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The nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genome fragments containing the genes coding for cytochrome oxidase subunit III (COIII) and 12S ribosomal RNA of common European viper and Nikolsky’s viper from various habitats (Saratov, Samara, and Penza oblasts; Chuvash Republic; and the Republic of Mordovia) were determined. According to the sequencing data, all samples clustered into two groups except for a number of individuals carrying single mutations in the genes in question. One group comprised V. nikolskii from Saratov oblast and the other, V. berus from the Chuvash Republic, Republic of Mordovia, and Samara and Penza oblasts. These results comply with the available data on the karyotypes of the studied vipers of this region. Further genetic studies of V. nikolskii and V. berus from various parts of this area are necessary. Original Russian Text ? R.V. Efimov, E.V. Zav’yalov, V.A. Velikov, V.G. Tabachishin, 2008, published in Genetika, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 283–286.  相似文献   

The locally extinct dung beetle, Gymnopleurus mopsus Pallas, 1781 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), has not been found in South Korea since the 1970s. This research was conducted to understand the genetic divergence between the South Korean and Mongolian populations of G. mopsus as a part of its reintroduction program in South Korea. The genetic distance and diversity were determined using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequence (658 bp ) corresponding to the DNA barcode region. The mitochondrial COI gene sequences of 64 individuals of G. mopsus collected in South Korea (7 individuals) and Mongolia (57 individuals) showed a relatively high level of genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, 0.0078 ± 0.0007; Haplotype diversity, 0.965 ± 0.017). The genetic distances between the South Korean and Mongolian populations lay within the intraspecific level and the phylogenetic reconstruction using the neighbor‐joining (NJ) method showed that all individuals belonged to a single clade. This result indicates that the current Mongolian population of G. mopsus is a good candidate source population to restore the locally extinct population of the species in South Korea.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of pond frogs distributed in the Far East and Europe were investigated by analyses of nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA (12S rRNA) and cytochrome b (cyt b) genes. The nucleotide sequences of a 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene and a 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene were determined by the PCR-direct sequencing method using 19 frogs belonging to six species and one subspecies distributed in the Palearctic region. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods using Rana catesbeiana or Xenopus laevis as an outgroup. The 412-bp segment of the 12S rRNA gene contained 65 variable sites including gap sites, and the 534-bp segment of the cyt b gene contained 160 variable sites. The nucleotide sequence divergences of the 12S rRNA gene were 0.25-4.83% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.25-6.22% within the European frogs, and 8.74-11.24% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs, whereas those of the cyt b gene were 3.64-14.73% within the Far Eastern frogs, 0.38-14.42% within the European frogs, and 16.53-23.58% between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. Although most nucleotide substitutions were at the third codon position of the cyt b gene and were silent mutations, 4 amino acid replacements occurred within the Far Eastern frogs, 4 within the European frogs, and 11 between the Far Eastern and the European frogs. The phylogenetic trees constructed from the nucleotide sequence divergences showed slightly different topologies for the 12S rRNA and cyt b genes. R. esculenta from Ukraine was closely related to R. lessonae from Luxembourg in both the 12S rRNA and the cyt b gene sequences.  相似文献   

