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  • 1.1. Larval Musca domestica lipophorin biosynthesis was studied in vitro.
  • 2.2. The newly synthesized lipophorin has a density a little lower than the circulating lipophorin after 1 hr of incubation. After 3 hr of incubation the fat body cells transfer lipids to the lipophorin that attains the density of circulating lipophorin.
  • 3.3. The lipophorin synthesized in vitro is identical to circulating lipophorin in density and in electrophoretical behavior.
  • 4.4. However these two molecules must have differences since the circulating lipophorin transfers lipids to fat body cells while the synthesized in vitro does not.
  • 5.5. The biosynthesis of Musca lipophorin shows differences with the Manduca sexta lipophorin biosynthesis.

We collected 22,769 adult female mosquitoes, representing 27 species, from light traps in Norfolk, Virginia (2006–2007) and examined them to assess infestation by larval mites. Mosquitoes were parasitized by two species of aquatic (Acari: Arrenuridae: Arrenurus) and three species of terrestrial mites (Acari: Erythraeidae). The prevalence of infestation varied from 0.55% (2006) to 0.17% (2007). The mean intensity of parasitism ranged from 3.6 mites per host (2006) to 1.8 mites per host (2007). The most common host species for aquatic mites was Culex erraticus, while the most common host for terrestrial mites was Anopheles quadrimaculatus. Relationships between biotic and abiotic factors were investigated in an attempt to provide insight into temporal, spatial, and interspecific variation in mite–mosquito interactions. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine the mode of attachment for larval mites. While the prevalence of aquatic mite parasitism was correlated for Culex erraticus, the invasive mosquito, Aedes albopictus, was never parasitized through the duration of the study. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in foraging behavior may help to determine whether the outcome of interspecific competition is coexistence or exclusion. Mosquitoes in the genus Culex are commonly described as foraging primarily by filtering the water column. This behavior contrasts with that of other container-dwelling genera, such as Aedes and Ochlerotatus, that are thought to forage primarily by browsing on container and detritus surfaces. We compared the feeding behavior of Cx. pipiens, Ae. albopictus, and Oc. triseriatus in a laboratory experiment in which we monitored behavior of individual mosquitoes in two different food environment treatments: food suspended in the water column only and food attached to leaf surfaces only. For each mosquito in each food environment, we quantified the time allocated by larvae to one of four positions and to one of three activities. The effect of treatment was significant, with individuals in Fluid Only environments spending more time resting-filtering at the surface, and individuals in Leaf Only environments spending more time browsing on walls. There were significant differences among species, with Cx. pipiens spending more time at the surface than the other species, which spent more time thrashing below the surface. There was no significant interaction of species and treatment, indicating that all three species modify their behavior in similar ways in these environments. Contrary to current understanding, our data suggest that Cx. pipiens browse as frequently as do these potential competitors but show a greater concentration of foraging effort at the top of a container.  相似文献   

Dengue, the most important human arboviral disease, is transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti and, to a lesser extent, by Aedes albopictus. The current distributions of these invasive species overlap and are affected by interspecific larval competition in their container habitats. Here we report that competition also enhances dengue infection and dissemination rates in one of these two vector species. We determined the effects of competition on adult A. aegypti and A. albopictus, comparing their susceptibility to infection with a Southeast Asian strain of dengue-2 virus. High levels of intra- or interspecific competition among larvae enhanced the susceptibility of A. albopictus to dengue virus infection and potential for transmission, as indicated by disseminated infections. Doubling the number of competing larvae (A. albopictus or A. aegypti), led to a significant (more than 60%) increase in the proportion of A. albopictus with disseminated dengue-2 infection. Competition-enhanced vector competence appears to result from a reduction in 'barriers' (morphological or physiological) to virus infection and dissemination and may contribute to the importance of A. albopictus in dengue transmission. Similar results for other unrelated arboviruses suggest that larval competition, common in mosquitoes, should be considered in estimates of vector competence for pathogens that infect humans.  相似文献   

