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Incubation of synthetic Man\1-4GlcNAc-OMe, GalNAc1-4GlcNAc-OMe, Glc1-4GlcNAc-OMe, and GlcNAc1-4GlcNac-OMe with CMP-Neu5Ac and rat liver Gal1-4GlcNAc (2-6)-sialyltransferase resulted in the formation of Neu5Ac2-6Man1-4GlcNAc-OMe, Neu5Ac2-6GalNAc1-4GlcNAc-OMe, Neu5Ac2-6Glc1-4GlcNAc-OMe and Neu5Ac2-6GlcNAc1-4GlcNAc-OMe, respectively. Under conditions which led to quantitative conversion of Gal1-4GlcNAc-OEt into Neu5Ac2-6Gal1-4GlcNAc-OEt, the aforementioned products were obtained in yields of 4%, 48%, 16% and 8%, respectively. HPLC on Partisil 10 SAX was used to isolate the various sialyltrisaccharides, and identification was carried out using 1- and 2-dimensional 500-MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy.Abbreviations 2D 2-dimensional - CMP cytidine 5-monophosphate - CMP-Neu5Ac cytidine 5-monophospho--N-acetylneuraminic acid - COSY correlation spectroscopy - DQF double quantum filtered - HOHAHA homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn - MLEV composite pulse devised by M. Levitt - Neu5Ac N-acetylneuraminic acid - Neu5Ac2en 2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid  相似文献   

A presumed XY chromosome pair is described fromt estis squashes from the mesopelagic deep-sea fish Bathylagus wesethi, whose 2N chromosome number was determined as 34-XY. Although the metacentric X-chromosome is the largest in the entire compliment, the Y is the smallest and only acrocentric element. The positive heteropycnosis of the sex elements was not easily distinguishable in the nuclei of first meiotic prophase. Tetraploid nuclei were observed in peripheral supporting cells of the testis. Males of at least two other congeners have similar karyotypes.  相似文献   

Conclusiones Se efectúa el estudio de 5 observaciones del llamado Micetoma maduromicósico de pulmón en sus aspectos, histopatológico, micológico y clínico.Todas ellas pertenecen a mujeres y configuraron el cuadro de cavidad bronquial empastada, anotando el predominio de su localización en el lóbulo superior izquierdo.Se señala la uniformidad de los caracteres morfológicos que presenta la masa miceliana llamada grano en todos los casos estudiados, en los cuales no fué posible individualizar la existencia de órganos de fructificación que permitiéran una clasificación, cuando más no fuera, genérica del hongo observado.Se critica la aplicación del término Micetoma para éstos casos con igual criterio que el clásico, que supone una enfermedad micótica primitiva, razón por la cual se prefiere hablar de cavidad con contenido micótico o maduromicótico.En el único caso que se logró cultivar al hongo parásito, el estudio micológico del mismo permitió aislar una especie del GéneroAspergillua con caracteres morfológicos sumamente atípicos.
Summary The author presents the study of five observations of the so-called Maduromycosis-mycetoma of the lungs in their clinical, histopathologic and mycologic aspects.The pathologic features in all these cases have been found in bronchial cavities of women, situated in the upper lobe of the lung. A compact mycelial mass, the grain, filled up these cavities.In one of the five cases a fungus was cultivated which was classified as belonging to the GenusAspergillus Michelii, with abnormal and atypical features.Short criticism is presented about the concept Maduromycosis mycetoma of the lung, applied by authors designating this process.

