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The upside-down swimming catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) has unique behavior, i.e., it frequently shows a stable upside-down posture during swimming and resting. To examine whether the unique postural control in S. nigriventris results from the characteristics of the vestibular organ, we observed the morphological aspects of the otolith and the orientation of sensory hair cells in the utricle. Soft X-ray densitometry analysis showed that the transmittance of soft X-rays in the otolith of S. nigriventris was higher than that in a closely related species (Synodontis multipunctatus) belonging to Synodontis family, goldfish (Carassius auratus) or miniature catfish (Corydoras paleatus) which shows upside-up swimming. The higher transmittance of soft X-rays suggests that the density of the otolith in S. nigriventris is lower than that in S. multipunctatus, C. auratus or C. paleatus. It is possible that the low density of the otolith may have a relation to the control of the unique upside-down posture of S. nigriventris. The hair cells in S. nigriventris were present at the ventral to ventro-lateral site of the utricular epithelium, forming a single hair cell layer as in the other 3 species of fish. The orientation of the sensory hair cells does not appear to cause the unique postural control.  相似文献   

Little is known about mechanisms that regulate the development of the otoliths in the gravity-sensing organs. Several reported experiments suggest that the growth of the otoliths is adjusted to produce a test mass of the appropriate weight. If this is the case, larger than normal otoliths would be expected in animals reared in reduced gravity and a reduced mass, relative to 1-g controls, would be expected in animals reared at elevated g. In gastropod mollusks, the gravity-sensing organ is the statocyst, a spherical organ whose wall is made largely of sensory receptor cells with motile cilia facing the lumen. Dense statoconia in the cyst lumen interact with cilia of receptor cells at the bottom of the cyst and action potentials in their axons carry information on direction and magnitude of gravity and linear acceleration. In the marine mollusk, Aplysia californica, larvae reared at 2 to 5-g, the volume of statoconia was reduced in a graded manner, compared to 1-g control animals. In the statocyst of the fresh-water pond snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, reared in space in the Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (CEBAS), the number and total volume of statoconia was increased approximately 50%, relative to ground-reared controls. Lychakov found the utricular otolith to be 30% larger in space-reared Xenopus, whereas we found the saccular otolith to be significantly larger in newt larvae reared in space. In cichlid fish reared on a centrifuge, the saccular otolith was smaller than in 1-g controls. Here, we demonstrate that the otoliths of late-stage embryos of the swordtail fish, Xiphophorus helleri, reared in space on STS-89 and STS-90 (Neurolab) were significantly larger than those of ground-controls reared in functionally identical hardware.  相似文献   

The relationship between weight asymmetry and aggression when mixing groups of unacquainted pigs in two different environments was investigated. Ten groups of 4 female (LandracexYorkshire), unacquainted pigs with a weight asymmetry of 3.1+/-0.2 kg (mean weight: 16.6+/-0.6 kg) between each pig, and another 10 groups with a weight asymmetry of 1.2+/-0.1 kg (mean weight: 14.1+/-0.1 kg), were mixed at the age of 7 weeks. Ten of the groups (five of each) were mixed in an experimental pen with a heterogeneous distribution of straw. The pen consisted of two main compartments with straw in one of them, and a passage area with concrete floor in between. The other 10 groups were mixed in the same pen, but with a homogenous distribution of straw (straw spread all over the pen).The results showed that fighting duration was significantly shorter in groups with large weight asymmetry than in groups with small weight asymmetry irrespective of the environment. The number of bites delivered during the fights in the heterogeneous environment was lower in groups with large weight asymmetry than in groups with small weight asymmetry. In the homogenous environment, however, there was no significant difference between groups with large and small weight asymmetries regarding the number of bites. The combination of a limited straw area and a small weight asymmetry resulted in the greatest number of bites. In groups with large weight asymmetry, the largest pig won around 50% of the fights, and 25% of the variation in the percentage of fights won was explained by the weight asymmetry.In groups with small weight asymmetry, less than 10% of the variation in the percentage of fights won could be explained by weight asymmetry. The two largest pigs delivered significantly more bites and spent significantly more time fighting than the smallest pig. The second largest pig received significantly more bites and body lesions than the smallest pig in the groups. Fights between the two largest pigs had a significantly longer duration than when other pigs were involved. The results were discussed in relation to sequential assessment theory and resource defence theory.  相似文献   

