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Two alleles at a new locus, central pair–associated complex 1 (CPC1), were selected in a screen for Chlamydomonas flagellar motility mutations. These mutations disrupt structures associated with central pair microtubules and reduce flagellar beat frequency, but do not prevent changes in flagellar activity associated with either photophobic responses or phototactic accumulation of live cells. Comparison of cpc1 and pf6 axonemes shows that cpc1 affects a row of projections along C1 microtubules distinct from those missing in pf6, and a row of thin fibers that form an arc between the two central pair microtubules. Electron microscopic images of the central pair in axonemes from radial spoke–defective strains reveal previously undescribed central pair structures, including projections extending laterally toward radial spoke heads, and a diagonal link between the C2 microtubule and the cpc1 projection. By SDS-PAGE, cpc1 axonemes show reductions of 350-, 265-, and 79-kD proteins. When extracted from wild-type axonemes, these three proteins cosediment on sucrose gradients with three other central pair proteins (135, 125, and 56 kD) in a 16S complex. Characterization of cpc1 provides new insights into the structure and biochemistry of the central pair apparatus, and into its function as a regulator of dynein-based motility.  相似文献   

Bacteria form communities, termed biofilms, in which cells adhere to each other within a matrix, typically comprised of polysaccharides, proteins, and extracellular DNA. Biofilm formation by the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri requires the Syp polysaccharide, but the involvement of matrix proteins is as yet unknown. Here we identified three genes, termed bmpA, -B, and -C (biofilm maturation protein), with overlapping functions in biofilm maturation. A triple bmpABC mutant, but not single or double mutants, was defective in producing wrinkled colonies, a form of biofilm. Surprisingly, the triple mutant was competent to form pellicles, another biofilm phenotype, but they generally lacked a three-dimensional architecture. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the extracellular matrix of the bmp mutant contained electron-dense, thread-like structures that were also present in the wild type but lacking in syp mutant strains. We hypothesized that the bmp mutant produces the Syp polysaccharide but fails to produce/export a distinct matrix component. Indeed, a mixture of the bmp and syp mutants produced a wrinkled colony. Finally, BmpA could be detected in cell-free supernatants from disrupted pellicles. Thus, this work identifies a new matrix protein necessary for biofilm maturation by V. fischeri and, based on the conservation of bmp, potentially other microbes.  相似文献   