Serial dilutions of 20 insecticides were examined for their effects on the growth of insect cells cultivated in vitro. No differences in susceptibility were found for cells derived from the moth Antheraea eucalypti and the mosquito Aedes aegypti.Rotenone was the most effective inhibitor investigated, decreasing the rate of cell division at 0.001 g/ml. Malathion and diazinon first showed effects at 12 g and 112/ml respectively. Toxicants first effective at 10 g/ml included pp-DDT, dieldrin, pyrethrins and sodium arsenate; at 100 g/ml they included lindane and carbaryl; at 1000 g/ml only nicotine sulphate.The majority of insecticides tested (principal exception rotenone) were very much more toxic to last instar A. aegypti larvae than to the insect cells, suggesting that the functions of highly organized tissues are more readily interfered with than those of individual cell types comprising them.
Zusammenfassung Verdünnungsserien von 20 Insektiziden wurden auf ihren Effekt auf das Wachstum von in vitro kultivierten Insektenzellen untersucht. Die untersuchten Zellen stammten aus Kulturen von Ovariolen von Antheraea eucalypti-Puppen und von Gewebe von Aedes aegypti-Larven. Rotenon erwies sich als das wirksamste Insektizid: es verlangsamte die Zellteilung in einer Konzentration von 0.001 g/ml. Malathion wurde erst in einer Konzentration von 12 g/ml wirksam, Diazinon bei 112 g/ml. Mehrere Insektizide zeigten erste Wirksamkeit bei 10 g/ml; diese waren: pp-DDT, pp-DDD, pp-DDE, Methoxychlor, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Pyrethrine, Allethrin und Natriumarsenat. Insektizide mit einer ersten Wirksamkeit bei 100 g/ml waren Lindan, Isolan, Dimetilan, Carbaryl, DNOC und Piperonylbutoxid. Nikotinsulfat war erst bei 1 mg/ml oder bei höheren Konzentrationen wirksam. Zwischen den Antheraea- und Aedes-Zellen wurde kein Unterschied in der Empfindlichkeit gegen die verschiedenen Insektizide gefunden. Bei niedrigen Konzentrationen zeigten Malathion und Natriumarsenat erst nach dem 4. Tag bedeutendere Effekte. Ein schwacher synergistischer Effekt wurde beim Mischen von Pyrethrinen mit Piperonylbutoxid in niedrigen Konzentrationen beobachtet, nicht aber bei hohen Konzentrationen.Bei der Mehrzahl (17 von 19) der Insektizide waren die Zellen in 10 bis 10.000 mal höheren Insektizid-Konzentrationen zu überleben fähig als A. aegypti-Larven im letzten Stadium. Rotenon war das einzige Insektizid, dessen Toxizität auf Zellen stärker war (10.000 Mal) als auf intakte Larven.

