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Seven field populations of Xiphinema americanum sensu lato from California''s major agronomic areas were tested for their ability to transmit two nepoviruses, including the prune brownline, peach yellow bud, and grapevine yellow vein strains of tomato ringspot virus and the bud blight strain of tobacco ringspot virus. Two field populations transmitted all isolates, one population transmitted all tomato ringspot virus isolates but failed to transmit bud blight strain of tobacco ringspot virus, and the remaining four populations failed to transmit any virus. Only one population, which transmitted all isolates, bad been associated with field spread of a nepovirus. As two California populations of Xiphinema americanum sensu lato were shown to have the ability to vector two different nepoviruses, a nematode taxonomy based on a parsimony of virus-vector relationship is not practical for these populations. Because two California populations of X. americanum were able to vector tobacco ringspot virus, commonly vectored by X. americanum in the eastern United States, these western populations cannot be differentiated from eastern populations by vector capability tests using tobacco ringspot virus.  相似文献   

All species of the Xiphinema americanum-group and their synonyms are listed. The North American species reported are listed by state or province. Among these species, X. rivesi has the most widely reported distribution. Six species (X. diffusum, X. floridae, X. laevistriatum, X. luci, X. shell, and X. tarjanense) have been reported from only Florida. The reports of X. pachtaicum, X. sheri, and X. luci did not include morphometrics and need to be confirmed; X. brevicolle from California was identified before Lamberti and Bleve-Zacheo described 15 new species in 1979 and similarly needs to be confirmed. Because of the proliferation of species in this group, reports of X. americanum (sensu stricto) before 1979 are questionable. Extraction techniques for longidorids are discussed.  相似文献   

Five serological strains of tobacco ringspot virus isolated from naturally infected tobacco in North Carolina, and a strain isolated from watermelon in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas were transmitted from cucumber to cucumber by mass-screened and handpicked Xiphinerna americanum from North Carolina. The Eucharis mottle strain from Peru was not transmitted, indicating that a specific strain-vector relationship may exist between the geographically isolated strains from North and South America.  相似文献   

Identification of Xiphinema americanum-group nematodes is based on relatively subtle morphological and morphometric differences, many of which overlap. The significance and importance of these separations cannot be assessed without a basic understanding of the biological differences between species. Currently, information is accumulating on Xiphinema biology, development, and genetics that will help to confirm or refute the current systematics of species in this group. Recently, it was demonstrated that Xiphinema species pass through either three or four juvenile stages before becoming adults. This new and fundamental information divides the genus and the X. americanum group into subgroups based on their developmental evolution and provides new insight into the taxonomy and systematic positions of the species.  相似文献   

One to two hundred nematodes from each of seven Xiphinema americanum-group populations were measured to determine the range of stylet and body lengths for juveniles and adults. First-stage juveniles were identified by the position of the replacement odontostyle (i.e., the tip of the replacement odontostyle overlapped the base of the odontophore). Nematodes were identified as second stage if the functional odontostyle was the same length as the replacement odontostyle of the first stage. Subsequent stages were similarly identified by establishing the range of corresponding replacement and functional odontostyle lengths. In all populations examined, this procedure created natural divisions that clearly grouped nematodes by stylet and body length. Presumably these groups identified all juvenile and adult stages. Populations of X. americanum, X. rivesi, and X. californicum from the United States had three juvenile stages, but a population of X. pachtaicum from Bulgaria had four juvenile stages.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the plant parasitic nematode Xiphinema americanum sensu stricto has been determined. At 12626bp it is the smallest metazoan mitochondrial genome reported to date. Genes are transcribed from both strands. Genes coding for 12 proteins, 2 rRNAs and 17 putative tRNAs (with the tRNA-C, I, N, S1, S2 missing) are predicted from the sequence. The arrangement of genes within the X. americanum mitochondrial genome is unique and includes gene overlaps. Comparisons with the mtDNA of other nematodes show that the small size of the X. americanum mtDNA is due to a combination of factors. The two mitochondrial rRNA genes are considerably smaller than those of other nematodes, with most of the protein encoding and tRNA genes also slightly smaller. In addition, five tRNAs genes are absent, lengthy noncoding regions are not present in the mtDNA, and several gene overlaps are present. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Yues van de Peer] F. Lamberti: Deceased, 2004  相似文献   

