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The mechanism controlling the body color of hatchlings was studied for the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. A pheromonal factor secreted by gregarious female adults into the foam plugs of egg pods has been suggested to cause darkening in their progeny. We re-examined the role of this maternal factor by washing or separating eggs at deposition. Eggs produced by crowd-reared female adults were washed with saline or separated individually without being washed immediately after deposition and the body color of the hatchlings from them was compared with that from the eggs unwashed and kept in the egg pod until hatching. Most hatchlings were dark and no significant difference was found in the proportions of dark- and light-colored hatchlings between the treatments and controls. Likewise, eggs separated before the foam plug deposition produced dark-colored hatchlings as in the un-separated controls. These results demonstrated that neither washing nor separation of eggs at deposition affected the hatchling body coloration. The variation in hatchling body color was correlated closely to the body weight at hatching, indicating that hatchling body color had been determined maternally. Green hatchlings reared under crowded conditions remained green until the second stadium at which black patterns were induced. It was concluded that body color at hatching has been determined maternally and crowding during the first nymphal stadium influences nymphal body color but its effect is not manifested until the second stadium. The present study casts doubts on the presence of a recently suggested pheromonal factor on the color of the hatchlings.  相似文献   

The effects of rearing density and maternal age on the progeny size, number and coloration of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, were investigated. Isolated-reared females deposited smaller, but more eggs than crowd-reared females. The former produced smaller and more eggs with age, whereas the latter showed a tendency to produce larger and fewer eggs over time. A similar tendency was also observed with virgin females, indicating that mating or the presence of males was not important. The first egg pod produced by each mated crowd-reared female contained significantly smaller and more eggs than did the subsequent egg pods. The former often produced many green hatchlings (0-100%) characteristic of solitarious forms, whereas the egg pods deposited after the first pod produced predominantly black hatchlings typical of gregarious forms. Adults were highly sensitive to a shift in rearing density and quickly modified the quality and quantity of their progeny depending on the density encountered. The number of eggs per pod was influenced not only by the mother's rearing density but also by rearing density of the grandmother. The present results demonstrated that the characteristics of progeny are influenced not only by the crowding conditions experienced by the mother and grandmother but also by the mother's reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Coloration phase state, morphometrical ratios and the numbers of mature oocytes of Locusta migratoria migratoria were examined in a series of experiments to determine the means by which phase characteristics are passed to the next generation. Washing with distilled water of eggs from egg pods laid by gregarious crowd-reared females resulted in solitarization of the hatchlings after their isolation, indicating that a factor present in eggs encapsulated in foam is causal to gregarization. Such locusts showed a significant shift towards the typical solitarious body coloration, morphometry and number of mature oocytes as compared to locusts resulting from unwashed eggs. Gregarious coloration, morphometrical ratios and oocyte numbers could be partially restored when hatchlings from washed eggs were regrouped. When gregarious locusts were reared in isolation, they showed a solitary body color, whereas, morphometry and oocyte numbers were not affected by isolation.  相似文献   

We examined the ecdysteroid content of eggs from crowd-reared and solitary-reared desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, throughout embryogenesis from the day of egg laying until shortly before hatching on day 14. Depending on the time during incubation, ecdysteroid content in eggs from crowd-reared females was 5-10 times higher than in eggs from solitary-reared females. Our investigation revealed two peaks in ecdysteroid content of eggs from crowd-reared females, a small one at day 3 and a major peak at day 10 of incubation. At days 10, 12 and 14 during incubation of eggs from crowd-reared females, we found a positive correlation between egg mass and ecdysteroid content. There was no difference between eggs from the bottom and the top of individual egg pods, but variation in ecdysteroid content between egg pods from different females was considerable in all treatment groups. A brief crowding of solitary-reared females at the time of egg laying, a treatment that initiates maternally mediated gregarization of the developing offspring, had no effect on the consistently low ecdysteroid content in the eggs. This result rules out the possibility that the crowding experience of females is transmitted to the offspring by variation in the total amount of ecdysteroids in their eggs.  相似文献   

