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1 Metabolic rates (Vo2), body temperature (Tb), and thermal conductance (C) were first determined in newly captured Maximowiczi's voles (Microtus maximowiczii) and Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus campbelli) from the Inner Mongolian grasslands at a temperature range from 5 to 35 °C.

2 The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) was between 25 and 32.5 °C for Maximowiczi's voles and between 25 and 30 °C for Djungarian hamsters. Mean Tb was 37.0±0.1 °C for voles and 36.2±0.1 °C for hamsters. Minimum thermal conductance was 0.172±0.004 ml O2/g h °C for voles and 0.148±0.003 ml O2/g h °C for hamsters.

3 The mean resting metabolic rate within TNZ was 2.21±0.05 ml O2/g h in voles and 2.01±0.07 ml O2/g h in hamsters. Nonshivering thermogenesis was 5.36±0.30 ml O2/g h for voles and 6.30±0.18 ml O2/g h for hamsters.

4 All these thermal physiological properties are adaptive for each species and are shaped by both macroenvironmental and microenvironmental conditions, food habits, phylogeny and other factors.

Keywords: Basal metabolic rate; Body temperature; Djungarian hamster (Phodopus campbelli); Maximowiczi's vole (Microtus maximowiczii); Nonshivering thermogenesis; Minimum thermal conductance  相似文献   

Metabolism is thought to play an important role in shaping behaviour, ecology and physiology in animals. To study the changes of metabolism among different ages or generations as well as the repeatability during the ontogeny, we carried out the research in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii), which covered two generations’ life. Meanwhile, we estimated the among-family variations to facilitate the heritability evaluation. Resting metabolic rate within the thermoneutral zone, resting metabolic rate at 5 °C, non-shivering thermogenesis and maximal metabolic rate during thermogenesis in both juveniles and adults were simultaneously measured. Population-average values of aerobic traits were generally consistent among different ages or generations; however, there was no repeatability at the level of individual variation during the ontogeny, which indicated that the aerobic traits of the young were not good indicators for that of later life. At the same time, the coefficient of intraclass correlation for full sibs failed to reach statistical significance, suggesting that heritability of aerobic traits in Brandt's voles was not high.  相似文献   

1. 1. We examined the desert-dwelling grasshopper, Calliptamus barbarus, to determine whether it used evaporative cooling, and if differences existed in the use of evaporative cooling between the small males and larger females. Male C. barbarus are the smallest grasshoppers tested for their use of evaporative cooling.
2. 2. Calliptamus barbarus use evaporative cooling at high ambient temperatures to keep their body temperature below lethal levels. This has been shown in insects such as cicadas, bees and other grasshoppers. Maximal water loss rates for C. barbarus are similar (8–10% of body mass per hour) to those of other grasshoppers.
3. 3. Male C. barbarus weigh 370 mg on average, and are 20% of the females' mass. At low ambient temperatures males evaporated 13.31 ± 1.14 mg water/h (n = 12), a similar rate to that in females, who evaporated 17.53 ± 2.03 mg water/h (n = 29), but a considerably greater fraction of body mass per unit time. At high ambient temperatures, the males lost less in absolute terms, but a similar amount relative to body mass. The differences are partially accounted for by scaling effects, but for the most part, the reasons for these differences are unclear. They may be linked to differences in ventilatory patterns between males and females or differences in cuticular permeability, the two major pathways of water loss in insects.


1. 1.|Heat production (HP) and body temperature (Tb) measurements were conducted at ambient temperatures (Ta) between 10 and 40°C. In addition preference temperatures (PT) were determined in a temperature channel and Tb was measured at preferred Ta

2. 2.|The influence of age on Tb at constant, as well as at PT, was proved. Increasing age was accompanied by an elevation of Tb whereas HP remained constant in the mid-range of Ta

3. 3.|The lower Tb in the first days of life is suggested to result from a lower thermoregulatory set point during the postnatal period.

4. 4.|The PT were different for the observed types of behaviour. The PT at rest was higher than the PT during locomotion, food intake and drinking.

