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Ascaris suum antigen effects on mean airflow resistance (RL) and bronchial arterial blood flow (Qbr) were studied in allergic anesthetized sheep with documented airway responses. Qbr was measured with electromagnetic flow probes, and supplemental O2 prevented antigen-induced hypoxemia. Aerosol challenge with this specific antigen increased RL and Qbr significantly. Cromolyn sodium aerosol pretreatment prevented antigen-induced increases in RL but not in Qbr. Intravenous cromolyn, however, prevented increases in Qbr and RL, suggesting a role for mast cell degranulation in both bronchomotor and bronchovascular responses to antigen. Antigen-induced increases in Qbr were not solely attributable to histamine release. Indomethacin pretreatment attenuated the antigen-induced increase in Qbr, thus suggesting that vasodilator cyclooxygenase products contribute to the vascular response. Antigen challenge significantly decreased Qbr after indomethacin and metiamide pretreatment, which suggests that vasoconstrictor substances released after antigen exposure also modulate Qbr; however, released vasodilators overshadow vasoconstrictor effects. Thus antigen challenge affects Qbr by locally releasing histamine and vasodilator prostaglandins as well as vasoconstrictor substances. These effects were independent of antigen-induced changes in systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that nasal challenges can induce reflex responses in the respiratory system. Some authors have described bronchoconstriction and modification of the pattern of breathing following nasal challenges by irritants and cold air. We propose to determine the effect of nasal stimulation with cold dry air on airway mucosal blood flow (Qaw) in the proximal tracheal bronchial tree of healthy humans. Nine healthy subjects participated in the study. Baseline measurement Qaw, nasal airway resistance (NAR) and airway caliber by specific airways conductance (SGaw) were followed by nasal challenge with cold dry air. Qaw, NAR and Sgaw were determined after the challenge. In those subjects in which a significant decline in Qaw was recorded the protocol was repeated after pretreatment with nasal anesthesia using topical lidocaine. Cold dry air challenge produced a significant decrease in mean Qaw for the nine subjects and this response was abolished by pretreatment with nasal anesthesia using topical lidocaine. There was no significant change in Sgaw and NAR after the challenge and topical lidocaine anesthesia. Our data indicates that nasal stimulation with cold dry air leads to a reduction in Qaw and that this effect may be mediated by a nasal reflex.  相似文献   

In the absence of peripheral chemoreceptors, the effects of graded hypoxemia on the carotid sinus control of central and regional hemodynamics were studied in anesthetized mongrel dogs. Baroreceptor stimulation was effected by carotid sinus isolation and perfusion under controlled pressure. Blood flows were measured in the aorta and the celiac, mesenteric, left renal, and right iliac arteries. Carotid sinus reflex set-point pressures were well maintained until hypoxemia was severe. Carotid sinus reflex set-point gain was maximal during mild hypoxemia. Reflex operating point regional flows were unaffected by hypoxemia. A factorial analysis of overall reflex increases in mean aortic pressure, flow, and power during reduced baroreceptor stimulation showed potentiation by increasing hypoxemia. Corresponding effects of baroreceptor stimulation and hypoxemia on aortic resistance and heart rate were additive. Celiac, renal, and iliac blood flows increased during both hypoxemia and reduced baroreceptor stimulation. Only in the celiac bed were blood flow changes independent of concomitant changes in cardiac output. Thus, at maximum sympathetic stimulation (low carotid sinus pressure) during hypoxemia, the cardiovascular system maintained both central and regional blood flows at high systemic blood pressures independent of the peripheral chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

