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In aquafeeds in which plant proteins are used to replace fishmeal, exogenous methionine (Met) sources are demanded to balance the amino acid composition of diets and meet the metabolic fish requirements. Nonetheless, since different synthetic Met sources are commercially available, it is important to determine their bioavailability and efficacy. To address this issue, we conducted a two-month feeding trial with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which were fed diets supplemented with five different forms of Met: Met-Met, L-Met, HMTBa, DL-Met, and Co DL-Met. No differences in growth performance were found in trout fed with different Met forms, but changes in the whole-body composition were found. In particular, Met-Met and L-Met promoted a significant body lipid reduction, whereas the protein retention was significantly increased in fish fed with HMTBa and Co DL-Met. The latter affected the hepatic Met metabolism promoting the trans-sulfuration pathway through the upregulation of CBS gene expression. Similarly, the L-Met enhanced the remethylation pathway through an increase in BHMT gene expression to maintain the cellular demand for Met. Altogether, our findings suggest an optimal dietary intake of all tested Met sources with similar promoting effects on fish growth and hepatic Met metabolism. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying these effects warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

In the United States, obesity is more common among black and Hispanic than white women. One putative cause of this difference is different cultural norms for attractiveness. Two studies assessed ethnic differences in men's perceptions of the attractiveness of females of varying sizes. In the fmst, 108 men recruited on the New York subway were shown sets of silhouettes depicting female bodies varying in fatness and were asked to pick the silhouette they found most attractive. They were also asked to indicate the thinnest and fattest figures they would consider dating. A measure of “latitude of acceptance” was computed as the difference between the thinnest and fattest figures considered. Results indicated no relationship between ethnicity and preference (F = 1.383, p =.257) or “latitude” (F =.102, p =.903). In Study 2, “personal advertisements” placed by 373 black, 1915 white, 110 Hispanic, and 30 Asian men from 35 newspapers and magazines were coded as: 1) thinness preferred; 2) no information on weight preference; 3) fatness preferred; or 4) states weight or looks unimportant. Results indicated a statistically significant but small association between ethnicity and preference (χ2 = 49.55, df=9, p<.00001). Relative to white and Asian men, black and Hispanic men more frequently requested fat women, Hispanic men less frequently requested thin women, and black men more frequently stated that looks or weight did not matter. Ethnicity explained only 2.1% of the variance in preference. Thus, it seems unlikely that ethnic differences in men's preferences for women's body shapes contribute substantially to ethnic differences in female adiposity.  相似文献   

Teleost fish express highly diverse naive TCRβ (TRB) repertoires and mount strong public and private clonal responses upon infection with pathogens. Fish T cells express typical markers such as CD8, CD4-1 and CD4-2, CD3, CD28 and CTLA4. Fish CD8+ T cells have been shown to be responsible for antigen-specific cell-mediated cytotoxicity in in vitro systems using histo-compatible effector and target cells. We compare here the complexity of TRB repertoires between FACS sorted CD8+ and CD8 T cells from spleen and pronephros of rainbow trout. In contrast to human, while the TRB repertoire is highly diverse and polyclonal in CD8+ T cells of naïve fish, it appeared very different in CD8 lymphocytes with irregular CDR3 length distributions suggesting a dominance of activated clones already in naïve fish or the presence of non conventional T cells. After infection with a systemic virus, CD8+ T cells mount a typical response with significant skewing of CDR3 length profiles. The infection also induces significant modifications of the TRB repertoire expressed by the CD8 fraction, but for a different set of V/J combinations. In this fraction, the antiviral response results in an increase of the peak diversity of spectratypes. This unusual observation reflects the presence of a number of T cell expansions that rise the relative importance of minor peaks of the highly skewed distributions observed in unchallenged animals. These results suggest that the diversity of TRB expressed by CD8+ and CD8 αβ T cells may be subjected to different regulatory patterns in fish and in mammals.  相似文献   

At the macroevolutionary level, one of the first and most important hypotheses that proposes an evolutionary tendency in the evolution of body sizes is "Cope's rule". This rule has considerable empirical support in the fossil record and predicts that the size of species within a lineage increases over evolutionary time. Nevertheless, there is also a large amount of evidence indicating the opposite pattern of miniaturization over evolutionary time. A recent analysis using a single phylogenetic tree approach and a bayesian based model of evolution found no evidence for Cope's rule in extant mammal species. Here we utilize a likelihood-based phylogenetic method, to test the evolutionary trend in body size, which considers phylogenetic uncertainty, to discern between Cope's rule and miniaturization, using extant Oryzomyini rodents as a study model. We evaluated body size trends using two principal predictions: (a) phylogenetically related species are more similar in their body size, than expected by chance; (b) body size increased (Cope's rule)/decreased (miniaturization) over time. Consequently the distribution of forces and/or constraints that affect the tendency are homogenous and generate this directional process from a small/large sized ancestor. Results showed that body size in the Oryzomyini tribe evolved according to phylogenetic relationships, with a positive trend, from a small sized ancestor. Our results support that the high diversity and specialization currently observed in the Oryzomyini tribe is a consequence of the evolutionary trend of increased body size, following and supporting Cope's rule.  相似文献   

