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Parental harsh disciplining, like corporal punishment, has consistently been associated with adverse mental health outcomes in children. It remains a challenge to accurately assess the consequences of harsh discipline, as researchers and clinicians generally rely on parent report of young children''s problem behaviors. If parents rate their parenting styles and their child''s behavior this may bias results. The use of child self-report on problem behaviors is not common but may provide extra information about the relation of harsh parental discipline and problem behavior. We examined the independent contribution of young children''s self-report above parental report of emotional and behavioral problems in a study of maternal and paternal harsh discipline in a birth cohort. Maternal and paternal harsh discipline predicted both parent reported behavioral and parent reported emotional problems, but only child reported behavioral problems. Associations were not explained by pre-existing behavioral problems at age 3. Importantly, the association with child reported outcomes was independent from parent reported problem behavior. These results suggest that young children''s self-reports of behavioral problems provide unique information on the effects of harsh parental discipline. Inclusion of child self-reports can therefore help estimate the effects of harsh parental discipline more accurately.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the relation between testosterone (T) levels and parenting have found ample evidence for the challenge hypothesis, demonstrating that high T levels inhibit parental involvement and that becoming a parent is related to a decrease in T levels in both mothers and fathers. However, less is known about the relation between T levels and more qualitative aspects of parenting. In the current study we examined basal T levels and diurnal variability in T levels in relation to mothers' and fathers' parenting quality. Participants included 217 fathers and 124 mothers with two children (3 and 5 years of age). Evening and morning salivary T samples were analyzed with radio-immunoassays to determine circulating T levels. Parental sensitivity (i.e., child-centered responsiveness) and respect for children's autonomy were observed during free play in the family home. The results showed that higher evening T levels in mothers were associated with more sensitivity to the oldest and youngest child. Diurnal T variability was more consistently associated with parenting behavior towards their children than basal T levels. For fathers, more diurnal variability in T was associated with more sensitivity and more respect for autonomy with their youngest children. For mothers, more diurnal variability in T was associated with less sensitivity to both children and less respect for the youngest child's autonomy. These findings suggest that the T system might act differently in relation to parenting behavior in males and females.  相似文献   

Developmental research in the past decade has painted the picture of a gregarious child ready to engage in a range of prosocial behavior, but less is known about the situational factors that moderate this behavior. The present study investigated the effects of cost and familiarity on children's readiness to help the victim of a moral transgression. Opportunity cost was operationalized as the time and effort expended on providing help, that could otherwise be used to earn a reward from a productive task. Familiarity varied as a function of whether there was prior contact between the child and victim. Five- and six-year-olds in Singapore (N = 120) witnessed an adult transgressor destroy the victim's tower of blocks, responded to the victim's pleas for help in rebuilding her tower, and shared resources with both actresses. Contrary to our initial predictions, children helped a familiar victim less when cost was high as opposed to low, but helped an unfamiliar victim equally regardless of cost. Additionally, helping rates were low (30–60%) except in the least prohibitive condition (> 80%; Low-Cost, Familiar Victim), stemming from a combination of not having a productive task to occupy one's time and energy, and simultaneously a familiar target which increased one's intrinsic motivation to help. The conditional limits imposed on children's decision to help thus appear to be, “I'll help, if I know you and have nothing better to do!” In terms of resource sharing, children behaved selfishly toward both the victim and transgressor regardless of their familiarity with the victim. Altogether, our findings suggest that children consider self-interest when deciding whether to help and share with others.  相似文献   

大量研究表明,通过干预孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)儿童情绪能力,可以提高其移情能力从而改善核心症状--社交交往障碍。随着ASD儿童人数逐年上升,对干预的需求日益增大。目前国内外对于ASD儿童情绪能力的系统干预研究较少,主要研究均集中在表情识别这一层面。本文结合视频分析,自动表情识别算法,Flash技术,设计交互式虚拟场景游戏,研发一个面向ASD儿童的情绪能力干预的系统。该系统可以训练儿童的表情识别能力,还可以训练儿童对表情的模仿和表达,具有实用性,方便推广。  相似文献   

