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Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal communities (hard-shelled species only) from the Pakistan continental margin oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) have been studied in order to determine the relation between faunal composition and the oxygenation of bottom waters. Samples were taken from 136 m to 1870 m water depth during the intermonsoon season of 2003 (March–April). Live foraminiferal densities show a clear maximum in the first half centimetre of the sediment only few specimens are found down to 4 cm depth. The faunas exhibit a clear zonation across the Pakistan margin OMZ. Down to 500 m water depth, Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata dominate the assemblages. These taxa are largely restricted to the upper cm of the sediment. They are adapted to the very low bottom-water oxygen values (≈ 0.1 ml/l in the OMZ core) and the extremely high input of organic carbon on the upper continental slope. The lower part of the OMZ is characterised by cosmopolitan faunas, containing also some taxa that in other areas have been described in deep infaunal microhabitats. The contrast between faunas typical for the upper part of the OMZ, and cosmopolitan faunas in the lower part of the OMZ, may be explained by a difference in the stability of dysoxic conditions over geological time periods. The core of the OMZ has been characterised by prolonged periods of stable, strongly dysoxic conditions. The lower part of the OMZ, on the contrary, has been much more variable over time-scales of 1000s and 10,000 years because of changes in surface productivity and a fluctuating intensity of NADW circulation. We suggest that, as a consequence, well-adapted, shallow infaunal taxa occupy the upper part of the OMZ, whereas in the lower part of the OMZ, cosmopolitan deep infaunal taxa have repeatedly colonised these more intermittent low oxygen environments.  相似文献   

Comparisons of ambient bottom-water geochemistry and stable isotopic values of the tests of living (stained) calcareous benthic foraminifera from the North Pacific (on the Aleutian Margin, water depth 1988 m) and Murray Canyons group in the Southern Indian Ocean (Australian Margin, water depths 2476 m and 1634 m) provide modern environmental analogs to calibrate paleoenvironmental assessments. Consistent with the hypothesis that microhabitat preferences influence foraminiferal isotopic values, benthic foraminifera from both margins were depleted in 13C with respect to bottom-water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The carbon isotope values of deep infaunal foraminifera (Chilostomella oolina, Globobulimina pacifica) showed greater differences from estimates of those of DIC than shallow benthic foraminifera (Bulimina mexicana, Bolivinita quadrilatera, Pullenia bulloides). This study provides new isotopic and ecological information for B. quadrilatera. The mean Δδ13C value, defined as foraminiferal δ13C values minus estimated ambient δ13C values from the Aleutian Margin, is 0.97‰ higher for G. pacifica than the mean from the Murray Canyon. This difference may result either from genetic or biological differences between the populations or from differences in environmental isotopic influences (such as pore water differences) that were not accounted for in the equilibrium calculations. These analyses provide calibration information for the evaluation of bottom water conditions and circulation patterns of ancient oceans based on fossil foraminiferal geochemistry.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,58(3):159-183
We determined the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera (> 150 μm size fraction) of seven taxa sampled along a downslope transect between 140 to 2000 m water depth in the Bay of Biscay. At the five stations, Hoeglundina elegans, Cibicidoides pachydermus, Uvigerina peregrina, Uvigerina mediterranea preferentially occupy shallow infaunal niches, whereas Melonis barleeanus and Uvigerina elongatastriata occupy an intermediate infaunal microhabitat, and Globobulimina spp. live in a deep infaunal niche close to the zero oxygen boundary.When compared with δ18O values of calcite formed in equilibrium with bottom waters, U. peregrina forms its test in close equilibrium with bottom water δ18O. All other foraminiferal taxa calcify with a constant offset to calculated equilibrium calcite. There is no systematic relationship between the foraminiferal microhabitat depth and the Δδ18O between foraminiferal and equilibrium calcite. We calculated correcting factors for the various taxa, which are needed for constructing multispecies-based oxygen isotope records in paleoceanographic studies of the study area.The δ13C values of foraminiferal taxa investigated in this study do neither record bottom water δ13CDIC in a 1 : 1 relationship nor with a constant offset, but appear to be mainly controlled by microhabitat effects. The increase of δ13C values of shallow infaunal taxa with increasing water depth reflects the decrease of the exported flux of organic carbon along the bathymetric transect and early diagenetic processes in the surface sediment. This is particularly the case for the shallow infaunal U. peregrina. The δ13C values of deep infaunal Globobulimina spp. are much less dependent on the exported organic matter flux. We suggest that the Δδ13C between U. peregrina and Globobulimina spp. can shed light on the various pathways of past degradation of organic detritus in the benthic environments.At a station in 550 m water depth, where periodic eutrophication of sediment surface niches was demonstrated previously, we performed a two-year seasonal survey of the isotopic composition of foraminiferal faunas. No marked seasonal changes of the stable carbon isotopic composition of shallow, intermediate and deep infaunal foraminiferal taxa were observed. Thus, the δ13C values of foraminiferal individuals belonging to the > 150 μm fraction may result from rather long-term calcification processes lasting for several weeks or months, which limit the impact of ephemeral 12C enrichment of shallow infaunal niches on the isotope chemistry of adult individuals during eutrophic periods. Only highly opportunistic taxa reproducing or calcifying during phytoplankton bloom periods and the subsequent deposits of phytoplankton remains in the benthic environment may exhibit a particularly low δ13C, indicative of such short productive periods.  相似文献   

