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Chapio is a spring wheat developed by CIMMYT in Mexico by a breeding program that focused on multigenic resistances to leaf rust and stripe rust. A population consisting of 277 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed by crossing Chapio with Avocet. The RILs were genotyped with DArT markers (137 randomly selected RILs) and bulked segregant analysis conducted to supplement the map with informative SSR markers. The final map consisted of 264 markers. Phenotyping against stripe rust was conducted for three seasons in Toluca, Mexico and at three sites over two seasons (total of four environments) in Sichuan Province, China. Significant loci across the two inter-continental regions included Lr34/Yr18 on 7DS, Sr2/Yr30 on 3BS, and a QTL on 3D. There were significant genotype × environment interactions with resistance gene Yr31 on 2BS being effective in most of the Toluca environments; however, a late incursion of a virulent pathotype in 2009 rendered this gene ineffective. This locus also had no effect in China. Conversely, a 5BL locus was only effective in the Chinese environments. There were also complex additive interactions. In the Mexican environments, Yr31 suppressed the additive effect of Yr30 and the 3D locus, but not of Lr34/Yr18, while in China, the 3D and 5BL loci were generally not additive with each other, but were additive when combined with other loci. These results indicate the importance of maintaining diverse, multi-genic resistances as Chapio had stable inter-continental resistance despite the fact that there were QTLs that were not effective in either one or the other region.  相似文献   

Seed quality and seedling establishment are the most important factors affecting successful crop development. They depend on the genetic background and are acquired during seed maturation and therefor, affected by the maternal environment under which the seeds develop. There is little knowledge about the genetic and environmental factors that affect seed quality and seedling establishment. The aim of this study is to identify the loci and possible molecular mechanisms involved in acquisition of seed quality and how these are controlled by adverse maternal conditions. For this, we used a tomato recombinant inbred line (RIL) population consisting of 100 lines which were grown under two different nutritional environmental conditions, high phosphate and low nitrate. Most of the seed germination traits such as maximum germination percentage (Gmax), germination rate (t50) and uniformity (U8416) showed ample variation between genotypes and under different germination conditions. This phenotypic variation leads to identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) which were dependent on genetic factors, but also on the interaction with the maternal environment (QTL × E). Further studies of these QTLs may ultimately help to predict the effect of different maternal environmental conditions on seed quality and seedling establishment which will be very useful to improve the production of high-performance seeds.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance of productive and adaptive traits in beef breeding systems based on Bos taurus and tropically adapted breeds across temperate and (sub)tropical environments. In the (sub)tropics, differences that exist between breeds in temperate environments are masked by the effects of environmental stressors. Hence in tropical environments, breeds are best categorised into breed types to compare their performance across environments. Because of the presence of environmental stressors, there are more sources of genetic variation in tropical breeding programmes. It is therefore necessary to examine the genetic basis of productive and adaptive traits for breeding programmes in those environments. This paper reviews the heritabilities and genetic relationships between economically important productive and adaptive traits relevant to (sub)tropical breeding programmes. It is concluded that it is possible to simultaneously genetically improve productive and adaptive traits in tropically adapted breeds of beef cattle grazed in tropical environments without serious detrimental consequences for either adaptation or production. However, breed-specific parameters are required for genetic evaluations. The paper also reviews the magnitude of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions impacting on production and adaptation of cattle, where 'genotype' is defined as breed (within a crossbreeding system), sire within breed (in a within-breed selection programme) or associations between economically important traits and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs - within a marker-assisted selection programme). It is concluded that re-ranking of breeds across environments is best managed by the use of the breed type(s) best suited to the particular production environment. Re-ranking of sires across environments is apparent in poorly adapted breed types across extreme tropical and temperate environments or where breeding animals are selected in a temperate environment for use in the (sub)tropics. However, G × E interactions are unlikely to be of major importance in tropically adapted beef cattle grazed in either temperate or (sub)tropical environments, although sex × environment interactions may provide new opportunities for differentially selecting to simultaneously improve steer performance in benign environments and female performance in harsher environments. Early evidence suggests that re-ranking of SNPs occurs across temperate and tropical environments, although their magnitude is still to be confirmed in well-designed experiments. The major limitation to genetic improvement of beef cattle over the next decade is likely to be a deficiency of large numbers of accurately recorded phenotypes for most productive and adaptive traits and, in particular, for difficult-to-measure adaptive traits such as resistance to disease and environmental stressors.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity (genotype × environment interaction or G × E) should be eroded by selection acting across environments. However, it appears that G × E is often maintained under selection, although not universally. This variation in the presence and strength of G × E requires explanation. Here I ask whether the explanation may lie in the grain of the environment at which G × E is expressed. The grain (or grain size) of the environment refers to the scale of environmental heterogeneity relative to generation time – that is, relative to the window of operation of selection – with higher rates of heterogeneity occurring in finer‐grained environments. The hypothesis that the grain of the environment explains variation in the expression of G × E encapsulates variation in the power of selection to shape reaction norms: selection should be able to erode G × E in fine‐grained environments but lose its power as the grain becomes coarser. I survey studies of G × E in sexual traits and demonstrate that the strength of G × E varies with the grain of the environment across which it is expressed, with G × E being stronger in coarser‐grained environments. This result elucidates when G × E is most likely to be sustained in the reaction norms of fitness‐related traits and when its evolutionary consequences will be most pronounced.  相似文献   



