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Species difference in adaptive use of public information in sticklebacks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Animals foraging on variable food sources can refine their estimates of patch quality by monitoring the success of others (i.e. collect 'public information'). Here, we show that both three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) use past cues provided by others to locate food but only nine-spined sticklebacks use prior public information to assess patch quality, regardless of whether demonstrators were conspecifics or heterospecifics. Moreover, nine-spined but not three-spined sticklebacks preferentially hid in vegetation during the demonstration, a position from which they could observe both patches simultaneously and collect public information. We conclude that species differences in the use of public information can be explained by variations in habitat choice and response to predation. Our findings expand current understanding of the scope of public-information use in animals by showing that fishes can use public-information in a foraging context and from heterospecifics. The study suggests that public-information use is an adaptation that allows animals vulnerable to predation to acquire valuable foraging information at low risk.  相似文献   

Social animals can observe others' behavior and in the processacquire information of varying quality about a given resource.Theoretical models predict that blind copying of others' behavioris more likely when individuals are only able to observe thedecisions (here "social cues") of others rather than the cues(here "public information") on which such decisions are based.We investigated information use by nine-spined sticklebacks(Pungitius pungitius) in a two-patch foraging context. Socialcues were provided by the number of demonstrator fish presentat each patch (two versus six), which either conflicted withthe demonstrators' observed feeding rate at each patch (publicinformation) or was the only information available. Consistentwith predictions, observers preferred the patch previously associatedwith six demonstrators when social cues were the only availablesource of information but preferred the patch previously associatedwith two demonstrators ("rich" patch) when also provided withpublic information. On the bases of these experiments, we arguethat it is because these fish preferentially base decisionson public information rather than social cues that they canpotentially avoid engaging in erroneous informational cascades.Thus, the availability of public information can help socialanimals make adaptive decisions.  相似文献   

The degree to which animals use public and private sources of information has important implications for research in both evolutionary ecology and cultural evolution. While researchers are increasingly interested in the factors that lead individuals to vary in the manner in which they use different sources of information, to date little is known about how an animal''s reproductive state might affect its reliance on social learning. Here, we provide experimental evidence that in foraging ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius), gravid females increase their reliance on public information generated by feeding demonstrators in choosing the richer of two prey patches than non-reproductive fish, while, in contrast, reproductive males stop using public information. Subsequent experiments revealed reproductive males to be more efficient asocial foragers, less risk-averse and generally less social than both reproductive females and non-reproductives. These findings are suggestive of adaptive switches in reliance on social and asocial sources of information with reproductive condition, and we discuss the differing costs of reproduction and the proximate mechanisms that may underlie these differences in information use. Our findings have important implications for our understanding of adaptive foraging strategies in animals and for understanding the way information diffuses through populations.  相似文献   

Correct decision making is crucial for animals to maximize foraging success and minimize predation risk. Group-living animals can make such decisions by using their own personal information or by pooling information with other group members (i.e. social information). Here, we investigate how individuals might best balance their use of personal and social information. We use a simple modelling approach in which individual decisions based upon social information are more likely to be correct when more individuals are involved and their personal information is more accurate. Our model predicts that when the personal information of group members is poor (accurate less than half the time), individuals should avoid pooling information. In contrast, when personal information is reliable (accurate at least half the time), individuals should use personal information less often and social information more often, and this effect should grow stronger in larger groups. One implication of this pattern is that social information allows less well-informed members of large groups to reach a correct decision with the same probability as more well-informed members of small groups. Thus, animals in larger groups may be able to minimize the costs of collecting personal information without impairing their ability to make correct decisions.  相似文献   

Ward AJ  Krause J  Sumpter DJ 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32411
Quorum responses provide a means for group-living animals to integrate and filter disparate social information to produce accurate and coherent group decisions. A quorum response may be defined as a steep increase in the probability of group members performing a given behaviour once a threshold minimum number of their group mates already performing that behaviour is exceeded. In a previous study we reported the use of a quorum response in group decision-making of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) under a simulated predation threat. Here we examine the use of quorum responses by shoals of sticklebacks in first locating and then leaving a foraging patch. We show that a quorum rule explains movement decisions by threespine sticklebacks toward and then away from a food patch. Following both to and from a food patch occurred when a threshold number of initiators was exceeded, with the threshold being determined by the group size.  相似文献   

