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A stunted root system is a significant symptom of iron (Fe) toxicity, yet little is known about the effects of excess Fe on lateral root (LR) development. In this work, we show that excess Fe has different effects on LR development in different portions of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root system and that inhibitory effects on the LR initiation are only seen in roots newly formed during excess Fe exposure. We show that root tip contact with Fe is both necessary and sufficient for LR inhibition and that the auxin, but not abscisic acid, pathway is engaged centrally in the initial stages of excess Fe exposure. Furthermore, Fe stress significantly reduced PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2)-green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression in root tips, and pin2-1 mutants exhibited significantly fewer LR initiation events under excess Fe than the wild type. Exogenous application of both Fe and glutathione together increased PIN2-GFP expression and the number of LR initiation events compared with Fe treatment alone. The ethylene inhibitor aminoethoxyvinyl-glycine intensified Fe-dependent inhibition of LR formation in the wild type, and this inhibition was significantly reduced in the ethylene overproduction mutant ethylene overproducer1-1. We show that Auxin Resistant1 (AUX1) is a critical component in the mediation of endogenous ethylene effects on LR formation under excess Fe stress. Our findings demonstrate the relationship between excess Fe-dependent PIN2 expression and LR formation and the potential role of AUX1 in ethylene-mediated LR tolerance and suggest that AUX1 and PIN2 protect LR formation in Arabidopsis during the early stages of Fe stress.Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element for plants (Pilon et al., 2009), and species differ greatly in how much Fe they require for optimal growth (Wheeler and Power, 1995; Batty and Younger, 2003). As Fe is frequently limiting, Fe deficiency is more commonly studied than toxicity arising from excess Fe exposure (Lei et al., 2014; Bashir et al., 2015; Briat et al., 2015). Fe is also a major focus for efforts in biofortification by targeting Fe transporters (Zhai et al., 2014; Pinto and Ferreira, 2015). However, the excessive presence of Fe in soils is equally common, in particular in soils characterized by low pH and hypoxic or anoxic conditions (Connolly and Guerinot, 2002). Toxicity arising from excess Fe exposure is recognized as one of the major plant diseases attributable to abiotic factors that impact the development and yield potential in the world’s leading cereal crops, rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum; Becker and Asch, 2005; Khabaz-Saberi et al., 2012). Understanding the mechanisms underlying excess Fe toxicity is therefore essential.Plastic responses in the plant’s root system architecture are known to constitute a major mechanism by which plants cope with fluctuating environments. Lateral roots (LRs), which typically comprise the majority of the root system, contribute pivotally to nutrient acquisition from soil, and modulating LR development is a very important avoidance strategy for plants when confronted with unfavorable edaphic conditions, such as high salinity or heavy metals (Ivanov et al., 2003). In the case of excess exposure to Fe, stunting of the root system is among the chief symptoms of toxicity (Becker and Asch, 2005). However, while some information has been emerging on the primary root axis (Li et al., 2015), the specific role of the plant’s LR apparatus remains poorly studied. Yamauchi and Peng (1995) reported retardation of root growth and a reduction in LR length and number under excess Fe conditions. Recently, Reyt et al. (2015) showed that excess Fe had no significant effect on LR initiation in the LR branching zone and that ferritins play an important role in LR emergence under excess Fe in this portion of the root, although the authors had not investigated LR development in the root portions near the growing tip of the primary root. Because LR initiation is restricted to specific pericycle cell files adjacent to a xylem pole in the basal region of the meristem (De Smet et al., 2007; Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009), and LR formation in this new growing root portion may be more susceptible to stress stimuli, such as observed with exposure to high NH4+ and salt (Duan et al., 2013; Li et al., 2013), it is reasonable to suggest that modulation of LR formation near the growing tip of the primary root is critical to the response to excess Fe stress.In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the development of LRs proceeds through the following stages: lateral root primordia (LRP) initiation, establishment, emergence, activation into mature LRs, and final maintenance of LR elongation (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009; Péret