本文采用pH不连续系统聚丙烯酰胺垂直平板电泳方法,对鲫鱼和红虎头金鱼的眼、肝脏、肾脏、肌肉、卵巢(或精巢)、脑和心脏等7种新鲜组织的酯酶(EST)同工酶进行了比较研究。其结果是:鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)和红虎头金鱼(Carassius auratus var.)不仅具有丰富的EST同工酶和组织特异性,而且在它们的各个相应组织之间也显示出差异。表明酯酶同工酶在金鱼种内是有差异的。这对于探讨金鱼种内各品种之间的亲缘关系将是一个很有用的手段。  相似文献   

We have been studying the consequences of embryonic vestibular dysfunction caused by the monolith (mnl) mutation in zebrafish. mnl is a dominant mutation that specifically inhibits formation of utricular otoliths. However, briefly immobilizing mnl/mnl embryos in agarose with the otic vesicle orientated at certain angles selectively induces or prevents formation of utricular and/or saccular otoliths. With this noninvasive technique, we generated six phenotypic classes of mnl/mnl mutants, designated S-S, U-U, U-S, S-US, U-US, and US-US, depending on which otoliths are present on each side (U, utricular otolith; S, saccular otolith). All mnl/mnl larvae survived through day 10 of development. Thereafter, S-S larvae showed a rapid decline, probably because of starvation, and none survived to adulthood. Survival rates in all other classes of mnl/mnl larvae (those having at least one utricular otolith) were close to normal. The presence or absence of utricular otoliths also correlated with vestibular function during early larval development, as measured by three criteria: First, unlike wild-type larvae, S-S mutant larvae showed almost no detectable counter-rotation of the eyes when tilted tail up or tail down. Second, 95% of S-S mutant larvae never acquired the ability to maintain a balanced dorsal-up posture. Third, although most wild-type larvae responded to gentle prodding by swimming in a straight line, S-S larvae responded by swimming in rapid circles, showing sudden and frequent changes in direction ("zigzagging"), and/or rolling and spiraling. All other phenotypic classes of mnl/mnl larvae behaved normally in these assays. These data demonstrate that bilateral loss of utricular otoliths disrupts the ability to sense gravity, severely impairs balance and motor coordination, and is invariably lethal. The presence of a utricular otolith in at least one inner ear is necessary and sufficient for vestibular function and survival. In contrast, saccular otoliths are dispensable for these functions.  相似文献   

龙种金鱼和蛋种金鱼线粒体DNA控制区的序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR技术扩增了红龙睛、墨龙睛、虎头和水泡眼4种金鱼线粒体DNA控制区部分核苷酸序列,长度分别为724、724、720、722bp.测序结果显示,龙种金鱼红龙睛、墨龙睛的线粒体DNA控制区的序列完全相同,同源性为100%;蛋种金鱼虎头、水泡眼的序列相差4个碱基,同源性为99.4%.研究表明,这4个金鱼品种之间的同源性都很高,而同品系金鱼的亲缘关系相对较近.引用Genbank中鲫鱼的序列,构建了金鱼和鲫鱼的NJ分子系统树,从分子水平证实了金鱼起源于鲫鱼.  相似文献   

A dimensionless measure of otolith mass asymmetry, χ, was calculated as the difference between the masses of the right and left paired otoliths divided by average otolith mass. Saccular otolith mass asymmetry was studied in eight flatfish species (110 otolith pairs) and compared with data from a previously published study on roundfishes. As in the case of symmetrical fishes, the absolute value of χin flatfishes does not depend on fish length and otolith growth rate, although otolith mass and the absolute value of otolith mass difference are correlated with fish length. The values of χwere between ?0·2 and +0·2 in 96·4% of flatfishes studied. The mean ±s .e . value of χin flatfishes was significantly larger than in standard bilaterally symmetrical marine fishes (‘roundfishes’), respectively 0·070 ± 0·006 and 0·040 ± 0·006. The most prominent distinction is the existence of downside prevalence of saccular otolith mass in flatfishes, which contrasts with no right–left prevalence in roundfishes found in a previous study. In the right‐eyed flatfishes (Soleidae), the left saccular otoliths are heavier than the right otoliths. In the left‐eyed flatfishes (Bothidae and Citharidae), the right saccular otoliths are heavier than the left otoliths. Not all flatfishes, however, fit in this design: 11·8% of flatfishes studied had the heavier saccular otoliths in the upside labyrinth and 5·4% of flatfishes had no otolith mass asymmetry (within the accuracy of the analysis). At the same time, the more mobile flatfishes (bothids and citharids) have more symmetrical and, hence, more precisely organized saccular otolith organs than the bottom‐associated flatfishes (soleids). It is possible to assume that the value of the otolith asymmetry is not only correlated with flatfish placement in a particular family, or position of eyes, but also may correlate with general aspects of their ecology. Mathematical modelling indicated that for most flatfishes one‐side saccular prevalence had no substantial significance for sound processing. On the other hand, calculations showed that 49% of flatfishes (but only 14·5% of roundfishes) have |χ| which exceed the critical level and, in principle, could sense the difference between the static displacement of the large and small paired otoliths. At that, the number of the soleids that could sense this difference is greater than the number of the bothids and citharids, 84 and 27%, respectively.  相似文献   

