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An extensive literature survey on metazoan parasites from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss has been conducted. The taxa Monogenea, Cestoda, Digenea, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, Crustacea and Hirudinea are covered. A total of 169 taxonomic entities are recorded in rainbow trout worldwide although few of these may prove synonyms in future analyses of the parasite specimens. These records include Monogenea (15), Cestoda (27), Digenea (37), Nematoda (39), Acanthocephala (23), Crustacea (17), Mollusca (6) and Hirudinea (5). The large number of parasites in this salmonid reflects its cosmopolitan distribution.  相似文献   

虹鳟6个养殖群体遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
赵莹莹  朱晓琛  孙效文 《遗传》2006,28(8):956-962
利用14对微卫星分子标记对虹鳟的6个养殖群体进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:6个群体的平均等位基因数A为 2.89~4.22,平均有效等位基因数Ne 为2.15~2.78,平均观察杂合度Ho 为0.4801~0.6786,平均期望杂合度He 为0.5052~0.6211,平均多态信息含量PIC 为0.4298~0.5762;其中渤海站群体的等位基因数最多、多态信息含量最高,有效种群最大,通过基因型的P值发现6个群体只在位点AF375034符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,在其他位点都不同程度的偏离平衡,同时对6个群体的遗传距离进行了估算,聚类分析发现挪威群体与其他群体遗传距离最远。  相似文献   

There is a surging interest in the evolution, ecology and physiology of personality differences. However, most of the studies in this research area have been performed in adult animals. Trait variations expressed early in development and how they are related to the ontogeny of an animal’s personality are far less studied. Genetic differences as well as environmental factors causing functional variability of the central serotonergic system have been related to personality differences in vertebrates, including humans. Such gene-environment interplay suggests that the central serotonergic system plays an important role in the ontogeny of personality traits. In salmonid fishes, the timing of emergence from spawning nests is related to energy reserves, aggression, and social dominance. However, it is currently unknown how the size of the yolk reserve is reflected on aggression and dominance, or if these traits are linked to differences in serotonergic transmission in newly emerged larvae. In this study we investigated the relationship between yolk reserves, social dominance, and serotonergic transmission in newly emerged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae. This was conducted by allowing larvae with the same emergence time, but with different yolk sizes, to interact in pairs for 24 h. The results show that individuals with larger yolks performed more aggressive acts, resulting in a suppression of aggression in individuals with smaller yolks. A higher brain serotonergic activity confirmed subordination in larvae with small yolks. The relationship between social dominance and yolk size was present in siblings, demonstrating a link between interfamily variation in energy reserves and aggression, and suggests that larger yolk reserves fuel a more aggressive personality during the initial territorial establishment in salmonid fishes. Furthermore, socially naïve larvae with big yolks had lower serotonin levels, suggesting that other factors than the social environment causes variation in serotonergic transmission, underlying individual variation in aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Trout learned the operant task of pendulum-pressing for a food-reward in a mean of 4.3 sessions lasting 1 hr. In a separate phase, fish also learned—through classical conditioning—to associate a neutral light cue with an aversive stimulus. When again allowed to pendulum-press for food, after aversive classical conditioning, there was a drop in the rate of responding. The mean rate dropped from 3.6–2.9 responses per min. Most important, when the light-stimulus was superimposed on a steady bout of pendulum-pressing, trout ceased to press the pendulum and did not resume activity until termination of the light-stimulus (mean number of responses during a 3-min interval immediately prior to light-stimulus = 14.3 vs. during 3-min light-stimulus = 0.1). Psychologists have used this decrease in operant responding, or “conditioned emotional response,” as a tool to examine the psychological nature of this type of aversive conditioning. In this study, the fish demonstrated various results under this paradigm similar to those shown by “higher” nonhuman animals, therefore challenging the view of fish as unconscious, nonsentient animals.