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Human lysine-specific demethylase (LSD1) is a chromatin-modifying enzyme that specifically removes methyl groups from mono- and dimethylated Lys4 of histone H3 (H3-K4). We used a combination of in vivo and in vitro experiments to characterize the substrate specificity and recognition by LSD1. Biochemical assays on histone peptides show that essentially all epigenetic modifications on the 21 N-terminal amino acids of histone H3 cause a significant reduction in enzymatic activity. Replacement of Lys4 with Arg greatly enhances binding affinity, and a histone peptide incorporating this mutation has a strong inhibitory power. Conversely, a peptide bearing a trimethylated Lys4 is only a weak inhibitor of the enzyme. Rapid kinetics measurements evidence that the enzyme is efficiently reoxidized by molecular oxygen with a second-order rate constant of 9.6x10(3) M-1 s-1, and that the presence of the reaction product does not greatly influence the rate of flavin reoxidation. In vivo experiments provide a correlation between the in vitro inhibitory properties of the tested peptides and their ability of affecting endogenous LSD1 activity. Our results show that epigenetic modifications on histone H3 need to be removed before Lys4 demethylation can efficiently occur. The complex formed by LSD1 with histone deacetylases 1/2 may function as a "double-blade razor" that first eliminates the acetyl groups from acetylated Lys residues and then removes the methyl group from Lys4. We suggest that after H3-K4 demethylation, LSD1 recruits the forthcoming chromatin remodelers leading to the introduction of gene repression marks.  相似文献   

We used a novel single-cell strategy to examine the fate of histones during G2-phase. Consistent with previous results, we find that in G2-phase, the majority of nuclear histones are assembled into chromatin, whereas a small fraction comprises an unassembled pool. Small increases in the amount of histones within the free pool affect the extent of exchange, suggesting that the free pool is in dynamic equilibrium with chromatin proteins. Unexpectedly, acetylated H4 is preferentially partitioned to the unassembled pool. Although an increase in global histone acetylation did not affect overall nucleosome dynamics, an H4 containing lysine to glutamine substitutions as mimics of acetylation significantly increased the rate of exchange, but did not affect the acetylation state of neighbouring nucleosomes. Interestingly, transcribed regions are particularly predisposed to exchange on incorporation of H4 acetylation mimics compared with surrounding regions. Our results support a model whereby histone acetylation on K8 and K16 specifically marks nucleosomes for eviction, with histones being rapidly deacetylated on reassembly.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated forms of Tetrahymena macronuclear histone H1 were separated from each other and from dephosphorylated H1 by cation-exchange HPLC. A homogeneous fraction of hyperphosphorylated macronuclear H1 was then used to generate novel polyclonal antibodies highly selective for phosphorylated H1 in Tetrahymena and in human cells. These antibodies fail to recognize dephosphorylated forms of H1 in both organisms and are not reactive with most other nuclear or cytoplasmic phosphoproteins including those induced during mitosis. The selectivity of these antibodies for phosphorylated forms of H1 in Tetrahymena and in HeLa argues strongly that these antibodies recognize highly conserved phosphorylated epitopes found in most H1s and from this standpoint Tetrahymena H1 is not atypical. Using these antibodies in indirect immunofluorescence analyses, we find that a significant fraction of interphase mammalian cells display a strikingly punctate pattern of nuclear fluorescence. As cells enter S-phase, nuclear staining becomes more diffuse, increases significantly, and continues to increase as cells enter mitosis. As cells exit from mitosis, staining with the anti-phosphorylated H1 antibodies is rapidly lost presumably owing to the dephosphorylation of H1. These immunofluorescent data document precisely the cell cycle changes in the level of H1 phosphorylation determined by earlier biochemical studies and suggest that these antibodies represent a powerful new tool to probe the function(s) of H1 phosphorylation in a wide variety of eukaryotic systems. Received: 3 August 1993; in revised form: 9 November 1993 / Accepted: 23 November 1993  相似文献   

In all eukaryotes, multisubunit histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complexes acetylate the highly conserved lysine residues in the amino-terminal tails of core histones to regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. One such complex in yeast, NuA4, specifically acetylates nucleosome-associated histone H4. Recent studies have revealed that NuA4 comprises at least 11 subunits, including Yng2p, a yeast homolog of the candidate human tumor suppressor gene, ING1. Consistent with prior data, we find that cells lacking Yng2p are deficient for NuA4 activity and are temperature-sensitive. Furthermore, we show that the NuA4 complex is present in the absence of Yng2p, suggesting that Yng2p functions to maintain or activate NuA4 HAT activity. Sporulation of diploid yng2 mutant cells reveals a defect in meiotic progression, whereas synchronized yng2 mutant cells display a mitotic delay. Surprisingly, genome-wide expression analysis revealed little change from wild type. Nocodazole arrest and release relieves the mitotic defects, suggesting that Yng2p may have a critical function prior to or during metaphase. Rather than a uniform decrease in acetylated forms of histone H4, we find striking cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the loss of acetylated histone H4 in yng2 mutant cells. Treating yng2 mutants with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A suppressed the mitotic delay and restored global histone H4 acetylation, arguing that reduced H4 acetylation may underlie the cell cycle delay.  相似文献   

Histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) help regulate DNA templated processes; however, relatively little work has unbiasedly explored the single-molecule combinations of histone PTMs, their dynamics on short timescales, or how these preexisting histone PTMs modulate further histone modifying enzyme activity. We use quantitative top down proteomics to unbiasedly measure histone H4 proteoforms (single-molecule combinations of PTMs) upon butyrate treatment. Our results show that histone proteoforms change in cells within 10 minutes of application of sodium butyrate. Cells recover from treatment within 30 minutes after removal of butyrate. Surprisingly, K20me2 containing proteoforms are the near-exclusive substrate of histone acetyltransferases upon butyrate treatment. Single-molecule hierarchies of progressive PTMs mostly dictate the addition and removal of histone PTMs (K16ac > K12ac ≥ K8ac > K5ac, and the reverse on recovery). This reveals the underlying single-molecule mechanism that explains the previously reported but indistinct and unexplained patterns of H4 acetylation. Thus, preexisting histone PTMs strongly modulate histone modifying enzyme activity and this suggests that proteoform constrained reaction pathways are crucial mechanisms that enable the long-term stability of the cellular epigenetic state.  相似文献   

Sequences coding for histone H3 and H4 of Neurospora crassa could be identified in genomic digests with the use of the corresponding genes from sea urchin and X. laevis as hybridization probes. A 2.6 kb HindIII-generated N. crassa DNA fragment, showing homology with the heterologous histone H3-gene probes was cloned in a charon 21A vector. Using DNA from this clone as a homologous hybridization probe a 6.9 kb SalI-generated DNA fragment was isolated which in addition to the histone H3-gene also contains the gene coding for histone H4. Several lines of evidence demonstrate the presence of only a single histone H3- as well as a single histone H4-gene in N. crassa. The two genes are physically linked on the genome. DNA sequencing of the N. crassa histone H3- and H4-genes confirmed their identity and, in addition, revealed the presence of one short intron (67 bp) within the coding sequence of the H3-gene and even two introns (68 and 69 bp) within the H4-gene. The amino acid sequences of the N. crassa histones H3 and H4, as deduced from the DNA sequences, and those of the corresponding yeast histones differ only at a few positions. Much larger sequence differences, however, are observed at the DNA level, reflecting a diverging codon usage in the two lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

There are about 50 copies of each chromosome in the somatic macronucleus of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena. Approximately 0.8% of the adenine residues in the macronuclear DNA of Tetrahymena are methylated to N6-methyladenine. The degree of methylation varies between sites from a very low percentage to >90%. In this study a correlation was found between nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation. Eight GATC sites with different levels of methylation were examined. There was a direct correlation between the degree of methylation and proximity to linker DNA at these sites. Although methylation occurs preferentially in linker DNA, the patterns and extent of methylation in a histone H1 knockout strain were virtually indistinguishable from those in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

The 29 species of the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex are morphologically identical while being quite diverse at the molecular level. These species are also diverse relative to other eukaryotes. Phylogenetic relationships within the complex have been difficult to determine, because there are groups of closely related species, as well as individual species, that are highly divergent. We have sequenced portions of two highly conserved histone genes and the more rapidly evolving intergenic region between them. These sequences have been used to construct a phylogeny for the complex. A comparison of the amino-terminal portion of the histone H4 proteins from the species of the complex reveals a high degree of sequence diversity relative to that of other organisms. In contrast, the amino-terminal portions of the histone H3 proteins of the species in the complex are identical to each other. We also find that the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the intergenic region differs from that described for higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Tetrahymena thermophila CNA1 gene encodes the centromeric H3, Cna1p. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Cna1p localizes in micronuclei in dots whose number and behavior during mitosis and conjugation are consistent with centromeres. During interphase, Cna1p-GFP localizes in peripheral dots, suggesting centromeres are associated with the nuclear envelope. Newly synthesized Cna1p-GFP enters micronuclei in mitosis and accumulates in the nucleoplasm. Its deposition at centromeres starts at early S phase and continues through most of S phase. CNA1 is required for vegetative cell growth. Knockdown of CNA1 genes in the somatic macronucleus results in micronuclear DNA loss and delayed chromosome segregation during mitosis. During conjugation, Cna1p-GFP disappears from the centromeres in the developing macronucleus, consistent with centromeric sequences being internal eliminated sequences. Surprisingly, zygotic CNA1 is required for efficient elimination of germ line-specific sequences during development of the new macronuclei but not for the RNA interference pathway, through which sequences are targeted for elimination. Zygotically expressed Cna1p localizes in the spherical structures in which the later stages of DNA elimination occur, and these structures cannot be formed in the absence of zygotic CNA1, suggesting that, in addition to functioning in centromeres, Cna1p may also play a role in organizing the formation of the DNA elimination structures.  相似文献   

