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Synopsis During the spawning season the operational sex ratio of the large benthivorous (LB) arctic charr morph in Thingvallavatn is skewed in favour of males which compete intensely on the spawning site. The skewness is caused by males staying longer on the spawning ground than females. LB males employ two mating tactics. Either they guard the female or they attempt sneak-matings with guarded females. The tactics seem to obey a pure conditional strategy where relative size is the important criterion. Generally, the larger males use the guarding tactic and the smaller the sneaking tactic. Assessment of size is a part of the strategy. Relative size influences male behaviour irrespective of which tactic they employ. Guarding is more successful when courting is considered, both with respect to relative frequency and duration of courting acts. Females are aggressive towards the sneakers especially when they are small. This could be interpreted as female choice in favour of large males, but also as a defence against egg predation. A small dwarflike benthivorous morph (SB) is found in the same area. It is mainly active during night and on rare occasions SB-males are seen sneaking into the nest of LB-females. In such cases they are attacked vigorously by both LB sexes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Freshwater-resident Arctic charr acclimated for 2 months at 8°C, 15% were divided into four experimental groups in July and exposed to 1 and 8°C in 15 and 34% salinity.
  • 2.2. Only slight changes in gill Na-K-ATPase activity, blood plasma osmolality and blood plasma concentrations of Cl and Mg2+ were found for the fish exposed to 1 or 8°C in brackish water.
  • 3.3. When exposed to sea-water at 8°C, an increase in osmolality and in concentrations of Cl and Mg2+ took place during the first 2–3 days, after which it levelled off.
  • 4.4. If exposed to sea-water at 1°C, however, marked increases were found for all parameters measured and all the fish were dead within 5 days of exposure.
  • 5.5. These results show that freshwater-resident Arctic charr—if acclimated to brackish water—can survive in sea-water during summer if the environmental temperature is not too low.

Metazoan parasites of arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , from the Nettilling Lake–Koukdjuak River system, Baffin Island, were studied. Non-migrating charr hosted 9 species of parasites while sea-run charr hosted 15 species of parasites. Diphyllobothrium spp., Eubothrium salvelini , and Proteocephalus longicollis were found to be good indicators of non-migrating charr and Brachyphallus crenatus, Bothrimonus sturionis and Prosorhynchus squamatus were good indicators of sea-run charr. Using these parasites as biological tags, the proportion of charr caught by the commercial fishery at the outlet of the Koukdjuak River were determined to be approximately 80% sea-run and 20% non-migrating charr. Step-wise discriminant statistical analysis on morphic characters of charr, designated as sea-run and non-migrating by their parasites, showed these charr to differ morphologically.  相似文献   

H. J. Malmquist 《Oecologia》1992,92(3):354-361
The feeding performance of two morphs of a trophically polymorphic fish, the arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, feeding on zooplankton, was studied in the laboratory. Limnetic morphs, with a fusiform body, terminal mouth, short pectoral fins, and relatively long and dense gill rakers, fed at significantly higher rates on Daphnia and Cyclops than did benthic morphs. The benthic morphs were characterized by a chunky body form, subterminal mouth, long pectoral fins, and relatively short and spaced-out gill rakers. The limnetic morphs attacked the prey at significantly higher rates and were more successful in capture. Benthic morphs were more reluctant to start feeding on zooplankton and reaction time was longer than in limnetic morphs. In the absence as well as presence of zooplankton food, the position of the two morphs in the aquaria differed markedly. The results agree with dietary differences found in field-collected fish. The limnetic morphs consume zooplankton, whereas benthic morphs specialize on Lymnaea gastropods. The results suggest that benthic morphs are phenotypically inferior at using the pelagic food niche. This implies that the current role of competitive or predatory interactions in segregating the morphs may be minor.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Natural selection requires genetically based phenotypic variation to facilitate its action and cause adaptive evolution. It has become increasingly recognized that morphological development can become canalized likely as a result of selection. However, it is largely unknown how selection may influence canalization over ontogeny and differing environments. Changes in environments or colonization of a novel one is expected to result in adaptive divergence from the ancestral population when selection favors a new phenotypic optimum. In turn, a novel environment may also expose variation previously hidden from natural selection. We tested for changes in phenotypic variation over ontogeny and environments among ecomorphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from two Icelandic lakes. Populations represented varying degrees of ecological specialization, with one lake population possessing highly specialized ecomorphs exhibiting a large degree of phenotypic divergence, whereas the other displayed more subtle divergence with more ecological overlap. Here we show that ecomorphs hypothesized to be the most specialized in each lake possess significant reductions in shape variation over ontogeny regardless of environmental treatment suggesting canalized development. However, environments did change the amount of shape variation expressed in these ecomorphs, with novel environments slowing the rate at which variation was reduced over ontogeny. Thus, environmental conditions may play an important role in determining the type and amount of genetically based phenotypic variation exposed to natural selection.  相似文献   

