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In archaea, the HEL308 homolog Hel308a(or Hjm) is implicated in stalled replication fork repair. The biochemical properties and structures of Hjm homologs are well documented, but in vivo mechanistic information is limited. Herein, a structure-based functional analysis of Hjm was performed in the genetically tractable hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus islandicus. Results showed that domain V and residues within it, which affect Hjm activity and regulation, are essential and that the domain V-truncated mutants and sitedirected mutants within domain V cannot complement hjm chromosomal deletion. Chromosomal hjm deletion can be complemented by ectopic expression of hjm under the control of its native promoter but not an artificial arabinose promoter. Cellular Hjm levels are kept constant under ultraviolet(UV) and methyl methanesulfonate(MMS) treatment conditions in a strain carrying a plasmid to induce Hjm overexpression. These results suggest that Hjm expression and activity are tightly controlled, probably at the translational level.  相似文献   

RecA family recombinases play essential roles in maintaining genome integrity. A group of RecA-like proteins named RadC are present in all archaea, but their in vivo functions remain unclear. In this study, we performed phylogenetic and genetic analysis of two RadC proteins from Sulfolobus islandicus. RadC is closer to the KaiC lineage of cyanobacteria and proteobacteria than to the lineage of the recombinases (RecA, RadA, and Rad51) and the recombinase paralogs (e.g., RadB, Rad55, and Rad51B). Using the recently- established S. islandicus genetic system, we constructed deletion and over-expression strains of radC1 and radC2. Deletion of radC1 rendered the cells more sensitive to DNA damaging agents, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), hydroxyurea (HU), and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, than the wild type, and a AradCIAradC2 double deletion strain was more sensitive to cisplatin and MMS than the AradC1 single deletion mutant. In addition, ectopic expression of His-tagged RadC 1 revealed that RadC I was co-purified with a putative structure-specific nuclease and ATPase, which is highly conserved in archaea. Our results indicate that both RadCI and RadC2 are involved in DNA repair. RadCl may play a general or primary role in DNA repair, while RadC2 plays a role in DNA repair in response to specific DNA damages.  相似文献   

Hyperthermophilic archaea offer certain advantages as models of genome replication, and Sulfolobus Y-family polymerases Dpo4 (S. solfataricus) and Dbh (S. acidocaldarius) have been studied intensively in vitro as biochemical and structural models of trans-lesion DNA synthesis (TLS). However, the genetic functions of these enzymes have not been determined in the native context of living cells. We developed the first quantitative genetic assays of replication past defined DNA lesions and error-prone motifs in Sulfolobus chromosomes and used them to measure the efficiency and accuracy of bypass in normal and dbh strains of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Oligonucleotide-mediated transformation allowed low levels of abasic-site bypass to be observed in S. acidocaldarius and demonstrated that the local sequence context affected bypass specificity; in addition, most erroneous TLS did not require Dbh function. Applying the technique to another common lesion, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG), revealed an antimutagenic role of Dbh. The efficiency and accuracy of replication past 8-oxo-dG was higher in the presence of Dbh, and up to 90% of the Dbh-dependent events inserted dC. A third set of assays, based on phenotypic reversion, showed no effect of Dbh function on spontaneous −1 frameshifts in mononucleotide tracts in vivo, despite the extremely frequent slippage at these motifs documented in vitro. Taken together, the results indicate that a primary genetic role of Dbh is to avoid mutations at 8-oxo-dG that occur when other Sulfolobus enzymes replicate past this lesion. The genetic evidence that Dbh is recruited to 8-oxo-dG raises questions regarding the mechanism of recruitment, since Sulfolobus spp. have eukaryotic-like replisomes but no ubiquitin.  相似文献   

A preparation of serially passaged simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, in which at least 66% of the molecules contain covalently linked cellular DNA sequences, was digested to completion with the Hemophilus influenzae restriction endonuclease. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the digest showed that the majority of the cleavage products migrated as nine classes of fragments, each class defined by a particular molecular weight. These classes of fragments differ in molecular weight from the fragments produced by the action of the same enzyme on plaque-purified virus DNA. Three classes of fragments were present in less than equimolar amounts relative to the original DNA. The remaining six classes of fragments each contain more than one fragment per original DNA molecule. DNA-DNA hybridization analysis (using the filter method) of the isolated cleavage products demonstrated the presence of highly reiterated cell DNA sequences in two of the nine classes of fragments. A third class of fragments hybridized with high efficiency only to serially passaged SV40 DNA; the level of hybridization to plaque-purified virus DNA was low and there was essentially no hybridization with cell DNA immobilized on filters. It is suggested that this class of fragments contains unique host sequences. It was estimated that at least 27% of the sequences in the substituted SV40 DNA molecules studied are host sequences. The majority of these are probably of the nonreiterated type.  相似文献   