Populations of Xiphinema americanum and X. rivesi were collected from apple orchards in eastern and western New York and tested in the laboratory for ability to transmit tomato ringspot virus (TmRSV) to cucumber and dandelion. Populations varied in the frequency with which they transmitted TmRSV, but this variation did not correspond to variation in disease prevalence in the orchard. The lower prevalence of TmRSV-incited disease in apple trees in western New York cannot be attributed to inability of the local Xiphinema spp. to transmit TmRSV.  相似文献   

Though in the past Xiphinema americanum has been the most commonly reported dagger nematode in the eastern United States, our studies revealed the presence in Pennsvlvania of a previously unrecognized and unreported species related to X. americanum, Morphometric data and photomicrographs establish the identity of this form as X. rivesi and show expected variations in populations of this species from various locations. Similar data and illustrations are given for X. americanum populations from Pennsylvania and other areas, showing variations and relationships. Xiphinema rivesi is widely distributed in the fruit producing area of south-central Pennsylvania and is also reported herein from raspberry in Vermont and apple in Maryland and New York. This species is frequently found in fruit growing areas of Pennsylvania associated with tomato ringspot virus-induced diseases and is also found associated with corn, bluegrass sod, and alfalfa.  相似文献   

The Xiphinema americanum group of species is responsible for vectoring several important virus diseases to perennial crops. Variability of transmission of viruses by different species, and difficulties in separating species by morphometric measurements alone, make it essential to reassess the taxonomic position of several species in the group. The measurement of DNA sequence variability is a sensitive assay that can re-evaluate the separation of species and populations from each other. This study describes how an RFLP approach, in which the restriction sites in transcribed spacers of ribosomal repeats were detected, confirmed the separation of 16 populations of these species into X. americanum, X. rivesi, X. pacificum, and X. bricolensis.  相似文献   

Amblyomma americanum (Linneaus) (Acari: Ixodidae), an important tick vector of human and animal disease, is not a competent vector of the bacterial agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, although its range overlaps the geographical distribution of Lyme disease within the United States. A possible mechanism that could prevent acquisition of B. burgdorferi spirochetes from infected hosts is the toxic effect of A. americanum saliva on B. burgdorferi. The data presented here indicate that after 24 and 48 h of exposure to A. americanum saliva, significantly fewer B. burgdorferi were alive compared to treatment controls as assessed by spirochete motility under dark-field microscopy and resistance to the dead stain, propidium iodide. After 48 h, fewer than 13% of saliva-exposed B. burgdorferi were alive. In contrast, significantly more B. burgdorferi exposed to Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) saliva survived after 24 or 48 h compared to A. americanum saliva or treatment controls.  相似文献   