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to vigorous exercise (1.5 body length s−1), low exercise (0.5 body length s−1) or still-water (0.0 body length s−1). Hematocrit, glucose, growth hormone (GH), Cortisol and triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) were monitored at the start of exercise, after 24 h, and after 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 days of continuous swimming. Morphological indices and food intake were also monitored. At the end of the experiment, trout subjected to low exercise had gained significantly (p<0.05) more weight than both the control (still-water) and vigorously exercised fish. This low exercised group of fish also consumed more food than the 2 other groups. Hematocrit increased significantly in both exercised groups at the onset of swimming but returned to pre-exercise levels within 8 hrs. Plasma glucose appeared to be generally unaffected by exercise. Likewise, plasma concentrations of both GH and T3 were not influenced by exercise. Plasma Cortisol levels increased in an exercise dependent fashion at the onset of swimming, but returned to pre-swimming levels within 24 h and there was no apparent effect of sustained swimming. The results suggest: (i) the onset of exercise elicits transient changes in plasma components, (ii) the observed weight gain in low exercising salmonids occur without increases in circulating levels of GH or T3.  相似文献   

Abstract The morphology and growth of selected lateral line organs of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are described. Canal neuromasts of the infraorbital and operculo–mandibular canal of three different–sized trout have been examined by light microscopy. The number of neuromasts and pores, as well as their distribution, is constant in all sizes of fish. However, the area and estimated number of hair cells (HC) of the examined neuromasts increase with size and with a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.90 and 0.87, respectively. It was found that area and estimated hair cell number of neuromasts increase 6-fold in fish from 10 to 30 cm total length (TL). Based on calculation of the hair cell number in small and large fish, a net addition of 1 and 6 HC per day is suggested for IO and OM neuromasts, respectively.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the male-to-female morphological and physiological transdifferentiation process in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to exogenous estrogens. The first objective was to elucidate whether trout develop intersex gonads under exposure to low levels of estrogen. To this end, the gonads of an all-male population of fry exposed chronically (from 60 to 136 days post fertilization – dpf) to several doses (from environmentally relevant 0.01 µg/L to supra-environmental levels: 0.1, 1 and 10 µg/L) of the potent synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) were examined histologically. The morphological evaluations were underpinned by the analysis of gonad steroid (testosterone, estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone) levels and of brain and gonad gene expression, including estrogen-responsive genes and genes involved in sex differentiation in (gonads: cyp19a1a, ER isoforms, vtg, dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b; brain: cyp19a1b, ER isoforms). Intersex gonads were observed from the first concentration used (0.01 µg EE2/L) and sexual inversion could be detected from 0.1 µg EE2/L. This was accompanied by a linear decrease in 11-KT levels, whereas no effect on E2 and T levels was observed. Q-PCR results from the gonads showed downregulation of testicular markers (dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b) with increasing EE2 exposure concentrations, and upregulation of the female vtg gene. No evidence was found for a direct involvement of aromatase in the sex conversion process. The results from this study provide evidence that gonads of male trout respond to estrogen exposure by intersex formation and, with increasing concentration, by morphological and physiological conversion to phenotypic ovaries. However, supra-environmental estrogen concentrations are needed to induce these changes.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the genetic underpinnings of invasions—a theme addressed by invasion genetics as a discipline—is still scarce amid well documented ecological impacts of non-native species on ecosystems of Patagonia in South America. One of the most invasive species in Patagonia’s freshwater systems and elsewhere is rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). This species was introduced to Chile during the early twentieth century for stocking and promoting recreational fishing; during the late twentieth century was reintroduced for farming purposes and is now naturalized. We used population- and individual-based inference from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to illuminate three objectives related to the establishment and naturalization of Rainbow Trout in Lake Llanquihue. This lake has been intensively used for trout farming during the last three decades. Our results emanate