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Many commentators on “direct-to-consumer” genetic risk information have raised concerns that giving results to individuals with insufficient knowledge and training in genomics may harm consumers, the health care system, and society. In response, several commercial laboratories offering genomic risk profiling have shifted to more traditional “direct-to-provider” (DTP) marketing strategies, repositioning clinicians as the intended recipients of advertising of laboratory services and as gatekeepers to personal genomic information. Increasing popularity of next generation sequencing puts a premium on ensuring that those who are charged with interpreting, translating, communicating and managing commercial genomic risk information are appropriately equipped for the job. To shed light on their gatekeeping role, we conducted a study to assess how and why early clinical users of genomic risk assessment incorporate these tools in their clinical practices and how they interpret genomic information for their patients.

Methods and Findings

We conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 18 clinicians providing genomic risk assessment services to their patients in partnership with DNA Direct and Navigenics. Our findings suggest that clinicians learned most of what they knew about genomics directly from the commercial laboratories. Clinicians rely on the expertise of the commercial laboratories without the ability to critically evaluate the knowledge or assess risks.


DTP service delivery model cannot guarantee that providers will have adequate expertise or sound clinical judgment. Even if clinicians want greater genomic knowledge, the current market structure is unlikely to build the independent substantive expertise of clinicians, but rather promote its continued outsourcing. Because commercial laboratories have the most “skin in the game” financially, genetics professionals and policymakers should scrutinize the scientific validity and clinical soundness of the process by which these laboratories interpret their findings to assess whether self-interested commercial sources are the most appropriate entities for gate-keeping genomic interpretation.  相似文献   

Consumer retrieval of health information through the internet has become prevalent. In the past, physicians provided filtered health information to the consumer. However, the availability of health related information including disease specific research trends over the World Wide Web is useful for clinicians and consumers. The use of internet based health care information by clinicians and consumers have increased in recent years. Nonetheless, consumers often have difficulties in evaluating such data in a comprehensive manner. Here, we describe the current status of health care related data over the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

Wallace SE  Kent A 《Human genetics》2011,130(3):393-401
Historically, large-scale longitudinal genomic research studies have not returned individual research results to their participants, as these studies are not intended to find clinically significant information for individuals, but to produce ‘generalisable’ knowledge for future research. However, this stance is now changing. Commentators now argue that there is an ethical imperative to return clinically significant results and individuals are now expressing a desire to have them. This shift reflects societal changes, such as the rise of social networking and an increased desire to participate in medical decision-making, as well as a greater awareness of genetic information and the increasing ability of clinicians to use this information in health care treatment. This paper will discuss the changes that have prompted genomic research studies to reconsider their position and presents examples of projects that are actively engaged in returning individual research results.  相似文献   

The technology supporting the analysis of human motion has advanced dramatically. Past decades of locomotion research have provided us with significant knowledge about the accuracy of tests performed, the understanding of the process of human locomotion, and how clinical testing can be used to evaluate medical disorders and affect their treatment. Gait analysis is now recognized as clinically useful and financially reimbursable for some medical conditions. Yet, the routine clinical use of gait analysis has seen very limited growth. The issue of its clinical value is related to many factors, including the applicability of existing technology to addressing clinical problems; the limited use of such tests to address a wide variety of medical disorders; the manner in which gait laboratories are organized, tests are performed, and reports generated; and the clinical understanding and expectations of laboratory results. Clinical use is most hampered by the length of time and costs required for performing a study and interpreting it. A “gait” report is lengthy, its data are not well understood, and it includes a clinical interpretation, all of which do not occur with other clinical tests. Current biotechnology research is seeking to address these problems by creating techniques to capture data rapidly, accurately, and efficiently, and to interpret such data by an assortment of modeling, statistical, wave interpretation, and artificial intelligence methodologies. The success of such efforts rests on both our technical abilities and communication between engineers and clinicians.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins have historically been recalcitrant to biophysical folding studies. However, recent adaptations of methods from the soluble protein folding field have found success in their applications to transmembrane proteins composed of both α-helical and β-barrel conformations. Avoiding aggregation is critical for the success of these experiments. Altogether these studies are leading to discoveries of folding trajectories, foundational stabilizing forces and better-defined endpoints that enable more accurate interpretation of thermodynamic data. Increased information on membrane protein folding in the cell shows that the emerging biophysical principles are largely recapitulated even in the complex biological environment.  相似文献   

