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Multiple congenital ocular anomalies (MCOA) syndrome is a hereditary congenital eye defect that was first described in Silver colored Rocky Mountain horses. The mutation causing this disease is located within a defined chromosomal interval, which also contains the gene and mutation that is associated with the Silver coat color (PMEL17, exon 11). Horses that are homozygous for the disease-causing allele have multiple defects (MCOA-phenotype), whilst the heterozygous horses predominantly have cysts of the iris, ciliary body or retina (Cyst-phenotype). It has been argued that these ocular defects are caused by a recent mutation that is restricted to horses that are related to the Rocky Mountain Horse breed. For that reason we have examined another horse breed, the Icelandic horse, which is historically quite divergent from Rocky Mountain horses.


We examined 24 Icelandic horses and established that the MCOA syndrome is present in this breed. Four of these horses were categorised as having the MCOA-phenotype and were genotyped as being homozygous for the PMEL17 mutation. The most common clinical signs included megaloglobus, iris stromal hypoplasia, abnormal pectinate ligaments, iridociliary cysts occasionally extending into the peripheral retina and cataracts. The cysts and pectinate ligament abnormalities were observed in the temporal quadrant of the eyes. Fourteen horses were heterozygous for the PMEL17 mutation and were characterized as having the Cyst-phenotype with cysts and occasionally curvilinear streaks in the peripheral retina. Three additional horses were genotyped as PMEL17 heterozygotes, but in these horses we were unable to detect cysts or other forms of anomalies. One eye of a severely vision-impaired 18 month-old stallion, homozygous for the PMEL17 mutation was examined by light microscopy. Redundant duplication of non-pigmented ciliary body epithelium, sometimes forming cysts bulging into the posterior chamber and localized areas of atrophy in the peripheral retina were seen.


The MCOA syndrome is segregating with the PMEL17 mutation in the Icelandic Horse population. This needs to be taken into consideration in breeding decisions and highlights the fact that MCOA syndrome is present in a breed that are more ancient and not closely related to the Rocky Mountain Horse breed.  相似文献   

Field work and data from herbaria collections (2686 records) representing 283 taxa (265 species and 18 infraspecific taxa) of Bromeliaceae occurring at Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, were analyzed in order to obtain distribution and diversity information, and to determine IUCN (The World Conservation Union) conservation status for each taxon. A map containing 1° × 1° grid cells was used to identify priority areas for new research collections, areas of high species diversity, and Bromeliaceae conservation status. A clear decrease in Bromeliaceae diversity is observed between the eastern and the western portions of Minas Gerais, and low floristic similarities were found between neighboring grid cells. The rocky mountains of Cadeia do Espinhaço are considered the most important area for Bromeliaceae endemics. From the 283 taxa of Bromeliaceae that occur at Minas Gerais, 118 (42%) are considered threatened, and 124 taxa (44% of the total) do not occur inside any protected area. The region of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero in the southern portion of the Cadeia do Espinhaço is the most threatened, and urgent strategies for conservation of this rich Bromeliaceae flora are needed. Northeastern Minas Gerais, particularly the rocky outcrops or inselbergs located in the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri rivers drainage basins need additional collection efforts and conservation actions focused on these saxicolous taxa.  相似文献   

From 2002 to 2005, a program of active search for patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and schistosomal myeloradiculopathy has been implemented in the state of Minas Gerais by the local Health Department. The state was divided in 28 regional health centers and the local representatives have been trained to identify and direct patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and neuroschistosomiasis to a reference center in Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais. Seventy five patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis and 54 with schistosomal myeloradiculopathy have been referred and examined in the reference center in a period of time of 3 years. Schistosomal myeloradiculopathy should be emphasized because the number of cases reported is increasing rapidly and when timely diagnosed and treated, they respond promptly to treatment. Left untreated, they die or become invalid for life. In our view, the time has come for more active investigation of the different aspects of morbidity caused by schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil.  相似文献   

