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Mechanisms underlying the initiation and persistence of lethal cardiac rhythms are of significant clinical and scientific interests. Gap junctions are principally involved in forming the electrical connections between myocytes, and changes in distribution, density, and properties are consistent characteristics in arrhythmic heart disease. Therefore, understanding the structure and function of gap junctions during normal and abnormal impulse propagation are essential in the control of arrhythmias. For example, Cx45 is predominately expressed in the specialized myocytes of the impulse generation and conduction system. In both ventricular and atrial human working myocytes, Cx45 is present in very low quantities. However, a reduction in Cx43 coupled with an increased Cx45 protein levels within the ventricles have been observed after myocardial infarction and end-stage heart failure. Cx45 may influence electrical and/or metabolic coupling as a result of pathophysiological overexpression. Our goal was to identify mechanisms that could cause cellular coupling to be different between the cardiac connexins. Based upon the conserved transmembrane and extracellular loop segments, our focus was on identifying features within the divergent cytoplasmic portions. Here, we biophysically characterize the carboxyl-terminal domain of Cx45 (Cx45CT). Purification revealed the possibility of oligomeric species, which was confirmed by analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. Sedimentation equilibrium and circular dichroism studies of different Cx45CT constructs identified one region of α-helical structure (A333-N361) that mediates CT dimerization through hydrophobic contacts. Interestingly, the binding affinity of Cx45CT dimerization is 1000-fold stronger than Cx43CT dimerization. Cx45CT resonance assignments were also used to identify the binding sites and affinities of molecular partners involved in the Cx45 regulation; although none disrupted dimerization, many of these proteins interacted within one intrinsically disordered region (P278-P285). This domain has similarities with other cardiac connexins, and we propose they constitute a master regulatory domain, which contains overlapping molecular partner binding, cis-trans proline isomerization, and phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

In Schwann cells, connexin 32 (Cx32) can oligomerize to form intracellular gap junction channels facilitating a shorter pathway for metabolite diffusion across the layers of the myelin sheath. The mechanisms of Cx32 intracellular channel regulation have not been clearly defined. However, Ca(2+), pH, and the phosphorylation state can regulate Cx32 gap junction channels, in addition to the direct interaction of protein partners with the carboxyl-terminal (CT) domain. In this study, we used different biophysical methods to determine the structure and characterize the interaction of the Cx32CT domain with the protein partners synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97) and calmodulin (CaM). Our results revealed that the Cx32CT is an intrinsically disordered protein that becomes α-helical upon binding CaM. We identified the GUK domain as the minimal SAP97 region necessary for the Cx32CT interaction. The Cx32CT residues affected by the binding of CaM and the SAP97 GUK domain were determined as well as the dissociation constants for these interactions. We characterized three Cx32CT Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease mutants (R219H, R230C, and F235C) and identified that whereas they all formed functional channels, they all showed reduced binding affinity for SAP97 and CaM. Additionally, we report that in RT4-D6P2T rat schwannoma cells, Cx32 is differentially phosphorylated and exists in a complex with SAP97 and CaM. Our studies support the importance of protein-protein interactions in the regulation of Cx32 gap junction channels and myelin homeostasis.  相似文献   

Three gap junctional proteins have been identified in canine ventricular myocytes: connexin 43 (Cx43), connexin 45 (Cx45), and connexin 40 (Cx40). We have characterized the functional properties of canine Cx45 and examined how Cx45 functionally interacts with Cx43 in Xenopus oocyte pairs. Homotypic pairs expressing Cx45 were well coupled. Heterotypic pairs composed of Cx45 paired with either Cx43 or Cx38 also developed high levels of conductance. Junctional currents in the heterotypic pairs displayed a highly asymmetrical voltage dependence. The kinetics and steady-state voltage dependence of the heterotypic channels more closely resembled those of the Cx45 channels when the Cx45 cRNA-injected cell was relatively negative suggesting that the Cx45 connexon closes for relative negativity at the cytoplasmic end of the channel. We also show that homotypic and heterotypic channels composed of Cx45 and Cx43 exhibit differences in pH i sensitivity. Received: 18 August 1995/Revised: 21 November 1995  相似文献   

