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The assembly of the ribosomal subunits is facilitated by ribosome biogenesis factors. The universally conserved methyltransferase KsgA modifies two adjacent adenosine residues in the 3'-terminal helix 45 of the 16 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). KsgA recognizes its substrate adenosine residues only in the context of a near mature 30S subunit and is required for the efficient processing of the rRNA termini during ribosome biogenesis. Here, we present the cryo-EM structure of KsgA bound to a nonmethylated 30S ribosomal subunit. The structure reveals that KsgA binds to the 30S platform with the catalytic N-terminal domain interacting with substrate adenosine residues in helix 45 and the C-terminal domain making extensive contacts to helix 27 and helix 24. KsgA excludes the penultimate rRNA helix 44 from adopting its position in the mature 30S subunit, blocking the formation of the decoding site and subunit joining. We suggest that the activation of methyltransferase activity and subsequent dissociation of KsgA control conformational changes in helix 44 required for final rRNA processing and translation initiation.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase KsgA modifies two adjacent adenosines in 16S rRNA by adding two methyl groups to the N(6) position of each nucleotide. Unlike nearly all other rRNA modifications, these modifications and the responsible enzyme are highly conserved phylogenetically, suggesting that the modification system has an important role in ribosome biogenesis. It has been known for some time that KsgA recognizes a complex pre-30S substrate in vitro, but there is disagreement in the literature as to what that substrate can be. That disagreement is resolved in this report; KsgA is unable to methylate 30S subunits in the translationally active conformation, but rather can modify 30S when in an experimentally well established translationally inactive conformation. Recent 30S crystal structures provide some basis for explaining why it is impossible for KsgA to methylate 30S in the translationally active conformation. Previous work identified one set of ribosomal proteins important for efficient methylation by KsgA and another set refractory methylation. With the exception of S21 the recent crystal structures of 30S also instructs that the proteins important for KsgA activity all exert their influence indirectly. Unfortunately, S21, which is inhibitory to KsgA activity, has not had its position determined by X-ray crystallography. A reevaluation of published biophysical data on the location also suggests that the refractory nature of S21 is also indirect. Therefore, it appears that KsgA solely senses the conformation 16S rRNA when carrying out its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Structural snapshots corresponding to various states enable elucidation of the molecular recognition mechanism of enzymes. Adenosine deaminase has two distinct conformations, an open form and a closed form, although it has so far been unclear what factors influence adaptation of the alternative conformations. Herein, we have determined the first nonligated structure as an initial state, which was the open form, and have thereby rationally deduced the molecular recognition mechanism. Inspection of the active site in the nonligated and ligated states indicated that occupancy at one of the water-binding positions in the nonligated state was highly significant in determining alternate conformations. When this position is empty, subsequent movement of Phe65 toward the space induces the closed form. On the other hand, while occupied, the overall conformation remains in the open form. This structural understanding should greatly assist structure-oriented drug design and enable control of the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The KsgA methyltransferase is universally conserved and plays a key role in regulating ribosome biogenesis. KsgA has a complex reaction mechanism, transferring a total of four methyl groups onto two separate adenosine residues, A1518 and A1519, in the small subunit rRNA. This means that the active site pocket must accept both adenosine and N(6)-methyladenosine as substrates to catalyze formation of the final product N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine. KsgA is related to DNA adenosine methyltransferases, which transfer only a single methyl group to their target adenosine residue. We demonstrate that part of the discrimination between mono- and dimethyltransferase activity lies in a single residue in the active site, L114; this residue is part of a conserved motif, known as motif IV, which is common to a large group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases. Mutation of the leucine to a proline mimics the sequence found in DNA methyltransferases. The L114P mutant of KsgA shows diminished overall activity, and its ability to methylate the N(6)-methyladenosine intermediate to produce N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine is impaired; this is in contrast to a second active site mutation, N113A, which diminishes activity to a level comparable to L114P without affecting the methylation of N(6)-methyladenosine. We discuss the implications of this work for understanding the mechanism of KsgA's multiple catalytic steps.