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The Drosophila wing imaginal disc cell line Cl 8+ was used to investigate the interaction between juvenile hormone III (JH) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE). Cell cultures were exposed to either or both hormones at a range of concentrations and cell growth was observed. JH was found to ameliorate the effects of 20HE on cell growth, even when added after the cells had been exposed to 20HE for 4 or 24h.  相似文献   

Imaginal disc growth factor (IDGF) is a soluble polypeptide growth factor that was first identified from the conditioned medium of Drosophilia imaginal disc C1.8+ cells. Working with insulin, IDGF stimulated the growth of cultured imaginal disk cells, which suggested that IDGF might function as a cofactor of Drosophila insulin or insulin like peptide. Here we report a new member of the IDGF family, named MbIDGF, from the cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae. Using a cloned cDNA of MbIDGF, recombinant MbIDGF protein was expressed in baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells and purified. Without insulin, the recombinant MbIDGF protein stimulated cell growth of SES-MaBr-4 and NIAS-MaBr-93 cell lines that were derived from the fat bodies and hemocytes of M. brassicae, in a dose-dependent manner. The saturation of growth stimulation by MbIDGF was attained for the two types of cells at 80 ng/ml (0.8 nM) and 300 ng/ml (6 nM), respectively. The results suggest that MbIDGF may stimulate the growth of lepidopteran cells by a new mechanism without associating with the insulin pathway.  相似文献   

During animal development, organ size is determined primarily by the amount of cell proliferation, which must be tightly regulated to ensure the generation of properly proportioned organs. However, little is known about the molecular pathways that direct cells to stop proliferating when an organ has attained its proper size. We have identified mutations in a novel gene, shar-pei, that is required for proper termination of cell proliferation during Drosophila imaginal disc development. Clones of shar-pei mutant cells in imaginal discs produce enlarged tissues containing more cells of normal size. We show that this phenotype is the result of both increased cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis. Hence, shar-pei restricts cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis. By contrast, shar-pei is not required for cell differentiation and pattern formation of adult tissue. Shar-pei is also not required for cell cycle exit during terminal differentiation, indicating that the mechanisms directing cell proliferation arrest during organ growth are distinct from those directing cell cycle exit during terminal differentiation. shar-pei encodes a WW-domain-containing protein that has homologs in worms, mice and humans, suggesting that mechanisms of organ growth control are evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

Hormone-regulated processing of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine was studied in an insect cell line derived from imaginal wing discs of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). The cell line, IAL-PID2, responded to treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone with increased incorporation of GlcNAc into glycoproteins. Cycloheximide and tunicamycin counteracted the action of the hormone. In particular, treatment with 20-hydroxyecdysone resulted in the secretion of a 5,000 dalton N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-rich glycopeptide by the IAL-PID2 cells. Accumulation of this peptide was prevented by the use of teflubenzuron, a potent chitin synthesis inhibitor. A glycopeptide of similar molecular weight was observed in imaginal discs of P. interpunctella treated with 20-hydroxyecdysone in vitro, under conditions that induce chitin synthesis. Although the function of the 5,000 dalton glycopeptide is not known, we believe that the PID2 cell line is a promising model for molecular analysis of ecdysteroid-regulated processing of aminosugars by epidermal cells during insect development.  相似文献   

The morphogenetic effects of t,t-farnesol, Law-Williams juvenile hormone analogue, dichlorofarnesenic acid ethyl ester (DFAEE), and a syntetic racemic or isomeric mixture of C18 juvenile hormone (JH), when applied topically to pharate pupae and adults of D. melanogaster have been studied. Of these various agents tested, only DFAEE and JH affected adult development and eclosion and the pharate pupae were the most sensitive to these agents. The racemic mixture of JH induced the secretion, in the abdomen, of a supernumerary cuticle indistinguishable from that of the pupa; it, in addition, retarded the synthesis of brown eye pigments, general body pigmentation, and affected the differentiation of various internal organs and cuticular structures of the abdomen. By comparing the effects of JH with those of Minute (M) and bobbed (bb) mutations on the adult development, it is suggested that JH, by retarding genetic translation mimics M or bb.  相似文献   