Zusammenfassung Der Eilegeapparat mit drei Paar Gonapophysen wind als der ursprünglichste angesehen und vollständiger Eilegeapparat genannt; alle Typen mit weniger als drei Gonapophysenpaaren sind von ihm durch Rudimentation abzuleiten und werden als unvollständiger Eilegeapparat zusammengefaßt.Am vollstandigen Eilegeapparat sind seine Teile durch Gelenke und Muskeln beweglich, am unvollstandigen sind sie starr ; Gelenke und Legemuskeln fehlen. Die fur die Eiablage wichtigen Gelenke und Muskeln werden beschrieben.Die Entwicklung des vollstandigen Eilegeapparates erfolgt bei der Larve in der Reihenfolge, daß zuerst die Gon. laterales, hierauf die mediales und zuletzt die anteriores ausgebildet werden. Die Rudimentation des unvollstandigen geschieht in der gleichen Reihenfolge, indem zuerst die Gon. laterales und als letzte die anteriores zurück-gebildet worden.Die Eiablage erfolgt beim vollstandigen Eilegeapparat primär exophytisch durch Ablage auf dem Boden oder endophytisch durch Einstechen in Pflanzengewebe, beim unvollstandigen Eilegeapparat exophytisch durch Ablage in das Wasser.Es wind angenommen, daß die primär exophytische Ablageart die ursprünglichste ist und alle anderen von ihr abzuleiten sind.Die endophytische Ablage entwickelt an den Gonapophysen verschiedene Anpassungen, die exophytische führt zu ihrer Rudimentation.Anpassungen an die endophytische Ablage sind Verkürzung der Gonapophysen, Entwicklung eines Tastapparates (Styli), eines Schneide-apparate (Gon. mediales), einer Legeröhre (Gon. anteriores) und einer Stützkante an den Gon. laterales, Ablage in Gonaphysenstellung, oder am 10. Sternit, Ablage in Sternitstellung.Ablage in Gonapophysenstellung beansprucht die Gon. laterales und führt bei Ablage in ein Substrat von zunehmender Härte - sie erfolgt in extremen Fallen in Baumstämme — zu verschiedenen Modifikationen ; Ablage in Sternitstellung läßt die Gon. laterales unbeansprucht und könnte bei Ablage in ein Substrat von abnehmender Härte — sie erfolgt in extremen Fallen in Schlamm — zu Rudimentation der Gon. laterales und exophytischer Ablage in das Wasser überleiten.Der unvollständige Eilegeapparat zeigt eine große Formenmannigfaltigkeit, die sich aber auf zwei Grundtypen, einem mit zwei Paar Gonapophysen — es fehlen die Gon. laterales — und einem mit einem Gonapophysenpaar, der Scheidenklappe, einem Rudiment der Gon. anteriores, zurückführen lassen.Der Zweigonapophysentypus ist bei verschiedenen Gruppen erhalten; bei den Cordulegasterinae ist er morphologisch einheitlich, was einen Stillstand des Rudimentationsprozesses andeutet, und an eine bestimmte Eiablageart angepaßt; bei den anderen Gruppen ist er morphologisch sehr verschieden, wobei es sich wohl um verschiedene Rudimentationsstufen handelt, und fur die Eiablage funktionslos geworden.Der Scheidenklappentypus findet sich bei den Gomphidae, Corduliidae und Libellulidae. Ursprünglichere Formen zeigen längere, höher entwickelte, kürzere Scheidenklappen. Bei vielen Arten ist die Scheidenk1appe restlos rudimentiert. Ihre Rolle für die Eiablage ist fraglich, vielleicht nur sinnesphysiologischer Art. Mechanisch zu deutende Formen (Spitzhammerbildung) kommen vor und sind gelegentlich mit Eiablage auf dem Boden verbunden, was als Anklänge an eine primär exophytische Ablage gedeutet wird.Bei den Libellulidae werden vereinzelt sekundäre Apparate aus neuen Elementen entwickelt.Die Eizahl ist bei Formen mit vollständigem Eilegeapparat höher als bei Formen mit ,unvollständigem und bei den Corduliidae und Libellulidae am höchsten.Die morphologische Vielfalt der Eilegeapparate ist das Ergebnis von zwei Verhaltensänderungen, dem Üborgang der Imagines zu einer Ablage durch Einstechen in Pflanzengewebe und dem Übergang der Larven zum Leben im Wasser. Diese Änderungen wurden von den einzelnen Gruppen auf verschiedene Weise und in verschiedenem Ausmaße vollzogen und ließen eine Unzahl von morphologischen Typen entstehen.Das Bestreben, die Eier möglichst nahe dem Wasser abzulegen, führte jene Gruppen, die nicht oder nicht zu weit an die Ablage in Pflanzengewebe angepaßt waren, zur Ablage in das Wasser. Diese Ab lageart führte zur Rudimentation der Gonapophysen und ließ möglicherweise neue, der neuen Ablageart angepaßte Apparate entstehen.Die Rudimentation der Gonapophysen ermöglichte eine Erhöhung der Eizahl und führte these Gruppen zur Besiedlung von neuen Lebensräumen und damit zu ihrer heute dominierenden Stellung innerhalb der Ordnung.  相似文献   

The acrylamide quenching of the intrinsic tryptophanyl fluorescence of normal and sickle apohemoglobins has been studied in 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer,pH 7.5, at 5°C over a protein concentration range from 1 to 50M. Analysis of quenching dynamics revealed a strong dependence on acrylamide concentration for the intrinsic fluorescence of both normal and sickle apohemoglobins, suggesting that one tryptophanyl residue [presumably that at position 37(C3)], was more accessible to collisional quencher than the other tryptophanyl residue [15(A12)]. Additional studies, which altered viscosity and subunit assembly experimental parameters, supported the assignment of residue 37 as the more dynamically accessible residue. Finally, the quenching data were also found to be dependent on protein concentration, implying that this difference in the mobility between the two residues is a sensitive probe of self-aggregation. Extrapolated dynamic quenching constants at low concentration of acrylamide were used to estimate the dimer-monomer equilibrium dissociation constants of normal and sickle apohemoglobins, and were found to be 5.6 and 2.4M, respectively, thus demonstrating distinct self-association properties of A and S apohemoglobins.  相似文献   