DNA and core histones are hierarchically packaged into a complex organization called chromatin. The nucleosome assembly protein (NAP) family of histone chaperones is involved in the deposition of histone complexes H2A/H2B and H3/H4 onto DNA and prevents nonspecific aggregation of histones. Testis-specific Y-encoded protein (TSPY)–like protein 5 (TSPYL5) is a member of the TSPY-like protein family, which has been previously reported to interact with ubiquitin-specific protease USP7 and regulate cell proliferation and is thus implicated in various cancers, but its interaction with chromatin has not been investigated. In this study, we characterized the chromatin association of TSPYL5 and found that it preferentially binds histone H3/H4 via its C-terminal NAP-like domain both in vitro and ex vivo. We identified the critical residues involved in the TSPYL5–H3/H4 interaction and further quantified the binding affinity of TSPYL5 toward H3/H4 using biolayer interferometry. We then determined the binding stoichiometry of the TSPYL5–H3/H4 complex in vitro using a chemical cross-linking assay and size-exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle laser light scattering. Our results indicate that a TSPYL5 dimer binds to either two histone H3/H4 dimers or a single tetramer. We further demonstrated that TSPYL5 has a specific affinity toward longer DNA fragments and that the same histone-binding residues are also critically involved in its DNA binding. Finally, employing histone deposition and supercoiling assays, we confirmed that TSPYL5 is a histone chaperone responsible for histone H3/H4 deposition and nucleosome assembly. We conclude that TSPYL5 is likely a new member of the NAP histone chaperone family.  相似文献   

A so-called 'growth-associated' or 'M-phase specific' histone H1 kinase (H1K) has been described in a wide variety of eukaryotic cell types; p34cdc2 has previously been shown to be a catalytic subunit of this protein kinase. In fertilized sea urchin eggs the activity of H1K oscillates during the cell division cycle and there is a striking temporal correlation between H1K activation and the accumulation of a phosphorylated form of cyclin. H1K activity declines in parallel with proteolytic cyclin destruction of the end of the first cell cycle. By virtue of the high affinity of the fission yeast p13suc1 for the p34cdc2 protein, H1K strongly binds to p13-Sepharose beads. Cyclin, p34cdc2 and H1K co-purify on this affinity reagent as well as through several conventional chromatographic procedures. Anticyclin antibodies immunoprecipitate the M-phase specific H1K in crude extracts or in purified fractions. Sea urchin eggs appear to contain much less cyclin than p34cdc2, suggesting that p34cdc2 may interact with other proteins. These results demonstrate that cyclin and p34cdc2 are major components of the M-phase specific H1K.  相似文献   

Chromatin organization in the sperm of the bivalve mollusks results from the interaction between a discrete number of protamine-like proteins (PL) and DNA. A small variable amount of histones is also present. An extensive study carried out on a relatively large number of species, within the class Bivalvia, has shown that it is possible to arrange these mollusks into five major categories on the basis of their PL composition (Ausio, J. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 85, 439–449, (1986) [1]). In the present work, we have extended this analysis to a larger number of species and found that in spite of the inter- and intra-specific similarity of all PL proteins in their chemical composition, they exhibit different degrees of structural variability. Moreover one of these PL proteins is present in all the species analyzed, and bears an enormous resemblance to histones of the H1 family. The evolutionary significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

Properties of the exonuclease activity that degrades H4 histone mRNA   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
We have described a cell-free system for studying mRNA degradation (Ross, J., and Kobs, G. (1986) J. Mol. Biol. 188, 579-593). Using that system we found that human H4 histone mRNA was degraded in a 3' to 5' direction by an exonucleolytic activity. Here we investigate several properties of the crude system and of the exonuclease. A RNase inhibitor, such as that from placenta, was required to block nonspecific ribonucleases and thereby to permit different mRNAs to be degraded at different rates. The histone mRNA exonuclease required divalent cation (magnesium) but not exogenously added ATP or GTP. It functioned efficiently at monovalent cation concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 200 mM. It was bound to ribosomes isolated from cells lysed in low salt buffers. However, it was eluted in active form from the ribosomes by exposing them to 0.3 M KCl. The enzyme rapidly degraded deproteinized, 32P-labeled histone mRNA prepared enzymatically.  相似文献   

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