Insect juvenile hormone mimics: a structural basis for activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A growth-blocking peptide (GBP) with repressive activity against juvenile hormone (JH) esterase has been isolated from the last (6th) instar larval plasma of the armyworm Pseudaletia separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) parasitized by the parasitoid wasp Apanteles kariyai (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) (1,2). This study demonstrates that GBP not only exists in the plasma of parasitized last instar larvae, but also in the plasma of unparasitized penultimate (5th) instar larvae, while the plasma of last instar larvae does not contain any detectable amount of GBP. The detection of GBP in unparasitized penultimate instar larvae, before the final larval molt, demonstrates that this factor is naturally occurring in the insect larva before the last larval instar and is seemingly coordinating, along with JH, the regulation of juvenile characteristics. This finding suggests the existence of a new type of juvenile peptide hormone in lepidopteran insects.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation and programmed cell death are closely controlled during animal development. Proliferative stimuli generally also induce apoptosis, and anti-apoptotic factors are required to allow net cell proliferation. Genetic studies in Drosophila have led to identification of a number of genes that control both processes, providing new insights into the mechanisms that coordinate cell growth, proliferation, and death during development and that fail to do so in diseases of cell proliferation. We present evidence that the Drosophila Sterile-20 kinase Slik promotes cell proliferation and controls cell survival. At normal levels, Slik provides survival cues that prevent apoptosis. Cells deprived of Slik activity can grow, divide, and differentiate, but have an intrinsic survival defect and undergo apoptosis even under conditions in which they are not competing with normal cells for survival cues. Like some oncogenes, excess Slik activity stimulates cell proliferation, but this is compensated for by increased cell death. Tumor-like tissue overgrowth results when apoptosis is prevented. We present evidence that Slik acts via Raf, but not via the canonical ERK pathway. Activation of Raf can compensate for the lack of Slik and support cell survival, but activation of ERK cannot. We suggest that Slik mediates growth and survival cues to promote cell proliferation and control cell survival during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

How cell to cell interactions control local tissue growth to attain a species-specific organ size is a central question in developmental biology. The Drosophila Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule, Fasciclin 2, is expressed during the development of neural and epithelial organs. Fasciclin 2 is a homophilic-interaction protein that shows moderate levels of expression in the proliferating epithelia and high levels in the differentiating non-proliferative cells of imaginal discs. Genetic interactions and mosaic analyses reveal a cell autonomous requirement of Fasciclin 2 to promote cell proliferation in imaginal discs. This function is mediated by the EGFR, and indirectly involves the JNK and Hippo signaling pathways. We further show that Fasciclin 2 physically interacts with EGFR and that, in turn, EGFR activity promotes the cell autonomous expression of Fasciclin 2 during imaginal disc growth. We propose that this auto-stimulatory loop between EGFR and Fasciclin 2 is at the core of a cell to cell interaction mechanism that controls the amount of intercalary growth in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

The paper describes the first overt attempt to establish an insect cell line (Spodoptera frugiperda), persistently infected with its homologous baculovirus. The persistently infected cells were morphologically different and grew to a higher density than the noninfected parent line. The parent line, however, had a shorter doubling time. Persistently infected cells were passaged 40 times over 10 months; they still continued to produce infectious virus and polyhedral inclusion bodies. However, the infectious viral titer was ca. 100 times lower in the persistently infected line than in the parent line; also, the number of inclusion bodies was reduced ca. 98%. Interference with both homologous and heterologous baculoviruses was demonstrated in the persistently infected cell line. Sevently percent of the persistently infected cells contained antigens for S. frugiperda nuclear polyhedrosis virus, ca. 1% of the cells showed infectious viral centers, and ca. 3% of the cells contained inclusion bodies. Although the inclusion bodies from the persistently infected cells were infectious for S. frugiperda larvae, they were about 3 times less infectious than the inclusion bodies produced in the parent line.  相似文献   

