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Experiments were carried out to test the performance and some aspects of feeding behavior in two populations of Ceratitis capitata (a population reared in the laboratory for 16 years, i.e., approximately 160 generations, and a wild one obtained from infested coffee, Coffea arabica grains). Two types of food were used in the experiment: an artificial yeast diet used for laboratory rearing and papaya (Carica papaya), a natural host of the fly. The performance parameters tested were percent emergence, time to emergence, adult female size, and egg production during the pre-oviposition phase (first five days of adult life). The behavioral aspects tested were food preference by newly hatched larvae, induction, estimated ingestion of the two diets, whether the larvae placed on one diet stayed there or moved to the other diet, and acceptance of food for oviposition. The results indicated that the performance of the wild population was superior when the flies fed on papaya, whereas the performance of the laboratory population was similar with the two diets; the wild population showed a strong preference for papaya in all choice experiments, whereas the laboratory population showed no diet preference; the females of the wild population only oviposited on pieces of papaya that had not been peeled, and did not oviposit in the artificial diet; the females of the laboratory population oviposited indiscriminately on unpeeled and peeled papaya and on the artificial diet.  相似文献   

Abstract Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae are capable of developing in one of many hosts that may vary greatly in quality. We hypothesized that they will respond to the larval environment in a manner beneficial to their subsequent reproductive performance. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of various larval diets (varying in the amount of protein and sugar they contain) on the size, development time, nutritional status and reproductive maturation (ovarian development and onset of sexual behaviour) of females and males. We found that flies which undergo larval development in artificial host fruit that contain sugar and protein ('protein-fed') were larger, developed faster and emerged with more nutritional reserves than flies that were protein-deprived as larvae. Protein-fed males, regardless of their size, became sexually active before males that developed in hosts with no protein. Protein-fed females produced more mature eggs than protein-deprived ones. Moreover, protein-fed females tended to copulate sooner than females that developed in hosts with no protein. In addition, regardless of female larval diet, females with more mature eggs tended to copulate sooner than females with less mature eggs. In light of these results, the importance of the larval environment for adult reproductive success is discussed.  相似文献   

The adult body size of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), varies in natural conditions. Body size is an important fitness indicator in the Mediterranean fruit fly; larger individuals are more competitive at mating and have a greater dispersion capacity and fertility. Both temperature during larval development and host fruit quality have been cited as possible causes for this variation. We studied the influence of host fruit and temperature during larval development on adult body size (wing area) in the laboratory, and determined body size variation in field populations of the Mediterannean fruit fly in eastern Spain. Field flies measured had two origins: 1) flies periodically collected throughout the year in field traps from 32 citrus groves, during the period 2003-2007; and 2) flies evolved from different fruit species collected between June and December in 2003 and 2004. In the lab, wing area of male and female adults varied significantly with temperature during larval development, being larger at the lowest temperature. Adult size also was significantly different depending on the host fruit in which larvae developed. The size of the flies captured at the field, either from traps or from fruits, varied seasonally showing a gradual pattern of change along the year. The largest individuals were obtained during winter and early spring and the smallest during late summer. In field conditions, the size of the adult Mediterannean fruit fly seems apparently more related with air temperature than with host fruit. The implications of this adult size pattern on the biology of C. capitata and on the application of the sterile insect technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The quality of two aphid species ( Rhopalosiphum padi and Sitobion avenae ) as food for the staphylinid generalist predator Tachyporus hypnorum was investigated. Fruit flies ( Drosophila melanogaster ) were used as prey for comparison. T. hypnorum has been reported to prey on aphids, to consume large quantities and to show a high preference for aphids. This study showed that compared with fruit flies aphids are not high-quality prey for neither adult females nor larvae of T. hypnorum . Larvae were less able to utilize aphids than adult females. Reproduction was affected by both aphid species; a diet of S. avenae reduced fecundity, and a diet of R. padi reduced egg hatching success and prolonged the time spent in the egg stage compared with a fruit fly diet. For the T. hypnorum larvae pure diets of both S. avenae and R. padi resulted in high larval mortality. Overall ranking of the three prey types based on several fitness parameters differed between larvae and adults. The adult fitness parameters gave rather conflicting rankings of all three prey types though the two aphid species were of approximately the same overall value, whereas the larval fitness parameters gave identical rankings: D. melanogaster  >  S. avenae  >  R. padi . In the larval stage survival was greatly reduced by both aphid diets, while this was not the case for the adult females.  相似文献   