异源精子在银鲫雌核发育子代中的生物学效应   总被引:59,自引:7,他引:52  
黑龙江省方正县双凤水库的两性型银鲫群体是三倍体雌核发育种群。异源精子不仅能刺激银鲫卵雌核发育,而且还能影响雌核发育子代的某些性状,如对于子代的生长、性比、体色和肝脏LDH同工酶等都产生了影响。为区别于原有术语“雌核发育gynogenesis”,我们把这种表现了异源精子生物学效应的雌核发育称之为“异精雌核发育allogynogenesis”,发育的子代称之为“异育银鲫”。异育银鲫已以其明显的生长优势在生产上显示了优良的经济性状。    相似文献   

对鲤稚鱼开展了不同浸泡浓度和不同标记时间梯度的SrCl2·6H2O暴露标记试验,以确认其耳石Sr标记的可行性及基本条件.首先,基于4个浓度(0、4、8、12 mg·L-1)水平的SrCl2·6H2O溶液,浸泡标记2 d来筛选基本浸泡标记浓度.然后,在SrCl2·6H2O为8 mg·L-1浓度下,基于5个浸泡时间(1、2、3、4、5 d)来筛选基本浸泡标记时间.电子探针分布分析结果显示:对照组(0 mg·L-1)耳石Sr/Ca比值低且稳定,标记组均出现了高Sr/Ca比值区.对照组耳石剖面为均一的低Sr蓝色图谱,而标记组耳石上均有高Sr红色标记环带,且标记成功率为100%.试验期间,标记组和对照组的死亡率、平均全长和平均体质量无显著差异,表明Sr标记对供试鱼无不良影响.由于耳石上清晰、完整的高Sr红色标记环带出现在标记浓度为8 mg·L-1及以上,标记时间为2 d及以上,故建议分别选择8 mg·L-1和2 d为基本浸泡标记浓度和基本浸泡标记时间.本研究证实耳石Sr标记技术对鲤稚鱼具有很好的可行性.  相似文献   

金鱼总色素及色素组分的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用色谱和光谱两种方法对金鱼总色素和色素组分进行了研究。研究结果表明,红鲫、草金鱼和红龙睛等红色金鱼总色素光谱在可见光区(472nm附近)有一个吸收峰,黑鲫和黑龙睛等黑色金鱼在可见光区(450nm和472nm附近)有两个吸收峰出现,且红色金鱼所含色素组分以红色(虾青素)为主,黑色金鱼所含色素组分以杏黄色和橙色为主,其他色素组分为辅。金鱼黑色色斑形成是由于黑色素存在时,其他各色素组分的颜色被掩盖的结果;金鱼其他各种色斑的形成则是由于其体内各色素组分以不同比例相互搭配组合的结果。亲缘关系越近的金鱼其总色素组成就越相似,红鲫和黑鲫均含有四种近乎相同的色素组分,红龙睛和黑龙睛均含有六种近乎相同的色素组分,草金鱼虽也含有四种与红鲫和黑鲫相近的色素组分,但Rf值略有差异。据此推测,红鲫和黑鲫、红龙睛和黑龙睛可能分别具有较近的亲缘关系,而草金鱼则可能是介于黑鲫和龙睛鱼之间,且与黑鲫具有较近的亲缘关系。该研究有望为金鱼增色饵料的研制与开发提供理论依据,使金鱼的观赏价值和经济价值得到进一步提高。  相似文献   

不同品种金鱼和鲫鱼的分子系统发育关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨不同品种金鱼的系统进化关系,利用PCR技术扩增了金鱼的7个代表品种红龙睛(Red dragongoldfish)、红帽子(Red cap goldfish)、虎头(Tiger head goldfish)、琉金(Gold plating goldfish)、墨龙睛(Black dragongoldfish)、水泡眼(Water vesicle goldfish)、珍珠(Genuine pearl goldfish)的线粒体DNA上细胞色素b的部分核苷酸序列,长度为597 bp.结合GenBank中红鲫、野鲫、日本白鲫、银鲫、鲤鱼的序列进行比较分析,结果显示,这7个金鱼品种之间的同源性都很高,在99.5%~100%之间;7种金鱼和红鲫的同源性也很高,为99.5%~99.8%,与野鲫的同源性在96.8%~97.2%,与日本白鲫、银鲫的同源性为93.1%~94.3%,与鲤鱼的同源性相对较低,为88.3%~88.6%.利用DNAstar软件构建了不同品种金鱼和鲫鱼的分子系统树,从分子水平进一步证实了金鱼起源于野鲫.  相似文献   