The occurrence of a peak of juvenile hormone (JH) during the prepupal period has been noted in several lepidopterans. In Manduca sexta and Hyalophora cecropia this peak is known to prevent the precocious onset of adult differentiation in imaginal tissues. However, it has previously been observed in our laboratory that corpora allata (CA) of this age are incapable of making JH owing to a lack of the terminal synthetic enzyme, juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase (JHAMT). Since the CA are required for normal pupation, it is likely that JH acid is the product released by the prepupal CA. Therefore, we analyzed whether JH acid treatment would prevent precocious adultoid differentiation in allatectomized M. sexta larvae. JH acid injections were found to be as effective as JH in normalizing pupation, and acted in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This finding led to a question of whether injected or endogenous JH acid could be methylated to JH. Homogenates of several tissues from prepupae were assayed for the presence of JHAMT. Of the tissues assayed, only imaginal discs possessed significant levels of the enzyme. These results support our previously proposed mechanism for production of the prepupal JH peak in M. sexta.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in the imaginal wing disc of Drosophila has been analyzed by both pulse and chronic labeling with [3H]thymidine. We find neither spatial nor temporal variation in the fraction of S phase cells during the third instar. At or near the time of white prepupae formation the fraction of S phase cells falls sharply. Our chronic labeling experiments have demonstrated that almost all (and perhaps all) of the cells in a mid third instar wing disc are cycling. By examining sectioned material from such experiments we have found that the collumnar epithelial cell and the adepithetial cell populations become labeled with similar kinetics. The peripodial membrane cell population becomes labeled more slowly. We have also obtained estimates of cell cycle parameters for the imaginal wing disc cells.  相似文献   

Two bisacylhydrazine insecticides with ecdysone-mimetic action, RH-5849 and RH-5992, have been subjected to several bioassay procedures that are prerequisites for ecdysone action in Drosophila larvae: (a) induction of early ecdysone-specific puffs on the polytene chromosomes of the larval salivary glands; (b) secretion of glycoprotein glue into the lumen of the salivary glands; (c) evagination of imaginal discs of adult wings and legs; and (d) partial rescue of wild-type phenotypic expression in ecdysone-deficient mutants (ecdysoneless1 (ecd1) and suppressor of forkedts67g (su(f)ts67g). In all these bioassays on Drosophila larvae, the two purely synthetic hydrazines exhibited similar dose-response relationships as did the natural steroid hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. In assays involving induction of early chromosomal puffs (74EF, 75B) or regression of the preexisting puffs (25AC, 68C), the dosages required for induction of standard ED-50 effects were one order of magnitude larger for the hydrazines in comparison with 20-hydroxyecdysone. In the assays related to glycoprotein glue secretion, evagination of imaginal discs, or rescue of phenotypic expression in ecdysone-deficient mutants, 20-hydroxyecdysone was two orders of magnitude more active than RH-5849 and RH-5992. We conclude that, in spite of these quantitative differences, the two hydrazine compounds studied are able to duplicate in Drosophila larvae the complex of qualitative biological effects that are a prerequisite for ecdysteroid hormones. The hormonomimetic stimulus of RH-compounds has been given at very low, intracellular, chromosomal level.  相似文献   

