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Genomic RNA dimerization is an essential process in the retroviral replication cycle. In vitro, HIV-2 RNA dimerization is mediated at least in part by direct intermolecular interaction at stem-loop 1 (SL1) within the 5'-untranslated leader region (UTR). RNA dimerization is thought to be regulated via alternate presentation and sequestration of dimerization signals by intramolecular base-pairings. One of the proposed regulatory elements is a palindrome sequence (pal) located upstream of SL1. To investigate the role of pal in the regulation of HIV-2 dimerization, we randomized this motif and selected in vitro for dimerization-competent and dimerization-impaired RNAs. Energy minimization folding analysis of these isolated sequences suggests the involvement of pal region in several short-distance intramolecular interactions with other upstream and downstream regions of the UTR. Moreover, the consensus predicted folding patterns indicate the altered presentation of SL1 depending on the interactions of pal with other regions of RNA. The data suggest that pal can act as a positive or negative regulator of SL1-mediated dimerization and that the modulation of base-pairing arrangements that affect RNA dimerization could coordinate multiple signals located within the 5'-UTR.  相似文献   

Although their genomes cannot be aligned at the nucleotide level, the HIV-1/SIVcpz and the HIV-2/SIVsm viruses are closely related lentiviruses that contain homologous functional and structural RNA elements in their 5'-untranslated regions. In both groups, the domains containing the trans-activating region, the 5'-copy of the polyadenylation signal, and the primer binding site (PBS) are followed by a short stem-loop (SL1) containing a six-nucleotide self-complementary sequence in the loop, flanked by unpaired purines. In HIV-1, SL1 is involved in the dimerization of the viral RNA, in vitro and in vivo. Here, we tested whether SL1 has the same function in HIV-2 and SIVsm RNA. Surprisingly, we found that SL1 is neither required nor involved in the dimerization of HIV-2 and SIV RNA. We identified the NarI sequence located in the PBS as the main site of HIV-2 RNA dimerization. cis and trans complementation of point mutations indicated that this self-complementary sequence forms symmetrical intermolecular interactions in the RNA dimer and suggested that HIV-2 and SIV RNA dimerization proceeds through a kissing loop mechanism, as previously shown for HIV-1. Furthermore, annealing of tRNA(3)(Lys) to the PBS strongly inhibited in vitro RNA dimerization, indicating that, in vivo, the intermolecular interaction involving the NarI sequence must be dissociated to allow annealing of the primer tRNA.  相似文献   

RNA剪接和剪接调控桂建芳(中国科学院水生生物研究所武汉430072)基因是遗传的功能单位,蛋白是由基因表达的行使生理功能的主体。70年代以前,人们对基因和蛋白的了解主要是来自于对细菌研究的认识,认为基因、mRNA和蛋白之间是一种线性关系,即基因上的脱氧核苷顺序全部转录成mRNA上的核苷顺序,mRNA上的核苷顺序再全部翻译成蛋白上的氨基酸顺序。  相似文献   

N Hernandez  W Keller 《Cell》1983,35(1):89-99

Dimerization of HIV-1 genomic RNA is an essential step of the viral cycle, initiated at a conserved stem-loop structure which forms a 'kissing complex' involving loop-loop interactions (dimerization initiation site, DIS). A 19mer RNA oligonucleotide (DIS-19) has been synthesized which forms a stable symmetrical dimer in solution at millimolar concentrations. Dimerization does not depend on addition of Mg2+. RNA ligation experiments unambiguously indicate that the formed dimer is a stable kissing complex under the NMR experimental conditions.1H NMR resonance assignments were obtained for DIS-19 at 290 K and pH 6.5. Analysis of the pattern of NOE connectivities reveals that the helix formed by loop-loop base pairing is stacked onto the two terminal stems. Non-canonical base pairs between two essential and conserved adenines are found at the junctions between the two intramolecular and the single intramolecular helices.  相似文献   

Kim YG  Maas S  Rich A 《Nucleic acids research》2001,29(5):1125-1131
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human T cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV-2) use a similar mechanism for –1 translational frameshifting to overcome the termination codon in viral RNA at the end of the gag gene. Previous studies have identified two important RNA signals for frameshifting, the slippery sequence and a downstream stem–loop structure. However, there have been somewhat conflicting reports concerning the individual contributions of these sequences. In this study we have performed a comprehensive mutational analysis of the cis-acting RNA sequences involved in HIV-1 gagpol and HTLV-2 gagpro frameshifting. Using an in vitro translation system we determined frameshifting efficiencies for shuffled HIV-1/HTLV-2 RNA elements in a background of HIV-1 or HTLV-2 sequences. We show that the ability of the slippery sequence and stem–loop to promote ribosomal frameshifting is influenced by the flanking upstream sequence and the nucleotides in the spacer element. A wide range of frameshift efficiency rates was observed for both viruses when shuffling single sequence elements. The results for HIV-1/HTLV-2 chimeric constructs represent strong evidence supporting the notion that the viral wild-type sequences are not designed for maximal frameshifting activity but are optimized to a level suited to efficient viral replication.  相似文献   

