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Abstract. 1. Experiments with nestling blue tits Parus caeruleus L. examined the effects of feeding them 7-spot ladybird Coccinella septempunctata (L.), 2-spot ladybird Adalia bipunctata (L.) or controls Tenebrio sp.
2. A feeding rate of 51/3 7-spot ladybirds per day 'killed' nestlings within 2 days. Three of six nestlings fed at half this rate survived 4 days. In contrast, all experimental birds survived sixty-four 2-spot ladybirds fed over 4 days (equivalent by weight to the high 7-spot diet).
3. Nestlings fed 7-spot ladybirds also grew more slowly than birds fed 2-spot ladybirds. The latter birds showed no difference in weight gain from the controls although they begged more strongly for food.
4. Cadavers of birds fed 7-spot ladybirds showed evidence of severe liver damage.
5. The results indicate a substantial difference between the ladybird species in their toxicity to nestling blue tits. They support the hypothesis that 2-spot ladybirds are largely-edible, polymorphic Batesian mimics of well-protected, monomorphic species such as the 7-spot ladybird.  相似文献   

A viable wingless 2spot ladybirdAdalia bipunctata (L.) was found in the wild. Breeding through four generations revealed that the wingless trait was controlled by a recessive allele which displays variable levels of expression. The wingless ladybird is discussed in relation to its potential as a biocontrol agent. One ladybird also occurred in this stock which is suggestive of a supergene controlling the colour polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Isoenzymes of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in adult Adalia bipunctata, an aphidophagous predator, were studied. Cytosolic GST activity was studied in each beetle developmental stage. The highest activities towards both 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and 2,4-dinitro-1-iodobenzene (DNIB) occurred in adults. The enzyme distribution was investigated in adults. While most of the enzymatic activity was found in the abdomen (40-50 and 34-63% respectively) using several concentrations of both CDNB and DNIB, significant differences were observed for the head and the thorax depending on the substrate. Activities were more abundant in the thorax with DNIB (37-47%) compared to the 13-19% obtained with CDNB. Some GST activity was also detected in the elytra. GSTs were purified by epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B affinity chromatography and applied to an HPLC column to determine the native molecular weight (69 kDa). Three isoenzymes were separated by chromatofocusing at pH ranges 7-4. Three bands with molecular mass from 23 to 26 kDa were visualised on SDS-PAGE. Their isoelectric points were 6.66, 6.36, and 6.21. The substrate specificities and the kinetic parameters (Vm and Km) of the isoenzymes showed large differences depending on the isoenzyme. Arch.  相似文献   

Seasonal selection acting on the melanic polymorphism in the two-spot ladybird Adalia bipunctata was investigated in The Netherlands. An increase in melanic frequency over the spring-summer reproductive period was quantified. The selective advantage gained by melanics averaged 9%, but significant heterogeneity occurred between populations. Adult hibernation behaviour is described. The beetles when outdoors show a highly clumped distribution both between and within trees. The distribution of the morph classes between aggregations is random. Survivorship in a hibernating cohort (initial n= 1898) on a grid of 70 lime trees near Utrecht was monitored by making three counts over the winter of 1981–1982. Intense selection favouring each melanic morph occurred during December and January. The relative fitness of non-melanics was 0.55 (melanics =1). The discovery of dead beetles in late January (about 5% of total losses) and the absence of spatially density-dependent mortality were consistent with a climatic stress rather than selective predation. The period of selection was associated with very cold temperatures averaging up to 4°C below normal and an overall mortality of nearly 75%. There was no change in morph frequency, near normal temperatures and a lower mortality from February to early April. Examination of groups of nearby trees in late January strongly suggested that similar differential mortality had occurred except on some willows. This difference was probably due to the more protected hibernation sites available on these trees. Samples of hibernating cohorts at three other sites showed no evidence of differential mortality. Laboratory experiments with hibernating beetles found no difference in survivorship or rate of weight loss between starved non-melanics and melanics in temperature regimes with and without periods of adult activity. It is concluded that the intense winter selection on the study limes is probably exceptional. Examination of changes in morph frequency through the annual cycle suggests that at some sites the selection favouring melanics during reproduction is counterbalanced by selection against melanics in late summer or early autumn. The results are discussed in relation to mathematical models of cyclical selection and to other field studies including that of Timoféeff-Ressovsky (1940), who found large decreases in melanic frequency during hibernation in Berlin.  相似文献   