Resources for rare diseases are lacking. Patients do not have the information and support that they need, and researchers struggle to make progress due to a shortage of skills and collaborations within the field. One way to overcome these hurdles is to host annual Symposia, focused on a specific rare disease. Here, we use the example of Birt-Hogg-Dubé Symposia to discuss the practical issues of such meetings, including the importance of timing and the choice of invited speakers. We highlight the ways in which rare disease symposia can create a single community, removing barriers between patients, clinicians and researchers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Resources for rare diseases are lacking. Patients do not have the information and support that they need, and researchers struggle to make progress due to a shortage of skills and collaborations within the field. One way to overcome these hurdles is to host annual Symposia, focused on a specific rare disease. Here, we use the example of Birt-Hogg-Dube Symposia to discuss the practical issues of such meetings, including the importance of timing and the choice of invited speakers. We highlight the ways in which rare disease symposia can create a single community, removing barriers between patients, clinicians and researchers.  相似文献   

How will developments in genetic knowledge affect the classification of disease? Leaders in genetics have suggested that knowledge of the role of genes in disease can determine nosology. Diseases might be defined by genotype, thus avoiding the limitations of more empirical approaches to categorization. Other commentators caution against disease definitions that are detached from the look and feel of disease, and argue for an interplay between genotypic and phenotypic information. Still others attribute nosologic change to social processes. We draw on an analysis of the scientific literature, our conversations with genetics clinicians, and reviews of patient organization Web sites to offer a revised interpretation of the nosologic implications of molecular genetic knowledge. We review the recent histories of three diseases--hemophilia, Rett syndrome, and cystic fibrosis--to argue that nosologic change cannot be explained by either biologic theories of disease etiology or sociologic theories of social tendencies. Although new genetic information challenges disease classifications and is highly influential in their redesign, genetic information can be used in diverse ways to reconstruct disease categories and is not the only influence in these revisions. Ironically, genetic information is likely to play a central role in producing a new, but still empirical, classification scheme.  相似文献   

Geoffrey M. Reed  Jared W. Keeley  Tahilia J. Rebello  Michael B. First  Oye Gureje  José Luis Ayuso‐Mateos  Shigenobu Kanba  Brigitte Khoury  Cary S. Kogan  Valery N. Krasnov  Mario Maj  Jair de Jesus Mari  Pratap Sharan  Dan J. Stein  Min Zhao  Tsuyoshi Akiyama  Howard F. Andrews  Elson Asevedo  Majda Cheour  Tecelli Domínguez‐Martínez  Joseph El‐Khoury  Andrea Fiorillo  Jean Grenier  Nitin Gupta  Lola Kola  Maya Kulygina  Itziar Leal‐Leturia  Mario Luciano  Bulumko Lusu  J. Nicolás I. Martínez‐López  Chihiro Matsumoto  Mayokun Odunleye  Lucky Umukoro Onofa  Sabrina Paterniti  Shivani Purnima  Rebeca Robles  Manoj K. Sahu  Goodman Sibeko  Na Zhong  Wolfgang Gaebel  Anne M. Lovell  Toshimasa Maruta  Kathleen M. Pike  Michael C. Roberts  María Elena Medina‐Mora 《World psychiatry》2018,17(3):306-315
In this paper we report the clinical utility of the diagnostic guidelines for ICD‐11 mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders as assessed by 339 clinicians in 1,806 patients in 28 mental health settings in 13 countries. Clinician raters applied the guidelines for schizophrenia and other primary psychotic disorders, mood disorders (depressive and bipolar disorders), anxiety and fear‐related disorders, and disorders specifically associated with stress. Clinician ratings of the clinical utility of the proposed ICD‐11 diagnostic guidelines were very positive overall. The guidelines were perceived as easy to use, corresponding accurately to patients’ presentations (i.e., goodness of fit), clear and understandable, providing an appropriate level of detail, taking about the same or less time than clinicians’ usual practice, and providing useful guidance about distinguishing disorder from normality and from other disorders. Clinicians evaluated the guidelines as less useful for treatment selection and assessing prognosis than for communicating with other health professionals, though the former ratings were still positive overall. Field studies that assess perceived clinical utility of the proposed ICD‐11 diagnostic guidelines among their intended users have very important implications. Classification is the interface between health encounters and health information; if clinicians do not find that a new diagnostic system provides clinically useful information, they are unlikely to apply it consistently and faithfully. This would have a major impact on the validity of aggregated health encounter data used for health policy and decision making. Overall, the results of this study provide considerable reason to be optimistic about the perceived clinical utility of the ICD‐11 among global clinicians.  相似文献   

