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O'Brien LJ  Caron JB 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29233
Burgess Shale-type deposits provide invaluable insights into the early evolution of body plans and the ecological structure of Cambrian communities, but a number of species, continue to defy phylogenetic interpretations. Here we extend this list to include a new soft-bodied animal, Siphusauctum gregarium n. gen. and n. sp., from the Tulip Beds (Campsite Cliff Shale Member, Burgess Shale Formation) of Mount Stephen (Yoho National Park, British Columbia). With 1,133 specimens collected, S. gregarium is clearly the most abundant animal from this locality.This stalked animal (reaching at least 20 cm in length), has a large ovoid calyx connected to a narrow bilayered stem and a small flattened or bulb-like holdfast. The calyx is enclosed by a flexible sheath with six small openings at the base, and a central terminal anus near the top encircled by indistinct openings. A prominent organ, represented by six radially symmetrical segments with comb-like elements, surrounds an internal body cavity with a large stomach, conical median gut and straight intestine. Siphusauctum gregarium was probably an active filter-feeder, with water passing through the calyx openings, capturing food particles with its comb-like elements. It often occurs in large assemblages on single bedding planes suggesting a gregarious lifestyle, with the animal living in high tier clusters. These were probably buried en masse more or less in-situ by rapid mud flow events.Siphusauctum gregarium resembles Dinomischus, another Cambrian enigmatic stalked animal. Principal points of comparison include a long stem with a calyx containing a visceral mass and bract-like elements, and a similar lifestyle albeit occupying different tiering levels. The presence in both animals of a digestive tract with a potential stomach and anus suggest a grade of organization within bilaterians, but relationships with extant phyla are not straightforward. Thus, the broader affinities of S. gregarium remain largely unconstrained.  相似文献   

H. L. Ching 《CMAJ》1984,130(9):1125-1127
Although the risk of diphyllobothriasis is generally low in Canada, fish tapeworm infections seem to have become more frequent in recent years. This increase is probably a consequence of the growing popularity of raw or inadequately cooked ethnic fish dishes or of a preference for lightly cooked fish, especially salmon. Only freshwater fish become infected with the larvae, but not everyone may realize that salmon can acquire the parasites before they leave their native lakes and rivers for the sea. If fish known to be sources of the tapeworms are to be eaten raw they should first be well frozen or salted to kill the larvae. Physicians should regard fish tapeworm infection as a notifiable disease. In Canada niclosamide, the drug of choice, is available from the manufacturer on a patient-by-patient basis.  相似文献   

The morphology of two new bivalved arthropods, Loricicaris spinocaudatus gen. et sp. nov. and Nereocaris briggsi sp. nov. from the middle Cambrian (Series 3, Stage 5) Burgess Shale Formation (Collins Quarry locality on Mount Stephen, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada), is described. The material was originally assigned to the genus Branchiocaris, but exhibits distinctive character combinations meriting its assignment to other taxa. Loricicaris spinocaudatus possesses an elongate and spinose abdomen comparable to the contemporaneous Perspicaris and Canadaspis, as well as chelate second head appendages and subtriangular exopods, comparable to Branchiocaris. Nereocaris briggsi possesses a laterally compressed carapace, elongate and delicate appendages and a medial eye located between a pair of lateral eyes on a rhomboidal eye stalk. Although undoubtedly congeneric with Nereocaris exilis from a slightly younger horizon of the Burgess Shale Formation, N. briggsi differs in overall proportions and segment number, warranting assignment to a new species. The newly described taxa were coded into an extensive cladistic analysis of 755 characters, and 312 extinct and extant panarthropods, including a variety of Cambrian bivalved arthropods from both the Burgess Shale and the Chengjiang Lagerstätten. Cambrian bivalved arthropods consistently resolved as a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of Arthropoda. Important innovations in arthropod history such as the specialization of the deutocerebral head appendages and a shift from a nekton‐benthic deposit feeding habit to a benthic scavenging/predatory habit, the symplesiomorphic feeding condition of Euarthropoda (crown‐group arthropods), were found to have occurred among basal bivalved arthropods.  相似文献   