By dividing families of the tropical butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, among different larval (including early pupal) and adult (including late pupal) temperatures, we investigate the genetic and environmental effects on egg size. Both sources of variation affected egg size to similar extents. As previously found in other arthropods, egg size tended to increase at lower temperatures. Our data suggest that the plastic response in egg size can be induced during the pupal stage. Females reared as larvae at the same high temperature tended to lay larger eggs when transferred to a lower temperature, either as prepupae or pupae, compared to those remaining at the high temperature. Additionally, females reared as larvae at different temperatures, but maintained at the same temperature from the early pupal stage onwards, laid larger eggs after larval growth at a low temperature. Heritability estimates for egg size were about 0.4 (parent-offspring regression) and 0.2 (variance component estimates using the full-sib families). Although there seemed to be some variation in the plastic response to temperature among families, genotype-environment interactions were nonsignificant.  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus adults which had fed to repletion at each larval instar were frequently autogenous, while those allowed to take only partial blood meals at the 3rd, 4th and 5th larval instars were always anautogenous.Bugs fed to repletion at each larval instar had large abdominal fat bodies throughout adult life. In such bugs, the quantity of blood associated with the production of one egg was small and constant during the course of several blood meals.Bugs fed partial blood meals as larvae had small abdominal fat bodies following ecdysis to the adult; the quantity of blood associated with the production of one egg was large following the first adult feed because some of the blood meal was used to increase the size of the abdominal fat bodies.  相似文献   

Response of endophytic fruit fly species (Tephritidae) to larval crowding is a form of scramble competition that may affect important life history traits of adults, such as survival and reproduction. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates large differences in adult life history traits, especially longevity, among Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata; "medfly") biotypes obtained from different regions of the world. However, whether the evolution of long lifespan is associated with response to stress induced by larval crowding has not been fully elucidated. We investigated, under constant laboratory conditions, the response of a short‐ and a long‐lived medfly biotypes to stress induced by larval crowding. Survival and development of larvae and pupae and the size of resulting pupae were recorded. The lifespan and age‐specific egg production patterns of the obtained adults were recorded. Our findings reveal that increased larval density reduced immature survival (larvae and pupae) in the short‐lived biotype but had rather neutral effects on the longed‐lived one. Only larvae of the long‐lived biotype were capable of prolonging their developmental duration under the highest crowding regime to successfully pupate and emerge as adults. Response of emerging adults to larvae crowding conditions was similar in the two medfly biotypes. Those individuals emerging from high larval density regimes had reduced longevity and fecundity. Long‐lived biotype individuals, however, appeared to suffer a higher cost in longevity compared with the short‐lived one. The importance of our findings to understand the evolution of long lifespan is discussed.  相似文献   