The nature of pathology services is changing under the combined pressures of increasing workloads, cost constraints and technological advancement. In the face of this, laboratory systems need to meet new demands for data exchange with clinical electronic record systems for test requesting and results reporting. As these needs develop, new challenges are emerging especially with respect to the format and content of the datasets which are being exchanged. If the potential for the inclusion of intelligent systems in both these areas is to be realised, the continued dialogue between clinicians and laboratory information specialists is of paramount importance. Requirements of information technology (IT) in pathology, now extend well beyond the provision of purely analytical data. With the aim of achieving seamless integration of laboratory data into the total clinical pathway, ‘Informatics’ – the art and science of turning data into useful information – is becoming increasingly important in laboratory medicine. Informatics is a powerful tool in pathology – whether in implementing processes for pathology modernisation, introducing new diagnostic modalities (e.g. proteomics, genomics), providing timely and evidence-based disease management, or enabling best use of limited and often costly resources. Providing appropriate information to empowered and interested patients – which requires critical assessment of the ever-increasing volume of information available – can also benefit greatly from appropriate use of informatics in enhancing self-management of long term conditions. The increasing demands placed on pathology information systems in the context of wider developmental change in healthcare delivery are explored in this review. General trends in medical informatics are reflected in current priorities for laboratory medicine, including the need for unified electronic records, computerised order entry, data security and recovery, and audit. We conclude that there is a need to rethink the architecture of pathology systems and in particular to address the changed environment in which electronic patient record systems are maturing rapidly. The opportunity for laboratory-based informaticians to work collaboratively with clinical systems developers to embed clinically intelligent decision support systems should not be missed.  相似文献   

Hamker FH 《Bio Systems》2006,86(1-3):91-99
Vision is a crucial sensor. It provides a very rich collection of information about our environment. The difficulty in vision arises, since this information is not obvious in the image, it has to be constructed. Wheres earlier approaches have favored a bottom-up approach, which maps the image onto an internal representation of the world, more recent approaches search for alternatives and develop frameworks which make use of top-down connections. In these approaches vision is inherently a constructive process which makes use of a priory information. Following this line of research, a model of primate object perception is presented and used to simulate an object detection task in natural scenes. The model predicts that early responses in extrastriate visual areas are modulated by the visual goal.  相似文献   

The evolution of the human mind is discussed based on: (i) the fact that living beings interchange matter, energy and information with their environment, (ii) an ontological interpretation of the "reality" of the quantum world, of which logic-mathematics structures are considered constitutive parts, (iii) recent theories according to which living beings are considered as dynamic complex systems organized by information, and (iv) the fact that the evolution of living beings is guided by information about the environment and by intrinsic information on living systems (auto-organization). Assuming the evolution of vision as a model we observe that the driving forces that directed the evolution of the eyes, as dynamic complex systems, are the information about the environment supplied by sunlight and the intrinsic information-gaining mechanism of living organisms. Thus, there exists a convergence toward a visual system with the greatest ability to obtain light information, like the human eye, and also a divergence that leads to the development of specific qualities in some species. As in the case of vision the evolution of the human mind-brain cannot be a consequence of factors unrelated to the object of its own functioning. The human mind was structured for the acquisition from reality of the logic-mathematics structures that underlie the whole universe and consequently of an internal representation of the external world and of its own self. Thus, these structures are, together with the intrinsic capacity for auto-organization of the human brain, the predominant driving force of the human mind evolution. Both factors are complementary.  相似文献   

Doctors within the NHS are confronting major changes at work. While we endeavour to improve the quality of health care, junior doctors'' hours have been reduced and the emphasis on continuing medical education has increased. We are confronted by a growing body of information, much of it invalid or irrelevant to clinical practice. This article discusses evidence based medicine, a process of turning clinical problems into questions and then systematically locating, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions. The computerisation of bibliographies and the development of software that permits the rapid location of relevant evidence have made it easier for busy clinicians to make best use of the published literature. Critical appraisal can be used to determine the validity and applicability of the evidence, which is then used to inform clinical decisions. Evidence based medicine can be taught to, and practised by, clinicians at all levels of seniority and can be used to close the gulf between good clinical research and clinical practice. In addition it can help to promote self directed learning and teamwork and produce faster and better doctors.  相似文献   

