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The macromolecular surface components involved in intraspecific cell surface interactions of the green microalga Chlorella vulgaris and closely associated bacteria were investigated. The specific surface attachment between this alga and its associated bacteria is mediated by lectin-like macromolecules associated with the surfaces of these cells. The binding activity of these surface polymers was inhibited by specific simple sugars; this suggests the involvement of specific receptor-ligand binding sites on the interactive surfaces. Epifluorescent microscopic evaluation of bacteria-alga interactions in the presence and absence of the macromolecules that mediate these interactions showed that the glycoproteins active in these processes were specific to the microbial sources from which they were obtained. The demonstration and definition of the specificity of these interactions in mixed microbial populations may play an important role in our understanding of the dynamics of marine microbial populations in the sea.  相似文献   

Specificity of sugar-phospholipid interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies by Lefevre et al. (6) have shown that phospholipids stimulate uptake of glucose and other sugars by lipid solvents and enhance transfer of glucose through solvent layers into water. In this paper the specificity of the process for different sugars is investigated by following uptake from thin films of sugars or from glass fiber strips coated with radioactive sugars. Hexoses were taken up slowly to molar ratios of sugar to lipid phosphorus of about 1:1. Pentoses and deoxy sugars were taken up 5–10 times more rapidly to molar ratios of between 1.5 and 2.5:1. Relative rates of formation of the complexes at 25 °C were (d-glucose = 1.0):l-fucose, 9.1; d-ribose, 6.1; d-arabinose, 5.5; l-rhamnose, 3.8; l-arabinose, 3.7; d-xylose, 3.6; d-lyxose, 3.1; 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, 1.52; d-mannose, 1.36; d-galactose, 1.13; sucrose, 0.03; and lactose, 0.015. Radioactive sugars bound to phospholipids exchanged readily with unlabeled sugar in the anhydrous state and the sugars passed slowly into the aqueous phase when the complexes were shaken with water. The relative rates of dissociation (d-glucose = 1.0): l-arabinose, 2.82; d-arabinose, 2.49; l-rhamnose, 2.26; l-fucose, 1.96; d-xylose, 1.65; 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, 0.37; d-galactose, 0.28 were in the same general order as formation, suggesting that a common intermediate may be involved in both processes. In general, sugars with high mutarotation rates reacted most rapidly indicating a possible relationship between the structural features which favor interaction with phospholipids and those which enhance mutarotation.  相似文献   

Genomics and marine microbial ecology.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Marine sessile eukaryotic hosts provide a unique surface for microbial colonisation. Chemically mediated interactions between the host and colonising microorganisms, interactions between microorganisms in the biofilm community and surface-specific physical and chemical conditions impact differently on the diversity and function of surface-associated microbial assemblages compared with those in planktonic systems. Understanding the diversity and ecology of surface-associated microbial communities will greatly contribute to the discovery of next-generation, bioactive compounds. On the basis of recent conceptual and technological advances insights into the microbiology of marine living surfaces are improving and novel bioactives, including those previously ascribed as host derived, are now revealed to be produced by members of the surface-associated microbial community.  相似文献   

Specificity of G protein beta and gamma subunit interactions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multiple heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) subunits have evolved to couple a large variety of receptors to intracellular effectors. G protein beta gamma subunits are essential for efficient coupling of alpha subunits to receptors, and they are also important for modulation of effectors. Several different beta and gamma subunits exist, but it is not known whether all possible combinations of beta and gamma can form functional dimers. To answer this question, we have compared the ability of in vitro translated beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 to form dimers with either gamma 1 or gamma 2. Dimerization was monitored by gel filtration, resistance to tryptic digestion, and chemical cross-linking. The results indicate that beta 1 binds both gamma subunits, beta 2 binds only gamma 2, and beta 3 will bind neither gamma 1 or gamma 2. Hence, the occurrence of beta gamma dimers may be partially regulated by the ability of the subunits to associate. Specificity of dimerization might allow cells to co-express multiple beta and gamma subunits while maintaining efficient and specific signal transduction.  相似文献   