In all social species, information relevant to survival and reproduction can be obtained in two main ways: through personal interaction with the environment (i.e. ‘personal’ information) and from the performance of others (i.e. ‘public’ information). While public information is less costly to obtain than personal information, it may be inappropriate or inaccurate. When deciding how much to rely on public information, individuals should therefore assess its potential quality, but this possibility requires empirical testing in animals. Here, we use the sentinel system of cooperatively breeding pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor) to investigate how behavioural decisions of foragers are influenced by potential variation in the quality of anti-predator information from a vigilant groupmate. When sentinels moved to a higher position, from where their probability of detecting predators is likely to be greater, foragers reduced their vigilance, spread out more widely and were more likely to venture into the open. Consequently, they spent more time foraging and increased their foraging efficiency, resulting in a profound increase in biomass intake rate. The opposite behavioural changes, and consequent foraging outcomes, were found when sentinels moved lower. A playback experiment demonstrated that foragers can use vocal cues alone to assess sentinel height. This is the first study to link explicitly a measure of the potential quality of public information with a fitness measure from those relying on the information, and our results emphasize that a full understanding of the evolution of communication in complex societies requires consideration of the reliability of information.  相似文献   

People often make decisions in a social environment. The present work examines social influence on people’s decisions in a sequential decision-making situation. In the first experimental study, we implemented an information cascade paradigm, illustrating that people infer information from decisions of others and use this information to make their own decisions. We followed a cognitive modeling approach to elicit the weight people give to social as compared to private individual information. The proposed social influence model shows that participants overweight their own private information relative to social information, contrary to the normative Bayesian account. In our second study, we embedded the abstract decision problem of Study 1 in a medical decision-making problem. We examined whether in a medical situation people also take others’ authority into account in addition to the information that their decisions convey. The social influence model illustrates that people weight social information differentially according to the authority of other decision makers. The influence of authority was strongest when an authority''s decision contrasted with private information. Both studies illustrate how the social environment provides sources of information that people integrate differently for their decisions.  相似文献   

Individual animals are adept at making decisions and have cognitive abilities, such as memory, which allow them to hone their decisions. Social animals can also share information. This allows social animals to make adaptive group-level decisions. Both individual and collective decision-making systems also have drawbacks and limitations, and while both are well studied, the interaction between them is still poorly understood. Here, we study how individual and collective decision-making interact during ant foraging. We first gathered empirical data on memory-based foraging persistence in the ant Lasius niger. We used these data to create an agent-based model where ants may use social information (trail pheromones), private information (memories) or both to make foraging decisions. The combined use of social and private information by individuals results in greater efficiency at the group level than when either information source was used alone. The modelled ants couple consensus decision-making, allowing them to quickly exploit high-quality food sources, and combined decision-making, allowing different individuals to specialize in exploiting different resource patches. Such a composite collective decision-making system reaps the benefits of both its constituent parts. Exploiting such insights into composite collective decision-making may lead to improved decision-making algorithms.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to determine whether group-foragingstarlings (Sturnus vulgaris) use public information to helpthem estimate the quality of an artificial resource patch anddepart accordingly. Three kinds of information are potentiallyavailable in a group: patch-sample information, pre-harvestinformation, and public information. These three types of informationcan be combined into four patch assessment strategies: (1) patch-samplealone; (2) patch-sample and pre-harvest; (3) patch-sample andpublic; and (4) patch-sample, pre-harvest, and public. Dependingon the foraging environment we presented to the starlings, eachassessment strategy made a unique set of predictions concerningthe patch departure decisions of pairs of birds based on differencesin their foraging success. The environment was manipulated intwo ways: by altering the variability in patch quality and bychanging compatibility, the ease with which individual birdscould simultaneously acquire both patch-sample and public information.Our observations on patch persistence and departure order demonstratethat the starlings used a combination of patch-sample and publicinformation, but not pre-harvest information, to estimate thequality of the experimental patch. Moreover, our results suggestthat starlings use public information only when it is easilyavailable and ignore it under incompatible conditions. Thisstudy provides the first evidence of public information usein a patch assessment problem.  相似文献   

The possibility that efficiency of feeding on different prey in three-spined sticklebacks ( Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) increases by experience of such items was investigated experimentally by comparing sticklebacks reared with only non-moving prey (frozen brine shrimps) with sticklebacks caught in the wild from localities where a wide range of prey species was available. Fish without experience of natural food scored less well than those from the wild on various components of foraging and so had reduced feeding efficiency. However, feeding efficiency in naive fish improved after just a few days of experience with natural prey. Such experience-induced changes in foraging efficiency will alter the profitability of prey items for individual fish.  相似文献   

