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Prion protein PrP is a central player in several devastating neurodegenerative disorders, including mad cow disease and Creutzfeltd-Jacob disease. Conformational alteration of PrP into an aggregation-prone infectious form PrPSc can trigger pathogenic events. How levels of PrP are regulated is poorly understood. Human PrP is known to be degraded by the proteasome, but the specific proteolytic pathway responsible for PrP destruction remains elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the ubiquitin ligase gp78, known for its role in protein quality control, is critical for unglycosylated PrP ubiquitylation and degradation. Furthermore, C-terminal sequences of PrP protein are crucial for its ubiquitylation and degradation. Our study reveals the first ubiquitin ligase specifically involved in prion protein PrP degradation and PrP sequences crucial for its turnover. Our data may lead to a new avenue to control PrP level and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Syringolin A, the product of a mixed nonribosomal peptide synthetase/polyketide synthase encoded by the syl gene cluster, is a virulence factor secreted by certain Pseudomonas syringae strains. Together with the glidobactins produced by a number of beta- and gammaproteobacterial human and animal pathogens, it belongs to the syrbactins, a structurally novel class of proteasome inhibitors. In plants, proteasome inhibition by syringolin A-producing P. syringae strains leads to the suppression of host defense pathways requiring proteasome activity, such as the ones mediated by salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. Here we report the discovery of a syl-like gene cluster with some unusual features in the alphaproteobacterial endophyte Rhizobium sp. strain AP16 that encodes a putative syringolin A-like synthetase whose components share 55% to 65% sequence identity (72% to 79% similarity) at the amino acid level. As revealed by average nucleotide identity (ANI) calculations, this strain likely belongs to the same species as biocontrol strain R. rhizogenes K84 (formely known as Agrobacterium radiobacter K84), which, however, carries a nonfunctional deletion remnant of the syl-like gene cluster. Here we present a functional analysis of the syl-like gene cluster of Rhizobium sp. strain AP16 and demonstrate that this endophyte synthesizes syringolin A and some related minor variants, suggesting that proteasome inhibition by syrbactin production can be important not only for pathogens but also for endophytic bacteria in the interaction with their hosts.  相似文献   

Intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia (IHH) induces protein changes in the brainstem, but its effects on the hippocampus have not yet been studied. Using a proteomics-based approach, we tested the hypothesis that IHH up-regulates apoptotic promoters and down-regulates apoptotic inhibitors in the developing hippocampus. Male piglets aged 13–14 days were assigned to control (n = 6) or IHH (n = 5) groups. Using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), a total of 26 protein spots were differentially expressed in IHH compared to control group. Thirteen of these (6 up-regulated, 7 down-regulated) were identified including 14-3-3θ/τ (increased), glial fibrillary acidic protein (increased) and α-internexin (decreased). Further analysis with western blot validated these proteins and immunohistochemistry showed specific regional changes in the subiculum, stratum radiatum and CA1 of the hippocampus. Most proteins identified were involved in promoting cell survival under apoptotic conditions. These findings improve our understanding of the cellular processes that occur in the hippocampus during IHH exposure, and have important implications in clinical settings where IHH is experienced, for example, during prone sleeping or with obstructive sleep apnea in an infant.  相似文献   

Whi3 is an RNA binding protein known to bind the mRNA of the yeast G1 cyclin gene CLN3. It inhibits CLN3 function, but the mechanism of this inhibition is unclear; in previous studies, Whi3 made no observable difference to CLN3 mRNA levels, translation, or protein abundance. Here, we re-approach this issue using microarrays, RNA-Seq, ribosome profiling, and other methods. By multiple methods, we find that the whi3 mutation causes a small but consistent increase in the abundance of hundreds of mRNAs, including the CLN3 mRNA. The effect on various mRNAs is roughly in proportion to the density of GCAU or UGCAU motifs carried by these mRNAs, which may be a binding site for Whi3. mRNA instability of Whi3 targets may in part depend on a 3′ AU rich element (ARE), AUUUUA. In addition, the whi3 mutation causes a small increase in the translational efficiency of CLN3 mRNA. The increase in CLN3 mRNA half-life and abundance together with the increase in translational efficiency is fully sufficient to explain the small-cell phenotype of whi3 mutants. Under stress conditions, Whi3 becomes a component of P-bodies or stress granules, but Whi3 also acts under non-stress condition, when no P-bodies are visible. We suggest that Whi3 may be a very broadly-acting, but mild, modulator of mRNA stability. In CLN3, Whi3 may bind to the 3′ GCAU motifs to attract the Ccr4-Not complex to promote RNA deadenylation and turnover, and Whi3 may bind to the 5′ GCAU motifs to inhibit translation.  相似文献   