Sediment grab samples were collected at 107 locations along the continental margin of northwest Africa. These samples form a series of depth transects between the Straits of Gibraltar and Dakar, Senegal. The greater than 250 μm size fraction was retained for a census of both the live and dead foraminifera. After deleting trace occurrences, Jaccard and correlation coefficient-based cluster analyses were performed to decipher the community structure for this margin.The geographic distribution of the four major faunal provinces recognized is conventional in that for both the live and dead assemblages three are related to depth: upper slope and shelf, middle slope, and lower slope and continental rise. The biotopes and thanatotopes within these provinces are strongly restricted along vertical or latitudinal boundaries when the data are analysed using Jaccard coefficients. Dendrograms constructed from correlation coefficients emphasize depth-related faunal communities. Dominant species such asCibicides lobatulus, Trifarina fornasinii, Planulina ariminensis, Uvigerina finisterrensis, andC. wuellerstorfi are generally distributed within a definite depth range along this margin and strongly influence the correlation coefficient-based dendrograms. Other distributions are clearly not depth-related but correspond to various environmental variables, for example:Cancris auriculus — coarse substrate;Bolivina subaenariensis — oxygen minimum;Cibicidoides kullenbergi andHoeglundina elegans — low organic carbon.Uvigerina peregrina is also a notable exception to depth-dependence in that this dominant species and the province it represents are generally confined to the continental slope south of Cape Blanc. Its preference for that region may arise from the high organic carbon and fine grain-size of the sediment there, from low salinity of the bottom water, or from other unknown variables. The most important vertical faunal boundary occurs between Cape Barbas and Cape Blanc (between 22° and 21°N latitude). In contrast, the Canary Island Ridge intersects the continental margin at a saddle depth of about 1500 m, but that physiographic barrier has little effect on provincialism of the deep-water benthic foraminifera.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of live (Rose Bengal stained) foraminifera from ☐ cores taken in the Canadian Archipelago shows a dominance of agglutinated species in the western study area and an abundance of calcareous forms in the east. This distribution is attributed to the presence of differing water masses. The western channels are shallow and permit entrance only of the Arctic water mass whereas the eastern channels allow passage of the more saline and warmer Atlantic water mass. In habitat depth, both calcareous and agglutinated species exhibit highly variable vertical faunal distributions. Of the 6 cores studied, the depth above which 95% of the individuals occur ranges from 2.5 to 13 cm. Species microhabitat preference between localities also was found to be variable. Several factors are suggested to contribute to this variability. The cores were taken in shallow-water environments where physical and chemical conditions are less stable. Seasonal differences in ice cover affects productivity and thus the amount of food reaching the benthos. Sedimentation rates also are affected by differences in ice cover. Both of these factors control the rate of food burial which in turn must influence species vertical distribution patterns and microhabitat preferences. Although it has not been investigated, the role played by benthos in modifying sediment texture and in oxygenating subsurface layers may be an additional factor contributing to the variability observed in this study.  相似文献   