Root systems are well-recognized as complex and a variety of traits have been identified as contributing to plant adaptation to the environment. A significant proportion of soil in south-western Australia is prone to the formation of hardpans of compacted soil that limit root exploration and thus access to nutrients and water for plant growth. Genotypic variation has been reported for root-penetration ability of wheat in controlled conditions, which has been related to field performance in these environments. However, research on root traits in field soil is recognized as difficult and labour intensive. Pattern analysis of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions is one approach that enables interpretation of these complex relationships, particularly when undertaken with probe genotypes with well-documented traits, in this case, for the ability to penetrate a wax layer. While the analytical approach is well-established in the scientific literature, there are very few examples of pattern analysis for G × E interactions applied to root traits of cereal crops.


In this viewpoint, we aim to review the approach of pattern analysis for G × E interaction and the importance of environment and genotype characterization, with a focus on root traits. We draw on our research on G × E interaction for root depth and related studies on genotypic evaluation for root-penetration ability. In doing so, we wish to explore how pattern analysis can aid in the interpretation of complex root traits and their interaction with the environment and how this may explain patterns of adaptation and inform future research.


With appropriate characterization of environments and genotypes, the G × E approach can be used to aid in the interpretation of the complex interactions of root systems with the environment, inform future research and therefore provide supporting evidence for selecting specific root traits for target environments in a crop breeding programme.  相似文献   

Modifying plant root systems is considered a means of crop improvement targeted to low-resource environments, particularly low nutrient and drought-prone agriculture. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for root traits has stimulated marker-assisted breeding to this end, but different QTLs have been detected in different populations of the same species, and importantly, in the same population when grown in different experimental environments. The presence of QTL × environment interaction is implicated, and this must be characterised if the utility of the target QTLs is to be realised. Previous attempts to do this suffer from a lack of control over replicate environments and inadequate statistical rigour. The Bala × Azucena mapping population was grown in two replicate experiments of four treatment environments, a control, a low light, a low soil nitrogen and a low soil water treatment. After a 4 weeks growth, maximum root length, maximum root thickness, root mass below 50 cm, total plant dry mass, % root mass and shoot length were measured. A summary of the overall results is presented in an accompanying paper. Here, QTL analysis by composite interval mapping is presented. A total of 145 QTLs were detected, mapping to 37 discrete loci on all chromosomes. Superficial evidence of QTL × E (great difference in LOD score) was tested by single-marker analysis which confirmed QTL × E for five loci representing only five individual trait-loci interactions. Some loci appeared to be stable across environments. Some QTLs were clearly more or less active under low light, low nitrogen or drought. A few notable loci on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are briefly discussed. Also discussed are some remaining statistical shortcomings that will be addressed in another companion paper.  相似文献   