The extensive sequence homology that exists among the catalyticdomains of phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinases allowed usto clone a novel human gene encoding a putative phosphatidylinositolkinase, NPIK. Among other known phosphatidylinositol 3- and4-kinases, NPIK was most closely related to yeast PIK1 phosphatidylinositol4-kinase. Several forms of NPIK cDNAs were isolated, and expressionof NPIK message was detected in a wide variety of tissues. Fluorescencein situ hybridization and radiation hybrid analyses assignedthe NPIK gene to human chromosome 1. Recombinant NPIK proteincatalyzed a conversion from phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylinositol4-phosphate. The catalytic activity of NPIK was augmented byTriton X-100, and was reduced in the presence of adenosine.Using green .uorescent protein system we determined that NPIKis localized in the cytoplasm. Taken together, the data suggestthat NPIK may play a pivotal role in regulating the synthesisof phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate at the site(s) accessiblefrom cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Potentially useful naturally occurring genetic variation is often difficult to identify as the effects of individual genes are subtle and difficult to observe. In this study, a novel genetic technique called Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization is used to identify naturally occurring loci modulating the hypersensitive defense response (HR) in maize. Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization facilitates the identification of naturally occurring alleles underlying phenotypic variation from diverse germplasm, using a mutant phenotype as a “reporter.” In this study the reporter phenotype was caused by a partially dominant autoactive disease resistance gene, Rp1-D21, which caused HR lesions to form spontaneously all over the plant. Here it is demonstrated that the Rp1-D21 phenotype is profoundly affected by genetic background. By crossing the Rp1-D21 gene into the IBM mapping population, it was possible to map and identify Hrml1 on chromosome 10, a locus responsible for modulating the HR phenotype conferred by Rp1-D21. Other loci with smaller effects were identified on chromosomes 1 and 9. These results demonstrate that Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization is a viable approach for identifying naturally occurring useful genetic variation.POTENTIALLY useful naturally occurring genetic variation is often difficult to identify as the effects of individual genes are subtle and difficult to observe. Furthermore, so many different alleles are available that it is a major challenge just to sift through the enormous diversity available. To this end, we recently conceptualized a simple yet effective method to discover and characterize variation present naturally in plant germplasm (Johal et al. 2008). This method, Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization, makes use of a mutant phenotype for a gene affecting the trait of interest as a reporter to discover and analyze relevant, interacting genes present naturally in diverse germplasm. Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization involves crossing a mutant to diverse germplasm and then evaluating the mutant progeny for transgressive changes (both suppressed and severe) in the mutant phenotype(s). If the mutation is recessive, the population needs to be advanced to the F2 generation to be able to detect and analyze such variation. However, for a dominant or partially dominant mutant, evaluations can be made immediately in the F1 to discover lines that contain suppressors or enhancers of the trait (mutation) under study. Mutant F1 progenies from such crosses can then be propagated further to identify, map, and clone genes/QTL that affect the trait positively or negatively. In the case of maize and other species for which genetically characterized mapping populations are available, modifying loci can be rapidly mapped by crossing a mutant line to each member of a mapping population and evaluating the resulting F1 families. In this study we provide a proof-of-concept for the Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization technique, using it to identify loci involved in the defense response of maize.Plants are constantly exposed to numerous potential pathogens with diverse modes of attack. Nevertheless, it is rather rare to see plants succumbing to disease. One key reason for this is the presence of a highly effective and inducible defense system, a major component of which is the hypersensitive response (HR). HR is usually associated with a specific recognition event and is activated after other nonspecific resistance mechanisms have been overcome or evaded (see Bent and Mackey 2007). Although it was initially coined to refer to the rapid collapse of cells at the site of infection, over the years the term HR has been used to refer to both cell death and the associated induction of a number of other defense responses, including the accumulation of phytoalexins and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins at the site of infection, to name a few (Mur et al. 2007). Reactive oxygen species such as superoxide and H2O2 appear to be causally involved in cell death underlying the HR response (Jones and Dangl 2006).HR is under the control of a subset of disease-resistance genes, commonly referred to as R genes. These R genes specifically recognize matching avirulence (Avr) effectors from the pathogen. Many R genes encode products containing a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain in the middle of the protein and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain at the C-terminal end (Bent and Mackey 2007). R proteins are involved both in the recognition of the pathogen and the subsequent induction of the HR response. How R proteins remain in a quiescent but “vigilant” state remains to be established. Certain mutations in R genes have been found that abolish their dependence on AVR proteins for activation. Such aberrant R genes mostly behave as dominant or partially dominant alleles and trigger the HR constitutively in the absence of the pathogen (Hu et al. 1996; Zhang et al. 2003; Dodds et al. 2006). Two consequences of such “autoactive” or “ectopically active” R genes are a massive induction of cell death and the consequential stunting of the organism (Dodds et al. 2006). Although autoactive R genes have been found to exist in many plant species, the first few examples came from the maize Rp1 locus, which confers race-specific resistance to common rust, caused by Puccinia sorghi (Hu et al. 1996). Such autoactive R genes can be used to investigate HR genetics and etiology in the absence of confounding effects from the pathogen and constitute an excellent candidate for analysis using Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization.The details of the HR cell death reaction as well as the pathway(s) that link R gene activation with the HR remain unclear (Mur et al. 2007). Despite considerable research over the past decade, only a few components have been found thus far. Some of these, Ndr1, Eds1, Pad4, Rar1, and Sgt1, were identified in mutagenesis screens conducted to identify mutants that failed to undergo an HR reaction in response to infection by an avirulent pathogen (reviewed in Bent and Mackey 2007). A few others, RIN4, for example, were identified in yeast two-hybrid assays using an NBS–LRR protein as bait (Mackey et al. 2003). Recently, an Arabidopsis gain-of-function mutant that carries a point mutation in an R gene analog (a gene with the structure of an R gene but not known to be involved in resistance to any pathogen) was used to isolate a few more potential genes in the HR pathway in a second site suppressor approach following mutagenesis with ethane methyl sulfonate (EMS) (Palma et al. 2005; Zhang and Li 2005; Goritschnig et al. 2007). A problem with approaches based on intentional mutagenesis is that they fail to uncover genes that have either redundant or essential functions. One way to avoid this problem would be to seek naturally occurring allelic variants affecting HR. Such natural variation is pervasive in all species, being generated and selected for over millions of years of evolution.Although natural variation has served as a constant provider of the R genes in all plant species, natural variability has not been tapped as a tool for understanding other aspects of the disease-resistance response (Holub 2007). The Rp1-D21 gene is an autoactive allele from the maize Rp1 disease-resistance locus that initiates HR randomly all over the plant (Pryor 1993; Collins et al. 1999; Sun et al. 2001). Our objective for this study was to use the Rp1-D21 gene phenotype as a test case for the Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization approach. We show here that enormous variation exists in the maize germplasm that is capable of affecting the HR response positively or negatively and we identify loci that modulate expression of the HR phenotype segregating in the well-known Intermated B73 × Mo17 (IBM) advanced intercross line (AIL) population (Coe et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2002). This constitutes the first demonstration of the utility of the Mutant-Assisted Gene Identification and Characterization approach—an approach that is likely to prove widely applicable.  相似文献   