本研究通过测序Cytb基因和COⅠ基因的部分序列来推定15种麻蝇之间的系统发育关系。在世界麻蝇名录中,本研究的15种麻蝇能够代表麻蝇属Sarcophaga的6个亚属。连接序列(972 bp)被用于系统发育分析;分析方法包括了了最大简约法、最大似然法以及贝叶斯法。我们的结果提示了亚麻蝇亚属Parasarcophaga、别麻蝇亚属Boettcherisca以及红麻蝇亚属Liopygia的单系性,同时也表明蛇麻蝇亚属Liosarcophaga和德麻蝇亚属Pandelleisca并不是单源的。不过,目前的研究并不能分辨野德麻蝇S. (Pandelleisca) similis和峨眉叉麻蝇S. (Robineauella) coei的系统发育位置。此外,最大简约分析和似然功能分析在scopariiformis-iwuensis进化枝和polystylata-hui进化枝的关系上产生了不一致的系统发育推断。因此,后续研究不仅需要其他的分子标记,也需要更多的分类取样。  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of three mitochondrial DNA genes were used to reveal phylogenetic relationships among four species and a sub-species of Mullidae family. This is the first report using mitochondrial DNA sequence data to infer intraspecific relationship among different populations of Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus; phylogenetic relationships between M. barbatus and its sub-species; M. barbatus ponticus. Cytochrome b, 12S ribosomal RNA, and cytochrome oxidase II regions of 242 individuals belonging to species M. barbatus, M. surmuletus, Upeneus moluccensis, Upeneus pori and sub-species M. barbatus ponticus were sequenced and phylogenetic trees were constructed using four different algorithms. The phylogenetic trees constructed support the existing taxonomical data of two mullid genera (Mullus, Upeneus). Molecular data shows no significant difference between same species of different geographical populations. The results suggest that the molecular difference is not large enough between M. barbatus and M. barbatus ponticus to consider them as sub-species.  相似文献   

The cyprinid fish fauna of North America is relatively large, with approximately 300 species, and all but one of these are considered phoxinins. The phylogenetic relationships of the North American phoxinins continue to pose difficulties for systematists. Results of morphological analyses are not consistent owing to differences interpreting and coding characters. Herein, we present phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA sequence data for representatives of nearly all genera of North American phoxinins. The data were analysed using parsimony, weighted parsimony, maximum likelihood and bayesian analyses. Results from weighted parsimony, likelihood and the bayesian analysis are largely consistent as they all account for differing substitution rates between transitions and transversions. Several major clades within the fauna can be recognized and are strongly supported by all analyses. These include the western clade, creek chub–plagopterin clade and the open posterior myodome clade. The shiner clade is nested in the open posterior myodome clade and is the most species-rich clade of North American phoxinins. Relationships within this clade were not well resolved by our analyses. This may reflect the inability of the mitochondrial RNA genes to resolve recent speciation events or taxon sampling within the shiner clade.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 63–80.  相似文献   