In the present report, we used serological, cellular, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) to investigate the DR1 haplotype in the Israeli population. We describe an Israeli homozygous typing cell (HTC), HLA-DwLVA, which defines a new lymphocyte-activating determinant associated with Bw65, DR1 and distinct from Dwl. The parents of this donor, non-Ashkenazi Algerian Jews, are first cousins and share HLA-Cw8, Bw65, BfS, DR1, DQw1, DPw4. No specificity could be assigned to HLA-DwLVA using the 91 Ninth Workshop HTCs. Two families and forty unrelated DR1 individuals were studied with DwLVA and a panel of DR1/Dw1 HTCs. HLA-DwLVA showed segregation as a single determinant within families. This new specificity was present in 24 out of 40 (60%) unrelated DR1 individuals, indicating that in the Israeli population DwLVA is the main lymphocyte-defined determinant associated with the serologically defined DRI specificity, in contrast to non-Jewish Caucasoids where DR1 is significantly associated with Dw1. The vast majority of DwLVA-positive carriers were also Bw65 carriers, indicating that Bw65, DR1, DwLVA may represent a typical allele combination in the Israeli population. The RFLP analysis established the correlation of certain RFLPs with Dw1 and DwLVA. In addition, we describe a cluster of RFLPs that may correspond to a new Dw subtype associated with DR1, for which no serological and cellular reagents have been described so far.  相似文献   

