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This paper presents a hierarchy of models with increasing complexity for gas exchange in the human lungs. The models span from a single compartment, inflexible lung to a single compartment, flexible lung with pulmonary gas exchange. It is shown how the models are related to well-known models in the literature. A long-term purpose of this work is to study nonlinear phenomena seen in the cardio-respiratory system (for example, synchronization between ventilation rate and heart rate, and Cheyne-Stokes respiration). The models developed in this paper can be regarded as the controlled system (plant) and provide a mathematical framework to link between "molecular-level", and "systems-level" models. It is shown how changes in molecular level affect the alveolar partial pressure. Two assumptions that have previously been made are re-examined: (1) the hidden assumption that the air flow through the mouth is equal to the rate of volume change in the lungs, and, (2) the assumption that the process of oxygen binding to hemoglobin is near equilibrium. Conditions under which these assumptions are valid are studied. All the parameters in the models, except two, are physiologically realistic. Numerical results are consistent with published experimental observations.  相似文献   

Lighton JR 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(16):R645-R647
Many, but not all, insects breathe in a discontinuous gas-exchange cycle. A recent study has evaluated rival hypotheses for the evolution of this trait, concluding that the most likely is the one invoking minimization of respiratory water loss.  相似文献   

We reportedchanges in alveolar-arterial PO2 gradient,ventilation-perfusion heterogeneity, and arterial-alveolarPCO2 gradient during partial liquid ventilation(PLV) in healthy piglets (E. A. Mates, P. Tarczy-Hornoch, J. Hildebrandt, J. C. Jackson, and M. P. Hlastala. In: OxygenTransport to Tissue XVII, edited by C. Ince. New York: Plenum,1996, vol. 388, p. 585-597). Here we develop two mathematicalmodels to predict transient and steady-state (SS) gas exchangeconditions during PLV and to estimate the contribution of diffusionlimitation to SS arterial-alveolar differences. In the simplest model,perfluorocarbon is represented as a uniform flat stirred layer and, ina more complex model, as an unstirred spherical layer in a ventilatedterminal alveolar sac. Time-dependent solutions of both models showthat SS is established for various inert and respiratory gases within5-150 s. In fluid-filled unventilated terminal units, all times toSS increased sometimes by hours, e.g., SF6 exceeded 4 h. SSsolutions for the ventilated spherical model predicted minorend-capillary disequilibrium of inert gases and significantdisequilibrium of respiratory gases, which could explain a largeportion of the arterial-alveolar PCO2 gradient measured during PLV (14). We conclude that, during PLV, diffusion gradients for gases are generally small, except for CO2.


Stipitate stereoid fungi are Basidiomycetes with a stipe, a spathulate-to funnel-shaped pileus, a smooth hymenophore, and hyaline, smooth spores. Representatives of the genera Cotylidia, Cymatoderma, Muscinupta, Podoscypha and Stereopsis were subjected to molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ribosomal large subunit, 5.8S and ITS sequences. For four of the genera the type species was included in analyses. Stereopsis radicans, the type species of Stereopsis, forms a lineage with the corticioid species Clavulicium globosum but could not be placed in any of the presently accepted orders within Agaricomycotina. Stereopsis vitellina falls within the Atheliales, making it the first pileus- and stipe-forming fungus recovered in this order. Cotylidia and Muscinupta again are shown to be members of the Hymenochaetales, whereas Cymatoderma and Podoscypha belong in the Polyporales. Cymatoderma is polyphyletic and Cymatoderma sensu stricto is separated from other stipitate stereoid fungi in the Polyporales, whereas the remaining Cymatoderma species are nested within a well supported clade holding all Podoscypha species but also Abortiporus biennis.  相似文献   

