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In this study we have explored the use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to determine the cell-cycle status of live cells in culture. Live cancer cell lines in culture were either synchronized by release from nocodazole or arrested in various cell-cycle phases with serum starvation (G1), aphidicolin (S), or nocodazole (G2/M). The live cells were then stained with the fluorescent DNA binding dyes Heochst 33342 or Dyecycle orange along with propidium iodide or Mitotracker green. Microscopic HSI data was then collected using the PARISS HSI system. Classified spectra were incorporated into spectral libraries; and all spectra acquired from each sample were correlated with library spectra to a user-determined confidence threshold, generating a unique spectral signature for each sample. Examination of these spectral signatures revealed that all cell cycle phases could be objectively differentiated. Ongoing studies employing other viable cell fluorescent dyes, and dyes in combination may provide more robust spectral signatures defining the status and condition of living cells.  相似文献   

Study of protein expression during the cell cycle requires preparation of pure fractions of cells at various phases of the cell cycle. This was achieved by the development of methods for cell synchronization. Successful cell synchronization requires knowledge of the duration of all phases of the cell cycle. So, in the present review these interrelated problems are considered together. The first part of this review deals with basic methods employed for analysis of duration of cell cycle phases. The second summarizes data on treatments used for cell synchronization. Methods for calculation of percent of cells at various stages of the cell cycle in fractions of synchronized cells are considered in the third part. The fourth part of this review deals with a method of study of protein expression during the cell cycle by means of immunoblotting of synchronized cell fractions. In the Appendix, basic principles are illustrated with practical examples of analysis of the cell cycle, synchronization, and study of expression of some proteins at various stages of the cell cycle using synchronized XL2 (Xenopus laevis) cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of extreme hypoxia on cell cycle progression were studied by simultaneous determination of DNA and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) contents of individual cells. V79-379A cells were pulse-labelled with BrdU (1 μM, 20 min, 37°C) and then incubated for up to 12 hr in BrdU-free medium under either aerated or extremely hypoxic conditions. After the incubation interval (0-12 hr), the cells were trypsinized and fixed in 50% EtOH. Propidium iodide and a fluorescein-labelled monoclonal antibody to BrdU were then used to quantify DNA content and incorporated BrdU, respectively. Measurements in individual cells were made by simultaneous detection of green and red fluorescence upon excitation at 488 nm using flow cytometry. Bivariate analysis revealed progression of BrdU-labelled cells in aerated cultures out of S phase, into G2 and cell division, with halving of mean fluorescence, and back into S phase by approximately 9 hr after the BrdU pulse. Hypoxia immediately arrested cells in all phases of the cell cycle. Both the DNA distribution and the bivariate profile of cells that were fixed from 2 to 12 hr after induction of hypoxia were identical to the 0 hr controls. the percent of cells with green fluorescence in a mid-S phase window remained 100% and the mean fluorescence of these cells remained at control (0 hr) levels. This indicates that, under hypoxic conditions, cells were moving neither into nor out of S phase. Cultures that had been hypoxic for 12 hr exhibited an increasing rate of BrdU uptake with time after re-aeration. Re-aerated cells were able to complete or initiate DNA synthesis, but their rates of progression through the cell cycle were markedly reduced. A large fraction of cells appeared unable to divide up to 12 hr following release from hypoxia.  相似文献   