from samples collected from five inlet streams over two seasons, winter and spring. First, we found that significant intra- population (temporal) genetic variance was greater than inter-population (spatial) genetic variance, downplaying the importance of spatial divergence during the process of naturalization. Allele frequency differences between cohorts, consistent with variation in fish length between spring and winter collections, might explain temporal genetic differences. Second, individual-based Bayesian clustering suggested that genetic structure within Lake Llanquihue was largely driven by putative farm propagules found at one single stream during spring, but not in winter. This suggests that farm broodstock might migrate upstream to breed during spring at that particular stream. It is unclear whether interbreeding has occurred between “pure” naturalized and farm trout in this and other streams. Third, estimates of the annual number of breeders (Nb) were below 73 in half of the collections, suggestive of genetically small and recently founded populations that might experience substantial genetic drift. Our results reinforce the notion that naturalized trout originated recently from a small yet genetically diverse source and that farm propagules might have played a significant role in the invasion of Rainbow Trout within a single lake with intensive trout farming. Our results also argue for proficient mitigation measures that include management of escapes and strategies to minimize unintentional releases from farm facilities.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of alleles at 63 microsatellite loci distributed across 29 linkage groups in broodstock females from a commercial population of rainbow trout spawning on different dates throughout the season (August to January). A total of 368 females, 184 and 117 females from each of the tail-ends of the spawning distribution and a subsample of 67 females spawning in the middle, were used to detect marker–trait associations. Twenty-one loci in a subset of genomic regions (RT-5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, and 31) were significantly associated with variation in spawning date. Many of these markers localize to regions with known spawning date quantitative trait loci based on previous studies. An individual assignment analysis was used to test how well the molecular data could be used to assign individuals to their correct spawning group, and markers were given a ranking reflecting their contribution to the accuracy of assignment. The top 15 ranked markers were successful at assigning the majority of females to the correct spawning group based on genotype with an average accuracy of 76 %. The most likely genes that could contribute to these differences in spawning date are discussed. Together, these data indicate that the loci could be incorporated into a selection index with phenotype data to increase the accuracy of selection for spawning date.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The motivational component of rheoreaction has been determined in 4-month-old juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss on different diets. It is shown that the diet...  相似文献   

利用放射免疫分析法对饲养于恒定水温和自然光照下的雌性虹鳟血浆中皮质醇和性激素含量的周年变化进行了测定.结果表明:1)根据性腺结构指数和性激素分泌量判断,三龄时,雌性虹鳟达到性成熟;2)在血浆中不仅性激素而且皮质醇的变化水平与性腺结构指数的变化高度相关.排卵前性激素的水平都较高,伴随着排卵的进行性激素水平下降.而且在产卵季节虹鳟血浆中皮质醇水平也较高,三龄时皮质醇水平与性腺结构指数的相关系数为0.86.这些结果提示,皮质醇在虹鳟的繁殖过程中可能发挥某种作用.  相似文献   

Fatty acids from total lipids and polar lipids in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) raised in seawater (SW) and freshwater (FW) were identified and quantified from the muscle samples in January, April, and July. The highest total lipid and polar lipid amounts were found in April. July contents of total lipids were low, but percent of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was high in SW and FW environment (particularly n-3 PUFAs). Variety of 17 fatty acids was identified by GC-FID after transmethylation. The predominant fatty acids in rainbow trout from SW and FW were: docosahexaenoic acid among n-3 PUFAs, palmitic acid among saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and oleic acid among monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Appreciably higher n-3/n-6 ratio was found in total lipids in April (6.40, FW fish) and in polar lipids in July (18.76; SW fish). High n-3/n-6 ratio in total lipids and polar lipids of rainbow trout from SW and FW, besides beneficial n-3/n-6 ratio in the commercial fish food, could be characteristic for the local environmental conditions (Croatia).  相似文献   

