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The Andean plant endemic Puya is a striking example of recent and rapid diversification from central Chile to the northern Andes, tracking mountain uplift. This study generated 12 complete plastomes representing nine Puya species and compared them to five published plastomes for their features, genomic evolution, and phylogeny. The total size of the Puya plastomes ranged from 159,542 to 159,839 bp with 37.3%–37.4% GC content. The Puya plastomes were highly conserved in organization and structure with a typical quadripartite genome structure. Each of the 17 consensus plastomes harbored 133 genes, including 87 protein‐coding genes, 38 tRNA (transfer RNA) genes, and eight rRNA (ribosomal RNA) genes; we found 69–78 tandem repeats, 45–60 SSRs (simple sequence repeats), and 8–22 repeat structures among 13 species. Four protein‐coding genes were identified under positive site‐specific selection in Puya. The complete plastomes and hypervariable regions collectively provided pronounced species discrimination in Puya and a practical tool for future phylogenetic studies. The reconstructed phylogeny and estimated divergence time for the lineage suggest that the diversification of Puya is related to Andean orogeny and Pleistocene climatic oscillations. This study provides plastome resources for species delimitation and novel phylogenetic and biogeographic studies.  相似文献   

Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC., a medicinal plant with high economic value in the Asteraceae family, is widely distributed in China and Southeast Asia. However, studies on the population structure or phylogenetic relationships with other related species are rare owing to the lack of genome information. In this study, through high-throughput sequencing, we found that the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was 151,170 bp in length, with a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRa and IRb) comprising 24,982 bp, a large single-copy (LSC) region comprising 82,740 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region comprising 18,466 bp. A total of 130 genes were identified in the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera, including 85 protein-coding, 37 transfer RNA, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes; furthermore, sequence analysis identified 53 simple sequence repeats. Whole chloroplast genome comparison indicated that the inverted regions (IR) were more conserved than large single-copy and SSC regions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that B. balsamifera is closely related to Pluchea indica. Conclusively, the chloroplast genome of B. balsamifera was helpful for species identification and analysis of the genetic diversity and evolution in the genus Blumea and family Asteraceae.  相似文献   



Understanding the forces that shaped Neotropical diversity is central issue to explain tropical biodiversity and inform conservation action; yet few studies have examined large, widespread species. Lowland tapir (Tapirus terrrestris, Perissodactyla, Tapiridae) is the largest Neotropical herbivore whose ancestors arrived in South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange. A Pleistocene diversification is inferred for the genus Tapirus from the fossil record, but only two species survived the Pleistocene megafauna extinction. Here, we investigate the history of lowland tapir as revealed by variation at the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome b, compare it to the fossil data, and explore mechanisms that could have shaped the observed structure of current populations.


Separate methodological approaches found mutually exclusive divergence times for lowland tapir, either in the late or in the early Pleistocene, although a late Pleistocene divergence is more in tune with the fossil record. Bayesian analysis favored mountain tapir (T. pinchaque) paraphyly in relation to lowland tapir over reciprocal monophyly, corroborating the inferences from the fossil data these species are sister taxa. A coalescent-based analysis rejected a null hypothesis of allopatric divergence, suggesting a complex history. Based on the geographic distribution of haplotypes we propose (i) a central role for western Amazonia in tapir diversification, with a key role of the ecological gradient along the transition between Andean subcloud forests and Amazon lowland forest, and (ii) that the Amazon river acted as an barrier to gene flow. Finally, the branching patterns and estimates based on nucleotide diversity indicate a population expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum.