Incorporating science into resource conservation and management is becoming increasingly important, but it is not yet clear how to provide information to decision makers most effectively. To evaluate sources of information used to support the management and conservation of California’s riparian bird habitat, we distributed a questionnaire to restoration practitioners and public and private land managers. We asked respondents to rate the importance and availability of different sources of information they use to inform their decisions. Synthetic reviews and peer-reviewed publications both received high importance and availability ratings. Web-based tools received low importance and availability ratings. One-on-one interactions between ecologists and decision makers received high importance ratings, similar to those of peer-reviewed publications and synthetic reviews, but their availability was rated lower than any other method of decision support. Our results suggest that the decision makers we surveyed are already using a wide variety of information, but that prioritizing one-on-one interactions between scientists and decision makers will enhance the delivery of all sources of information.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in behaviour within species is common. However, how behavioural plasticity varies between and within locally adapted populations is less studied. Here, we studied behavioural plasticity induced by perceived predation risk and food availability in pond (low predation - high competition) vs. coastal marine (high predation - low competition) nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) reared in a common garden experiment. Pond sticklebacks were more active feeders, more risk-taking, aggressive and explorative than marine sticklebacks. Perceived predation risk decreased aggression and risk-taking of all fish. Food restriction increased feeding activity and risk-taking. Pond sticklebacks became more risk-taking than marine sticklebacks under food shortage, whereas well-fed fish behaved similarly. Among poorly fed fish, males showed higher drive to feed, whereas among well-fed fish, females did. Apart from showing how evolutionary history, ontogenetic experience and sex influence behaviour, the results provide evidence for habitat-dependent expression of adaptive phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

During extensive sampling of populations of sticklebacks for parasites, it became apparent that marked differences existed in the distribution of the 2 British freshwater species. Observation of the survival, respiratory rates and distribution of three- and nine-spined sticklebacks from a variety of habitats supports the suggestion that physiologically, the nine-spined stickleback is much better adapted to life in closed, shallow, weedy, eutrophic waters, depleted in oxygen. By comparison, Gasterosteus aculeatus favours more open well oxygenated water.  相似文献   

Visual signalling can be affected by both the intensity and spectral distribution of environmental light. In shallow aquatic habitats, the spectral range available for visually mediated behaviour, such as foraging, can reach from ultraviolet (UV) to long wavelengths in the human visible range. However, the relative importance of different wavebands in foraging behaviour is generally unknown. Here, we test how the spectral composition of ambient light influences the behaviour of three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) when foraging for live cladoceran Daphnia magna. Although paying particular attention to the UV waveband, we measured the foraging preferences of sticklebacks for prey presented under four different spectral conditions. These conditions selectively removed UV (UV–), short‐wave (SW–), mid‐wave (MW–) or long‐wave (LW–) light from the entire spectrum. The absence of UV and long wavelengths strongly reduced prey attractiveness for G. aculeatus compared with conditions without short‐wave and mid‐wave light. To control for potential light habitat preferences in the main experiment, we conducted a further choice experiment without prey stimuli. Fish in these trials did not discriminate significantly between the different spectral conditions. When comparing both experiments, it was observed that, although filter preferences for MW– and LW– conditions were virtually consistent, they differed at shorter wavelengths, with a reduced preference for UV– conditions and, at the same time, an increased preference for SW– conditions in the presence of prey. Thus, prey choice seems to be strongly affected by visual information at the short‐wave end of the spectrum. The foraging preferences were also mirrored by the chromatic contrast values between prey and the experimental background, as calculated for each lighting condition using a series of physiological models on stickleback perception. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 359–368.  相似文献   

Theoretical analyses have reported that in most circumstances where natural selection favours reliance on social learning, conformity (positive frequency-dependent social learning) is also favoured. These findings suggest that much animal social learning should involve a copy-the-majority strategy, yet there is currently surprisingly little evidence for conformist learning among animals. Here, we investigate this possibility in the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) by manipulating the number of demonstrator fish at two feeders, one rich and one poor, during a demonstration phase and evaluating how this affects the likelihood that the focal fish copy the demonstrators'' apparent choices. As predicted, we observed a significantly increased level of copying with increasing numbers of demonstrators at the richer of the two feeders, with copying increasing disproportionately, rather than linearly, with the proportion of demonstrators at the rich foraging patch. Control conditions with non-feeding demonstrators showed that this was not simply the result of a preference for shoaling with larger groups, implying that nine-spined sticklebacks copy in a conformist manner.  相似文献   