The Platygastroidea are a diverse group of mostly small to tiny wasps, the common biology for which is endoparasitism of insect and spider eggs. No analytically‐based phylogeny exists for the superfamily, and the current suprageneric classification is flawed in part because of its reliance on homoplasious and pleisiomorphic morphological characters. To determine platygastroid relationships as a basis for investigating host and ovipositor evolution, phylogenies of > 70 in‐group species (representing 55 genera) were reconstructed by parsimony and Bayesian methods using three molecular markers; the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and the nuclear genes 28S and 18S rRNA. The results strongly support the monophyly of the superfamily and one of the two families, Platygastridae, but the Scelionidae are most likely polyphyletic. However, within the Scelionidae, there is a well supported ‘main scelionid clade’ that contains the majority of genera assigned to the family. At the subfamilial level, both putative subfamilies of Platygastridae, the Platygastrinae, and Sceliotrachelinae, are likely to be polyphyletic. Within the Scelionidae, both the Teleasinae and Telenominae are monophyletic, but the Scelioninae is clearly not so. The current tribal classification for the Scelionidae is in need of major reassessment because no tribes, with the exception of the Scelionini s.s., were found to be monophyletic. Further illustrating the problems associated with the current classification is the nonmonophyly of a number of genera, namely Opisthacantha Caloteleia, Telenomus, Trimorus, Teleas and Idris. Analysis of ovipositor evolution in the superfamily revealed that the Ceratobaeus‐type ovipositor system is ancestral; however, this trait was lost prior to the evolution of the main scelionid clade, for which the Scelio‐type ovipositor system is ancestral and defines a mostly paraphyletic assemblage. Ancestral state analysis indicates that the Ceratobaeus‐type ovipositor was subsequently re‐evolved in the main scelionid clade, representing a possible contradiction of Dollo’s law. Previously, the tribal placement has been used to predict the host associations of genera for which host data were unavailable. However, the fact that most tribes are not monophyletic throws into doubt any such speculation based on the current classification. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 91 , 653–669.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 20 species-group taxa of Mustelidae, representing Mustelinae (Mustela, Martes, Gulo), Lutrinae (Enhydra), and Melinae (Meles), were examined using nucleotide sequences of the nuclear interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) and mitochondrial cytochrome b genes. Neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony phylogenetic analyses on these genes separately and combined were conducted. While IRBP performed better than cytochrome b in recovering more-inclusive clades, cytochrome b demonstrated more resolving power in recovering less-inclusive clades. Strong support was found for a close affinity of Enhydra with Mustela to the exclusion of Martes and Gulo (causing Mustelinae to be paraphyletic); the most-basal position of Mustela vison within Mustela, followed by Mustela erminea; an association of Mustela lutreola, Mustela itatsi, Mustela sibirica, and the subgenus Putorius (including Mustela putorius and Mustela eversmanii), to the exclusion of Mustela nivalis and Mustela altaica; and a basal position of Mustela itatsi to a clade containing Mustela sibirica and Putorius. Whereas cytochrome b strongly supported Mustela lutreola as the sister species to Putorius, IRBP strongly supported its basal placement to the Mustela itatsi-Mustela sibirica-Putorius clade. The low level of sequence divergence in cytochrome b between Mustela lutreola and Putorius is therefore a result of interspecific mitochondrial introgression between these taxa, rather than a recent origin of Mustela lutreola in a close relationship to Putorius. Time estimates inferred from IRBP and cytochrome b for mustelid divergence events are mostly in agreement with the fossil record.  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among four species of mullids. Approximately 238 bp of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 261 bp of the cytochrome b (cytb) genes were sequenced from representatives of three mullid genera (Mullus, Upeneus, Pseudopeneus), present in the Mediterranean Sea. Trees were constructed using three methods: maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor joining (NJ) and parsimony (MP). The results of the analyses of these data together with published data of the same mtDNA segments of two other perciform species (Sparus aurata, Perca fluviatilis), support the previous taxonomic classification of the three genera examined, as well as the classification of the two red mullet species in the same genus.  相似文献   

Six species of abalones (Haliotidae) are found on the Korean coasts. Identification and characterization of these abalones are usually based on morphologic characters. In this research we compared the partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes to identify species using molecular data and to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the 6 species fell into 2 distinct groups which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited little internal phylogenetic resolution. One group included Haliotis discus hannai, H. discus discus, H. madaka, and H. gigantea, while the other group contained H. diversicolor supertexta and H. diversicolor diversicolor. The 16S rRNA sequences were relatively more conserved than to the COI sequences, but both gene sequences provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish among the 6 species of Pacific abalone, and thus could be valuable molecular characters for species identification.  相似文献   

Abstract  Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a species complex, and its two most damaging biotypes B and Q are globally distributed pests. Despite increasing biological and economic impacts, little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms that favor their competition with native populations. Here, we investigated the genetic mutations in the P450 gene of the invasive B, Q biotypes and the native Cv population. Four mutations associated with chemical resistance, Pro-Leu, Ala-Ser, Ser-Phe and Trp-Leu, were found in the cytochrome P450 CYP6C and CYP9F genes of the B and Q biotypes. Bioassay results also revealed that both the B and Q biotypes have about 12–47 times more resistance to acephate, beta-cypermethrin, methomyl, and 5–7 times more resistance to imidacloprid insecticide than Cv population. Our results provide a molecular approach for better understanding and monitoring the pesticide resistances of invasive and native B. tabaci populations in China.  相似文献   

To determine the molecular phylogenic location of Plagiorchis muris, 28S D1 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) were sequenced and compared with other trematodes in the family Plagiorchiidae. The 28S D1 tree of P. muris was found to be closely related to those of P. elegans and other Plagiorchis species. And, the mtCOI tree also showed that P. muris is in a separate clade with genus Glypthelmins. These results support a phylogenic relationship between members of the Plagiorchiidae, as suggested by morphologic features.  相似文献   