Several responses of synchronized populations of HeLa S3 cells were measured after irradiation with 220 kev x-rays at selected times during the division cycle. (1) Survival (colony-forming ability) is maximal when cells are irradiated in the early post-mitotic (G1) and the pre-mitotic (G2) phases of the cycle, and minimal in the mitotic (M) and late G1 or early DNA synthetic (S) phases. (2) Markedly different growth patterns result from irradiation in different phases: (a) Prolongation of interphase (division delay) is minimal when cells are irradiated early in G1 and rises progressively through the remainder of the cycle. (b) Cells irradiated while in mitosis are not delayed in that division, but the succeeding division is delayed. (c) Persistence of cells as metabolizing entities does not depend on the phase of the division cycle in which they are irradiated. (3) Characteristic perturbations of the normal DNA synthetic cycle occur: (a) Cells irradiated in M suffer a small delay in the onset of S, a slight prolongation of S, and a slight depression in the rate of DNA synthesis; the major delay occurs in G2. (b) Cells irradiated in G1 show no delay in the onset of S, and essentially no alteration in the duration or rate of DNA synthesis; G2 delay is minimal. (c) Cells irradiated in S suffer an appreciable S prolongation and a decreased rate of DNA synthesis; G2 delay is shorter than S delay.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell proliferation is central to tissue morphogenesis during the development of multicellular organisms. Furthermore, loss of control of cell proliferation underlies the pathology of diseases like cancer. As such there is great need to be able to investigate cell proliferation and quantitate the proportion of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. It is also of vital importance to indistinguishably identify cells that are replicating their DNA within a larger population. Since a cell′s decision to proliferate is made in the G1 phase immediately before initiating DNA synthesis and progressing through the rest of the cell cycle, detection of DNA synthesis at this stage allows for an unambiguous determination of the status of growth regulation in cell culture experiments.DNA content in cells can be readily quantitated by flow cytometry of cells stained with propidium iodide, a fluorescent DNA intercalating dye. Similarly, active DNA synthesis can be quantitated by culturing cells in the presence of radioactive thymidine, harvesting the cells, and measuring the incorporation of radioactivity into an acid insoluble fraction. We have considerable expertise with cell cycle analysis and recommend a different approach. We Investigate cell proliferation using bromodeoxyuridine/fluorodeoxyuridine (abbreviated simply as BrdU) staining that detects the incorporation of these thymine analogs into recently synthesized DNA. Labeling and staining cells with BrdU, combined with total DNA staining by propidium iodide and analysis by flow cytometry1 offers the most accurate measure of cells in the various stages of the cell cycle. It is our preferred method because it combines the detection of active DNA synthesis, through antibody based staining of BrdU, with total DNA content from propidium iodide. This allows for the clear separation of cells in G1 from early S phase, or late S phase from G2/M. Furthermore, this approach can be utilized to investigate the effects of many different cell stimuli and pharmacologic agents on the regulation of progression through these different cell cycle phases.In this report we describe methods for labeling and staining cultured cells, as well as their analysis by flow cytometry. We also include experimental examples of how this method can be used to measure the effects of growth inhibiting signals from cytokines such as TGF-β1, and proliferative inhibitors such as the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p27KIP1. We also include an alternate protocol that allows for the analysis of cell cycle position in a sub-population of cells within a larger culture5. In this case, we demonstrate how to detect a cell cycle arrest in cells transfected with the retinoblastoma gene even when greatly outnumbered by untransfected cells in the same culture. These examples illustrate the many ways that DNA staining and flow cytometry can be utilized and adapted to investigate fundamental questions of mammalian cell cycle control.  相似文献   

Comprehensive proteome analysis of rare cell phenotypes remains a significant challenge. We report a method for low cell number MS-based proteomics using protease digestion of mildly formaldehyde-fixed cells in cellulo, which we call the “in-cell digest.” We combined this with averaged MS1 precursor library matching to quantitatively characterize proteomes from low cell numbers of human lymphoblasts. About 4500 proteins were detected from 2000 cells, and 2500 proteins were quantitated from 200 lymphoblasts. The ease of sample processing and high sensitivity makes this method exceptionally suited for the proteomic analysis of rare cell states, including immune cell subsets and cell cycle subphases. To demonstrate the method, we characterized the proteome changes across 16 cell cycle states (CCSs) isolated from an asynchronous TK6 cells, avoiding synchronization. States included late mitotic cells present at extremely low frequency. We identified 119 pseudoperiodic proteins that vary across the cell cycle. Clustering of the pseudoperiodic proteins showed abundance patterns consistent with “waves” of protein degradation in late S, at the G2&M border, midmitosis, and at mitotic exit. These clusters were distinguished by significant differences in predicted nuclear localization and interaction with the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome. The dataset also identifies putative anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome substrates in mitosis and the temporal order in which they are targeted for degradation. We demonstrate that a protein signature made of these 119 high-confidence cell cycle–regulated proteins can be used to perform unbiased classification of proteomes into CCSs. We applied this signature to 296 proteomes that encompass a range of quantitation methods, cell types, and experimental conditions. The analysis confidently assigns a CCS for 49 proteomes, including correct classification for proteomes from synchronized cells. We anticipate that this robust cell cycle protein signature will be crucial for classifying cell states in single-cell proteomes.  相似文献   