The secretion of gonadotropins (GtH) in goldfish and carp, is stimulated by GtH-releasing hormone (GnRH) and is inhibited by dopamine. Studies with antidopaminergics have demonstrated to be effective in order to stimulate the spermiation and the ovulation in different species of teleosts. The reserpine, a drug that deplets the dopamine, has shown to stimulate the spermiation in the common carp. We report here, the effects of reserpine on the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of the common carp. Eight injections of reserpine alone, at doses of 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 mg/ml/kg of body weight and at intervals of 48 hours, caused an increase in the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells. The dose 0.5 mg/ml/kg, presented an increase in the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of 382% and 123%, respectively, above the control group. The dose 1.0 mg/ml/kg, showed an enhanced number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of 704% and 152%, respectively. With the dose 1.5 mg/ml/kg increase in number (171%) and volume (106%) of gonadotrophic cells was lower. The gonads of the experimental groups had an abundance of advanced states of spermatogenesis. Our results show that eight intraperitoneal injections of reserpine were responsible for an increase in gonadodrophic cell, number and volume.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类微囊藻毒素去毒酶基因的克隆   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
微囊藻毒素去毒酶在鱼类微囊藻毒素去毒过程中起着关键作用,研究成功克隆鲢鱼、鳙鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、鳜鱼、罗非鱼等淡水鱼类微囊藻毒素去毒酶基因cDNA核心片段而首次获得这些淡水鱼类微囊藻毒素去毒酶氨基酸序列。鲢鱼、鳙鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、鳜鱼、罗非鱼微囊藻毒素去毒酶基因与人、小鼠、大鼠、牛、猪、羊的谷胱甘肽S-转移酶基因氨基酸同源性为60%左右,表明淡水鱼类微囊藻毒素去毒酶基因在进化上变异性较大,与其承担微囊藻毒素去毒代谢之特殊功能相适应。  相似文献   

The age, growth and cohort composition of young-of-the-year (0+) carp, Cyprinus carpio from the River Murray in South Australia were investigated. Daily otolith microincrement formation was validated for the first 5 weeks of life in tetracycline-marked, laboratory-reared fish. Estimation of hatching dates from otolith microincrement counts corroborated the validation method and revealed two major peaks of spawning activity in October and in November. Two main cohorts of carp were distinguished, each consisting of several subcohorts showing variable growth rates. A simple linear regression and a logistic curve best described growth in length and weight, respectively, of wild larvae and juveniles. Two breakpoints, at 16·8 and 26·9 mm Ls , were identified in the length—weight relationship, depending on the procedure followed in fitting a piecewise regression model to the log-transformed variables. The insertion of an additional step of development in the larva period of the early ontogeny of carp is proposed.  相似文献   

To test whether the effects of temperature on the metabolic mode changed among different fish species, we investigated the specific dynamic action (SDA) and swimming performance of fasting and fed fish at 15 and 25°C in three juvenile Cyprinidae fish species: goldfish (Carassius auratus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis). Both taxon and temperature had significant effects on the resting oxygen consumption rate (M˙O(rest)), SDA and swimming performance (p<0.05). In addition, the effect of temperature differed significantly among the different species (interaction effect, p<0.05). Under the low temperature condition, digestion had no effect on either critical swimming speed (U(crit)) or the active MO(2) (MO(active)) for all fish species (additive metabolic mode). When the temperature was increased from 15 to 25°C, the metabolic scope (MS) for digestion increased approximately 182, 49 and 17%, and the MS for locomotion increased approximately 129, 58 and 138% in goldfish, common carp and qingbo, respectively. The total metabolic demands for both digestion and locomotion (i.e., the sum of digestive MS and locomotive MS) increased approximately 143, 56 and 112% in goldfish, common carp and qingbo, respectively. The total MS for both digestion and locomotion (the difference between MO(active) in fed fish and MO(rest) in fasting fish) increased approximately 106, 58 and 78% in goldfish, common carp and qingbo, respectively. Thus, the MS for locomotion in fed goldfish decreased due to the large increase in digestive function at the high temperature, and the U(crit) of fed goldfish decreased by 11% compared to that of fasting fish (p<0.05) (digestion-priory metabolic mode). The metabolic mode of qingbo changed to locomotion-priority mode, as illustrated by the large increase in locomotive MS in response to the increase in temperature. In the common carp, temperature had no effect on metabolic mode as illustrated by the parallel increases in cardio-respiratory capacity and metabolic capacity of digestive and locomotive organs. A discussion on the changes in metabolic mode in response to temperature and its possible relationship with the metabolic characteristics of a given fish species was also documented in this paper.  相似文献   