Inert gas exchange in tissue has been almost exclusively modelled by using an ordinary differential equation. The mathematical model that is used to derive this ordinary differential equation assumes that the partial pressure of an inert gas (which is proportional to the content of that gas) is a function only of time. This mathematical model does not allow for spatial variations in inert gas partial pressure. This model is also dependent only on the ratio of blood flow to tissue volume, and so does not take account of the shape of the body compartment or of the density of the capillaries that supply blood to this tissue. The partial pressure of a given inert gas in mixed-venous blood flowing back to the lungs is calculated from this ordinary differential equation. In this study, we write down the partial differential equations that allow for spatial as well as temporal variations in inert gas partial pressure in tissue. We then solve these partial differential equations and compare them to the solution of the ordinary differential equations described above. It is found that the solution of the ordinary differential equation is very different from the solution of the partial differential equation, and so the ordinary differential equation should not be used if an accurate calculation of inert gas transport to tissue is required. Further, the solution of the PDE is dependent on the shape of the body compartment and on the density of the capillaries that supply blood to this tissue. As a result, techniques that are based on the ordinary differential equation to calculate the mixed-venous blood partial pressure may be in error.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance have been widely observed, but their possible adaptive significance is unknown. To determine whether such rhythms have a significant effect on the daily courses of carbon gain and/or water loss under field conditions, we obtained laboratory data on circadian rhythms in gas exchange of Saururus cernuus L., a wetland perennial. Using these data we modified a widely used mathematical model of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by introducing the observed circadian‐rhythmic variation into the maximum rates of electron transport and carboxylation. We measured photosynthesis and stomatal conductance hourly on the same species growing naturally in the field and compared measured daily courses of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance with daily courses calculated using the model as originally formulated and also as modified to include circadian rhythms. The model fit the field data only slightly better when rhythms were included: the rhythms accounted for only about 1% of the observed daily carbon gain. Thus, these rhythms probably do not affect photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the field.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (EC is a widely distributed flavoprotein that catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of thioredoxin. Thioredoxin plays several key roles in maintaining the redox environment of the cell. Like all members of the enzyme family that includes lipoamide dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase and mercuric reductase, thioredoxin reductase contains a redox active disulfide adjacent to the flavin ring. Evolution has produced two forms of thioredoxin reductase, a protein in prokaryotes, archaea and lower eukaryotes having a Mr of 35 000, and a protein in higher eukaryotes having a Mr of 55 000. Reducing equivalents are transferred from the apolar flavin binding site to the protein substrate by distinct mechanisms in the two forms of thioredoxin reductase. In the low Mr enzyme, interconversion between two conformations occurs twice in each catalytic cycle. After reduction of the disulfide by the flavin, the pyridine nucleotide domain must rotate with respect to the flavin domain in order to expose the nascent dithiol for reaction with thioredoxin; this motion repositions the pyridine ring adjacent to the flavin ring. In the high Mr enzyme, a third redox active group shuttles the reducing equivalent from the apolar active site to the protein surface. This group is a second redox active disulfide in thioredoxin reductase from Plasmodium falciparum and a selenenylsulfide in the mammalian enzyme. P. falciparum is the major causative agent of malaria and it is hoped that the chemical difference between the two high Mr forms may be exploited for drug design.  相似文献   

Alveolar fibrin generation has been suggested to possess strong surfactant-inhibitory potency. In perfused rabbit lungs, fibrin formation in the alveolar space was induced by sequential ultrasonic aerosolization of fibrinogen and thrombin, and the efficacy of rescue administration of surfactant and urokinase was investigated. Ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) distribution was assessed by the multiple inert gas elimination technique. Aerosolization of fibrinogen (approximately 20 mg/kg body wt) increased shunt flow to approximately 7%. Sequential nebulization of fibrinogen and thrombin (1.3 U/kg body wt) caused alveolar fibrin deposition, documented immunohistologically, and provoked marked shunt flow, progressing to approximately 22% at the end of the experiments. The hemodynamics were virtually unchanged. Rescue aerosolization of natural bovine surfactant (15 mg/kg body wt) or urokinase-type plasminogen activator (4,500 U/kg body wt), undertaken after fibrin formation, improved gas exchange but progressive shunt flow still occurred (efficacy, surfactant > urokinase). In contrast, conebulization of surfactant and urokinase reversed shunt flow to approximately 7%, with an increased appearance of normal VA/Q matching. We conclude that alveolar fibrin formation is a potent surfactant-inhibitory mechanism in intact lungs, provoking severe VA/Q mismatch with a predominance of shunt flow, and that rescue aerosolization of surfactant plus urokinase may offer restoration of gas exchange under these conditions.  相似文献   