Populations of Chinese hamster cells, synchronized by selecting for cells at or close to division, were exposed to 250 kvp x-rays and to ultraviolet light at different stages of the cell cycle and colony-forming ability examined thereafter. These cells were found to be most resistant to x-rays during the latter part of the DNA synthetic period (S) and to be about equally sensitive before (G1) and after (G2) this period. Multitarget type curves of the same slope (Do ~ 200 rad) only approximately fitted the survival data at different stages in the cycle. The changes in response were primarily due to variations in the shoulders (or extrapolation numbers) of the curves however. The response to ultraviolet light differed from that to x-rays. Resistance was greatest in G2 and changes in both shoulder and slope of the survival curves occurred throughout the cell cycle. The x-ray and ultraviolet responses for component stages of the cell cycle were respectively compounded into expected survival data for a log phase asynchronous population of hamster cells and found to agree well with direct experiment.  相似文献   

The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a remarkably useful model system for the study of eukaryotic cell cycle regulation. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in budding yeast has become a standard tool for the analysis of cell cycle progression. However, popular protocols utilizing the DNA binding dye, propidium iodide, suffer from a number of drawbacks that confound accurate analysis by flow cytometry. Here we show the utility of the DNA binding dye, SYTOX Green, in the cell cycle analysis of yeast. Samples analyzed using SYTOX Green exhibited better coefficients of variation, improved linearity between DNA content and fluorescence, and decreased peak drift associated with changes in dye concentration, growth conditions or cell size.

Key Words:

Flow cytometry, Cell cycle, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SYTOX Green, Propidium iodide  相似文献   

We studied the effect of butyrate on cell cycle progression and polyploidization in three fibroblast (rat 3Yl, human IMR-90, and human embryo lung HEL) and two epithelial (human embryo kidney HEK and monkey kidney BSC-1) cells. In these cells, except for 3Y1, G1 arrest with butyrate was incomplete, and the production of tetraploid cells was detectable in the presence of butyrate. G2 arrest with butyrate was also incomplete in HEL and BSC-1 cells, and the number of HEL cells increased in the presence of butyrate. On the contrary, most BSC-1 cells that divided in the presence of butyrate were unstable and the number of attached cells decreased. These results indicate that the effect of butyrate on cell cycle progression varies with the cell type and that polyploidization can be induced by a single treatment with butyrate.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in the proliferative activity of squamous epithelia are well known. However, circadian variations in the duration of the various cell cycle phases (S, G2 and mitosis) have been disputed. the percent labelled mitoses method, which is traditionally used to obtain duration of cell cycle phases, is poorly suited for identification of circadian variations. Therefore methods combining changes in compartment size (cell cycle phase) and cellular flux through the compartments have been used. Three different methods using such data are presented. These incorporate various simplifying assumptions that cause methodological errors. Limits for use of the different methods are indicated. the use of all three methods gives comparable and pronounced circadian variations in the duration of S and G2 phase. These results are also compatible with circadian variations in the mitotic duration, but they may also represent artefacts due to sensitivity to model errors.  相似文献   