Monitoring tests form an increasing proportion of the workload in clinical biochemistry and biochemists can help by providing clinicians with information about the variability and precision of tests, the time frame for pharmacodynamic stabilisation after a treatment change, and the frequency of testing. This paper outlines the phases of monitoring, and how to decide if monitoring is beneficial, which test to use for monitoring, when a change in the test result indicates a need for the change in treatment and the length of testing intervals. We conclude with some recommendations for biochemists for future areas of research and advice that can be given to clinicians.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, multi-disciplinary approaches have led to the discovery and characterization of several classes of adhesion molecules. Under normal conditions, these molecules provide support for cells, regulate cell migration and contain information that cells use when sensing their environment. In disease, adhesive function is frequently compromised and results in tissue disorder, aberrant cell migration and dysregulation of signalling pathways. The integrins are a major family of adhesion receptors produced by most cell types and are a means by which the cell senses its immediate environment and responds to changes in extracellular matrix composition. Recent years have seen major advances in our understanding of integrin-ligand interactions, and have revealed a structurally dynamic family of receptors capable of translating information into and out of the cell.  相似文献   

《Bio Systems》2007,87(1-3):91-99
Vision is a crucial sensor. It provides a very rich collection of information about our environment. The difficulty in vision arises, since this information is not obvious in the image, it has to be constructed. Wheres earlier approaches have favored a bottom-up approach, which maps the image onto an internal representation of the world, more recent approaches search for alternatives and develop frameworks which make use of top-down connections. In these approaches vision is inherently a constructive process which makes use of a priory information. Following this line of research, a model of primate object perception is presented and used to simulate an object detection task in natural scenes. The model predicts that early responses in extrastriate visual areas are modulated by the visual goal.  相似文献   

Signal processing in the cerebral cortex is thought to involve a common multi-purpose algorithm embodied in a canonical cortical micro-circuit that is replicated many times over both within and across cortical regions. Operation of this algorithm produces widely distributed but coherent and relevant patterns of activity. The theory of Coherent Infomax provides a formal specification of the objectives of such an algorithm. It also formally derives specifications for both the short-term processing dynamics and for the learning rules whereby the connection strengths between units in the network can be adapted to the environment in which the system finds itself. A central assumption of the theory is that the local processors can combine reliable signal coding with flexible use of those codes because they have two classes of synaptic connection: driving connections which specify the information content of the neural signals, and contextual connections which modulate that signal processing. Here, we make the biological relevance of this theory more explicit by putting more emphasis upon the contextual guidance of ongoing processing, by showing that Coherent Infomax is consistent with a particular Bayesian interpretation for the contextual guidance of learning and processing, by explicitly specifying rules for on-line learning, and by suggesting approximations by which the learning rules can be made computationally feasible within systems composed of very many local processors.  相似文献   

When viewed as a sequence of decisions clinical diagnosis becomes amenable to detailed investigation in terms of standard statistical concepts. A study of six clinicians diagnosing identical sets of cases of non-toxic goitre is used to illustrate an objective technique for studying the diagnostic process with the aid of a digital computer. Considerable variation in clinicians'' routes to correct diagnosis is shown when these routes are compared in detail by five statistical measures related to the effective use of the information available to the clinicians. For rapid analysis of diagnostic skill two visual methods are presented. These can be developed for teaching undergraduates the interpretative skills involved in diagnosis and for studying such skills in experienced clinicians.  相似文献   

Metabolomic approaches have the potential to make an exceptional contribution to understanding how chemicals and other environmental stressors can affect both human and environmental health. However, the application of metabolomics to environmental exposures, although getting underway, has not yet been extensively explored. This review will use a SWOT analysis model to discuss some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are apparent to an investigator venturing into this relatively new field. SWOT has been used extensively in business settings to uncover new outlooks and identify problems that would impede progress. The field of environmental metabolomics provides great opportunities for discovery, and this is recognized by a high level of interest in potential applications. However, understanding the biological consequence of environmental exposures can be confounded by inter- and intra-individual differences. Metabolomic profiles can yield a plethora of data, the interpretation of which is complex and still being evaluated and researched. The development of the field will depend on the availability of technologies for data handling and that permit ready access metabolomic databases. Understanding the relevance of metabolomic endpoints to organism health vs adaptation vs variation is an important step in understanding what constitutes a substantive environmental threat. Metabolomic applications in reproductive research are discussed. Overall, the development of a comprehensive mechanistic-based interpretation of metabolomic changes offers the possibility of providing information that will significantly contribute to the protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

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