et al., 2009). The hormones abscisic acid (ABA) and auxin are important internal negative and positive regulators during LR development, respectively (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009). ABA has been implicated in LRP emergence and meristem activation independent of auxin (De Smet et al., 2003). Auxin is an important internal positive regulator during LR development (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009), and auxin transport is critical (Blilou et al., 2005). Mutants in auxin efflux carriers such as PIN-FORMED (PIN) and P-Glycoprotein show significant defects in LR formation (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009; Péret et al., 2009). For example, LR initiation frequency was significantly reduced in pin2 and pin3 mutants (Dubrovsky et al., 2009), and PIN2 was also shown to be involved in exogenous and endogenous signal-mediated LR development (by brassinosteroid, jasmonate, and fungal challenge; Li et al., 2005; Felten et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2009). Similarly, Auxin Resistant1 (AUX1), an auxin influx carrier, also regulates LRP positioning and initiation (De Smet et al., 2007). While both AUX1 and PIN2 are required specifically for the basipetal transport of auxin through the outer root cell layers (Fukaki and Tasaka, 2009), PIN1 localized at the basal end of vascular cells is responsible for direct acropetal auxin flow in the root stele (Blilou et al., 2005). Recently, the roles of ethylene on LR development have also been highlighted, and the ethylene-mediated LR formation is dependent on the auxin pathway (Ivanchenko et al., 2008; Lewis et al., 2011). Ethylene treatment could mediate fluorescence of AUX1 and PIN2 fluorescent protein fusions at the root tip (Růzicka et al., 2007; Lewis et al., 2011). Although ABA, auxin, and ethylene signals have been implicated as important for LR development, it is not known whether and how the three hormones are involved in the response of LR formation to Fe stress.The previously described phenotypes and physiological processes related to Fe toxicity do not clarify the effect of excess Fe on LR formation. In this study, we employed the Arabidopsis wild type and ABA-, auxin-, and ethylene-related mutants to explore the LR formation response to Fe toxicity and to elucidate the roles of ABA, auxin, and ethylene. Potential mechanisms involved in the early stress response to Fe stress are discussed.  相似文献   

Auxin Induced Lateral Root Formation in Chicory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The supply of auxins [2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4D),indole-3 acetic acid (1AA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)]to excised chicory roots induced the formation of lateral rootmeristems mainly located close to the pre-existing apical rootmeristem. Lateral root growth induced in non-excised roots requiredhigher auxin concentrations. Inhibition of root elongation andconcomittant enlargement of the apices was also observed. SupplyingIAA induced the formation of lateral meristems earlier thanNAA, but subsequently favoured root elongation. Conversely,in the presence of 2,4D, reactivation of pericycle cells wasvery intense, but conversion of primordia to laterals was inhibited.Regardless of the auxin used, the responsive area in which lateralmeristems appeared was located a maximum of 4 mm away from theapical meristem. This region remained devoid of any lateralroot formation under control conditions. Pericycle cells oppositethe xylem poles in the diarch stele regained meristematic activityand divided transversally, giving rise to shorter cells. Thesecells subsequently divided periclinally, forming pairs of cellson the same transverse level. The root primordium extruded throughcortical cells and was surrounded by a lacuna formed to thedetriment of cortical cells.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Auxins,Cichorium intybus, chicory, lateral root, root elongation.  相似文献   

Previously, we characterized 92 Arabidopsis genes (AtSFLs) similar to the S-locus F-box genes involved in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility and found that they likely play diverse roles in Arabidopsis. In this study, we investigated the role of one of these genes, CEGENDUO (CEG, AtSFL61), in the lateral root formation. A T-DNA insertion in CEG led to an increased lateral root production, which was complemented by transformation of the wild-type gene. Its downregulation by RNAi also produced more lateral roots in transformed Arabidopsis plants whereas its overexpression generated less lateral roots compared to wild-type, indicating that CEG acts as a negative regulator for the lateral root formation. It was found that CEG was expressed abundantly in vascular tissues of the primary root, but not in newly formed lateral root primordia and the root meristem, and induced by exogenous auxin NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid). In addition, the ceg mutant was hyposensitive to NAA, IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), as well as the auxin transport inhibitor TIBA (3,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid), showing that CEG is an auxin-inducible gene. Taken together, our results show that CEG is a novel F-box protein negatively regulating the auxin-mediated lateral root formation in Arabidopsis. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Plant roots show an impressive degree of plasticity in adapting their branching patterns to ever-changing growth conditions. An important mechanism underlying this adaptation ability is the interaction between hormonal and developmental signals. Here, we analyze the interaction of jasmonate with auxin to regulate lateral root (LR) formation through characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, jasmonate-induced defective lateral root1 (jdl1/asa1-1). We demonstrate that, whereas exogenous jasmonate promotes LR formation in wild-type plants, it represses LR formation in jdl1/asa1-1. JDL1 encodes the auxin biosynthetic gene ANTHRANILATE SYNTHASE α1 (ASA1), which is required for jasmonate-induced auxin biosynthesis. Jasmonate elevates local auxin accumulation in the basal meristem of wild-type roots but reduces local auxin accumulation in the basal meristem of mutant roots, suggesting that, in addition to activating ASA1-dependent auxin biosynthesis, jasmonate also affects auxin transport. Indeed, jasmonate modifies the expression of auxin transport genes in an ASA1-dependent manner. We further provide evidence showing that the action mechanism of jasmonate to regulate LR formation through ASA1 differs from that of ethylene. Our results highlight the importance of ASA1 in jasmonate-induced auxin biosynthesis and reveal a role for jasmonate in the attenuation of auxin transport in the root and the fine-tuning of local auxin distribution in the root basal meristem.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Cyclophilins (CYP) are a class of highly conserved pepti- dyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPlases) that play important roles in various biological processes in eukaryotes (reviewed in Romano et al. (2004)). In higher plants, a conserved sin- gle domain cyclophilin has been identified as a novel com- ponent of the auxin signaling pathway by analyzing the tomato diageotropica (dgt) mutant (Ivanchenko et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2006). The dgt mutant displays a lateral-rootless and auxin-resistant phenotype (Ivanchenko et aL, 2006). Further studies revealed that mutations in the DGT-like genes of Physcomitrella patens also exhibited an auxin-resistant phenotype, suggesting a conserved role of DGT-like proteins in auxin signaling. Moreover,  相似文献   

Light is an important environmental regulator of diverse growth and developmental processes in plants. However, the mechanisms by which light quality regulates root growth are poorly understood. We analyzed lateral root (LR) growth of tobacco seedlings in response to three kinds of light qualities (red, white, and blue). Primary (1°) LR number and secondary (2°) LR density were elevated under red light (on days 9 and 12 of treatment) in comparison with white and blue lights. Higher IAA concentrations measured in roots and lower in leaves of plants treated with red light suggest that red light accelerated auxin transport from the leaves to roots (in comparison with other light qualities). Corroborative evidence for this suggestion was provided by elevated DR5::GUS expression levels at the shoot/root junction and in the 2° LR region. Applications of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) to red light-treated seedlings reduced both 1° LR number and 2° LR density to levels similar to those measured under white light; DR5::GUS expression levels were also similar between these light qualities after NPA application. Results were similar following exogenous auxin (NAA) application to blue light-treated seedlings. Direct [3H]IAA transport measurement indicated that the polar auxin transport from shoot to root was increased by red light. Red light promoted PIN3 expression levels and blue light reduced PIN1, 34 expression levels in the shoot/root junction and in the root, indicating that these genes play key roles in auxin transport regulation by red and blue lights. Overall, our findings suggest that three kinds of light qualities regulate LR formation in tobacco seedlings through modification of auxin polar transport.