Gap junctions are intercellular channels that allow the passage of ions, small molecules, and second messengers that are essential for the coordination of cellular function. They are formed by two hemichannels, each constituted by the oligomerization of six connexins (Cx). Among the 21 different human Cx isoforms, studies have suggested that in the heart, Cx40 and Cx43 can oligomerize to form heteromeric hemichannels. The mechanism of heteromeric channel regulation has not been clearly defined. Tissue ischemia leads to intracellular acidification and closure of Cx43 and Cx40 homomeric channels. However, coexpression of Cx40 and Cx43 in Xenopus oocytes enhances the pH sensitivity of the channel. This phenomenon requires the carboxyl-terminal (CT) part of both connexins. In this study we used different biophysical methods to determine the structure of the Cx40CT and characterize the Cx40CT/Cx43CT interaction. Our results revealed that the Cx40CT is an intrinsically disordered protein similar to the Cx43CT and that the Cx40CT and Cx43CT can interact. Additionally, we have identified an interaction between the Cx40CT and the cytoplasmic loop of Cx40 as well as between the Cx40CT and the cytoplasmic loop of Cx43 (and vice versa). Our studies support the “particle-receptor” model for pH gating of Cx40 and Cx43 gap junction channels and suggest that interactions between cytoplasmic regulatory domains (both homo- and hetero-connexin) could be important for the regulation of heteromeric channels.  相似文献   

The mechanism of TonB dependent siderophore uptake through outer membrane transporters in Gram-negative bacteria is poorly understood. In an effort to expand our knowledge of the interaction between TonB and the outer membrane transporters, we have cloned and expressed the FepA cork domain (11–154) from Salmonella typhimurium and characterized its interaction with the periplasmic C-terminal domain of TonB (103–239) by isotope assisted FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. For comparison we also performed similar experiments using the FecA N-terminal domain (1–96) from Escherichia coli which includes the conserved TonB box. The FepA cork domain was completely unfolded in solution, as observed for the E. coli cork domain previously [Usher et al. (2001) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98, 10676–10681]. The FepA cork domain was found to bind to TonB, eliciting essentially the same chemical shift changes in TonB C-terminal domain as was observed in the presence of TonB box peptides. The FecA construct did not cause this same structural change in TonB. The binding of the FepA cork domain to TonB-CTD was found to decrease the amount of ordered secondary structure in TonB-CTD. It is likely that the FecA N-terminal domain interferes with TonB-CTD binding to the TonB box. Binding of the FepA cork domain induces a loss of secondary structure in TonB, possibly exposing TonB surface area for additional intermolecular interactions such as potential homodimerization or additional interactions with the barrel of the outer membrane transporter.  相似文献   

The interaction of the Fip1 subunit of polyadenylation factor I with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A) polymerase (PAP) was assayed in vivo by two-hybrid analysis and was found to involve two separate regions on PAP, located at opposite ends of the protein sequence. In vitro, Fip1 blocks access of the RNA primer to an RNA binding site (RBS) that overlaps the Fip1 carboxy-terminal interaction region and, in doing so, shifts PAP to a distributive mode of action. Partial truncation of this RBS has the same effect, indicating that this site is required for processivity. A comparison of the utilization of ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides as substrates indicates the existence on PAP of a second RBS which recognizes the last three nucleotides at the 3′ end of the primer. This site discriminates against deoxyribonucleotides at the 3′ end, and interactions at this site are not affected by Fip1. Further analysis revealed that the specificity of PAP for adenosine is not simply a function of the ATP binding site but also reflects interactions with bases at the 3′ end of the primer and at another contact site 14 nucleotides upstream of the 3′ end. These results suggest that the unique specificity of PAP for ribose and base, and thus the extent and type of activity with different substrates, depends on interactions at multiple nucleotide binding sites.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs) constitute a protein family essential for extracellular signaling and regulation of cell adhesion. Catalytic activity of ADAMs and their predicted potential for Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain binding show a strong correlation. Here we present a comprehensive characterization of SH3 binding capacity and preferences of the catalytically active ADAMs 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19. Our results revealed several novel interactions, and also confirmed many previously reported ones. Many of the identified SH3 interaction partners were shared by several ADAMs, whereas some were ADAM-specific. Most of the ADAM-interacting SH3 proteins were adapter proteins or kinases, typically associated with sorting and endocytosis. Novel SH3 interactions revealed in this study include TOCA1 and CIP4 as preferred partners of ADAM8, and RIMBP1 as a partner of ADAM19. Our results suggest that common as well as distinct mechanisms are involved in regulation and execution of ADAM signaling, and provide a useful framework for addressing the pathways that connect ADAMs to normal and aberrant cell behavior.  相似文献   

