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The reproductive biology of the Glossiphoniidae leech Helobdella stagnalis, under laboratory conditions, the structure of its eggs and its developmental stages were studied. Sperm transfer and insemination are made by hypodermic injection: one or numerous spermatophores were attached to the skin of the partner during copulation and sperm is injected through it. The leeches can copulate repeatedly with several partners. Each leech produces 4–8 cocoons containing 20–60 eggs whose are attached to the ventral side of the parent and carried around. At 22 °C, the developmental duration is 24 days from the oviposition until the juveniles leave the parent leech. Three (3) major stages have been distinguished: Eggs cleavage, germinal band generation, and juveniles hatching. The sexual behavior of Hellobdella stagnalis was described with a special attention given to parental care.  相似文献   

Ahmed  Raja Ben  Malota  Karol  Jarosz  Natalia  Świątek  Piotr 《Protoplasma》2019,256(6):1609-1627
Protoplasma - Spermatogenesis and spermatozoa ultrastructure of the amphibian leech Batracobdella algira Moquin-Tandon, 1846 (Hirudinida: Glossiphoniidae) have been investigated by means of...  相似文献   

The bilaterian animals are divided into three great branches: the Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa. The evolution of developmental mechanisms is less studied in the Lophotrochozoa than in the other two clades. We have studied the expression of Hox genes during larval development of two lophotrochozoans, the polychaete annelids Nereis virens and Platynereis dumerilii. As reported previously, the Hox cluster of N. virens consists of at least 11 genes (de Rosa R, Grenier JK, Andreeva T, Cook CE, Adoutte A, Akam M, Carroll SB, Balavoine G, Nature, 399:772–776, 1999; Andreeva TF, Cook C, Korchagina NM, Akam M, Dondua AK, Ontogenez 32:225–233, 2001); we have also cloned nine Hox genes of P. dumerilii. Hox genes are mainly expressed in the descendants of the 2d blastomere, which form the integument of segments, ventral neural ganglia, pre-pygidial growth zone, and the pygidial lobe. Patterns of expression are similar for orthologous genes of both nereids. In Nereis, Hox2, and Hox3 are activated before the blastopore closure, while Hox1 and Hox4 are activated just after this. Hox5 and Post2 are first active during the metatrochophore stage, and Hox7, Lox4, and Lox2 at the late nectochaete stage only. During larval stages, Hox genes are expressed in staggered domains in the developing segments and pygidial lobe. The pattern of expression of Hox cluster genes suggests their involvement in the vectorial regionalization of the larval body along the antero-posterior axis. Hox gene expression in nereids conforms to the canonical patterns postulated for the two other evolutionary branches of the Bilateria, the Ecdysozoa and the Deuterostomia, thus supporting the evolutionary conservatism of the function of Hox genes in development. Milana Kulakova, Nadezhda Bakalenko and Elena Novikova contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

One distinguishing feature of clitellate annelids is the presence of specialized segments comprising the clitellum, whose primary function is to secrete a cocoon. Using histological analyses, we have documented cell types (I-V) and cellular processes associated with cocoon secretion in the aquatic leech, Theromyzon tessulatum. Our data indicate that the bulk of the cocoon's biomass arises from precursor cells of a single type that hypertrophy and proliferate ∼1 week prior to egg laying, and then differentiate into either of two cell types (i.e., Type II or Type III) depending on their position within the clitellum. Type II cells are concentrated along the lateral edges and venter of the clitellum and secrete alcian blue-staining granules that form opercula (i.e., glue-like material that seals both cocoon ends), while Type III cells populate the dorsal midline and secrete azocarmine-staining granules that build the cocoon wall. Both cell types occupy spaces between deep muscle layers and extend long-neck tubules to the surface epithelium as they fill with granules a few days prior to egg laying. Other cell types appear to make minor contributions to the cocoon (e.g., Type I, Type IV) or have supporting or signaling roles (e.g., Type V). Our observations suggest that post-translational modification (i.e., glycosylation) of the same core protein(s) distinguishes the granules of Type II/III cells, and that the default state of the Type II/III precursor may be evolutionarily linked to secretory cells in basal polychaetes.  相似文献   