We identified 164 taxa of benthic foraminifera in 35 selected box-core top samples collected on the Australian-Irian Jaya continental margin in waterdepths between 60 and 2119 m, along three systematically sampled transects across the Banda Arc. The bathymetric distribution pattern of the benthic foraminiferal faunas is related to the oceanographic situation of this area, where the watermasses of the Indian Ocean collide with the watermasses of the Pacific Ocean. With the results of cluster analyses and empirical depth-ranges of “isobathyal” taxa, four faunal depth-zones and four subzones can be distinguished:
  • 1.(A) The Outer Shelf Biofacies (60–150 m), corresponding to the photic oxycline-zone of the Indonesian Surface Waters, and inhabited by a benthic foraminiferal association dominated by Amphistegina lessonii, Operculina ammonoides, Heterolepa dutemplei and various miliolids.
  • 2.(B) The Upper Bathyal Biofacies (150–400 m), reflecting the aphotic, deeper Indonesian Surface Waters, dominated by Bolivina robusta, Heterolepa mediocris, Hanzawaia nipponica and Lenticulina spp. A major faunal break is situated at the lower boundary of this depth-zone.
  • 3.(C) The Middle Bathyal Biofacies (400–1500 m), representing the Indonesian Intermediate Waters with minimum oxygen-contents, dominated by Bolivina robusta, Cassidulina carinata, Gavelinopsis lobatulus and Sphaeroidina bulloides. In this depth-zone many taxa occur with only limited depth-ranges, on which four subzones (C1–4) could be identified, allowing for a local (paleo)bathymetric resolution of a few hundred meters.
  • 4.(D) The Lower Bathyal Biofacies (1500–2120 m) corresponds with the Indonesian Deep Waters. It is dominated by Pullenia bulloides and other cosmopolitan deep water indicators, such as Epistominella exigua, Laticarinina pauperata, Oridorsalis umbonatus and Planulina wuellerstorfi.
The sample fraction > 250 μm can be used to readily delineate the major faunal trends. Paleobathymetric resolution improves when the sample portion > 125 μm is used.  相似文献   

One of the longest, most detailed quantitative records of oceanographic change in the Cenozoic is that provided by oxygen isotope measurements made on the tests of foraminifera. As indicated by measurements on benthic foraminifera, the deep waters of the world ocean have undergone an overall cooling of about 10°C in the Cenozoic. This change has been neither monotonic nor gradual. Rather, it is evidenced by a few, relatively rapid increases in the 13O content of the benthic shells. These “steps” in the isotopic record have been associated with major evolutionary changes in the mean state of the deep ocean. The variance around this mean state has also changed through the Cenozoic. From relatively high variance in the Middle Eocene, the oceans showed low variance in the Late Eocene and Oligocene. In the Miocene the variance of the isotopic measurement again increased, reaching a maximum of short duration in the Middle Miocene. This maximum as well as that which occurred during the Late Pliocene and Quaternary, may be attributable to fluctuations in the isotopic composition of the oceans caused by growth and decay of large ice sheets.In the Late Miocene the benthic oxygen isotopes in Atlantic sites less than 3000 m deep have a higher variance than sites at similar depths in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is thought that this high variance results from long-term changes in the importance of the cool and salty North Atlantic Deep Water relative to that of the warmer and less saline Antarctic Intermediate Water at Atlantic sites between 1000 m and 3000 m water depth. Such significant differences in benthic isotopic variance between the ocean basins have been demonstrated only in post-Middle Miocene intervals.  相似文献   