The sigma-1 receptor (S1R) is a ligand-regulated membrane protein chaperone involved in the ER stress response. S1R activity is implicated in diseases of the central nervous system including amnesia, schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer disease, and addiction. S1R has been shown previously to regulate the Hsp70 binding immunoglobulin protein (BiP) and the inositol triphosphate receptor calcium channel through a C-terminal domain. We have developed methods for bacterial expression and reconstitution of the chaperone domain of human S1R into detergent micelles that enable its study by solution NMR spectroscopy. The chaperone domain is found to contain a helix at the N terminus followed by a largely dynamic region and a structured, helical C-terminal region that encompasses a membrane associated domain containing four helices. The helical region at residues ∼198–206 is strongly amphipathic and proposed to anchor the chaperone domain to micelles and membranes. Three of the helices in the C-terminal region closely correspond to previously identified cholesterol and drug recognition sites. In addition, it is shown that the chaperone domain interacts with full-length BiP or the isolated nucleotide binding domain of BiP, but not the substrate binding domain, suggesting that the nucleotide binding domain is sufficient for S1R interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract : Growing evidence indicates the involvement of apolipoprotein E (apoE) in the development of late-onset and sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease, although its exact role remains unclear. We previously demonstrated that β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) displays membrane-destabilizing properties and that only apoE2 and E3 isoforms inhibit these properties. In this study, we clearly demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal lipid-binding domain of apoE (e.g., residues 200-299) is responsible for the Aβ-binding activity of apoE and that this interaction involves pairs of apoE amphipathic α-helices. We further demonstrate that Aβ is able to inhibit the association of the C-terminal domain of apoE with lipids due to the formation of Aβ/apoE complexes resistant to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. On the contrary, the amino-terminal receptor-binding domain of apoE (e.g., residues 129-169) is not able to form stable complexes with Aβ. These data extend our understanding of human apoE-dependent binding of Aβ by involving the C-terminal domain of apoE in the efficient formation of apoE/Aβ complex.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the connexin43 C-terminal (Cx43CT) domain regulates gap junction intercellular communication. However, an understanding of the mechanisms by which phosphorylation exerts its effects is lacking. Here, we test the hypothesis that phosphorylation regulates Cx43 gap junction intercellular communication by mediating structural changes in the C-terminal domain. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance were used to characterize the effects of phosphorylation on the secondary structure and backbone dynamics of soluble and membrane-tethered Cx43CT domains. Cx43CT phospho-mimetic isoforms, which have Asp substitutions at specific Ser/Tyr sites, revealed phosphorylation alters the α-helical content of the Cx43CT domain only when attached to the membrane. The changes in secondary structure are due to variations in the conformational preference and backbone flexibility of residues adjacent and distal to the site(s) of modification. In addition to the known direct effects of phosphorylation on molecular partner interactions, the data presented here suggest phosphorylation may also indirectly regulate binding affinity by altering the conformational preference of the Cx43CT domain.  相似文献   

Voltage-sensor domains (VSDs) are specialized transmembrane segments that confer voltage sensitivity to many proteins such as ion channels and enzymes. The activities of these domains are highly dependent on both the chemical properties and the physical properties of the surrounding membrane environment. To learn about VSD-lipid interactions, we used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure and phospholipid interface of the VSD from the voltage-dependent K+ channel KvAP (prokaryotic Kv from Aeropyrum pernix). The solution structure of the KvAP VSD solubilized within phospholipid micelles is similar to a previously determined crystal structure solubilized by a nonionic detergent and complexed with an antibody fragment. The differences observed include a previously unidentified short amphipathic α-helix that precedes the first transmembrane helix and a subtle rigid-body repositioning of the S3-S4 voltage-sensor paddle. Using 15N relaxation experiments, we show that much of the VSD, including the pronounced kink in S3 and the S3-S4 paddle, is relatively rigid on the picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale. In contrast, the kink in S3 is mobile on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale and may act as a hinge in the movement of the paddle during channel gating. We characterized the VSD-phospholipid micelle interactions using nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy and showed that the micelle uniformly coats the KvAP VSD and approximates the chemical environment of a phospholipid bilayer. Using paramagnetically labeled phospholipids, we show that bilayer-forming lipids interact with the S3 and S4 helices more strongly than with S1 and S2.  相似文献   