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation is a key regulatory mechanism governing polar auxin transport. We characterized the auxin transport and gravitropic phenotypes of the pinoid-9 (pid-9) mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and tested the hypothesis that phosphorylation mediated by PID kinase and dephosphorylation regulated by the ROOTS CURL IN NAPHTHYLPHTHALAMIC ACID1 (RCN1) protein might antagonistically regulate root auxin transport and gravity response. Basipetal indole-3-acetic acid transport and gravitropism are reduced in pid-9 seedlings, while acropetal transport and lateral root development are unchanged. Treatment of wild-type seedlings with the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine phenocopies the reduced auxin transport and gravity response of pid-9, while pid-9 is resistant to inhibition by staurosporine. Staurosporine and the phosphatase inhibitor, cantharidin, delay the asymmetric expression of DR5∷revGFP (green fluorescent protein) at the root tip after gravistimulation. Gravity response defects of rcn1 and pid-9 are partially rescued by treatment with staurosporine and cantharidin, respectively. The pid-9 rcn1 double mutant has a more rapid gravitropic response than rcn1. These data are consistent with a reciprocal regulation of gravitropism by RCN1 and PID. Furthermore, the effect of staurosporine is lost in pinformed2 (pin2). Our data suggest that reduced PID kinase function inhibits gravitropism and basipetal indole-3-acetic acid transport. However, in contrast to PID overexpression studies, we observed wild-type asymmetric membrane distribution of the PIN2 protein in both pid-9 and wild-type root tips, although PIN2 accumulates in endomembrane structures in pid-9 roots. Similarly, staurosporine-treated plants expressing a PIN2GFP fusion exhibit endomembrane accumulation of PIN2∷GFP, but no changes in membrane asymmetries were detected. Our data suggest that PID plays a limited role in root development; loss of PID activity alters auxin transport and gravitropism without causing an obvious change in cellular polarity.A variety of important growth and developmental processes, including gravity response, embryo and vascular development, and the branching of roots and shoots, are controlled by the directional and regulated transport of auxin in higher plants. Reversible protein phosphorylation is an important regulatory strategy that may modulate auxin transport and dependent processes such as root gravitropism, perhaps through action of the PINOID (PID) kinase (for review, see DeLong et al., 2002; Galvan-Ampudia and Offringa, 2007). PID is an AGC family Ser/Thr kinase (Christensen et al., 2000) and belongs to an AGC kinase clade containing WAG1, WAG2, AGC3-4, and D6PK/AGC1-1 (Santner and Watson, 2006; Galvan-Ampudia and Offringa, 2007; Zourelidou et al., 2009). PID activity has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo (Christensen et al., 2000; Michniewicz et al., 2007), and several pid mutant alleles exhibit altered auxin transport in the inflorescence and a floral development defect resembling that of auxin transport mutants (Bennett et al., 1995). Overexpression of the PID gene results in profound alterations in root development and responses to auxin transport inhibitors, reduced gravitropism and auxin accumulation at the root tip (Christensen et al., 2000; Benjamins et al., 2001; Michniewicz et al., 2007), as well as enhanced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) efflux in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell cultures (Lee and Cho, 2006) and altered PINFORMED1 (PIN1), PIN2, and PIN4 localization patterns (Friml et al., 2004; Michniewicz et al., 2007), consistent with PID being a positive regulator of IAA efflux. However, the effects of pid loss-of-function mutations on auxin transport activities and gravitropic responses in roots have not yet been reported (Robert and Offringa, 2008).In contrast, auxin transport and gravitropism defects of a mutant with reduced protein phosphatase activity have been characterized in detail. The roots curl in naphthylphthalamic acid1 (rcn1) mutation, which ablates the function of a protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit, causes reduced PP2A activity in vivo and in vitro (Deruère et al., 1999). Roots and hypocotyls of rcn1 seedlings have elevated basipetal auxin transport (Deruère et al., 1999; Rashotte et al., 2001; Muday et al., 2006), and rcn1 roots exhibit a significant delay in gravitropism, consistent with altered auxin transport (Rashotte et al., 2001; Shin et al., 2005). These data indicate that PP2A is a negative regulator of basipetal transport and suggest that if PID-dependent phosphorylation regulates root auxin transport and gravitropism, then it may act in opposition to PP2A-dependent dephosphorylation.In roots, auxin transport is complex, with distinct sets of influx and efflux carriers that define tissue-specific and opposing directional polarities (for review, see Leyser, 2006). IAA moves acropetally, from the shoot toward the root apex, through the central cylinder (Tsurumi and Ohwaki, 1978), and basipetally, from the root apex toward the base, through the outer layer of cells (for review, see Muday and DeLong, 2001). When plants are reoriented relative