Author Keywords: Bird; Meleagris gallopavo; heat production; body temperature; preference temperatures; thermoregulatory set point  相似文献   

1. 1. The thermoregulatory responses to manipulations of photoperiod in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), which were drawn from a population living at a high latitude (57°N) were studied.
2. 2. Mice captured in spring were acclimated to two different photoperiod regimes 16L:8D and 8L:16D at a constant ambient temperature of 24°C, for 3 weeks.
3. 3. Daily rhythms of body temperature, oxygen consumption and body temperature at various ambient temperatures, nonshivering thermogenesis (the response to a noradrenaline injection) and body mass were measured. Minimal overall thermal conductance was calculated for both groups.
4. 4. Acclimation to long photophase increased the thermoregulatory abilities at relatively high ambient temperatures while that of long-scotophase increased thermoregulatory abilities at low ambient temperatures.
5. 5. Changes in photoperiod may therefore be used as cues for seasonal acclimatization of thermoregulatory mechanisms in this population of wood mice.


1. 1. At the preferred body temperature (35°C) resting metabolic rate was 0.155 ± 0.015 ml O2/g·h and heart rate was 54 ± 11 beats/min. Spontaneous activity at this body temperature caused a two-fold increase in heart rate and a six-fold increase in O2 consumption. Maximum values being 0.86 ml/g·h with an O2 pulse of 13.6 × 10−5 ml/g·beat.

2. 2. Pre-treatment for seven days with thyroxine caused a 27% increase in resting metabolic rate and a 63% increase in the thermal gradient between core and ambient temperature at the preferred body temperature.

3. 3. Noradrenaline reduced heart rate but had no effect at the dosage recommended on metabolic rate at body temperatures of either 35 or 15°C, suggesting that non-shivering thermogenesis is absent in lizards. The evolutionary implications of these results have been briefly discussed.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulation; preferred body temperature; oxygen consumption; metabolic rate; cardiac rate; non-shivering thermogenesis; thyroxine; noradrenaline; reptiles; Varanus species  相似文献   

Li, H., Zhou, Z.‐S., Ding, G.‐H. and Ji, X. 2011. Fluctuations in incubation temperature affect incubation duration but not morphology, locomotion and growth of hatchlings in the sand lizard Lacerta agilis (Lacertidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–8. Studies looking for potential effects of temperature and temperature fluctuations on phenotypic traits of reptile hatchlings have shown species variation, but have not always allowed a distinction between effects of fluctuation per se and temperature extremes themselves. To examine whether incubation temperature fluctuation has a key role in influencing the phenotype of offspring, we incubated eggs of the sand lizard Lacerta agilis at one of the four temperature regimes (27, 27 ± 2, 27 ± 4 and 27 ± 6 °C). We found that: (1) hatchlings incubated under the four temperature regimes did not differ from each other in any of the morphological and physiological traits examined; (2) interactions that included temperature treatment did not affect any trait examined; (3) the mean incubation length was longer in the 27 ± 6 °C treatment than in the other three treatments; and (4) female hatchlings were shorter in head length and width but longer in snout‐vent length as well as abdomen length than males derived from the same‐sized egg. Our data show that both the type and the magnitude of temperature variation can affect incubation length. We found no evidence for phenotypic divergence in responses to temperature fluctuations during incubation and therefore suggest that temperature variation does not affect the phenotype of hatchlings in L. agilis.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Thermoregulatory measurements of two Nambi rodents; Gerbillurus paeba, a burrow dweller, and Aethomys namaquensis, a crevice dweller were compared. Both were similar to other small arid-adapted rodents in that basal metabolic rates were reduced, thermoneutral zones narrow and evaporative water losses low. Rates of conductance and thermal lability, however, at ambient temperatures (Ta) below thermoneutral zone, were significantly different (P 0.01).

2. 2.|The rock rat A. namaquensis, living in a microclimate characterized by a large diel range and low humidities, compensates for a reduced basal metabolic rate by having a low rate of conductance. In this way it maintains precise thermoregulatory control. G. paeba, on the other hand, living in a thermally-stable milieu, does not control body temperature precisely. This animal instead utilizes a high rate of conductance to remove metabolic heat produced within the body. This would be advantageous to an animal living in a plugged burrow where the high humidities encountered impede the rate of evaporative cooling.

3. 3.|The energetic responses of both species, above the thermoneutral zone, appear to reflect very closely the environmental conditions which occur in the microhabitat that they rest in during the day. G. paeba shows less tolerance to temperature fluctuations than A. namaquensis, but shows more marked increases in short-term cooling mechanisms at high Tas.

4. 4.|Despite the increased use of evaporative cooling through salivation and panting in addition to pulmocutaneous evaporation, exposure to Tas above 38°C is rapidly lethal to G. paeba.