Interspecies interactions within oral microbial communities.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
While reductionism has greatly advanced microbiology in the past 400 years, assembly of smaller pieces just could not explain the whole! Modern microbiologists are learning "system thinking" and "holism." Such an approach is changing our understanding of microbial physiology and our ability to diagnose/treat microbial infections. This review uses oral microbial communities as a focal point to describe this new trend. With the common name "dental plaque," oral microbial communities are some of the most complex microbial floras in the human body, consisting of more than 700 different bacterial species. For a very long time, oral microbiologists endeavored to use reductionism to identify the key genes or key pathogens responsible for oral microbial pathogenesis. The limitations of reductionism forced scientists to begin adopting new strategies using emerging concepts such as interspecies interaction, microbial community, biofilms, polymicrobial disease, etc. These new research directions indicate that the whole is much more than the simple sum of its parts, since the interactions between different parts resulted in many new physiological functions which cannot be observed with individual components. This review describes some of these interesting interspecies-interaction scenarios.  相似文献   

Antagonistic interactions among marine pelagic bacteria.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies suggest that bacterial abundance and species diversity in the ocean's water column are variable at the millimeter scale, apparently in response to the small-scale heterogeneity in the distribution of organic matter. We hypothesized that bacterium-bacterium antagonistic interactions may contribute to variations in community structure at the microscale. We examined each of the 86 isolates for their inhibition of growth of the remaining 85 isolates by the Burkholder agar diffusion assay. More than one-half of the isolates expressed antagonistic activity, and this trait was more common with particle-associated bacteria than with free-living bacteria. This was exemplified by members of the alpha subclass of the class Proteobacteria (alpha-proteobacteria), in which production of antagonistic molecules was dominated by attached bacteria. We found that gamma-proteobacteria (members of the orders Alteromonadales and Vibrionales) are the most prolific producers of inhibitory materials and also the most resilient to them, while members of the Bacteriodetes were the organisms that were least productive and most sensitive to antagonistic interactions. Widespread interspecies growth inhibition is consistent with the role of this phenomenon in structuring bacterial communities at the microscale. Furthermore, our results suggest that bacteria from pelagic marine particles may be an underutilized source of novel antibiotics.  相似文献   

Problems and concerns in relation to the use of inorganic fertilisers, irrigation, herbicides and pesticides have led to the search for alternative strategies to combat limiting soil nutrient and water levels and the effect of weeds and pests on crops. Greater utilisation of microorganisms in agricultural systems could possibly allow reductions in the use of inorganic fertilisers, water, herbicides and pesticides with no impact on crop yield. Positive plant microbial interactions which are currently under study are considered here.  相似文献   

Antarctic coastal waters undergo major physical alterations during summer. Increased temperatures induce sea-ice melting and glacial melt water input, leading to strong stratification of the upper water column. We investigated the composition of micro-eukaryotic and bacterial communities in Ryder Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, during and after summertime melt water stratification, applying community fingerprinting (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and sequencing analysis of partial 18S and 16S rRNA genes. Community fingerprinting of the eukaryotic community revealed two major patterns, coinciding with a period of melt water stratification, followed by a period characterized by regular wind-induced breakdown of surface stratification. During the first stratified period, we observed depth-related differences in eukaryotic fingerprints while differences in bacterial fingerprints were weak. Wind-induced breakdown of the melt water layer caused a shift in the eukaryotic community from an Actinocyclus sp.- to a Thalassiosira sp.-dominated community. In addition, a distinct transition in the bacterial community was found, but with a few days' delay, suggesting a response to the changes in the eukaryotic community rather than to the mixing event itself. Sequence analysis revealed a shift from an Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria to a Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides-dominated community under mixed conditions. Our results show that melt water stratification and the transition to nonstabilized Antarctic surface waters may have an impact not only on micro-eukaryotic but also bacterial community composition.  相似文献   