Phenol is a widespread pollutant and a model molecule to study the biodegradation of monoaromatic compounds. After a first oxidation step leading to catechol in mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms, two main routes have been identified depending on the cleavage of the aromatic ring: ortho involving a catechol 1,2 dioxygenase (C12D) and meta involving a catechol 2,3 dioxygenase (C23D). Our work aimed at elucidating the phenol-degradation pathway in the hyperthermophilic archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus 98/2. For this purpose, the strain was cultivated in a fermentor under different substrate and oxygenation conditions. Indeed, reducing dissolved-oxygen concentration allowed slowing down phenol catabolism (specific growth and phenol-consumption rates dropped 55% and 39%, respectively) and thus, evidencing intermediate accumulations in the broth. HPLC/Diode Array Detector and LC-MS analyses on culture samples at low dissolved-oxygen concentration (DOC  =  0.06 mg.L−1) suggested, apart for catechol, the presence of 2-hydroxymuconic acid, 4-oxalocrotonate and 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate, three intermediates of the meta route. RT-PCR analysis on oxygenase-coding genes of S. solfataricus 98/2 showed that the gene coding for the C23D was expressed only on phenol. In 2D-DIGE/MALDI-TOF analysis, the C23D was found and identified only on phenol. This set of results allowed us concluding that S. solfataricus 98/2 degrade phenol through the meta route.  相似文献   

Biochemical reactions powered by ATP hydrolysis are fundamental for the movement of molecules and cellular structures. One such reaction is the encapsidation of the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome of an icosahedrally symmetric virus into a preformed procapsid with the help of a genome-translocating NTPase. Such NTPases have been characterized in detail from both RNA and tailed DNA viruses. We present four crystal structures and the biochemical activity of a thermophilic NTPase, B204, from the nontailed, membrane-containing, hyperthermoacidophilic archaeal dsDNA virus Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus 2. These are the first structures of a genome-packaging NTPase from a nontailed, dsDNA virus with an archaeal host. The four structures highlight the catalytic cycle of B204, pinpointing the molecular movement between substrate-bound (open) and empty (closed) active sites. The protein is shown to bind both single-stranded and double-stranded nucleic acids and to have an optimum activity at 80°C and pH 4.5. The overall fold of B204 places it in the FtsK-HerA superfamily of P-loop ATPases, whose cellular and viral members have been suggested to share a DNA-translocating mechanism.  相似文献   

How Fanconi anemia (FA) protein D2 (FANCD2) performs DNA damage repair remains largely elusive. We report here that translesion synthesis DNA polymerase (pol) eta is a novel mediator of FANCD2 function. We found that wild type (wt) FANCD2, not K561R (mt) FANCD2, can interact with pol eta. Upon DNA damage, the interaction of pol eta with FANCD2 occurs earlier than that with PCNA, which is in concert with our finding that FANCD2 monoubiquitination peaks at an earlier time point than that of PCNA monoubiquitination. FANCD2-null FA patient cells (PD20) carrying histone H2B-fused pol eta and wtFANCD2, respectively, show a similar tendency of low Mitomycin C (MMC) sensitivity, while cells transfected with empty vector control or pol eta alone demonstrate a similar high level of MMC sensitivity. It therefore appears that FANCD2 monoubiquitination plays a similar anchor role as histone to bind DNA in regulating pol eta. Collectively, our study indicates that, in the early phase of DNA damage response, FANCD2 plays crucial roles in recruiting pol eta to the sites of DNA damage for repair.  相似文献   

Significant efforts were gathered to generate large-scale comprehensive protein-protein interaction network maps. This is instrumental to understand the pathogen-host relationships and was essentially performed by genetic screenings in yeast two-hybrid systems. The recent improvement of protein-protein interaction detection by a Gaussia luciferase-based fragment complementation assay now offers the opportunity to develop integrative comparative interactomic approaches necessary to rigorously compare interaction profiles of proteins from different pathogen strain variants against a common set of cellular factors.This paper specifically focuses on the utility of combining two orthogonal methods to generate protein-protein interaction datasets: yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and a new assay, high-throughput Gaussia princeps protein complementation assay (HT-GPCA) performed in mammalian cells.A large-scale identification of cellular partners of a pathogen protein is performed by mating-based yeast two-hybrid screenings of cDNA libraries using multiple pathogen strain variants. A subset of interacting partners selected on a high-confidence statistical scoring is further validated in mammalian cells for pair-wise interactions with the whole set of pathogen variants proteins using HT-GPCA. This combination of two complementary methods improves the robustness of the interaction dataset, and allows the performance of a stringent comparative interaction analysis. Such comparative interactomics constitute a reliable and powerful strategy to decipher any pathogen-host interplays.  相似文献   