The ecological theory of adaptive radiation predicts that the evolution of phenotypic diversity within species is generated by divergent natural selection arising from different environments and competition between species. Genetic connectivity among populations is likely also to have an important role in both the origin and maintenance of adaptive genetic diversity. Our goal was to evaluate the potential roles of genetic connectivity and natural selection in the maintenance of adaptive phenotypic differences among morphs of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in Iceland. At a large spatial scale, we tested the predictive power of geographic structure and phenotypic variation for patterns of neutral genetic variation among populations throughout Iceland. At a smaller scale, we evaluated the genetic differentiation between two morphs in Lake Thingvallavatn relative to historically explicit, coalescent-based null models of the evolutionary history of these lineages. At the large spatial scale, populations are highly differentiated, but weakly structured, both geographically and with respect to patterns of phenotypic variation. At the intralacustrine scale, we observe modest genetic differentiation between two morphs, but this level of differentiation is nonetheless consistent with strong reproductive isolation throughout the Holocene. Rather than a result of the homogenizing effect of gene flow in a system at migration-drift equilibrium, the modest level of genetic differentiation could equally be a result of slow neutral divergence by drift in large populations. We conclude that contemporary and recent patterns of restricted gene flow have been highly conducive to the evolution and maintenance of adaptive genetic variation in Icelandic Arctic charr.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to reconstruct postglacial dispersal routes of arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in North America. Twelve of 35 restriction enzymes detected polymorphisms among representative populations, revealing two distinct lineages with an estimated nucleotide divergence of 1.32%. Subsequent screening of 869 fish from 54 populations with four diagnostic restriction enzymes showed that these lineages have largely allopatric distributions, suggesting their dispersal from separate northern and eastern glacial refugia. In addition, geographical and genetic structure among eastern populations suggested the existence of a second eastern refuge. Among the three lineages, the most divergent (Arctic) lineage occurred from Alaska east to northern Labrador. Quebec, New Brunswick, and New England were colonized by a second (Laurentian) lineage, and Labrador by a third group. Contact between refugial groups was only detected in two Labrador populations. The Arctic lineage was highly differentiated from eastern North American and European haplotypes, and probably diverged during the early Pleistocene. By contrast, the Laurentian and Labrador groups were similar to Old World charr, suggesting a shared ancestry during the mid-Pleistocene. In addition, the close relationship between Labrador and Laurentian charr indicates their probable divergence during the Wisconsinan glaciation.  相似文献   

The helminth endoparasite fauna in four Arctic charr morphs, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), small benthivorous (SB), large benthivorous (LB), planktivorous (PL) and piscivorous (PI) charr, from Thingvallavatn, Iceland consisted of: Crepidostomum farionis (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae); Diplosttomum sp. (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae); Eubothrium salvelini; Diphyllobothrium dendriticum; D. ditremum (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidae); Proteocephalus longicollis (Cestoda: Proteocepha-lidae): and Philonema oncorhynchi (Nematoda: Filariidae). The morphs exhibited distinctive patterns in prevalences and parasite burdens (mean intensity and mean relative density of parasites). SB charr had high prevalence and parasite burden of the eye fluke Diplostomum sp. and none to very light infections of the other parasite species. LB charr had relatively high prevalence and parasite burden of the intestinal fluke C. farionis , whereas infections of the remaining parasite species were light to moderate. PL and PI charr had high prevalences and worm burdens of Diphyllobothrium spp. and P. longicollis . PL charr differed from PI charr in higher worm burden off P. longicollis and lighter burden of £. salvelini . Prevalences of P. oncorhynchi were high in PL and PI charr. Association of parasite intensities and age and length offish were investigated. The different infection patterns among the morphs agree well with their partitioning in food and habitat utilization, and confirm that there is a high degree of ecological segregation between the morphs. The results demonstrate the importance of ecological factors influencing transmission efficiency of parasites to the fish host.  相似文献   