Many tissues express multiple gap junction proteins, or connexins (Cx); for example, Cx43, Cx40, and Cx37 are coexpressed in vascular cells. This study was undertaken to elucidate the consequences of coexpression of Cx40 or Cx37 with Cx43 at different ratios. EcR-293 cells (which endogenously produce Cx43) were transfected with ecdysone-inducible plasmids encoding Cx37 or Cx40. Immmunoblotting showed a ponasterone dose-dependent induction of Cx37 or Cx40 while constant levels of Cx43 were maintained. The coexpressed connexins colocalized at appositional membranes. Double whole-cell patch clamp recordings showed no significant change in total junctional conductances in cells treated with 0, 0.5, or 4?μM ponasterone; however, they did show a diversity of unitary channel sizes consistent with the induced connexin expression. In cells with induced expression of either Cx40 or Cx37, intercellular transfer of microinjected Lucifer yellow was reduced, but transfer of NBD-TMA (2-(4-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiol-7-yl)[aminoethyl]trimethylammonium) was not affected. In cocultures containing uninduced EcR cells together with cells induced to coexpress Cx37 or Cx40, Lucifer yellow transfer was observed only between the cells expressing Cx43 alone. These data show that induced expression of either Cx37 or Cx40 in Cx43-expressing cells can selectively alter the intercellular exchange of some molecules without affecting the transfer of others.  相似文献   

单域重链抗体的分子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
源于软骨鱼或骆驼科动物的同型重链二聚体无轻链,用基因工程方法获得其单一重链可变区可保留完整的抗原结合活性,称为单域重链抗体。单域重链抗体具有分子小、稳定性高、体内组织渗透性好、可溶性好、易表达、抗原识别表位独特的结构特征,近年来在生物技术研究与诊断治疗应用领域得到广泛关注,取得了快速发展。  相似文献   

Connexin43(Cx43) and Cx45 are co-expressed in a number of different tissues. Studies demonstrated that Cx45 transfected ROS (ROS/Cx45) cells, were less permeable to low molecular weight dyes than untransfected ROS cells, that have gap junctions made of Cx43. This suggests that there may be a functionally important interaction between Cx43 and Cx45 in these cells. One way in which these proteins may interact is by associating with the same set of proteins. In order to isolate connexin interacting proteins, we isolated Cx45 from Cx45 transfected ROS cells (ROS/Cx45 cells) under mild detergent conditions. These studies showed that Cx45 co-purified with the tight junction protein, ZO-1. Immunofluorescence studies of ROS/Cx45 cells simultaneously stained with polyclonal Cx45 antibody and a monoclonal ZO-1 antibody showed that Cx45 and ZO-1 colocalized in ROS/Cx45 cells. Furthermore we found that ZO-1 could bind to peptides derived from the carboxyl terminal of Cx45 that had been covalently bound to an agarose resin. These data suggests that Cx45 and ZO-1 directly interact in ROS/Cx45 cells.  相似文献   

Connexin43 (Cx43) and Cx45 are co-expressed in a number of different tissues. Studies demonstrated that Cx45 transfected ROS (ROS/Cx45) cells, were less permeable to low molecular weight dyes than untransfected ROS cells, that have gap junctions made of Cx43. This suggests that there may be a functionally important interaction between Cx43 and Cx45 in these cells. One way in which these proteins may interact is by associating with the same set of proteins. In order to isolate connexin interacting proteins, we isolated Cx45 from Cx45 transfected ROS cells (ROS/Cx45 cells) under mild detergent conditions. These studies showed that Cx45 co-purified with the tight junction protein, ZO-1. Immunofluorescence studies of ROS/Cx45 cells simultaneously stained with polyclonal Cx45 antibody and a monoclonal ZO-1 antibody showed that Cx45 and ZO-1 colocalized in ROS/Cx45 cells. Furthermore we found that ZO-1 could bind to peptides derived from the carboxyl terminal of Cx45 that had been covalently bound to an agarose resin. These data suggests that Cx45 and ZO-1 directly interact in ROS/Cx45 cells.  相似文献   

Connexin43(Cx43) and Cx45 are co-expressed in a number of different tissues. Studies demonstrated that Cx45 transfected ROS (ROS/Cx45) cells, were less permeable to low molecular weight dyes than untransfected ROS cells, that have gap junctions made of Cx43. This suggests that there may be a functionally important interaction between Cx43 and Cx45 in these cells. One way in which these proteins may interact is by associating with the same set of proteins. In order to isolate connexin interacting proteins, we isolated Cx45 from Cx45 transfected ROS cells (ROS/Cx45 cells) under mild detergent conditions. These studies showed that Cx45 co-purified with the tight junction protein, ZO-1. Immunofluorescence studies of ROS/Cx45 cells simultaneously stained with polyclonal Cx45 antibody and a monoclonal ZO-1 antibody showed that Cx45 and ZO-1 colocalized in ROS/Cx45 cells. Furthermore we found that ZO-1 could bind to peptides derived from the carboxyl terminal of Cx45 that had been covalently bound to an agarose resin. These data suggests that Cx45 and ZO-1 directly interact in ROS/Cx45 cells.  相似文献   

