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Vitamin A, an essential nutrient, is required in its acidic form (retinoic acid) for normal embryogenesis and neuronal development, typically within well-defined concentration ranges. In zebra finches, a songbird species, localized retinoic acid synthesis in the brain is important for the development of song, a learned behavior sharing significant commonalities with speech acquisition in humans. We tested how dietary retinoic acid affects the development of song behavior and the brain's system for song control. Supplemental doses of retinoic acid given to juveniles during the critical period for song learning resulted in more variable or plastic-like songs when the birds reached adulthood, compared to the normal songs of vehicle-fed controls. We also observed that several genes (brinp1, nrgn, rxr-alpha, and sdr2/scdr9) had altered levels of expression in specific nuclei of the song system when comparing the experimental and control diet groups. Interestingly, we found significant correlations between gene expression levels in nuclei of the anterior forebrain pathway (lMAN and area X) and the degree of variability in the recorded songs. We observed, however, no major morphological effects such as changes in the volumes of song nuclei. Overall, our results lend further support to a fundamental role of retinoic acid in song maturation and point to possible molecular pathways associated with this action. The data also demonstrate that dietary content of Vitamin A can affect the maturation of a naturally learned complex behavior.  相似文献   

Song development in oscine songbirds relies on imitation of adult singers and thus leaves developing birds vulnerable to potentially costly errors caused by imitation of inappropriate models, such as the songs of other species. In May and June 2012, we recorded the songs of a bird that made such an error: a male Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor) in western Massachusetts that sang songs seemingly acquired by imitating the songs of a Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). Another song type in the bird's repertoire was a near‐normal Group A Prairie Warbler song, but the bird used this song in contexts normally reserved for Group B songs. Despite its abnormal singing behavior, the aberrant bird successfully defended a territory and attracted a mate that laid two clutches of eggs. Results of playbacks of the focal bird's heterospecific song suggested that neighboring conspecific males learned to associate the Field Sparrow‐like song with the focal male, and responded to the song as if it were a Prairie Warbler song. Our evidence suggests that the focal bird's aberrant singing evoked normal responses from potential mates and rivals. If such responses are widespread among songbirds, the general failure of heterospecific songs, once acquired, to spread through populations by cultural transmission is probably not attributable to a lack of recognition by conspecifics of the songs of heterospecific singers.  相似文献   

Divergence of male sexual signals and female preferences for those signals often maintains reproductive boundaries between closely related, co‐occurring species. However, contrasting sources of selection, such as interspecific competition, can lead to weak divergence or even convergence of sexual signals in sympatry. When signals converge, assortative mating can be maintained if the mating preferences of females diverge in sympatry (reproductive character displacement; RCD), but there are few explicit examples. Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) are sympatric with collared flycatchers (F. albicollis) on the Baltic island of Öland, where males from both species compete over nestboxes, their songs converge, and the two species occasionally hybridize. We compare song discrimination of male and female pied flycatchers on Öland and in an allopatric population on the Swedish mainland. Using field choice trials, we show that male pied flycatchers respond similarly to the songs of both species in sympatry and allopatry, while female pied flycatchers express stronger discrimination against heterospecific songs in sympatry than in allopatry. These results are consistent with RCD of song discrimination of female pied flycatchers where they co‐occur with collared flycatchers, which should maintain species assortative mating despite convergence of male sexual signals.  相似文献   

Vocal acquisition in songbirds and humans shows many similarities, one of which is that both involve a combination of experience and perceptual predispositions. Among languages some speech sounds are shared, while others are not. This could reflect a predisposition in young infants for learning some speech sounds over others, which combines with exposure-based learning. Similarly, in songbirds, some sounds are common across populations, while others are more specific to populations or individuals. We examine whether this is also due to perceptual preferences for certain within-species element types in naive juvenile male birds, and how such preferences interact with exposure to guide subsequent song learning. We show that young zebra finches lacking previous song exposure perceptually prefer songs with more common zebra finch song element types over songs with less common elements. Next, we demonstrate that after subsequent tutoring, birds prefer tutor songs regardless of whether these contain more common or less common elements. In adulthood, birds tutored with more common elements showed a higher song similarity to their tutor song, indicating that the early bias influenced song learning. Our findings help to understand the maintenance of similarities and the presence of differences among birds'' songs, their dialects and human languages.  相似文献   