Author Keywords: Thermoregulation; thermal conductance; metabolic rate; evaporative water loss; crevice dweller; burrow dweller; Aethomys namaquensis; Gerbillurus paeba; Namib; desert  相似文献   

For subterranean rodents, searching for food by extension of the tunnel system and maintenance of body temperature are two of the most important factors affecting their life underground. In this study we assess the effect of ambient temperature on energetics and thermoregulation during digging in Ctenomys talarum. We measured o2 during digging and resting at ambient temperature (Ta) below, within, and above thermoneutrality. Digging metabolic rate was lowest at Ta within the thermoneutral zone and increased at both lower and higher temperatures, but body temperature (Tb) remained constant at all Tas. Below thermoneutrality, the cost of digging and thermoregulation are additive. Heat production for thermoregulation would be compensated by heat produced as a by-product of muscular activity during digging. Above thermoneutrality, conduction would be an important mechanism to maintain a constant Tb during digging.  相似文献   

Spontaneous formation and development of adventive embryos were observed in cauline leaves of Sargassum macrocarpum in laboratory culture. Semi-spherical swellings, which were 200–250 μm in diameter, arose from the surface of cauline leaves of thalli cultured for 4 months from zygotic embryos. Swellings became cylindrical protuberances and grew into ‘daughter’ thalli with one or two small cauline leaves. These thalli detached from ‘mother’ thalli and attached to the surface of culture vessels by rhizoids produced within 1 week after detachment. Each daughter thallus developed into an individual thallus exhibiting the same morphological processes as zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

The Brachyury, or T, gene is required for notochord development in animals occupying all three chordate subphyla and probably also had this role in the last common ancestor of the chordate lineages. In two chordate subphyla (vertebrates and cephalochordates), T is also expressed during gastrulation in involuting endodermal and mesodermal cells, and in vertebrates at least, this expression domain is required for proper development. In the basally diverging chordate subphylum Urochordata, animals in the class Ascidiacea do not employ T during gastrulation in endodermal or nonaxial mesodermal cells, and it has been suggested that nonnotochordal roles for T were acquired in the cephalochordate–vertebrate lineage after it split with Urochordata. To test this hypothesis, we cloned T from Oikopleura dioica, a member of the urochordate class Appendicularia (or Larvacea), which diverged basally in the subphylum. Investigation of the expression pattern in developing Oikopleura embryos showed early expression in presumptive notochord precursor cells, in the notochord, and in parts of the developing gut and cells of the endodermal strand. We conclude that the ancestral role of T likely included expression in the developing gut and became necessary in chordates for construction of the notochord.  相似文献   

皱皮木瓜果实发育后期品质变化及其成熟阶段的划分初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以湖北长阳产皱皮木瓜为材料,测定果实发育后期果实鲜质量、果长、果径、果色、果实硬度以及果肉干物质量、可溶性糖含量、总酸含量和总黄酮含量等品质指标的动态变化,划分不同成熟阶段,为判断果实适宜采收期、实现优质生产提供理论参考。结果表明:(1)皱皮木瓜果实发育后期果实鲜质量、果长、果径、果肉干物质量和可溶性糖含量均呈现上升趋势;果色由绿色、黄绿色渐变为淡黄色到黄色;果实硬度、果肉总酸和总黄酮含量呈先上升后下降趋势。(2)各品质指标快速变化的时间区域存在差异,果实鲜质量在花后105~150d增加较快,果色在150d后逐渐变黄,果实硬度在花后135~165d快速下降,果肉总酸、总黄酮含量则在花后105~120d快速增加至峰值。(3)根据主成分分析结果和各品质指标的变化特点,可初步将皱皮木瓜果实发育后期划分为未成熟(花后105d之前)、早期成熟(花后120~150d)和成熟(花后165~180d)3个阶段。研究表明,随着果实成熟度的提高,皱皮木瓜果实鲜质量、果色、果肉干物质量、可溶性糖含量等指标不断升高,果实硬度逐渐下降,其食用加工品质不断提升,而在早期成熟阶段(花后120~150d)果实的药用品质则相对较高。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes, Lm,简称单增李斯特菌)是一种普遍存在的革兰阳性食源性病原体,可引起人类和一些动物的李斯特菌病。侵袭性李斯特菌病通常很严重,临床上表现为自然流产、败血症和脑膜脑炎,也可表现为发热性胃肠炎综合症。成孔蛋白单增李斯特菌溶血素O(Listeriolysin O,LLO,由hly基因编码)是一种重要的毒力因子,属于胆固醇依赖性细胞溶解素(cholesterol-dependent cytolysins,CDC)毒素,其通过膜穿孔机制介导Lm从吞噬体逃逸并引起李斯特菌病。最近的研究表明LLO除了主要的膜穿孔作用,还存在其他功能,在Lm感染过程中扮演了重要的角色。从LLO的功能和作用机制等方面综述了近些年对该毒素的研究进展,以便更好地理解单增李斯特菌的感染机制,为防治李斯特病的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