This study is the first examining lowland tapir phylogeography. Climatic events at the end of the Pleistocene, parapatric speciation, divergence along the Andean foothill, and role of the Amazon river, have similarly shaped the history of other taxa. Nevertheless further work with additional samples and loci is needed to improve our initial assessment. From a conservation perspective, we did not find a correspondence between genetic structure in lowland tapir and ecogeographic regions proposed to define conservation priorities in the Neotropics. This discrepancy sheds doubt into this scheme's ability to generate effective conservation planning for vagile species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships and genomic compatibility were compared for 60 accessions of Syringa using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) markers. A total of 669 cpDNA variants, 653 of which were potentially phylogenetically informative, was detected using 22 restriction enzymes. Phylogenetic analyses reveal four strongly supported plastome groups that correspond to four genetically incompatible crossing groups. Relationships of the four plastome groups (I(II(III,IV))) correlate well with the infrageneric classification except for ser. Syringa and Pinnatifoliae. Group I, which includes subg. Ligustrina, forms a basal lineage within Syringa. Group II includes ser. Syringa and Pinnatifoliae and the two series have high compatibility and low sequence divergence. Group III consists of three well-defined species groups of ser. Pubescentes. Group IV comprises all members of ser. Villosae and has the lowest interspecific cpDNA sequence divergences. Comparison of cpDNA sequence divergence with crossability data indicates that hybrids have not been successfully generated between species with divergence greater than 0.7%. Hybrid barriers are strong among the four major plastome groups, which have sequence divergence estimates ranging from 1.096 to 1.962%. In contrast, fully fertile hybrids occur between species pairs with sequence divergence below 0.4%. Three regions of the plastome have length variants of greater than 100 bp, and these indels identify 12 different plastome types that correlate with phylogenetic trees produced from cpDNA restriction site data. Biparentally inherited nuclear rDNA and maternally inherited cpDNA length variants enable the identification of the specific parentage of several lilac hybrids.  相似文献   

Wang  Le  Liang  Jian  Shang  Qianhan  Sa  Wei  Wang  Li 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(12):9677-9687
Molecular Biology Reports - Sorbaria kirilowii is a deciduous perennial admired for its showy white blossoms. Though of importance for horticultural purposes, the plastomic study concerning this...  相似文献   

Crassulaceae is a mid-sized family of angiosperms, most species of which are herbaceous succulents, usually with 5-merous flowers and one or two whorls of stamens. Although previous phylogenetic studies revealed seven major “clades” in Crassulaceae and greatly improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of the family, relationships among major clades are still contentious. In addition, the biogeographic origin and evolution of important morphological characters delimiting infrafamilial taxa have not been subject to formal biogeographic and character evolution analyses based on a well-supported phylogeny backbone. In this study, we used plastomic data of 52 species, representing all major clades revealed in previous studies to reconstruct a robust phylogeny of Crassulaceae, based on which we unraveled the spatiotemporal framework of diversification of the family. We found that the family may originate in southern Africa and then dispersed to the Mediterranean, from there to eastern Asia, Macaronesia, and North America. The crown age of Crassulaceae was dated at ca. 63.93 million years ago, shortly after the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary. We also traced the evolution of six important morphological characters previously used to delimit infrafamilial taxa and demonstrated widespread parallel and convergent evolution of both vegetative (life form and phyllotaxis) and floral characters (number of stamen whorls, petals free or fused, and flower merism). Our results provide a robust backbone phylogeny as a foundation for further investigations, and also some important new insights into biogeography and evolution of the family Crassulaceae.  相似文献   