Spermatogenesis is the complex process by which diploid stem cells generate haploid germ cells in gamete production. Members of the Xlr (X-chromosome linked, lymphocyte regulated) superfamily play essential roles in spermatogenesis. The expression, localization and role in spermatogenesis of one such member, Xlr5c, has not been reported previously.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Xlr5c mRNA and protein levels in murine testes and other tissues were investigated using RT-PCR and Western blotting. Xlr5c was abundantly transcribed in mouse testes, particularly during the early stages of spermatogenesis and throughout prophase I in the nuclei of spermatocytes. Xlr5c was specifically localized at synaptonemal complexes(SCs) region in preleptotene and pachytene spermatocytes, as was the homologous Xlr protein Sycp3.


These results suggest that Xlr5c was abundantly transcribed in germ cells, localized at SCs region, where it may play a potential role during the early stages of spermatogenesis. Identification and characterization of this novel testis protein may offer a new perspective for understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Lamina associated polypeptide 1 (LAP1) is an integral protein of the inner nuclear membrane that is ubiquitously expressed. LAP1 binds to lamins and chromatin, probably contributing to the maintenance of the nuclear envelope architecture. Moreover, LAP1 also interacts with torsinA and emerin, proteins involved in DYT1 dystonia and X-linked Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy disorder, respectively. Given its relevance to human pathological conditions, it is important to better understand the functional diversity of LAP1 proteins. In rat, the LAP1 gene (TOR1AIP1) undergoes alternative splicing to originate three LAP1 isoforms (LAP1A, B and C). However, it remains unclear if the same occurs with the human TOR1AIP1 gene, since only the LAP1B isoform had thus far been identified in human cells. In silico analysis suggested that, across different species, potential new LAP1 isoforms could be generated by alternative splicing. Using shRNA to induce LAP1 knockdown and HPLC-mass spectrometry analysis the presence of two isoforms in human cells was described and validated: LAP1B and LAP1C; the latter is putatively N-terminal truncated. LAP1B and LAP1C expression profiles appear to be dependent on the specific tissues analyzed and in cultured cells LAP1C was the major isoform detected. Moreover, LAP1B and LAP1C expression increased during neuronal maturation, suggesting that LAP1 is relevant in this process. Both isoforms were found to be post-translationally modified by phosphorylation and methionine oxidation and two LAP1B/LAP1C residues were shown to be dephosphorylated by PP1. This study permitted the identification of the novel human LAP1C isoform and partially unraveled the molecular basis of LAP1 regulation.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella play multiple essential roles in animal development and cell physiology. Defective cilium assembly or motility represents the etiological basis for a growing number of human diseases. Therefore, how cilia and flagella assemble and the processes that drive motility are essential for understanding these diseases. Here we show that Drosophila Bld10, the ortholog of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Bld10p and human Cep135, is a ubiquitous centriolar protein that also localizes to the spermatid basal body. Mutants that lack Bld10 assemble centrioles and form functional centrosomes, but centrioles and spermatid basal bodies are short in length. bld10 mutant flies are viable but male sterile, producing immotile sperm whose axonemes are deficient in the central pair of microtubules. These results show that Drosophila Bld10 is required for centriole and axoneme assembly to confer cilium motility.  相似文献   

INCENP is a tightly bound chromosomal protein that transfers to the spindle midzone at the metaphase/anaphase transition. Here, we show that an INCENP truncation mutant (INCENP382–839) associates with microtubules but does not bind to chromosomes, and coats the entire spindle throughout mitosis. Furthermore, an INCENP truncation mutant (INCENP43–839) previously shown not to transfer to the spindle at anaphase (Mackay, A.M., D.M. Eckley, C. Chue, and W.C. Earnshaw. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 123:373–385), is shown here to bind chromosomes, but is unable to target to the centromere. Thus, association with the chromosomes, and specifically with centromeres, appears to be essential for INCENP targeting to the correct spindle subdomain at anaphase. An INCENP truncation mutant (INCENP1–405) that targets to centromeres but lacks the microtubule association region acquires strong dominant-negative characteristics. INCENP1–405 interferes with both prometaphase chromosome alignment and the completion of cytokinesis. INCENP1–405 apparently exerts its effect by displacing the endogenous protein from centromeres. These experiments provide evidence of an unexpected link between this chromosomal protein and cytokinesis, and suggest that one function of INCENP may be to integrate the chromosomal and cytoskeletal events of mitosis.  相似文献   

