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CTCF is an evolutionary conserved and ubiquitously expressed protein that binds thousands of sites in the human genome. Ectopic expression of CTCF in various normal and tumoral human cell lines inhibits cell division and clonogenicity, with the consequence to consider CTCF a potential tumor-suppressor factor. In this review article, we focused on the molecular mechanisms engaged by CTCF to modulate the expression of several key-regulators of differentiation, cellular senescence, cell cycle control and progression, whose expression is frequently altered in tumors. Moreover, we discussed common features of CTCF at each tumor-related DNA-binding sequence, such as protein-partners, post-translational modifications, and distinctive epigenetic marks establishment. The investigation of the molecular mechanisms engaged by CTCF to modulate tumor-related genes emphasizes the cell-type dependency of its tumor suppressor role. Indeed, the ability of CTCF to bind their promoters strictly depends by cell-type features as DNA methylation, BORIS-binding and post-translational modifications as PARYlation.  相似文献   

A Vps10p domain makes up the entire luminal part of Sortilin, and this type of domain is the hallmark of a new family of neuronal receptors that target a variety of ligands, including neurotrophins and neuropeptides. We have shown that two structural features of the Vps10p domain, the N-terminal propeptide and the C-terminal segment of ten conserved cysteines (10CC), are key elements in the function of Sortilin. The propeptide has two functions. (i) It binds the mature part of Sortilin and prevents ligands in the biosynthetic pathway from binding to the uncleaved proreceptor, and (ii) it facilitates receptor transport in early Golgi compartments by a mechanism that does not depend on its ability to prevent ligand binding. In contrast, other Vps10p domain receptors, such as SorLA and SorCS3, do not need their propeptide for normal and swift processing. The 10CC segment constitutes an exchangeable module containing five conserved disulfide bridges, and using module-shuffling and truncations, we have shown that the 10CC segment is a major ligand-binding region in Sortilin.  相似文献   

We used affinity-purification mass spectrometry to identify 747 candidate proteins that are complexed with Huntingtin (Htt) in distinct brain regions and ages in Huntington's disease (HD) and wild-type mouse brains. To gain a systems-level view of the Htt interactome, we applied Weighted Correlation Network Analysis to the entire proteomic data set to unveil a verifiable rank of Htt-correlated proteins and a network of Htt-interacting protein modules, with each module highlighting distinct aspects of Htt biology. Importantly, the Htt-containing module is highly enriched with proteins involved in 14-3-3 signaling, microtubule-based transport, and proteostasis. Top-ranked proteins in this module were validated as Htt interactors and genetic modifiers in an HD Drosophila model. Our study provides a compendium of spatiotemporal Htt-interacting proteins in the mammalian brain and presents an approach for analyzing proteomic interactome data sets to build in vivo protein networks in complex tissues, such as the brain.  相似文献   

Interactome networks represent sets of possible physical interactions between proteins. They lack spatio-temporal information by construction. However, the specialized functions of the differentiated cell types which are assembled into tissues or organs depend on the combinatorial arrangements of proteins and their physical interactions. Is tissue-specificity, therefore, encoded within the interactome? In order to address this question, we combined protein-protein interactions, expression data, functional annotations and interactome topology. We first identified a subnetwork formed exclusively of proteins whose interactions were observed in all tested tissues. These are mainly involved in housekeeping functions and are located at the topological center of the interactome. This ‘Largest Common Interactome Network’ represents a ‘functional interactome core’. Interestingly, two types of tissue-specific interactions are distinguished when considering function and network topology: tissue-specific interactions involved in regulatory and developmental functions are central whereas tissue-specific interactions involved in organ physiological functions are peripheral. Overall, the functional organization of the human interactome reflects several integrative levels of functions with housekeeping and regulatory tissue-specific functions at the center and physiological tissue-specific functions at the periphery. This gradient of functions recapitulates the organization of organs, from cells to organs. Given that several gradients have already been identified across interactomes, we propose that gradients may represent a general principle of protein-protein interaction network organization.  相似文献   

The CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), which binds insulator elements in vertebrates, also facilitates coordinated gene expression at several gene clusters, including the β-globin, Igf2/H19 (insulin like growth factor 2/H19 noncoding RNA), and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II loci. CTCF controls expression of these genes both by enabling insulator function and facilitating higher order chromatin interactions. While the role of CTCF in gene regulation is best studied at these multi-gene loci, there is also evidence that CTCF contributes to the regulated expression of single genes. Here, we discuss how CTCF participates in coordinating gene expression at the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) and IFNG (interferon-gamma) loci. We consider the structural similarities between the loci with regard to CTCF-binding elements, the possible interaction between nuclear receptors and CTCF, and the role of CTCF in chromatin looping at these genes. These comparisons reveal a functional model that may be applicable to other single-gene loci that require CTCF for coordinated gene expression.  相似文献   