A new methodology based on mixed linear models was developed for mapping QTLs with digenic epistasis and QTL×environment (QE) interactions. Reliable estimates of QTL main effects (additive and epistasis effects) can be obtained by the maximum-likelihood estimation method, while QE interaction effects (additive×environment interaction and epistasis×environment interaction) can be predicted by the-best-linear-unbiased-prediction (BLUP) method. Likelihood ratio and t statistics were combined for testing hypotheses about QTL effects and QE interactions. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted for evaluating the unbiasedness, accuracy, and power for parameter estimation in QTL mapping. The results indicated that the mixed-model approaches could provide unbiased estimates for both positions and effects of QTLs, as well as unbiased predicted values for QE interactions. Additionally, the mixed-model approaches also showed high accuracy and power in mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QE interactions. Based on the models and the methodology, a computer software program (QTLMapper version 1.0) was developed, which is suitable for interval mapping of QTLs with additive, additive×additive epistasis, and their environment interactions. Received: 23 October 1998 / Accepted: 11 May 1999  相似文献   



Gene × environment models are widely used to assess genetic and environmental risks and their association with a phenotype of interest for many complex diseases. Mixed generalized linear models were used to assess gene × environment interactions with respect to systolic blood pressure on sibships adjusting for repeated measures and hierarchical nesting structures. A data set containing 410 sibships from the Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort (part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 data) was used for all analyses. Three mixed gene × environment models, all adjusting for repeated measurement and varying levels of nesting, were compared for precision of estimates: 1) all sibships with adjustment for two levels of nesting (sibs within sibships and sibs within pedigrees), 2) all sibships with adjustment for one level of nesting (sibs within sibships), and 3) 100 data sets containing random draws of one sibship per extended pedigree adjusting for one level of nesting.


The main effects were: gender, baseline age, body mass index (BMI), hypertensive treatment, cigarettes per day, grams of alcohol per day, and marker GATA48G07A. The interaction fixed effects were: baseline age by gender, baseline age by cigarettes per day, baseline age by hypertensive treatment, baseline age by BMI, hypertensive treatment by BMI, and baseline age by marker GATA48G07A. The estimates for all three nesting techniques were not widely discrepant, but precision of estimates and determination of significant effects did change with the change in adjustment for nesting.


Our results show the importance of the adjustment for all levels of hierarchical nesting of sibs in the presence of repeated measures.

Exploring the elite al eles and germplasm acces-sions related to fiber quality traits wil accelerate the breeding of cotton for fiber quality improvement. In this study, 99 Gossypium hirsutum L. accessions with diverse origins were used to perform association analysis of fiber quality traits using 97 polymorphic microsatel ite marker primer pairs. A total of 107 significant marker-trait associations were detected for three fiber quality traits under three different environments, with 70 detected in two or three environments and 37 detected in only one environment. Among the 70 significant marker-trait associations, 52.86% were reported previously, implying that these are stable loci for target traits. Furthermore, we detected a large number of elite al eles associated simulta-neously with two or three traits. These elite al eles were mainly from accessions col ected in China, introduced to China from the United States, or rare al eles with a frequency of less than 5%. No one cultivar contained more than half of the elite al eles, but 10 accessions were col ected from China and the two introduced from the United States did contain more than half of these al eles. Therefore, there is great potential for mining elite al eles from germplasm accessions for use in fiber quality improvement in modern cotton breeding.  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being paid to environment characterisation as a means of identifying the environmental factors determining grain protein content (GPC) in durum wheat. New insights in crop physiology and agronomy have led to the development of crop simulation models. Those models can reconstruct plant development for past cropping seasons. One major advantage of these models is that they can also indicate the intensity of limiting factors affecting plants during particular developmental stages. The main environmental factors determining GPC in durum wheat can be investigated by introducing the intensity of limiting factors into genotype × environment (G×E) models. In our case, limiting factors corresponding to water deficit and nitrogen availability were calculated for the development period between booting and heading. These variables were then introduced into a clustering model. This model is an extension of factorial regression applied to discrete environment and genotypic variables. This procedure effectively described the environment main effect: around 30.9% of the sum of squares of the environment main effect was accounted for, using less than 33% of the degrees of freedom. It also partially accounted for G×E interaction. Our methodology, coupling the use of crop simulation and G×E analysis models, is of potential value for improving our understanding of the main development stages and identification of environmental limiting factors for the development of GPC.  相似文献   

