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BEAN  E. W. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(4):891-897
The effects of three temperatures 15, 20, and 25 °C uponinflorescence and seed development in tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceaSchreb) between inflorescence emergence and seed maturity werestudied. Increasing temperature over this range reduced culmlength and the number of florets per spikelet, hastened theonset of anthesis and pollen release, increased relative growth-rateof the florets 9 days after peak anthesis, reduced the periodof seed development and 1000 seed weight No large effects oftemperature upon the percentage of florets setting seed werefound. The practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

高羊茅叶片表皮蜡质含量与其抗旱性的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以14个高羊茅品种为试验材料,在田间试验中对干旱高温胁迫下的叶片表皮蜡质含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度等生理指标测定分析。结果表明,干热胁迫下高羊茅品种间的叶片表皮蜡质含量和水分利用效率均存在极显著差异(P<0.01);叶片蜡质含量与综合抗旱性和水分利用效率的等级相关系数分别为0.78(P<0.01)和0.68(P<0.01);蜡质含量越高的品种,其叶片气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度越低,水分利用效率越高,但所有品种的水分利用效率绝对值都较低。研究发现,在干热胁迫时,高羊茅叶片表皮蜡质可通过对气孔导度的调节来减少气孔蒸腾,提高水分利用效率,最终提高其抗旱性;表皮蜡质含量可以作为高羊茅品种抗旱性鉴定的一个新指标。  相似文献   

土施多效唑对高羊茅生长的效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土施条件下,多效唑用量与高羊茅生长速率存在显著的二次函数关系,其矮化效应随着多效唑用量的增大而增大,剂量超过0.65g·m-2时效应减弱;植株地上部生物量和生长速率有类似关系,剂量超过0.8g·m-2时效应不显著,但地下部生物量随多效唑供给量增加而递减。多效唑低于0.35g·m-2的高羊茅叶色深绿,超过此剂量叶片即枯黄,且随着剂量增大而更加严重。高羊茅叶片总含水量随着多效唑用量增大而减小,但在干旱胁迫条件下,叶中总含水量随着多效唑用量增大而增大;束缚水含量也有上升。高羊茅在严重干旱后的生长恢复能力随着多效唑用量增大而增大,超过0.95g·m-2时即下降。  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - The original version of this article unfortunately contained some mistakes in article Title and Table 1.  相似文献   

The C balance of a tall fescue sward grown under different ratesof N fertilization in summer, autumn, and spring was calculatedusing models derived from measurements of shoot growth, canopygross photosynthesis, shoot respiration and of C partitioningto the roots. Under the diverse growing conditions associatedwith the seasons and the N fertilization, C utilization forabove- and below-ground biomass accumulation never exceeded39 and 14% of the canopy gross photosynthesis, respectively.Carbon losses attributed to root respiration and exudation,which were estimated by difference between canopy net photosynthesisand total growth, ranged between 3 and 30% of canopy gross photosynthesis.Seasonal differences in shoot growth could be attributed tothe amount of intercepted radiation, the radiation-use efficiencyand the C partitioning to the roots. The effect of N deficiencyon shoot growth can be attributed to its effects on canopy photosynthesis(principally resulting from changes in intercepted photosyntheticallyactive radiation) and C partitioning. In comparison with theeffect on shoot growth, the effect of the N deficiency on thecanopy gross photosynthesis per unit of light intercepted overthe regrowth cycle was limited. It is concluded that most ofthe effect of N fertilization on shoot growth is due to changesin C partitioning which result in faster leaf area developmentand greater light interception.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Tall rescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., carbon balance, nitrogen, grass, fertilization  相似文献   

