellular generation of the (R,S)-AdoMet degradation product but for utilizing environmental sources as a nutrient.  相似文献   

The degenerate base at position 34 of the tRNA anticodon is the target of numerous modification enzymes. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five tRNAs exhibit a complex modification of uridine 34 (mcm5U34 and mcm5s2U34), the formation of which requires at least 25 different proteins. The addition of the last methyl group is catalyzed by the methyltransferase Trm9p. Trm9p interacts with Trm112p, a 15-kDa protein with a zinc finger domain. Trm112p is essential for the activity of Trm11p, another tRNA methyltransferase, and for Mtq2p, an enzyme that methylates the translation termination factor eRF1/Sup45. Here, we report that Trm112p is required in vivo for the formation of mcm5U34 and mcm5s2U34. When produced in Escherichia coli, Trm112p forms a complex with Trm9p, which renders the latter soluble. This recombinant complex catalyzes the formation of mcm5U34 on tRNA in vitro but not mcm5s2U34. An mtq2-0 trm9-0 strain exhibits a synthetic growth defect, thus revealing the existence of an unexpected link between tRNA anticodon modification and termination of translation. Trm112p is associated with other partners involved in ribosome biogenesis and chromatin remodeling, suggesting that it has additional roles in the cell.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a catabolic process by which cytosolic components are sequestered by double membrane vesicles called autophagosomes and sorted to the lysosomes/vacuoles to be degraded. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has adapted this mechanism for constitutive transport of the specific vacuolar hydrolases aminopeptidase I (Ape1) and α-mannosidase (Ams1); this process is called the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway. The precursor form of Ape1 self-assembles into an aggregate-like structure in the cytosol that is then recognized by Atg19 in a propeptide-dependent manner. The interaction between Atg19 and autophagosome-forming machineries allows selective packaging of the Ape1-Atg19 complex by the autophagosome-like Cvt vesicle. Ams1 also forms oligomers and utilizes the Ape1 transport system by interacting with Atg19. Although the mechanism of selective transport of the Cvt cargoes has been well studied, it is unclear whether proteins other than Ape1 and Ams1 are transported via the Cvt pathway. We describe here that aspartyl aminopeptidase (Yhr113w/Ape4) is the third Cvt cargo, which is similar in primary structure and subunit organization to Ape1. Ape4 has no propeptide, and it does not self-assemble into aggregates. However, it binds to Atg19 in a site distinct from the Ape1- and Ams1-binding sites, allowing it to "piggyback" on the Ape1 transport system. In growing conditions, a small portion of Ape4 localizes in the vacuole, but its vacuolar transport is accelerated by nutrient starvation, and it stably resides in the vacuole lumen. We propose that the cytosolic Ape4 is redistributed to the vacuole when yeast cells need more active vacuolar degradation.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q or ubiquinone) is a redox active lipid composed of a fully substituted benzoquinone ring and a polyisoprenoid tail and is required for mitochondrial electron transport. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Q is synthesized by the products of 11 known genes, COQ1–COQ9, YAH1, and ARH1. The function of some of the Coq proteins remains unknown, and several steps in the Q biosynthetic pathway are not fully characterized. Several of the Coq proteins are associated in a macromolecular complex on the matrix face of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and this complex is required for efficient Q synthesis. Here, we further characterize this complex via immunoblotting and proteomic analysis of tandem affinity-purified tagged Coq proteins. We show that Coq8, a putative kinase required for the stability of the Q biosynthetic complex, is associated with a Coq6-containing complex. Additionally Q6 and late stage Q biosynthetic intermediates were also found to co-purify with the complex. A mitochondrial protein of unknown function, encoded by the YLR290C open reading frame, is also identified as a constituent of the complex and is shown to be required for efficient de novo Q biosynthesis. Given its effect on Q synthesis and its association with the biosynthetic complex, we propose that the open reading frame YLR290C be designated COQ11.  相似文献   

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  • •Guidelines for studying protein complexes via co-fractionation mass spectrometry.
  • •A novel procedure for profiling gold standard protein complexes in CF-MS data.
  • •Recommendations for efficient CF-MS fractionation collection.
  • •Scoring metric recommendations for precise and sensitive CF-MS data analysis.

Squalene belongs to the group of isoprenoids and is a precursor for the synthesis of sterols, steroids, and ubiquinons. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the amount of squalene can be increased by variation of growth conditions or by genetic manipulation. In this report, we show that a hem1Δ mutant accumulated a large amount of squalene, which was stored almost exclusively in cytoplasmic lipid particles/droplets. Interestingly, a strain bearing a hem1Δ deletion in a dga1Δlro1Δare1Δare2Δ quadruple mutant background (QMhem1Δ), which is devoid of the classical storage lipids, triacylglycerols and steryl esters, and lacks lipid particles, accumulated squalene at similar amounts as the hem1Δ mutant in a wild type background. In QMhem1Δ, however, increased amounts of squalene were found in cellular membranes, especially in microsomes. The fact that QMhem1Δ did not form lipid particles indicated that accumulation of squalene solely was not sufficient to initiate proliferation of lipid particles. Most importantly, these results also demonstrated that (i) squalene was not lipotoxic under the conditions tested, and (ii) organelle membranes in yeast can accommodate relatively large quantities of this non-polar lipid without compromising cellular functions. In summary, localization of squalene as described here can be regarded as an unconventional example of non-polar lipid storage in cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Proteostasis, defined as the combined processes of protein folding/biogenesis, refolding/repair, and degradation, is a delicate cellular balance that must be maintained to avoid deleterious consequences 1. External or internal factors that disrupt this balance can lead to protein aggregation, toxicity and cell death. In humans this is a major contributing factor to the symptoms associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington''s, Parkinson''s, and Alzheimer''s diseases 10. It is therefore essential that the proteins involved in maintenance of proteostasis be identified in order to develop treatments for these debilitating diseases. This article describes techniques for monitoring in vivo protein folding at near-real time resolution using the model protein firefly luciferase fused to green fluorescent protein (FFL-GFP). FFL-GFP is a unique model chimeric protein as the FFL moiety is extremely sensitive to stress-induced misfolding and aggregation, which inactivates the enzyme 12. Luciferase activity is monitored using an enzymatic assay, and the GFP moiety provides a method of visualizing soluble or aggregated FFL using automated microscopy. These coupled methods incorporate two parallel and technically independent approaches to analyze both refolding and functional reactivation of an enzyme after stress. Activity recovery can be directly correlated with kinetics of disaggregation and re-solubilization to better understand how protein quality control factors such as protein chaperones collaborate to perform these functions. In addition, gene deletions or mutations can be used to test contributions of specific proteins or protein subunits to this process. In this article we examine the contributions of the protein disaggregase Hsp104 13, known to partner with the Hsp40/70/nucleotide exchange factor (NEF) refolding system 5, to protein refolding to validate this approach.  相似文献   

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