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Messenger RNA turnover during bone marrow erythroid cell differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Incubation of bone marrow cells from anaemic rabbits in the presence of actinomycin D led to a decrease in total protein synthesis and an increase in the relative synthesis of globin. This increase in the proportion of globin was observed with in vivo labelling of cellular proteins and in vitro translation of isolated RNA, which indicates that the messenger RNA for globin is much more stable than the other bone marrow cell messages. This was further shown by pulse-labelling the RNA and characterization of the different species by separation on a cDNA-oligo(dT)-cellulose column. Within 12 h after pulse-labelling the relative levels of globin mRNA had risen 10-fold, while a rapid decrease in the level of the poly(A)-rich RNA fraction was observed. Investigations into the mechanisms of this differential stability indicate that the more metabolically active cells from the early stages of erythropoietic development are more susceptible to inhibitors of RNA synthesis such as actinomycin D and alpha-amanitin. A preliminary study using a lysosomal inhibitor, chloroquine, indicates that there appear to be at least two degradative mechanisms, involving a lysosomal and a non-lysosomal pathway, with selective specificity for different messages.  相似文献   

The proportion of lysine tRNA represented by the isoacceptor species lysine tRNA4 has previously been shown to be largest in cells with the greatest ability to proliferate. Using reverse phase chromatography (RPC-5), we have analyzed the changes in the relative quantities of lysine tRNA species which occur in different cellular states of the Friend cell, a transformed murine cell infected with Friend erythroleukemia virus complex. This cell undergoes erythroid differentiation when exposed to various chemicals. Lysine tRNA4 comprises 32% of the total lysine tRNA in rapidly dividing, uninduced Friend cells, but only 16% of the total lysine tRNA in uninducase. Friend cells undergoing erythroid differentiation divide more slowly than uninduced cells, and finally cease proliferation, but lysine tRNA4 becomes the major lysine tRNA species (greater than 50%). This does not appear to reflect erythroid properties of the cell, since the lysine tRNA of the mouse reticulocyte contains very little lysine tRNA4. The non-dividing erythroid Friend cell, therefore, represents an exception to the finding that non-dividing cells usually have little or no lysine tRNA4 present.  相似文献   

Changes in specific tRNA isoacceptors during Friend leukemia cell (F.L.C.) erythroid differentiation have been found to be concomitant with differences in the extent of the Q-base modification in certain species of tRNA. Transfer RNA was isolated from F.L.C. cultures after 0, 36, 48, 72, and 96 hr of DMSO induced differentiation. Changes in 17 isoacceptors of tRNAasn, tRNAasp, tRNAhis and tRNAtyr were compared by RPC-5 chromatography. Isoacceptors of these tRNA changed in relative amounts, following consistent trends throughout cell differentiation. The amount and distribution of Q-base containing tRNA isoacceptors was assayed by measuring the quanine-tRNA transferase catalyzed incorporation of [3H]-labeled guanine into tRNA species undermodified in Q-base followed by RPC-5 chormatography of the tRNA. The amount of Q-base containing tRNA species decreased in the first 48 hr after the induction, then increased again, indicating the level of Q-modification is correlated to the process of differentiation. Isoacceptors that lacked the Q-base were eluted late from RPC-5.  相似文献   

The size of pulse-labeled globin messenger RNA nucleotide sequences was investigated, to determine whether newly transcribed globin mRNA molecules are larger than steady-state globin mRNA. Molecular hybridization techniques were used to compare directly the sedimentation of steady-state (unlabeled) and pulse-labeled (radioactive) globin mRNA sequences in the same analytical sucrose gradient. In gradients containing 98% formamide, radioactive globin mRNA sequences from mouse fetal liver cells labeled for 15 to 20 minutes with [3H]uridine sediment in a broad band with a peak at approximately 14 S, while steady-state globin mRNA sediments at 10 S. The large radioactive RNA can be recovered from one gradient and recentrifuged in a second gradient, in which it again sediments in a broad band with a peak at 14 S. The large radioactive RNA is cleaved to 10 S during a 75-minute “chase” with either actinomycin D or unlabeled uridine plus cytidine. The estimated half-life of the precursor is 45 minutes or less under these conditions. A covalent RNA precursor larger than 18 S with a similar turnover rate is not observed.  相似文献   

The degradation of globin mRNA in rat reticulocytes maturing in the peripheral blood was investigated. Poly(A) and non poly(A) portions of mRNA molecules were determined quantitatively by hybridization with radioactive poly(U) and complementary DNA, respectively. During the degradation of mRNA in vivo, it was shown that (1) globin mRNA and the bulk of RNA decrease in parallel, (2) the average chain length of poly(A) segments in the mRNA does not change, (3) the percentage of poly(A) (-) globin mRNA in total globin mRNA does not change, and (4) fragments of large molecular weight do not accumulate. Possible mechanisms of degradation of globin mRNA in the reticulocytes are discussed on the basis of these observations.  相似文献   

