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The characteristics of vitellogenin (Vg) and the relationship between Vg production and egg production in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens, were studied. The relationship between Vg production and juvenile hormone (JH) and the impact of mating on Vg and egg production were also investigated. Vg appears in the hemolymph of H. virescens about 6 h after moth eclosion. Vg may be separated into two apoproteins (ApoVg-I and ApoVg-II) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The molecular weights were calculated to be 156,065 ± 800 for ApoVg-I and 39,887 ± 323 for ApoVg-II. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the female hemolymph Vg polypeptides appear to be identical to those from eggs but are absent in male hemolymph. Vg concentration was significantly higher in mated females than in virgin females of the same age at 48 h after emergence. Rates of egg production increased as Vg production increased; rates of egg production in mated females were significantly higher than those of virgin females at 48, 72, 96, and 120 h postemergence. Vg production is dependent on JH, because hemolymph from decapitated females lacked Vg while that of decapitated females treated with synthetic JH had Vg at levels comparable to similarly aged, normal H. virescens females. Hemolymph JH titers in mated females were significantly higher compared with those in virgin females at all sampling periods. The high JH level in mated females may explain the high Vg and egg production in mated H. virescens. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:287–300, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The sesquiterpene germacrene D (GD) activates a major type of olfactory receptor neuron on the antennae of the heliothine moths. In Heliothis virescens females, 80% of the recordings have shown activity of one neuron type responding with high sensitivity and selectivity to GD. With the aim of determining the behavioural significance of this sesquiterpene, we have used a two-choice wind-tunnel to study the preference of mated H. virescens females for host plants with and without (-)-GD added. Tobacco plants containing dispensers with low release rate of (-)-GD had a greater attractiveness than tobacco plants without this substance. In addition, a significant increase of oviposition was found on the plants with (-)-GD.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) titer in virgin females of Heliothis virescens is significantly lower than that in mated females of the same age. The JH titer in virgin females follows a diel pattern in which it begins to increase towards the end of photophase, remains high around the onset of scotophase, and declines during scotophase. The titer reaches its lowest levels at the onset of photophase, and remains low during the first half of photophase. In mated females, the diel pattern of JH titers is not as pronounced. JH-esterase (JHE) activity in mated females is significantly lower than that of virgin females during photophase; JHE levels in the former are similar to levels seen in newly emerged females. JHE activity in mated females also exhibits a diel pattern, in which activity is low during photophase and high at the onset of scotophase. Evidence for the indirect involvement of JHE in the mating-stimulated egg development is provided by the effect of selected JHE inhibitors in inhibiting JHE activity and stimulating egg production in virgin females.  相似文献   

In male moths, the primary olfactory integration centre, the antennal lobe, consists of two systems. The macroglomerular complex processes pheromone information, while the ordinary glomeruli process plant odour information. Females lack a macroglomerular complex. We measured the spatial representation of odours using in-vivo optical recording. We found that: (1) pheromone substances elicited activity exclusively in the MGC. No response was found in female antennal lobes. (2) Plant odours elicited combinatorial activity patterns in the ordinary glomeruli in both males and females. No response was found in the MGC of male moths. (3) A clean air puff often led to activity, in both males and females, suggesting that mechano-sensory information is also processed in the antennal lobe. (4) With an interstimulus interval of 5 or 10 s, strongly activated glomeruli were able to follow the temporal structure of the stimulus, while others lost their phase-locking. Some glomeruli showed "off" responses. These properties were odour dependent. This confirms and extends previous studies, showing the functional significance of the two subsystems for processing olfactory information. Pheromones are coded in a combinatorial manner within the macroglomerular complex, with each glomerulus corresponding to one information channel. Plant odours are coded in an across-glomeruli code in the ordinary glomeruli.  相似文献   