Ilany A  Barocas A  Koren L  Kam M  Geffen E 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28612
Signal detection theory predicts that signals directed at distant or busy receivers in noisy backgrounds will begin with an alert component, in order to draw attention. Instead of an alert component, however, animals could get the same effect by using an external stimulus. Here we combined observations of free-living rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) with playback experiments to elucidate the circumstances under which males begin singing. We show that males sing following hyrax pup screams, which elicit a strong response from hyraxes within hearing distance, which are potential receivers. We hypothesize that singers enhance their singing display by exploiting the rarely emitted pup screams. To our knowledge, our findings are the first indication that animals may enhance signal reception by exploiting conspecifics' signals and the differential attention to these signals. We suggest that the utilization of external stimuli by signalers may be widespread, as an adaptive strategy for communication in complex environments.  相似文献   

Accumulation and ethylene-dependent translocation of free polyamines was studied in various organs, the phloem and xylem exudates of common ice plants (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.). Under normal conditions (23–25°C), spermidine predominated among polyamines. Cadaverine was found in old leaves, stems, and, in large quantities, in roots. The heat shock treatment (HS; 47°C, 2 h) of intact plant shoots induced intense evolution of ethylene from leaves but reduced the leaf content of polyamines. Under these conditions, the concentration of polyamines in roots, particularly of cadaverine, increased many times. The HS treatment of roots (40°C, 2 h) induced translocation of cadaverine to stems and putrescine to leaves. An enhanced polyamine content after HS treatment was also found in the xylem and phloem exudates. The exposure of detached leaves to ethylene led to a reduction in their putrescine and spermidine and accumulation of cadaverine, which implies the ethylene-dependent formation of cadaverine and a possible relation between the HS-induced translocation of this diamine to roots and the transient ethylene evolution by leaves. To validate this hypothesis, we compared the ethylene evolution rate and interorgan partitioning of cadaverine and other polyamines for two lines of Arabidopsis thaliana: the wild type (Col-0) and ein4 mutant with impaired ethylene reception. In plants grown in light at 20–21°C, the rate of ethylene evolution by rosetted leaves was higher in the mutant than in the wild type. The content of putrescine and spermidine was reduced in mutant leaves, whereas cadaverine concentration increased almost threefold compared with the wild type. In roots, cadaverine was found only in the wild type and not in the mutant line. Our data indicate the ethylene-dependent formation of cadaverine in leaves and possible involvement of cadaverine and ethylene in the long-distance translocation of stress (HS) signal in plants.  相似文献   

Objective: Obesity is most common in the United States among women of ethnic minority groups (black and Hispanic). Researchers have hypothesized that these subcultures are more accepting of overweight figures. The purpose of this study was to examine body image and body size assessments in a large community sample of men and women. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were 801 women and 428 men: 23% Asian, 45% Hispanic, 17% black, and 15% white. The figure rating scale was used to rate: body dissatisfaction, attractive male and female shapes, acceptable female size, and perceptions of underweight to obese female figures. Results: Controlling for age, education, and body weight, no ethnic differences were found for men. Asian women reported less body dissatisfaction than the other groups. Women were more dissatisfied with their size than men and chose thinner female figures as attractive and acceptable. Discussion: Ethnicity, independent of age, education, and body weight, does not influence preference for female and male shapes or tolerance for obesity.  相似文献   