Clitellata (earthworms, leeches, and allies) is a clade of segmented annelid worms that comprise more than 5000 species found worldwide in many aquatic and terrestrial habitats. According to current views, the first clitellates were either aquatic (marine or freshwater) or terrestrial. To address this question further, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships among clitellates using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of 175 annelid 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. We then defined two ecological characters (Habitat and Aquatic‐environment preferences) and mapped those characters on the trees from the three analyses, using parsimony character‐state reconstruction (i.e. Fitch optimization). We accommodated phylogenetic uncertainty in the character mapping by reconstructing character evolution on all the trees resulting from parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap analyses and, in the Bayesian inference, on the trees sampled using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our analyses revealed that an ‘aquatic’ ancestral state for clitellates is a robust result. By using alterations of coding characters and constrained analyses, we also demonstrated that the hypothesis for a terrestrial origin of clitellates is not supported. Our analyses also suggest that the most recent ancestor of clitellates originated from a freshwater environment. However, we stress the importance of adding sequences of some rare marine taxa to more rigorously assess the freshwater origin of Clitellata. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 447–464.  相似文献   

Ahmed  Raja Ben  Urbisz  Anna Z.  Świątek  Piotr 《Protoplasma》2021,258(1):191-207

This study reveals the ovary micromorphology and the course of oogenesis in the leech Batracobdella algira (Glossiphoniidae). Using light, fluorescence, and electron microscopies, the paired ovaries were analyzed. At the beginning of the breeding season, the ovaries were small, but as oogenesis progressed, they increased in size significantly, broadened, and elongated. A single convoluted ovary cord was located inside each ovary. The ovary cord was composed of numerous germ cells gathered into syncytial groups, which are called germ-line cysts. During oogenesis, the clustering germ cells differentiated into two functional categories, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes, and therefore, this oogenesis was recognized as being meroistic. As a rule, each clustering germ cell had one connection in the form of a broad cytoplasmic channel (intercellular bridge) that connected it to the cytophore. There was a synchrony in the development of the clustering germ cells in the whole ovary cord. In the immature leeches, the ovary cords contained undifferentiated germ cells exclusively, from which, previtellogenic oocytes and nurse cells differentiated as the breeding season progressed. Only the oocytes grew considerably, gathered nutritive material, and protruded at the ovary cord surface. The vitellogenic oocytes subsequently detached from the cord and filled tightly the ovary sac, while the nurse cells and the cytophore degenerated. Ripe eggs were finally deposited into the cocoons. A comparison of the ovary structure and oogenesis revealed that almost all of the features that are described in the studied species were similar to those that are known from other representatives of Glossiphoniidae, which indicates their evolutionary conservatism within this family.


The genome of the non‐blood‐feeding glossiphoniid leech Helobdella robusta was screened for leech antiplatelet protein (LAPP), an anticoagulant that specifically inhibits collagen‐stimulated platelet aggregation. Previously identified LAPP sequences from Haementeria officinalis were used as queries against the predicted genes in the genome, employing a variety of BLAST protocols. Matches were reciprocally BLASTed against GenBank databases as a cross‐validation of the predicted annotations of the genes. A total of eight loci, positioned as a tandem array, were recovered with significantly low e‐values; these showed high sequence similarity (32.49% average sequence similarity of shared amino acid positions) to the known anticoagulants. Moreover, six of these possessed a predicted signal‐peptide toward the N‐terminus, indicating their secretion by the leech. All eight loci, together with known LAPP sequences from Ha. officinalis, as well as several sequences from publicly available expressed sequence tag libraries of Ha. depressa and He. robusta, were aligned and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. The resulting tree showed a monophyletic clade consisting of the He. robusta loci, which was sister to a clade comprised of Haementeria‐derived sequences. To corroborate the evolution of the anticoagulants with the evolution of leeches more generally, the topology of the LAPP‐tree was compared to that of a previously published leech phylogeny; these showed compatible topologies with respect to the included genera. These results corroborate recent phylogenetic work, which suggests that this non‐blood‐feeding leech has a hematophagous ancestry.  相似文献   



Annelida is one of the major protostome phyla, whose deep phylogeny is very poorly understood. Recent molecular phylogenies show that Annelida may include groups once considered separate phyla (Pogonophora, Echiurida, and Sipunculida) and that Clitellata are derived polychaetes. SThe "total-evidence" analyses combining morphological and molecular characters have been published for a few annelid taxa. No attempt has yet been made to analyse simultaneously morphological and molecular information concerning the Annelida as a whole.  相似文献   