Abbink TE  Ooms M  Haasnoot PC  Berkhout B 《Biochemistry》2005,44(25):9058-9066
The untranslated leader RNA is the most conserved part of the human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) genome. It contains many regulatory motifs that mediate a variety of steps in the viral life cycle. Previous work showed that the full-length leader RNA can adopt two alternative structures: a long distance interaction (LDI) and a branched multiple-hairpin (BMH) structure. The BMH structure exposes the dimer initiation site (DIS) hairpin, whereas this motif is occluded in the LDI structure. Consequently, these structures differ in their capacity to form RNA dimers in vitro. The BMH structure is dimerization-competent, due to DIS hairpin formation, but also presents the splice donor (SD) and RNA packaging (Psi) hairpins. In the LDI structure, an extended RNA packaging (Psi(E)) hairpin is folded, which includes the splice donor site and gag coding sequences. The gag initiation codon is engaged in a long distance base pairing interaction with sequences in the upstream U5 region in the BMH structure, thus forming the evolutionarily conserved U5-AUG duplex. Therefore, the LDI-BMH equilibrium may affect not only the process of RNA dimer formation but also translation initiation. In this study, we designed mutations in the 3'-terminal region of the leader RNA that alter the equilibrium of the LDI-BMH structures. The mutant leader RNAs are affected in RNA dimer formation, but not in their translation efficiency. These results indicate that the LDI-BMH status does not regulate HIV-1 RNA translation, despite the differential presentation of the gag initiation codon in both leader RNA structures.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(4):519-520

The relationship between virion protein maturation and genomic RNA dimerization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) remains incompletely understood. We have constructed HIV-1 Gag cleavage site mutants to enable the steady state observation of virion maturation steps, and precisely study Gag processing, RNA dimerization, virion morphology and infectivity. Within the virion maturation process, the RNA dimer stabilization begins during the primary cleavage (p2-NC) of Pr55 Gag. However, the primary cleavage alone is not sufficient, and the ensuing cleavages are required for the completion of dimerization. From our observations, the increase of cleavage products may not put a threshold on the transition from fragile to stable dimeric RNA. Most of the RNA dimerization process did not require viral core formation, and particle morphology dynamics during viral maturation did not completely synchronize with the transition of dimeric RNA status. Although the endogenous virion RT activity was fully acquired at the initial step of maturation, the following process was necessary for viral DNA production in infected cell, suggesting the maturation of viral RNA/protein plays critical role for viral infectivity other than RT process.  相似文献   

Promoter choice affects the potency of HIV-1 specific RNA interference   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
RNA interference (RNAi) is mediated by small interfering (si) RNAs that target and degrade mRNA in a sequence-specific manner. Cellular expression of siRNA can be achieved by the use of expression cassettes driven by RNA polymerase III (pol III) promoters. Here, we demonstrate that a modified tRNAmet-derived (MTD) promoter effectively drives the cellular expression of HIV-1-specific siRNA. We observed up to 56% greater inhibition of virus production when the MTD promoter was used to drive the expression of short hairpin (sh) RNA targeting the HIV-1 transactivator protein tat compared to cassettes containing other pol III promoters such as H1, U6+1 and U6+27. We conclude that the MTD promoter is ideally suited to drive intracellular expression of HIV-1 specific siRNA and may serve as an important component of future RNAi vector delivery systems.  相似文献   

Dimerization of the genomic RNA is an important step of the HIV-1 replication cycle. The Dimerization Initiation Site (DIS) promotes dimerization of the viral genome by forming a loop-loop complex between two DIS hairpins. Crystal structures of the DIS loop-loop complex revealed an unexpected and strong similitude with the bacterial 16S ribosomal aminoacyl-tRNA site (A site), which is the target of aminoglycoside antibiotics. As a consequence of these structural and sequence similarities, the HIV-1 DIS also binds some aminoglycosides, not only in vitro, but also ex vivo, in lymphoid cells and in viral particles. Crystal structures of the DIS loop-loop in complex with several aminoglycoside antibiotics provide a detailed-view of the DIS/drug interaction and reveal some hints about possible modifications to increase the drug affinity and/or specificity.  相似文献   