Juvenile swordtail fish and larval cichlids were subjected to parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) and individually observed. After the PAFs, inner ear otoliths and sensory epithelia were examined on the light microscopical level. Otolith asymmetry (differences in otolith size between the left and the right side) was especially pronounced in those fish, who exhibited a kinetotic behaviour (e.g., spinning movements) during microgravity. This speaks in favour of a theoretical concept according to which susceptibility to space motion sickness in humans may be based on asymmetric inner ear stones. The cell density of sensory epithelia was lower in kinetotic animals as compared to normally swimming fish. Thus, asymmetric otoliths can cause kinetosis in fish during PAFs, but susceptibility to kinetosis may also be based on an aberrative inner ear morphology.  相似文献   

This study investigated and compared asymmetry in sagittal otolith shape and length between left and right inner ears in four roundfish and four flatfish species of commercial interest. For each species, the effects of ontogenetic changes (individual age and total body length), sexual dimorphism (individual sex) and the otolith's location on the right or left side of the head, on the shape and length of paired otoliths (between 143 and 702 pairs according to species) were evaluated. Ontogenetic changes in otolith shape and length were observed for all species. Sexual dimorphism, either in otolith shape and length or in their ontogenetic changes, was detected for half of the species, be they round or flat. Significant directional asymmetry in otolith shape and length was detected in one roundfish species each, but its inconsistency across species and its small average amplitude (6·17% for shape and 1·99% for length) suggested that it has barely any biological relevance. Significant directional asymmetry in otolith shape and length was found for all flatfish species except otolith length for one species. Its average amplitude varied between 2·06 and 17·50% for shape and between 0·00 and 11·83% for length and increased significantly throughout ontogeny for two species, one dextral and one sinistral. The longer (length) and rounder otolith (shape) appeared to be always on the blind side whatever the species. These results suggest differential biomineralization between the blind and ocular inner ears in flatfish species that could result from perturbations of the proximal‐distal gradient of otolith precursors in the endolymph and the otolith position relative to the geometry of the saccular epithelium due to body morphology asymmetry and lateralized behaviour. The fact that asymmetry never exceeded 18% even at the individual level suggests an evolutionary canalization of otolith shape symmetry to avoid negative effects on fish hearing and balance. Technically, asymmetry should be accounted for in future studies based on otolith shape.  相似文献   

1. Releases of non‐native fish into the wild is an increasing problem posing considerable ecological and genetic threats through direct competition and hybridisation. 2. We employed six microsatellite markers to identify first generation hybrids and backcrosses between native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and introduced goldfish (C. auratus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the U.K. We also investigated the genetic characteristics of the taxonomically controversial gibel carp (Carassius spp.) from sites across Europe. 3. Natural hybridisation between goldfish and crucian carp occurs frequently, although hybrids between all other species pairs were observed. Only 62% of British crucian carp populations (n = 21) consisted exclusively of pure crucian carp. In some populations hybrids were so frequent, that no pure crucian carp were caught, indicating a high competitive ability of hybrids. 4. Most hybrids belonged to the F1 generation but backcrossing was evident at a low frequency in goldfish × crucian carp hybrids and goldfish × common carp hybrids. Furthermore, some local populations had high frequencies of backcrosses, raising the opportunity for introgression. 5. Gibel carp from Germany and Italy belonged to two triploid clonal lineages that were genetically closely related to goldfish, whereas all individuals identified from British populations proved to be crucian carp × goldfish hybrids. 6. Our study suggests that the release of closely related exotic cyprinids not only poses a threat to the genetic integrity and associated local adaptations of native species, but may also contribute to shifts in community structure through competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Researchers examined early otolith development in microgravity using fertilized eggs of the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster in space flight. Ground experiments examined statocyst, embryonic statolith volume, and statoconia in the post-metamorphic marine mollusk Aplysia californica reared at 1-g and 2-5.7-g. Results indicate that exposure to hypergravity decreased the otolith mass to compensate for increased weight in Aplysia. In the Cynops, there was no compensatory difference in otolith mass, though otoconia production in the endolymphatic system was enhanced.  相似文献   

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