Some dicentric chromosomes show only one primary constriction at metaphase and behave in cell division as if they are monocentric. The few previous reports of tdic (translocation dicentric) chromosomes showing one morphologic indicate that among the cells of an individual the same centromere consistently shows the primary constriction. The present case deals with a tdic(5;15)(p13;p11) chromosome that is an exception to this pattern. Scoring 98 GTG-, C-, and QFQ-banded metaphases specifically for primary constrictions revealed 15 (15%) containing a tdic chromosome with a single primary constriction. Among these chromosomes, 8 (8%) were at the chromosome 15 centromere and 7 (7%) were at the chromosome 5 centromere. The remaining 83 (85%) tdic chromosomes showed two primary constrictions. We analyzed a total of 172 metaphases from peripheral blood, and all except 3 (1.7%) contained the tdic chromosome. Among these three cells, the tdic chromosome was broken in two and absent in one, which indicates that there was some unstable separation of this dicentric in cell division. In two metaphases, there was a chromatid gap at the site of one centromere. Possibly, the absence of certain primary constrictions was associated with deletion of centromeres. This mechanism may be a continual source for additional centromere inactivation during the life of this patient. This case demonstrates that for some dicentrics either centromere may become nonfunctional and inactivation can occur more than once within an individual. The karyotype of this patient was 45,XX,tdic(5;15)(p31;p11). Thus, she was monosomic for about 3/4 of the chromosome 5 short arm. Clinically, this infant had a shrill catlike cry and facies of the cri du chat syndrome.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolution of the histone fold domain in centromeric histones   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Centromeric DNA, being highly repetitive, has been refractory to molecular analysis. However, centromeric structural proteins are encoded by single-copy genes, and these can be analyzed by using standard phylogenetic tools. The centromere-specific histone, CenH3, replaces histone H3 in centromeric nucleosomes, and is required for the proper distribution of chromosomes during cell division. Whereas histone H3s are nearly identical between species, CenH3s are divergent, with an N-terminal tail that is highly variable in length and sequence. Both the N-terminal tail and histone fold domain (HFD) are subject to adaptive evolution in Drosophila. Similarly, comparisons between Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis arenosa detected adaptive evolution, but only in the N-terminal tail. We have extended our evolutionary analyses of CenH3s to other members of the Brassicaceae, which allowed the detection of positive selection in both the N-terminal tail and in the HFD. We find that adaptively evolving sites in the HFD can potentially interact with DNA, including sites in the loop 1 region of the HFD that are required for centromeric targeting in Drosophila. Other adaptively evolving sites in the HFD can be localized on the structure of the nucleosome core particle, revealing an extended surface in addition to loop 1 in which conformational changes might alter histone-DNA contacts or water bridges. The identification of adaptively evolving sites provides a structural basis for the interaction between centromeric DNA and the protein that is thought to underlie the evolution of centromeres and the accumulation of pericentric heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Conserved organization of centromeric chromatin in flies and humans   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Recent studies have highlighted the importance of centromere-specific histone H3-like (CENP-A) proteins in centromere function. We show that Drosophila CID and human CENP-A appear at metaphase as a three-dimensional structure that lacks histone H3. However, blocks of CID/CENP-A and H3 nucleosomes are linearly interspersed on extended chromatin fibers, and CID is close to H3 nucleosomes in polynucleosomal preparations. When CID is depleted by RNAi, it is replaced by H3, demonstrating flexibility of centromeric chromatin organization. Finally, contrary to models proposing that H3 and CID/CENP-A nucleosomes are replicated at different times in S phase, we show that interspersed H3 and CID/CENP-A chromatin are replicated concurrently during S phase in humans and flies. We propose that the unique structural arrangement of CID/CENP-A and H3 nucleosomes presents centromeric chromatin to the poleward face of the condensing mitotic chromosome.  相似文献   

Detailed comprehensive molecular analysis using families and multiple matched tissues is essential to determine whether imprinted genes have a functional role in humans.  相似文献   