This review is aimed atelucidating the mechanisms that regulate growthin cultured juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) by evaluating thesignificance of environmental factors(temperature, photoperiod) and the interactionsbetween them. In addition, we examine growthproperties in three populations of juvenilehalibut and turbot in order to elucidate anygeographical differences in growth and growthefficiency in these species. Both temperatureand photoperiod have a significant andpersistent effect on growth rate in bothspecies. Temperature tolerance, demonstrated bya wide temperature range supporting maximalgrowth, increased with size. Fish subjected tocontinuous light exhibited faster growth thanthose experiencing a natural photoperiod or aconstant short day. Moreover, when thephotoperiod increased naturally with day-lengthor when fish were abruptly switched from beingreared on short-day conditions to continuouslight, a subsequent increase in growth rate wasobserved. This growth enhancing effect ofextended photoperiods was more apparent in ashort time scale in Atlantic halibut than inturbot, but both species show significantlong-term effects of extended photoperiods.Enhanced growth in fish in continuous light waspartly explained by higher growth efficiency.In both species, there was a significantinteraction between temperature andphotoperiod, suggesting that thegrowth-enhancing effect of continuous light isrelatively stronger at lower temperatures.Growth rate in both species was alsosignificantly influenced by the interaction oftemperature and fish size, as the optimaltemperature for growth decreased rapidly withincreasing fish size. Differences in growth,food intake, food conversion efficiency,metabolism, ammonia excretion and RNA/DNAratios in white muscle were observed betweendifferent strains of halibut and turbot, withthe best growth properties being observed inthe northern populations. These findings onhalibut and turbot partly support the theory ofcountergradient variation in growth, suggestingthat populations from high latitudes havehigher growth capacity than populations fromlow latitudes.  相似文献   

 An F2 and two equivalent F3 populations of an indica-indica cross of rice, Tesanai 2/CB, were constructed and grown in different environments. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield components and plant height and an analysis of QTL×environment interaction were conducted for three trials. Interval mapping of QTL for eight traits was employed with a threshold of LOD=2 using the computer package MAPMAKER/QTL. A total of 44 QTL were detected in 18 intervals of nine chromosomes, including 3 for the number of panicles (NP), 5 for the number of filled grains (NFG), 6 for total number of spikelets (TNS), 3 for spikelet fertility (SF), 7 for 1000-grain weight (TGWT), 5 for grain weight per plant (GWT), 8 for plant height (PH) and 7 for panicle length (PL). The numbers of QTL detected in two or three trials were 1 for NP, 1 for NFG, 1 for TNS, none for SF, 4 for TGWT, 3 for GWT, 2 for PH and 5 for PL, making a total of 17. When a QTL was detected in more than one trial the direction and magnitude of its additive effect, the dominance effect and the degree of dominance were generally in good agreement. In all three trials, QTL were frequently detected for related traits in the same intervals. The directions of additive effect of QTL for related traits in a given interval were in agreement with few exceptions, no matter whether they were detected in the same trial or not. This result suggested that pleiotropism rather than close linkage of different QTL was the major reason why QTL for different traits were frequently detected in the same intervals. When gene pleiotropism was considered, 23 of the 29 QTL for yield and its components and 9 of the 15 QTL for plant stature were detected in more than one trial. This indicated that the detection of chromosomal segments harboring QTL was hardly affected by environmental factors. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 21 March 1997  相似文献   