Summary Palps of the tick Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Acarina: Ixodidae; nymphal stage) were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The terminal palp segment (IV) bears the so-called palpal organ, a cluster of 10 short, blunt-tipped sensilla. All sensilla (except for the center sensillum) receive a dual innervation: 2 mechanoreceptive dendrites which terminate in the socket membrane plus several chemoreceptive dendrites (4–12) which enter the lumen. The thick-walled cuticular shaft possesses 2–3 small pore openings (100 Å) below the tip, thus establishing communication between dendrites and environment. Two structurally different types of palpal sensilla exist: The A-type has a characteristic doublelumen and always contains 4 dendrites, the B-type features a single lumen and a specially layered cuticular shaft with 6–12 dendrites. The fine structure of the tick palpal receptors corresponds closely to that of known contact chemoreceptors in insects.This research was supported in part by a contract with the Office of Naval Research (R. C. Axtell, principal investigator), and by NIH Training grant ES 00069. Paper no. 3700 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of Amblyomma americanum (the lone star tick) has increased as has its role as a pathogen vector. The objectives of this study were to determine seasonal activity patterns of each life stage of A. americanum in the northwestern part of the species range and the relationship of these activity patterns among life stages and degree days. Tick activity was monitored over four years since 2007 in a forest and old field habitat located in northeast Missouri. Every other week from February to December, ticks were collected using bait and drag methods. Autocorrelations demonstrated yearly seasonal patterns in each life stage and cross‐correlations between life stages depicted a relationship between activity at a life stage and the previous stage's activity. Cross‐correlations indicated that degree days were related to activity. These data indicated that A. americanum generally complete their life cycle in a minimum of two years in northeast Missouri, with overwintering occurring predominantly in the nymphal and adult stages. These data provide a baseline to compare the life cycle of A. americanum in northeast Missouri to populations in different parts of the species range or at different times in the region.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop single‐step PCR species‐specific primers that reliably discriminate four economically important Xiphinema species (X. brevicolle, X. elongatum, X. ifacolum and X. longicaudatum) and X. diffusum that is taxonomically very similar to X. brevicolle. Each species‐specific reverse primer was located in the ITS‐1 rDNA region and was used in combination with a universal forward primer located in the 18S rDNA gene. Primer reliability was confirmed by screening seven and 11 populations, respectively of X. diffusum and X. elongatum. Potential species‐specific primers were also identified for X. brevicolle, X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum, however too few populations of these species were available to thoroughly assess their reliability. For all species‐specific primers, specificity was demonstrated by the absence of cross‐reactions with 14 non‐target Xiphinema species. Multiplex PCR was effective and reproducible for two (X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum) or three (X. brevicolle, X. diffusum and X. elongatum) of the target nematode species, thus improving the applicability of the diagnostic primers.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effect of temperature on morphometric features of the egg during the embryonic development of the prawn Macrobrachium americanum and the relationship with hatching and the survival of the larvae. Berried females were grouped (n = 3) and reared at three different temperatures, 26, 29, and 33 °C, for which seven developmental stages were recognized. At each stage, the apical and sagittal diameters of the eggs were measured, the volume was calculated, and the weights were recorded. Additionally, the duration of embryonic development, hatching percentage, and larval survival were determined. At 29 and 33 °C, the eggs’ volume increased by 50%, but at 26 °C, the increase was 25%. Larvae from eggs incubated at 33 °C died one day after hatching. At 29 °C, larvae survived until Zoea VII. Larvae from eggs incubated at 26 °C died at the end of Zoea I. The number of days of embryonic development was 20.5 ± 1.5 (26 °C), 15 ± 1 (29 °C), and 12 ± 1 (33 °C). A temperature of 29 °C was the most favorable for embryonic development in M. americanum.  相似文献   

Amblyomma americanum (L.) is a three‐host tick that spends most of its life off‐host and is an important vector of pathogens in the eastern United States. Our objectives were to develop a predictive statistical model that describes the number of active, off‐host larvae from 2007 to 2011 and to determine the environmental variables associated with this pattern. Data used in this study came from monitoring conducted in northeast Missouri in which off‐host ticks were collected from a permanent plot in a forest and an old field habitat every other week from approximately February to December. Variables examined were day length, degree days, total precipitation prior to sampling, wind speed, saturation deficit, number of adults prior to sampling, and collection site. Of the four regression models tested, the negative binomial model was selected. Fitted candidate models were compared relative to one another using values of eight model selection criteria and model averaging was used to develop a predictive model. The residual plots indicated that the weighted average model performs well in describing the number of larvae. Of the variables considered, the number of larvae was most strongly associated with increasing degree days, the number of active adults prior to sampling, and the forested site.  相似文献   

Myrmecochores are plants with seeds adapted for ant dispersal. This specialized dispersal syndrome may provide Erythronium americanum seeds with protection from predators within the eastern deciduous forests. To determine the adaptive significance of myrmecochory in E. americanum, seed removal rates and seed predation in relation to seed release date and location along the Potomac River in Langley, Virginia, were examined. The number of seeds removed from four exclosure treatments were monitored two times in 1992 and three times in 1993 within floodplain and hilltop populations of E. americanum. Overall, seed removal was greatest from control depots, and E. americanum seeds were removed at nearly the same rate from predator-exclusion depots, indicating that removal from open depots is largely due to ant removal. Ants removed significantly more seeds than predators in the first 48 h of seed exposure and could potentially remove all E. americanum seeds before nightfall. Aphaenogaster rudis was identified as the primary disperser of E. americanum. Seeds placed in depots after the natural seed release period were discovered more quickly and removed by ants at a significantly higher rate than seeds released at the natural date. These results suggest that ant dispersal of E. americanum seeds reduces the likelihood of seed predation.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: Endophytic fungi likely occur in all plants, yet little is known about those of parasitic plants, despite their potential to influence parasite success. Arceuthobium americanum is a parasitic angiosperm that greatly compromises the North American timber industry. We hypothesized that (1) A. americanum hosts fungal endophytes, and (2) these endophytes help A. americanum resist infection by fungal pathogens. • Methods: Healthy A. americanum stem and fruit tissues were differentially stained for cellulose and chitin and visualized using fluorescence microscopy. Stem sections (sterilized vs. unsterilized) and seeds were incubated on agar plates to cultivate fungi, both to extract DNA for ITS rDNA sequencing and to observe interactions with native fungi from unsterilized specimens. • Key results: Aside from xylem vessel elements, fungal structures were observed in all tissues, including those of the embryo. The ITS sequences of fungi cultured from internal tissues closely matched those of the known endophytes Phoma, Sydowia, and Phacidiopycnis, while those of surface organisms closely matched Cladosporium spp. Cultured fungi from internal tissues (putative endophytes) inhibited the growth of the surface organisms without affecting the other endophytes. • Conclusion: Fungal communities are established in A. americanum stems as well as in fruits and seeds, suggesting vertical transmission. These internally derived fungi act antagonistically toward fungi with pathogenic tendencies. As such, native mistletoe endophytes might protect A. americanum against fungal pathogens in nature. In the future, manipulation of endophytes might be a component of mistletoe control programs.  相似文献   