The broad variety of substances that inhibit the action of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS)—known as proteasome inhibitors—have been used extensively in previous studies, and they are currently frequently proposed as a novel form of cancer treatment and as a protective factor in intracerebral hemorrhage treatment. The experimental data on the safest route of proteasome inhibitor administration, their associated side effects, and the possible ways of minimizing these effects have recently become a very important topic. The aim of our present study was to determine the effects of administering of MG-132, lactacystin and epoxomicin, compounds belonging to three different classes of proteasome inhibitors, on the ependymal walls of the lateral ventricle. Observations were made 2 and 8 weeks after the intraventricular administration of the studied substances dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) into the lateral ventricle of adult Wistar rats. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of brain sections stained with histochemical and inmmunofluorescence techniques showed that the administration of proteasome inhibitors caused a partial occlusion of the injected ventricle in all of the studied animals. The occlusion was due to ependymal cells damage and subsequent ependymal discontinuity, which caused direct contact between the striatum and the lateral nuclei of the septum, mononuclear cell infiltration and the formation of a glial scar between these structures (with the activation of astroglia, microglia and oligodendroglia). Morphologically, the ubiquitin-positive aggregates corresponded to aggresomes, indicating impaired activity of the UPS and the accumulation and aggregation of ubiquitinated proteins that coincided with the occurrence of glial scars. The most significant changes were observed in the wall covering the striatum in animals that were administered epoxomicin, and milder changes were observed in animals administered lactacystin and MG-132. Interestingly, DMSO administration also caused damage to some of the ependymal cells, but the aggresome-like structures were not formed. Our results indicate that all of the studied classes of proteasome inhibitors are detrimental to ependymal cells to some extent, and may cause severe changes in the ventricular system. The safety implications of their usage in therapeutic strategies to attenuate intracerebral hemorrhagic injury and in brain cancer treatment will require further studies.  相似文献   

蛋白质的合成是一个复杂的过程,其中蛋白质丰度是衡量基因表达的一个最终指标,在生物体生命活动中具有重要作用的蛋白质通常都为高丰度蛋白质。通过对PaxDB网站拟南芥各组织器官蛋白质丰度的统计,并采用DAMBE和CodonW计算其对应基因的I_(TE)和CAI值,最后用R语言分析蛋白质丰度与I_(TE)的关系,并采用对数值替代原有的丰度值。结果表明,所使用的I_(TE)较原有CAI的分析方法更有效,在拟南芥的基因中高表达基因在不同的组织中有相似的表达水平,拟南芥蛋白质丰度与I_(TE)有很好的相关性,并且I_(TE)值能更好地拟合拟南芥蛋白质丰度值的变化。  相似文献   

Mitophagy, the selective degradation of mitochondria by autophagy, affects defective mitochondria following damage or stress. At the onset of mitophagy, parkin ubiquitylates proteins on the mitochondrial outer membrane. While the role of parkin at the onset of mitophagy is well understood, less is known about its activity during later stages in the process. Here, we used HeLa cells expressing catalytically active or inactive parkin to perform temporal analysis of the proteome, ubiquitylome, and phosphoproteome during 18 h after induction of mitophagy by mitochondrial uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazine. Abundance profiles of proteins downregulated in parkin-dependent manner revealed a stepwise and “outside–in” directed degradation of mitochondrial subcompartments. While ubiquitylation of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins was enriched among early parkin-dependent targets, numerous mitochondrial inner membrane, matrix, and cytosolic proteins were also found ubiquitylated at later stages of mitophagy. Phosphoproteome analysis revealed a possible crosstalk between phosphorylation and ubiquitylation during mitophagy on key parkin targets, such as voltage-dependent anion channel 2.  相似文献   

