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Several of the known scaling laws in the animal kingdom are based on a so-called allometric correlation in which some physical quantity is presumed to scale as some power of the mass of the animal. Such a simple correlation, when deduced purely as an empirical result, often hides the physical balances that fix the relevant scaling law. In particular, the emphasis on a simple allometric scaling has often masked the fundamental role played by time scales associated with the physical balances being struck. In this paper I have concentrated on three different attributes to which the use of dimensional analysis, scaling arguments and some judicious guesswork have led to new results and an understanding of some balances that occur in the animal kingdom. The running speed of animals is examined and a rationale deduced for the resolution of a conundrum first posed by A.V. Hill of why it is that many animals appear to have approximately the same maximum speed. A complete dimensional analysis for scaling the basal metabolic rate for a class of animals suggests that a detailed understanding of the physical balances that fix the metabolic rate could be quite subtle. However, the use of such an analysis has led to the discovery of a new correlation for mammals, relating the metabolic rate to the mass and the pulse rate of the animal. At the heart of many scaling laws for animal motion is the provision of an estimate of how the skeletal structure depends on the mass of the animal. It has been known for some time that the assumption of isometry between the builds of animals is too constrictive to describe the observed scaling laws. It is shown here how to relax the isometric assumption and deduce scaling laws in good agreement with observation. Thus, it appears that the skeletal dimensions of many animals with exoskeletons are fixed by the need to support static rather than dynamical loads. The scaling laws associated with endoskeletons are more complex, apparently, though the analysis does suggest that it is dynamical loading which is decisive for the skeletal design of land mammals.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase in the animal kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Neurotransmitters and modulators in the animal kingdom   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Cladistic analyses of the animal kingdom   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A recently published book on the phylogeny of the animal kingdom, written by the first author, provided a classification based on a 'manual' cladistic analysis at the phylum level. We have extracted a data matrix consisting of 61 characters for 32 phyla from this book and treated it in more formal analyses using three different parsimony programs. Following a posteriori weighting, one cladogram emerged as the most parsimonious explanation of the data. This cladogram is compared to those in recent publications. Congruence is greatest with the phylogeny published by the first author, as the monophyly of 18 of the 21 supraphyletic categories proposed therein are supported in our cladogram. The exceptions are Aschelminthes, Frotornaeozoa and Neorenalia, but the latter group does emerge as a monophyletic taxon in a number of equally parsimonious, equally weighted trees. Comparisons with other recent phytogenies show varying degrees of divergence, especially concerning the monophyly of Spiralia and Aiticulata, both of which are advocated in the present paper. Significant characters of most of the supraphyletic taxa proposed by the first author are discussed. C1996 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Our movements can hinder our ability to sense the world. Movements can induce sensory input (for example, when you hit something) that is indistinguishable from the input that is caused by external agents (for example, when something hits you). It is critical for nervous systems to be able to differentiate between these two scenarios. A ubiquitous strategy is to route copies of movement commands to sensory structures. These signals, which are referred to as corollary discharge (CD), influence sensory processing in myriad ways. Here we review the CD circuits that have been uncovered by neurophysiological studies and suggest a functional taxonomic classification of CD across the animal kingdom. This broad understanding of CD circuits lays the groundwork for more challenging studies that combine neurophysiology and psychophysics to probe the role of CD in perception.  相似文献   

The immense value of sex differentiation as a means of enriching and evolving the genome has been proven by the vast variety of sex determining mechanisms to which organisms of all kinds resort. From single gene switching pathways found in lower level organisms to haplodiploid reproduction in hymenoptera, temperature-determined sex in reptiles and sex chromosomes in mammals and avians, nature and evolution have designated an impressive amount of effort to ensure that sex-specific variations remain under well-regulated control. Therefore enhancing our efforts to study some of the strategies recruited for the above may also lead to a better understanding of the inherent complexity of sexual dimorphism in general.  相似文献   