Hatchling body color and size of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, are determined by the population density of the mothers during their reproductive period. Smaller green hatchlings are produced by adults at low population density (solitarious conditions) and larger dark hatchlings at high population density (gregarious conditions). One claim states that a pheromonal factor secreted by gregarious mothers into foam plugs of egg pods induces darkening in hatchlings. Previous research suggests that the foam factor can be removed by separating eggs individually within 1h of deposition, causing presumptive gregarious eggs to hatch without darkening. The present study re-examined this claim and possible factors that have been proposed which could account for the difference between our results and those reported earlier. Early separation was performed on eggs with a low mortality rate. The results showed that the egg separation did not increase the incidence of green hatchlings. Once chorionated in the ovary, eggs remained unchanged in size until the second day after oviposition in either isolated or crowded locusts. This and other results suggest that the phase-dependent differences in body size and color of hatchlings are established in the ovary and that modifications by the accessory gland factor either in the oviduct or after deposition are unlikely.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying the phase-dependent polyphenism in hatchling body coloration was studied by testing for a possible causal relationship with egg size in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Crowd-reared (gregarious) females typically produce large, black offspring, whereas females reared in isolation (solitarious) deposit small, green offspring. We first tested for possible genetic differences in the role of egg foam by washing or separating eggs from two strains of locust. No solitarizing effect was found in either of the strains tested, supporting a previous finding, using another laboratory strain, to show that the hatchling body coloration and size are pre-determined in the ovary of the mother and no egg foam factor is involved in the control of the hatchling body coloration. Topical application of fenoxycarb, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), and implantation of extra corpora allata (CA), taken from Locusta migratoria, caused gregarious female adults of S. gregaria to produce small eggs. Some eggs laid by CA-implanted females produced green hatchlings. All large eggs chosen among those deposited by gregarious females produced black hatchlings. When eggs were either kept on dry filter paper at nearly saturated relative humidity during embryogenesis or pricked with a needle so that some egg yolk was squeezed out, some produced small, green hatchlings. These results suggested that the amount of egg yolk or the availability of yolk material may determine the body coloration of hatchlings.  相似文献   

The role of juvenile hormone (JH) in the maternal regulation of progeny characteristics was examined in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Female adults of this species are known to produce smaller but more eggs when reared in isolation than do those reared in a group. Eggs laid by isolated females develop green hatchlings typical of solitarious forms, whereas those laid by the latter produce black hatchlings typical of gregarious forms. Topical application of a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), fenoxycarb, or implantation of corpora allata (CA) taken from the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, caused crowded S. gregaria females to deposit smaller eggs, but did not have a significant effect on the number of eggs per egg pod except at high doses of JHA. The production of smaller eggs by treated and untreated crowded females was closely associated with earlier deposition of the egg pods and shorter oviposition intervals. However, neither JHA application nor CA implantation influenced the progeny characteristics in actively reproducing aged females under crowded conditions, while untreated control females started producing smaller and more eggs upon transfer to isolated conditions. These results may suggest that JH is not directly involved in the maternal regulation of phase-dependent progeny characteristics.  相似文献   

Locusts modify developmental and reproductive traits over successive generations depending on the population density. A trade-off between developmental rate and body size and between progeny size and number is often observed in organisms. In this study, we present evidence that this rule is evaded by desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria Forsk?l, which often undergo outbreaks. Under isolated conditions, large hatchlings, typical of the gregarious forms, grow faster but emerge as larger adults than do small hatchlings typical of the solitarious forms, except for some individuals of the latter group that undergo extra molting. Under crowded conditions, large and small hatchlings grow at a similar rate, but the former become larger adults than the latter. Small hatchlings show a trade-off between development time and body size at maturation, but this constraint is avoided by large hatchlings. Phase-specific, as well as body size-dependent, differences are also detected in reproductive performance. As adult body size increases, females of a solitarious line produce more but slightly smaller eggs, whereas those of a gregarious line produce more and larger eggs. Total egg mass per pod is larger in gregarious forms than in solitarious forms. A trade-off between egg size and number is shown by a solitarious line but not by a gregarious line that produces relatively large eggs with similar numbers of eggs per pod. These results suggest that phase transformation involves not just a shift of resource allocation but also an enhanced capability expressed in response to crowding.  相似文献   

Removal of the accessory reproductive glands in female Schistocerca gregaria does not prevent the formation of eggplugs as expected. The egg pods formed are incomplete, with froth in the egg plug partially lacking. The extent of collapse is dependent on the time of removal of the glands. These results suggest that the genital ducts (egg calyces and lateral oviducts) play a significant role in the production of egg pod material, and the accessory glands probably participate in the process. Ligation of the glands has the same effect on egg pod structure; secretion accumulates in the glands indicating that, although the contribution made to the egg pod by the glands is small, they are not vestigial and are not acting simply as reservoirs for secretions produced distally. Cautery of the Comstock-Kellogg glands produces no visible change in egg pod structure or in method of formation, and thus their function remains undetermined. In the absence of the ventral median pouch egg masses are laid without the plug. A thin layer of nonvacuolated material is smeared over the walls of the oviposition hole, suggesting that the secretions produced in the upper regions of the genital ducts are added to or modified by an additional secretion from this gland, before being released to the exterior.  相似文献   