Oresitrophe and Mukdenia (Saxifragaceae) are epilithic sister genera used in traditional Chinese medicine. The taxonomy of Mukdenia, especially of M. acanthifolia, has been controversial. To address this, we produced plastid and mitochondrial data using genome skimming for Mukdenia acanthifolia and Mukdenia rossii, including three individuals of each species. We assembled complete plastomes, mitochondrial CDS and nuclear ribosomal ETS/ITS sequences using these data. Comparative analysis shows that the plastomes of Mukdenia and Oresitrophe are relatively conservative in terms of genome size, structure, gene content, RNA editing sites and codon usage. Five plastid regions that represent hotspots of change (trnH-psbA, psbC-trnS, trnM-atpE, petA-psbJ and ccsA-ndhD) are identified within Mukdenia, and six regions (trnH-psbA, petN-psbM, trnM-atpE, rps16-trnQ, ycf1 and ndhF) contain a higher number of species-specific parsimony-informative sites that may serve as potential DNA barcodes for species identification. To infer phylogenetic relationships between Mukdenia and Oresitrophe, we combined our data with published data based on three different datasets. The monophyly of each species (Oresitrophe rupifraga, M. acanthifolia and M. rossii) and the inferred topology ((M. rossii, M. acanthifolia), O. rupifraga) are well supported in trees reconstructed using the complete plastome sequences, but M. acanthifolia and M. rossii did not form a separate clade in the trees based on ETS + ITS data, while the mitochondrial CDS trees are not well-resolved. We found low recovery of genes in the Angiosperms353 target enrichment panel from our unenriched genome skimming data. Hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting may be the cause of discordance between trees reconstructed from organellar and nuclear data. Considering its morphological distinctiveness and our molecular phylogenetic results, we strongly recommend that M. acanthifolia be treated as a distinct species.  相似文献   

The dichloromethane extract of the aerial parts of Blumea gariepina (Asteraceae) was shown to be active against the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium cucumerinum and to inhibit acetylcholinesterase. In order rapidly to identify the active principles, the crude extract was analysed by on-flow HPLC-1H-NMR. HPLC-micro-fractionation was performed and all peaks collected were submitted to assays against C. cucumerinum and acetylcholinesterase. By this means, the biological activities could be efficiently associated with selected HPLC peaks. Complementary on-line structural data for all peaks of interest in the crude extract were obtained from HPLC-MS and from HPLC-UV with post-column addition of UV shift reagents. This chemical screening strategy with integrated bioassays permitted the on-line identification of a number of constituents and gave useful information for an efficient isolation procedure.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular evolution of mitochondrial genomes among the family Odontobutidae, the complete mitochondrial genomes of Neodontobutis hainanensis and Perccottus glenii were sequenced and compared with seven odontobutids species. The genome organization, base composition, codon usage, and gene arrangement of N. hainanensis exhibited high similarity to P. glenii compared to those of other Odontobutidae species. Reconstructed phylogenetic analyses of Odontobutidae strongly supported that Neodontobutis and Perccottus formed a unifying group sister to Odontobutis. Our molecular dating time revealed that the two species diverged approximately 21.7 Ma during Miocene, later than that of Odontobutis. Selection analyses showed stronger selective constraints in mitochondrial genes for P. glenii. However, two positively selected sites in NADH4 and NADH6 genes were respectively detected in N. hainanensis and P. glenii, indicating that they might evolve different metabolic performance in response to the contrasting environments.  相似文献   

The Planorbidae represent one of the most important families of freshwater snails. They have a wide distribution and are significant both medically and economically as intermediate hosts for trematode worms. Digenetic trematodes of the genus Schistosoma cause schistosomiasis, a disease that infects 200 million people, and domestic animals throughout the tropics. Three of the four recognized species groups of Schistosoma rely on snails of the family Planorbidae to complete their life cycles. Each species group requires a specific planorbid genus-Bulinus, Biomphalaria, or Indoplanorbis. Our understanding of the relationships among the genera within the Planorbidae is rudimentary and based solely on internal anatomy and shell morphology. Two molecular markers, ribosomal 28S and actin exon 2, were sequenced and a phylogeny constructed for 38 taxa representing 16 planorbid genera. The phylogeny supports the division of the Planorbidae into two subfamilies, the Bulininae and Planorbinae. Interestingly, two representatives of the family Ancylidae fall within the Planorbidae highlighting the need for further analysis and possible reclassification of this group. A molecular based phylogeny of the genus Schistosoma was then mapped against the snail tree. The trees indicate that planorbid-transmitted Schistosoma appear not to be co-speciating with their current snail host lineages. Rather, host switching was prominent, including a switch involving two distantly related planorbid genera, Biomphalaria and Bulinus. Our study of the Planorbidae poses fundamental questions regarding how and when Schistosoma acquired new snail hosts, including how switches to relatively distant hosts are accomplished and why some available planorbids were not colonized.  相似文献   