Sesarmops intermedium de Haan (1835) is a semi-terrestrial crab inhabiting the areas around a forest creek at Heng-chun Peninsula in southern Taiwan. Small and large individuals excavate tunnels near the waterline, while those individuals with medium body size are more distant from the water. This unusual distribution pattern might reflect the habitat preference related to physiological requirement of crabs with different body sizes. In natural conditions, the animals keep their haemolymph osmolality at a relatively low level near those of fully-rehydrated individuals. In dehydrated conditions, the haemolymph osmolality of the animal was much higher and was negatively related to the body size. Both the rates of water loss and uptake decrease with increasing body size. While, both the potential time exposed in air and the rehydration time increase with increasing body size. The low water loss rate of large individuals may prolong the potential time exposed in air, but this advantage may be offset by their low efficiency in water uptake simultaneously. Small crabs, with a high water uptake rate and a small amount of water requirement, may have a shorter time needed for rehydration. However, those small crabs, smaller than about 2 g in living weight, due to their extremely fast loss of body water, have to access water more frequently and thus have a lower potential for terrestrial activity also. For medium sized crabs, the advantages of high water uptake rate, less water requirement and better ability to utilize interstitial water may allow them to emancipate from the water body. Due to the constraints of performance in water balance, the optimum size for extending terrestrial activity of S. intermedium is below 14 g in weight (=28.5 mm in carapace width) at which the crabs may have a higher potential for terrestrial activity. In the terrestrial adaptation regarding the water balance of S. intermedium, how to increase water uptake efficiency and the capability to use various interstitial water on land seem to be more important than how to reduce the water loss rate. Large body size and hence the low water loss rate may not be always advantageous for the terrestrial adaptation of S. intermedium and possibly other crustaceans.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding has been associated with a reduced risk of overweight later in life. This study investigates whether differences in diet and lifestyle at 7 years of age between breastfed and formula-fed children can explain the difference in overweight prevalence at 8 years of age. We studied 2,043 Dutch children born in 1996-1997 who participated in the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy birth cohort study. Data on breastfeeding duration and diet and lifestyle factors at 7 years were collected using questionnaires. Weight and height were measured at 8 years. Overweight was defined according to international gender- and age-specific standards. Compared to nonbreastfed children (15.5%, n = 316), children breastfed for >16 weeks (38.0%, n = 776) consumed fruit and vegetables significantly more often and meat, white bread, carbonated soft drinks, chocolate bars, and fried snacks less often. Overall, breastfed children were less likely to have an unhealthy diet (adjusted prevalence ratio: 0.77, 95% confidence interval: 0.61-0.98). The associations could only partly be explained by maternal education, maternal overweight, and smoking during pregnancy. At 8 years, 14.5% (n = 297) of the children were overweight. Breastfeeding for >16 weeks was significantly associated with a lower overweight risk at 8 years (adjusted odds ratio: 0.67, 95% confidence interval: 0.47-0.97), and the association hardly changed after adjustment for diet (adjusted odds ratio: 0.71, 95% confidence interval: 0.49-1.03). Breastfed children had a healthier diet at 7 years compared to nonbreastfed children, but this difference could not explain the lower overweight risk at 8 years in breastfed children.  相似文献   

Across a wide variety of domains, experts differ from novices in their response to stimuli linked to their respective field of expertise. It is currently unknown whether similar patterns can be observed with regard to social expertise. The current study therefore focuses on social openness, a central social skill necessary to initiate social contact. Human body odors were used as social cues, as they inherently signal the presence of another human being. Using functional MRI, hemodynamic brain responses to body odors of women reporting a high (n = 14) or a low (n = 12) level of social openness were compared. Greater activation within the inferior frontal gyrus and the caudate nucleus was observed in high socially open individuals compared to individuals low in social openness. With the inferior frontal gyrus being a crucial part of the human mirror neuron system, and the caudate nucleus being implicated in social reward, it is discussed whether human body odor might constitute more of a significant and rewarding social signal to individuals high in social openness compared to individuals low in social openness process.  相似文献   

Studies on diet preferences of stream-dwelling salmonids have mostly been limited to a relatively small range in body size. This study examined the influence of salmonid body size on prey size and diet composition, and its consequences for growth, in landlocked stream-resident brown trout, Salmo trutta (2.5–61.3cm) in the Laxá River, N-E Iceland. The most common prey of the 1622 trout sampled, were blackflies, Simulium vittatum, chironomid midges and the freshwater snail, Lymnaea peregra, which represented 56.3%, 21.8%, 10.8% of the stomach content volume, respectively. In general, the Laxá trout showed a consistent, but moderate, shift towards larger prey with increased body size. The relatively stable growth and the large body size attained were probably due to the high production of small benthic invertebrates and only secondarily to the ontogenetic shift towards larger prey.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of Sry in mammals [1, 2], few other master sex-determining genes have been identified in vertebrates [3-7]. To date, all of these genes have been characterized as well-known factors in the sex differentiation pathway, suggesting that the same subset of genes have been repeatedly and independently selected throughout evolution as master sex determinants [8, 9]. Here, we characterized in rainbow trout an unknown gene expressed only in the testis, with a predominant expression during testicular differentiation. This gene is a male-specific genomic sequence that is colocalized along with the sex-determining locus. This gene, named sdY for sexually dimorphic on the Y?chromosome, encodes a protein that displays similarity to the C-terminal domain of interferon regulatory factor 9. The targeted inactivation of sdY in males using zinc-finger nuclease induces ovarian differentiation, and the overexpression of sdY in females using additive transgenesis induces testicular differentiation. Together, these results demonstrate that sdY is a novel vertebrate master sex-determining gene not related to any known sex-differentiating gene. These findings highlight an unexpected evolutionary plasticity in vertebrate sex determination through the demonstration that master sex determinants can arise from the de novo evolution of genes that have not been previously implicated in sex differentiation.  相似文献   