Summary Female cabbage white butterflies, under constant laboratory conditions exhibit wavelength specific behavior in choosing sites for egg-laying and drumming.In preliminary spontaneous choice experiments with colored PVC-sheets (Table 1, results) butterflies gave somewhat different preference order than with monochromatic lights of different wavelength but equal relative quantum flux (Table 2A, B). These differences probably depended on the relative number of quanta and the spectral composition of the light reflected by the sheets.White light is ignored by the butterflies during both drumming and egg-laying, up to intensities 60 times that of the monochromatic light stimulus.The functional categories egg-laying and drumming are both associated with the spectral region from 497 nm to ca. 585 nm (Fig. 10). The functional category feeding reaction is associated with regions adjoining that for egg-laying and drumming on both the shorter-wavelength side (<497nm) and the longer-wavelength side (>578nm).Wavelength specific behavior and the significance of odor substances in the chain of stimuli that lead up to egg-laying are discussed.Respectfully dedicated to Prof. H. Autrum on the occasion of his 75th birthdaySupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Harzkonservierte Fossilien ermöglichen bei Anwendung adäquater Methoden die morphologische Analyse der Feinmerkmale bis zur Auflösungsgrenze des Lichtmikroskops, Beobachtung in verschiedenen Ebenen und Richtungen, und somit konkrete Rückschlüsse auf die Wirkung und Bedeutung der Einzelelemente und des Gesamtgefüges.Eine so eingehende funktionsmorphologische Analyse mit Berücksichtigung der Positionsvariation (graduell verschiedene Gestaltung in gesetzmäßiger Abhängigkeit von der Lage innerhalb der Gesamtfeder) der Einzelelemente wie Abzweigungs-, Knick-, Neigungswinkel, Krümmung, Länge, Dicke, Querschnitt, Dichte, Differenzierungsgrad der verschiedenen Abschnitte von Rhachis, Rami, Radii inklusive Häkchen und Cirren wird erstmals für fossile Vogelfedern geliefert (hier als Abriß zu einer dokumentarisch und thematisch ausführlicheren Darstellung in Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde).Diese Federn entstammen der untersten Unterkreide und sind damit nur relativ wenig jünger alsArchaeopteryx. Sie weisen extrem differenzierten Aufbau auf, der auf hohe flugtechnische und wärmeisolierende Leistungsfähigkeit schließen läßt.Die hier vorgelegten funktionsmorphologischen Ermittlungen an fossilen Körperkonturfedern mögen auch zu einer intensiveren Analyse der bis jetzt stark vernachlässigten Untersuchung ganz normaler Körperfedern rezenter Vögel anregen. Erst dann, nach umfassender Kenntnis ihrer Ausgestaltung innerhalb der verschiedensten rezenten Vogelgruppen, läßt sich überzeugend begründen, ob und wieweit die hier vorgelegten Federn dieses Unterkreide-Vogels noch ursprüngliche Elemente (Plesiomorphien) oder ihnen eigene Sonderbildungen (Autapomorphien) aufweisen; das gilt sowohl für morphologische wie für funktionelle Elemente der Gesamtstruktur.
Resin-preserved fossil bird's feathers from the Lowermost Cretaceous
Summary Parts of some feathers, originating from a single bird, were discovered in our collections of Lower Cretaceous amber from the Lebanon mountains — which, in general, contains the oldest terrestrial microfossils preserved with all morphological details.These contour feathers of the trunk, which are nearly as old as Archaeopteryx (Lowermost Cretaceous: Neocomian/Uppermost Jurassic: Kimmeridigian) were studied with magnifications of 500–900 in several levels by a special technique. (In normal fossils, i.e., impressions, the granulation of the sediment and the fossil's bulky carbon remainders cause a blurred image even at a magnification of merely 100).Special emphasis was laid on the study of the individual elements' gradual variation, depending on the respective position within the total feather (position variation). Where appropriate, an analysis of lengths, quantity, degree of differentiation, angle of inclination, break, and branching, cross-sectional view, curvature, etc. of the rhachis, rami, distal and proximal radii, barbicles, hooklets, etc. were undertaken. [Through measurements of the depth of details the effects caused by a sloping position (apparent variation) may be precisely separated from the real variation.]On the basis of such a detailed knowledge of structure and relative position a thorough functional analysis of the single elements as well as the total system is given.Principal features: The production of plain stability in the feather's center, and of flexibility in its apical and lateral rims; dispersion of forces in case of pressure or a pulling load; function of the hooklets (which donot serve as an interlocking mechanism while the feather is in the normal resting position, but function with increasing braking action only when a neighboring ramus diverges to a precisely defined extent from its resting position) including the mechanism of their unhooking; devices for the avoidance of harmful hooking into contacted parts of other feathers; production of maximal stability by minimal air resistance, and of minute chambers (<0,00001 mm3) with still air for optimal heat isolation.Apart from this abstract, further information, accompanied by numerous figures, will be given in a later paper in Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde.

Veränderte Fassung eines am 11. 10. 1971 gehaltenen Vortrages auf der 83. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologengesellschaft in Bonn.  相似文献   

Summary The non-tandem inverted duplication in the 2-m DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a length of 0.19 m and is located asymmetrically along the molecule. The majority of the dumb-bell structures that are formed upon denaturation and selfannealing of the 2-m monomer consists of the renatured inverted duplication sequences as double stranded stem and two single stranded loops of 0.67 m±0.06 m (S-loop) and 0.86 m±0.05 m (L-loop) length. Two additional size classes which comprised 5–10% of the measured molecules had contour lengths of around 1.7 m and 2.1 m. The smaller dumb-bells contained two S-loops and the larger dumb-bells contained two L-loops as was shown by heteroduplex mapping with an HindIII fragment from the L-loop. Two models which assume illegitimate or site specific recombination, are presented to explain the generation of double S-loop and double L-loop molecules. At least part of the 4-m and 6- circular molecules present in the yeast supercoiled DNA fraction are shown to be dimers and trimers of 2-m monomers, but often with inverted loop segments most probably due to intramolecular recombination between sequences of the inverted duplication.2-m DNA is used to indicate the supercoiled DNA fraction although in our measurements the average monomeric length is 1.9 mPart of this work has been presented at the Conference: The Genetics and Biogenesis of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria, Munich, August, 1976  相似文献   