Three species of sticklebacks ( Apeltes quadracus, Gasterosteus aculeatus , and Pungitius pungitius ( n = 236) were collected from five ponds on Sable Island. The nematodes Pseudoterranova decipiens, Contracaecum sp., Paracuaria adunca , and Cosmucephalus obvelatus , and the cestode Diphyllobothrium ditremum parasitized three-spined sticklebacks ( G. aculeatus ) and four-spined sticklebacks ( A. quadracus ) inhabiting four brackish water ponds. All the parasites except P. decipiens infected nine-spined sticklebacks ( P. pungitius ) from a freshwater pond. In addition, the cestode Schistocephalus pungitii , the copepod Thersitina gasterostei , and the monogenean Gyrodactylus canadensis occurred in nine-spined sticklebacks from the freshwater pond. The two cestodes, the copepod, and the sealworm, P. decipiens , were the most common parasites encountered. The remaining helminths were relatively rare. Most of the parasite species were larval forms which use gulls or seals as definitive hosts. These parasites probably colonized Sable Island with their definitive hosts, whereas only two species ( T. gasterostei and G. canadensis ) successfully colonized the island ponds with their fish hosts. The low parasite species richness encountered is attributed to the impoverished nature of the host fauna of Sable island, and the difficulty of colonization as a result of the island's isolation with respect to the mainland.  相似文献   

When foraging, animals can maximize their fitness if they are able to tailor their foraging decisions to current environmental conditions. When making foraging decisions, individuals need to assess the benefits of foraging while accounting for the potential risks of being captured by a predator. However, whether and how different factors interact to shape these decisions is not yet well understood, especially in individual foragers. Here we present a standardized set of manipulative field experiments in the form of foraging assays in the tropical lizard Anolis cristatellus in Puerto Rico. We presented male lizards with foraging opportunities to test how the presence of conspecifics, predation-risk perception, the abundance of food, and interactions among these factors determines the outcome of foraging decisions. In Experiment 1, anoles foraged faster when food was scarce and other conspecifics were present near the feeding tray, while they took longer to feed when food was abundant and when no conspecifics were present. These results suggest that foraging decisions in anoles are the result of a complex process in which individuals assess predation risk by using information from conspecific individuals while taking into account food abundance. In Experiment 2, a simulated increase in predation risk (i.e., distance to the feeding tray) confirmed the relevance of risk perception by showing that the use of available perches is strongly correlated with the latency to feed. We found Puerto Rican crested anoles integrate instantaneous ecological information about food abundance, conspecific activity and predation risk, and adjust their foraging behavior accordingly.  相似文献   

Receiver-bias models of signal evolution predict that male sexually selected traits evolve through prior selection for other functions. Female three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in many populations show a mating preference for males with a red throat and jaw. It has been proposed that this preference evolved because the choice of males with red coloration confers direct and indirect benefits to females in accordance with the Fisher-Zahavi model of sexual selection. We present indirect evidence that the preference is an effect of a receiver bias in the perceptual or cognitive system of G. aculeatus for the colour red, which may have arisen in the context of foraging. In laboratory trials, male and female three-spined and nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) responded most strongly to red objects outside a mating context. This result demonstrates a correlation between a sexually selected trait and an intrinsic attraction to red objects, and supports the sensory-exploitation model for the evolution of red nuptial coloration in three-spined sticklebacks.  相似文献   

The ability of various vertebrates to perceive visual information in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum (300-400 nm) is receiving increasing interest. To date, many of these studies have concentrated on the role of ultraviolet perception in mate choice, yet there are several ways in which the ability to perceive ultraviolet information may affect other behaviours. Until now, it has been widely assumed that colour in the three-spined stickleback can be quantified by methods appropriate to the human visual system. However, evidence does exist that suggests that, in some populations, sticklebacks are capable of perceiving ultraviolet wavelengths. Using a behavioural technique, we tested the ability of the stickleback to perceive ultraviolet light under full-spectrum conditions to establish whether such wavelengths are utilised within their normal behavioural repertoire. We tested this ability by assessing whether subjects could locate hidden food in a foraging task where food position was indicated by the position of landmarks. These landmarks differed only in their ultraviolet content, appearing identical when viewed across the human visible region of the spectrum. We found that sticklebacks were able to use ultraviolet perception to locate a foraging patch under full-spectrum conditions.  相似文献   

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