to the gravity vector, auxin becomes asymmetrically distributed across the root tip, as a result of a process termed lateral auxin transport (for review, see Muday and Rahman, 2008). Several carriers that mediate root basipetal IAA transport have been clearly defined and include the influx carrier AUXIN-INSENSITIVE1 (AUX1; Marchant et al., 1999; Swarup et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2006) and efflux carriers of two classes, PIN2 (Chen et al., 1998; Müller et al., 1998; Rashotte et al., 2000) and ATP-BINDING CASSETTE TYPE B TRANSPORTER4/MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT4/P-GLYCOPROTEIN4 (ABCB4/MDR4/PGP4; Geisler et al., 2005; Terasaka et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 2007). Lateral transport at the root tip may be mediated by PIN3, an efflux carrier with a gravity-dependent localization pattern (Friml et al., 2002; Harrison and Masson, 2007).Gravitropic curvature of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) roots requires changes in IAA transport at the root tip (for review, see Muday and Rahman, 2008). Auxin transport inhibitors (Rashotte et al., 2000) and mutations in genes encoding basipetal transporters, including aux1 (Bennett et al., 1996), pin2/agr1 (Chen et al., 1998; Müller et al., 1998), and abcb4/mdr4/pgp4 (Lin and Wang, 2005; Lewis et al., 2007), alter gravitropism. Auxin-inducible reporters exhibit asymmetric expression across the root tip prior to differential growth, and this asymmetry is abolished by treatment with auxin transport inhibitors that prevent gravitropic curvature (Rashotte et al., 2001; Ottenschläger et al., 2003). Additionally, the pin3 mutant exhibits slightly reduced rates of gravitropic curvature (Harrison and Masson, 2007), and PIN3 is expressed in the columella cells, which are the site of gravity perception (Blancaflor et al., 1998; Friml et al., 2002). The PIN3 protein relocates to membranes on the lower side of columella cells after gravitropic reorientation, consistent with a role in facilitating asymmetric IAA transport at the root tip (Friml et al., 2002; Harrison and Masson, 2007).The available data suggest a model in which PID and RCN1 antagonistically regulate basipetal transport and gravitropic response in root tips (Fig. 1). In this model, the regions with the highest IAA concentrations in the epidermal and cortical cell layers are indicated by shading, and the arrows indicate the direction and relative amounts of basipetal auxin transport. Our previous work suggests that elevated basipetal IAA transport in rcn1 roots impairs gravitropic response, presumably due to the inability of roots either to form or to perceive a lateral auxin gradient in the context of a stronger polar IAA transport stream (Rashotte et al., 2001). Enhanced basipetal transport may increase the initial auxin concentration along the upper side of the root, impeding the establishment or perception of a gradient in rcn1 and cantharidin-treated wild-type roots (Fig. 1, right). Based on the published pid inflorescence transport data (Bennett et al., 1995), we hypothesize that pid seedling roots and staurosporine-treated wild-type roots have reduced basipetal auxin transport (Fig. 1, left). Upon reorientation of roots relative to the gravity vector, the reduced basipetal IAA transport in pid may lead to slower establishment of an auxin gradient across the root. This model then predicts that cantharidin treatment of pid-9 or staurosporine treatment of rcn1 seedlings would enhance or restore gravitropism in these mutants. Similarly, a double mutant might be expected to exhibit a corrected gravitropic response relative to the single mutants.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Auxin transport defects in pid-9 and rcn1 mutants alter auxin redistribution after reorientation relative to the gravity vector. This model predicts that differences in basipetal auxin transport activities of wild-type, pid-9, and rcn1 roots will affect the formation of lateral auxin gradients. The shaded area in each root represents the region of highest IAA concentration in epidermal and cortical cells, with darker shading in the central columella cells, believed to be the auxin maxima. The direction and amount of basipetal IAA transport are indicated by arrows. The region of differential growth during gravitropic bending is indicated by the shaded rectangle. If auxin transport is reduced (as shown in the pid-9 mutant or in staurosporine-treated seedlings), this would lead to a slower formation of an auxin gradient in root tips. The rcn1 mutation (or treatment with cantharidin) has already been shown to lead to increased basipetal transport and a reduced rate of gravitropic bending, consistent with altered formation or perception of an auxin gradient. The antagonistic effects of kinase and phosphatase inhibition are predicted to lead to normal gravity responses in the pid-9 rcn1 double mutant as well as in