In vitro feeding of Xiphinema brevicolle, X. index and Longidorus africanus on roots of host seedlings is described. Both Xiphinema spp. fed mainly along roots rather than at tips and up to several days at a single site. Feeding of L. africanus was confined to root tips and lasted up to 15 min. No visible short term reaction of roots parasitized by the Xiphinema spp. could be discerned, but both swelling and cessation of growth of root tips were observed within 20 hr after feeding by L. africanus. Long-term (12-month) symptoms on roots of several host plants caused by cultured populations of X. brevicolle, X. index, X. italiae, L. africanus and L. brevicaudatus are described. All the Xiphinema spp. caused a thinning and distinct darkening of root systems and, at some sites, a breakdown of the cortex. Both species of Longidorus caused stubby and swollen root tips. Root symptom severity was in proportion to nematode population levels.  相似文献   

A population genetic approach was used to explore the evolutionary biology of the parasitic angiosperm Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex Engelm. (Viscaceae). Arceuthobium americanum infects three principal hosts and has the most extensive geographical range of any North American dwarf mistletoe. Based on the lack of apparent morphological and phenological differences between populations of A. americanum, past researchers have found no evidence for recognizing infraspecific taxa. In this study, molecular analysis using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis indicated that A. americanum is divided into three distinct genetic races, each associated with a different host taxon in regions of allopatry: (i) Pinus banksiana in western Canada; (ii) Pinus contorta var. murrayana in the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountain ranges in the western US; and (iii) Pinus contorta var. latifolia in the western US and Canada. These observations suggest that host identity, geographical isolation and environmental factors have contributed to race formation in A. americanum. The lack of fine-scale patterning within each of the A. americanum races is attributed to random dispersal of seeds over long distances by animal vectors. Historical factors such as glaciations and founder events have also influenced structuring and genetic diversity in A. americanum populations. Given sufficient time, it is possible that these races will become reproductively isolated and undergo speciation.  相似文献   

Longidorid plant pathogens, specifically Longidorus and Xiphinema , are known to reduce the biomass and seed yields of several monocotyledonous host plants and may serve as vectors for certain plant viruses. The occurrence and densities of species in these genera in the Midwestern United States may be of concern in the production of two biofuel plant species – Miscanthus ( Miscanthus × giganteus ) and Panicum virgatum . Here we present results from a morphological and molecular survey of plant parasitic nematodes in which two species of Xiphinema ( X. americanum and X. rivesi ) and one species of Longidorus ( L. breviannulatus ) were detected. A total of 73 soil samples were collected from 19 sites (nine Miscanthus and 10 P. virgatum ) in three states during 2008. Xiphinema spp. was found in 36% of the Miscanthus plots and in 26% of the P. virgatum plots with a population density range of 22–857/100 cm3 soil. L. breviannulatus was detected in association with Miscanthus plot in Havana, IL, in large numbers (54/100 cm3 soil). The occurrence of this species was associated with severe damage to the fibrous root system, including stunting and necrosis. Short notes, measurements, illustrations and molecular data are given to the species level.  相似文献   

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