Marine reserves, areas closed to all forms of fishing, continue to be advocated and implemented to supplement fisheries and conserve populations. However, although the reproductive potential of important fishery species can dramatically increase inside reserves, the extent to which larval offspring are exported and the relative contribution of reserves to recruitment in fished and protected populations are unknown. Using genetic parentage analyses, we resolve patterns of larval dispersal for two species of exploited coral reef fish within a network of marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef. In a 1,000 km(2) study area, populations resident in three reserves exported 83% (coral trout, Plectropomus maculatus) and 55% (stripey snapper, Lutjanus carponotatus) of assigned offspring to fished reefs, with the remainder having recruited to natal reserves or other reserves in the region. We estimate that reserves, which account for just 28% of the local reef area, produced approximately half of all juvenile recruitment to both reserve and fished reefs within 30 km. Our results provide compelling evidence that adequately protected reserve networks can make a significant contribution to the replenishment of populations on both reserve and fished reefs at a scale that benefits local stakeholders.  相似文献   

ipid reserves of bait-caught female Ae.cantans and Ae.punctor mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were significantly higher than in teneral females. Female Ae.cantans given access to 10% w/v sucrose solution post-emergence showed an ability to synthesize lipid and, after 192 h, they were willing to take a bloodmeal from a human volunteer. At this point, mean lipid reserves were not significantly different from mean lipid reserves of bait-caught females. Prior to 192 h, females would not take a bloodmeal and lipid reserves were significantly lower than in bait-caught females. Female Ae.punctor given access to 10% w/v sucrose solution post-emergence also showed an ability to synthesize lipid. Females of this species were willing to feed from a human host after only 48 h, at which point lipid content was not significantly different from that in bait-caught females. The level of lipid reserves in females coming to bait differs significantly between species: Ae.cantans has lipid reserves approximately double those of Ae.punctor . In addition, Ae.punctor is able to synthesize lipid to a level comparable with that found in bait-caught females after only 24 h, whilst it takes 192 h for Ae.cantans females to synthesize the amount of lipid found in host-seeking females, when allowed free access to sugar. Physiological differences in lipid synthesis and the level of lipid reserves required may therefore explain the differences observed between the species in the time taken to initiate host seeking.  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of nutritional variables on the development of host-seeking and biting behaviours after emergence by female Culex nigripalpus mosquitoes were studied using air-flow olfactometer and close-range biting assays, respectively. Unfed females failed to develop resting stage ovarian follicles. When offered a bird host in the absence of competing stimuli, sugar-fed mosquitoes were significantly more responsive in both host-seeking and biting than unfed controls. In a choice olfactometer assay using nectar odours (honey scented with artificial apple-blossom oil) versus host odours (a bird), unfed females preferred honey over bird odours except when honey odour was weak. After sucrose feeding, females switched from honey to bird preference. This change in behaviour was accompanied by significant accumulation of lipid and by follicular growth to the resting stage. Elevation of host responsiveness after sugar feeding was reversible; starvation ultimately resulted in females preferring honey over bird odours. When the larval diet was restricted by crowding, the wing-length and total lipid of resultant adult females were reduced. Although differences were subtle, unfed bird-responding females tended to have longer wings and more lipid than their honey-responding counterparts.  相似文献   