pid-9 and rcn1 single mutants treated with the “reciprocal” inhibitor.The experiments described here were designed to test this model by examining gravitropism and root basipetal IAA transport in pid and staurosporine-treated seedlings. We investigated the regulation of gravity response by PID kinase and RCN1-dependent PP2A activities and observed antagonistic interactions between the rcn1 and pid-9 loss-of-function phenotypes that are consistent with reciprocal kinase/phosphatase regulation. We found that loss of kinase activity in the pid mutant and in staurosporine-treated wild-type plants inhibits basipetal auxin transport and the dependent physiological process of root gravitropism. Our results suggest that staurosporine acts to regulate these processes through inhibition of PID kinase and that PID effects are PIN2 dependent. In both wild-type and pid-9 roots, we observed polar membrane distribution of the PIN2 protein; unlike wild-type roots, though, pid-9 roots exhibited modest accumulation of PIN2 in endomembrane structures. Similarly, we detected asymmetric distribution and endomembrane accumulation of PIN2∷GFP in staurosporine-treated roots. Our data suggest that PID plays a limited role in root development; loss of PID activity alters PIN2 trafficking, auxin transport, and gravitropism without causing an obvious loss of cellular polarity. Together, these experiments provide insight into phosphorylation-mediated control of the gravity response and auxin transport in Arabidopsis roots.  相似文献   

The LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN/ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE (LBD/ASL) genes encode proteins harboring a conserved amino acid domain, referred to as the LOB (for lateral organ boundaries) domain. While recent studies have revealed developmental functions of some LBD genes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and in crop plants, the biological functions of many other LBD genes remain to be determined. In this study, we have demonstrated that the lbd18 mutant evidenced a reduced number of lateral roots and that lbd16 lbd18 double mutants exhibited a dramatic reduction in the number of lateral roots compared with lbd16 or lbd18. Consistent with this observation, significant β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression in ProLBD18:GUS seedlings was detected in lateral root primordia as well as in the emerged lateral roots. Whereas the numbers of primordia of lbd16, lbd18, and lbd16 lbd18 mutants were similar to those observed in the wild type, the numbers of emerged lateral roots of lbd16 and lbd18 single mutants were reduced significantly. lbd16 lbd18 double mutants exhibited additively reduced numbers of emerged lateral roots compared with single mutants. This finding indicates that LBD16 and LBD18 may function in the initiation and emergence of lateral root formation via a different pathway. LBD18 was shown to be localized into the nucleus. We determined whether LBD18 functions in the nucleus using a steroid regulator-inducible system in which the nuclear translocation of LBD18 can be regulated by dexamethasone in the wild-type, lbd18, and lbd16 lbd18 backgrounds. Whereas LBD18 overexpression in the wild-type background induced lateral root formation to some degree, other lines manifested the growth-inhibition phenotype. However, LBD18 overexpression rescued lateral root formation in lbd18 and lbd16 lbd18 mutants without inducing any other phenotypes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LBD18 overexpression can stimulate lateral root formation in auxin response factor7/19 (arf7 arf19) mutants with blocked lateral root formation. Taken together, our results suggest that LBD18 functions in the initiation and emergence of lateral roots, in conjunction with LBD16, downstream of ARF7 and ARF19.The LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN/ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE (LBD/ASL) genes (hereafter referred to as LBD) encode proteins harboring a LOB (for lateral organ boundaries) domain, which is a conserved amino acid domain that is detected only in plants, indicative of its function in plant-specific processes (Iwakawa et al., 2002; Shuai et al., 2002). There are 42 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) LBD genes, which have been assigned to two classes. Class I comprises 36 genes and class II comprises six genes (Iwakawa et al., 2002; Shuai et al., 2002). The class I proteins harbor LOB domains similar to those observed in the LOB protein, whereas the class II proteins are less similar to the class I proteins, which include the LOB domain as well as regions outside of the LOB domain. The LOB domain is approximately 100 amino acids in length and harbors a conserved 4-Cys motif with CX2CX6CX3C spacing, a Gly-Ala-Ser block, and a predicted coiled-coil motif with LX6LX3LX6L spacing, reminiscent of the Leu zipper found in the majority of class I