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Abstract. In previous studies we used logistic regression analysis to quantify the change in behavioural phase state of Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) nymphs subjected to variations in population density. Such work involved restricting insects in small containers either alone or in a crowd. In the present paper we have shown that the fine-scale distribution of food plants, perches and favourable microclimatic sites influences the spatial distribution of locusts, both in the laboratory and under semi-field conditions. When multiple resource sites were provided, solitarious locusts tended to disperse and behavioural gregarization was inhibited. However, provision of only a single site promoted congregation, overcoming the tendency of solitarious insects to avoid each other, and led to behavioural gregarization. The time-course and extent of this response was fully consistent with our earlier experiments using enforced crowding. We suggest that such quantitative, experimental studies of the effects of environmental microstructure on behaviour may yield fundamental insights into the dynamics of plague formation in the desert locust.  相似文献   

Abstract. The time-course of behavioural phase change was investigated in nymphs of Schistocerca gregaria , using logistic regression analysis of behaviour recorded in a standard assay. Gregarization occurred very rapidly. Solitary-reared nymphs became markedly gregarious in behaviour within 1-4h of being placed in a crowd. These insects re-solitarized equally quickly if removed from the crowd. Crowd-reared locusts also solitarized within l-4h, but this effect was not complete. Results indicate that, while behavioural gregarization is maximal within a few hours of crowding, solitarization is a two-stage process, changing rapidly at first, then more slowly as a function of the period of previous crowding.  相似文献   

Abstract Detailed aspects of the transition from the solitarious to the gregarious phase in the framework of locust ecology are undoubtedly most important for understanding locust phase polyphenism. Nevertheless, due to obvious difficulties in studying the solitarious phase in nature, such information is limited and mostly available from research carried out under laboratory conditions. In the current study, we examined the dispersal patterns of newly hatched locust nymphs in a laboratory setup that simulated seminatural conditions. This was carried out with no previous manipulation of the nymphs other than controlling their parental density. We comparatively tested the spatial distribution of newly hatched nymphs on perches located at different ranges within an emergence arena, and the expected Poisson (random) distribution. Hatchlings were found to disperse among the perches in a pattern significantly different from that expected by random. Irrespective of their parents’ phase, the observed distributions of all nymphs were clearly clumped, similar or close to those expected for gregarious locusts. It seems that rather than emerging with a parentally derived and predetermined phase, hatchlings have an independent default or innate behavioral state, which reflects at least tolerance if not attraction to conspecifics. The typical phase behavior may later become dominant under the appropriate environmental conditions. These results imply novel perspectives on locust phase transformation, which contribute to our understanding of the formation of locust crowds under field conditions. These should be considered in any rationale for developing a preventative management strategy of locust populations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Morphological and behavioural characteristics are investigated for a gynandromorph of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria , appearing under isolated rearing conditions in the laboratory. It has both male and female external reproductive organs bilaterally. The body size and dimensions are similar to a normal male. Morphometric traits (fore wing length/maximum head width ratio and fore wing length/hind femur length ratio) of the gynandromorph are typical for the values of solitarious locusts. When the gynandromorph is placed into an arena holding ten sexually mature gregarious females, it shows a distinct male behaviour: it jumps on a female and tries to mate with her. When kept together with males, males recognize this gynandromorph as a female because some of them try to mount, although no successful copulation is observed. The results suggest that the gynandromorph might have had a female-specific pheromone. Dissection reveals that the gynandromorph has no testis but abnormal ovaries containing vitellogenic oocytes. These observations indicate that the gynandromorph obtained has a mixture of male and female morphological characteristics and behaves like a male but is recognized as a female by conspecific males.  相似文献   