Gastal  F.; Belanger  G. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(5):401-408
Canopy gross photosynthesis of tall fescue receiving three tofour rates of N fertilization was studied under field conditionsduring three contrasting growing seasons. Under non-limitingN growing conditions, the growing seasons did not have a significanteffect on the maximum canopy gross photosynthesis (canopy grossphotosynthesis at saturating PAR) and the maximum light yield(quantum efficiency of the canopy at low PAR). In the absenceof N fertilization and for a similar LAI, the values of themaximum canopy gross photosynthesis were approximately equalto 70% of those obtained under non-limiting N conditions. Thisresponse of the tall fescue canopy to N concentration is muchsmaller than that reported at the leaf level. The reductionin canopy photosynthetic capacity with no N applied comparedto non-limiting N conditions is much less than the reductionobserved previously in above-ground dry matter accumulation.The effect of N fertilization on above-ground dry matter accumulationis due primarily to changes in C partitioning and the resultingfaster leaf area development and greater light interceptionrather than the effect of N on the canopy photosynthetic capacityper se .Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Festuca arundinacea Schreb., photosynthesis, nitrogen, grass, carbon  相似文献   

Plant contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is crucial to food safety and human health. Enzyme inhibitors are commonly utilized in agriculture to control plant metabolism of organic components. This study revealed that the enzyme inhibitor ascorbic acid (AA) significantly reduced the activities of peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), thus enhancing the potential risks of PAH contamination in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). POD and PPO enzymes in vitro effectively decomposed naphthalene (NAP), phenanthrene (PHE) and anthracene (ANT). The presence of AA reduced POD and PPO activities in plants, and thus was likely responsible for enhanced PAH accumulation in tall fescue. This conclusion is supported by the significantly enhanced uptake of PHE in plants in the presence of AA, and the positive correlation between enzyme inhibition efficiencies and the rates of metabolism of PHE in tall fescue roots. This study provides a new perspective, that the common application of enzyme inhibitors in agricultural production could increase the accumulation of organic contaminants in plants, hence enhancing risks to food safety and quality.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Fifty tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) half-sib families were screened under salinity stress during germination stage, and five tolerant and five...  相似文献   

WOLEDGE  JANE 《Annals of botany》1971,35(2):311-322
Leaves of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plants grownin bright light had higher rates of apparent photosynthesisper unit leaf area in bright light, and slightly lower ratesin dim light than did those of plants grown in dim light. Darkrespiration rates were higher in plants grown in bright lightthan in plants grown in dim light and the decline of photosynthesiswith increasing leaf age was faster. The rate of apparent photosynthesis in bright light of the firstleaf to become fully expanded after plants were transferredfrom bright to dim light was lower than that of plants remainingin bright light. The decline in the rate of photosynthesis ofa leaf already fully expanded at the time of transfer was notaffected. Transferring from dim to bright light increased therate of photosynthesis of the next expanded leaf; it also increasedthe rate of an already fully expanded leaf during the firstweek in bright light. After this, photosynthesis fell at a ratesimilar to that of plants remaining in dim light.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which young plants of tall fescuewere grown in temperature regimes of 20 °C day/15 °Cnight or 10 °C day/5 °C night until the fourth leafon the main stem was fully expanded. These temperature regimeswere then either changed over for individual plants or continuedunchanged up to the seven-leaf stage. Photosynthesis and respirationrates were determined in the fourth and subsequent leaves andalso in ageing leaves, using an infra-red gas analyser in anopen system and at temperatures of 10 and 20 °C in one and10, 15, 20, and 25 °C in the other experiment. Rates of apparent photosynthesis per unit leaf area in fullyexpanded leaves differed little as a result of previous treatmentand were not greatly affected by temperature during measurement.However, the specific leaf area and the rate of apparent photosynthesisper unit dry weight were higher in plants grown at the hightemperature. Leaves from the high-temperature regime had a higheroptimum temperature for apparent photosynthesis, a shorter life,and a lower respiration rate at any one temperature of measurementthan did leaves from the low-temperature regime. After transfer from one temperature regime to the other, therate of apparent photosynthesis of the next leaf to become fullyexpanded was higher in plants transferred from low to high temperatureand lower in plants transferred from high to low than in plantsremaining in either temperature regime; the leaves which subsequentlyexpanded had rates similar to those of unchanged plants. Inleaves which were fully expanded at the time of transfer, therate of apparent photosynthesis rose after transfer to the high-temperatureregime and fell after transfer to the low-temperature regime. These results are discussed in relation to growth-analysis datafrom other plants grown in the same conditions.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Melatonin is a ubiquitous molecule having versatile physiological functions in an organism that has protective roles against biotic and abiotic stresses. Heat...  相似文献   