proteins (Shuai et al., 2002). None of the class II proteins were predicted to form coiled-coil structures.Although we currently understand very little about the biological roles of the LBD genes, there have been some reports describing the developmental functions of LBD genes in Arabidopsis on the basis of gain-of-function studies. The gain-of-function mutants of LBD36/ASL1, designated downwards siliques1, showed shorter internodes and downward lateral organs such as flowers (Chalfun-Junior et al., 2005). Although the lbd36 loss-of-function mutants did not show morphological phenotypes, the analysis of lbd36 as2 double mutants showed that these two members act redundantly to control cell fate determination in the petals. Another Arabidopsis gain-of-function mutant, jagged lateral organs-D (jlo-D), generates strongly lobed leaves and the shoot apical meristem prematurely arrests organ initiation, terminating in a pin-like structure (Borghi et al., 2007). During embryogenesis, JLO (=LBD30/ASL19) is necessary for the initiation of cotyledons and development beyond the globular stage. The results of misexpression experiments indicate that during postembryonic development, JLO function is required for the initiation of plant lateral organs. A recent study showed that the LOB domain of AS2 cannot be functionally replaced by those of other members of the LOB family, indicating that dissimilar amino acid residues in the LOB domains are important for characteristic functions of the family members (Matsumura et al., 2009).Thirty-five LBD genes in rice (Oryza sativa) have been identified from the genome sequences of the two rice subspecies, a japonica rice (Nippobare) and an indica rice (9311; Yang et al., 2006). Analyses of rice mutants have provided evidence of the involvement of a variety of rice LBD genes in lateral organ development. CROWN ROOTLESS1 (CRL1), encoding a LBD protein, is crucial for crown root formation in rice (Inukai et al., 2005). The crl1 mutant showed auxin-related phenotypes, such as decreased lateral root number, auxin insensitivity in lateral root formation, and impaired root gravitropism. A rice AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) appears to directly regulate CRL1 expression in the auxin signaling pathway (Inukai et al., 2005). ADVENTITIOUS ROOTLESS1 encodes an auxin-responsive protein with a LOB domain that controls the initiation of adventitious root primordia in rice and turned out to be the same gene as CRL1 (Liu et al., 2005).Lateral roots of Arabidopsis are derived from a subset of the pericycle cells (pericycle founder cells), which are positioned at the xylem poles within the parent root tissues (Casimiro et al., 2003). The mature pericycle cells dedifferentiate to form lateral root primordium (LRP), which undergoes consistent anticlinal and periclinal cell divisions to generate a highly organized LRP (Malamy and Benfey, 1997). The LRP emerges from the parent root via cell expansion, and the activation of the lateral root meristem results in continued growth of the organized lateral root. A growing body of physiological and genetic evidence has been collected to suggest that auxin plays a profound role in lateral root formation. For example, many auxin-related mutants have been shown to affect lateral root formation (Casimiro et al., 2003). Lateral root formation in Arabidopsis was shown to be regulated by ARF7 and ARF19 via the direct activation of LBD16 and LBD29/ASL16 (Okushima et al., 2007). Overexpression of LBD16 and LBD29 induced lateral root formation in the absence of ARF7 and ARF19, and the dominant repression of LBD16 inhibited lateral root formation, thus suggesting that these LBDs function downstream of ARF7- and ARF19-mediated auxin signaling during lateral root formation. The results of selection and binding assays demonstrated that a truncated LOB protein harboring only the conserved LOB domain can preferentially bind to unique DNA sequences, which is indicative of a DNA-binding protein (Husbands et al., 2007). Recently, LBD18 was shown to regulate tracheary element differentiation (Soyano et al., 2008).In this study, we demonstrated that LBD18 is involved in the regulation of lateral root formation, based on the analysis of loss-of-function mutants and the complementation of lbd18 and lbd16 lbd18 mutants by dexamethasone (DEX)-inducible LBD18 expression. Double mutations in LBD16 and LBD18 resulted in a synergistic reduction in the number of lateral roots, particularly in initiation and emergence, compared with either the lbd16 or lbd18 single mutant. This finding is suggestive of a combinatorial interaction of LBD16 and LBD18 in the process of lateral root formation. LBD18 expression in arf7 and arf19 mutants by the DEX-inducible system increased the number of lateral roots, thus demonstrating that LBD18 functions downstream of ARF7 and ARF19 in lateral root formation.  相似文献   

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