Quantifying diversity is an old challenge for ecologists and is also a social demand given the increasing threats to natural areas. We sought to work on these issues by using data from 158 vegetation remnants (over 350,000 trees) in southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais State—MG, nearly 600,000 km2). Specifically, we sought to answer the following questions. (1) How many trees and tree species currently exist in MG vegetation remnants? (2) How much of such biodiversity is present in each vegetation domain (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga) and vegetation type (Seasonally Dry tropical forest “semideciduous”, Seasonally Dry tropical forest “deciduous”, Rain Forest, Swamp, Cerrado and Cerradão) in MG? (3) How much has been lost in regards to tree amount and tree species? We built a 0.1-degree cell grid to estimate the number of trees via spatial regression and used Fisher’s alpha and Fisher’s log series to provide estimates on how many tree species there are and were in MG. We found the number of trees in Minas Gerais to be approximately 24.5 × 109, and the number of tree species to be between 3592 and 3743. The most abundant species distribution among the vegetation domains and vegetation types followed inversely the environmental heterogeneity of the classes. Consequently, the most abundant species in MG belonged to the Cerrado domain, where there was less environmental heterogeneity. The numbers of trees and tree species lost were estimated at 68.54 and 4.03–8.42% of the original values, respectively. We discuss that due to the consequences of human impacts that go back in the region for over a thousand years, other processes not considered in this study, such as habitat degradation by isolation, alterations of food webs, unsustainable use, and climate change, might have caused local extinctions and potentially increased the number of species lost. We believe our results may guide conservation initiatives by providing a base for future environmental laws, parks planning, and the development of more appropriate vegetation management techniques in MG. In addition, our results may inspire future quantitative ecological studies in the tropics.  相似文献   

We performed spoligotyping on 114 strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) complex that had been isolated from patients in Minas Gerais Health Units during 2004. A total of 82/114 (72%) clinical isolates were clustered and 32/114 (28%) were unique. Seven shared types containing nine strains were newly created. A total of nine patterns corresponded to unreported orphan strains, as evaluated against all of the strains recorded in the SITVIT2 proprietary database in the Institut Pasteur de la Guadeloupe. The major clades were composed of isolates that belong to the following genotypes: Latin-America and Mediterranean (63/114, 55.3%) (the ill-defined T superfamily) (12/114, 10.5%), Haarlem (8/114, 7%), X clade (6/114, 5.3%), S clade (3/114, 2.6%) and the East-African Indian and Manu types, each with 1/114 (0.9%) isolates. A considerable number of strains (n = 20, 17.5%) showed patterns that did not fall within any of the previously described major clades. We conclude the bulk of tuberculosis (TB) (92/114, 80.7%) in our location is recent evolutionary strains that belong to the principal genetic groups 2/3. Further studies on epidemiology of TB are required to understand Mtb biodiversity and TB transmission in this region.  相似文献   

This report describes the epidemiological and clinical-evolutive characteristics of eight patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A positive history of contact with rodents was present in 100% of the cases. The time between the onset of symptoms and hospital care was, on average, 3.6 days. All patients showed clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of HPS. Elevated urea and creatinine levels were observed in 6 (75%) cases, PO2 was < 60 mmHg in 100% of the cases, and a chest X-ray demonstrated a bilateral interstitial-alveolar infiltrate. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of IgM antibodies against Sin Nombre virus by ELISA. Three patients died as a direct consequence of HPS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding behavior of Triatoma vitticeps through the identification of its food sources and the characterization of the blood ingestion process. In addition, we aimed to verify if the saliva of this vector interferes with the perception of the host during the feedings by creating a nervous impulse. Here, we demonstrated that the T. vitticeps saliva reduces, gradually and irreversibly, the amplitude of the compound action potential of the nervous fibre, which helps decrease the perception of the insect by the host. The precipitin reaction demonstrated the feeding eclecticism of this vector, with the identification of eight food sources - most of them found simultaneously in the same insect. The analysis of the electrical signals produced by the cibarial pump during meals demonstrated that the best feeding performance of T. vitticeps nymphs that fed on pigeons is mainly due to the higher contraction frequency of the pump. The longer contact period with the host to obtain a complete meal compared with other triatominae species of the same instar could favor the occurrence of multiple blood sources in T. vitticeps under natural conditions, as it was evidenced by the precipitin test.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,88(1-3):116-121
This study was carried out on 1466 animals (977 sheep and 489 goats) during the period from January 2008 to December 2008 to determine some epidemiological, clinical and preventive measures associated with caseous lymphadenitis (CLA). The prevalence was 19.23% on the basis of clinical examination and 17.32% on the basis of bacteriological examination. The prevalence was 23.33% in sheep and 11.04% in goats on the basis of clinical examination whereas it was 22.10% in sheep and 7.77% in goats on the basis of bacteriological examination. The disease prevalence was significantly higher in females (19.67%) than in males (12.42%). Higher prevalence was recorded in animals of the age group from 1 to 2 yeas (47.36%) followed by animals of the age group over 2 years (18.69%) and lastly of the age group under 1 year (3.07%). The clinical picture appeared in the form of enlargement and abscessation of the superficial lymph nodes. Parotid lymph nodes were the most commonly affected nodes in sheep whereas superficial cervical lymph nodes were the most commonly affected nodes in goats. The superficial lymph nodes of the anterior body half showed the highest infection rate. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was detected in 90.07% of the clinically infected cases. The disease was significantly higher in private flocks (45.52%) than in governmental flock (1.59%). Control measures using penicillin at day zero of shearing in addition to disinfection of shearing instrument and wounds greatly reduced the disease occurrence.  相似文献   