Myxospores consistent with species of Parvicapsula were observed in kidney of 15 of 95 (15.8%) adult pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, collected from the Quinsam River, British Columbia, Canada. The spores were elongate and curved with unequal valves, and 2 spherical-to-subspherical polar capsules within a highly refractile capsular region. The spores were unlike those of P. minibicornis found in nearby populations of Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp. The spore dimensions were similar to those of Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in Norway, and the spores seemed similar to an undescribed Parvicapsula sp. from several Oncorhynchus spp. in Puget Sound, Washington. A sequence of 1,480 base pairs (bp) of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of the parasite from pink salmon was most similar to, but distinct from, that of other Parvicapsula spp. The parasite is described as a new species, Parvicapsula kabatai n. sp. Polymerase chain reactions amplified a 158-bp sequence, unique to P. kabatai n. sp., from 22 of 93 (23.7%) adult pink salmon kidney samples, from 3 of 3 juvenile pink salmon collected in the ocean 125 km north of the Quinsam River, and from 2 of 5 archival coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, samples from Puget Sound. The parasite occurs within the lumen and epithelium of renal tubules and ducts, and within the renal interstitium. Concurrent infections with extrasporogonic stages of the myxosporean CKX, the microsporidian Loma salmonae, and a Myxidium sp. also were observed in the adult pink salmon.  相似文献   

The boundaries between oceanographic domains often function as dispersal barriers for many temperate marine species with a dispersive pelagic larval phase. Yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus, YR) are widely distributed across the northeastern Pacific Ocean, inhabiting coastal rocky reefs from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska through southern California. This species exhibits an extended pelagic larval duration and has the capacity for long distance larval transport. We assayed 2,862 YR individuals from 13 general areas in the northeast Pacific Ocean for allelic variation at nine microsatellite loci. Bayesian model-based clustering analyses grouped individuals from the Strait of Georgia (SG) into a distinct genetic cluster, while individuals from outer coastal water locations (OCLs) were partitioned equally across two genetic clusters, including the cluster associated with the SG fish. Pairwise FST values were consistently an order of magnitude higher for comparisons between the SG and OCLs than they were for all OCL-OCL comparisons (∼0.016 vs. ∼0.001). This same pattern was observed across two time points when individuals were binned into an “old” and “young” group according to birth year (old: ∼0.020 vs. 0.0003; young: ∼0.020 vs. ∼0.004). Additionally, mean allelic richness was markedly lower within the SG compared to the OCLs (8.00 vs. 10.54–11.77). These results indicate that the Strait of Georgia “deep-basin” estuary oceanographic domain acts as a dispersal barrier from the outer coastal waters via the Juan de Fuca Strait. Alternatively, selection against maladapted dispersers across this oceanographic transition may underlie the observed genetic differentiation between the Georgia basin and the outer coastal waters, and further work is needed to confirm the SG-OCL divide acts as a barrier to larval dispersal.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study was carried out on Mikrocytos mackini, the cause of Denman Island disease in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in western Canada. Three forms were identified, quiescent cells (QC), vesicular cells (VC) and endosomal cells (EC). QC occurred in the vesicular connective tissue (VCT), haemocytes (hyalinocytes), adductor and heart myocytes, and extracellularly. They had a central round to ovoid nucleus, < 7 cisternae of inactive nuclear membrane-bound Golgi, few vesicles and lysosome-like bodies. VC were rarely extracellular and usually occurred in adductor and heart myocytes, in close association with host cell mitochondria. The contents of the host cell mitochondria appeared to pass through a tubular extension into the cytoplasm of the parasite. Cytoplasmic vesicles resembled the tubular structure in appearance and size. EC occurred in the VCT, in haemocytes and extracellularly. They had a dilated nuclear membrane, sometimes containing a looped membranous structure that appeared to derive from the nucleus, and pass into the cytoplasm. A well-developed anastomosing endoplasmic reticulum connected the nuclear and plasma membranes, and endosomes were present in the cytoplasm. QC and EC cells were frequently observed tightly against, or between, the nuclear membranes of the host cell. Few organelles occurred in all forms of M. mackini, especially QC. The lack of organelles found in most eukaryotic cells, including mitochondria or their equivalents, may be due to obligate parasitism and the utilization of host cell organelles reducing the need for parasite organelles. Alternatively, perhaps M. mackini is a primitive eukaryote. Although phylogenetic affinities could not be determined, it is not a haplosporidian. A developmental cycle is proposed from these findings.  相似文献   