The investigation of a DNase-hypersensitive site upstream of the CD7 gene on chromosome 17q25 has led to the discovery of a novel human gene designated K12 (SECTM1, the HGMW assignment). This gene spans 14 kb and encodes a 1.8-kb mRNA detected at the highest levels in peripheral blood leukocytes and breast cancer cell lines. The open reading frame predicts a 248-amino-acid protein with the hydropathic characteristics of a type 1a membrane protein. Western blots show that the K12 protein exists as a cluster of bands around 27 kDa, and extractions using nonionic detergents or high pH conditions demonstrate that it behaves as an integral membrane protein. Immunofluorescence localization studies reveal that K12 is not detectable on the cell surface, but instead is found in a perinuclear Golgi-like pattern and colocalizes with a well-known Golgi marker. In addition, an 20-kDa soluble form of the K12 protein derived from the N-terminal domain is specifically secreted by cells into the culture medium. Immunohistochemical analysis of peripheral blood cells shows that K12 is found in leukocytes of the myeloid lineage, with the strongest staining observed in granulocytes and no detectable expression in lymphocytes. Based on its range of expression, its broad structural characteristics that resemble cytokines and growth factors, and the chromosomal location of the gene in an area already associated with myelogenous leukemias and other malignant neoplasms, this study concludes that K12 is a novel molecule with potential importance in hematopoietic and/or immune system processes.  相似文献   

Early in a bacteriophage T4 infection, the phage ndd gene causes the rapid destruction of the structure of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. Even at very low levels, the Ndd protein is extremely toxic to cells. In uninfected E. coli, overexpression of the cloned ndd gene induces disruption of the nucleoid that is indistinguishable from that observed after T4 infection. A preliminary characterization of this protein indicates that it has a double-stranded DNA binding activity with a preference for bacterial DNA rather than phage T4 DNA. The targets of Ndd action may be the chromosomal sequences that determine the structure of the nucleoid.  相似文献   

A strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, named ARF-1, which grows with the glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor L-methionine-S-sulfoximine (MSX), has been isolated and characterized. Mutant ARF-1 is affected at a single and dominant gene, tentatively assigned to the allele msr-1-2. Neither the uptake of ammonia nor the two GS isoenzyme activities of the mutant were affected by MSX in vivo. GS activities, however, were fully abolished in vitro, thus suggesting that neither GS isoform was an altered enzyme resistant to the inhibitor. Resistance to MSX does not seem to be due to either a defect in a permease responsible for the transport of MSX or over-expression of GS activity, nor did we find an alternative enzymatic pathway for the assimilation of ammonium. Resistance was independent of the nitrogen source used and was strongly enhanced by the addition of acetate. Unlike the parental strain, mutant ARF-1 can degrade and utilize MSX as the sole nitrogen source for growth, which could account for the observed resistance. Thus, this mutant can be classified as a novel type of MSX-resistant mutant. This mutant can also use phosphinothricin, methionine sulfone, or methionine sulfoxide as the sole sources of nitrogen. This capability cosegregated in the genetic crosses and was also observed in all the diploids isolated. An MSX/[alpha]-ketoglutarate aminotransferase activity, not present in the parental strain 305, was detected in mutant ARF-1 cells. Therefore, we propose that the locus msr-1-2 either codes for this transaminase activity or its product gene is necessary to express this transaminase activity.  相似文献   

Yu Liu  Amy Chang 《Genetics》2009,181(3):907-915
Pma1-10 is a mutant plasma membrane ATPase defective at the restrictive temperature in stability at the cell surface. At 37°, Pma1-10 is ubiquitinated and internalized from the plasma membrane for degradation in the vacuole. YVH1, encoding a tyrosine phosphatase, is a mutant suppressor of pma1-10; in the absence of Yvh1, Pma1-10 remains stable at the plasma membrane, thereby permitting cells to grow. The RING finger domain of Yvh1, but not its phosphatase domain, is required for removal of mutant Pma1-10 from the plasma membrane. Yvh1 is a novel ribosome assembly factor: in yvh1Δ cells, free 60S and 80S ribosomal subunits are decreased, free 40S subunits are increased, and half-mer polysomes are accumulated. Pma1-10 is also stabilized by deletion of 60S ribosomal proteins Rpl19a and Rpl35a. We propose that changes in ribosome biogenesis caused by loss of Yvh1 or specific ribosomal proteins have effects on the plasma membrane, perhaps by producing specific translational changes.  相似文献   

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