Hyperlipaemic response to adipokinetic hormone (AKH I) was demonstrated in both solitary and gregarious phases of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria gregaria. Time-course studies showed that the gregarious locusts had a faster response to the hormone than their solitary counterparts. At peak response time (90 min), the gregarious locusts were more sensitive to AKH I doses below 2 pmol while the solitary locusts had a higher response above this dose. Upon injection of the hormone, lipoprotein conversion occurred, resulting in the formation of the low density lipoprotein (LDLp). The LDLp formed in the gregarious locusts was much larger than that of the solitary locusts. The fat body lipid reserve (expressed as % fat body dry weight) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the gregarious (79.02 ± 2.77%) than in the solitary locusts (65.23 ± 2.55%). Triacylglycerol was the major lipid class representing 83.9 and 73.9% of the total lipids in gregarious and solitary locusts, respectively. The higher fat body lipid reserves and efficient LDLp formation in response to AKH in gregarious locusts compared to solitary locusts suggests a physiological adaptation for prolonged flights. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hatching rhythms in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. The eggs of Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera, Acrididae) incubated under natural conditions hatch only within a few of hours on either side of dawn. This gated hatching is controlled by a circadian clock that is phase set by the diel fluctuations in the temperature of the soil surrounding the eggs. There is a circadian fluctuation in haemolymph sugar concentration which is initiated at least 4 days before hatching. However, eggs hatch arrhythmically unless given cycled temperature incubation for at least 10 days of a 12–13-day incubation. Increase in acetylcholine esterase content of the brain during the penultimate day suggests that increased hatching rhythmicity occurring at this time is the result of increased neural organization. Embryonic activity and respiration show no circadian rhythm but do provide confirmatory evidence of a quiescent phase prior to hatching. This quiescent phase is an integral part of gated hatching behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary The internal equilibrium body temperatures of hoppers (nymphs) of Schistocerca gregaria were studied in the field. The data obtained are here compared with theoretical estimates of the thermal balance resulting from the factors assumed to be concerned in heat loss and heat gain.In the field, the equilibrium body temperature of quiescent hoppers shaded from direct sunshine was up to 3.2° higher than the air temperature when the latter was about 25° or less, but was lower than the air temperature when this was above about 31°. In sunlight, body-temperature excesses increased linearly with total radiation intensity between 0.15 and 1.25 cal/cm2/min. Differences in orientation to the sun gave rise to differences in equilibrium body temperature of as much as 6°. At relatively low radiation intensities (about 0.5 cal/cm2/min) the equilibrium body temperatures were found to vary with a power of the wind speed of about 0.35. There were no demonstrable significant differences in equilibrium body temperature or rate of change of body temperature between hoppers having opposite extremes of possible coloration.Except in hoppers shaded from sunlight and those exposed to low radiation intensities there was good agreement between the observed equilibrium temperatures and those expected on theoretical grounds. This provides evidence of the relative importance of the factors concerned in thermal balance.The relation between body temperature and behaviour is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Das innere Gleichgewicht der Körpertemperatur von vorzugsweise fünften Larvenstadien der Wüstenheuschrecke wurde unter Freilandbedingungen in Beziehung zu Lufttemperatur, relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit, Strahlungsintensität, Windgeschwindigkeit und Aktivität gemessen.Die verschiedenen Faktoren, die das Temperaturgleichgewicht der Heuschrecken beeinflussen, werden theoretisch behandelt. Die unter bestimmten Kombinationen der Umweltbedingungen zu erwartenden Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen werden aus den theoretischen Werten für die verschiedenen beteiligten Faktoren errechnet und mit den unter entsprechenden Freilandbedingungen beobachteten