Cell cycle checkpoints guard against the inappropriate commitment to critical cell events such as mitosis. The bisdioxopiperazine ICRF-193, a catalytic inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase II, causes a reversible stalling of the exit of cells from G2 at the decatenation checkpoint (DC) and can generate tetraploidy via the compromising of chromosome segregation and mitotic failure. We have addressed an alternative origin – endocycle entry - for the tetraploidisation step in ICRF-193 exposed cells. Here we show that DC-proficient p53-functional tumour cells can undergo a transition to tetraploidy and subsequent aneuploidy via an initial bypass of mitosis and the mitotic spindle checkpoint. DC-deficient SV40-tranformed cells move exclusively through mitosis to tetraploidy. In p53-functional tumour cells, escape through mitosis is enhanced by dominant negative p53 co-expression. The mitotic bypass transition phase (termed G2endo) disconnects cyclin B1 degradation from nuclear envelope breakdown and allows cells to evade the action of Taxol. G2endo constitutes a novel and alternative cell cycle phase - lasting some 8 h - with distinct molecular motifs at its boundaries for G2 exit and subsequent entry into a delayed G1 tetraploid state. The results challenge the paradigm that checkpoint breaching leads directly to abnormal ploidy states via mitosis alone. We further propose that the induction of bypass could: facilitate the covert development of tetraploidy in p53 functional cancers, lead to a misinterpretation of phase allocation during cell cycle arrest and contribute to tumour cell drug resistance.  相似文献   

The majority of studies dealing with DNA analyses are made on fixed cells. In this context, the efficiency as fixatives of ethanol, methanol, acetone, Carnoy, Boehm-Sprenger and aldehydes was determined using two different DNA fluorescent probes, Hoechst 33342 and propIDium iodIDe. The purpose of our study was to find the fixative that would provIDe the best results with respect to the following parameters: aggregates, cell size and granularity, and DNA staining analysis. Using murine fibroblasts, we found that 68% ethanol, 85% methanol and aldehydes dID not increase aggregate formation, whereas Carnoy, acetone or Boehm-Sprenger fixatives dID. The results show that aldehydes seem to alter cell size least. All fixatives induce an increase in cell granularity, which is very pronounced with alcohols, but aldehydes alter morphology less than alcohols. We observed that the fixatives giving the best resolution with Hoechst 33342 staining lead to a lower measurement variabili ty than with propIDium iodIDe staining. This study leads us to conclude that 68% ethanol and 85% methanol can be consIDered as appropriate fixatives for flow cytometry studies of DNA content.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a method to permit the tracking of cells through the cell cycle without requiring the cells to be synchronized. Achieving cell synchronization can be difficult for many cell systems. Standard practice is to block cell cycle progression at a specific stage and then release the accumulated cells producing a wave of cells progressing through the cycle in unison. However, some cell types find this block toxic resulting in abnormal cell cycling, or even mass death. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) uptake can be used to track the cell cycle stage of individual cells. Cells incorporate this synthetic thymidine analog, while synthesizing new DNA during S phase. By providing BrdU for a brief period it is possible to mark a pool of cells that were in S phase while the BrdU was present. These cells can then be tracked through the remainder of the cell cycle and into the next round of replication, permitting the duration of the cell cycle phases to be determined without the need to induce a potentially toxic cell cycle block. It is also possible to determine and correlate the expression of both internal and external proteins during subsequent stages of the cell cycle. These can be used to further refine the assignment of cell cycle stage or assess effects on other cellular functions such as checkpoint activation or cell death.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) tumor spheroids are utilized in cancer research as a more accurate model of the in vivo tumor microenvironment, compared to traditional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture. The spheroid model is able to mimic the effects of cell-cell interaction, hypoxia and nutrient deprivation, and drug penetration. One characteristic of this model is the development of a necrotic core, surrounded by a ring of G1 arrested cells, with proliferating cells on the outer layers of the spheroid. Of interest in the cancer field is how different regions of the spheroid respond to drug therapies as well as genetic or environmental manipulation. We describe here the use of the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) system along with cytometry and image analysis using commercial software to characterize the cell cycle status of cells with respect to their position inside melanoma spheroids. These methods may be used to track changes in cell cycle status, gene/protein expression or cell viability in different sub-regions of tumor spheroids over time and under different conditions.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells exhibit dramatic migration behaviors as they populate their distant targets. Using a line of zebrafish expressing green fluorescent protein (sox10:EGFP) in neural crest cells we developed an assay to analyze and quantify cell migration as a population, and use it here to characterize in detail the subtle defects in cell migration caused by ethanol exposure during early development. The challenge was to quantify changes in the in vivo migration of all Sox10:EGFP expressing cells in the visual field of time-lapse movies. To perform this analysis we used an Optical Flow algorithm for motion detection and combined the analysis with a fit to an affine transformation. Through this analysis we detected and quantified significant differences in the cell migrations of Sox10:EGFP positive cranial neural crest populations in ethanol treated versus untreated embryos. Specifically, treatment affected migration by increasing the left-right asymmetry of the migrating cells and by altering the direction of cell movements. Thus, by applying this novel computational analysis, we were able to quantify the movements of populations of cells, allowing us to detect subtle changes in cell behaviors. Because cranial neural crest cells contribute to the formation of the frontal mass these subtle differences may underlie commonly observed facial asymmetries in normal human populations.  相似文献   