All developmental stages of Tanystylum bealensis are described. This is the first complete developmental series of a pycnogonid species collected from a natural, rather than a laboratory-reared population. Development proceeds through a series of nine instars from egg to adult, with major defining characteristics of the instars being the addition of walking legs, loss of chelifores, and modification of larval appendages into adult palps and ovigers. All stages are free-living on the hydroid Plumularia setacea, except for the first instar (protonymphon), which remains on the ovigers of the adult male for a short time after hatching. Development in T. bealensis is compared to development in both the closely related species T. orbiculare and to the more distantly related Achelia alaskensis.  相似文献   

Surface nitrogen and plankton in Skaha Lake, British Columbia (Canada)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study (1970–71) of an oligotrophic lake subject to cultural enrichment indicates the presence of complex interrelations between plankton and nitrogen levels in surface waters. Generally inorganic nitrogen was high in the winter (0.4–0.5 ppm) and Iow in summer (less than 0-1 ppm). However, in late July and August a large increase in nitrogen (1.5 ppm) was recorded. This correlated with the Gloeotrichia echinulata J. E. Smith ex P. Richt. bloom (Cyanophyceae) and the increase in nitrogen fixation, or nitrogenase activity (measured as acetylene reduction). It was calculated that the cyanophyte bloom could have contributed a minimum of 2350 kg nitrogen to the lake in August 1970 which is c. 62% of the nitrate-nitrogen occurring at any time.  相似文献   

More than 50 specimens of permineralized fertile pinnules with abaxially borne sporangia have been discovered in calcareous marine nodules from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) Comox Formation from the Eden Main localities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Isolated pinnules 1.6–3.0 mm wide × 1.6–2.8 mm long are lobed and abaxially enrolled to form irregular globose structures. Pyriform sporangia 216–300 μm wide × 360–468 μm long occur in two rows on the abaxial surface of pinnule lobes. Sporangia have an apical annulus of 15–18 cells. Spores are tetrahedral and trilete, 33–42 μm in diameter, with straight to concave interradial sides, laesurae extending nearly to the equator, and a psilate exine. Spores are assignable to the sporae dispersae genus Deltoidospora. Fertile pinnules are compared to fossils of Anemia poolensis and two previously described species of Paralygodium, and show closest similarities to P. vancouverensis from the Eocene of British Columbia. The Cretaceous Eden Main specimens differ in number of pinnule lobes and their morphology and are described as a new taxon: P. meckertii sp. nov. This discovery extends the Cretaceous geographic range of Paralygodium from Japan to North America and adds to our knowledge of the diversity of extinct schizaeaceous ferns.  相似文献   

Myriophyllum quitense andM. ussuriense are added to the flora of British Columbia, Canada.Myriophyllum quitense has not been previously reported in Canada, and this is the first report ofM. ussuriense for the North American continent. Problems with the identification of these species, and their distributions and habitats are discussed. The somatic chromosome numbers of 2n=42 forM. quitense and 2n=21 forM. ussuriense were found. A key for the identification ofMyriophyllum taxa growing in British Columbia is given.  相似文献   

Shih  Chang-tai  Chengalath  Rama 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):379-388
This is part of an ongoing study on the freshwater littoral copepods of northwestern North America, comprising Alaska, Yukon, western Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. In this paper we report 13 species of calanoids and 16 species of cyclopoids found in 142 samples collected from northern British Columbia and Alberta on either side of the Rocky mountains. We discuss morphology and distribution of some of these species.  相似文献   

Based on an assessment of soil and climatic conditions in British Columbia (BC), the Truffle Association of British Columbia (TABC) determined that the cultivation of Mediterranean Tuber melanosporum and Tuber aestivum might be possible in the warmer parts of the province. With the cooperation of independent truffle growers, TABC assessed the colonization of host tree roots collected from eight truffle orchards planted 2–7 years earlier using morphological and molecular criteria. Both Tuber species persisted on the roots of inoculated trees in six of the eight truffle orchards studied. The identity of Tuber ectomycorrhizas that had been characterized morphologically as differing from those of T. melanosporum and T. aestivum were determined using DNA sequence analysis to belong to three species of truffles native to the Pacific Northwest. One of those species, Tuber anniae, had been previously reported from BC, but the other two, Tuber menseri nom. prov. and Tuber beyerlei, are reported here from BC for the first time. Recently, production of three Périgord black truffles in one truffle orchard and one Burgundy truffle in another orchard demonstrates that these truffles are able to fruit in BC.  相似文献   

