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Using a quantitative genetic model, this paper compares four different methods for estimating genetic variance components. Given various genetic parameters, data were generated and estimates computed. The number of negative estimates, the sample mean, the sample variance, and the sample mean squared error were computed for each method. It is shown that, if the genetic values are not very small, the traditional MATHER -JINKS method is at least as good as any other method. The ML method might be preferable only if the genetic values are very small and the number of loci large.  相似文献   

多QTL定位的压缩估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章元明 《遗传学报》2006,33(10):861-869
本文综述了多标记分析和多QTL定位的压缩估计方法。对于前者,Xu(Genetics,2003,163:789—801)首先提出了Bayesian压缩估计方法。其关键在于让每个效应有一个特定的方差参数,而该方差又服从一定的先验分布,以致能从资料中估计之。由此,能够同时估计大量分子标记基因座的遗传效应,即使大多数标记的效应是可忽略的。然而,对于上位性遗传模型,其运算时间还是过长。为此,笔者将上述思想嵌入极大似然法,提出了惩罚最大似然方法。模拟研究显示:该方法能处理变量个数大于样本容量10倍左右的线性遗传模型。对于后者,本文详细介绍了基于固定区间和可变区间的Bayesian压缩估计方法。固定区间方法可处理中等密度的分子标记资料;可变区间方法则可分析高密度分子标记资料,甚至是上位性遗传模型。对于上位性检测,已介绍的惩罚最大似然方法和可变区间Bayesian压缩估计方法可供利用。应当指出,压缩估计方法在今后的eQTL和QTN定位以及基因互作网络分析等研究中也是有应用价值的。  相似文献   

In this article, shrinkage estimation method for multiple-marker analysis and for mapping multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) was reviewed. For multiple-marker analysis, Xu (Genetics, 2003, 163:789-801) developed a Bayesian shrinkage estimation (BSE) method. The key to the success of this method is to allow each marker effect have its own variance parameter, which in turn has its own prior distribution so that the variance can be estimated from the data. Under this hierarchical model, a large number of markers can be handled although most of them may have negligible effects. Under epistatic genetic model, however, the running time is very long. To overcome this problem, a novel method of incorporating the idea described above into maximum likelihood, known as penalized likelihood method, was proposed. A simulated study showed that this method can handle a model with multiple effects, which are ten times larger than the sample size. For multiple QTL analysis, two modified versions for the BSE method were introduced: one is the fixed-interval method and another is the variable-interval method. The former deals with markers with intermediate density, and the latter can handle markers with extremely high density as well as model with epistatic effects. For the detection of epistatic effects, penalized likelihood method and the variable-interval approach of the BSE method are available.  相似文献   

Owing to recent advances in DNA sequencing, it is now technically feasible to evaluate the contribution of rare variation to complex traits and diseases. However, it is still cost prohibitive to sequence the whole genome (or exome) of all individuals in each study. For quantitative traits, one strategy to reduce cost is to sequence individuals in the tails of the trait distribution. However, the next challenge becomes how to prioritize traits and individuals for sequencing since individuals are often characterized for dozens of medically relevant traits. In this article, we describe a new method, the Rare Variant Kinship Test (RVKT), which leverages relationship information in family-based studies to identify quantitative traits that are likely influenced by rare variants. Conditional on nuclear families and extended pedigrees, we evaluate the power of the RVKT via simulation. Not unexpectedly, the power of our method depends strongly on effect size, and to a lesser extent, on the frequency of the rare variant and the number and type of relationships in the sample. As an illustration, we also apply our method to data from two genetic studies in the Old Order Amish, a founder population with extensive genealogical records. Remarkably, we implicate the presence of a rare variant that lowers fasting triglyceride levels in the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention (HAPI) Heart study (p = 0.044), consistent with the presence of a previously identified null mutation in the APOC3 gene that lowers fasting triglyceride levels in HAPI Heart study participants.  相似文献   



While the importance of record linkage is widely recognised, few studies have attempted to quantify how linkage errors may have impacted on their own findings and outcomes. Even where authors of linkage studies have attempted to estimate sensitivity and specificity based on subjects with known status, the effects of false negatives and positives on event rates and estimates of effect are not often described.


We present quantification of the effect of sensitivity and specificity of the linkage process on event rates and incidence, as well as the resultant effect on relative risks. Formulae to estimate the true number of events and estimated relative risk adjusted for given linkage sensitivity and specificity are then derived and applied to data from a prisoner mortality study. The implications of false positive and false negative matches are also discussed.