A microbial ecosystem represents a delicately balanced population of microorganisms each interacting with and influencing the other members of the population. An understanding of the nature and effects of these interactions is essential to improving the performance of these ecologies, which are important, in such diverse processes as biological waste treatment procedures, water pollution abatement, industrial fermentations, human or animal digestives processes and in soil. There are several types of mocrobial interactions, such as commensalism, inhibition, food competition, predation, parasitism, and synergism, which either singly or in combination may influence the functioning of the microbial ecology. To understand interactions, it is necessary to perform a detailed study of the physiology of the individual predominating microorganisms to establish their requirements with respect to such environmental factors as nutrients, temperature, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, removal of waste products, or toxic materials which may be involved in control processes and to determine how these factors affect their capabilities. The sum total of this information will indicate the possible interactions between the microorganisms and will form the basis for conducting experiments either in the laboratory or with mathematical models. Such experiments will lead to an understanding of microbial activities and to the formulation of control measures, often using an alteration of the environmental factors for regulation of the microbial ecologies. Extensive research remains to be done on the microbial interact inns in obtain the desired, precise control of these ecological processes.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions of marine algae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Marine algae encompass lineages that diverged about one billion years ago. Recent results suggest that they feature natural immunity traits that are conserved, as well as others that appear to be phylum- or environment-specific. In particular, marine plants resemble terrestrial plants and animals in their basic mechanisms for pathogen recognition and signaling, suggesting that these essential cell functions arose in the sea. Specific traits are based on the synthesis of unique secondary defense metabolites, often making use of the variety of halides found in the sea.  相似文献   

The formation of a microbial biofilm on glass surfaces arranged in lamellar piles parallel with circulating sea water (3 cm·sec–1) was studied. The increase in dry weight, protein content, nucleotide content (ATP, ADP), and diatoms was followed over a period of 62 days. Dry weight and protein were estimates of the total biofilm development, whereas the nucleotide measurements revealed the viability of the biofilm and reflected the dynamics in the community structure.  相似文献   

A dialysis membrane technique was developed that enabled ultrastructural investigations of the interaction of nematode-trapping fungi and their nematode prey. It allowed the sectioning of individual traps that had been selected by light microscopy and was used in kinetic studies on trap formation, nematode capture, and subsequent nematode digestion. The method can also be used for enzyme cytochemical experiments.  相似文献   

We previously established a genetic assay for retroviral Gag polyprotein multimerization (J. Luban, K. B. Alin, K. L. Bossolt, T. Humaran, and S. P. Goff, J. Virol. 66:5157-5160, 1992). Here we use this assay to demonstrate homomeric interactions between Gag polyproteins encoded by six different retroviruses. Of the Gag polyproteins tested, only those encoded by closely related retroviruses formed heteromultimers. To determine the primary sequence requirements for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag polyprotein multimerization, we studied the effects on multimerization of deletion and linker insertion mutations. Sequences necessary for this process were located between the C-terminal one-third of the capsid domain and the C terminus of the nucleocapsid domain.  相似文献   

Volatile affairs in microbial interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microorganisms are important factors in shaping our environment. One key characteristic that has been neglected for a long time is the ability of microorganisms to release chemically diverse volatile compounds. At present, it is clear that the blend of volatiles released by microorganisms can be very complex and often includes many unknown compounds for which the chemical structures remain to be elucidated. The biggest challenge now is to unravel the biological and ecological functions of these microbial volatiles. There is increasing evidence that microbial volatiles can act as infochemicals in interactions among microbes and between microbes and their eukaryotic hosts. Here, we review and discuss recent advances in understanding the natural roles of volatiles in microbe–microbe interactions. Specific emphasis will be given to the antimicrobial activities of microbial volatiles and their effects on bacterial quorum sensing, motility, gene expression and antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

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