Werten verglichen.Ohne Sonneneinstrahlung und unter relativ windstillen Bedingungen wurde bei ruhenden Larven des fünften Stadiums eine Gleichgewichts-Temperatur des Körpers gefunden, die bis zu 3,2° höher lag als die Lufttemperatur, wenn diese ca. 25° oder weniger betrug. Dieser Überschuß hatte eine abnehmende Tendenz bei Lufttemperaturen bis zu etwa 31° und über dieser Schwelle waren die Gleichgewichts-Temperaturen des Körpers im allgemeinen niedriger als die entsprechenden Lufttemperaturen. Theoretisch würde zu erwarten sein, daß unter diesen Umweltbedingungen das Temperaturgleichgewicht des Körpers in allen Niveaus annähernd der Lufttemperatur entspräche. Folglich scheint hier ein physiologischer Mechanismus zu bestehen, mit dessen Hilfe die Insekten in Abwesenheit von Sonnenschein und unter den Bedingungen schwacher Konvektion ihre Körperausgleichstemperaturen bei niedrigen Lufttemperaturen erhöhen, bei hohen senken können.Es war nicht möglich, im Freiland nachzuweisen, daß Unterschiede in der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit irgendeinen signifikanten Einfluß auf die ausgeglichenen Körpertemperaturen in dem untersuchten Bereich (Sättigungsdefizit von 2 bis 27 mm) ausübten. Die erwarteten maximalen Differenzen der Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen lagen in diesem Bereich des Sättigungsdefizits in einer Größenordnung von nur 0,5°.Unter relativ ruhigen Freilandbedingungen zeigten die Heuschrecken im Sonnenschein Körpertemperaturüberschüsse, die bei einer totalen Strahlungsintensität zwischen 0,15 und 1,25 cal/cm2/min annähernd linear anstiegen (von einem Mittel von 2–10° bei fünften Larvenstadien). Die in diesem Strahlungsintensitätsbereich gemessenen Übertemperaturen des Körpers stimmten einigermaßen gut mit Werten überein, die von anderen Untersuchern unter Laboratoriumsverhältnissen festgestellt wurden. Unter 0,40 cal/cm2/min waren die beobachteten Körpertemperaturüberschüsse im allgemeinen höher als theoretisch zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Die Körpertemperatur von Larven des ersten Stadiums nahm rascher zu als die von Larven des fünften, jedoch nur bis zu einem niedrigeren Niveau; auch das stimmte gut mit den theoretischen Vorstellungen und mit der Laborerfahrung überein. Die Einstellreaktion der Heuschrecken zur Sonne ergab beobachtete Unterschiede in der Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperatur bis zu 6° zwischen Larven des fünften Stadiums, die sich in Richtung der Sonnenstrahlen eingestellt hatten, und solchen, die im rechten Winkel zur Sonnenrichtung auf dem Boden standen; die erwarteten Unterschiede waren von der gleichen Größenordnung.Im Sonnenschein variierten die erwarteten Intensitätsproportionen zwischen der Ausgleichstemperatur und der Windgeschwindigkeit zwischen 0,5 und 0,6 mit dem Sättigungsdefizit. Bei Strahlungsintensitäten von etwa 1,10 cal/cm2/min stimmten die beobachteten Körpergleichgewichtstemperaturen engstens mit den erwarteten überein, aber bei geringeren Strahlungsintensitäten von etwa 0,50 cal/cm2/min variierten die Meßwerte mit einer Intensitätsproportion zur Windgeschwindigkeit von etwa 0,35. Darin zeigt sich möglicherweise, daß bei niederen Strahlungswerten die Körperausgleichstemperaturen zu höheren Werten tendieren als zu erwarten war.Das beobachtete Ansteigen der Körperausgleichstemperatur von ungefähr 1° bei dritten Larvenstadien und von 2–3° bei fünften Larvenstadien befindet sich in Übereinstimmung mit dem für entsprechende Umweltbedingungen errechneten.Zwischen Larven extrem entgegengesetzter Färbungstypen konnten keine Unterschiede in den Körperausgleichstemperaturen oder dem Ausmaß der Körpertemperaturänderung nachgewiesen werden.Mit Ausnahme der vor direkter Sonnenbestrahlung geschützten Heuschrecken unter relativ ruhigen Bedingungen und der Heuschrecken, die niederen Strahlungsintensitäten ausgesetzt waren, bestand eine gute allgemeine Übereinstimmung zwischen den beobachteten und den erwarteten Gleichgewichts-Körpertemperaturen. Es wurde deshalb geschlossen, daß die durchgeführten Bestimmungen Beweise für die relative Bedeutung der für den Temperaturhaushalt verantwortlichen Faktoren darstellen. Zur Erzeugung beträchtlicher Überschüsse der Körpertemperatur über die Lufttemperatur hat die Strahlung die größte Bedeutung. Für den Wärmeabfluß nach außen werden die durch Konvektion entstehenden Wärmeverluste, die insgesamt 94% oder mehr betragen, als bei weitem am wichtigsten angesehen.Einige mögliche Beziehungen zwischen Körpertemperatur und Verhalten werden besprochen.