The effect of N fertilization on the relative carbon partitioningto the roots of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb ), grownunder field conditions, was studied with a 14C-labelling techniqueon three regrowths representing contrasting growing seasonsUnder non-limiting N growing conditions, the relative carbonpartitioning to the roots averaged 17.0, 15 8, and 11 1% inthe summer, autumn, and spring regrowths, respectively The relativecarbon partitioning to the roots increased during the summerand autumn regrowths but decreased during the spring regrowthIn the absence of N fertilization, the relative carbon partitioningto the roots averaged 31 3, 26 5, and 26 7 in the summer, autumn,and spring regrowths, respectively The results were interpretedin terms of a functional equilibrium between the shoots andthe roots It was concluded that, for a dense canopy of a perennialgrass growing under fluctuating conditions of solar radiationand temperature, the relative growth of the roots compared tothe relative growth of the total biomass is primarily a functionof the shoot biomass Festuca arundinacea Schreb, carbon, partitioning, nitrogen, root growth, fertilization, grass  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zur Herstellung amphipolyploider Art- und Gattungsbastarde mitFestuca arundinacea wurde ein autopolyploider Rohrschwingel erzeugt. Unter den Nachkommen dieser Pflanze treten Formen mit verminderter Chromosomenzahl auf. Trotzdem ist die Herstellung amphipolyploider Art- und Gattungsbastarde bei Chromosomenverdopplung vor Durchführung der Kreuzung leichter als eine erfolgreiche Behandlung der F1-Pflanzen.
Chromosome reduction in the offspring of autopolyploid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)
Summary An autopolyploid tall fescue has been developed for use in the production of amphipolyploid intergeneric and interspecific hybrids. Plants with reduced chromosome numbers occur in the progeny of these dodecaploid plants. Nevertheless, it is easier to produce amphipolyploid intergeneric and interspecific hybrids by doubling of the chromosomes before making the cross than to treat successfully theF 1-plants.

Summary Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib.) Drechsl. ex Dastur is a major foliar pathogen of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) which can greatly reduce the quantity and quality of forages available for animal consumption. A greenhouse screening program was initiated to determine the inheritance of resistance to C. sativus in tall fescue over several cycles of mass selection. Resistance to C. sativus in four tall fescue cultivars was increased with 2–3 cycles of mass selection. Realized heritabilities were low to moderate (0.04 to 0.58) indicating that environmental influences on the expression of resistance are quite high. Variances were unchanged by selection, indicating that further improvement should be possible. However, progress with mass selection can be expected to be slow. Lesion size was decreased in each cultivar by selecting for lesion coverage. Lesion size, being independent of inoculum load and therefore less subject to environmental variation, should be considered as an additional selection criteria to improve the rate of progress.Journal article No. 6370 of the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station  相似文献   



Understanding the uptake processes of organic contaminants by plants is essential when assessing crop contamination and subsequent human exposure. Unfortunately, limited information is available on plant metabolism and subcellular distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a group of highly toxic organic contaminants with carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic properties. Thus we seek to investigate the metabolism and intracellular distribution of PAH in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.).


This work was conducted utilizing greenhouse hydroponical experiments. Seedlings of tall fescue were firstly cultured in half-strength Hoagland solution with anthracene (ANT). Then treated plants were removed from the ANT-spiked solution, and transplanted into solutions free of ANT. After 0–16 days, the seedlings were sampled and prepared for ANT analysis. Seedlings were washed using Milli-Q water and then separated into different parts to measure ANT distributions at the subcellular level.