Understanding of other’s actions as goal-directed is considered a fundamental ability underlying cognitive and social development in human infants. A number of studies using the habituation-dishabituation paradigm have shown that the ability to discern intentional relations, in terms of goal-directedness of an action towards an object, appears around 5 months of age. The question of whether non-human species can perceive other’s actions as goal-directed has been more controversial, however there is mounting evidence that at least some primates species do. Recently domestic dogs have been shown to be particularly sensitive to human communicative cues and more so in cooperative and intentional contexts. Furthermore, they have been shown to imitate selectively. Taken together these results suggest that dogs may perceive others'' actions as goal-directed, however no study has investigated this issue directly. In the current study, adopting an infant habituation-dishabituation paradigm, we investigated whether dogs attribute intentions to an animate (a human) but not an inanimate (a black box) agent interacting with an object. Following an habituation phase in which the agent interacted always with one of two objects, two sets of 3 trials were presented: new side trials (in which the agent interacted with the same object as in the habituation trial but placed in a novel location) and new goal trials (in which the agent interacted with the other object placed in the old location). Dogs showed a similar pattern of response to that shown in infants, looking longer in the new goal than new side trials when they saw the human agent interact with the object. No such difference emerging with the inanimate agent (the black box). Results provide the first evidence that a non-primate species can perceive another individual’s actions as goal-directed. We discuss results in terms of the prevailing mentalisitic and non-mentalistic hypotheses regarding goal-attribution.  相似文献   

Wang  Li  Chen  Jun  Su  Haojie  Ma  Xufa  Wu  Zhixu  Shen  Hong  Yu  Jia  Liu  Jiarui  Wu  Yao  Ding  Guangyi  Xie  Ping 《Ecosystems》2022,25(2):308-319
Ecosystems - Large zooplankton can efficiently graze on algae and thereby improve water quality. However, zooplankton body size is considered to decrease with decreasing latitude because of the...  相似文献   

Among polygynous species, males often compete for the possession of mating sites to increase their reproductive success. Weaker individuals frequently adopt alternative non‐territorial mate‐locating tactics, but the adoption of alternative territorial tactics may also occur. Although alternative tactics with territory defence are less common in arthropods, factors that drive its adoption may provide information to understand the organization of different territorial mating systems in the group. Here we investigate the adoption of resource‐based territoriality as an alternative to a non‐resource‐based one by males of the butterfly Paryphthimoides phronius. Male P. phronius commonly defend sunny clearings lacking feeding resources in the forest edge (non‐resource‐based territoriality). However, after experimentally offering fermenting fruit in previously undefended sites, we showed that males also adopt a resource defence tactic. Males in territories with fermenting fruits apparently feed on this resource when they are not defending the territory. However, males in sites without resources did not migrate to territories with resources when given the opportunity. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental investigation to show a non‐resource‐ and an alternative resource‐based mate‐locating tactic in a butterfly. We suggest that this behavioural flexibility may represent an important step to understand the ecological factors responsible for the organization and evolution of different territorial mating systems in insects.  相似文献   



In affluent countries, children from non-native ethnicity have in general less favourable body composition indicators and energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) than children from native ethnicity. However, differences between countries have been reported.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A school-based survey among 10–12 years old children was conducted in seven European countries with a standardized protocol. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured; engagement in EBRBs was self-reported. For those countries with significant ethnic differences in body composition (Greece and the Netherlands), multilevel mediation analyses were conducted, to test the mediating effect of the EBRBs in the association between ethnic background and body composition indicators. Analyses were adjusted for gender and age, and for parental education in a later step. Partial mediation was found for sugared drinks intake and sleep duration in the Greek sample, and breakfast in the Dutch sample. A suppression effect was found for engagement in sports activites in the Greek sample.


Ethnic differences in children’s body composition were partially mediated by differences in breakfast skipping in the Netherlands and sugared drinks intake, sports participation and sleep duration in Greece.  相似文献   

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