Some compounds that are bitter-tasting to humans, both alkaloidal (quinine, quinidine, atropine, caffeine) and non-alkaloidal (denatonium benzoate, sucrose octaacetate, naringin), deterred feeding and oviposition by Heliothis virescens (F.) in laboratory and field cage experiments. Preliminary electrophysiological studies of gustatory sensilla on the ovipositor of H. virescens provided evidence of 3 neurons, one of which is responsive to sucrose. Preliminary indications are that responses of this neuron may be inhibited by quinine and denatonium benzoate.  相似文献   

Pheromones play pivotal roles in the reproductive behavior of moths, most prominently for the mate finding of male moths. Accordingly, the molecular basis for the detection of female‐released pheromones by male moths has been studied in great detail. In contrast, little is known about how females can detect pheromone components released by themselves or by conspecifics. In this study, we assessed the antenna of female Heliothis virescens for elements of pheromone detection. In accordance with previous findings that female antennae respond to the sex pheromone component (Z)‐9‐tetradecenal, we identified olfactory sensory neurons that express its cognate receptor, the receptor type HR6. All HR6 cells coexpressed the “sensory neuron membrane protein 1” (SNMP1) and were associated with supporting cells expressing the pheromone‐binding proteins PBP1 and PBP2. These features are reminiscent to male antennae and point to congruent mechanisms for pheromone detection in the two sexes. Further analysis of the SNMP1‐expressing cells revealed a higher number in females compared to males. Moreover, in females, the SNMP1 neurons were arranged in clusters, which project their dendrites into a common sensillum, whereas in males there were only solitary SNMP1‐neurons and only 1 per sensillum. Not all SNMP1 positive cells in female antennae expressed HR6 but instead the putative pheromone receptors HR11 and HR18, respectively. Neurons expressing 1 of the 3 receptor types were assigned to different sensilla. Together the data indicate that on the antenna of females, sensory neurons in a subset of sensilla trichodea are equipped with molecular elements, which render them responsive to pheromones.  相似文献   