Comparisons of the effect of sensitivity and specificity on incidence and relative risks indicate that it is more important for linkages to be highly specific than sensitive, particularly if true incidence rates are low. We would recommend that, where possible, some quantitative estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of the linkage process be performed, allowing the effect of these quantities on observed results to be assessed.  相似文献   

Inositol phosphates (IPs) regulate vital processes in eukaryotes, and their production downstream of phospholipase C activation is controlled through a network of evolutionarily conserved kinases and phosphatases. Inositol phosphate multikinase (IPMK, also called Ipk2 and Arg82) accounts for phosphorylation of IP3 to IP5, as well as production of several other IP molecules. Here, we report the structure of Arabidopsis thaliana IPMKα at 2.9 Å and find it is similar to the yeast homolog Ipk2, despite 17% sequence identity, as well as the active site architecture of human IP3 3-kinase. Structural comparison and substrate modeling were used to identify a putative basis for IPMK selectivity. To test this model, we re-engineered binding site residues predicted to have restricted substrate specificity. Using steady-state kinetics and in vivo metabolic labeling studies in modified yeast strains, we observed that K117W and K117W:K121W mutants exhibited nearly normal 6-kinase function but harbored significantly reduced 3-kinase activity. These mutants complemented conditional nutritional growth defects observed in ipmk null yeast and, remarkably, suppressed lethality observed in ipmk null flies. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that IPMK 6-kinase activity and production of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 are critical for cellular signaling. Overall, our studies provide new insights into the structure and function of IPMK and utilize a synthetic biological approach to redesign inositol phosphate signaling pathways.  相似文献   


The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate quantitative studies of companion animals and human loneliness. Five electronic databases (PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, Psychlnfo) were searched for articles on companion animals (including animal-assisted therapies [AAT]) and human loneliness. Searches were not limited to a particular language or timeframe. Three randomized controlled studies (RCTs), one controlled study, one prospective cohort study, two longitudinal, and 14 cross-sectional studies satisfied all inclusion criteria and were each evaluated independently by both authors according to standardized criteria, with disagreements resolved by discussion. All except one study was underpowered. The methodological quality of the three RCTs was low, as measured on the Jadad scale. Eleven studies reported positive findings, of which five related to service dogs. While none of the positive studies provided convincing evidence that companion animals help to alleviate loneliness, there was promising evidence that AAT may do this (although effects may be due to aspects of the therapy rather than the animal). As further cross-sectional studies are unlikely to improve understanding of the role of companion animals on human loneliness, we suggest that there is a need for rigorous and adequately powered RCTs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent in vivo microdialysis studies have demonstrated the presence of extracellular levels of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] that can be increased in a concentration-dependent manner by muscarinic receptor activation. The aim of the present study was to determine whether extracellular levels of Ins(1,4,5)P3 could be measured in vitro. Despite rapid increases in internal Ins(1,4,5)P3 levels after stimulation with 1 m M carbachol, there was no change in external levels in both rat brain cortical slices and human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Suprafusion of myo -[3H]inositol-prelabelled hippocampal slices with 1 m M carbachol caused an increase in 3H-inositol phosphates over basal levels in the perfusate after 10 min, reaching a peak (223 ± 56% of basal) 20 min after suprafusion with carbachol was started. This response to carbachol was potentiated in the presence of 30 m M K+. Analysis of the individual 3H-inositol phosphates in the perfusate revealed that levels of [3H]inositol monophosphate, [3H]inositol bisphosphate, [3H]inositol trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol tetrakisphosphate were all significantly increased. A similar increase in extracellular 3H-inositol phosphates was demonstrated in SH-SY5Y cells incubated with 1 m M carbachol for 30 min. This response was again enhanced by 30 m M K+, although the intracellular response was not potentiated. Possible roles for extracellular inositol phosphates are discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of hands in the transmission of soil transmitted helminths, especially Ascaris and Trichuris infections, is under-researched. This is partly because of the absence of a reliable method to quantify the number of eggs on hands. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a method to assess the number of Ascaris eggs on hands and determine the egg recovery rate of the method. Under laboratory conditions, hands were seeded with a known number of Ascaris eggs, air dried and washed in a plastic bag retaining the washing water, in order to determine recovery rates of eggs for four different detergents (cationic [benzethonium chloride 0.1% and cetylpyridinium chloride CPC 0.1%], anionic [7X 1% - quadrafos, glycol ether, and dioctyl sulfoccinate sodium salt] and non-ionic [Tween80 0.1% -polyethylene glycol sorbitan monooleate]) and two egg detection methods (McMaster technique and FLOTAC). A modified concentration McMaster technique showed the highest egg recovery rate from bags. Two of the four diluted detergents (benzethonium chloride 0.1% and 7X 1%) also showed a higher egg recovery rate and were then compared with de-ionized water for recovery of helminth eggs from hands. The highest recovery rate (95.6%) was achieved with a hand rinse performed with 7X 1%. Washing hands with de-ionized water resulted in an egg recovery rate of 82.7%. This washing method performed with a low concentration of detergent offers potential for quantitative investigation of contamination of hands with Ascaris eggs and of their role in human infection. Follow-up studies are needed that validate the hand washing method under field conditions, e.g. including people of different age, lower levels of contamination and various levels of hand cleanliness.  相似文献   

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