The diversity and the motor performance of birdsongs can both be sexually selected. In wood warblers, most species with high motor performance sing a greater proportion of trills, presumably to advertise performance, and thus have lower syllable diversity. We tested if this trade-off between motor performance and syllable diversity extends to canaries, goldfinches and allies, a clade with much longer and more varied songs. We assembled a molecular phylogeny and inferred song motor performance based on the speed of frequency modulation either in trills or in within-song intervals. The two metrics of performance were positively, but only mildly, related across species. While performance evaluated in intervals had high phylogenetic signal, performance evaluated in trills changed independently of phylogeny and was constrained by body size. Species in densely vegetated habitats sang fewer trills, but did not differ in motor performance. Contrary to wood warblers, song motor performance did not predict the proportion of trilled syllables nor within-song syllable diversity, perhaps because large differences in the song duration of canaries, goldfinches and allies prevent trills from severely compromising syllable diversity. Opposed results in wood warblers and in these finches indicate the existence of clade-specific trade-offs in the evolution of birdsong.  相似文献   

Assortative mating displays and/or preferences can be affected by learning across a wide range of animal taxa, but the specifics of how this learning affects speciation with gene flow are not well understood. We use population genetic models with trait learning to investigate how the identity of the tutor affects the divergence of a self‐referent phenotype‐matching trait. We find that oblique learning (learning from unrelated individual of the previous generation) and maternal learning mask sexual selection and therefore do not allow the maintenance of divergence. In contrast, by enhancing positive frequency‐dependent sexual selection, paternal learning can maintain more divergence than genetic inheritance, but leads to the loss of polymorphism more easily. Furthermore, paternal learning inhibits the invasion of a novel self‐referent phenotype‐matching trait, especially in a large population.  相似文献   

As is the case for human speech, birdsong is transmitted across generations by imitative learning. Although transfer of song patterns from adults to juveniles typically occurs via vertical or oblique transmission, there is also evidence of horizontal transmission between juveniles of the same generation. Here, we show that a young male zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) that has been exposed to its father during the sensitive period for song learning can lead a brother, that has never heard the paternal song, to imitate some sounds of the father. Moreover, song similarity between the two brothers was higher than the similarity measured between the paternal song and the song of the brother that had a week-long exposure to the father. We speculate that the phenomenon of within-generation song learning among juveniles may be more widespread than previously thought and that when a juvenile evaluates potential models for imitative learning, a sibling may be as salient as an adult.  相似文献   

Conservationists are increasingly using autonomous acoustic recorders to determine the presence/absence and the abundance of bird species. Unlike humans, these recorders can be left in the field for extensive periods of time in any habitat. Although data acquisition is automated, manual processing of recordings is labour intensive, tedious, and prone to bias due to observer variations. Hence automated birdsong recognition is an efficient alternative. However, only few ecologists and conservationists utilise the existing birdsong recognisers to process unattended field recordings because the software calibration time is exceptionally high and requires considerable knowledge in signal processing and underlying systems, making the tools less user‐friendly. Even allowing for these difficulties, getting accurate results is exceedingly hard. In this review we examine the state‐of‐the‐art, summarising and discussing the methods currently available for each of the essential parts of a birdsong recogniser, and also available software. The key reasons behind poor automated recognition are that field recordings are very noisy, calls from birds that are a long way from the recorder can be faint or corrupted, and there are overlapping calls from many different birds. In addition, there can be large numbers of different species calling in one recording, and therefore the method has to scale to large numbers of species, or at least avoid misclassifying another species as one of particular interest. We found that these areas of importance, particularly the question of noise reduction, are amongst the least researched. In cases where accurate recognition of individual species is essential, such as in conservation work, we suggest that specialised (species‐specific) methods of passive acoustic monitoring are required. We also believe that it is important that comparable measures, and datasets, are used to enable methods to be compared.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis is often correlated with learning new tasks, suggesting that a function of incorporating new neurons is to permit new memory formation. However, in the zebra finch, neurons are added to the song motor pathway throughout life, long after the initial song motor pattern is acquired by about 3 months of age. To explore this paradox, we examined the relationship between adult song structure and neuron addition using sensitive measures of song acoustic structure. We report that between 4 and 15 months of age there was an increase in the stereotypy of fine-grained spectral and temporal features of syllable acoustic structure. These results indicate that the zebra finch continues to refine motor output, perhaps by practice, over a protracted period beyond the time when song is first learned. Over the same age range, there was a decrease in the addition of new neurons to HVC, a region necessary for song production, but not to Area X or the hippocampus, regions not essential for singing. We propose that age-related changes in the stereotypy of syllable acoustic structure and HVC neuron addition are functionally related.  相似文献   