Thingvallavatn, Iceland contains two sympatric morphotypes (benthic and limnetic) of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. Each morphotype is composed of two morphs and these differ markedly in ecology, behaviour and life history. We used molecular genetic approaches to test whether (i) genetic heterogeneity exists among morphs and (ii) if morphs arose in allopatry and came into secondary contact or arose sympatrically within the lake through genetic segregation and/or phenotypic plasticity. Direct sequencing of 275 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, mtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms and single locus minisatellite analyses detected insufficient variation to test our hypotheses. Analysis of multilocus minisatellite band sharing detected no significant differences between morphs within the same morphotype. However, significant differences among morphs belonging to different morphotypes suggest some genetic heterogeneity in Thingvallavatn charr. Limnetic charr from Thingvallavatn were more similar to sympatric benthic charr than to allopatric limnetics from two other Icelandic lakes. This suggests that the Thingvallavatn morphs arose sympatrically within the lake rather than in allopatry followed by secondary contact.  相似文献   

Quantitative protein requirements of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , require diets with protein energy (PE): total energy (TE) ratios of at least 0.35 in order to maintain good rates of growth. The protein requirement is, therefore, similar to that of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri . Protein retention efficiency (PPV) declined as the protein content of the diet was increased, the relationship being described by the equation: It is suggested that charr will maintain good rates of growth if fed on diets used for commercial culture of rainbow trout and special formulations for charr should not be necessary.  相似文献   

Two groups of anadromous Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus ) (size 200–350 mm) reared in heated water (6–12° C) under simulated natural photoperiod were individually tagged and released in spring 1988. The fish were released at two sites, in the estuary of the River Halselva and in the fjord, 2 km from the river mouth. Growth, timing of migration and survival of these hatchery-reared fish was compared to that of wild anadromous charr of the same size over a 4-year period. The hatchery-reared charr had poorer growth than the wild fish during their first year in sea water. They also resided longer in the sea and had a slightly lower survival than wild fish. During the second year, hatchery-reared charr displayed good growth, and after the third sea-season the fish were ready for slaughter at a size of approximately 800g. The results suggest that the successful development of Arctic charr ranching will be dependent upon production and release strategies that lead to improved migratory and feeding behaviour of the fish during their first season at sea.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spawning behaviour of dwarf and normal arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, was studied through trough observations in October 1988. The experimental fish consisted of reared, three-summer old progeny of artificially bred dwarf and normal charr from an isolated body of water in central Sweden. The spawning behaviour of three normal female charrs was studied and video-recorded. The study showed that the arctic charr is potentially polyandric both within and between forms. The normal female was courted and mated both by normal and dwarf males. It was also noted that antagonistic behaviour on behalf of the female was much more common towards dwarf males than normal males. Guarding tactics were only observed in normal males, whereas sneaking tactics were employed both by dwarf and normal males. The dwarf as well as normal males mated the female charr either by courting the female or by joining the spawning fish at oviposition. Only dwarf males were observed resting silently on the bottom close to the redd.  相似文献   