The dynamics of coupled biological oscillators can be modeled by averaging the effects of coupling over each oscillatory cycle so that the coupling depends on the phase difference between the two oscillators and not on their specific states. Average phase difference theory claims that mode locking phenomena can be predicted by the average effects of the coupling influences. As a starting point for both empirical and theoretical investigations, Rand et al. (1988) have proposed d/dt= — K sin ), with phase-locked solutions =arcsin( /K), where is the difference between the uncoupled frequencies and K is the coupling strength. Phase-locking was evaluated in three experiments using an interlimb coordination paradigm in which a person oscillates hand-held pendulums. was controlled through length differences in the left and right pendulums. The coupled frequency c was varied by a metronome, and scaled to the eigenfrequency v of the coupled system K was assumed to vary inversely with c. The results indicate that: (1) and K contribute multiplicatively to (2) =0 or = regardless of K when =0; (3) 0 or regardless of when K is large (relative to ); (4) results (1) to (3) hold identically for both in phase and antiphase coordination. The results also indicate that the relevant frequency is c/v rather than c. Discussion high-lighted the significance of confirming =arcsin(/K) for more general treatments of phase-locking, such as circle map dynamics, and for the 11 phase-entrainment which characterizes biological movement systems.  相似文献   

Gibeaut DM  Pauly M  Bacic A  Fincher GB 《Planta》2005,221(5):729-738
Cell wall polysaccharides in developing barley coleoptiles were examined using acetic acid–nitric acid extraction, alditol acetate and methylation analyses and enzymatic digestion. The coleoptile cell wall from imbibed grain was rich in pectic polysaccharides (30 mol%), arabinoxylan (25 mol%), cellulose (25 mol%) and xyloglucan (6 mol%), but contained only low levels of (13,14)--D-glucan (1 mol%). During 5 days of coleoptile growth, pectic polysaccharides decreased steadily to about 9 mol%, while (13,14)--D-glucan increased to 10 mol%. Following the cessation of growth of the coleoptiles at about 5 days, (13,14)--D-glucan content rapidly decreased to 1 mol%. The cellulose content of the walls remained at about 35–40 mol% throughout coleoptile growth. Similarly, arabinoxylan content remained essentially constant at 25–30 mol% during growth, although the ratio of substituted to unsubstituted 4-linked xylosyl units decreased from about 4:1 to 1:1. Xyloglucan content ranged from 6 mol% to 10 mol% and the oligosaccharide profile determined using a xyloglucan-specific endoglucanase and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry indicated that the oligosaccharides XXGG and XXGGG were the principal components, with one and two acetyl groups, respectively, Thus, dramatic changes in wall composition were detected during the growth of barley coleoptiles, both with respect to the relative abundance of individual wall constituents and to the fine structure of the arabinoxylans.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant strain of Rhodococcus equi accumulates three metabolites from the androst-4-ene-3,17-dione or from its degradation intermediate, 3a-H-4(3'-propionic acid)-7a-methylhexahydro-1,5-indanedione (MEPHIP). These three metabolites are: 3a-H-4a(3'-propionic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone--lactone (HIL); 3a-H-4(3'-trans acrylic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone (2'-5-hydroxy-MEPHIP); and 3a-H-4(3'-hydroxy-3'-propionic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-1-indanone (3'-hydroxy-HIL). The behaviour of this mutant allows us to propose a pathway for degradation of the intermediates, methylperhydroindanone propionates. However, during this degradation, the side-chain propionate was eliminated by a-oxidation mechanism. Offprint requests to: A. Miclo  相似文献   