Effects of two different mating regimes on sperm precedencein the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, were studied usingthe polymorphic gene for melanism as a marker for paternity.Virgin nonmelanic females (homozygous recessive) were matedto nonmelanic male(s) and then, after laying fertilized eggs,were mated to a melanic male of known genotype. The resultsafter the two successive single matings showed a highly variabledegree of paternity of the second male. Initial multiple matingwith nonmelanic males did not alter the pattern of paternityafter the subsequent single mating with a melanic male, butit had two other effects: (1) the female showed an increasein rejection behavior, and (2) a longer copulation was requiredfor high success of the melanic male. Additional observationsin which families were reared from beetles collected in copulain the field demonstrated that sperm competition also occursunder natural conditions. The outcome of the competition wasvariable with frequent sperm mixing.  相似文献   

As is the case for other insects ovipositing on or in resources that are limited in time and/or space, the two-spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.) produces an oviposition-deterring pheromone (ODP), which is produced by the larval stages. Foraging larvae touch the substrate with their tarsi and the anal disk on the tenth abdominal segment. The aim of this paper was to determine whether the ODP produced by larvae was deposited by the tarsi or the anal disk. Fourth instar larvae either had their anal disk and tarsi, or anal disk, or tarsi coated with a water-soluble mounting medium. Larvae so treated were allowed to walk on filter paper that was subsequently presented to gravid females. The tracks of larvae that had both their tarsi and anal disk masked did not inhibit oviposition. However, the tracks of larvae that had only their tarsi masked significantly inhibited oviposition but those of larvae that had only their anal disk masked did not. It is concluded that the ODP is deposited on the substrate by the anal disk on the tenth abdominal segment of larvae.  相似文献   

Two-spotted lady beetles, Adalia bipunctata L. are available for biological pest control in North America. Lady beetles are known to host microsporidia and although these pathogens are able to infect more than one host under laboratory conditions, little is known regarding the effects of more than one microsporidian pathogen on host fitness. In this study, egg cannibalism was used to examine the effects of the microsporidium Tubulinosema hippodamiae from Hippodamia convergens and an undescribed microsporidium from A. bipunctata (alone and in combination) on A. bipunctata host fitness (larval development and mortality, sex ratio, adult fecundity and longevity). Development was prolonged significantly for larvae that were infected with the undescribed microsporidium but T. hippodamiae had no effect and as a result, conclusions could not be made regarding the effects of both pathogens on larval development. The two microsporidia had no effect on sex ratios (1♀:1♂) or on adult fecundity and longevity. Spores were detected in the majority of smear preparations of individuals that were fed microsporidia-infected eggs and molecular analysis confirmed the identity of both pathogens in sampled individuals. T. hippodamiae spores were smaller than spores of the undescribed microsporidium (3.76±0.03×2.32±0.02 μm and 5.43±0.06×2.75±0.03 μm, respectively) and although the former stained less intensely than did those of latter, spores of the two pathogens are difficult to differentiate when examined by light microscopy alone. The ability of some microsporidia to infect more than one lady beetle host makes it difficult to conclude with certainty as to the number of species that are present in infected Adalia when specimens are examined solely by light microscopy.  相似文献   

The pre-oviposition period, but not the longevity, of adult A. bipunctata was significantly shorter when they had been reared to the adult stage on Microlophium evansii and then fed on Acyrthosiphon pisum, than when fed in the adult stage on Aphis fabae. When adult beetles, reared as larvae on M. evansii, were fed on A. pisum they laid twice as many eggs as similarly reared adults fed on A. fabae. The species of aphid fed to the insects during their adult life (but not their larval life) greatly affected fecundity, and A. pisum is perhaps a more nutritious food for A. bipunctata than A. fabae is. Virgin females laid infertile eggs but only half as many as those laid by mated females.
Laboratoriumsuntersuchungen über die vermehrung von Adalia Bipunctata (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
Zusammenfassung Die Praeovipositionszeit, jedoch nicht die Lebensdauer, von erwachsenen A. bipunctata war signifikant kürzer, wenn sie nach Aufzucht mit Microlophium evansii im Adultstadium mit Acyrthosiphum pisum statt mit Aphis fabae gefüttert wurden. Wenn erwachsene Käfer, die als Larven mit M. evansii aufgezogen worden waren, mit A. pisum gefüttert wurden, legten sie doppelt so viele Eier als entsprechend aufgezogene, aber mit A. fabae gefütterte Imagines. Die Blattlausart, welche den Käfern während ihres Imaginallebens-aber nicht während der Larvalentwicklung-als Nahrung geboten wird, beeinflußt ihre Fruchtbarkeit stark; und A. pisum ist vielleicht ein nahrhafteres Futter für A. bipunctata als A. fabae. Unbegattete Weibchen legten unbefruchtete Eier, aber nur halb so viele als begattete.