Jamet  Jean-Louis 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):279-288
RésuméTo determine the role and the importance of adult fish predation directly and indirectly in the food web of oligomesotrophic Lake Pavin, reproduction, condition, and feeding activity of the dominant adult chctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) were studied. Fish were caught by gillnets of different mesh sizes once a month from April to December 1992. The gonad cycle showed that the spawning period occurred between October to December. Relative fecundity is about 2509 ovules per kg of female fish and ovule mean diameter is 4.7 mm ( 0.6 mm). Seasonal variations of the sex-ratio (Max. in April = 2.67 and Min. in October=0.19) indicated the intralake migrations of females and males. The condition coefficients showed higher values for females than males; the maximum was observed in summer for both sexes and the minimum in April and in October for males and females, respectively. Low values of the condition were also observed during the spawning period. High feeding activity was recorded in spring and in December after reproduction; low feeding activity was observed in October during reproduction. Asellus aquaticus was quantitatively the dominant prey from April to September; during the sp awning period, S. alpinus consumed its own eggs, particularly in large quantity in December. Daphnia longispina was numerically the dominant prey all over the studied cycle and the electivity (Ivlev Index) of arctic charr on the latter prey ranged from +s+0.79 to +0.16. During April, more than 15 500 individuals of D. longispina per kg of fish were found in the gut contents. The selective predation of S. alpinus on benthic (A. aquatics) and zooplankton prey (D. longispina) indicated that the fish immigrate during their feeding activity from benthic/littoral to the pelagic area.Afin de d terminer le rôle et l'importance de la prédation directe et indirecte de l'omble chevalier adulte (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) dans le réseau trophique du lac Pavin, milieu oligo- mésotrophe, nous avons étudié la reproduction, deux facteurs de condition et l'activité alimentaire de ce poisson qui est l'espéce dominante dans ce lac. Les poissons ont été capturés par des filets maillants de différent vide de maille selon un pas d'échantillonnage mensuel d'avril á décembre 1992. Le cycle du développement des gonades montre que la période de reproduction se déroule entre octobre et décembre. La fécondité relative calculée est de 2509 ovules par kg de femelles et le diamétre moyen d'un ovule est de 4,7 mm ( 0,6). Les variations saisonniéres du sex-ratio (Max. en avril = 2,67 et Min. en octobre=0,19) indiquent le déplacement actif et successif des femelles et des mâles. Les variations saisonniéres des coefficients de condition indiquent une copulence plus importante des femelles par rapport aux mâles avec des valeurs maximales en été pour les deux sexes et des valeurs minimales en avril et en octobre pour les mâles et les femelles respectivement. De faibles valeurs des facteurs de condition ont été observées pendant la période de reproduction pour les deux sexes. L'activité alimentaire de l'omble chevalier est intense au printemps et au mois de décembre aprés la fraie et faible au mois d'octobre pendant la reproduction. Asellus aquaticus est, en termes de biomasse, la proie dominante d'avril á septembre. Pendant la période de reproduction, S. alpinus se nourrit de ses propres oeufs sur les zones de frayéres et en décembre la quantité d'oeufs consommée par le Salmonidé est importante. Daphnia longispina est, en termes d'abondance, la proie dominante tout au long de cette étude et l'indice d'électivité (Indice d'Ivlev) de l' ombre chevalier vis-á-vis de cette proie varie entre + 0,79 et + 0,16.De plus, au mois d'avril, plus de 15 500 D. longispina par kg de poisson ont été enregistrées dans les contenus stomacaux. La prédation sélective de S. alpinus sur des proies benthiques (A. aquaticus) et zooplanctoniques (D. longispina) indique que le poisson effectue des déplacements en fonction de son activité alimentaire de la zone littorale/benthique á la zone pélagique.  相似文献   

Synopsis The degree of genetic differentiation among four morphs of Arctic charr (small benthivorous, large benthivorous, piscivorous, and planktivorous) from Thingvallavatn, Iceland, was determined electrophoretically. Five of 36 enzyme loci were found to be polymorphic (Est2, Gpi3, Ldh4, Mdh4, 5 and Pgm2). However, only Est2 and Mdh4,5 showed enough variability to permit statistical analysis of divergence among morphs. All four morphs are very closely related; the values of Nei's (D) range from 0.00004 to 0.00126. These morphs are conspecific and do not represent different evolutionary lineages. There is significant genetic differentiation between the small benthivorous charr and the other three morphs. The relative relatedness of morphs based on gene frequency data is only partially concordant with that based on morphology and ecological specialization. The biological significance of this result is unclear because of the limited number of polymorphic loci upon which the genetic analysis is based and the high degree of relatedness among morphs.  相似文献   

Six hundred and two arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , from a small lake (30 ha) were examined for infection with plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium ditremum the only species of this genus present; 466 (77.4%) harboured the parasite in an overdispersed infection. The prevalence of infection increased with age and reached 100% at 7+ years for males and 8+ years for females. The rate of infection appeared to be related to the feeding biology of the charr which did not change within the age span studied. The rate of increase in density of infection (plerocercoids per fish) decreased with age as did the degree of overdispersion. It is concluded that the infection probably induces mortality in the fish population, and that such mortality is dependent on parasite density.  相似文献   