Salivary nitrate from dietary or endogenous sources is reduced to nitrite by oral bacteria. In the acidic stomach, nitrite is further reduced to bioactive nitrogen oxides, including nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the gastroprotective role of nitrate intake and of luminally applied nitrite against provocation with diclofenac and taurocholate. Mucosal permeability ((51)Cr-EDTA clearance) and gastric mucosal blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry) were measured in anesthetized rats, either pretreated with nitrate in the drinking water or given acidified nitrite luminally. Diclofenac was given intravenously and taurocholate luminally to challenge the gastric mucosa. Luminal NO content and nitrite content in the gastric mucus were determined by chemiluminescence. The effect of luminal administration of acidified nitrite on the mucosal blood flow was also investigated in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice. Rats pretreated with nitrate or given nitrite luminally had higher gastric mucosal blood flow than controls. Permeability increased more during the provocation in the controls than in the nitrate- and nitrite-treated animals. Dietary nitrate increased luminal NO levels 50 times compared with controls. Nitrate intake also resulted in nitrite accumulation in the loosely adherent mucous layer; after removal of this mucous layer, blood flow was reduced. Nitrite administrated luminally in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice increased mucosal blood flow. We conclude that dietary nitrate and direct luminal application of acidified nitrite decrease diclofenac- and taurocholate-induced mucosal damage. The gastroprotective effect likely involves a higher mucosal blood flow caused by nonenzymatic NO production. These data suggest an important physiological role of nitrate in the diet.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial blood flow increases two- to fivefold in response to isocapnic hyperventilation with warm dry or cold dry air in anesthetized, tracheostomized dogs. To determine whether this response is governed by central nervous system thermoregulatory control or is a local response to the drying and/or cooling of the airway mucosa, we studied eight anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs in a thermally controlled chamber designed so that inspired air temperature, humidity, and body temperature could be separately regulated. Four dogs breathed through the nose and mouth (group 1), and four breathed through a short tracheostomy tube (group 2). Dogs were studied under the following conditions: 1) a normothermic control period and 2) two periods of hyperthermia in which the dogs panted with either warm 100% humidified air or warm dry (approximately 10% humidified) air. Radiolabeled microspheres (15 +/- 3 micron diam) were injected into the left ventricle as a marker of nasal, lingual, and tracheobronchial blood flow. After the final measurements, the dogs were killed and tissues of interest excised. Results showed that lingual and nasal blood flow (ml.min-1.g-1) increased during panting (P less than 0.01) in both groups and were not affected by the inspired air conditions. In group 1, tracheal mucosal blood flow barely doubled (P less than 0.01) and bronchial blood flow did not change during humid and dry air panting. In group 2, there was a sevenfold increase in tracheal mucosal and about a threefold increase in bronchial blood flow (P less than 0.01), which was only observed during dry air panting.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Activation of skeletal muscle fibers by somatic nerves results in vasodilation and functional hyperemia. Sympathetic nerve activity is integral to vasoconstriction and the maintenance of arterial blood pressure. Thus the interaction between somatic and sympathetic neuroeffector pathways underlies blood flow control to skeletal muscle during exercise. Muscle blood flow increases in proportion to the intensity of activity despite concomitant increases in sympathetic neural discharge to the active muscles, indicating a reduced responsiveness to sympathetic activation. However, increased sympathetic nerve activity can restrict blood flow to active muscles to maintain arterial blood pressure. In this brief review, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of the neural control of the circulation in exercising muscle by focusing on two main topics: 1) the role of motor unit recruitment and muscle fiber activation in generating vasodilator signals and 2) the nature of interaction between sympathetic vasoconstriction and functional vasodilation that occurs throughout the resistance network. Understanding how these control systems interact to govern muscle blood flow during exercise leads to a clear set of specific aims for future research.  相似文献   

Effect of flow on O2 consumption during progressive hypoxemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rabbit hindlimb preparations perfused with blood from donor rabbits were used to determine whether O2 consumption (VO2) during hypoxemia is limited by total O2 transport (TO2) or by capillary O2 driving pressure, as reflected by the venous PO2 (PVO2). The preparations were randomized into two groups: low flow (LF) and high flow (HF), perfused at 18 and 32 ml.min-1.kg of preparation wt-1, respectively. After a 1-h base-line period with arterial PO2 (PaO2) greater than 100 Torr, both groups were exposed to progressive decrements in PaO2 to less than 10 Torr. Sequential sets of arterial and venous blood gases were obtained, and VO2, TO2, and O2 extraction ratio (ERO2) were calculated. A plot of PVO2 vs. TO2 showed higher levels of PVO2 (P less than 0.05) in LF than HF, when compared at similar levels of TO2. Therefore the experimental protocol allowed the comparison of the separate effects of TO2 or PVO2 on VO2. Plotting VO2 as a function of TO2 revealed two distinct curves (P less than 0.05), with LF having a greater VO2 than HF at a given TO2. Conversely, a plot of VO2 as a function of PVO2 did not show a difference between the groups. The ERO2 of LF was greater than HF when compared at similar levels of TO2 (P less than 0.05). We conclude from these data that during progressive hypoxemia VO2 appears to be primarily limited by factors that determine capillary O2 diffusion. This conclusion supports the Kroghian theory of capillary O2 exchange.  相似文献   