Even though generalist insects are able to feed on many different host plants, local specialization may occur, which could lead to genetic differentiation. In this paper we assessed the level and extent of host plant specialization in the generalist herbivore Heliothis virescens Fabricius (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). This generalist can grow and survive on many different plant species, belonging to more than 37 families. Previously, two laboratory strains were described that differ in their performance on cotton and chickpea. In this study we explored this phenomenon further. Specifically, we asked the following questions: (1) Do the two strains still differ in their performance on cotton and chickpea? Since we found that the most pronounced difference between the two strains was in their growth on fresh chickpea leaves, we then asked: (2) Does this variation in performance have a genetic basis? In our genetic analysis, we found that growth rates changed over time and that two linkage groups significantly affected the ability to grow on chickpea. One QTL was homologous to Bombyx mori chromosome 15, onto which genes for insecticide resistance and detoxicative enzymes have previously been mapped. (3) Is there a difference in oviposition preference between the two strains? Oviposition experiments revealed no preference in either strain when females were reared on the same artificial diet. However, we did find a maternal inheritance of oviposition preference: daughters collected as eggs from cotton oviposited significantly more eggs on cotton, and daughters collected as eggs from chickpea likewise laid more eggs on chickpea. Thus, Hopkins’ host selection principle seems to holds in this species, although imprinting seems to happen not at the larval but at the egg stage, which is a new finding. This study shows how genetic and nongenetic factors can interact to shape the patterns of local specialization in a generalist herbivore.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones of many moth species have relatively simple structures consisting of a hydrocarbon chain with a functional group and one to several double bonds. These sex pheromones are derived from fatty acids through specific biosynthetic pathways. We investigated the incorporation of deuterium-labeled tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic, and octadecanoic acid precursors into pheromone components of Heliothis subflexa and Heliothis virescens. The two species utilize (Z)11-hexadecenal as the major pheromone component, which is produced by Delta11 desaturation of hexadecanoic acid. H. subflexa also produced (Z)11-hexadecanol and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate via Delta11 desaturation. In H. subflexa, octadecanoic acid was used to biosynthesize the minor pheromone components (Z)9-hexadecenal, (Z)9-hexadecenol, and (Z)9-hexadecenyl acetate. These minor components are produced by Delta11 desaturation of octadecanoic acid followed by one round of chain-shortening. In contrast, H. virescens used hexadecanoic acid as a substrate to form (Z)11-hexadecenal and (Z)11-hexadecenol and hexadecenal. H. virescens also produced (Z)9-tetradecenal by Delta11 desaturation of the hexadecanoic acid followed by one round of chain-shortening and reduction. Tetradecanoic acid was not utilized as a precursor to form Z9-14:Ald in H. virescens. This labeling pattern indicates that the Delta11 desaturase is the only active desaturase present in the pheromone gland cells of both species.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine whether adult males of Heliothis virescens transfer juvenile hormone (JH) to females during copulation, and an in vitro radiochemical assay was used to determine whether mating causes an allatotropic effect, i.e., stimulation of JH biosynthesis by corpora allata (CA). In vitro, CA from 3-day-old mated females synthesized and released approximately 2.5 times total JH as that of CA from comparably aged virgin females. Of the homologues, JH II exhibited significant increase in mated females; JH I also increased but not significantly. JH III remained similar to that of virgin females. This is the first demonstration of an allatotropic effect of mating in moths. In contrast to the female, CA of virgin males did not produce any JH, but accessory sex glands (ASG) in 3-day-old males synthesized small amounts of JH. Immediately after adult emergence, male ASG contained approximately 1.5 ng JH I and II, which increased by 12 h after emergence and remained at this high level up to 54 h after emergence. JH III was barely detected in ASG. JH in ASG of mated male immediately after uncoupling was depleted almost completely, and 24 h later recovered to levels comparable to that of 54-h-old virgin male. Virgin female bursa copulatrix did not contain any JH, but mated female bursa, immediately after uncoupling, had JH at levels comparable to that observed in virgin male ASG. By 6 h after uncoupling, JH levels decreased dramatically in mated female bursa. These data suggest the transfer of JH to females by the male. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:100–107, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Pheromone production in virgin females of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) peaked between the fourth and seventh hours of scotophase on the second, third, fourth and fifth days following eclosion. The highest peak (186 ng) occurred on day 3 after eclosion. Z-11-Hexadecenal comprised the highest proportion of seven components in the pheromone glands. Disproportionately higher amounts of hexadecanal and Z-11-hexadecenol occurred during photo-phase and other periods when low quantities of total pheromone were recorded.
Mating suppressed pheromone production which remained low until 48 h after mating. Coupling females with males mated three times previously or with 6-day-old males was less effective in causing a drop in pheromone content which peaked again 24 h after mating. This suggests the transfer of a male factor, a pheromonostatic factor, that suppresses pheromone production in mated females and that the factor from older and previously mated males is less effective.  相似文献   

At eclosion, the ovaries of female Corn earworm Heliothis zea do not contain mature eggs. Virgin-unfed females produced approximately 400 mature eggs in 8 days; mating or feeding doubled this number, and mating plus feeding more than tripled it. Females allatectomized or decapitated at day O matured few eggs. Egg production was restored by implantation of active corpora allata (CA) or by treatment with the juvenile hormone (JH) analogue methoprene at day 0. 20-Hydroxyecdysone, on the other hand, had no effect. Females in which the CA had been denervated or in which the median neurosecretory cells of the brain had been ablated at day O produced fewer eggs than sham-operated animals. These results indicate that egg maturation is controlled by JH and that continuous input from the brain is required for sustained CA activity for maintaining a high rates of egg maturation.The rate of JH biosynthesis by CA in vitro was determined with a radiochemical assay. The major hormones produced were JH-II and JH-III with small quantities of JH-I. The rates of JH synthesis were similar in all experimental groups which may indicate that the in vitro rate of JH synthesis does not reflect the actual state of CA activity in the female.  相似文献   