The translocation of Akt, a serine/threonine kinase, to the plasma membrane is a critical step in the Akt activation pathway. It is established that membrane binding of Akt is mediated by direct interactions between its pleckstrin homology domain (PHD) and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3). There is now evidence that Akt activation in many breast cancer cells is also modulated by the calcium-binding protein, calmodulin (CaM). Upon EGF stimulation of breast cancer cells, CaM co-localizes with Akt at the plasma membrane to enhance activation. However, the molecular details of Akt(PHD) interaction with CaM are not known. In this study, we employed NMR, biochemical, and biophysical techniques to characterize CaM binding to Akt(PHD). Our data show that CaM forms a tight complex with the PHD of Akt (dissociation constant = 100 nm). The interaction between CaM and Akt(PHD) is enthalpically driven, and the affinity is greatly dependent on salt concentration, indicating that electrostatic interactions are important for binding. The CaM-binding interface in Akt(PHD) was mapped to two loops adjacent to the PI(3,4,5)P3 binding site, which represents a rare CaM-binding motif and suggests a synergistic relationship between CaM and PI(3,4,5)P3 upon Akt activation. Elucidation of the mechanism by which Akt interacts with CaM will help in understanding the activation mechanism, which may provide insights for new potential targets to control the pathophysiological processes of cell survival.  相似文献   

The extrinsic apoptotic pathway is initiated by cell surface death receptors such as Fas. Engagement of Fas by Fas ligand triggers a conformational change that allows Fas to interact with adaptor protein Fas-associated death domain (FADD) via the death domain, which recruits downstream signaling proteins to form the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). Previous studies have shown that calmodulin (CaM) is recruited into the DISC in cholangiocarcinoma cells, suggesting a novel role of CaM in Fas-mediated signaling. CaM antagonists induce apoptosis through a Fas-related mechanism in cholangiocarcinoma and other cancer cell lines possibly by inhibiting Fas-CaM interactions. The structural determinants of Fas-CaM interaction and the underlying molecular mechanisms of inhibition, however, are unknown. Here we employed NMR and biophysical techniques to elucidate these mechanisms. Our data show that CaM binds to the death domain of Fas (FasDD) with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of ∼2 μm and 2:1 CaM:FasDD stoichiometry. The interactions between FasDD and CaM are endothermic and entropically driven, suggesting that hydrophobic contacts are critical for binding. We also show that both the N- and C-terminal lobes of CaM are important for binding. NMR and surface plasmon resonance data show that three CaM antagonists (N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide, tamoxifen, and trifluoperazine) greatly inhibit Fas-CaM interactions by blocking the Fas-binding site on CaM. Our findings provide the first structural evidence for Fas-CaM interactions and mechanism of inhibition and provide new insight into the molecular basis for a novel role of CaM in regulating Fas-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

The virulence of a large number of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens depends on the type III secretion (T3S) system, which transports select bacterial proteins into host cells. An essential component of the Yersinia T3S system is YscD, a single-pass inner membrane protein. We report here the 2.52-Å resolution structure of the cytoplasmic domain of YscD, called YscDc. The structure confirms that YscDc consists of a forkhead-associated (FHA) fold, which in many but not all cases specifies binding to phosphothreonine. YscDc, however, lacks the structural properties associated with phosphothreonine binding and thus most likely interacts with partners in a phosphorylation-independent manner. Structural comparison highlighted two loop regions, L3 and L4, as potential sites of interactions. Alanine substitutions at L3 and L4 had no deleterious effects on protein structure or stability but abrogated T3S in a dominant negative manner. To gain insight into the function of L3 and L4, we identified proteins associated with YscD by affinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry. The lipoprotein YscJ was found associated with wild-type YscD, as was the effector YopH. Notably, the L3 and L4 substitution mutants interacted with more YopH than did wild-type YscD. These substitution mutants also interacted with SycH (the specific chaperone for YopH), the putative C-ring component YscQ, and the ruler component YscP, whereas wild-type YscD did not. These results suggest that substitutions in the L3 and L4 loops of YscD disrupted the dissociation of SycH from YopH, leading to the accumulation of a large protein complex that stalled the T3S apparatus.  相似文献   

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