The subsection Magnicellulatae of the genus Podosphaera section Sphaerotheca belongs to the tribe Cystotheceae of the Erysiphaceae, which has the characteristic of producing catenate conidia with distinct fibrosin bodies. In this study, we newly determined the nucleotide sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA region and the sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region to investigate the relationships between the phylogeny of this fungal group and their host plants. The results indicated that the 28S rDNA region is too conservative for phylogenetic analysis of this fungal group. The phylogenetic analysis using 95 ITS sequences demonstrated that two or more Magnicellulatae taxa often infect the same plant genus or species. Although there is a close relationship between Magnicellulatae and asteraceous hosts, this association seems to be not as strict as that between Golovinomyces and the Asteraceae. The difference between the two fungal groups may be explained by their different evolutionary timing.  相似文献   

MAAP: a versatile and universal tool for genome analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling (MAAP) uses one or more oligonucleotide primers (5 nt) of arbitrary sequence to initiate DNA amplification and generate characteristic fingerprints from anonymous genomes or DNA templates. MAAP markers can be used in general fingerprinting as well as in mapping applications, either directly or as sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARs). MAAP profiles can be tailored in the number of monomorphic and/or polymorphic products. For example, multiple endonuclease digestion of template DNA or the use of mini-hairpin primers can enhance detection of polymorphic DNA. Comparison of the expected and actual number of amplification products produced with primers differing in length, sequence and GC content from templates of varying complexity reveal severe departures from theoretical formulations with interesting implications in primer-template interaction. Extensive primer-template mismatching can occur when using templates of low complexity or long primers. Primer annealing and extension appears directed by an 8 nt 3-terminal primer domain, requires sites with perfect homology to the first 5–6 nt fom the 3 terminus, and involves direct physical interaction between amplicon annealing sites.  相似文献   

【背景】植物内生真菌是天然活性小分子的重要来源,但由于种类繁多,导致寻找结构新颖、活性强的化合物非常困难,重复分离已成为制约新型药源小分子发掘的瓶颈。【目的】综合各种技术,快速寻找目标活性次生代谢产物。【方法】通过对菌株分子鉴定、天然产物词典(dictionaryofnatural products,DNP)数据库检索、超高效液相色谱-电喷雾-质谱(ultraperformanceliquidchromatographyquadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry,UPLC-QTof-MS)分析、滤纸片法抑菌实验和色谱技术跟踪获得活性单体化合物。运用质谱和单晶衍射技术对化合物结构进行鉴定,96孔板法对单体化合物进行活性评价。【结果】分离鉴定出11株艾纳香内生真菌,筛选出一株各方面表现良好的艾纳香内生菌菌株Diaporthe sp.,从其大米培养基中获得一个单体化合物Cytochalasin H,活性评价显示其对枯草芽孢杆菌具有很好的抑制活性,MIC值为32μg/mL。【结论】将多种筛选技术相结合的方法应用于艾纳香内生真菌活性代谢产物的发掘,为快速寻找活性先导化合物提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

Aletris,containing approximately 21 species,is the largest genus in Nartheciaceae,and is disjunctively distributed in eastern Asia and eastern North America.Its delimitation has been controversial beca...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The genome sequence of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), one of the most important vegetable crops, has recently been decoded. We address implications of the tomato genome for plant breeding, genomics and evolutionary studies, and its potential to fuel future crop biology research.  相似文献   

Summary An electrophoretic comparison of 29 nuclear-coded enzymes was carried out for 21 Cucumis species, and a phylogeny based on pairwise measurements of the respective genetic distances was computed. This phylogeny was compared to the one based on chlDNA cariation (Perl-Treves and Galun 1985). The two phylogenies were found to share the main dendrogram features; they also agree well with most taxonomic data available on Cucumis. Accordingly, most of the African Cucumis species form a close group (Anguria group — Group A), which is distant from the melon (C. melo), and from a few other distinct species, all of which are far apart from each other. The cucumber (C. sativus) is the most distant species within the genus. Some specific taxonomic implications as well as some general evolutionary problems related to such a parallel investigation of the nuclear genome and the plastome are evaluated.This publication is dedicated to Dr. T. W. Whitaker, with appreciation to his many contributions to genetics and taxonomy of Cucurbitaceae  相似文献   