The control of pheromone biosynthesis by the neuropeptide PBAN was investigated in the moth Heliothis virescens. When decapitated females were injected with [2-(14)C] acetate, females co-injected with PBAN produced significantly greater quantities of radiolabeled fatty acids in their pheromone gland than females co-injected with saline. This indicates that PBAN controls an enzyme involved in the synthesis of fatty acids, probably acetyl CoA carboxylase. Decapitated females injected with PBAN showed a rapid increase in native pheromone, and a slower increase in the pheromone precursor, (Z)-11-hexadecenoate. Total native palmitate and stearate (both pheromone intermediates) showed a significant decrease after PBAN injection, before their titers were later restored to initial levels. In contrast, the acyl-CoA thioesters of these two saturated fatty acids increased during the period when their total titers decreased. When a mixture of labeled palmitic and heptadecanoic (an acid that cannot be converted to pheromone) acids was applied to the gland, PBAN-injected females produced greater quantities of labeled pheromone and precursor than did saline-injected ones. The two acids showed similar time-course patterns, with no difference in total titers of each of the respective acids between saline- and PBAN-injected females. When labeled heptadecanoic acid was applied to the gland alone, there was no difference in titers of either total heptadecanoate or of heptadecanoyl-CoA between PBAN- and saline-injected females, suggesting that PBAN does not directly control the storage or liberation of fatty acids in the gland, at least for this fatty acid. Overall, these data indicate that PBAN also controls a later step involved in pheromone biosynthesis, perhaps the reduction of acyl-CoA moieties. The control by PBAN of two enzymes, near the beginning and end of the pheromone biosynthetic process, would seem to allow for more efficient utilization of fatty acids and pheromone than control of only one enzyme.  相似文献   

Midgut tissue undergoes remodeling during metamorphosis in insects belonging to orders Lepidoptera and Diptera. We investigated the developmental and hormonal regulation of these remodeling events in lepidopteran insect, Heliothis virescens. In H. virescens, programmed cell death (PCD) of larval midgut cells as well as proliferation and differentiation of imaginal cells began at 108 h after ecdysis to the final larval instar (AEFL) and proceeded through the pupal stages. Expression patterns of pro- cell death factors (caspase-1 and ICE) and anti-cell death factor, Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) were studied in midguts during last larval and pupal stages. IAP, Caspase-1 and ICE mRNAs showed peaks at 48 h AEFL, 96 h AEFL and in newly formed pupae, respectively. Immunohistochemical analysis substantiated high caspase-3 activity in midgut at 108 h AEFL. Application of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA) blocked PCD by maintaining high levels of IAP, downregulating the expression of caspase-1, ICE and inhibiting an increase in caspase-3 protein levels in midgut tissue. Also, the differentiation of imaginal cells was impaired by methoprene treatment. These studies demonstrate that presence of JHA during final instar larvae affects both midgut remodeling and larval-pupal metamorphosis leading to larval/pupal deformities in lepidopteran insects, a mechanism that is different from that in mosquito, Ae. aegypti where JHA uncouples midgut remodeling from metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The storage of large quantities of juvenile hormone (JH) in male abdomens is a phenomenon known from some species of moths. Juvenile hormone, stored in male accessory sex glands (ASG), may be transferred to the female during copulation, but the physiological significance of the JH transfer remains unclear. Here, using the moth Heliothis virescens as a model, we show that JH transferred from male to the promiscuous female promotes JH synthesis and egg development in the female. We propose that this explains the functional significance of JH transfer in species that exhibit last male sperm precedence, and that this hormone acts as a bioactive substance which the first male to mate uses for co-opting and regulating the female's gonadotropic mechanisms, thereby ensuring that despite last male sperm precedence he will sire a significant number of viable offspring.  相似文献   