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) acid methyltransferase (JHAMT) is a rate-limiting enzyme that converts JH acids or inactive precursors of JHs to active JHs at the final step of JH biosynthesis in insects and thus presents an excellent target for the development of insect growth regulators or insecticides. However, the three-dimensional properties and catalytic mechanism of this enzyme are not known. Herein, we report the crystal structure of the JHAMT apoenzyme, the three-dimensional holoprotein in binary complex with its cofactor S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, and the ternary complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and its substrate methyl farnesoate. These structures reveal the ultrafine definition of the binding patterns for JHAMT with its substrate/cofactor. Comparative structural analyses led to novel findings concerning the structural specificity of the progressive conformational changes required for binding interactions that are induced in the presence of cofactor and substrate. Importantly, structural and biochemical analyses enabled identification of one strictly conserved catalytic Gln/His pair within JHAMTs required for catalysis and further provide a molecular basis for substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism of JHAMTs. These findings lay the foundation for the mechanistic understanding of JH biosynthesis by JHAMTs and provide a rational framework for the discovery and development of specific JHAMT inhibitors as insect growth regulators or insecticides.  相似文献   

Ribosomal antibiotics must discriminate between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes to various extents. Despite major differences in bacterial and eukaryotic ribosome structure, a single nucleotide or amino acid determines the selectivity of drugs affecting protein synthesis. Analysis of resistance mutations in bacteria allows the prediction of whether cytoplasmic or mitochondrial ribosomes in eukaryotic cells will be sensitive to the drug. This has important implications for drug specificity and toxicity. Together with recent data on the structure of ribosomal subunits these data provide the basis for development of new ribosomal antibiotics by rationale drug design.  相似文献   

Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a first‐line drug for tuberculosis (TB) treatment and is responsible for shortening the duration of TB therapy. The mode of action of PZA remains elusive. RpsA, the ribosomal protein S1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), was recently identified as a target of PZA based on its binding activity to pyrazinoic acid (POA), the active form of PZA. POA binding to RpsA led to the inhibition of trans‐translation. However, the nature of the RpsA–POA interaction remains unknown. Key questions include why POA exhibits an exquisite specificity to RpsA of Mtb and how RpsA mutations confer PZA resistance. Here, we report the crystal structures of the C‐terminal domain of RpsA of Mtb and its complex with POA, as well as the corresponding domains of two RpsA variants that are associated with PZA resistance. Structural analysis reveals that POA binds to RpsA through hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions, mediated mainly by residues (Lys303, Phe307, Phe310 and Arg357) that are essential for tmRNA binding. Conformational changes induced by mutation or sequence variation at the C‐terminus of RpsA abolish the POA binding activity. Our findings provide insights into the mode of action of PZA and molecular basis of PZA resistance associated with RpsA mutations.  相似文献   

Singh H  Reilly TJ  Tanner JJ 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(22):4374-4381
The inhibition of phosphatases by adenosine 5'-phosphorothioate (AMPS) was first reported in the late 1960s; however, the structural basis for the inhibition has remained unknown. Here, it is shown that AMPS is a submicromolar inhibitor of class C acid phosphatases, a group of bacterial outer membrane enzymes belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase structural superfamily. Furthermore, the 1.35-? resolution crystal structure of the inhibited recombinant Haemophilus influenzae class C acid phosphatase was determined; this is the first structure of a phosphatase complexed with AMPS. The conformation of AMPS is identical to that of the substrate 5'-AMP, except that steric factors force a rotation of the thiophosphoryl out of the normal phosphoryl-binding pocket. This conformation is catalytically nonproductive, because the P atom is not positioned optimally for nucleophilic attack by Asp64, and the O atom of the scissile O-P bond is too far from the Asp (Asp66) that protonates the leaving group. The structure of 5'-AMP complexed with the Asp64→Asn mutant enzyme was also determined at 1.35-? resolution. This mutation induces the substrate to adopt the same nonproductive binding mode that is observed in the AMPS complex. In this case, electrostatic considerations, rather than steric factors, underlie the movement of the phosphoryl. The structures not only provide an explanation for the inhibition by AMPS, but also highlight the precise steric and electrostatic requirements of phosphoryl recognition by class C acid phosphatases. Moreover, the structure of the Asp64→Asn mutant illustrates how a seemingly innocuous mutation can cause an unexpected structural change.