A fruit trap was developed for detection and collection of the opiine parasitoids of the oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera (=Dacus)dorsalis (Hendel). Gravid females ofBiosteres arisanus (Sonan), an egg-larval parasitoid, orDiachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) andPsytallia incisi (Silvestri), both larval parasitoids, were lured to parasitize the eggs or larvae ofB. dorsalis inoculated in ripe papaya fruits,Carica papaya L. Progenies ofB. arisanus were consistently recovered from papaya fruits inoculated withB. dorsalis eggs (subsequently referred to as egg fruit traps). Except in Moloaa on Kauai (6%), higher percentage ofB. dorsalis parasitization (range=38–43%) was recorded in Hilo, island of Hawaii and Waimanalo and Poamoho, island of Oahu. Progenies ofD. longicaudata and a fewP. incisi were recovered from papaya fruits artificially infested withB. dorsalis larvae (subsequently referred to as larval fruit traps). The recovery of parasitoid progenies from larval fruit traps suspended from papaya trees did not differ significantly from larval fruit traps placed on the ground. In both methods of trap placement, percent parasitization ofB. dorsalis byD. longicaudata (predominant species) ranged from 58–60%. On the other hand, significantly moreB. arisanus thanD. longicaudata andP. incisi adults (larval parasitoids) were recovered from fully ripened to highly deteriorated papaya fruits collected from papaya trees or ground (fallen fruits).  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to register the infestation of C. capitata on papaya fruits in Minas Gerais State. Papaya fruits were collected, in a commercial orchard, in Jaíba, north of the State of Minas Gerais. C. capitata was the only specie collected (794 individuals). Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) was collected parasitizing C. capitata larvae/pupae. The level of infestation was of 7,7 pupae/kg of fruit or 1,4 pupae/fruit, in average. C. capitata is registered for the first time on papaya fruits in the State of Minas Gerais.  相似文献   