番茄晚疫病是番茄生产中的主要病害之一,经常会造成较大的经济损失。晚疫病生理小种的变异和进化常会导致番茄品种原有的遗传抗性丧失,因此不断挖掘新的抗性基因,改良番茄晚疫病抗性是番茄抗病育种的长期任务。该研究采用BLAST同源比对的方法,以马铃薯野生近缘种的晚疫病抗性蛋白序列Rpi-blb2为种子序列,在NCBI蛋白质序列数据库中检索得到11条番茄蛋白质序列,这些序列与种子序列相似性为78%~83%,属于番茄疾病抗性蛋白家族,并对该家族成员进行了基因结构、基因定位、序列保守结构域和进化关系等分析。结果表明:该家族中10条序列分布在第Ⅵ条染色体上,1条分布在第Ⅴ染色体上;6号染色体上的10序列呈现2个抗病基因簇分布,在染色体上分别占据2个和3个基因位点;10条同源蛋白是Rpi-blb2的共同垂直同源蛋白,但不具有平行同源关系,大多数成员定位于细胞质。按照蛋白质保守结构域和基因定位的不同可分为三类,第一类共4条系列,包含有DUF3542和NB-ARC两个保守结构域特征序列;第二类共6条序列,与马铃薯Rpi-blb2蛋白一样,仅包含NB-ARC保守结构域特征序列,在这2类蛋白序列的NB-ARC结构域均位于序列中部;第三类(仅包含XP_004239406.1)虽然也具有与第一类蛋白相似的DUF3542和NB-ARC结构域,但在结构域两端的非保守区序列较短,且位于5号染色体上,因此将其单独归为1类。前两类蛋白成员相应的基因具有1~2个内含子,第3类蛋白不含内含子。该研究结果为利用生物技术选育番茄抗性品种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

We isolated aerobic and anaerobic facultative bacteria inhabiting the crop of adult Dusky-billed Parrotlets (Forpus modestus). We looked for bacteria capable of hydrolyzing starch, the most abundant polysaccharide in seeds. We compared our results with bacteria isolated from the crop of three species of doves with granivorous–frugivorous diet and three carnivore birds. Forpus modestus has 107–108 of colony formation units (CFU); these values were higher by one to three orders of magnitude compared with those observed in the other species studied. Bacillus pumilus, one of the most abundant bacteria isolated in F. modestus (6.03 × 106 CFU), was capable of hydrolyzing starch. We found higher diversity and abundance of bacteria in granivorous than in carnivorous birds or birds without a developed crop. Additionally, we found yeasts in the three species of doves. These findings suggest microbial activity in the crop, although its importance in food digestion needs to be determined.  相似文献   

The Pax6 genes eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy) are upstream regulators in the retinal determination gene network (RDGN), which instructs the formation of the adult eye primordium in Drosophila. Most animals possess a singleton Pax6 ortholog, but the dependence of eye development on Pax6 is widely conserved. A rare exception is given by the larval eyes of Drosophila, which develop independently of ey and toy. To obtain insight into the origin of differential larval and adult eye regulation, we studied the function of toy and ey in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. We find that single and combinatorial knockdown of toy and ey affect larval eye development strongly but adult eye development only mildly in this primitive hemimetabolous species. Compound eye-loss, however, was provoked when ey and toy were RNAi-silenced in combination with the early retinal gene dachshund (dac). We propose that these data reflect a role of Pax6 during regional specification in the developing head and that the subsequent maintenance and growth of the adult eye primordium is regulated partly by redundant and partly by specific functions of toy, ey and dac in Tribolium. The results from embryonic knockdown and comparative protein sequence analysis lead us further to conclude that Tribolium represents an ancestral state of redundant control by ey and toy.  相似文献   

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