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel family of methyltransferases was identified in plants. Some members of this newly discovered and recently characterized methyltransferase family catalyze the formation of small-molecule methyl esters using S-adenosyl-L-Met (SAM) as a methyl donor and carboxylic acid-bearing substrates as methyl acceptors. These enzymes include SAMT (SAM:salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase), BAMT (SAM:benzoic acid carboxyl methyltransferase), and JMT (SAM:jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase). Moreover, other members of this family of plant methyltransferases have been found to catalyze the N-methylation of caffeine precursors. The 3.0-A crystal structure of Clarkia breweri SAMT in complex with the substrate salicylic acid and the demethylated product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine reveals a protein structure that possesses a helical active site capping domain and a unique dimerization interface. In addition, the chemical determinants responsible for the selection of salicylic acid demonstrate the structural basis for facile variations of substrate selectivity among functionally characterized plant carboxyl-directed and nitrogen-directed methyltransferases and a growing set of related proteins that have yet to be examined biochemically. Using the three-dimensional structure of SAMT as a guide, we examined the substrate specificity of SAMT by site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays against 12 carboxyl-containing small molecules. Moreover, the utility of structural information for the functional characterization of this large family of plant methyltransferases was demonstrated by the discovery of an Arabidopsis methyltransferase that is specific for the carboxyl-bearing phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid.  相似文献   

Oxalyl-coenzyme A decarboxylase is a thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzyme that plays an important role in the catabolism of the highly toxic compound oxalate. We have determined the crystal structure of the enzyme from Oxalobacter formigenes from a hemihedrally twinned crystal to 1.73 A resolution and characterized the steady-state kinetic behavior of the decarboxylase. The monomer of the tetrameric enzyme consists of three alpha/beta-type domains, commonly seen in this class of enzymes, and the thiamin diphosphate-binding site is located at the expected subunit-subunit interface between two of the domains with the cofactor bound in the conserved V-conformation. Although oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase is structurally homologous to acetohydroxyacid synthase, a molecule of ADP is bound in a region that is cognate to the FAD-binding site observed in acetohydroxyacid synthase and presumably fulfils a similar role in stabilizing the protein structure. This difference between the two enzymes may have physiological importance since oxalyl-CoA decarboxylation is an essential step in ATP generation in O. formigenes, and the decarboxylase activity is stimulated by exogenous ADP. Despite the significant degree of structural conservation between the two homologous enzymes and the similarity in catalytic mechanism to other thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzymes, the active site residues of oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase are unique. A suggestion for the reaction mechanism of the enzyme is presented.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding for a de novo methyltransferase, DNMT3B, lead to an autosomal recessive Immunodeficiency, Centromeric instability and Facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome. To analyse the protein structure and consequences of ICF-causing mutations, we modelled the structure of the DNMT3B methyltransferase domain based on Haemophilus haemolyticus protein in complex with the cofactor AdoMet and the target DNA sequence. The structural model has a two-subdomain fold where the DNA-binding region is situated between the subdomains on a surface cleft having positive electrostatic potential. The smaller subdomains of the methyltransferases differ in length and sequences and therefore only the target recognition domain loop was modelled to show the location of an ICF-causing mutation. Based on the model, the DNMT3B recognizes the GC sequence and flips the cytosine from the double-stranded DNA to the catalytic pocket. The amino acids in the cofactor and target cytosine binding sites and also the electrostatic properties of the binding pockets are conserved. In addition, a registry of all known ICF-causing mutations, DNMT3Bbase, was constructed. The structural principles of the pathogenic mutations based on the modelled structure and the analysis of chi angle rotation changes of mutated side chains are discussed.  相似文献   