The stomach is in a state of continuous exposure to potentially hazardous agents. Hydrochloric acid together with pepsin constitutes a major and serious threat to the gastric mucosa. Reflux of alkaline duodenal contents containing bile and pancreatic enzymes are additional important injurious factors of endogenous origin. Alcohol, cigarette smoking, drugs and particularly aspirin and aspirin-like drugs, and steroids are among exogenous mucosal irritants that can inflict mucosal injury. The ability of the stomach to defend itself against these noxious agents has been ascribed to a number of factors constituting the gastric mucosal defense. These include mucus and bicarbonate secreted by surface epithelial cells, prostaglandins, sulfhydryl compounds and gastric mucosal blood flow. The latter is considered by several researchers to be of paramount importance in maintaining gastric mucosal integrity. The aim of this paper is to review the experimental and clinical data dealing with the role of mucosal blood flow and in particular the microcirculation in both damage and protection of the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

In lightly anesthetized adult sheep, we determined tracheal mucosal blood flow (Qtr) by measuring the steady-state uptake of dimethyl ether from a tracheal chamber created by an endotracheal tube provided with two cuffs. Qtr normalized for carotid arterial pressure [Qtr(n)] was determined before and after the exposure of the tracheal mucosa to aerosolized phenylephrine (0.25-2.0 mg), isoproterenol (0.05-0.8 mg), and methacholine (2.5-20 mg). The same doses of methacholine were also administered during the intravenous infusion of vasopressin. The measurements were repeated after intravenous pretreatment with the respective antagonists phentolamine, propranolol, and atropine. Mean +/- SE base-line Qtr(n) was 1.2 +/- 0.1 ml.min-1.mmHg-1.10(2). The autonomic antagonists had no effect on mean Qtr(n). Phenylephrine produced a dose-dependent decrease in mean Qtr(n) (-70% at the highest dose), which was blunted by phentolamine, and isoproterenol produced a dose-dependent increase in mean Qtr(n) (40% at the highest dose), which was blocked by propranolol. Methacholine failed to alter mean Qtr(n) even when Qtr was first decreased by vasopressin. We conclude that in lightly anesthetized adult sheep 1) base-line Qtr(n) is not under adrenergic or cholinergic control, 2) a locally administered alpha-adrenergic agonist decreases and beta-adrenergic agonist increases Qtr(n) via specific receptor activation, and 3) a locally administered cholinergic muscarinic agonist has no effect on Qtr(n).  相似文献   

The role of NO in inflammatory bowel disease is controversial. Studies indicate that endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) might be involved in protecting the mucosa against colonic inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating colonic mucosal blood flow in two different colitis models in rats. In anesthetized control and colitic rats, the distal colon was exteriorized and the mucosa visualized. Blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry) and arterial blood pressure were continuously monitored throughout the experiments, and vascular resistance was calculated. Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) or dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) was used to induce colitis. All groups were given the NOS inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA) or the inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor l-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (l-NIL). iNOS, eNOS, and neuronal NOS (nNOS) mRNA in colonic samples were investigated with real-time RT-PCR. Before NOS inhibition, colonic mucosal blood flow, expressed as perfusion units, was higher in both colitis models compared with the controls. The blood flow was reduced in the TNBS- and DSS-treated rats during l-NNA administration but was not altered in the control group. Vascular resistance increased more in the TNBS- and DSS-treated rats than in the control rats, indicating a higher level of vasodilating NO in the colitis models. l-NIL did not alter blood pressure or blood flow in any of the groups. iNOS and eNOS mRNA increased in both colitis models, whereas nNOS remained at the control level. TNBS- and DSS-induced colitis results in increased colonic mucosal blood flow, most probably due to increased eNOS activity.  相似文献   