Summary Groups of Arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, which had been acclimated to water with a salinity of 7 g·l–1 and natural temperature and photoperiod, were exposed to water with different salinities and temperatures in June, September and February. At a salinity of 15 g·l–1, plasma osmolality, plasma Na+, Cl, Mg2+ concentrations and the activity of gill Na-K-ATPase were stable, irrespective of temperature and season. In June, the charr were able to regulate blood plasma ionic levels within narrow limits when exposed to a salinity of 34 g·l–1 (sea water) and a temperature of 8°C. The hypo-osmoregulatory capacity was less, but sufficient if the temperature was only 1°C during the seawater exposure. At the start of the experiment, the gill Na-K-ATPase activity was significantly higher in June than corresponding enzyme activities in September and February. Furthermore, an increase in gill Na-K-ATPase activity during the seawater exposure (8°C) was seen in June. Irrespective of ambient temperature and salinity, no fish died during the June experiments. In September and February, exposure to sea water produced marked increases in plasma osmolality and plasma ion concentrations. There were no changes in gill Na-K-ATPase activity. Consequently, the fish became dehydrated and were moribund after a short period of seawater exposure. Highest mortality was recorded when charr were exposed to winter sea conditions (34 g·l–1 and 1°C) in February. The results indicate that an increase in daylength induce a hypo-osmoregulatory capacity in the Arctic charr during summer. In fall and winter, however, reduced daylength are accompanied by poor hypo-osmoregulatory capacity. This leads to high mortality as a result of increased electrolyte levels and dehydration.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Habitat utilization, as well as inter- and intraspecific relations of different size groups of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Lake Atnsjø, south-east Norway, were investigated by analysing food and spatial niches from monthly benthic and pelagic gillnet catches during June-October 1985.
2. Small individuals (150–230 mm) of both arctic charr and brown trout occurred in shallow benthic habitats. However, they were spatially segregated as arctic charr dominated at depths of 5–15 m and brown trout at depths of 0–5 m.
3. Larger (>230 mm) arctic charr and brown trout coexisted in the pelagic zone. Both species occurred mainly in the uppermost 2-3 m of the pelagic, except in August, when arctic charr occurred at high densities throughout the 0–12 m depth interval. On this occasion, arctic charr were segregated in depth according to size, with significantly larger fish in the top 6 m. This was probably due to increased intraspecific competition for food.
4. The two species differed in food choice in both habitats, Arctic charr fed almost exclusively on zooplankton, whereas brown trout had a more variable diet, consisting of surface insects, zooplankton. aquatic insects and fish.
5. The data suggest that the uppermost pelagic was the more favourable habitat for both species. Large individuals having high social position occupied this habitat, whereas small individuals lived in benthic habitat where they were less vulnerable to agonistic behaviour from larger individuals and less exposed to predators. The more aggressive and dominant brown trout occupied the more rewarding part of the benthic habitat.  相似文献   

The relationships among time of spawning, incubation temperature, timing of first feeding and early growth were examined in four sympatric morphs of Arctic charr in Thingvallavatn, Iceland. Large benthivorous charr spawn in July-August at sites with cold ground-water flow. Planktivorous and piscivorous charr spawn in September-November and are not confined to ground-water sites. The spawning of small benthivorous charr overlaps with that of other morphs. Progeny of large benthivorous charr start feeding 2-3 months earlier than the progeny of autumn spawners. This results in differential size distribution and growth rates of young in the spring.  相似文献   

From video recordings of spawning events, we quantified protective and cannibalistic behavior of Arctic charr occurring immediately after spawning. The number of fish cannibalizing on stray eggs was examined regarding (a) whether more than one male shed milt during the spawning event, that is, whether sperm competition occurred, (b) whether the sperm competition included few or many males, that is, the intensity of sperm competition, and (c) the density of fish at the spawning site. Response behavior toward egg cannibalism was also examined among females and dominant males in order to determine any parental investment toward protecting the eggs after spawning. Cannibalistic behavior was seen in almost 50% of the spawnings, and the multiple spawning events showed the highest numbers of fish cannibalizing on eggs. Both the number of males releasing milt and the number of fish approaching the spawning site were positively correlated with egg cannibalism. Sperm competition was, however, not a prerequisite for egg cannibalism. Although we also observed partial filial cannibalism, protective behavior of eggs was seen both among dominant males and females, suggesting that charr actually conduct parental care.  相似文献   

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