Summary Most cell wall components are carbohydrate including the major matrix polysaccharides, pectins and hemicelluloses, and the arabinogalactan-protein proteoglycans. Both types of molecules are assembled in the Golgi apparatus and transported in secretory vesicles to the cell surface. We have employed antibodies specific to -(16) and -(14)-D-galactans, present in plant cell wall polysaccharides, in conjunction with immunofluorescence and electron microscopy to determine the location of the galactan-containing components in the cell wall and Golgi stacks of flax root tip tissues. Immunofluorescence data show that -(14)-D-galactan epitopes are restricted to peripheral cells of the root cap. These epitopes are not expressed in meristematic and columella cells. In contrast, -(16)-D-galactan epitopes are found in all cell types of flax roots. Immunogold labeling experiments show that both epitopes are specifically located within the wall immediately adjacent to the plasma membrane. They are also detected in Golgi cisternae and secretory vesicles, which indicates the involvement of the Golgi apparatus in their synthesis and transport. These findings demonstrate that the synthesis and localization of -(14)-D-galactan epitopes are highly regulated in developing flax roots and that different -linked D-galactans associated with cell wall polysaccharides are expressed in a cell type-specific manner.  相似文献   

To study the genome diversity of bacteriophages from geographically distant natural populations, new giant KZ-like Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages isolated in two different regions were compared with earlier known phages of three species (KZ, Lin68, EL). A broad spectrum of lytic activity was demonstrated for all KZ-like phages. Phages of the KZ species proved to be common in natural populations of various regions, while EL- and Lin68-related phages were extremely rare. Most KZ-related phages had unique DNA restriction patterns, but the differences between these were only minor, and the genomes did not contain nonhomologous fragments. The spectrum of capsid polypeptides proved to be conserved in each species, and was proposed as a character necessary and sufficient for express classification of phages with an accuracy of species. Phages isolated in different geographical regions showed no substantial difference. Some phages only slightly differing in DNA restriction pattern from KZ may be used to study the origin of KZ genes coding for orthologs of proteins of unrelated species (other phages, pathogenic bacteria, eukaryotes).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Frage, auf welche Weise die Enterocyten des fetalen Rattendünndarms das für die Mikrovillibildung benötigte Membranmaterial liefern, wurde elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es wird angenommen, daß hufeisenförmige Strukturen, die aus mit elektronendichtem Material bedeckten Elementarmembranen bestehen und möglicherweise Längsschnitten durch kappenförmige Gebilde entsprechen, in das apicale Plasmalemm eingebaut werden und für die Bildung der Mikrovillispitzen verantwortlich sind. Diese Annahme gründet sich in erster Linie auf die Feststellung eines nahezu identischen Durchmessers von Hufeisen und Mikrovilli, auf die Lokalisation der Hufeisen im Terminalgespinst und ihr zahlenmäßiges Verhalten während der Mikrovillibildung. Die Hufeisen entstehen im Golgi-Apparat.
The formation of microvilli in the fetal rat small intestine
Summary The origin of membranes required for the formation of microvilli has been investigated electronmicroscopically in enterocytes of fetal rat small intestine. It is assumed that horseshoe-like structures consisting of unit membranes covered with electron-dense material, which probably represent longitudinal sections through cap-like structures, are incorporated into the apical cell membrane and give rise to the tips of microvilli. This assumption is based chiefly on the almost identical diameters of horseshoes and microvilli, the localization of horseshoes in the terminal web, and the time of appearance and disappearance of horseshoes with regard to development of microvilli. There are indications that the horseshoes originate in the Golgi apparatus.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Entwicklung vonStephanopyxis turris sowie die zu ihrer Untersuchung geeigneten Methoden werden beschrieben und diskutiert.2. Der vollständige Lebenszyklus einer zentrischen Diatomee nach Beobachtungen im Leben und mit den Grundzügen der zugehörigen Karyologie in Mitose, Meiosis, Befruchtung und Auxosporenbildung sowie Entstehung und Keimung der Dauersporen wird erstmalig dargestellt (Abb. 18).3. Neuartige Beobachtungen betreffen Kollaps, Blitztod und Lichtresistenz, die Dritte Linie, die Darstellung von Kern und Spindel in Mitose und Meiosis sowie die mit Kernkonkurrenz abschließenden acytokinetischen Karyokinesen in Oogon und Auxospore im Leben, die Keimung der Dauersporen, den lichtmikroskopischen Nachweis der Kieselschuppen in der Auxosporenmembran.4. Die Entwicklungsvorgänge werden vergleichend diskutiert und dabei die Termini depauperierende Teilung und heterovalvate Zytokinese in Vorschlag gebracht.5. Weitere Überlegungen gelten dem cyclischen Turgeszenzwechsel der Diatomeenzelle.6. Die Methode der Vegetativen Zellvergrößerung erlaubt es,Stephanopyxis-Klone beliebiger Breite aber unveränderten Genotypus für das Experiment bereitzustellen.
Ontogenetic investigations on centric diatoms IVThe planktonic diatomStephanopyxis turris — its treatment and life history
This paper presents a detailed account of the life cycle, development and cellular mechanics of the centric diatomS. turris. Special attention is paid to culture methods, nutritional requirements and the mechanism of vegetative cell enlargement. Instructions are outlined for experimental manipulations of developmental features. Various aspects of development are treated in details, e. g. cellular structures, cell division and morphogenesis, development and germination of resting spores, differentiation of gametangia (spermatogonangia, spermatogonia and oogonia), meiosis in the gametocytes, fertilization and auxospore differentiation (including the formation of the rejuvenated first cell and the accompanying metagamic mitoses).S. turris has one-egged oogonia. Its spermatogonangia develop their spermatogonia according to theBiddulphia granulata-type and their spermiums according to theMelosira-type (Fig. 18). Two new termini, i. e. heterovalvate cytokinesis and depauperizing mitosis are introduced (p. 232, p. 238). Among the more important results are observations on karyokinesis in vivo, meiosis and karyogamy, and on the peculiar process of destruction of supernumerary nuclei following each karyokinesis in the oocyte, and later in the young auxospore. Relations between osmotic cell rhythms, karyokinetic cycle and morphogenesis are discussed at the end of the paper.