Lycopersicon parviflorum is a sexually compatible, wild tomato species which has been largely unutilized in tomato breeding. The Advanced Backcross QTL (AB-QTL) strategy was used to explore this genome for QTLs affecting traits of agronomic importance in an interspecific cross between a tomato elite processing inbred, Lycopersicon esculentum E6203, and the wild species L. parviflorum (LA2133). A total of 170 BC2 plants were genotyped by means of 133 genetic markers (131 RFLPs; one PCR-based marker, I-2, and one morphological marker, u, uniform ripening). Approximately 170 BC3 families were grown in replicated field trials, in California, Spain and Israel, and were scored for 30 horticultural traits. Significant putative QTLs were identified for all traits, for a total of 199 QTLs, ranging from 1 to 19 QTLs detected for each trait. For 19 (70%) traits (excluding traits for which effects of either direction are not necessarily favourable or unfavourable) at least one QTL was identified for which the L. parviflorum allele was associated with an agronomically favourable effect, despite the overall inferior phenotype of the wild species. Received: 14 September 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of -glycerophosphatase activity in the outer integument of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ovules was determined histochemically at the electron microscope level. Both a linted cultivar and a lintless mutant line were examined from 1 day preanthesis to 3 days postanthesis. No enzyme activity was observed in the lintless line at any stage. In the linted cultivar there was no enzyme activity before anthesis, but as fibers were initiated on the day of anthesis, activity was observed in the expanding fiber cell wall and nucleus. As the fibers started elongating, enzyme activity was particularly concentrated in the cytoplasm and wall where directional growth towards the micropyle occurs. By 2 days postanthesis, -glycerophosphatase activity was decreasing in the cell wall and nucleus, but was increasing in the nucleolus. Enzyme activity in the nucleolus was highest at 3 days post-anthesis, but nuclear -glycerophosphatase activity was not observed then. These results indicate that -glycerophosphatase activity was associated with differentiating fiber cells, specifically with those sites where distinct anatomical, and perhaps catabolic, changes were occurring. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of cotton fiber differentiation.Abbreviations EM Electron microscopic - ER Endoplasmic reticulum - GP -Glycerophosphate - GPase -Glycerophosphatase - SEM Scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Wang C  Chen Y  Ku L  Wang T  Sun Z  Cheng F  Wu L 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14068


An understanding of the genetic determinism of photoperiod response of flowering is a prerequisite for the successful exchange of germplasm across different latitudes. In order to contribute to resolve the genetic basis of photoperiod sensitivity in maize, a set of 201 recombinant inbred lines (RIL), derived from a temperate and tropical inbred line cross were evaluated in 5 field trials spread in short- and long-day environments.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Firstly, QTL analyses for flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity in maize were conducted in individual photoperiod environments separately, and then, the total genetic effect was partitioned into additive effect (A) and additive-by-environment interaction effect (AE) by using a mixed-model-based composite interval mapping (MCIM) method.


Seven putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time based on the data estimated in individual environments. Nine putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time across environments and six of them showed significant QTL×enviroment (QE) interactions. Three QTL for photoperiod sensitivity were identified on chromosome 4, 9 and 10, which had the similar position to QTL for DPS thermal time in the two long-day environment. The major photoperiod sensitive loci qDPS10 responded to both short and long-day photoperiod environments and had opposite effects in different photoperiod environment. The QTL qDPS3, which had the greatest additive effect exclusively in the short-day environment, were photoperiod independent and should be classified in autonomous promotion pathway.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that maintain genetic variation in natural populations is one of the fundamental goals of evolutionary biology. There is growing evidence that genotype-by-environment interaction (G × E) can maintain additive genetic variance (V A), but we lack information on the relative performance of genotypes under the competitive situations encountered in the field. Competing genotypes may influence each other, and this interaction is also subject to selection through indirect genetic effects (IGE). Here, we explore how genotypes perform when interacting and evaluate IGE in order to understand its influence on V A for sexually-selected traits in the lesser waxmoth, Achroia grisella. We found that inter-genotype differences and crossover interactions under joint rearing are equal to or greater than values when reared separately. A focal genotype exhibited different performances when jointly reared with various genotypes—suggesting that IGE may be responsible for the increased levels of crossover and differences in performance observed. We suggest that some genotypes are superior competitors for food acquisition in the larval stage, and that these differences influence the development and evolution of other genotypes through IGE. We reaffirm the role of G × E in maintaining V A and note the general importance of IGE in studies of evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   

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