New planktonic and benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records from core YDY05 (northeastern Indian Ocean) provide new insights into paleoceanographic changes in the northeastern Indian Ocean since the last glacial period. The distinct δ18O decrease was observed since the beginning of the deglaciation to the mid-Holocene (∼8–6 kyr BP), possibly reflecting a reduction in surface salinity in the central Bay of Bengal (BoB) water, which probably resulted from strengthened precipitation, concurrent enhanced river discharge and rising sea-level, related to the intensification of Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). Variations in benthic δ13C and δ13CPlanktonic-Benthic in our core site reflect significant variations in source water characteristics over the LGM-Holocene. The large δ13CPlanktonic-Benthic offset during the glacial period suggests a more sluggish deep water circulation, and lower δ13CPlanktonic-Benthic from the deglaciation to the Holocene suggests an enhanced deep water circulation in the central BoB. The drastic depletion in benthic δ13C during the glacial period suggests a significant reduction of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) intrusion and a progressive influx of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and 12C-rich Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) into the central BoB. In contrast, since the deglaciation, the central BoB experienced a drastically increased intrusion of better ventilated and 13C-rich NADW. The differences in benthic δ18O between the LGM section and the Holocene exceeds the ice volume effect by ∼0.5‰, providing further evidence that the deep water mass of the central BoB was influenced by the less dense NADW, instead of the AABW, since the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

A detailed record (≈2-kyr intervals) of the difference in stable carbon isotopes (Δδ13C) between Globigerina bulloides and Globigerinoides ruber (pink) is used to reconstruct changes in upwelling intensity off the Congo River for the last 190,000 yr. Comparisons of the oxygen and carbon isotope data from this core with records from the Niger Fan and from pelagic cores in the eastern equatorial South Atlantic indicate that the Congo Fan isotope records do not contain a strong freshwater signal as is described off other major rivers. The temporal pattern of the Δδ13C signal correlates with the marine organic carbon record from the Congo Fan. Thus the planktonic Δδ13C record, reflecting past changes in upwelling intensity and nutrient content, corroborates the signal provided by sedimentary organic carbon, which is presumed to indicate changes in the amount of biological productivity and export flux to the seafloor.

The planktonic Δδ13C signal is characterized by a dominant 23-kyr periodicity which provides evidence for a strong response of upwelling fluctuations off the Congo to precessional forcing. Minima in the Δδ13C record are aligned with periods of minimum boreal summer insolation over Central Africa reflecting an increase of upwelling and biological productivity off the Congo at periods of enhanced zonal intensity of southeast trades and corresponding weak southeast monsoon over the eastern South Atlantic. A strong response to changes in river discharge probably did not occur, indicating that fertilization by river-derived nutrients has played only a minor role with respect to Late Quaternary changes in the total amount of primary productivity off the Congo.  相似文献   

The relationship between water temperature, growth rate, and otolith isotopic ratios was measured for juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) reared at two temperatures (11 and 17°C) and two feeding regimes (1 and 3 prey items·ml?1). The otolith isotope ratios in individual fish ranged from ?2 to ?4 for carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) and from 0.2 to 1.9 for oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O). The otolith oxygen isotope ratios were significantly affected by water temperature, but not by feeding level, and there were no significant synergistic effects. The fractionation of oxygen isotopes during otolith growth was independent of individual growth rate. Carbon isotope ratios were not significantly affected by food ration or water temperature, but were related to fish growth rate. The carbon isotope ratios were negatively correlated with fish length in the colder water treatments, and tended to increase with fish length in the warm water treatments. The laboratory-determined relationship between otolith oxygen isotope ratio and water temperature was applied to individuals of five species (plaice, cod, whiting, haddock, gurnard) collected in a single trawl sample. The otolith derived temperatures often overestimated measured water temperatures. The difference between real and estimated water temperatures varied between species, and the closest fit was for field-caught plaice.  相似文献   

Distribution of live benthic foraminifera in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The spatial and vertical distributions of live benthic foraminifera from the muddy central axis of the Ría de Vigo were examined under downwelling and upwelling conditions. The spatial distribution of the main benthic foraminiferal species is controlled by salinity variations (San Simón Assemblage), food availability (Outer Ría Assemblage) and oxygen concentrations and/or reducing microenvironmental conditions in the sediment (Inner Ría Assemblage).The microhabitat distribution of benthic foraminifera is mainly dependant on the oxygenation/redox conditions in the sediment and the vertical segregation of food. In the inner areas of the ría, low oxygen and/or reducing microenvironmental conditions prevent the vertical segregation of microhabitats. In outer areas oxygen penetration is deep but microhabitat partitioning only occurs in the presence of additional food resources (mainly fresh organic carbon from phytoplankton blooms) which triggers the colonisation of the surface layer by new species and the migration upwards and reproduction of opportunistic species.  相似文献   