Pheromone recognition in insects is thought to involve distinct receptor proteins in the dendritic membrane of antennal sensory neurons. We have generated antibodies directed against a peptide derived from the sequence of the candidate pheromone receptor HR13 from Heliothis virescens. The antibodies specifically labelled the cell bodies of a distinct neuron population housed in male-specific pheromone-sensitive sensilla. Combining antibody staining with in situ hybridization the reactive cells were found to express the HR13 gene. In addition, dendrites projecting into sensilla hairs as well as the axonal processes of immunoreactive cells were labelled. Labelling of axons has allowed visualization of their fasciculation within antennal segments and permits tracking of axons as they merge into the antennal nerve. The HR13 protein was first detected 1 day before eclosion. Thus, the distribution of HR13 protein in the antennal neurons of the male moth strongly suggests a role of the HR13 receptor in recognition of pheromones.  相似文献   

For some phytophagous insects, egg maturation may be dependent on adult feeding. Accordingly, rates of egg maturation may be dependent on the quality and quantity of available food sources. In turn, oviposition behavior could be affected by diet quality via changes in egg load (number of mature eggs carried by a female). Experiments were conducted to determine whether adult feeding may affect oviposition behavior of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis. No-choice tests demonstrated that eggs accumulated in glassy-winged sharpshooter abdomens as time since last oviposition increased largely as a function of feeding plant species. In choice tests, glassy-winged sharpshooter females were observed most frequently on the plant species that imparted the greatest egg maturation rate in no-choice tests. Direct tests of the effects of egg load on glassy-winged sharpshooter oviposition behavior found that females were more likely to deposit eggs as egg load increased. Similarly, acceptance of a low-ranked oviposition plant species by female glassy-winged sharpshooters increased with egg load and time since last oviposition. The results indicate that adult feeding affected glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation, plant species varied in quality for providing nutrients for egg maturation, and egg load affected oviposition behavior. Thus, the quantity and quality of available feeding plant species may affect glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation rates, which in turn may affect the plant species female glassy-winged sharpshooters select for oviposition.  相似文献   

中华真地鳖雌虫产卵习性及其卵的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。结果表明1月龄至3月龄中华真地鳖的产卵能力较强;饱满、无破损、形状规则的卵块孵化较好;在卵的各发育阶段,卵块和卵粒的形态变化较明显,以此确立了卵发育的分级标准。  相似文献   

Female tobacco budworm moths, Heliothis virescens, generally mate with more than one male, receiving from each mate both fertilizing sperm (eupyrene) and nonfertilizing anucleate sperm (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. One male typically gains sperm precedence, but it is not consistently the last or the first male to mate. I investigated the mechanism of this variable pattern of paternity by examining the patterns of storage of both types of sperm in the female's spermatheca as a function of multiple mating and male phenotype. The number of stored apyrene sperm varied with mating history, being greatest in twice-mated females and least in females mated to one nonvirgin male. In contrast, only one ejaculate's worth of eupyrene sperm was stored regardless of female mating history (once or twice mated). Thus, while they store two complements of apyrene sperm, twice-mated females apparently store only one ejaculate's worth of eupyrene sperm. This biased pattern of sperm storage may contribute to the variable pattern of paternity observed in this species. Eupyrene sperm storage also correlated positively with female size, male age and spermatophore size. Finally, a new sperm storage site was identified and described. It is a bulged region in the seminal duct. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The synthesis of two storage protein subunits, 76,000-Mr and 82,000-Mr polypeptides, by the testes sheath has been studied in Heliothis virescens. Like fat body, which is the primary site of synthesis for the large extratesticular pool, cells of the testes sheath secrete glycosylated storage proteins assembled into hexamers. The testis sheath differed from fat body in several important respects, including the failure to synthesize an abundant (in the hemolymph) 74,000-Mr storage protein, its relatively reduced expression of the 76,000-Mr polypeptide, and the absence of resorption of storage proteins from the lumen of the testis during pupal development. Cyst cells were also shown to import actively the 82,000-Mr storage protein by pinocytosis of testicular fluid and transfer it to the developing spermatids. Unlike other cell types that sequester storage proteins in the form of cytoplasmic granules, their localization within spermatids was exclusively mitochondrial. These observations suggest that expression of the storage protein genes is regulated tissue specifically and reveal novel pathways for their transport and, perhaps, utilization and function during development.  相似文献   

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