Procedures are described that permit the detection and isolation of a specific messenger RNA as well as its precursor from total cell extracts. DNA complementary to the mRNA was elongated by the addition of dCMP residues and annealed with labeled cell RNA. The elongated DNA with RNA hybridized to it was isolated by chromatography on a poly(I)-Sephadex column. The method was used to isolate 32P-labeled globin mRNA from labeled Friend cells, a mouse erythroleukaemic cell line, induced with dimethylsulfoxide to synthesize hemoglobin. 32P-labeled globin mRNA isolated by this procedure was estimated to be 80% pure by hybridization analysis and sedimented as a single peak at 10 S. Partial sequences were determined for 16 oligonucleotides derived from the purified 32P-labeled globin mRNA by RNAase T1 digestion. The partial sequences for nine oligonucleotides corresponded to those predicted from the amino acid sequences of α and β globin; the other oligonucleotides were presumably derived from non-translated regions.In order to detect a possible precursor to globin mRNA, RNA from induced Friend cells pulse-labeled with [32P]phosphate for 20 minutes was centrifuged through a sucrose gradient and the resulting fractions were analyzed for globinspecific sequences. Two peaks of globin-specific RNA were detected, a larger one at 10 S, the position of mature globin mRNA, and a smaller one at 15 S.  相似文献   

Membrane and membrane skeleton proteins were examined in erythroid progenitor cells during terminal differentiation. The employed model system of erythroid differentiation was that in which proerythroblasts from mice infected with the anemia-inducing strain of Friend virus differentiate in vitro in response to erythropoietin (EP). With this system, developmentally homogeneous populations of cells can be examined morphologically and biochemically as they progress from proerythroblasts through enucleated reticulocytes. alpha and beta spectrins, the major proteins of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, are synthesized in the erythroblasts both before and after EP exposure. At all times large portions of the newly synthesized spectrins exist in and are turned over in the cytoplasm. The remaining newly synthesized spectrin is found in a cellular fraction containing total membranes. Pulse-chase experiments show that little of the cytoplasmic spectrins become membrane associated, but that the proportion of newly synthesized spectrin which is membrane associated increases as maturation proceeds. A membrane fraction enriched in plasma membranes has significant differences in the stoichiometry of spectrin accumulation as compared to total cellular membranes. Synthesis of band 3 protein, the anion transporter, is induced only after EP addition to the erythroblasts. All of the newly synthesized band 3 is membrane associated. A two-dimensional gel survey was conducted of newly synthesized proteins in the plasma membrane enriched fraction of the erythroblasts as differentiation proceeded. A majority of the newly synthesized proteins remain in the same proportion to each other during maturation; however, a few newly synthesized proteins greatly increase following EP induction while others decrease markedly. Of the radiolabeled proteins observed in two dimensional gels, only the spectrins, band 3 and actin become major proteins of the mature erythrocyte membrane. Examination of total proteins of the plasma membrane enriched fractions of EP-treated erythroblasts using silver staining and 32P autoradiography show that many proteins and phosphoproteins are selectively eliminated from this fraction late in the course of differentiation during the reticulocyte stage. The selective removal of many proteins at the reticulocyte stage of development combined with previous selective synthesis and accumulation of some specific proteins such as alpha and beta spectrin and band 3 in the differentiating erythroblasts lead to the final mammalian erythrocyte membrane structure.  相似文献   

The effect of cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine) on newly synthesized globin mRNA in cultured mouse fetal liver erythroid cells is investigated. At cordycepin concentrations that do not inhibit amino acid incorporation into acid-precipitable material, the quantity of pulse-labeled (radioactive) globin mRNA nucleotide sequences is reduced by 90%, as compared to adenosine-treated controls. The reduction of radioactivity in globin-specific RNA sequences is greater than the inhibition of total RNA synthesis in experiments in which the labeling times range from 6 to 60 min. Control experiments demonstrate that cordycepin does not reduce the recovery of total cell RNA or steady state (unlabeled) globin mRNA. The hybridization assay used to detect radioactive globin mRNA sequences is independent of the cellular location or the number of 3'-terminal adenylate residues in the mRNA-containing molecules. These data thus indicate that cordycepin inhibits newly synthesized mRNA as effectively as it inhibits ribosomal and transfer RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

In a microspectrophotometric study, photographic emulsions and a computer are used for measuring the hemoglobin content of a large number (about 50,000) of erythroid cells in fetal mice. Histograms of the hemoglobin content in erythroid cells illustrate the kinetics of erythropoiesis in yolk sac derived nucleated cells in the fetal peripheral blood, in fetal liver, and in fetal spleen. After the occasional extrusion of their nucleus, yolk sac derived erythrocytes remain as “macrocytes” in fetal circulation two or three days longer than the nucleated yolk sac derived erythrocytes do. Erythrocytes in fetal liver have a constant hemoglobin content of 28 pg 2 until day 17 of gestation. During further erythropoiesis in liver and then in the spleen, this amount is gradually adapted to the normal hemoglobin content in red blood cells of 16 pg.  相似文献   

Deregulated messenger RNA expression during T cell apoptosis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

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