ABSTRACT. The gross morphology of the mid-gut musculature of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria is described. Some of the electrophysiological characteristics of the external longitudinal muscle fibres were examined. The membrane potentials have mean values of -24.7mV (SE ± 7.3). Spontaneous post-synaptic potentials were recorded, and the responses of the muscle fibres to electrical stimulation of their nerve supply studied.  相似文献   

Abstract The optomotor yaw response of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), was investigated under open- and closed-loop conditions. When flying tethered in the centre of a vertically striped hollow sphere, the polarity of response of the locust was always the same as the stimulus. The response, therefore, appears suitable to stabilize body posture against passive rotations around the yaw-axis in free flight. Responses were induced by contrast frequencies up to 150 Hz with a maximum of amplitude at about 20 Hz. The characteristic curve, measured between 0.3 and 160 Hz, is widened up towards higher frequencies as compared with those of bees and flies.
Variability was the most striking feature in the locust's yaw response. The amplitude of modulation not only varied greatly between individuals but also changed with the same visual stimulus in the course of an experiment. We therefore suppose that the locust's turning behaviour is subject to gain control mechanisms and that spontaneous gain modulations are responsible for the observed variability in the stimulus-response conversion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The imaginal ecdysis of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Frsk.), is described in detail. Ecdysis is considered to begin when the fifth instar nymph ceases to feed and to end when the adult takes its first meal. It is here divided into six stages: Stages 1 and 2 constitute the pre-emergence behaviour; Stages 3 and 4, emergence; Stage 5, the expansion of the new cuticle; and Stage 6, the post-expansional behaviour.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The newly-emerged adult locust stretches its soft new cuticle into its adult shape and size, and at the same time caters for its ventilatory demands, by means of a pattern of behaviour, the 'expansional motor programme'. This programme begins after emergence and persists until about an hour after wing-folding, during which time its period changes in a predictable manner. In the post-expansional period, abdominal dorsoventral movements occur that may serve to deflate the gut and to fill the air-sacs, and the mandibles are periodically ad ducted.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide Y, galanin, and bombesin are known to be involved in the control of food intake. We report here that insect sulfakinins, peptides which display substantial sequence similarities with the vertebrate gastrin/CCK peptide family, significantly inhibit food uptake in fifth instar nymphs of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Upon injection of Lom-sulfakinin, a neuropeptide present in the corpus cardiacum of locusts, food intake was significantly reduced in a dose-dependent manner within a fixed 20 min time period. The induced effect ranged from 13% inhibition (10 pmol of injected peptide) to over 50% inhibition at 1 nmol. Other naturally occurring sulfakinins from different insect species also elicited this satiety effect. Analogous to the satiety effect of CCK in vertebrates, the sulfate group is required for activity. No effect on the palptip resistance was found after injection with sulfakinin. Therefore it seems unlikly that sulfakinins reduce food intake by decreasing the sensitivity of the taste receptors.  相似文献   

The enzyme catalysing the hydroxylation of ecdysone to 20-hydroxyecdysone, ecdysone 20-mono-oxygenase (EC, was investigated in the Malpighian tubules of fifth-instar locusts, Schistocerca gregaria. Enzyme activity was optimal at 35 degrees C and pH 6.8-8.0. Under these conditions the mono-oxygenase exhibited an apparent Km for ecdysone of 7.1 X 10(-7) M, a maximal specific activity of 1.1 nmol/h per mg of protein and was competitively inhibited by 20-hydroxyecdysone with an apparent Ki of 6.3 X 10(-7) M. Enzyme activity was decreased in the presence of Ca2+, Mg2+, EDTA and non-ionic detergents. The Malpighian tubule ecdysone 20-mono-oxygenase was localized primarily in the subcellular fraction sedimenting at 7500 g and, on the basis of marker enzyme profiles, was assigned mainly to the mitochondria. NADPH was required for activity, although addition of NADH together with NADPH had a synergistic effect. NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC and an energy-dependent NAD(P) transhydrogenase (EC appeared to be the major sources of reducing equivalents, with the contribution from the 'malic enzyme' (EC being less important. The monooxygenase was characterized as a cytochrome P-450-containing mixed-function oxidase from the inhibition patterns with metyrapone, CO and cyanide; CO inhibition was reversible with monochromatic light at 450 nm. However, the ecdysone 20-mono-oxygenase shows much lower sensitivity to CO inhibition and to photodissociation of the CO-inhibited complex than do vertebrate cytochrome P-450-dependent hydroxylation systems. The concentration of cytochrome P-450 in the Malpighian tubule mitochondria was 30 pmol/mg of protein. The properties of the mono-oxygenase are discussed in relation to hydroxylation enzymes from other sources.  相似文献   

Standardized atlas of the brain of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In order to understand the connectivity of neuronal networks, their constituent neurons should ideally be studied in a common framework. Since morphological data from physiologically characterized and stained neurons usually arise from different individual brains, this can only be performed in a virtual standardized brain that compensates for interindividual variability. The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is an insect species used widely for the analysis of olfactory and visual signal processing, endocrine functions, and neural networks controlling motor output. To provide a common multi-user platform for neural circuit analysis in the brain of this species, we have generated a standardized three-dimensional brain of this locust. Serial confocal images from whole-mount locust brains were used to reconstruct 34 neuropil areas in ten brains. For standardization, we compared two different methods: an iterative shape-averaging (ISA) procedure by using affine transformations followed by iterative nonrigid registrations, and the Virtual Insect Brain (VIB) protocol by using global and local rigid transformations followed by local nonrigid transformations. Both methods generated a standard brain, but for different applications. Whereas the VIB technique was designed to visualize anatomical variability between the input brains, the purpose of the ISA method was the opposite, i.e., to remove this variability. A novel individually labeled neuron, connecting the lobula to the midbrain and deutocerebrum, has been registered into the ISA atlas and demonstrates its usefulness and accuracy for future analysis of neural networks. The locust standard brain is accessible at http://www.3d-insectbrain.com .  相似文献   