Injection of partially purified oostatic hormone (0.7 μg) into female Aedes aegypti inhibited egg development, proteolytic enzyme activity, and blood digestion in the midgut, whereas control injections of saline or insulin chain A (0.7 μg) did not affect these processes. Oostatic hormone given by enema, on the other hand, did not inhibit proteolytic enzyme activity, indicating that the hormone acts outside the midgut. A single injection of oostatic hormone (0.7 μg) caused a 1.7–1.5-fold reduction in activity of trypsinlike enzymes during blood digestion, with a 10-h delay in peak activity. Using [1,3-3H]diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) in the presence of 8 mM tosylamide-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, the synthesis of trypsinlike derivatives was followed in the midgut of female A. aegypti. A 4-fold reduction in [1,3-3H]diisopropylphosphoryl-trypsinlike derivatives was noted after oostatic hormone treatment. Several isozymes that are normally synthesized were absent in the presence of DFP, as assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Injection of oostatic hormone into decapitated and ovariectomized females that did not synthesize ecdysteroids inhibited trypsinlike enzyme synthesis and blood digestion in the midgut, indicating that oostatic hormone inhibits the midgut cells and not the ovary or the brain's endocrine system. Comparison between oostatic hormone and soybean trypsin inhibitor indicated that the former inhibited trypsin synthesis whereas the latter inhibited trypsin activity. A. aegypti oostatic hormone is not species specific and injections of the hormone into Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex nigripalpus, and Anopheles albimanus caused inhibition of egg development, blood digestion, and synthesis of trypsinlike enzymes. A direct relation between oostatic hormone synthesis and the regulation of trypsinlike activity in the midgut is proposed.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone III (JH) is synthesized by the corpora allata (CA) and plays a key role in mosquito development and reproduction. A decrease in JH titer during the last instar larvae allows pupation and metamorphosis to proceed. As the anti-metamorphic role of JH comes to an end, the CA of the late pupa once again synthesizes JH, which plays an essential role in orchestrating reproductive maturation. In spite of the importance of Aedes aegypti as a vector, a detailed study of the changes of JH hemolymph titers during the gonotrophic cycle has never been performed. In the present studies, using a high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a fluorescent detector (HPLC–FD) method, we measured changes in JH levels in the hemolymph of female mosquitoes during the pupal and adult stages. Our results revealed tightly concomitant changes in JH biosynthesis and JH hemolymph titers during the gonotrophic cycle of female mosquito. Feeding high sugar diets resulted in an increase of JH titers, and mating also modified JH titers in hemolymph. In addition these studies confirmed that JH titer in mosquitoes is fundamentally determined by the rate of biosynthesis in the CA.  相似文献   

A method is described for rearing the offspring of wild-captured Pacific bonito. Six basic stages of post-embryonic development were determined based on ontogenetic changes in morphology and behaviour. Each stage corresponded with a different food source preference, related to the development of new swimming and predatory behaviours. A controlled environment is required to study the processes underlying development of those behaviours adeptly performed by bonito and other scombrids, including high-efficiency swimming and visually guided predation on other advanced species.  相似文献   

Processes that occur around the transition between larval and juvenile life‐stages can have a major effect on the population dynamics of organisms with complex life cycles. We explore the roles of larval history and selective post‐settlement mortality in determining the growth and survival of newly settled individuals of the damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae). Specifically, we determine whether the direction and intensity of selection on the recruits differs among various size‐classes of predators. A mark‐recapture study showed that individuals who survived 9 or more days were significantly larger at settlement than those that died within the first day (12.3 vs 11.9 mm SL), when mortality was highest (25% d?1). Censuses revealed that the species and size composition of piscivores differed markedly between two reef habitats where P. amboinensis was common. A cage experiment, conducted in both habitats, manipulated the sizes of predators that could access newly settled P. amboinensis to determine whether the resulting mortality of the recently settled fish was influenced by larval growth history or size at settlement. Ten days after the start of the experiment individuals that grew slowly in the second half of their larval life had been lost from most of the experimental treatments. Small fish were also selectively lost from the coarse‐mesh cage on the reef base. Significant positive relationships between pre‐ and post‐settlement growth rates were found in both habitats for the fine mesh cages, cage controls and open patch reefs. This relationship was reversed in the coarse mesh cages in both habitats. This growth compensation was facilitated through the action of a particular size range of predators, whose impact was disrupted or masked in the open treatments by the action of a diverse predator pool. The present study underscores the complexity of the processes that influence the early post‐transition growth and survival in organisms with complex life‐histories.  相似文献   

Oxidation of tryptophan to kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) is the major catabolic pathway in mosquitoes. However, 3-HK is oxidized easily under physiological conditions, resulting in the production of reactive radical species. To overcome this problem, mosquitoes have developed an efficient mechanism to prevent 3-HK from accumulating by converting this chemically reactive compound to the chemically stable xanthurenic acid. Interestingly, 3-HK is a precursor for the production of compound eye pigments during the pupal and early adult stages; consequently, mosquitoes need to preserve and transport 3-HK for compound eye pigmentation in pupae and adults. This review summarizes the tryptophan oxidation pathway, compares and contrasts the mosquito tryptophan oxidation pathway with other model species, and discusses possible driving forces leading to the functional adaptation and evolution of enzymes involved in the mosquito tryptophan oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