Five strains (1126-1H-08T, 51B-09, 986-08, 1084B-08 and 424-08) were isolated from diseased rainbow trout. Cells were Gram-negative rods, 0.7 µm wide and 3 µm long, non-endospore-forming, catalase and oxidase positive. Colonies were circular, yellow-pigmented, smooth and entire on TGE agar after 72 hours incubation at 25°C. They grew in a temperature range between 15°C to 30°C, but they did not grow at 37°Cor 42°C. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolates belonged to the genus Flavobacterium. Strain 1126-1H-08T exhibited the highest levels of similarity with Flavobacterium oncorhynchi CECT 7678T and Flavobacterium pectinovorum DSM 6368T (98.5% and 97.9% sequence similarity, respectively). DNA–DNA hybridization values were 87 to 99% among the five isolates and ranged from 21 to 48% between strain 1126-1H-08T, selected as a representative isolate, and the type strains of Flavobacterium oncorhynchi CECT 7678T and other phylogenetic related Flavobacterium species. The DNA G+C content of strain 1126-1H-08T was 33.2 mol%. The predominant respiratory quinone was MK-6 and the major fatty acids were iso-C15∶0 and C15∶0. These data were similar to those reported for Flavobacterium species. Several physiological and biochemical tests differentiated the novel bacterial strains from related Flavobacterium species. Phylogenetic, genetic and phenotypic data indicate that these strains represent a new species of the genus Flavobacterium, for which the name Flavobacterium plurextorum sp. nov. was proposed. The type strain is 1126-1H-08T ( = CECT 7844T = CCUG 60112T).  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that individual recognition is used as a cue to reduce the cost of contesting resources in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, was addressed. The predictions were that the second contest between familiar individuals should be settled with less aggression, and lower probability of status reversal, than a contest between strangers. To test these predictions, similar-sized juvenile rainbow trout were subjected to two dyadic dominance contests in one of four treatment groups: in half of the pairs, the initially subordinate and dominant individuals were staged against an unfamiliar opponent (of opposite rank to their own) in a second contest, while in the other the initial pair was reunited for the second contest. Further, in half of the pairs, contestants were separated for 3 d between contests, while in the other the second contest was staged immediately after the first. Levels of aggression in contests between familiar individuals were lower than in contests between strangers, which supports the hypothesis that individual recognition reduces aggression. Dominance status was reversed in 31% of the 62 tested pairs. Although the probability of status reversal was not significantly affected by individual recognition, the degree of change in competitive success appeared to be lower in familiar pairs. Separation interacted with familiarity so that the effect of individual recognition generally was less pronounced when pairs were separated between contests, suggesting that the ability to remember opponents is time/limited. In natural streams, salmonids may use individual recognition to reduce the cost of contesting resources within groups, to reduce aggression between territory neighbours and to distinguish ‘cheaters’ from honest signallers.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment represents a challenge of emerging concern. Many pharmaceuticals are chiral compounds; however, few studies have examined the relative toxicity of pharmaceutical enantiomers to wildlife. Further, our understanding of stereospecific pharmacokinetics remains largely informed by research on humans and a few well‐studied laboratory test animals, and not by studies conducted with environmentally relevant species, including fish. The objective of this study was to investigate whether rainbow trout display stereospecific in vitro metabolism of three common chiral pharmaceuticals. Metabolism by trout liver S9 fractions was evaluated using a substrate depletion approach, which provides an estimate of intrinsic hepatic clearance (CLIN VITRO,INT). No biotransformation was observed for rac‐, R‐, or S‐fluoxetine. Ibuprofen, including both enantiomers and the racemic mixture, appeared to undergo slow metabolism, but the resulting substrate depletion curves did not differ significantly from those of inactive controls. Contrary to relative clearance rates in humans, S(?)‐propranolol was more rapidly cleared than the R(+)‐ enantiomer. This work demonstrates that relative clearance rates and the effects of racemic mixtures in trout could not have been predicted based on human data. Additional research describing species differences and exploring tools for species extrapolation in biomedical and environmental studies is needed. Chirality 25:763–767, 2013, © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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