Centrifugal elutriation was used to separate 9L rat brain tumour cells into fractions enriched in the G1, S, or G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Cells enriched in early G1, phase were recultured, grown in synchrony, and harvested periodically for analysis of their DNA distribution and polyamine content. Mathematical analysis of the DNA distributions indicated that excellent synchrony was obtained with low dissersion throughout the cell cycle. Polyamine accumulation began at the time of seeding, and intracellular levels of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine increased continuously during the cell cycle. In cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, putrescine and spermidine levels were twice as high as in cells in the G1, phase. DNA distribution and polyamine levels were also analysed in cells taken directly from the various elutriation fractions enriched in G1, S, or G2/M. Because we did not obtain pure S or G2/M populations by elutriation or by harvesting synchronized cells, a mathematical procedure—which assumed that the measured polyamine levels for any population were linearly related to the fraction of cells in the G1, S, and G2/M phases times the polyamine levels in these phases and that polyamine levels did not vary within these phases—was used to estimate ‘true’ phase-specific polyamine levels (levels to be expected if perfect synchrony were achieved). Estimated ‘true’ phase-specific polyamine levels calculated from the data obtained from cells either sorted by elutriation or obtained from synchronously growing cultures were very similar.  相似文献   

Sequential mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (mRNA FISH) and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting (SmRFF) was used for the identification of nitrite-reducing bacteria in mixed microbial communities. An oligonucleotide probe labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to target mRNA of nirS, the gene that encodes nitrite reductase, the enzyme responsible for the dissimilatory reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide. Clones for nirS expression were constructed and used to provide proof of concept for the SmRFF method. In addition, cells from pure cultures of Pseudomonas stutzeri and denitrifying activated sludge were hybridized with the HRP probe, and tyramide signal amplification was performed, conferring a strongly fluorescent signal to cells containing nirS mRNA. Flow cytometry-assisted cell sorting was used to detect and physically separate two subgroups from a mixed microbial community: non-fluorescent cells and an enrichment of fluorescent, nitrite-reducing cells. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and subsequent sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes were used to compare the fragments amplified from the two sorted subgroups. Sequences from bands isolated from DGGE profiles suggested that the dominant, active nitrite reducers were closely related to Acidovorax BSB421. Furthermore, following mRNA FISH detection of nitrite-reducing bacteria, 16S rRNA FISH was used to detect ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria on the same activated sludge sample. We believe that the molecular approach described can be useful as a tool to help address the longstanding challenge of linking function to identity in natural and engineered habitats.  相似文献   

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