The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) is found in the Mediterranean under a broad range of moisture and thermal conditions. Differences in severity and duration of water stress among native habitats may act as selective forces shaping the populations’ genetic make-up in terms of contrasting drought strategies. We hypothesised that these strategies should translate into intraspecific variation in carbon isotope composition (δ13C, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUEi) of wood holocellulose, and such variation might be linked to changes in oxygen isotope composition (δ18O, proxy of stomatal conductance) and to some climatic features at origin. Thus, we evaluated δ13C, δ18O, growth and survival for 25 Aleppo pine populations covering its geographic range and grown in two common-garden tests. We found intraspecific variability for δ13C and growth, with high-WUEi populations (which showed 18O-enriched holocellulose) having low growth. These results suggest stomatal regulation as common control for δ13C and productivity. We also detected sizeable relationships between δ13C and climate factors related to the magnitude and timing of drought such as the ratio of summer to annual rainfall. The main climate variable associated with δ18O was minimum temperature, but only in the coldest trial, suggesting differences in growth rhythms among sources. Overall, slow growing populations from highly-seasonal dry areas of the western Mediterranean exhibited a conservative water-use, as opposed to fast growing sources from the northernmost distribution range. The particular behaviour of the Mediterranean Aleppo pine as compared with other conifers demonstrates different selective roles of climate variables in determining intraspecific fitness.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of living (stained) benthic foraminifera across a tropical, intertidal shoreline adjacent to Cocoa Creek, Queensland, Australia for the purpose of better understanding the nature of test production and ultimately fossil assemblage development within such environments. Short cores (up to 1 m) were collected during the wet and dry season, along an elevational gradient comprising non-vegetated intertidal mudflat and higher-intertidal mangrove forest environments. The distribution of stained specimens can be broadly delineated into assemblages characterising ‘upper mangrove’ (2.64–2.91 m above Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)) and ‘low mangrove-mudflat’ (1.62–2.18 m above LAT) environments. Agglutinated species were generally limited to upper mangrove stations. Calcareous species occurred within all of the intertidal environments examined but differ in their composition between upper and lower intertidal settings. Upper mangrove faunas were characterised by the agglutinated species Arenoparrella mexicana, Haplophragmoides wilberti, Miliammina fusca, Miliammina obliqua and Trochammina inflata and the calcareous species Helenina anderseni. Live (stained) assemblages at lower intertidal elevations were dominated by the calcareous species Ammonia aoteana, as well as Rosalina spp., Elphidium oceanicum, Triloculina oblonga, Ammonia pustulosa and Shackoinella globosa.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples taken by ? corer from 45 stations on the Norwegian continental margin and in the Norway Basin have been investigated for their benthic foraminiferal content. Unlike previous studies, the living benthic foraminiferal fauna was differentiated from empty tests comprising the foraminiferal death assemblage. Factor analysis of both the living and dead faunal data reveals six living species assemblages and five corresponding dead assemblages. The additional living assemblage is characterized by the arenaceous speciesCribrostomoides subglobosum that dominates between 1400 and 2000 m water depth, but is rare in the dead faunal data.Trifarina angulosa and, to a lesser extent,Cibicides lobatulus characterize the shallowest foraminiferal assemblage from 200 to 600 m water depth, where it is associated with strong bottom currents and warm, saline Atlantic water of the North Atlantic Drift. On the slope between 600 and 1200 m water depth, theMelonis zaandami Species Assemblage dominates, particularly in areas characterized today by rapid sedimentation of terrigeneous material. Between 1000 and 1400 m depth, where the slope is covered by fine grained, organic-rich, terrigeneous mud, the living foraminiferal assemblage is characterized byCassidulina teretis andPullenia bulloides. Below 1400 m, three foraminiferal assemblages are found:C. subglobosum is found from 1400 to 2000 m,Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi andEpistominella exigua predominantly live from 2000 to 3000 m water depth, and below 3000 m,Oridorsalis umbonatus andTriloculina frigida dominate the fauna.All of theElphidium excavatum tests found in this study and theCassidulina reniforme tests found above 500 m water depth were found to be reworked.Analysis of the sediment grain-size distribution and the organic carbon content in surface samples from the deepest stations suggest that the abundance ofC. wuellerstorfi andE. exigua is positively correlated to relatively coarse (caused by planktic foraminifera) and organic-rich sediments, whereas high frequencies ofO. umbonatus andT. frigida coincide with low organic carbon content. We suggest thatC. wuellerstorfi is adapted to deep-sea environments with relatively high food supply, tolerating relatively low interstitial water oxygen content, whereasO. umbonatus may tolerate lower food supply prefering well-oxygenated interstitial waters.  相似文献   