RNA dimerization is an essential step in the retroviral life cycle. Dimerization and encapsidation signals, closely linked in HIV-2, are located in the leader RNA region. The SL1 motif and nucleocapsid protein are considered important for both processes. In this study, we show the structure of the HIV-2 leader RNA (+1-560) captured as a loose dimer. Potential structural rearrangements within the leader RNA were studied. In the loose dimer form, the HIV-2 leader RNA strand exists in vitro as a single global fold. Two kissing loop interfaces within the loose dimer were identified: SL1/SL1 and TAR/TAR. Evidence for these findings is provided by RNA probing using SHAPE, chemical reagents, enzymes, non-denaturing PAGE mobility assays, antisense oligonucleotides hybridization and analysis of an RNA mutant. Both TAR and SL1 as isolated domains are bound by recombinant NCp8 protein with high affinity, contrary to the hairpins downstream of SL1. Foot-printing of the SL1/NCp8 complex indicates that the major binding site maps to the SL1 upper stem. Taken together, these data suggest a model in which TAR hairpin III, the segment of SL1 proximal to the loop and the PAL palindromic sequence play specific roles in the initiation of dimerization.  相似文献   

Dimer formation of HIV-1 genomic RNA through its dimerization initiation site (DIS) is crucial to maintaining infectivity. Two types of dimers, the initially generated kissing-loop dimer and the subsequent product of the extended-duplex dimer, are formed in the stem-bulge-stem region with a loop including a self-complementary sequence. NMR chemical shift analysis of a 39mer RNA corresponding to DIS, DIS39, in the kissing-loop and extended-duplex dimers revealed that the three dimensional structures of the stem-bulge-stem region are extremely similar between the two types of dimers. Therefore, we designed two shorter RNA molecules, loop25 and bulge34, corresponding to the loop-stem region and the stem-bulge-stem region of DIS39, respectively. Based upon the chemical shift analysis, the conformation of the loop region of loop25 is identical to that of DIS39 for each of the two types of dimers. The conformation of bulge34 was also found to be the same as that of the corresponding region of DIS39. Thus, we determined the solution structures of loop25 in each of the two types of dimers as well as that of bulge34. Finally, the solution structures of DIS39 in the kissing-loop and extended-duplex dimers were determined by combining the parts of the structures. The solution structures of the two types of dimers were similar to each other in general with a difference found only in the A16 residue. The elucidation of the structures of DIS39 is important to understanding the molecular mechanism of the conformational dynamics of viral RNA molecules.  相似文献   



Developing a quantitative understanding of viral kinetics is useful for determining the pathogenesis and transmissibility of the virus, predicting the course of disease, and evaluating the effects of antiviral therapy. The availability of data in clinical, animal, and cell culture studies, however, has been quite limited. Many studies of virus infection kinetics have been based solely on measures of total or infectious virus count. Here, we introduce a new mathematical model which tracks both infectious and total viral load, as well as the fraction of infected and uninfected cells within a cell culture, and apply it to analyze time-course data of an SHIV infection in vitro.


We infected HSC-F cells with SHIV-KS661 and measured the concentration of Nef-negative (target) and Nef-positive (infected) HSC-F cells, the total viral load, and the infectious viral load daily for nine days. The experiments were repeated at four different MOIs, and the model was fitted to the full dataset simultaneously. Our analysis allowed us to extract an infected cell half-life of 14.1 h, a half-life of SHIV-KS661 infectiousness of 17.9 h, a virus burst size of 22.1 thousand RNA copies or 0.19 TCID50, and a basic reproductive number of 62.8. Furthermore, we calculated that SHIV-KS661 virus-infected cells produce at least 1 infectious virion for every 350 virions produced.


Our method, combining in vitro experiments and a mathematical model, provides detailed quantitative insights into the kinetics of the SHIV infection which could be used to significantly improve the understanding of SHIV and HIV-1 pathogenesis. The method could also be applied to other viral infections and used to improve the in vitro determination of the effect and efficacy of antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

We describe the crystal structures of the RNA dimerization initiation sites (DIS) of HIV-1 subtypes A and B. Both molecules adopt a hairpin conformation, with loop sequences consisting of 272-AGGUGCACA-280 and 272-AAGCGCGCA-280, respectively. This includes a six-base self-complementary stretch (underlined) that allows homodimerization through the formation of a loop-loop, or 'kissing-loop', complex. The DISs for the two sequences have identical conformations, and the two interacting hairpins show a perfect coaxial alignment. The conserved purines, A272 and R273, are stacked in a bulged-out conformation and symmetrically join the upward and downward strands of each hairpin by crossing the helix major groove. There is good agreement between these structures and previous results from chemical probing in solution, as well as with differences in magnesium dependence for dimerization. The overall shape of the kissing-loop complex is very similar to that of the previously determined subtype A DIS duplex form. Unexpectedly, the purine R273 is the only base seen at a different position and is responsible for the difference in topology between the two forms. We propose that the transition from kissing-loop duplex could occur by a recombination mechanism based on symmetrical chain cleavage at R273 of each hairpin and subsequent cross-religation, rather than by base-pair melting and subsequent reannealing.  相似文献   

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