The alimentary canal of the two‐spot ladybird Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) presents the foregut (stomodeum), the midgut (mesenteron) and the hindgut (proctodeum). The shortest region is the foregut and the longest is the midgut. The relative proportions of the main regions were found to be similar for males and females. In the foregut it was possible to distinguish the pharynx, the esophagus and the proventriculus but no crop. The hindgut is composed of the ileum, rectum and rectal canal. Generally the organ width is similar for males and females, but females presented a wider proventriculus. The epithelium of the foregut varied from squamous to simple cuboidal and columnar. In the midgut the epithelium is simple columnar with goblet and regenerative cells. The epithelium of the hindgut varied from simple cuboidal to squamous. Females presented thicker midgut epithelium whereas males presented thicker epithelium in the esophagus. The anatomy of the alimentary canal of A. bipunctata seems to conform to its carnivorous and recent phylogenetic status within the family Coccinellidae.  相似文献   

Adalia bipunctata , the two spot ladybird, is polymorphic for a cytoplasmically inherited element which produces female-biased sex ratios by effecting the death of male offspring during embryogenesis. The levels of this element were assessed in Cambridge populations. Six out of 82 females tested showed both a female-biased sex ratio and low egg hatch rates consistent with the presence of this element. Population sex ratios were assessed by collecting pupae from the Cambridge area. The population sex ratio was found to be 1.15: 1, female biased, significantly different from 1:1, and consistent with predictions based on a model incorporating the observed level of the sex ratio element in the population.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Two experiments were performed in the laboratory to assess the behaviour of dropping from a host plant as a defence against intraguild predation in aphidophagous ladybird larvae.
2. In the first experiment, encounters were observed on bean plants between fourth instars of the intraguild predator species, Harmonia axyridis , and first instars of two other ladybird species, Adalia bipunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata (L.). The percentages of first instars of the latter two species that dropped from the plant in response to attack differed dramatically, with 47.5% of C. septempunctata first instars dropping vs. 0% of A. bipunctata .
3. In the second experiment, first instars of A. bipunctata or C. septempunctata and a fourth instar of H. axyridis were allowed to forage together on bean plants for 3 h. During this time, 44.3% of C. septempunctata larvae dropped from the plant, but less than 2% of A. bipunctata larvae did so. In contrast, 95.0% of A. bipunctata larvae fell victim to intraguild predation by H. axyridis vs. only 54.5% of C. septempunctata larvae.
4. The significance of dropping behaviour of ladybird larvae as a defence against intraguild predation, and the relationship of dropping behaviour to species-specific habitat affinity of ladybirds, is discussed.  相似文献   

Ovarioles were found to be infected with Spiroplasma, Wolbachia, and Rickettsia in Adalia bipunctata females with maleless progeny in different natural populations. Ooplasm was infected with few Wolbachia bacteria. In ooplasm infected by Rickettsia, bacteria were present in small foci. Spiroplasmas were found encapsulated into ooplasm from the wider intercellular spaces between epithelial and oocyte cells. The cytoplasm of follicular epithelia infected with Rickettsia was heavily destroyed, but the nucleus was intact and free from bacteria. The essential feature of follicular epithelium cells from Spiroplasma and Wolbachia infected A. bipunctata females was inclusions of three types: crystalline, filaments, and concentric myelin-like lamellae. Observations of smears prepared from ovaries of A. bipunctata from natural populations revealed a low concentration of bacteria within a microscopy field (less 10 bacteria) in more than 90% of specimens, and only a few ovaries were heavily infected. Two different ways of bacterial invasion of the oocyte are suggested: Spiroplasma-like, through the intercellular spaces in the epithelium and Rickettsia-like, through the cytoplasm of follicular epithelium cells. Bacteria were not found in germarium zones and we suggest that each follicle is infected from haemolymph.  相似文献   