Vocal learning in birds is typically restricted to a sensitive period early in life, with the few exceptions reported in songbirds and parrots. Here, we present evidence of open-ended vocal learning in a hummingbird, the third avian group with vocal learning. We studied vocalizations at four leks of the long-billed hermit Phaethornis longirostris during a four-year period. Individuals produce a single song repertoire, although several song-types can coexist at a single lek. We found that nine of 49 birds recorded on multiple days (18%) changed their song-type between consecutive recordings. Three of these birds replaced song-types twice. Moreover, the earliest estimated age when song replacement occurred ranged from 186 to 547 days (mean = 307 days) and all nine birds who replaced song-types produced a crystallized song before replacement. The findings indicate that song-type replacement is distinct from an initial early learning sensitive period. As half of lekking males do not survive past the first year of life in this species, song learning may well extend throughout the lifespan. This behaviour would be convergent to vocal learning programmes found in parrots and songbirds.  相似文献   

Species-specific behaviours gradually emerge, via incomplete patterns, to the final complete adult form. A classical example is birdsong, a learned behaviour ideally suited for studying the neural and molecular substrates of vocal learning. Young songbirds gradually transform primitive unstructured vocalizations (subsong, akin to human babbling) into complex, stereotyped sequences of syllables that constitute adult song. In comparison with birdsong, territorial and mating calls of vocal non-learner species are thought to exhibit little change during development. We revisited this issue using the crowing behaviour of domestic Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Crowing activity was continuously recorded in young males maintained in social isolation from the age of three weeks to four months. We observed developmental changes in crow structure, both the temporal and the spectral levels. Speed and trajectories of these developmental changes exhibited an unexpected high inter-individual variability. Mechanisms used by quails to transform sounds during ontogeny resemble those described in oscines during the sensorimotor phase of song learning. Studies on vocal non-learners could shed light on the specificity and evolution of vocal learning.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone between the Greek land snails Albinaria hippolyti aphrodite and Albinaria hippolyti harmonia runs exactly along the edge of a gorge. At two localities, we analysed patterns of variation in three enzyme loci, six conchological characters, and two anatomical characters across the zone. Clines in the various characters are largely coincident and concordant. They are narrow (approximately 30 m wide) where the ecological transition is abrupt, and wider (approximately 120 m wide) where a valley cuts into the gorge, making the environmental change more gradual. In spite of the obvious correlation with an ecological transition, we do not believe the zone is maintained by a selection gradient. Instead, direct and indirect evidence for hybrid disadvantage and evidence for directional dispersal at the edge of the gorge suggest that it is a tension zone, held at the ecotone by differential dispersal of at least one of the parental types. We speculate on the possibility that reinforcement may act in the hybrid zone. Our data on dispersal and reproductive isolating mechanisms lead us to believe that reinforcement may only be possible at localities where the hybrid zone is very narrow.  相似文献   

Moving hybrid zones are receiving increasing attention. However, so far little is known about the proximate mechanisms underlying these movements. Signalling behaviour, by individuals engaged in interspecific sexual and aggressive interactions, may play a crucial role. In this study, we investigated song variation within a moving hybrid zone between two warblers, Hippolais polyglotta and H. icterina . In these species, song is involved in interspecific territoriality and, probably, in mixed pairings. We showed that allopatric populations of the two species are clearly acoustically differentiated. However, interspecific differences faded out in sympatry as a result of an overall pattern of convergence. Unexpectedly, the two species converged for different song parameters, namely temporal parameters for H. icterina and syntax for H. polyglotta . Hybridization and interspecific competition could explain convergence in H. icterina . Instead, in H. polyglotta we suggest that local adaptation to habitat and interspecific learning might contribute to convergence. We particularly stress that cross-species learning, by maintaining high levels of interspecific interactions, may influence the movement of the zone.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 507–517.  相似文献   

An important evolutionary question concerns whether one or many barriers are involved in the early stages of speciation. We examine pre‐ and post‐zygotic reproductive barriers between two species of butterflies (Heliconius erato chestertonii and H. e. venus) separated by a bimodal hybrid zone in the Cauca Valley, Colombia. We show that there is both strong pre‐ and post‐mating reproductive isolation, together leading to a 98% reduction in gene flow between the species. Pre‐mating isolation plays a primary role, contributing strongly to this isolation (87%), similar to previous examples in Heliconius. Post‐mating isolation was also strong, with absence of Haldane’s rule, but an asymmetric reduction in fertility (< 11%) in inter‐specific crosses depending on maternal genotype. In summary, this is one of the first examples of post‐zygotic reproductive isolation playing a significant role in early stages of parapatric speciation in Heliconius and demonstrates the importance of multiple barriers to gene flow in the speciation process.  相似文献   