Central Asia has played an important role in Paleolithic archeology since the discovery of Teshik-Tash in 1938. Since the 1970s, attention has turned to Lower Paleolithic studies following the important discoveries at Kul'dara and other deeply stratified loess sites in southern Tajikistan. The sites, dated to as early as 800,000 years ago, are not the earliest evidence of hominids in Asia, but they do reflect early adaptations to arid mid-latitude environments. The stone-tool industries from these early sites are composed of pebble and flake implements; they do not include bifaces. Along with the archeological material in the loess is an impressive paleoenvironmental record with good chronological control. In other parts of Central Asia, there are reported elements of the Acheulean technocomplex at sites such as Sel'ungur and Yangadazha, but that claim cannot be substantiated. In the Upper Pleistocene, important research questions include the extent and meaning of Middle Paleolithic variability, the relation of Middle to Upper Paleolithic cultures, and the effect of glacial or interglacial climatic oscillations on Paleolithic settlement and adaptation.  相似文献   


Objective: To better understand risk factors for the development of obesity in early childhood, we examined the association between children's adiposity and their parents' eating behavior and body mass index (BMI). Research Methods and Procedures: Parents of 85 white children 36 months of age (49 boys and 36 girls) completed the Three‐Factor Eating Questionnaire measuring three dimensions of parent eating behavior: disinhibited eating, cognitive restraint of eating, and susceptibility to hunger. Parent BMI (kg/m2) was calculated using self‐reported height and weight. The children's percentage body fat was assessed by dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry analysis. Results: Twenty‐six percent of parents were obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). Both maternal and paternal BMI were associated with higher scores for disinhibition (r = 0.69 and r = 0.68, p < 0.001), and maternal BMI was also associated with higher scores for hunger (r = 0.51, p < 0.001). There were no significant relationships between children's percentage body fat and parent eating scores, and the correlation between children's percentage body fat and parent BMI was significant only between mothers and daughters (r = 0.35, p = 0.04). Obese parents were no more likely to have a child who was fatter (upper quintile of percentage body fat for gender). Discussion: Among 36 month‐old white children, parent eating behavior was related to parent BMI, but not to children's adiposity. There was only a weak relationship between parent BMI and child adiposity. Despite the aggregation of adiposity within families due to shared genes and environments, children may not express differences in susceptibility to obesity by 3 years of age.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between multiple parental behaviors and children's participation in out-of-school math, science, and computer activities for children in 2nd (n = 125), 3rd (n = 123), and 5th grade (n = 200). Mothers and fathers reported how often they encouraged their children's activities, participated in activities with their child, provided activity-related materials, and participated in activities themselves, as well as how often their children participated in activities. The youth described how often they participated in math, science, and computer activities. Results indicate that parents' behavior is a strong, positive predictor of children's participation. Although there were significant mean level gender differences, relations between parents' behavior and children's participation were similar for boys and girls.  相似文献   

A brief examination of early childhood music education in South Africa, through an investigation of government documents and academic literature, leads to an impression that music is embraced in a broad framework of meeting young children's cultural and artistic needs. There is an overriding consciousness of the value of providing children with connections to their cultural heritage and instilling in them appreciation for one another's cultures and respect for diversity. More specific policy for each age level of early childhood in several governmental departments is needed to protect children's voices and to ensure not only that their musical heritage and artistic creativity are nourished and fostered but also that we listen to what they say through their music.  相似文献   

Cooperation between nonrelatives is common in humans. Reciprocal altruism is a plausible evolutionary mechanism for cooperation within unrelated pairs, as selection may favor individuals who selectively cooperate with those who have cooperated with them in the past. Reciprocity is often observed in humans, but there is only limited evidence of reciprocal altruism in other primate species, raising questions about the origins of human reciprocity. Here, we explore how reciprocity develops in a sample of American children ranging from 3 to 7.5 years of age, and also compare children's behavior to that of chimpanzees in prior studies to gain insight into the phylogeny of human reciprocity. Children show a marked tendency to respond contingently to both prosocial and selfish acts, patterns that have not been seen among chimpanzees in prior studies. Our results show that reciprocity increases markedly with age in this population of children, and by about 5.5 years of age children consistently match the previous behavior of their partners.  相似文献   

Recent studies of children''s tool innovation have revealed that there is variation in children''s success in middle-childhood. In two individual differences studies, we sought to identify personal characteristics that might predict success on an innovation task. In Study 1, we found that although measures of divergent thinking were related to each other they did not predict innovation success. In Study 2, we measured executive functioning including: inhibition, working memory, attentional flexibility and ill-structured problem-solving. None of these measures predicted innovation, but, innovation was predicted by children''s performance on a receptive vocabulary scale that may function as a proxy for general intelligence. We did not find evidence that children''s innovation was predicted by specific personal characteristics.  相似文献   