The digestive system of Ceratitis capitata was characterized during its larval development and in the insect stage. Disaccharidases against maltose and sucrose were more evident in the 2nd and 3rd day of larval development and in the adult stage, respectively. Glycosil-hydrolyses with higher specific alpha-galactosidasic and beta-galactosidasic activities were detected in the 2nd and 3rd day of the larval stage, respectively. Specific proteolytic activities against azocasein showed an increase in the 4th and 5th day of the larval stage and in the adult stage. Specific hemoglobin activities were constant between 2nd and 6th day of the larval stage. The larvae used mainly serine proteinases, such as trypsin/chymotrypsin, and the adult insects only chymotrypsin-like enzymes in their digestive process. Two serine proteinases were separated from zymogram between the 4th and 5th day of larval development and in the adult stage. Effect of soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI, a serine proteinase inhibitor) on development of C. capitata was examined by bioassay. C. capitata was susceptible to SBTI which affected larval mass at ED50 3.01%.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that larger propagules should be produced when the offspring are expected to experience intense competition. This study tested whether female cowpea weevils responded to high larval or adult density by producing larger eggs. In a splitbrood design I measured the effect of density experienced by females at their larval stage (1 vs. 4–6 larvae/cowpea) on the size of eggs produced just after emergence. The females were then kept either at low adult density (1 female+1 male per vial), or at high adult density (10 females+10 males) for 2 days, and tested for the effect of this adult density treatment on the size of eggs laid subsequently. I measured egg length and width, as well as the diameter of the entrance tunnel made by the larva, which can be regarded as a crude measure of larval size. Females that experienced high adult density subsequently laid slightly wider eggs than those kept at low density. This difference, albeit small (about 1–4% after correction for female weight and the effect of family, depending on the statistical model used), was statistically significant and robust to alterations of the statistical model. It may be a remnant of a larger plastic response of egg size to competition that has become eroded during many generations in high-density laboratory cultures. There was no difference in egg length or the diameter of the entrance tunnel. Eggs laid just after emergence by females reared at high larval density also tended to be wider than those produced by females that had no competitors. This effect was only marginally significant, however, and sensitive to the statistical model. Both egg length and width and the diameter of the entrance tunnel increased with female weight and decreased with female age. The tunnel diameter was positively correlated with both egg length and width, but the effect of width was larger.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on Ceratitis capitata larvae and adults to determine the influence of sugar (glucose and sucrose) ingestion on some aspects of the feeding behavior of this species. The results indicate that larval choice of a diet containing glucose or sucrose is not influenced by the rearing diet, by carbohydrate deprivation or by previous experience (induction). Carbohydrate deprivation did not alter the discrimination threshold of the larvae for sucrose. In adult females, the discrimination threshold for sucrose was unchanged when the flies were submitted to carbohydrate deprivation during the adult phase although ingestion by deprived females was 35% higher than ingestion by the control group. However, adults submitted to carbohydrate deprivation during the larval phase suffered a profound reduction in discrimination threshold for sucrose.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal changes in the larval population structure, adult size, and autogeny (egg production without a bloodmeal) of the mosquitoAedes togoi on the seacoast of northern Kyushu, Japan. The effects of temperature, photoperiod and food conditions on larval development, adult size and autogeny were studied in the laboratory.Aedes togoi overwintered in both the egg and larval stages and was multivoltine. Adult size was greater in spring and autumn and smaller in summer. Autogeny occurred in spring and autumn but not in summer. Autogenous females were larger than anautogenous females, and larger autogenous females produced more eggs. Laboratory experiments showed that autogeny was promoted under low temperature and short-day conditions which corresponded with spring/autumn conditions in the field. Experimental food limitation in the larval stage greatly reduced adult size and autogenous egg production. In the field, large inter-pool variations in adult size and autogeny rate probably resulted from variations in nutrient and crowding conditions. Seasonal autogeny ofAedes togoi was discussed in terms of life-history strategy under fluctuating environmental conditions where relative advantages of autogenous and anautogenous reproduction alternate seasonally.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of extracts of four tropical plants (Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, Newbouldia laevis, Morinda lucida and Carica papaya) on the egg, infective larvae and adult worms of Trichostrongylus colubriformis were screened for potential anthelmintic properties. Significant effects were observed with the four plants on T. colubriformis but they differed depending on the stage of the parasite. Extracts of each plant induced a dose-dependent inhibition of egg hatching. Using a larval inhibition migration test, the effects on the infective larvae were also detected with the four plant extracts. In contrast, for adult worms, the effects were statistically significant only for N. laevis and C. papaya. No significant activity was shown for M. lucida and Z. zanthoxyloides. These in vitro results suggest the presence of some anthelmintic properties associated with these four plants, which are traditionally used by small farmers in western Africa. These effects need to be studied under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Wheat germ oil was added to a larval liquid diet for rearing Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) to optimize fruit fly quality. Effects of various concentrations of wheat germ oil at 0.04, 0.07, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.66% and their possible mode of action were evaluated. Results suggest that addition of wheat germ oil does not affect pupal weight, larval developmental period, adult emergence, mating ability, or peak time for egg production. But there was a significant increase in pupal recovery, percentage of adult fliers, egg production, or egg hatch for larvae fed the diet with wheat germ oil compared with those reared on the liquid diet without wheat germ oil. The increase in egg hatch and fliers was dose dependent. Therefore, addition of wheat germ oil to fruit fly rearing diet is a novel way to improve fruit fly quality, especially in egg hatch, fliers, egg production, and pupal recovery.  相似文献   

Phytoseiid mite larvae vary in size and feeding type. We compared larval size to feeding by larvae, cannibalism of larvae by adult females, egg and adult female size and the setae lengths of larvae and adults among 13 species. There was no relationship between size of larvae and either feeding by larvae or cannibalism of larvae by adult female mites. Correlations were highest between larval size as measured by idiosoma plus extended leg lengths and adult female size of idiosoma plus extended leg lengths (r2=0.746), while next highest was larval idiosoma length and adult female idiosoma length (r2=0.662) and then larval idiosoma length and egg length (r2=0.579). Based on idiosoma length, Phytoseiulus persimilis had the largest larvae (non-feeding) among species and Euseius finlandicus had the smallest larvae (obligatory feeding). However, based on idiosoma length plus extended leg length, obligatory feeding larvae (on pollen or mites) of E. finlandicus and Euseius hibisci were largest and facultative feeding larvae (on mites) of Neoseiulus californicus and obligatory feeding larvae (on mites) of Galendromus occidentalis were the smallest. Among species with non- or facultative feeding larvae, Amblyseius andersoni and Neoseiulus barkeri had larger larvae and Typhlodromus pyri and Neoseiulus fallacis had smaller larvae when leg lengths were included in larval size. Setae lengths of larvae versus adult females (after adjustment for body sizes) showed high correlation for j6 (r2=0.942) and s4 (r2=0.854), but low correlation for larval Z4 versus adult female Z4 (r2=0.084) or Z5 (r2=0.063). Overall, larval morphological traits were most closely correlated to traits of other life stages, although for setae there were some exceptions. Differences in the functions of setae j6, s4 and Z4 in the larva versus adult female are discussed.  相似文献   