The suitability of Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer as a prey for Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus) was evaluated by studying the predator’s development and reproduction on this species in comparison to reference diets of nymphs of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. Both larval and adult A. bipunctata fed voraciously on A. pistaciae. The development time of the ladybird was shorter when fed on M. persicae and A. pistaciae and longer on E. kuehniella. The survival rate was 87% on M. persicae and 85% on A. pistaciae, both significantly greater than on E. kuehniella eggs (63%). The ladybirds were heaviest at eclosion and their fecundity was higher on M. persicae than on A. pistaciae or E. kuehniella. Both the aphid and psyllid diets yielded higher R0, rm values and lower T and DT values than E. kuehniella eggs. Based on total development time, immature survival and adult fecundity, the relative suitability for A. bipunctata was M. persicae > A. pistaciae > E. kuehniella. When ladybirds were reared on psyllids, they showed no preference between aphid or psyllid diets, but when raised on M. persicae, they preferred an aphid diet. A field experiment showed that A. bipunctata preferred to oviposit on pistachio trees at a height of 150–200 cm, i.e. towards the top. The results indicate that A. pistaciae constitutes a complete food for A. bipunctata, supporting both completed development and successful reproduction.  相似文献   

  • 1 The paper describes the behavioural interactions between searching larvae of Adalia bipunctata and its aphid and cicadellid prey on lime (Tilia×vulgaris Hayne).
  • 2 The frequency with which the predator achieves contact with cicadellid nymphs of differing ages is related to direction of predator approach and predator perception by the cicadellid.
  • 3 The success of a coccinellid in contacting and capturing its aphid prey is related to the predator's size and direction of approach, the perception of the predator by an aphid and the latter's ability to escape, the effectiveness of which is discussed.

The influence of 30 pesticides (insecticides, acaricides and fungicides) on different stages of Adalia bipunctata was evaluated under laboratory conditions by: (1) immersing individuals for 5 s in the pesticide solution; (2) placing the second and fourth instar larvae on leaves picked from trees treated with the pesticide; and (3) feeding adult coccinellids with aphids contaminated by a recommended concentration of the pesticide. Fenpropathrin, alphacypermethrin, esfenvalerate, acrinathrin, phosalone and propoxur + methoxychlor caused high mortality (up to 100%) not only by direct contact but also as fresh residues on leaves, or even 28 days after application. The mortality also varied with stage and mode of treatment. Feeding with aphids contaminated by fenpropathrin, clofentezine, hexythiazox, brompropylate and vinclozolin decreased the coccinellid fecundity.  相似文献   

We studied spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in Adalia decempunctata (L), a beetle of the Coccinellidae family. The spermatocyte exhibits two centrioles which elongate to form a pair of primary cilia. A novel structure, appearing in cross sections as a dense droplet, is observed near the long centriole during spermiogenesis, and is soon accompanied by a procentriole (PCL). PCL structure consists of singlet microtubules, a central tubule and an incomplete cartwheel. The PCL persists until the end of spermiogenesis, when it vanishes together with the dense droplet. The sperm has an exceptionally long basal body and the nucleus is disposed parallel to the flagellar components, a peculiar trait shared by other species of the coccinellid group. The presence of a procentriole suggested by the use of antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins have considerable potential as novel insect control agents because they enable the oral delivery of insecticidal peptides to the haemolymph of pests. Transport is achieved via fusion of the toxin to a carrier protein Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) that, after ingestion, binds to and crosses the insect gut epithelia. A fusion protein comprising a toxin from the South Indian red scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus) that is fused to a GNA polypeptide (ButaIT/GNA) has a detrimental effect on the development of tomato moth Lacanobia oleracea (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. The present study examines the effects of ButaIT/GNA and GNA, delivered orally or by injection, on the development of L. oleracea larvae, and the subsequent effects on the gregarious ectoparasitoid Eulophus pennicornis (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) developing on ButaIT/GNA‐ and GNA‐treated hosts. The fusion protein, but not GNA, reduces the growth of fifth stadium L. oleracea larvae. The development of E. pennicornis is not affected by the presence of ButaIT/GNA in hosts that ingest the protein, although it is affected when hosts are injected with the protein. This difference is considered to be a result of higher levels of fusion protein being present when the fusion protein is injected. Intact ButaIT/GNA is detected by immunoassay in the haemolymph of L. oleracea larvae after ingestion of the fusion protein. More unexpectedly, negative effects are observed for the growth of E. pennicornis larvae developing on hosts that have either ingested, or been injected with GNA.  相似文献   