Child-directed cues support imitation of novel actions at 18 months, but not at two years of age. The current studies explore the mechanisms that underlie the propensity that children have to copy others at 18 months, and how the value of child-directed communication changes over development. We ask if attentional allocation accounts for children''s failure to imitate observed actions at 18 months, and their success at two years of age, and we explore the informational value child-directed contexts may provide across ontogeny. Eighteen-month-old (Study 1) and two-year-old (Study 2) children viewed causally non-obvious actions performed by child-directed (Study 1 & 2), observed (Study 1 & 2), or non-interactive (Study 2) actors, and their visual attention and imitative behaviors were assessed. Results demonstrated that child-directed contexts supported imitative learning for 18-month-old children, independent of their effects on proximal attention. However, by two years of age, neither directness nor communication between social partners was a necessary condition for supporting social imitation. These findings suggest that developmental changes in children''s propensity to extract information from observation cannot be accounted for by changes in children''s interpretation of what counts as child-directed information, and are likely not due to changes in how children allocate attention to observed events.  相似文献   

One of the problems that has contributed to a refinement of the "functional procedure of double stimulation" in experiments is the problem of concept formation in children. To form an idea of the significance of this experimental method for the study of children's concepts, it must be viewed against the background of other methods that have been used to deal with the same problem. The psychology of children's concepts not only is of tremendous theoretical interest but also undoubtedly has applied psychological importance since the accumulation of concepts, their nature, and the way they are used are unquestionably correlated with a child's level of intellectual development and are, to some extent, indicators of that level.  相似文献   

Objective: Research into the association between parental control over feeding and children's adiposity has produced inconclusive results. Some studies have found parental control to be associated with unhealthy food choices and disordered intake regulation, whereas others have found favorable or null associations between control and adiposity. This study hypothesized that variability in measures of parental feeding could contribute to these discrepancies. Scales from a range of existing parental feeding questionnaires were used together, in the same large sample of children, to examine associations with adiposity. Research Methods and Procedures: Associations between scores on scales from three published parental feeding questionnaires [Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ); Preschooler Feeding Questionnaire (PFQ); and Parental Feeding Style Questionnaire (PFSQ)] and children's BMI z‐scores, calculated from measured heights and weights, were examined in a socioeconomically diverse sample of 439 parents and their 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children. Results: Higher scores on CFQ Pressure to Eat and PFQ Pushing the Child to Eat More were significantly associated with lower BMI z‐score, while PFSQ Prompting to Eat, CFQ Restriction, PFSQ Instrumental Feeding, and PFSQ Emotional Feeding were unassociated with BMI z‐score. Discussion: These results suggest that parents of leaner children are more likely to encourage their children to eat. Other feeding strategies seemed to have negligible relationships with children's BMI z‐scores at this stage. Longitudinal and genetically informed designs are needed to clarify the causal pathways between parental feeding and children's adiposity.  相似文献   

While there has been much research on adults' abilities to detect deception, there have been very few studies examining both children's and adults' abilities to detect children's real, spontaneous lies. The present study asked both children and adults to make judgments of children's true and false reports. Participants (N = 156) were shown videotaped sessions of children who were either spontaneously lying or telling the truth. Results indicate that both children's and adults' accuracy for detecting children's true statements was below chance. However, older children were significantly better at detecting lies than both younger children and adults.  相似文献   

The lockdown imposed during the spring of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic upset families lives, in addition to the health consequences of the virus, forcing parents to completely reorganize their labor, domestic work and childcare time. At the same time, school closures forced children to rearrange their lives and learning processes: in Italy, schools and nurseries were closed for four months, and the incidence and quality of distance learning activities was heterogeneous across education levels and among schools. Using real-time survey data on families with under-16 children collected in April 2020, which include information on parents’ market and household work, and their perception of their children's wellbeing, we estimate how the lockdown has affected children's use of time, their emotional status and their home learning, and whether the reallocation of intrahousehold responsibilities during the lockdown played a role in this process. Changes in the parental division of household tasks and childcare, mostly induced by the labor market restrictions imposed during the lockdown, point to a greater involvement of fathers in childcare and homeschooling activities. This positive variation in fathers’ involvement is accompanied by an increase in children's emotional wellbeing and by a reduction in TV and passive screen time. On the other hand, the quality of children's home learning does not appear to depend on which parent is overseeing their work, but rather on the type of distance learning activities proposed by their teachers.  相似文献   