Abstract. A novel 6-kDa peptide has been isolated from the haemolymph of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) , and fully identified. Its concentration is higher in crowd-reared (gregarious) animals than in isolated-reared (solitarious) ones. Its concentration decreases progressively from generation to generation with solitarization of gregarious locusts. The peptide is also present in freshly laid eggs. The concentration in eggs is higher in those from crowd-reared locusts. It is likely that the peptide is transferred from the female's haemolymph into the eggs because injection of the peptide into females before oviposition increases the amount of the 6-kDa peptide in the eggs. A two-step HPLC purification procedure for this peptide is described. It allowed several bioassays to test for a possible function. Although the peptide's concentration in the haemolymph is high (0.1 m m ), which suggests some physiological function, we have as yet not been able to identify a function. We hypothesize that the 6-kDa peptide may somehow play a role as a maternal factor in the determination of the phase-state of the offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract. The time-course of behavioural change in response to crowding and re-isolation was investigated in adults of Schistocerca gregaria Forskål (Orthoptera, Acrididae) using logistic regression analysis. Crowding solitary-reared adults for a period of 4 h caused them to behave similarly to crowd-reared insects, with their becoming much more active and moving towards rather than away from a stimulus group of locusts. Responsiveness to crowding was greatest in young adults. The behaviour acquired after 48 h of crowding was lost within 1 day of re-isolation. Although experience by solitary-reared adults of crowding for 48 h had only transitory effects on their own behaviour, there was also a long-term influence on the behaviour of their offspring. The strength of this effect was dependent on the age at which adults experienced crowding, increasing in a graded manner with adult age, and hence the recency of crowding before oviposition. Parents crowded at a late stage in the reproductive cycle yielded hatchlings which behaved indistinguishably from those from crowd-reared adults. Such an effect is consistent with the idea that females, through their previous experience of crowding, are effectively predicting the probability that their offspring will emerge into a high-density population, and predisposing their hatchlings' behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Hatchlings of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, display phase polyphenism in body coloration and size. This phenomenon has been found to be maternally controlled and two different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the underlying process. One mechanism claims that a water-soluble pheromonal factor secreted by gregarious female adults into the foam plugs of egg pods induces darkening in their progeny. The other mechanism states that hatchling body coloration is pre-determined in the ovaries and that no foam factor is involved in this phenomenon. This mechanism was supported by the observation that hatchling melanization was not prevented by the early washing or separation of eggs, which should have removed the pheromonal factor from the eggs and produced green hatchlings according to the other mechanism. This paper reviews the latest findings related to this phenomenon with special reference to reproductive cycles and genetic differences. The close relationships between egg size and the degree of melanization in hatchlings may provide strong evidence against the possible involvement of the pheromonal factor, because egg size is determined in the ovarioles. Furthermore, the absence of “solitarizing” effects of early washing and separation on hatchling melanization was also confirmed in different genetic strains. A hypothesis proposed by others that such effects occur only in eggs from the first reproductive cycle was tested and rejected. Based on these and other results, a model to explain the mechanisms underlying the maternal control of progeny characteristics and embryonic control of melanization in the hatchling was proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Volatiles from solitary-reared (solitarious) and crowd-reared (gregarious) adult male desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), were quantitatively and qualitatively different.In particular, solitarious males did not emit phenylacetonitrile, a key component of the aggregation pheromone produced by gregarious adult males.In laboratory bioassays, solitarious and gregarious adults of both sexes responded similarly to the natural aggregation pheromone blend, the major pheromone component phenylacetonitrile, and a synthetic pheromone blend comprising benzaldehyde, guaiacol, phenylacetonitrile and phenol.EAG measurements showed significant differences in the responsiveness of adults of the two phases to the four synthetic components at high doses; however, the general response patterns were similar.These results suggest that the gregarious adult male aggregation pheromone may play a role in the arrestment and subsequent recruitment of solitarious individuals into gregarious or gregarizing groups during the early stages of a locust outbreak.  相似文献   

Acetophenone and veratrole have been identified as two major behaviourally active components of the oviposition aggregation pheromone of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. These compounds were identified from the volatiles of egg pod froth using gas chromatography-electroantennographic (GC-EAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis. Both compounds were shown to elicit aggregation of gravid females in oviposition bioassays; however, they do not act synergistically. Both acetophenone and veratrole individually at optimum doses induced about 70% egg laying, a value similar to that evoked with froth volatiles.  相似文献   

Maternal determination of progeny body size and coloration in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, depends on the crowding conditions experienced during the short sensitive period that occurs two to six days before the deposition of the egg pod. Solitarious (isolated-reared) females produce relatively small eggs that yield solitarious green hatchlings but, females that are exposed to crowded conditions during the sensitive period, produce larger eggs that yield the dark-colored hatchlings characteristic of gregarious forms. The present study aimed to determine the stimuli influencing the maternal determination of progeny characteristics as well as the site at which such stimuli are perceived. By exposing isolated female adults to various combinations of visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli from a crowd of other adults, we found that no crowding effects could be elicited without tactile stimulation. Coating of various body surfaces with nail polish followed by exposure to crowding stimulation suggested that female adults perceive crowding stimuli with their antennae. This finding was supported by another experiment in which the antennae were either removed or covered with wax before the isolated females were exposed to crowded conditions. Neither serotonin nor an antagonist of its receptor affected the density-dependent maternal determination of progeny characteristics when injected into isolated or crowded female adults.  相似文献   