The partial sequences of 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial genes were analyzed for species identification and phylogenetic relationships among the commercially important Indian sciaenids (Otolithes cuvieri, Otolithes ruber, Johnius dussumieri, Johnius elongatus, Johnieops vogleri, Otolithoides biauritus and Protonibea diacanthus). Sequence analysis of both genes revealed that the seven species fell into three distinct groups, which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited identical phylogenetic resolution. Partial sequences of both the genes provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish the seven sciaenids indicating the usefulness of mtDNA-based approach in species identification.  相似文献   

利用韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和细胞色素b (Cyt b)序列,并将其与GenBank 中的豹猫及西表猫的上述基因进行比较,以此来重新分析韩国豹猫和其它豹猫及西表猫之间的遗传分化情况。首先,我们从18 只韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和Cyt b 序列分析中分别检测到6 个等位基因、1 个单倍型和3 个单倍型,推测曾经发生 在豹猫种群的瓶颈事件可能是本文发现的不同分子标记之间存在基因型丢失差异的原因。基于Cyt b 序列分析,证实东亚的豹猫形成一个单独的进化枝,本文得到的Cyt b 序列和之前发布结果支持一个分类理论,即认为东亚的豹猫就是东北森林猫。我们发现在IRBP、12S rRNA 基因上,韩国豹猫和西表猫存在相同的序列,支持将西表猫和豹猫视为同一物种。  相似文献   

Sola L  Gornung E  Naoi H  Gunji R  Sato C  Kawamura K  Arai R  Ueda T 《Genetica》2003,119(1):99-106
The Japanese rose bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus kurumeus, and the oily bitterling, Tanakia limbata, were cytogenetically studied by silver (Ag)- and chromomycin A3 (CMA3)-staining, by C-banding and by mapping of the 18S ribosomal genes and of the (TTAGGG) n telomeric sequence. These two representative species of related genera of the subfamily Acheilognathinae show very similar chromosome complements. Nevertheless, significant differences in the chromosomal distribution of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) and interstitial telomeric sequences were observed. Whereas R. ocellatus kurumeus shows a single NOR-bearing chromosome pair, T. limbata is characterized by a higher number of variable NORs. Multiple telomeric sequence sites were found at the pericentromeric regions of several chromosomes in the rose bitterling. No telomeric sequence sites were detected near centromeres, but they were found to be scattered along the NORs in the oily bitterling. Two karyoevolutive trends might have been identified in the subfamily.  相似文献   

A new species of Crassicutis Manter, 1936 is described from the Sinaloan cichlid Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae) in the upper Río Santiago basin. Crassicutis choudhuryi n. sp. differs from most of the other nominal species by having testes located in a symmetrical position. The only other species of the genus that includes some specimens exhibiting this trait is Crassicutis intermedius (Szidat 1954), a species found in 5 species of siluriforms and 1 species of characiform in South America. However, this species differs from Cr. choudhuryi n. sp. by having testes almost half of the size, and vitelline follicles extending anteriorly to the region between the acetabulum and the intestinal bifurcation. The new species is morphologically very similar to Crassicutis cichlasomae Manter, 1936, but clearly differs from this species because of the constantly symmetrical position of the testes. Additionally, Cr. choudhuryi n. sp. is found in the Santiago River basin on the Pacific slope of Mexico, parasitizing specifically the endemic Ci. beani that does not co-occur with any other cichlid. Cr. cichlasomae exhibits more hosts (about 25 species of cichlids only in Mexico) and a wider distribution range that extends from northeastern Mexico southward to Central America, Cuba, and Brazil. To corroborate that our specimens were not conspecific with Cr. cichlasomae, sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) and the 28S ribosomal RNA genes of individuals from several populations (recently collected in southeastern Mexico) were obtained and compared to the species described herein. Sequence divergence (1.3% for the 28S and 4.0% for the ITS1) gives further support to the erection of a new species.  相似文献   

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