Objective: Mis‐reporting dietary intake is a substantial barrier to understanding the role of dietary behavior in disease. Work with adults indicates that heavier individuals under‐report dietary intake and that under‐reporting may be macronutrient‐specific. Whether weight status and macronutrient intake influence the accuracy of dietary reports among children, however, is less clear. This research evaluated children's dietary reporting accuracy as a function of their relative weight, body composition, and macronutrient intake. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants included 146 4‐ to 11‐year‐old children. Reported energy intake was determined by interviewing children in the presence of parents, using three multiple pass, 24‐hour recalls. Children were classified as having had an under‐reported, accurately reported, or over‐reported dietary intake relative to total energy expenditure, as measured by doubly labeled water. Reporting accuracy was examined as a function of children's body weight, body composition (using dual energy x‐ray absorptiometry), and macronutrient intake. Results: Average reported intake was, on average, 14% greater than children's estimated expenditure (p < 0.01). Reporting accuracy varied as a function of children's relative weight and body composition; under‐reporting tended to occur among heavier children, having the highest body fat content (p < 0.0001) and relative weight (p < 0.0001). Discussion: These findings suggest that weight status influences the accuracy of dietary reports made by children and their parents. More research is needed to address possible psychological and social factors that introduce bias in reporting children's dietary data.  相似文献   

Children's understanding about animal internal structure can be affected by several factors which are poorly understoodby teachers. We conducted a large sample study (n=702) of children aged 6–16 years (Grades 1-9) examining children's responses to animals of various size, species and dimensions (2D and 3D objects), and exploring factors which might affect the development of their knowledge. Each child made a drawing of what they thought was inside a specimen animal. We found that using 2D representations of an animal negatively affected the content of children drawings.The effect of animalsize was shown only in children's understanding of skeletons, but not organ systems. The effect of animal species showedclear significant effect of children's ideas on both organ systems and skeleton. Investigation showed that parents' education level, children's experiences with animal-rearing and age significantly affected their scores from organ system. Surprisingly, school books were most frequently cited as sources of children's knowledge rather than their own experience, or information from the internet, encyclopaedias, television or parents.  相似文献   

In recent decades, anthropologists have scrutinized psychologists’ claim that humans process information about others by imputing mental states. The debate remains open whether cross-cultural variability in how people conceive of minds and inner states reflects differences in their folk theories only, or whether it engenders deep-grained psychological differences. In this article, I look at the very onset of children's apprenticeship in emotional management to examine its cognitive consequences. In the context of rural Mongolia in the late 2000s, questions about homesickness prompted by adults raised children's awareness of the existence of a private self and by the very same process discouraged verbalization or public display of personal feelings. I start by presenting interactions where children were routinely teased about homesickness, and invited to deny that they missed their family. I contextualize this teasing routine within local conceptions about emotional control and linguistic ideology to unveil how it introduced children to the performative power of words while also making them face moral dilemmas. The irreconcilable tension between behaving according to expectations of self-control and experiencing separation induced children's discovery of the possibility of disconnecting intimate feelings from public self-presentation, thus transforming the experience of separation into an experience of secret connection. I speculate that the secrecy that hallows homesickness contributed to making it all the more poignant. The way adults constantly checked on whether children were missing their home prompted children to actually identify some emotional state or aspect of their experience as ‘missing home’. It gave a name to a personal experience which thus became social and guaranteed that it became a shared feeling, albeit a secret one.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of dogs as family pets and increased scientific interest in canine behavior, few studies have investigated charac- teristics of the child or dog that influence the child–dog relationship. In the present study, we explored how behavioral and some self-report measures influence a child's reported attachment to their dog, as assessed by the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS). We tested specifically whether children (n = 99; mean age = 10.25 years, SD = 1.31) reported stronger attachment to dogs that were perceived as being more supportive (mea- sured by a modified version of the Network of Relationships Inventory), that were more successful in following the child's pointing gesture in a standard two-object choice test, or that solicited more petting in a sociability assess- ment. In addition, we assessed whether children's attachment security to their parent and being responsible for the care of their dog influenced re- ported attachment to the dog. Overall, perceived support provided by the dog was highly predictive of all subscales of the LAPS. The dog's success in following the child's pointing gestures and lower rates of petting during the sociability assessment were associated with higher ratings on the General Attachment subscale of the LAPS, but not on the other subscales. Caring for the dog did not predict the child's reported attachment to the dog, but did predict the dog's behavior on the point-following task and petting during the sociability task. If the child cared for the dog, the dog was more likely to be successful on the pointing task and more likely to be petted. These results indicate a dyadic relationship in which the child's care for the dog is associ- ated with the dog's behavior on the behavioral tasks, which in turn is related to the child's reported attachment to their dog. The direction of influence and nature of this dyad will be a fruitful area for future research.  相似文献   

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