ANT concentrations and dissipation amounts in root and shoot of tall fescue decreased in 0–16 days after transplantation from an ANT-spiked culture solution to a solution free of PAH, revealing ANT metabolism in the plant. The accumulation of the examined primary metabolites of ANT, i.e., anthrone and anthraquinone, against time also supported plant metabolism of ANT. About 10 % of ANT resided in the plants at 8–16 days due to the formation of ANT-bound residues with plant tissues. ANT concentrations in the cell walls and organelles of plant roots and shoots decreased significantly during the 16-day period. Cell walls and organelles were the dominant storage compartments for ANT and anthraquinone in plants at 16 days, whereas the distribution of anthrone at 16 days in root cells was ordered as cell organelles >cell soluble fraction >cell wall and in shoot cells as cell soluble fraction >> cell organelle ? cell wall. Although the organelle content is smaller, the concentrations of ANT and metabolites in the organelle fraction were much higher than those in cell walls.


This was a primary investigation into the metabolism and intracellular distribution of PAH in plant. We demonstrated the metabolism of ANT in tall fescue based on the observed reduced concentrations, dissipated amounts, and detected metabolites. ANT and its metabolites were distributed into the cell water-soluble fraction, cell walls, and organelles. Results of this work will enhance the understanding of PAH transfer and transformation in plants and will be valuable for risk assessments of plant contamination at polluted sites.  相似文献   

The water relations and hydraulic architecture of growing grass tillers (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) are reported. Evaporative flux density, E (mmol s?1 m?2), of individual leaf blades was measured gravimetrically by covering or excision of entire leaf blades. Values of E were similar for mature and elongating leaf blades, averaging 2·4 mmol s?1 m?2. Measured axial hydraulic conductivity, Kh (mmol s?1 mm MPa?1), of excised leaf segments was three times lower than theoretical hydraulic conductivity (Kt) calculated using the Poiseuille equation and measurements of vessel number and diameter. Kt was corrected (Kt*) to account for the discrepancy between Kh and Kt and for immature xylem in the basal expanding region of elongating leaves. From base to tip of mature leaves the pattern of Kt* was bell‐shaped with a maximum near the sheath–blade joint (≈ 19 mmol s?1 mm MPa?1). In elongating leaves, immature xylem in the basal growing region led to a much lower Kt*. As the first metaxylem matured, Kt* increased by 10‐fold. The hydraulic conductances of the whole root system, (mmol s?1 MPa?1) and leaf blades, (mmol s?1 MPa?1) were measured by a vacuum induced water flow technique. and were linearly related to the leaf area downstream. Approximately 65% of the resistance to water flow within the plant resided in the leaf blade. An electric‐analogue computer model was used to calculate the leaf blade area‐specific radial hydraulic conductivity, (mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1), using , Kt* and water flux values. values decreased with leaf age, from 21·2 mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1 in rapidly elongating leaf to 7·2 mmol s?1 m?2 MPa?1 in mature leaf. Comparison of and values showed that ≈ 90% of the resistance to water flow within the blades resided in the liquid extra‐vascular path. The same algorithm was then used to compute the xylem and extravascular water potential drop along the liquid water path in the plant under steady state conditions. Predicted and measured water potentials matched well. The hydraulic design of the mature leaf resulted in low and quite constant xylem water potential gradient (≈ 0·3 MPa m?1) throughout the plant. Much of the water potential drop within mature leaves occurred within a tenth of millimetre in the blade, between the xylem vessels and the site of water evaporation within the mesophyll. In elongating leaves, the low Kt* in the basal growth zone dramatically increased the local xylem water potential gradient (≈ 2·0 MPa m?1) there. In the leaf elongation zone the growth‐induced water potential difference was ≈ 0·2 MPa.  相似文献   