Herrn Professor Dr.Adolf Bückmann zum 65. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet.

Diese Studie enthält Teile der Dissertation vonG. Drebes.  相似文献   

Unlike classical -1,4-galactosyltransferase (-1,4-GalT I), -1,4-GalT V (formerly IV*) has little activity towards 1 mM N-acetylglucosamine [Sato et al. (1998) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95: 472-477]. The human -1,4-GalTs I and V were expressed individually in Sf-9 cells by transfection of the full coding sequences, and their N-acetyllactosamine synthetase activities were determined towards different N-acetylglucosamine concentrations. Kinetic studies using the cell homogenates as an enzyme source revealed that -1,4-GalTs I and V possess Km values of 0.6 mM and 33 mM towards N-acetylglucosamine, and of 48 µM and 41 µM towards UDPGal, respectively. No significant inhibition of N-acetyllactosamine synthesis with -lactalbumin was observed for -1,4-GalT V but the significant inhibition with -lactalbumin was observed for -1,4-GalT I.  相似文献   

In this investigation, an overlapping set of synthetic peptides spanning the entire primary structures of the -subunit of bovine and human thyrotropin, bTSH and hTSH respectively, have been prepared to aid the delineation of the amino acid sequence regions involved in two spatially related epitopes of bTSH. These peptides were then evaluated for their ability to inhibit the binding of two anti-hTSH monoclonal antibodies, designated mAb279 and mAb299, to radiolabeled I125-bTSH using competitive radioimmunoassay procedures. Synthetic peptides related to the sequence region b/hTSH[56–68] were found to specifically inhibit the binding of I125-bTSH to mAb299, whilst having no effect on the binding of mAb279. In previous studies we have shown that mAb279 and mAb299 recognise epitopic sites located within the receptor-binding site of the TSH -subunit. This investigation has therefore permitted identification of a contribution to the receptor binding site from the TSH[56–68] sequence, which forms part of the L3 loop region of the TSH -subunit that is held in close proximity to the L1 loop region and the C-terminus of the TSH - subunit by the disulphide bonds TSH[Cys16- Cys67] and TSH[Cys19-Cys105]. This finding is in agreement with previous investigations which have shown that TSH[Tyr59] and TSH[Tyr74] are also associated with the mAb299 epitope site, as well as contributing to the receptor binding region of the TSH -subunit.  相似文献   

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