A functional capsid protein (CP) is essential for host plant infection and insect transmission of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and other monopartite begomoviruses. We have previously shown that TYLCV CP specifically interacts with the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) of the virus insect vector, Bemisia tabaci. Here we demonstrate that during the development of tomato plant infection with TYLCV, a significant amount of HSP70 shifts from a soluble form into insoluble aggregates. CP and HSP70 co-localize in these aggregates, first in the cytoplasm, then in the nucleus of cells associated with the vascular system. CP-HSP70 interaction was demonstrated by co-immunopreciptation in cytoplasmic - but not in nuclear extracts from leaf and stem. Inhibition of HSP70 expression by quercetin caused a decrease in the amount of nuclear CP aggregates and a re-localization of a GFP-CP fusion protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. HSP70 inactivation resulted in a decrease of TYLCV DNA levels, demonstrating the role of HSP70 in TYLCV multiplication in planta. The current study reveals for the first time the involvement of plant HSP70 in TYLCV CP intracellular movement. As described earlier, nuclear aggregates contained TYLCV DNA-CP complexes and infectious virions. Showing that HSP70 localizes in these large nuclear aggregates infers that these structures operate as nuclear virus factories.  相似文献   

Fiala KA  Suo Z 《Biochemistry》2004,43(7):2116-2125
The kinetic mechanism of DNA polymerization catalyzed by Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4) is resolved by pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of single-nucleotide (dTTP) incorporation into a DNA 21/41-mer. Like replicative DNA polymerases, Dpo4 utilizes an "induced-fit" mechanism to select correct incoming nucleotides. The affinity of DNA and a matched incoming nucleotide for Dpo4 was measured to be 10.6 nM and 230 microM, respectively. Dpo4 binds DNA with an affinity similar to that of replicative polymerases due to the presence of an atypical little finger domain and a highly charged tether that links this novel domain to its small thumb domain. On the basis of the elemental effect between the incorporations of dTTP and its thio analogue S(p)-dTTPalphaS, the incorporation of a correct incoming nucleotide by Dpo4 was shown to be limited by the protein conformational change step preceding the chemistry step. In contrast, the chemistry step limited the incorporation of an incorrect nucleotide. The measured dissociation rates of the enzyme.DNA binary complex (0.02-0.07 s(-1)), the enzyme.DNA.dNTP ternary complex (0.41 s(-1)), and the ternary complex after the protein conformational change (0.004 s(-1)) are significantly different and support the existence of a bona fide protein conformational change step. The rate-limiting protein conformational change was further substantiated by the observation of different reaction amplitudes between pulse-quench and pulse-chase experiments. Additionally, the processivity of Dpo4 was calculated to be 16 at 37 degrees C from analysis of a processive polymerization experiment. The structural basis for both the protein conformational change and the low processivity of Dpo4 was discussed.  相似文献   

Three plaque isolates of SV40 strain 777 and 1 plaque isolate of strain 776 were grown to high-titer stocks and serially passaged, undiluted, in monkey BS-C-1 cells. In each case, the serial passaging procedure resulted in the accumulation of closed-circular SV40 DNA molecules containing covalently linked sequences homologous to reiterated host cell DNA (called substituted virus DNA). The relative yields, at a given passage level, of SV40 DNA with measurable homology to host DNA varied in different sets of serial passages, including passages of the same virus clone. More reproducible yields of substituted viral DNA progeny were obtained when the serial passaging procedure was initiated from earlier passages rather than from the original plaque-purified stock. Fractionation of closed-circular SV40 DNA molecules on alkaline sucrose gadients indicated that the majority of substituted virus DNA molecules are not plaque producers and are slightly smaller in size than plaque-forming DNA molecules which display no detectable homology to host DNA. Evidence that substituted SV40 DNA molecules replicate during serial undiluted passage was obtained from experiments which demonstrated (i) the presence of host sequences in replicative forms of the viral DNA and (ii) the incorporation of (3)H-thymidine into host sequences isolated from the mature substituted virus DNA molecule.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the telomere-associated protein TRF2 plays critical roles in the DNA damage response. TRF2 is rapidly and transiently phosphorylated by an ATM-dependent pathway in response to DNA damage and this DNA damage-induced phosphoryation is essential for the DNA-PK-dependent pathway of DNA double-strand break repair (DSB). However, the type of DNA damage that induces TRF2 localization to the damage sites, the requirement for DNA damage-induced phosphorylation of TRF2 for its recruitment, as well as the detailed kinetics of TRF2 accumulation at DNA damage sites have not been fully investigated. In order to address these questions, we used an ultrafast femtosecond multiphoton laser and a continuous wave 405-nm single photon laser to induce DNA damage at defined nuclear locations. Our results showed that DNA damage produced by a femtosecond multiphoton laser was sufficient for localization of TRF2 to these DNA damage sites. We also demonstrate that ectopically expressed TRF2 was recruited to DNA lesions created by a 405-nm laser. Our data suggest that ATM and DNA-PKcs kinases are not required for TRF2 localization to DNA damage sites. Furthermore, we found that phosphorylation of TRF2 at residue T188 was not essential for its recruitment to laser-induced DNA damage sites. Thus, we provide further evidence that a protein known to function in telomere maintenance, TRF2, is recruited to sites of DNA damage and plays critical roles in the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

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