From April 1984 to March 1985, a Trypanosoma lewisi prevalence of 21.7% was found in 429 Rattus norvegicus trapped in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The infection rates were higher in male and young rats and could be attributed to ecological and behavioral factors. T. lewisi was observed in rats measuring between 60 and 250 mm. Data about monthly T. lewisi infections throughout the year are presented for the first time in Brazil, with the highest prevalences observed in the warm-rainy season (October to March).  相似文献   

Aerobiologia - Primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) are involved in multiple phenomena ranging from seasonal allergies to pandemic diseases. Furthermore, PBAPs that act as ice nuclei, might...  相似文献   

Congenital Neospora caninum infection was diagnosed in two Saanen goat kids from two distinct herds with a history of abortion and weak newborn goat kids in the Southern region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The first kid was weak at birth, had difficulty to rise and was unable to nurse. Gross lesions of porencephaly and hydrocephalus ex vacuo were seen. Multifocal necrosis, gliosis and non-supurative encephalitis were observed in the brain. Several parasitic cysts with a thick wall that reacted strongly only with polyclonal antiserum to Neospora caninum were seen in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and cerebellum. The second kid was born from a Neospora caninum seropositive mother that aborted in the last pregnancy. It was born without clinical signs. The diagnosis of neosporosis was based on antibody titer of 1:800 to N. caninum by indirect fluorescence antibody test obtained from blood collected before the goat kid ingested the colostrum and Neospora caninum DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced from placenta. This is the first report of neosporosis in goats in the southeast region of Brazil.  相似文献   

Transmission of Leishmania was studied in 27 coffee plantations in the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais. Eighteen females and six males (11.6% of the people tested), aged between 7-65 gave a positive response to the Montenegro skin test. Awareness of sand flies based on the ability of respondents to identify the insects using up to seven predetermined characteristics was significantly greater among inhabitants of houses occupied by at least one Mn+ve individual. Five species of phlebotomine sand fly, including three suspected Leishmania vectors, were collected within plantations under three different cultivation systems. Four of these species i.e., Lu. fischeri (Pinto 1926), Lu. migonei (Fran?a 1920), Lu. misionensis (Castro 1959) and Lutzomyia whitmani (Antunes Coutinho 1939) were collected in an organic plantation and the last of these was also present in the other two plantation types. The remaining species, Lu. intermedia (Lutz Neiva 1912), was collected in plantations under both the "adensado" and "convencional" systems. The results of this study indicate that transmission of Leishmania to man in coffee-growing areas of Minas Gerais may involve phlebotomine sand flies that inhabit plantations.  相似文献   

Published and unpublished observations on geographical distribution of Biomphalaria snails in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were compiled. This work is aimed at knowing the present occurrence of Biomphalaria species in this region, and at contributing to the elaboration of the planorbid chart of Minas Gerais. In malacological surveys, performed by several researchers, the presence of seven species of this genus was recorded. Those planorbids were found in 12 mesoregions, in 283 (33.1%) municipalities out of 853 with the following distribution: B. glabrata (185 municipalities), B. straminea (125), B. tenagophila (58), B. peregrina (57), B. schrammi (26), B. intermedia (20) and B. occidentalis (2). B. glabrata and B. tenagophila are found naturally infected by Schistosoma mansoni in Minas Gerais. In 24 municipalities the three snail hosts of S. mansoni in Brazil, B. glabrata, B. tenagophila and B. straminea, are present.  相似文献   