Desert locusts demonstrate pronounced density-dependent polyphenism: a complex suite of traits shifts over the lifetime of an individual in response to crowding or isolation. These changes also accumulate across generations through a maternal effect. Female desert locusts alter the developmental trajectory of their offspring in response to their own experience of crowding. The mother possesses a memory of both the recency and extent of crowding and shifts the phase state of her hatchlings accordingly. Extensive experimental work has shown that offspring behaviour is controlled by a low molecular weight, polar compound (or compounds) released from the mother's accessory glands. The chemical identity of this agent is not yet known.  相似文献   

Injection of the protein dye Fast Green or the fluid-phase probe fluorescein dextran into the haemolymph of vitellogenic female desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) resulted in their incorporation into oocytes. We used Fast Green to study the physical dynamics of yolk deposition during vitellogenesis. Timed maternal injections of Fast Green reveal that yolk deposition and oocyte growth are inextricably linked during vitellogenesis, and that little or no yolk movement occurs within oocytes prior to embryogenesis. The yolk granules laid down early during vitellogenesis lie at the centre of the egg, with yolk granules deposited later packed around these, such that they lie progressively closer to the eventual egg surface. In contrast, during early embryogenesis yolk granules migrate in a manner that closely resembles the movement of early cleavage nuclei. We find fluorescein dextran to be a clear, robust and developmentally inert marker for the timing of maternal injections relative to vitellogenesis in S. gregaria, and we propose its use in parental RNAi or morpholino knockdown experiments. With such experiments in mind, we show that fluorescein-labelled DNA oligonucleotides are internalized within oocytes during vitellogenesis. However, neither Fast Green, fluorescein dextran nor fluorescein-labelled DNA oligonucleotides are detectably transferred from yolk granules to embryonic cells during embryogenesis, and our initial attempts at parental RNAi using maternal injections of dsRNA targeted to late vitellogenesis have proved unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular mechanisms responsible for rectal acidification in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, were investigated in isolated recta mounted as flat sheets in modified Ussing chambers. Previous studies conducted in the nominal absence of exogenous CO2 and HCO 3 suggested that the acidification was due to a proton-secretory rather than bicarbonate-reabsorptive mechanism (Thomson, R.B., Speight, J.D., Phillips, J.E. 1988. J. Insect Physiol. 34:829–837). This conclusion was confirmed in the present study by demonstrating that metabolic CO2 could not contribute sufficient HCO 3 to the lumen to account for the rates of rectal acidification observed under the nominally CO2/ HCO 3 -free conditions used in these investigations.Rates of luminal acidification (J H +) were completely unaffected by changes in contraluminal pH, but could be progressively reduced (and eventually abolished) by imposition of either transepithelial pH gradients (lumen acid) or transepithelial electrical gradients (lumen positive). Under short-circuit current conditions, the bulk of J H + was not dependent on Na+, K+, Cl,Mg2+, or Ca2+ and was due to a primary electrogenic proton translocating mechanism located on the apical membrane. A small component (10–16%) of J H + measured under these conditions could be attributed to an apical amiloride-inhibitable Na+/H+ exchange mechanism.This work was supported by operating grants to J.E.P. and postgraduate scholarships to R.B.T. from Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract. Phase characteristics of locusts from parents that experienced different population densities were investigated under field conditions in Morocco. The density experienced by adults induced a marked phase change in colour, behaviour and morphometry of their offspring. A high-density subpopulation gave rise to a preponderance of black hatchlings that exhibited a high level of aggregation as later stage nymphs and showed gregarious morphometric features as adults, whereas a low-density subpopulation produced a majority of green hatchlings with a lesser tendency to group as final-instar nymphs and more solitarious morphometry as adults. The constrained isolation of insects from the low-density subpopulation, or crowding of insects from the high-density subpopulation, resulted in a behavioural and morphometric change towards even more solitarious characteristics in the former and more pronounced gregarious characteristics in the latter, relative to field-caught insects of the same age. These results from the field are consistent with those in the laboratory and provide more evidence for the dual roles of an individual locust's experience of crowding as well as that of its parents in density-dependent phase change.  相似文献   

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