This study establishes the phenology of the alternate life history phases of the green alga Acrosiphonia in British Columbia, Canada. Free-living, filamentous plants are seasonal, March-July, with peak percent cover (10%) in April. Plants are fertile immediately after establishment. The unicells, previously identified as Chlorochytrium inclusum and Codiolum petrocelidis, are the sporophyte phase of Acrosiphonia. 'Chlorochytrium,' spherical and 160-280 μm in diameter, colonizes the foliose red alga Mazzaella splendens 1 mo after filamentous Acrosiphonia plants appear. Maximum density (53 'Chlorochytrium' cells/cm(2) of blade) was recorded in May. 'Codiolum,' on the other hand, is stalked (the vesicle measures 150 × 50 μm) and colonizes the red algal crust Petrocelis. Peak density (22?400 'Codiolum' cells/cm(2) of crust) was recorded 2 mo after 'Chlorochytrium' density peaked. The endophytes survive high summer temperatures, which correlate with death of the free-living plants, and overwinter in their hosts. Zoospore release in late winter corresponds to decreased host abundance, suggesting the endophytes have evolved a strategy whereby duration in the host is synchronized with host seasonality. A bet-hedging strategy is proposed for Acrosiphonia's life history: two morphologically different phases have adapted to a seasonally variable environment, with the sporophyte phase capable of colonizing two different hosts.  相似文献   

Two monospecific genera of marine benthic dinoflagellates, Adenoides and Pseudadenoides, have unusual thecal tabulation patterns (lack of cingular plates in the former; and no precingular plates and a complete posterior intercalary plate series in the latter) and are thus difficult to place within a phylogenetic framework. Although both genera share morphological similarities, they have not formed sister taxa in previous molecular phylogenetic analyses. We discovered and characterized a new species of Pseudadenoides, P. polypyrenoides sp. nov., at both the ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic levels. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences demonstrated a close relationship between P. polypyrenoides sp. nov. and Pseudadenoides kofoidii, and Adenoides and Pseudadenoides formed sister taxa in phylogenetic trees inferred from LSU rDNA sequences. Comparisons of morphological traits, such as the apical pore complex (APC), demonstrated similarities between Adenoides, Pseudadenoides and several planktonic genera (e.g. Heterocapsa, Azadinium and Amphidoma). Molecular phylogenetic analyses of SSU and LSU rDNA sequences also demonstrated an undescribed species within Adenoides.  相似文献   

Henneguya sebasta sp. n. was found on the bulbus and truncus arteriosus and in the heart chambers of 7 species of marine rockfish, Sebastes, from central and southern California. The incidence of this parasite may be of economic interest to the sport and commercial fisheries because of its possible pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Three types of anatomically preserved vegetative shoots with features that characterize crown group Equisetum have been discovered in Lower Cretaceous deposits (≈136 Ma) of British Columbia, Canada, suggesting the genus is much older than currently believed. Specimens include two types of aerial shoots described as E. haukeanum sp. nov. and E. vancouverense sp. nov. and one type of subterranean rhizome. Shoots are 1-2 mm in diameter, jointed, and in cross section have fluted stems with a hollow pith. Distinctive patterns of cortical sclerenchyma and different ridge morphologies characterize each shoot morphotype. Nodes display irregular branching, highly fused leaf sheaths, and a nodal diaphragm. The aerial stem morphospecies have vallecular canals on alternating radii with carinal canals of an equisetostele surrounded by only a few tracheids. No secondary tissues are produced. Bands of surficial stomata flank the furrows of one morphospecies. Rhizomes and aerial shoots are of a similar size, suggesting that the plants were equivalent in stature to the smallest living Equisetum species. These fossils augment our understanding of evolutionary transformations that led from Paleozoic Archaeocalamitaceae and Calamitaceae to crown group Equisetaceae, suggesting that the initial diversification of Equisetum began far earlier than suggested by molecular-clock-based estimates.  相似文献   

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