From June 2005 to November 2010, 43 small mammals encompassing 6 species of Didelphimorphia, 8 species of Rodentia, and 1 species of Lagomorpha were found parasitized by ticks in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Nine tick species, in total 186 specimens, were identified as follows: Amblyomma cajennense (larvae and nymphs) on opossums and rodents; Amblyomma ovale (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma parvum (nymphs) on rodents; Amblyomma coelebs (nymphs) on opossums; Amblyomma dubitatum (nymph) on opossums; Ixodes amarali (females, nymphs, and larvae) on opossums and rodents; Ixodes loricatus (male, females, nymph) on opossums; Ixodes schulzei (female) on rodents; and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (female) on rabbits. Most of the tick-host associations found in the present study have never been recorded in the literature; those include three new host records for I. amarali, four for A. cajennense, one for A. dubitatum, two for A. ovale, and one for A. coelebs. In addition, we provide the first record of A. coelebs in the state of Minas Gerais.  相似文献   

Based on the high diversity of Brazilian fauna and flora, edaphoclimatic conditions in the Cerrado of Minas Gerais, and the situation of utilization of EPNs in Brazil, a survey was conducted in order to relate the presence of these organisms with the physical and chemical attributes of the soil, combined with precipitation. To this end, soil samples were collected in areas with diversified vegetation types in Monte Carmelo, MG, at Juliana Farm. The samples were obtained every 15 days for 6 months. From each spot, soil samples (about 500 g) were collected for soil moisture characterization, nematode isolation and determination of pH, organic matter, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), potential acidity (H + Al) and precipitation data (mm). Three populations of entomopathogenic nematodes of the Heterorhabditis amazonensis species were isolated in Cerrado stricto sensu and Gallery forest areas. The occurrence H. amazonensis could not be considered restricted to specific soil condition, as organic matter, humidity, pH, Ca, K, Mg and H + Al, especially considering the organic matter and K values, which had variable levels between the places of collection. The p values of the positive soil samples were at a lower level than the mean of the Gallery forest and Cerrado, and at the same level as maize and pasture area. The soil moisture in the Cerrado area increased with the higher values of precipitation; however, in the Gallery forest area this association was not observed. Also, the nematodes were isolated when the temperature began to decrease.  相似文献   

The geographic information system approach has permitted integration between demographic, socio-economic and environmental data, providing correlation between information from several data banks. In the current work, occurrence of human and canine visceral leishmaniases and insect vectors (Lutzomyia longipalpis) as well as biogeographic information related to 9 areas that comprise the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between April 2001 and March 2002 were correlated and georeferenced. By using this technique it was possible to define concentration loci of canine leishmaniasis in the following regions: East; Northeast; Northwest; West; and Venda Nova. However, as for human leishmaniasis, it was not possible to perform the same analysis. Data analysis has also shown that 84.2% of the human leishmaniasis cases were related with canine leishmaniasis cases. Concerning biogeographic (altitude, area of vegetation influence, hydrographic, and areas of poverty) analysis, only altitude showed to influence emergence of leishmaniasis cases. A number of 4673 canine leishmaniasis cases and 64 human leishmaniasis cases were georeferenced, of which 67.5 and 71.9%, respectively, were living between 780 and 880 m above the sea level. At these same altitudes, a large number of phlebotomine sand flies were collected. Therefore, we suggest control measures for leishmaniasis in the city of Belo Horizonte, giving priority to canine leishmaniasis foci and regions at altitudes between 780 and 880 m.  相似文献   

A study on the phlebotomine sand fly fauna in Belo Horizonte city, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, was carried out. From April 2001 to March 2003, monthly systematic collections were performed in three houses from each of the nine regions of the city, using CDC light traps for four consecutive days. The traps were set into the houses and in peridomestic areas totaling 54 traps. A number of 3871 sand fly specimens of the genera Lutzomyia and Brumptomyia were collected. Sixty eight percent of the specimens were L. longipalpis and 16% L. whitmani, insect vectors of visceral and American cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and frequency of precipitation suggest that the number of insects increases after rainy periods. During the same period mentioned above, seasonal captures were carried out in parks and green areas of Belo Horizonte, using Shannon trap. A total of 579 phlebotomine sand flies were collected from which 398 (68.7%) were females with the predominance of L. whitmani and L. monticola. Those specimens were used for natural infection examination, by polymerase chain reaction. No Leishmania DNA was present in any of the specimens tested.  相似文献   

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