The monooxygenase activity of fetal hepatocytes in culture shows a differential response toward juvenile hormone I and analogs. Juvenile hormone I, R-20458, and Methoprene increase the deethyiation of 7-ethoxyresorufin while not affecting or even inhibiting the N-demethylation of p-chloro-N-methylaniline. RO-203600, a 1,3-benzodioxole-containing analog, increases both the deethylase and the N-demethylase, whereas Hydroprene does not affect either activity. The inductive effect with juvenile hormone I is obtained with exposure periods of at least 30 min and is maximum when the concentration of the hormone is 14 μM in the medium. This amount results in the covalent binding to cellular macromolecules of 1.3 × 19?18 moles/cell. The induction requires continuous protein synthesis but RNA synthesis only for a short initial period. It is concluded that juvenile hormone and mimics induce specific cytochrome P-450 species in fetal liver cells even if the culture conditions are not optimal. The toxicological implications of these results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Diapausing Anopheles freeborni females receiving either topical applications or ingesting the juvenile hormone mimic ZR-515 terminated diapause. This was reflected by increased blood feeding, followed by the maturation of eggs. ZR-515 also significantly increased adult mortality and decreased egg hatching. Another juvenile hormone mimic R-20458 did not increase blood feeding, but did stimulate vitellogenesis in those mosquitoes ingesting a blood meal.
Zusammenfassung Anopheles freeborni ist eine der wichtigsten Stechmücken im nördlichen Central Valley von Kalifornien; man nimmt an, daß sie ein Malaria-Vektor in diesem Gebiet gewesen ist. Begattete Weibchen überwintern, und es erfolgt, selbst wenn sie in der Herbst-Winter-Periode Blut saugen, keine Ovarienentwicklung (d.h. also gonotrophische Dissoziation). Wir sammelten diapausierende Tiere aus dem Freiland im frühen Oktober und behandelten sie mit ZR-515 (Zoecon Co.), einem Juvenilhormon-Mimetikum, entweder durch topikale Applikation (1 und 10 g) oder durch Aufnahme von Lösungen (20 ppm und 200 ppm in 10% Rohrzucker). In beiden Fällen wurde die Diapause bei den behandelten Tieren beendet. Dies zeigte sich durch verstärktes Blutsaugen mit nachfolgender Reifung der Eier im Vergleich mit Kontrolltieren, die mit Azeton behandelt worden waren oder 10%ige Zuckerlösung aufgenommen hatten (Tab. I). Dieser Versuch wurde Ende November wiederholt. Wie zuvor vergrößerte ZR-515 signifikant das Verhältnis blutsaugender Stechmücken und den Anteil von Stechmücken, die zur Eiablage kamen (Tab. II). Jetzt saugte allerdings auch eine erhebliche Zahl von unbehandelten Kontrolltieren Blut. Dies zeigt vermutlich den nahe bevorstehenden Zeitpunkt der natürlichen Diapause-Beendigung an, die um das Ende des Dezembers eintritt. ZR-515 erhöhte auch die Mortalität der Adulten und die Autogenic-Raten, und minderte das Schlüpfen der Eier.Es wurde bei diapausierenden November-Adulten auch noch ein anderes Juvenilhormon-Mimetikum, R-20458 (Stauffer Co.) in Dosen von 1 und 10 g topikal angewandt; die Ergebnisse waren einigermaßen anders. Das Blutsaugen erhöhte sich zwar bei keiner der beiden Dosen, aber die Eireifung nahm bei den behandelten Stechmücken signifikant zu. Da unsere Ergebnisse anzeigen, daß eine gonotrophische Dissoziation unabhängig von Blutsaugetrieb zu Ende kommen kann, so vermuten wir eine verschiedene hormonale Steuerung dieser beiden Funktionen.

Summary The ability of insect hemolymph to induce vesicles in a high passage insect cell line, IAL-TND1, is described. The factor responsible, designated VPA for ‘vesicle-promoting activity’, was determined to be heat sensitive, nondialyzable, and protease Type XIV sensitive but insensitive to trypsin digestion. In efforts to determine the source of VPA, hemolymph was collected from different developmental stages ofTrichoplusia ni, and certain tissues fromT. ni were cocultured with IAL-TND1 cells. Hemolymph from every developmental stage tested exhibited VPA although the effect was somewhat reduced in spinning-stage larvae. Additionally, several tissue, including fat body, tess, and imaginal discs, released VPA into the culture medium. Neural tissues and endocrine glands did not induce vesicle formation.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the range of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) concentrations which induce cell proliferation and imaginal differentiation in lepidopteran wing discs in vitro . Wing discs were cultured in medium containing various doses of 20HE. During imaginal differentiation in vitro , wing discs were observed histologically and the number of mitosis was counted every day. Wing discs differentiated adult features in medium containing 0.02–0.2 μg/mL 20HE, and these doses also increased the number of mitosis in disc cells. Wing discs developed the same in vitro as they do in vivo . The concentration of 20HE over 0.2 μg/mL inhibited both mitosis and imaginal differentiation. Cell proliferation, cuticle deposition and tissue elongation were successively observed in vitro the same as observed in vivo . These results suggest that a moderate concentration of ecdysteroid can induce cell proliferation followed by imaginal differentiation.  相似文献   

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