The brain circuitry that controls song learning and production undergoes marked changes in morphology and connectivity during the song learning period in juvenile zebra finches, in parallel to the acquisition, practice and refinement of song. Yet, the genetic programs and timing of regulatory change that establish the neuronal connectivity and plasticity during this critical learning period remain largely undetermined. To address this question, we used in situ hybridization to compare the expression patterns of a set of 30 known robust molecular markers of HVC and/or area X, major telencephalic song nuclei, between adult and juvenile male zebra finches at different ages during development (20, 35, 50 days post‐hatch, dph). We found that several of the genes examined undergo substantial changes in expression within HVC or its surrounds, and/or in other song nuclei. They fit into broad patterns of regulation, including those whose expression within HVC during this period increases (COL12A1, COL 21A1, MPZL1, PVALB, and CXCR7) or decreases (e.g., KCNT2, SAP30L), as well as some that show decreased expression in the surrounding tissue with little change within song nuclei (e.g. SV2B, TAC1). These results reveal a broad range of molecular changes that occur in the song system in concert with the song learning period. Some of the genes and pathways identified are potential modulators of the developmental changes associated with the emergence of the adult properties of the song control system, and/or the acquisition of learned vocalizations in songbirds. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1315–1338, 2015  相似文献   

The smooth and the Montandon's newts (Triturus vulgaris and T. montandoni) are genetically similar sister species with highly divergent male secondary sexual traits involved in complex courtship behaviour. Their parapatric ranges overlap at moderate elevations in the Carpathian Mountains where they hybridize readily. Here we present a detailed study of genetic and morphological variation in populations from the area of sympatry. Analysis of variation at seven nuclear markers, mtDNA and male sexual secondary traits was complemented with an ecological survey of breeding sites characteristics. Extensive hybridization was revealed with back-cross individuals similar to either parental species predominating among hybrids. The hybrid zone exhibited a mosaic pattern: the genetic composition of the populations was correlated only weakly with their geographical position. No association with habitat type was found. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg proportions, significant linkage disequilibria and bimodal distribution of genotypes suggest strongly that assortative mating is an important factor shaping the genetic composition of hybrid populations. The pattern of cytonuclear disequilibria did not indicate much asymmetry in interspecific matings. Changes in the frequency of nuclear markers were highly concordant, whereas mtDNA showed much wider bidirectional introgression with 14% excess of T. montandoni haplotype. We argue that the mosaic structure of the newt hybrid zone results mainly from stochastic processes related to extinction and recolonization. Microgeographical differences in mtDNA introgression are explained by historical range shifts. Since morphologically intermediate males were underrepresented when compared to hybrid males identified by genetic markers, sexual selection acting against the morphological intermediates is implied. We discuss the implications of these findings in the context of reinforcement of prezygotic isolation in newts.  相似文献   

Migratory bird populations frequently consist of individuals that overwinter variable distances from the breeding site. Seasonal changes in photoperiod, which varies with latitude, underlie seasonal changes in singing frequency in birds. Therefore, migratory populations that consist of individuals that overwinter at different latitudes with large overwintering ranges could experience within‐population variation in seasonal production of song. To test the influence of overwintering latitude on intrapopulation variance in song production in the spring, we subjected two groups of Eastern Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia melodia) from the same partially migratory breeding population to different photoperiodic schedules associated with a 1,300‐km difference in overwintering location. One group remained on the natural photoperiodic schedule of the breeding site (resident group) while the other group experienced a nonbreeding photoperiod that mimicked a southern migration in the fall followed by a northern migration back to the breeding site in the spring (migratory group). We compared song output between the two groups in three different stages (nonbreeding, prebreeding, and breeding). Little singing occurred during nonbreeding stage sample dates (20 November, 6 December) for the resident group, and no singing occurred for the migrant group. During the prebreeding stage (27 January, 7 February), significantly more singing occurred in the resident group than in the migrant group. During the breeding stage (21 March, 4 April), after a simulated migration for the migrants, song output was similar in both groups. These results suggest that within‐population variation in wintering latitude may contribute to variation in seasonal changes in singing behavior, which may covary with readiness to breed. Studies utilizing confirmed migrants and residents, rather than merely simulated migrants and residents, are also needed to better understand these processes.  相似文献   

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