A 16S rRNA methyltransferase, KsgA, identified originally in Escherichia coli is highly conserved in all living cells, from bacteria to humans. KsgA orthologs in eukaryotes possess functions in addition to their rRNA methyltransferase activity. E. coli Era is an essential GTP-binding protein. We recently observed that KsgA functions as a multicopy suppressor for the cold-sensitive cell growth of an era mutant [Era(E200K)] strain (Q. Lu and M. Inouye, J. Bacteriol. 180:5243-5246, 1998). Here we observed that although KsgA(E43A), KsgA(G47A), and KsgA(E66A) mutations located in the S-adenosylmethionine-binding motifs severely reduced its methyltransferase activity, these mutations retained the ability to suppress the growth defect of the Era(E200K) strain at a low temperature. On the other hand, a KsgA(R248A) mutation at the C-terminal domain that does not affect the methyltransferase activity failed to suppress the growth defect. Surprisingly, E. coli cells overexpressing wild-type KsgA, but not KsgA(R248A), were found to be highly sensitive to acetate even at neutral pH. Such growth inhibition also was observed in the presence of other weak organic acids, such as propionate and benzoate. These chemicals are known to be highly toxic at acidic pH by lowering the intracellular pH. We found that KsgA-induced cells had increased sensitivity to extreme acid conditions (pH 3.0) compared to that of noninduced cells. These results suggest that E. coli KsgA, in addition to its methyltransferase activity, has another unidentified function that plays a role in the suppression of the cold-sensitive phenotype of the Era(E200K) strain and that the additional function may be involved in the acid shock response. We discuss a possible mechanism of the KsgA-induced acid-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L11 is a universally conserved component of the large subunit, and plays a significant role during initiation, elongation, and termination of protein synthesis. In Escherichia coli, the lysine methyltransferase PrmA trimethylates the N-terminal alpha-amino group and the epsilon-amino groups of Lys3 and Lys39. Here, we report four PrmA-L11 complex structures in different orientations with respect to the PrmA active site. Two structures capture the L11 N-terminal alpha-amino group in the active site in a trimethylated post-catalytic state and in a dimethylated state with bound S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. Two other structures show L11 in a catalytic orientation to modify Lys39 and in a noncatalytic orientation. The comparison of complex structures in different orientations with a minimal substrate recognition complex shows that the binding mode remains conserved in all L11 orientations, and that substrate orientation is brought about by the unusual interdomain flexibility of PrmA.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is a complicated process, involving numerous cleavage, base modification and assembly steps. All ribosomes share the same general architecture, with small and large subunits made up of roughly similar rRNA species and a variety of ribosomal proteins. However, the fundamental assembly process differs significantly between eukaryotes and eubacteria, not only in distribution and mechanism of modifications but also in organization of assembly steps. Despite these differences, members of the KsgA/Dim1 methyltransferase family and their resultant modification of small-subunit rRNA are found throughout evolution and therefore were present in the last common ancestor. In this paper we report that KsgA orthologs from archaeabacteria and eukaryotes are able to complement for KsgA function in bacteria, both in vivo and in vitro. This indicates that all of these enzymes can recognize a common ribosomal substrate, and that the recognition elements must be largely unchanged since the evolutionary split between the three domains of life.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism that ensures correct gene expression and maintains genetic stability. DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is the primary enzyme that maintains DNA methylation during replication. Dysregulation of DNMT1 is implicated in a variety of diseases. DNMT1 protein stability is regulated via various post-translational modifications, such as acetyl- ation and ubiquitination, but also through protein-protein interactions. These mechanisms ensure DNMT1 is properly activated during the correct time of the ceil cycle and at correct genomic loci, as well as in response to appropriate extracellular cues. Further understanding of these regula- tory mechanisms may help to design novel therapeutic approaches for human diseases.  相似文献   

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