Miao J  Wu Y  Xu W  Hu L  Yu Z  Xu Q 《Environmental entomology》2011,40(3):743-748
This study investigated the impact of transgenic wheat expressing Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA), commonly known as snowdrop lectin, on three wheat aphids: Sitobion avenae (F.), Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.). We compared the feeding behavior and the life-table parameters of aphids reared on GNA transgenic wheat (test group) and those aphids reared on untransformed wheat (control group). The results showed that the feeding behaviors of S. avenae and S. graminum on GNA transgenic wheat were affected. Compared with the control group, they had shorter initial probing period, longer total nonprobing period, shorter initial and total phloem sap ingestion phase (waveform E2), shorter duration of sustained ingestion (E (pd) > 10 min), and lower percentage of phloem phase of the total observation time. Moreover, S. graminum made more probes and had a longer total duration of extracellular stylet pathway (waveform C). The fecundity and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) of S. avenae and S. graminum on the transgenic wheat were lowered in the first and second generations, however, the survival and lifespan were not affected. The effects of the GNA expressing wheat on S. graminum and S. avenae were not significant in the third generation, suggesting rapid adaptation by the two aphid species. Despite the impact we found on S. avenae and S. graminum, transgenic GNA expressing wheat did not have any effects on R. padi.  相似文献   

Wu AM  Wu JH  Herp A  Chow LP  Lin JY 《Life sciences》2001,69(17):2027-2038
To elucidate of the mechanism of intoxication, the affinity of a toxic lectin, abrin A, from the seeds of Abrus precatorius for mammalian carbohydrate ligands, was studied by enzyme linked lectinosorbent assay and by inhibition of abrin A-glycan interaction. From the results, it is concluded that: (1) abrin A reacted well with Gal beta1-->4GlcNAc (II), Gal alpha1-->4Gal (E), and Gal beta1-->3GalNAc (T) containing glycoproteins. But it reacted weakly with sialylated gps and human blood group A,B,H active glycoproteins (gps); (2) the combining site of abrin A lectin should be of a shallow groove type as this lectin is able to recognize from monosaccharides with specific configuration at C-3, C-4, and deoxy C-6 of the (D)Fuc pyranose ring to penta-saccharides and probably internal Gal alpha,beta-->; and (3) its binding affinity toward mammalian structural features can be ranked in decreasing order as follows: cluster forms of II, T, B/E (Gal alpha1-->3/4Gal) > monomeric T > monomeric II > monomeric B/E, Gal > GalNAc > monomeric I > Man and Glc (inactive). These active glycotopes can be used to explain the possible structural requirements for abrin A toxin attachment.  相似文献   

Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is the major pest of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Pesticide applications are the main method of the insect control. So, alternative method/s is/are needed to control this insect species. So, in the current study, the effect of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) (snowdrop lectin) on beet armyworm α-amylase was studied. Measurement of the amylase activity of the larval midgut fed on artificial diet and sugar beet leaves showed that the enzyme activity was higher when the larvae fed on artificial diet. However, in both cases, the fourth instar larvae had the greatest amylase activity. Thus, fourth instar larvae were offered artificial diet containing 1 and 2% GNA. Both treatments of the lectin significantly reduced the α-amylase activity of the insect. For example, amylase activity of the fourth instar larvae in the control (fed only on artificial diet) was 2.62 Uml?1 whilst the activity of the enzyme in the two treatments including diet containing 2 and 1% lectin was 1.45 and 1.75 Uml?1, respectively. The achieved data showed that lectin, in addition to have toxic effect on the larval growth and development, affects the α-amylase activity of the insect gut.  相似文献   

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