Tyropeptin A, a potent proteasome inhibitor not reported before, was produced by Kitasatospora sp. MK993-dF2. In this study, we investigated the effects of tyropeptin A on proteasome activity in PC12 cells. Tyropeptin A inhibited the intracellular proteasome activity in a dose-dependent way and seemed to cause neurite outgrowth. As expected, ubiquitinated proteins that should be substrates for the proteasome accumulated in cells treated with tyropeptin A. Hence, it appears that tyropeptin A can permeate into cells and there inhibit the intracellular proteasome activity.  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A (CMT2A) is caused by mutations in the gene MFN2 and is one of the most common inherited peripheral neuropathies. Mfn2 is one of two mammalian mitofusin GTPases that promote mitochondrial fusion and maintain organelle integrity. It is not known how mitofusin mutations cause axonal degeneration and CMT2A disease. We used the conserved yeast mitofusin FZO1 to study the molecular consequences of CMT2A mutations on Fzo1 function in vivo and in vitro. One mutation (analogous to the CMT2A I213T substitution in the GTPase domain of Mfn2) not only abolishes GTP hydrolysis and mitochondrial membrane fusion but also reduces Mdm30-mediated ubiquitylation and degradation of the mutant protein. Importantly, complexes of wild type and the mutant Fzo1 protein are GTPase active and restore ubiquitylation and degradation of the latter. These studies identify diverse and unexpected effects of CMT2A mutations, including a possible role for mitofusin ubiquitylation and degradation in CMT2A pathogenesis, and provide evidence for a novel link between Fzo1 GTP hydrolysis, ubiquitylation, and mitochondrial fusion.  相似文献   

The transmembrane glycoprotein E11 is considered critical in early osteoblast–osteocyte transitions (osteocytogenesis), however its function and regulatory mechanisms are still unknown. Using the late osteoblast MLO‐A5 cell line we reveal increased E11 protein/mRNA expression (P < 0.001) concomitant with extensive osteocyte dendrite formation and matrix mineralization (P < 0.001). Transfection with E11 significantly increased mRNA levels (P < 0.001), but immunoblotting failed to detect any correlative increases in E11 protein levels, suggestive of post‐translational degradation. We found that exogenous treatment of MLO‐A5 and osteocytic IDG‐SW3 cells with 10 μM ALLN (calpain and proteasome inhibitor) stabilized E11 protein levels and induced a profound increase in osteocytic dendrite formation (P < 0.001). Treatment with other calpain inhibitors failed to promote similar osteocytogenic changes, suggesting that these effects of ALLN rely upon its proteasome inhibitor actions. Accordingly we found that proteasome‐selective inhibitors (MG132/lactacystin/ Bortezomib/Withaferin‐A) produced similar dose‐dependent increases in E11 protein levels in MLO‐A5 and primary osteoblast cells. This proteasomal targeting was confirmed by immunoprecipitation of ubiquitinylated proteins, which included E11, and by increased levels of ubiquitinylated E11 protein upon addition of the proteasome inhibitors MG132/Bortezomib. Activation of RhoA, the small GTPase, was found to be increased concomitant with the peak in E11 levels and its downstream signaling was also observed to promote MLO‐A5 cell dendrite formation. Our data indicate that a mechanism reliant upon blockade of proteasome‐mediated E11 destabilization contributes to osteocytogenesis and that this may involve downstream targeting of RhoA. This work adds to our mechanistic understanding of the factors regulating bone homeostasis, which may lead to future therapeutic approaches. J. Cell. Physiol. 231: 1392–1404, 2016. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Cellular Physiology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Being sessile organisms, plants evolved an unparalleled plasticity in their post-embryonic development, allowing them to adapt and fine-tune their vital parameters to an ever-changing environment. Crosstalk between plants and their environment requires tight regulation of information exchange at the plasma membrane (PM). Plasma membrane proteins mediate such communication, by sensing variations in nutrient availability, external cues as well as by controlled solute transport across the membrane border. Localization and steady-state levels are essential for PM protein function and ongoing research identified cis- and trans-acting determinants, involved in control of plant PM protein localization and turnover. In this overview, we summarize recent progress in our understanding of plant PM protein sorting and degradation via ubiquitylation, a post-translational and reversible modification of proteins. We highlight characterized components of the machinery involved in sorting of ubiquitylated PM proteins and discuss consequences of protein ubiquitylation on fate of selected PM proteins. Specifically, we focus on the role of ubiquitylation and PM protein degradation in the regulation of polar auxin transport (PAT). We combine this regulatory circuit with further aspects of PM protein sorting control, to address the interplay of events that might control PAT and polarized growth in higher plants.  相似文献   