9个高羊茅品种初期生长对镉胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Cd2+浓度0(对照)、25、50、75 mg/L分别处理9个高羊茅品种种子,测定供试品种种子发芽势、发芽率、幼苗苗高、根长、鲜重、叶绿素含量、丙二醛含量、质膜透性等8项指标,比较9个品种耐镉性。结果表明:与对照相比,在不同浓度Cd2+胁迫下,家园的发芽势和发芽率以及麦哲伦鲜重呈先略上升后下降趋势,其余品种的均呈下降趋势;9个高羊茅品种幼苗根长、苗高、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势;9个高羊茅品种丙二醛含量和质膜透性均呈上升趋势。对测定的8项指标进行综合评价结果显示:在Cd2+25 mg/L胁迫下,9个品种耐Cd2+性由强到弱的顺序为热浪>翠碧A>里园2号>缤狗>麦哲伦>家园>宇宙星>回报>爱瑞3号;在Cd2+50 mg/L胁迫下,耐Cd2+性的顺序为热浪>翠碧A>缤狗>麦哲伦>里园2号>家园>宇宙星>爱瑞3号>回报;在Cd2+ 75 mg/L胁迫下,耐Cd2+性的顺序为热浪>缤狗>里园2号>翠碧A>家园>麦哲伦>爱瑞3号>宇宙星>回报。所以,在治理Cd2+污染土壤时,要根据污染严重程度,合理选用高羊茅品种。  相似文献   

Information regarding gene flow in wind-pollinated, outcrossing forage grasses is essential for any future releases of value-added transgenic cultivars. Experiments on pollen dispersal was carried out by growing transgenic tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) in a central plot, surrounded by exclosures containing recipient plants up to a distance of 200 m from the central source plants in eight directions. The central transgenic tall fescue plants carried a chimeric hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph) and a chimeric -glucuronidase gene (gusA). Seeds were collected from the recipient plants and germinated seedlings were used for high throughput DNA isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. More than 21,000 seedlings were PCR analyzed for the experiments conducted in three years. Transgenes were detected in recipient plants at up to 150 m from the central transgenic plot. The highest transgene frequencies, 5% at 50 m, 4.12% at 100 m and 0.96% at 150 m, were observed north of the central plot, the prevailing wind direction. Lower transgene frequencies were detected in other directions, particularly at 100 m and 150 m distances. No transgene was detected at 200 m distance in any direction. Transgene flow was less effective or ineffective when recipient plants were further away from the central donor plants. Southern blot hybridization analysis confirmed the transgenic nature of the PCR positive plants. A supplementary experiment demonstrated that transgene flow can be controlled by placing transgenic plantings downwind and long distances from non-transgenic seed increases, thus allowing tall fescue breeding and transgene development programs to be conducted concurrently at the same research station.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping using molecular markers such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) has become a powerful tool for plant geneticists and breeders. Like many economically important polyploid plant species, detailed genetic studies of hexaploid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) are complicated, and no genetic map has been established. We report here the first tall fescue genetic map. This map was generated from an F2 population of HD28-56 by Kentucky-31 and contains 108 RFLP markers. Although the two parental plants were heterozygous, the perennial and tillering growth habit, high degree of RFLP, and disomic inheritance of tall fescue enabled us to identify the segregating homologous alleles. The map covers 1274 cM on 19 linkage groups with an average of 5 loci per linkage group (LG) and 17.9 cM between loci. Mapping the homoeologous loci detected by the same probe allowed us to identify five homoeologous groups within which the gene orders were found to be generally conserved among homoeologous chromosomes. An exception was homoeologous group 5, in which only 2 of the 3 homoeologous chromosomes were identified. Using 12 genome-specific probes, we were able to assign several linkage groups to one of the three genomes (PG1G2) in tall fescue. All the loci detected by the 11 probes specific to the G1 and/or G2 genomes, with one exception, identified loci located on 4 chromosomes of two homoeologous groups (LG2a, LG2c, LG3a, and LG3c). A P-genome-specific probe was used to map a locus on LG5c. Comparative genome mapping with maize probes indicated that homoeologous group 3 and 2 chromosomes in tall fescue corresponded to maize chromosome 1. Difficulties and advantages of applying RFLP technology in polyploids with high levels of heterozygosity are discussed.Journal Series No. 12, 190  相似文献   

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