As a major actor of the brain-pituitary-gonad axis, GnRH has received considerable attention, mainly in vertebrates. Biochemical, molecular, neuroanatomical, pharmacological and physiological studies have mainly focused on the role of GnRH as a gonadotrophin-releasing factor and have led to a detailed knowledge of the hypophysiotrophic GnRH system, primarily in mammals, but also in fish. It is now admitted that the corresponding neurons develop from the olfactory epithelium and migrate into the forebrain during embryogenesis to establish connections with the median eminence in tetrapods or the pituitary in teleost fish. However, all vertebrates possess a second GnRH system, expressing a variant known as chicken GnRH-II in neurons of the synencephalon, whose functions are still under debate. In addition, many fish species express a third form, salmon GnRH, whose expression is restricted to neurons of the olfactory systems and the ventral telencephalon, with extensive projections in the brain and a minor contribution to the pituitary. In vertebrates, GnRHs are also expressed in the gonads where they act on cell proliferation and steroidogenesis in males, and apoptosis of granulosa cells and reinititaion of meiosis in females. These functions could possibly represent the primitive roles of GnRH-like peptides, as an increasing number of studies in invertebrate classes point to a more or less direct connection between GnRH-producing sensory neurons and the gonads. According to recent studies, GnRHs appear as very ancient peptides that emerged at least in the cnidarians, the first animals with a nervous system. GnRH-like peptides have been partially characterized in several classes of invertebrates notably in molluscs, echinoderms and prochordates in which effects on the reproductive functions, notably gamete release and steroidogeneis, have been evidenced. It is possible that, with the increasing complexity of metozoa, GnRH neurons have lost their direct connection with the gonad to specialize in the control of additional regulatory centers such as the hypophysis in vertebrates or the optic gland in cephalopods. However, reminiscent effects of GnRH functions at the gonadal level would have persisted due to local production of GnRHs in the gonad itself. Altogether, these data indicate that GnRHs were involved in the control of reproduction long before the appearance of pituitary gonadotrophs.  相似文献   

Eleven of the twelve recognized wingless (Wnt) subfamilies are represented in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, indicating that this developmentally important gene family was already fully diversified in the common ancestor of 'higher' animals. In deuterostomes, although duplications have occurred, no novel subfamilies of Wnts have evolved. By contrast, the protostomes Drosophila and Caenorhabditis have lost half of the ancestral Wnts. This pattern -- loss of genes from an ancestrally complex state -- might be more important in animal evolution than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Armadillo (Arm) repeat proteins contain tandem copies of a degenerate protein sequence motif that forms a conserved three-dimensional structure. Animal Arm repeat proteins function in various processes, including intracellular signalling and cytoskeletal regulation. A subset of these proteins are conserved across eukaryotic kingdoms, and non-metazoa such as Dictyostelium and Chlamydomonas possess homologues of members of the animal Arm repeat family. Higher plants also possess Arm repeat proteins, which, like their animal counterparts, function in intracellular signalling. Notably, these plant Arm proteins have novel functions. In addition, genome sequencing has identified a plethora of Arm-related proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

A E Kol'man 《Antibiotiki》1967,12(8):740-750

There are now many known cases of orthologous or unrelated proteinsin different species that have undergone parallel evolutionto satisfy a similar function. However, there are no reportedcases of parallel evolution for proteins that bind a commonligand but have different functions. We focused on two proteinsthat have different functions in steroid hormone biosynthesisand action but bind a common ligand, androgen. The first protein,androgen receptor (AR), is a nuclear hormone receptor and thesecond one, aromatase (cytochrome P450 19 [CYP19]), convertsandrogen to estrogen. We hypothesized that binding of the androgenligand has exerted common selective pressure on both AR andCYP19, resulting in a signature of parallel evolution betweenthese two proteins, though they perform different functions.Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that rates of aminoacid change in AR and CYP19 are strongly correlated across themetazoan phylogeny, whereas no significant correlation was foundin the control set of proteins. Moreover, we inferred that genomictoolkits required for steroid biosynthesis and action were presentin a basal metazoan, cnidarians. The close similarities betweenvertebrate and sea anemone AR and CYP19 suggest a very ancientorigin of their endocrine functions at the base of metazoanevolution. Finally, we found evidence supporting the hypothesisthat the androgen-to-estrogen ratio determines the gonadal sexin all metazoans.  相似文献   

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