In-situ and shipboard measurements of sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC), in conjunction with a study of the distributions of macro and megafauna and phytopigments, were used to determine and, where possible, explain the distribution of labile particulate organic matter (POM) on the NE Atlantic continental slope (Goban Spur, SW Ireland). A specific issue concerned the existence of depocentres of labile POM on the slope caused by lateral transport, a phenomenon that has been found previously in the NW Atlantic. The SCOC data from October 1993 and May 1994 showed a steady decrease with increasing water depth. SCOC values ranged from 5.4 mmol m−2 d−1 at the shelfbreak to 0.3 mmol m−2 d−1 at 4,500 m depth. No evidence was found for seasonal variation in SCOC. A clear seasonal signal was observed with regard to sediment phytopigments and phytopigment fluxes into sediment traps attached to the benthic lander. The upper- and mid-slope values of both parameters were much higher in May 1994 than in October 1993 and August 1995. This is consistent with the normal spring bloom pattern; but because of the degraded state of the May phytodetritus in the near-bottom water, reflected in the lack of a response in SCOC and the low chlorophyll-a concentrations, it was concluded that the material was not derived from the overlying photic zone, but instead transported from elsewhere in the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL). In August 1995, the lower slope (>3,000 m) had received a strong and fresh phytodetritus pulse (3 g C m−2) forming a mucous layer on top of the sediment. Using phytopigments and sterols as molecular markers, it was shown that the pulse was derived from an offshore bloom with an important contribution by dinoflagellates. By contrast, no mucous layer was found on the upper slope stations in August 1995. Macrofauna biomass showed a distinct decline from the upper slope down to the lower slope conforming to the diminishing supply of labile POM. The total wet biomass of megafauna reached relatively high values at the lower slope (>3,500 m) owing to large motile sea cucumbers. The presence of these “vacuum-cleaner” sea cucumbers is considered indicative of the occurrence of phytodetritus pulses. In spite of their assumed adaptation to periodic pulses, the estimated contribution by the sea cucumbers to the total benthic mineralization is minor. When combining data from different years/seasons we observed decoupling between the food supply to the lower slope and the upper and mid slopes. The major pulse to the former comes from an offshore summer bloom. The upper and mid slope appear to be fuelled by spring bloom material which is subsequently redistributed on the upper slope in a BNL. The quality of the seston in the BNL diminished in the offshore direction as indicated by the phytopigment concentrations.  相似文献   

Variations in oceanic primary productivity, flux of organic carbon to the sediments, and dissolved-oxygen levels in the water column are thought to be important in the control of benthic foraminiferal test size, wall thickness, morphology, and species composition of assemblages by many foraminiferal paleontologists. Aspects of these processes should be reflected by the benthic foraminiferal oxygen index (BFOI) based on these foraminiferal characteristics. However, analyses indicate that the BFOI correlates most strongly with dissolved-oxygen levels in overlying water (R2=0.81), weakly with oceanic primary productivity (R2=0.55), and weakly with organic carbon flux to the sediments (R2=0.51). Although both dissolved oxygen and organic carbon flux are main controlling factors for benthic foraminiferal assemblages, the BFOI is a useful indicator extracted from benthic foraminiferal assemblages for estimating the condition of dissolved oxygen in Cretaceous and Cenozoic oceans.  相似文献   