The physiology of locust phase polymorphism: an update   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The considerable progress made between 1990 and 1997 in locust phase-related research and in understanding the physiology of locust phase polymorphism is reviewed. The traits of locust phases are discussed and it is concluded that there are distinct strain-dependent differences in phase characteristics and their amplitudes even in the same species. Despite some advances, no major break-through was achieved in the putative endocrine control of locust phase polymorphism. Phase-dependent differences in adipokinesis, flight fuels and migration of adult locusts, as well as novel methods in studying aggregation behaviour and activity of hoppers and adults, opened new lines in research of the physiology of locust phase polymorphism. Marked advances were made in phase-related locust pheromone research, revealing, in Schistocerca gregaria, differences between the pheromonal system of the hoppers and that of the adults. These systems turned out to be more complex than previously assumed. Phenylacetonitrile, produced by sexually mature adult males, serving both as an attractant and a mutration-accelerating factor, was identified as the major compound of the adult pheromonal system in S. gregaria. A new aspect of transmission of phase characteristics from parent to progeny through the foam (froth) of the egg pod was revealed. Effects of some plant substances on locust phases were reported. However, no research has yet been published on the aspects of molecular biology of locust phase polymorphism.  相似文献   

Crowding causes many organisms to express phenotypic plasticity in various traits. Phase polyphenism in desert locusts represents one extreme example in which a solitary form (solitarious phase) turns into a gregarious form (gregarious phase) in response to crowding. Conspicuous differences in body size and colour occur even in hatchlings. The phase‐specific differences in hatchling characteristics are caused by the tactile stimuli perceived by the antennae of their mother. However, the nature of the tactile stimuli and the mechanism by which the perceived stimuli are processed as a gregarizing signal remain unknown. To explore this problem, the antennae of solitarious adult females of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria are touched with the bodies of conspecific locusts at different physiological stages and those of other species. The results suggest that a cuticular chemical factor at a specific developmental stage of conspecific locusts causes the solitarious females to produce large eggs that give rise to black hatchlings characteristic of gregarious forms (progeny gregarization), and that this or a similar compound occurs in other acridids, crickets and cockroaches but not in beetles. The involvement of a chemical substance is also supported by hexane extracts of cuticular surfaces of locusts that induce the same effects. Interestingly, crowding induces such gregarizing effects only when the female receives the appropriate stimulus in the presence of light. Solitarious female S. gregaria with their head capsule coated with phosphorescent paint exhibit progeny gregarization in response to crowding and light pulses in darkness, whereas those treated in the same way without light pulses fail to do so.  相似文献   

InAnurogryllus muticus females, mating stimulates burrow construction, burrow provisioning, feeding, egg production, and egg-laying. Since mating often occurs before the ovaries are fully developed, the time span between mating and oviposition is used for increased food intake and the accumulation of nutrient reserves in the fatbody. Oviposition triggers maternal care of eggs and emerging hatchlings, and blocks egg consumption. Hatchling behavior is investigated. When hatchlings eat eggs, they prefer newly laid over older, embryonic eggs.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus has been shown to increase egg size with maternal age under constant laboratory conditions, such that late-laid eggs are larger than early laid eggs. In this study, an increase in the size of eggs (and hatchlings from those eggs) was recorded with date of oviposition in a field cage population. This suggests that the relationship between maternal age and egg size, observed previously in the laboratory, also occurs in the field. There was, however, some evidence that the behaviour of the maternal females in field cages was modified by the onset of autumnal weather at the end of the breeding season. Only a small number of eggs was laid in the last 3 weeks of the summer but these yielded relatively small hatchlings.
2. The date on which eggs were laid was correlated positively with their date of hatch in the following year. A consequence of this relationship, and that between oviposition date and egg size, was that size at hatch increased with date of hatch through most of the spring but then declined as the last few eggs hatched. Temporal variation in size at hatch parallelled temporal variation in the maternal females' investment in egg size in the previous year.
3. An undisturbed field population was monitored to assess whether the temporal variation in size at hatch resulted in size variation at eclosion in subsequent developmental stages. There were negative correlations between size at eclosion and date of eclosion at the third and fourth instars, suggesting that despite their smaller size at hatch, early hatchers experienced more favourable conditions for juvenile growth than late hatchers. The larger size at hatch of late hatchers may enhance their survival and compensate (albeit incompletely) for their reduced opportunity for growth. Female reproductive behaviour may represent an adaptive response to a predictable seasonal decline in offspring fitness at hatch.  相似文献   

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