Recent genomic projects have revealed the existence of an unexpectedly large amount of deleterious variability in the human genome. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain such an apparently high mutational load. However, the mechanisms by which deleterious mutations in some genes cause a pathological effect but are apparently innocuous in other genes remain largely unknown. This study searched for deleterious variants in the 1,000 genomes populations, as well as in a newly sequenced population of 252 healthy Spanish individuals. In addition, variants causative of monogenic diseases and somatic variants from 41 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients were analysed. The deleterious variants found were analysed in the context of the interactome to understand the role of network topology in the maintenance of the observed mutational load. Our results suggest that one of the mechanisms whereby the effect of these deleterious variants on the phenotype is suppressed could be related to the configuration of the protein interaction network. Most of the deleterious variants observed in healthy individuals are concentrated in peripheral regions of the interactome, in combinations that preserve their connectivity, and have a marginal effect on interactome integrity. On the contrary, likely pathogenic cancer somatic deleterious variants tend to occur in internal regions of the interactome, often with associated structural consequences. Finally, variants causative of monogenic diseases seem to occupy an intermediate position. Our observations suggest that the real pathological potential of a variant might be more a systems property rather than an intrinsic property of individual proteins.  相似文献   

The physical map of the hexaploid wheat chromosome 3B was screened using centromeric DNA probes. A 1.1‐Mb region showing the highest number of positive bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones was fully sequenced and annotated, revealing that 96% of the DNA consisted of transposable elements, mainly long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons (88%). Estimation of the insertion time of the transposable elements revealed that CRW (also called Cereba) and Quinta are the youngest elements at the centromeres of common wheat (Triticum spp.) and its diploid ancestors, with Quinta being younger than CRW in both diploid and hexaploid wheats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that both CRW and Quinta families are targeted by the centromere‐specific histone H3 variant CENH3. Immuno colocalization of retroelements and CENH3 antibody indicated that a higher proportion of Quinta than CRWs was associated with CENH3, although CRWs were more abundant. Long arrays of satellite repeats were also identified in the wheat centromere regions, but they lost the ability to bind with CENH3. In addition to transposons, two functional genes and one pseudogene were identified. The gene density in the centromere appeared to be between three and four times lower than the average gene density of chromosome 3B. Comparisons with related grasses also indicated a loss of microcollinearity in this region. Finally, comparison of centromeric sequences of Aegilops tauschii (DD), Triticum boeoticum (AA) and hexaploid wheat revealed that the centromeres in both the polyploids and diploids are still undergoing dynamic changes, and that the new CRWs and Quintas may have undertaken the core role in kinetochore formation.  相似文献   

The four human mucin genes MUC6, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B are located at chromosome 11p15.5. It has been demonstrated that the three mucins MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B contain several Cys-subdomains of 108 amino acid residues. In contrast, little information is available concerning MUC6. These Cys-subdomains contain 10 cysteine residues that have a highly conserved position. We present here a coherent probable evolutionary history of this human gene family after comparison of the nucleotide sequences of these Cys-subdomains. The three MUC loci MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B may have evolved from a common ancestral gene by two successive duplications. Moreover, we can postulate that MUC5AC and MUC5B have evolved in a concerted manner, while MUC2 has evolved separately. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 17 April 1997  相似文献   

The domain organization of the plant thylakoid membrane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of the photosynthetic membrane from higher plants is presented. The different photosystems, PSI alpha, PSI beta, PSII alpha and PSII beta, are located in separate domains. The photosystems with the largest antenna systems, the alpha systems, are in the grana and the other in the stroma lamellae. In each grana disc PSI alpha is located in a flat annulus surrounding a circular PSII alpha domain. In this the PSII alpha units with the largest antennae are found in the center. The model is consistent with results from recent membrane fractionation experiments.  相似文献   

The exocyst complex plays an essential role in tethering secretory vesicles to specific domains of the plasma membrane for exocytosis. However, how the exocyst complex is assembled and targeted to sites of secretion is unclear. Here, we have investigated the role of the exocyst component Exo84p in these processes. We have generated an array of temperature-sensitive yeast exo84 mutants. Electron microscopy and cargo protein traffic analyses of these mutants indicated that Exo84p is specifically involved in the post-Golgi stage of secretion. Using various yeast mutants, we systematically studied the localization of Exo84p and other exocyst proteins by fluorescence microscopy. We found that pre-Golgi traffic and polarized actin organization are required for Exo84p localization. However, none of the exocyst proteins controls Exo84p polarization. In addition, Sec3p is not responsible for the polarization of Exo84p or any other exocyst component to the daughter cell. On the other hand, several exocyst members, including Sec10p, Sec15p, and Exo70p, clearly require Exo84p for their polarization. Biochemical analyses of the exocyst composition indicated that the assembly of Sec10p, Sec15p, and Exo70p with the rest of the complex requires Exo84p. We propose that there are at least two distinct regulatory mechanisms for exocyst polarization, one for Sec3p and one for the other members, including Exo84p. Exo84p plays a critical role in both the assembly of the exocyst and its targeting to sites of secretion.  相似文献   

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