Dieter Bunke 《Zoomorphology》1998,118(3):177-182
 The nephrostome of Enchytraeus albidus exhibits a longitudinal slit-like opening on the dorsal side of a bulbous organ which is mainly composed of three cells, one flame cell situated centrally and endowed with a ciliary flame, and two cells lying superficially, called the mantle cell and the accessory mantle cell. The mantle cell occupies the ventral side of the organ extending on both sides up to the opening to constitute its immediate border on the frontal and lateral sides. Here it forms a kind of crest which is heavily subdivided into many protrusions and infoldings endowed with long cilia which exclusively spread into the coelomic cavity. The accessory mantle cell borders the narrow posterior slit of the opening, forming the roof of the initial canal which is devoid of cilia. From its anterior region a projection arises extending above the opening. The flame cell forms a groove from which the ciliary flame arises which extends into the canal. At its posterior region it replaces the accessory mantle cell displacing it onto the dorsal surface of the organ. It is argued that the mantle cell and the accessory mantle cell have presumbly originated from coelothelial cells. Thus the metanephridium may be a composite organ developing from a nephridioblastic and a coeloblastic source. A discussion of results in other annelid species indicates that metanephridia in the Annelida may have evolved more than once. Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

The food of Helobdella stagnalis living in unproductive and productive British lakes has been determined using the precipitin test. Antisera were produced against each of ten potential prey groups. Correction factors were applied to basic data to compensate for differences in leech size and seasonal changes in field temperatures. In both types of lake, Oligochaeta followed by Chironomidae were most heavily utilized, whilst Trichoptera, Cladocera and Tricladida were least favoured. More Mollusca were eaten in productive than unproductive lakes, reflecting availability. In productive lakes, Asellus and Amphipoda together constituted the same proportion (about 25%) of the overall diet as Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in unproductive lakes. Diet did not vary much during the course of a year, though diversity was lower in winter. Feeding activity varied seasonally being lowest in winter. Prey category utilization by small, medium and large leeches did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to describe the organization of the ovary and mode of oogenesis at the ultrastructural level in two representatives of Lumbriculida – Lumbriculus variegatus and Stylodrilus heringianus. In both species studied, the ovaries are small and conically shaped structures that are attached to the intersegmental septum via a thin ligament. The ovaries are composed of germline cysts formed by germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges. As a rule, the cyst center is occupied by a poorly developed anuclear cytoplasmic mass, termed a cytophore, whereas the germ cells are located at the periphery of the cyst. Germline cysts are enveloped by somatic cells. The ovaries of the species studied are polarized, i.e., along the long axis of the ovary there is an evident gradient of germ cell development. The data obtained suggest ovary meroism, i.e., two categories of germ cells were found: oocytes, which continue meiosis, gather nutrients, grow and protrude into the body cavity, and nurse cells, which do not grow and are supposed to supply oocytes with cell organelles and macromolecules via the cytophore. The ovary structure and mode of oogenesis in the species studied were compared with those of other clitellate annelids. As a rule, in all clitellates studied to date, the ovaries are composed of germline cysts equipped with a cytophore and associated with somatic cells; however, the ovary morphology differs between taxa regarding several quantitative and qualitative features. The ovary organization and mode of oogenesis in L. variegatus and S. heringianus strongly resemble those found in Tubificinae and Branchiobdellida studied to date. Our results also support a sister-group relationship between Lumbriculida and a clade comprising ectoparasitic clitellates (i.e., Branchiobdellida, Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida) with Branchiobdellida as a plesiomorphic sister group to Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida.  相似文献   

Summary In recently collected specimens of Acanthobdella peledina the nervous system, the genital organs and the coelomic organisation were reinvestigated after complete serial sections. These anatomical results are schematically represented. In addition, the integument, the chaetae and the peripheral muscle layer were investigated by electron microscopy. In general, the results confirm Livanow's classic monograph (1906), with the exception of a few details. The body apparently possesses neither a prostomium nor an achaetous buccal region (peristomium). The number of 29 true segments is concluded from the number of segmental ganglia. The five anteriormost segments, each with four pairs of hookshaped chaetae arranged around the mouth opening, are considered to be functionally equivalent to an anterior sucker. The ultrastructure of the integument and the chaetae generally conforms to the typical annelidan pattern. The muscle cells are of the typical hirudinean type. The outer male genital pore is positioned in segment 10; the female organs open in segment 11 directly behind the septum between segments 10 and 11. The main emphasis is laid on the evaluation of the position of the taxon within the Clitellata, including a discussion of the Branchiobdellida, and the cladograms presented show the Acanthobdellida to be the sister group of the Euhirudinea. Characters shared by the Branchiobdellida and Hirudinea (including A. peledina) are considered to be convergently evolved.  相似文献   