To fully understand odonate life cycles, it is vital to analyse the patterns of larval growth, which are tightly associated with variations in environmental factors. However, the identification of larval instars is often difficult, especially for early development stages. We hypothesise that pond hydroperiod influences odonate larval growth, and test this idea with novel information about the environmental characteristics of 12 study ponds in Terceira Island (Azores). This study, which represents the first analysis of larval development of Odonata in the Azores, involved determining the instars of development and growth ratios. We measured the morphological characteristics of 898 Odonata larvae, and found that they significantly differed between temporary and permanent ponds. To estimate the larval instars, we used two methods: frequency distribution methods and correlation diagrams between body characteristics. The first method was the most effective, allowing the estimation of 17 instars for Anax imperator, 13 for Sympetrum fonscolombii and 10 for Ischnura hastata, as well as growth ratios between instars for head width, total length, abdomen length, wings and antenna length. Our results also suggest that a combination of the two methods is the most appropriate strategy for estimating the number of instars and growth ratios during larval development.  相似文献   

A series of 987 ammocoetes from the rivers Towy, Teme, and Taw have been identified as mainly L. fluviatilis (L.) on the basis of oocyte counts on female ammocoetes. The length frequency distributions for this material differs from either L. planeri or P. marinus in showing only three modes in addition to the young of the year and the length distribution of the final mode coincides with the length range for 119 metamorphosing and macrophthalmia stages of L. fluviatilis that have been found at the same sites. These animals measured from 80–117 mm in length and weights varied from 0.76–2.28 g. Metamorphosis is believed to take place in late summer and early autumn when in the majority of cases, the ammocoetes are four and a half years old. The evidence that the non-parasitic L. planeri has a longer larval life than the closely related parasitic L. fluviatilis is thought to have some significance in relation to the evolution of the brook lamprey species.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormones (JHs) are synthesized by the corpora allata (CA) and play a key role in insect development. A decrease of JH titer in the last instar larvae allows pupation and metamorphosis to proceed. As the anti-metamorphic role of JH comes to an end, the CA of the late pupa (or pharate adult) becomes again “competent” to synthesize JH, which would play an essential role orchestrating reproductive maturation. In the present study, we provide evidence that ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH), a key endocrine factor involved in ecdysis control, acts as an allatotropic regulator of JH biosynthesis, controlling the exact timing of CA activation in the pharate adult mosquito. Analysis of the expression of Aedes aegypti ETH receptors (AeaETHRs) revealed that they are present in the CA and the corpora cardiaca (CC), and their expression peaks 4 h before eclosion. In vitro stimulation of the pupal CA glands with ETH resulted in an increase in JH synthesis. Consistent with this finding, silencing AeaETHRs by RNA interference (RNAi) in pupa resulted in reduced JH synthesis by the CA of one day-old adult females. Stimulation with ETH resulted in increases in the activity of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase (JHAMT), a key JH biosynthetic enzyme. Furthermore, inhibition of IP3R-operated mobilization of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores prevented the ETH-dependent increases of JH biosynthesis and JHAMT activity. All together these findings provide compelling evidence that ETH acts as a regulatory peptide that ensures proper developmental timing of JH synthesis in pharate adult mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Activin-A, a homodimeric protein composed of two inhibin beta A-subunits, was first isolated from gonadal fluids based upon its ability to stimulate FSH secretion and biosynthesis, but was also observed to suppress GH secretion. The present report describes the effects of activin on the biosynthesis of GH and the proliferation of pituitary somatotrophs. In pituitary cells cultured in the presence of 0.7 nM activin for 3 days, GH secretion was decreased by 50% compared to the control value. Inhibition of GH biosynthesis, measured by quantitative immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled cells, could be observed after 24 h of activin treatment, and maximal (70%) inhibition of GH biosynthesis was observed after 3 days. Activin inhibited basal as well as GH-releasing factor (GRF)-, glucocorticoid-, and thyroid hormone-stimulated GH biosynthesis. Inhibin, which is known to reverse the effect of activin on FSH secretion, did not reverse the effect of activin on GH biosynthesis. Treatment of somatotrophs with activin for 3 days completely inhibited the growth-promoting effect of GRF on somatotrophs. However, no effect of activin on GRF-stimulated expression of the c-fos protooncogene was observed. These data demonstrate that activin, in addition to its stimulatory effect on FSH secretion, is able to inhibit both expression of GH and growth of somatotropic cells.  相似文献   

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