Gas exchange in nonperfused dog lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To determine whether vasoregulation is an important cause of pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity, we measured regional blood flow and gas exchange before and after giving prostacyclin (PGI(2)) to baboons. Four animals were anesthetized with ketamine and mechanically ventilated. Fluorescent microspheres were used to mark regional perfusion before and after PGI(2) infusion. The lungs were subsequently excised, dried inflated, and diced into approximately 2-cm(3) pieces (n = 1,208-1,629 per animal) with the spatial coordinates recorded for each piece. Blood flow to each piece was determined for each condition from the fluorescent signals. Blood flow heterogeneity did not change with PGI(2) infusion. Two other measures of spatial blood flow distribution, the fractal dimension and the spatial correlation, did not change with PGI(2) infusion. Alveolar-arterial O(2) differences did not change with PGI(2) infusion. We conclude that, in normal primate lungs during normoxia, vasomotor tone is not a significant cause of perfusion heterogeneity. Despite the heterogeneous distribution of blood flow, active regulation of regional perfusion is not required for efficient gas exchange.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic experiments on dogs have demonstrated the onset of local alveolar hypoxia in disturbed bronchial patency. Alveolar hypoxia caused a rise in the pulmonary vascular resistance. Pulmonary hypertension is predetermined by an increased number of pulmonary zones of hypoxic vasoconstriction due to higher incidence and degree of bronchial obstruction. Despite pulmonary circulation redistribution confirmed by radioactive indicator 99mTc distribution, the perfusion of hypoventilated pulmonary regions is retained leading to venous shunt generation and the reduction of oxygen tension in the arterial animal blood.  相似文献   

The evolution of lifespan is a central question in evolutionary biology, begging the question why there is so large variation among taxa. Specifically, a central quest is to unravel proximate causes of ageing. Here, we show that the degree of unsaturation of liver fatty acids predicts maximum lifespan in 107 bird species. In these birds, the degree of fatty acid unsaturation is positively related to maximum lifespan across species. This is due to a positive effect of monounsaturated fatty acid content, while polyunsaturated fatty acid content negatively correlates with maximum lifespan. Furthermore, fatty acid chain length unsuspectedly increases with maximum lifespan independently of degree of unsaturation. These findings tune theories on the proximate causes of ageing while providing evidence that the evolution of lifespan in birds occurs in association with fatty acid profiles. This suggests that studies of proximate and ultimate questions may facilitate our understanding of these central evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis is a leading cause of mortality in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). We performed genome walking and PCR cloning and revealed that cheetahs have 4 SAA genes (provisionally named SAA1A, SAA1B, SAA3A, and SAA3B). In addition, we identified multiple nucleotide polymorphisms in the 4 SAA genes by screening 51 cheetahs. The polymorphisms defined 4, 7, 6, and 4 alleles for SAA1A, SAA3A, SAA1B, and SAA3B, respectively. Pedigree analysis of the inheritance of genotypes for the SAA genes revealed that specific combinations of alleles for the 4 SAA genes cosegregated as a unit (haplotype) in pedigrees, indicating that the 4 genes were linked on the same chromosome. Notably, cheetah SAA1A and SAA1B were highly homologous in their nucleotide sequences. Likewise, SAA3A and SAA3B genes were homologous. These observations suggested a model for the evolution of the 4 SAA genes in cheetahs in which duplication of an ancestral SAA gene first gave rise to SAA1 and SAA3. Subsequently, each gene duplicated one more time, uniquely making 4 genes in the cheetah genome. The monomorphism of the cheetah SAA1A protein might be one of the factors responsible for the high incidence of AA amyloidosis in this species.  相似文献   

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