Proacrosome and acrosome of the primitive leech Acanthobdella peledina are described by means of transmission electron microscopy. The proacrosome develops in early spermatids and has the shape of a pot-bellied urn with an opening towards the nucleus. Its wall is formed by a thin vesicle. In its interior, many sections of tubular structures are visible. This urn is seated atop a short, electron-dense tube. The resultant acrosome is unusually elongated, with a helically coiled acrosomal tube forming its base. Above the tube the thin acrosomal vesicle encloses a central space, within which is the acrosomal rod. The acrosomal structures clearly indicate a sister-group relationship to the Euhirudinea, but do not corroborate the notion of close kinship with the Branchiobdellidae.  相似文献   

The genus Nais is a group of oligochaetous clitellates, common in eutrophic freshwater habitats. About 30 species are described. Species identification is based primarily on chaetal characters, which are often subtle, inconsistent, and even overlapping between nominal species. We investigated the correlation between genetic variation and chaetal morphology in this genus. Eighty‐one individuals from Europe, North America, and China were included in the study. Seventy‐five of these were preserved as vouchers. They were scrutinized with regard to chaetal morphology, and ten different morphotypes were identified. Three molecular markers, two mitochondrial (the COI gene and 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (the ITS region), were used to establish the genetic lineages in the material. Genetic variation was found to be largely congruent with chaetal character patterns. However, at least nine separately evolving lineages (all supported by mitochondrial as well as nuclear data) correspond to at most six nominal species. Four morphotypes/lineages are recognized as Nais barbata, Nais christinae, Nais elinguis, and Nais stolci, respectively, whereas five, or possibly more, lineages represent a morphological continuum covering the variation of the Nais communis/variabilis complex. Thus, cryptic speciation is revealed. Our results indicate that a taxonomic revision of the genus will be needed in the future.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although the oesophageal appendages in the four enchytraeids Enchytrueus crypticus, Fredericia strinta, Buchholzia appendiculata , and Achaeta sp. are quite different from one another in shape and position, their histology and ultrastructure are basically the same. These are intestinal appendages, the lumina of which distally end blind and proximally open into the oesophagus. Almost all of the few cells in their single-layered epithelium have a microvillous, cilia-free border at the apex, facing towards the lumen, and basally comprise an extremely extensive labyrinth. The presence of the latter, composed of very thin cell processes, and of numerous mitochondria identifies the organs as energy-producing and -consuming, transport-active structures. Their possible function as a food-moistening organ or osmoregulatory organ is discussed, and they are compared with other intestinal appendages in enchytraeids and other oligochaetes.  相似文献   

Synthetic mRNAs can be injected to achieve transient gene expression even for 'non-model' organisms in which genetic approaches are not feasible. Here, we have used this technique to express proteins that can serve as lineage tracers or reporters of cellular events in embryos of the glossiphoniid leech Helobdella robusta (phylum Annelida). As representatives of the proposed super-phylum Lophotrochozoa, glossiphoniid leeches are of interest for developmental and evolutionary comparisons. Their embryos are suitable for microinjection, but no genetic approaches are currently available. We have injected segmentation stem cells (teloblasts) with mRNAs encoding nuclear localized green fluorescent protein (nGFP) and its spectral variants, and have used tandem injections of nGFP mRNA followed by antisense morpholino oligomer (AS MO), to label single blast cell clones. These techniques permit high resolution cell lineage tracing in living embryos. We have applied them to the primary neurogenic (N) lineage, in which alternate segmental founder cells (nf and ns blast cells) contribute distinct sets of progeny to the segmental ganglia. The nf and ns blast cell clones exhibit strikingly different cell division patterns: the increase in cell number within the nf clone is roughly linear, while that in the ns clone is almost exponential. To analyze spindle dynamics in the asymmetric divisions of individual blast cells, we have injected teloblasts with mRNA encoding a tau::GFP fusion protein. Our results show that the asymmetric divisions of n blast cells result from a posterior shift of both the spindle within the cell and the midbody within the mitotic spindle, with differential regulation of these processes between nf and ns.  相似文献   

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