Storage proteins have been found to play a major role in insect metamorphosis and egg production and are accumulated during the actively feeding larval stage. Yet few studies have focused on how nutrition affects storage protein levels. Three storage proteins were identified in male and female Heliothis virescens pupae, one arylphorin and two putative high-methionine hexamers. Storage proteins were quantified in early pupae and in pharate adults. Storage protein levels peaked in 48-h pupae and were more abundant in females across all stages. Both male and female pharate adults retained a portion of total storage protein levels and females retained greater levels overall. In females, post-eclosion protein reserves will likely be used toward egg manufacturing, while the role of protein reserves in males remains speculative. In our previous study of H. virescens larvae, we found that protein-derived growth in females progressively increased as dietary protein levels increased. Our present data show that levels of storage protein also increased progressively along with dietary protein levels. This suggests that females allocated protein, in excess of adult tissue formation needs, toward storage protein. Our study is the first to demonstrate how responsive storage protein levels can be in face of varying levels of dietary protein.  相似文献   

Models for clutch size in species where a female deposits eggs into a larval resource of limited carrying capacity are developed. Previous models of clutch size related mainly to vertebrates (notably birds) where parental care limits clutch size. Our models cover cases where a single female “saturates” a larval food patch with larvae. The main predictions are that (1) extra eggs should be laid to compensate for larval moratility; (2) clutches should generally be smaller than the size that yields the maximum number of surviving larvae/clutch; (3) in species that gain resources for eggs in the adult stage, clutch size will be unaffected by age-independent parental mortality between clutches; (4) clutch size should reduce throughout life in species that gain resources for eggs before the adult stage; (5) similar species, but which are constrained to produce constant-sized clutches, should lay smaller clutches if their total potential egg production is low; (6) clutch size should increase with increasing search costs for oviposition sites. An ESS model of double-oviposition (where two females sometimes lay in the same larval food patch) indicates that the first female should generally lay more eggs than the second female; the difference in clutch size should decrease as the probability of double-oviposition increases, and should decrease as the search costs for larval food plants decreases. Many of the predictions have some support from data on insect oviposition.  相似文献   

A trade-off between diapause duration and fitness in female parasitoids   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract 1. Diapause allows insects to cope with adverse weather conditions but also poses substantial fitness costs, e.g. through reduced survival of the diapausing stage or sublethal effects in the following season.
2. The energetic costs of diapause in females of the parasitoid Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were assessed using experimental manipulation of diapause duration.
3. An increase in diapause length not only led to higher mortality among diapausing pupae but also caused a significant decrease in egg load, fat reserves, and dry weight of the emerging adult females.
4. Only larvae with sufficient resources were able to survive the entire diapause period and there was a trade-off between the metabolic costs of diapause and adult fitness components.
5. In contrast, the size (tibia length) of emerging females increased with increasing diapause duration. It is proposed that this may be due to a genetic correlation between larval dry weight and adult size, so that selection for heavier larvae would result in larger adults even when resources are limited.
6. Ultimately, the evolution of diapause duration and its consequences for adult performance will depend on the costs of overwintering and the ecological conditions in the habitat.  相似文献   

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