The Abundance of Protein in Amazonia: A Reply to Gross   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical examination of Gross's hypothesis that aboriginal Amazonian populations were limited to low levels by lack of adequate protein resources concludes that (1) evidence either for or against the hypothesis is still in short supply; (2) the role of vegetable protein in aboriginal diets needs much more attention and may ultimately overthrow the protein-limitation hypothesis; (3) the abundance of animal protein in the tropical forest has likely also been underestimated; (4) the abundance of people in precontact Amazonia may well have been underestimated as well. [Amazonia, protein, cultural ecology, limiting factors, population].  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of erythrocyte membrane proteins of economically important animals, goat (Capra aegagrus hircus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), pig (Sus scrofa), cow (Bos tauras), and human (Homo sapiens) was performed. Solubilized erythrocyte membrane proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), visualized by staining the gels with Commassie Brilliant Blue (CBB), and identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). Emerging results show that all major erythrocyte membrane proteins present in human are also seen in all the animals except for band 4.5 which could not be identified. Band 3 is seen as more intense and compact, band 4.1 appears as a doublet in all the animal erythrocyte membranes, band 4.2 exhibits a slightly higher molecular weight (Mr) in buffalo, and cow and band 4.9 has a higher Mr in all the animals relative to the human protein. In addition, there are two new bands in the goat membrane, band G1, identified as HSP 90α, and band G2 identified as HSP 70. A new band C2 identified as HSP 70 is also seen in cow membranes. Peroxiredoxin II is of lower intensity and/or higher Mr in the animals. The difference in size of the proteins possibly indicates the variations in the composition of the amino acids. The difference in intensity of the proteins among these mammalians highlights the presence of less or more number of copies of that protein per cell. This data complement the earlier observations of differences in the sialoglycoprotein profile and effect of proteases and neuraminidase on agglutination among the mammalian erythrocytes. This study provides a platform to understand the molecular architecture of the individual erythrocytes, and in turn the dependent disorders, their phylogenetic relationship and also generates a database of erythrocyte membrane proteins of mammals. The animals selected for this study are of economic importance as they provide milk for the dairy industry and raw material for leather industry and are routinely sacrificed to obtain non vegetarian food worldwide.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation involves dramatic changes in DNA metabolism and cell division, and control of DNA replication, mitosis, and cytokinesis have received the greatest attention in the cell cycle field. To catalogue a wider range of cell cycle-regulated processes, we employed quantitative proteomics of synchronized HeLa cells. We quantified changes in protein abundance as cells actively progress from G1 to S phase and from S to G2 phase. We also describe a cohort of proteins whose abundance changes in response to pharmacological inhibition of the proteasome. Our analysis reveals not only the expected changes in proteins required for DNA replication and mitosis but also cell cycle-associated changes in proteins required for biological processes not known to be cell-cycle regulated. For example, many pre-mRNA alternative splicing proteins are down-regulated in S phase. Comparison of this dataset to several other proteomic datasets sheds light on global mechanisms of cell cycle phase transitions and underscores the importance of both phosphorylation and ubiquitination in cell cycle changes.  相似文献   

蛋白质是生命的重要物质基础之一,也是生命活动的主要承担者.蛋白质丰度与其执行的生物学功能息息相关,受基因表达各个过程严格精密的调控.蛋白质丰度的直接影响因素包括相应mRNA初始量、蛋白质合成速率和降解速率.细胞对此3因素的调控将决定蛋白质最终的丰度.得益于定量蛋白质组学的飞速发展,规模化蛋白质丰度数据的产出,使得研究者可致力于发掘蛋白质丰度与其内在性质(如进化特征、结构特征、功能类型等)间规律性的相关性,这对于深入认识生命系统组成的基本原则具有重要意义.本文总结了蛋白质丰度调控及蛋白质丰度与其内在性质相关性的最新研究进展,及对这些规律性现象反映的生物学意义的解读.  相似文献   

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