The active species of "CO(2)" and the amount of fractionation of stable carbon isotopes have been determined for a partially purified preparation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (EC from corn (Zea mays) leaves. The rates of the enzyme reactions, using substrate amounts of HCO(3) (-), CO(2) or CO(2) plus carbonic anhydrase, show that HCO(3) (-) is the active species of "CO(2)" utilized by PEP carboxylase. The K(m) values for CO(2) and HCO(3) (-) are 1.25 mm and 0.11 mm, respectively, which further suggest the preferential utilization of HCO(3) (-) by PEP carboxylase. The amount of fractionation of stable carbon isotopes by PEP carboxylase from an infinite pool of H(12)CO(3) (-) and H(13)CO(3) (-) was -2.03 per thousand. This enzyme fractionation (delta), together with the fractionation associated with absorption of CO(2) into plant cells and the equilibrium fractionation associated with atmospheric CO(2) and dissolved HCO(3) (-) are discussed in relation to the fractionation of stable carbon isotopes of atmospheric CO(2) during photosynthesis in C(4) plants.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠区土壤碳分布及其稳定同位素变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以亚洲中部干旱区准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠区为研究区,根据荒漠距离绿洲的距离,分别在荒漠边缘、中部和腹地设置3条样带,并采集2 m深的土壤剖面样品,研究土壤有机碳(SOC)、无机碳(SIC)含量及其稳定碳同位素的分布,探讨土壤碳变化与距绿洲距离的关系.结果表明: SOC含量随剖面土层深度增加而减少.受距绿洲距离的影响,SOC含量表现为荒漠边缘>荒漠中部>荒漠腹地.荒漠边缘SOC的δ13C值范围为-21.92‰~-17.41‰,且随深度增加而递减;荒漠中部和荒漠腹地的δ13C值范围为-25.20‰~-19.30‰,且随深度增加先增后减,由此推断准噶尔盆地南缘荒漠中部和腹地地表植被以C3植物为主,而绿洲边缘经历了从C3植物为主到C4植物为主的演替过程.荒漠边缘SIC平均含量为38.98 g·kg-1,是荒漠腹地的6.01倍,表明0~2 m深度内大量SIC在荒漠边缘呈聚集趋势.SIC的δ13C值随深度增加先减后增,底层富集,主要受原生碳酸盐含量和剖面土壤CO2的影响.  相似文献   

A representative paleoenvironmental reconstruction of continental middle latitude from ca. 2 my to the upper part of Middle Pleistocene (279 ± 77 ky) was obtained from the carbon and oxygen stable isotopes analyzed in ostracode shells (Cyprideis torosa) recovered in the Guadix-Baza Basin (SE Spain), an intramontaneous closed depression filled by alluvial and lacustrine sediments. This study was performed along a 356-m-thick composite section, dated previously by paleomagnetism and the amino acid racemization method. δ13C and δ18O profiles reflected changes in temperature, the evaporation/infill ratio in the water bodies and the amount of rain. δ13C is also affected by changes in plant biomass: periods with high δ13C and δ18O values are associated with warm and dry regimes, and with less vegetation, which, in some cases, coincide with the development of displacive gypsum crystals, whereas low δ13C and δ18O values correlate with cold and humid episodes, which cause more vegetation biomass and, therefore, increasing the input of isotopically light carbon. Intermediate δ18O values are linked to temperate dry or humid episodes when they coincide with high or low δ13C values, respectively. 86 paleoclimatic events were distinguished in the Pleistocene record from the δ13C and δ18O profiles. From both the statistical analysis of the geochemical data and the geological observations, four Cold and Humid Long Periods (low δ18O) and four Warm and Dry Long Periods (high δ18O) were defined. This differs with respect to the paleoclimatological behavior established for the Northern Hemisphere where during cold periods (glacial), no water was available while permafrost conditions persisted, whereas in warm episodes (interglacial), higher precipitation rates occurred. Good correspondences between the Guadix-Baza Basin paleoclimatic record and a marine oxygen-isotope sequence, two continental cores and other long Mediterranean paleoenvironmental records (pollen sequences from Israel) were found, which suggested that climate changes in the Guadix-Baza Basin were in tune with global climatic changes.  相似文献   

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