Premise of the Study

As more plastomes are assembled, it is evident that rearrangements, losses, intergenic spacer expansion and contraction, and syntenic breaks within otherwise functioning plastids are more common than was thought previously, and such changes have developed independently in disparate lineages. However, to date, the magnoliids remain characterized by their highly conserved plastid genomes (plastomes).


Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platforms were used to sequence the plastomes of Saruma henryi and those of representative species from each of the six taxonomic sections of Asarum. Sequenced plastomes were compared in a phylogenetic context provided by maximum likelihood and parsimony inferences made using an additional 18 publicly available plastomes from early‐diverging angiosperm lineages.

Key Results

In contrast to previously published magnoliid plastomes and the newly sequenced Saruma henryi plastome published here, Asarum plastomes have undergone extensive disruption and contain extremely lengthy AT‐repeat regions. The entirety of the small single copy region (SSC) of A. canadense and A. sieboldii var. sieboldii has been incorporated into the inverted repeat regions (IR), and the SSC of A. delavayi is only 14 bp long. All sampled Asarum plastomes share an inversion of a large portion of the large single copy region (LSC) such that trnE‐UUC is adjacent to the LSC‐IR boundary.


Plastome divergence in Asarum appears to be consistent with trends seen in highly rearranged plastomes of the monocots and eudicots. We propose that plastome instability in Asarum is due to repetitive motifs that serve as recombinatory substrates and reduce genome stability.  相似文献   



Pseudogymnoascus spp. is a wide group of fungi lineages in the family Pseudorotiaceae including an aggressive pathogen of bats P. destructans. Although several lineages of P. spp. were shown to produce ascospores in culture, the vast majority of P. spp. demonstrates no evidence of sexual reproduction. P. spp. can tolerate a wide range of different temperatures and salinities and can survive even in permafrost layer. Adaptability of P. spp. to different environments is accompanied by extremely variable morphology and physiology.


We sequenced genotypes of 14 strains of P. spp., 5 of which were extracted from permafrost, 1 from a cryopeg, a layer of unfrozen ground in permafrost, and 8 from temperate surface environments. All sequenced genotypes are haploid. Nucleotide diversity among these genomes is very high, with a typical evolutionary distance at synonymous sites dS ≈ 0.5, suggesting that the last common ancestor of these strains lived >50Mya. The strains extracted from permafrost do not form a separate clade. Instead, each permafrost strain has close relatives from temperate environments.We observed a strictly clonal population structure with no conflicting topologies for ~99% of genome sequences. However, there is a number of short (~100–10,000 nt) genomic segments with the total length of 67.6 Kb which possess phylogenetic patterns strikingly different from the rest of the genome. The most remarkable case is a MAT-locus, which has 2 distinct alleles interspersed along the whole-genome phylogenetic tree.


Predominantly clonal structure of genome sequences is consistent with the observations that sexual reproduction is rare in P. spp. Small number of regions with noncanonical phylogenies seem to arise due to some recombination events between derived lineages of P. spp., with MAT-locus being transferred on multiple occasions. All sequenced strains have heterothallic configuration of MAT-locus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1570-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Eleven polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from the necrotrophic phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria dauci based on enriched genomic libraries. In order to assess allelic variability, the microsatellite loci were analysed in a collection of 43 isolates. The number of detected alleles in 11 loci ranged from two to 24 (mean 10.4). Test of cross-species amplification and sequencing of the resulting amplicons showed that some of these microsatellites could be used in different species such as Alternaria solani, Alternaria bataticola and Alternaria zinniae.  相似文献   

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