Effects of airway pressure on bronchial blood flow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the effects of increased airway pressure caused by increasing levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on bronchial arterial pressure-flow relationships. In eight alpha-chloralose-anesthetized mechanically ventilated sheep (23-27 kg), the common bronchial artery, the bronchial branch of the bronchoesophageal artery, was cannulated and perfused with a pump. The control bronchial blood flow (avg 12 +/- 1 ml/min or 0.48 ml X min-1 X kg-1) was set to maintain mean bronchial arterial pressure equal to systemic blood pressure. Pressure-flow curves of the bronchial circulation were measured by making step changes in bronchial blood flow, and changes in these curves were analyzed with measurements of the pressure at zero flow and the slope of the linearized curve. The zero-flow pressure represents the effective downstream pressure, and the slope represents the resistance through the bronchial vasculature. At a constant bronchial arterial pressure of 100 mmHg, an 8 mmHg increase in mean airway pressure caused a 40% reduction in bronchial blood flow. Under constant flow conditions, increases in mean airway pressure with the application of PEEP caused substantial increases in bronchial arterial pressure, averaging 4.6 mmHg for every millimeters of mercury increase in mean airway pressure. However, bronchial arterial pressure at zero flow increased approximately one-for-one with increases in mean airway pressure. Thus the acute sensitivity of the bronchial artery to changes in mean airway pressure results primarily from changes in bronchovascular resistance and not downstream pressure.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the fish gill vasculature is quite complex, and varies between the different fish groups. The use of vascular casting techniques has greatly enhanced our knowledge of the anatomy of the branchial microcirculation, not least through the contributions of Pierre Laurent and co-workers at Strasbourg. At different physiological situations, the contact surface between water and blood (functional surface area) varies to balance oxygen uptake against osmotic water flow ("respiratory-osmoregulatory compromise"). This is controlled by nerves and by blood-borne or locally released substances that affect blood flow patterns in the gill. Histochemical techniques have been used to demonstrate neurotransmitter substances in the branchial innervation. In combination with physioly-osmoregulatory compromise" at different physiological situations.  相似文献   

To explore mechanisms of hypoxemia after acutepulmonary embolism, we measured regional pulmonary blood flow andalveolar ventilation before and after embolization with 780-µm beadsin five anesthetized, mechanically ventilated pigs. Regionalventilation and perfusion were determined in~2.0-cm3 lung volumes by using1-µm-diameter aerosolized and 15-µm-diameter injected fluorescentmicrospheres. Hypoxemia after embolization resulted from increasedperfusion to regions with low ventilation-to-perfusion ratios.Embolization caused an increase in perfusion heterogeneity and a fallin the correlation between ventilation and perfusion. Correlationbetween regional ventilation pre- and postembolization was greater thancorrelation between regional perfusion pre- and postembolization. Themajority of regional ventilation-to-perfusion ratio heterogeneity wasattributable to changes in regional perfusion. Regional perfusionredistribution without compensatory changes in regional ventilation isresponsible for hypoxemia after pulmonary vascular embolization in pigs.


Organ blood flow is determined by perfusion pressure and vasomotor tone in the resistance vessels of the organ. Local factors that regulate vasomotor tone include myogenic and metabolic autoregulation, flow-mediated and conducted responses, and vasoactive substances released from red blood cells. The relative importance of each of these factors varies over time, from tissue to tissue, and among vessel generations.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to provide further insight into the role of the carotid and aortic chemoreceptors in ventilatory (VE) acclimatization during sojourn at altitude. Measurements were made: 1) on 10 ponies near sea level (SL, 740 Torr) under normal conditions, 2) on 6 of these at SL following chemoreceptor denervation (CD), and 3) subsequently on all 10 during 4 days of hypobaric hypoxia (PaO2 = 40-47 Torr). CD resulteo in hypoventilation at SL (deltaPaCO2 = d8 Torr, P less than 0.05), and it prevented hyperventilation normally observed with injection of NaCN and acute exposure to hypoxia (less than 1 h). In contrast, hyperventilation was evident in normal ponies during acute hypoxia (deltaPaCO2 = -6.7 Torr). Ventilation increased in both groups between the 2nd and 8th h of hypoxia (deltaPaCO2 from 1 h = -4 Torr, P less than 0.05). This change, a common characteristic of acclimatization, persisted throughout 4 days of hypoxia in the normal ponies. However, in the CD ponies this change was evident consistently only through the 12th h and after the 44 h hyperventilation was no longer evident. We conclude that the peripheral chemoreceptors are essential in ponies for normal VE acclimatization to this degree of hypoxemia. Two additional findings in CD ponies suggest the presence of a CNS inhibitory influence on the VE control center during chronic hypoxemia. First, acute hyperoxygenation on the 4th day of hypoxemia induced hyperventilation (deltaPaCO2 = -5 Torr, P less than 0.05). Second, again on the 4th day and during hyperoxygenation, VE responsiveness to CO2 and doxapram HCl was greater than at sea level.  相似文献   

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