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The mitochondrial rhomboid protease Parl governs apoptosis, morphology, metabolism and might be implicated in Parkinson's disease, but the structural basis of its activity and complex regulation remain unknown. We report the discovery of γ-cleavage, a proteolytic event on the loop connecting the first transmembrane helix (TMH) of Parl to the 6-TMH catalytic rhomboid domain of the protease. This cleavage disrupts the '1+6' structure that defines every mitochondrial rhomboid and generates a new form of Parl, PROD (Parl-rhomboid-domain). Structure-function analysis of Parl suggests that γ-cleavage could be implicated in eliminating Parl proteolytic activity, and structural modeling of PROD reveals structural conservation with the bacterial rhomboid GlpG. However, unlike bacterial rhomboids, which employ a diad-based mechanism of catalysis, Parl appears to use a conserved mitochondrial rhomboid-specific Asp residue on TMH-5 in a triad-based mechanism of catalysis. This work provides unexpected insights into the structural determinants regulating Parl stability and activity in vivo, and reveals a complex cascade of proteolytic events controlling the function of the protease in the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Field RA  Naismith JH 《Biochemistry》2003,42(25):7637-7647
Recently, carbohydrates have come to the fore because of their central role in many biological processes. One area of current interest concerns the enzymatic modification of sugar nucleotides, in relation to both secondary metabolite glycosylation and the formation of complex cell surface-associated glycoconjugates. Bacteria, in particular, have proven to be a rich field in which to study these transformations, because they are often unique to specific classes of organisms. This has led to the realization that such microbial biosynthetic pathways might be exploited in the generation of novel antibiotics, or indeed serve as targets for such compounds. This work illustrates the interplay between protein structure determination, chemistry, and molecular biology in providing insight into the mechanism of such biochemical transformations.  相似文献   

Ferrochelatase, the enzyme catalyzing metallation of protoporphyrin IX at the terminal step of heme biosynthesis, was co-crystallized with an isomer mixture of the potent inhibitor N-methylmesoporphyrin (N-MeMP). The X-ray structure revealed the active site of the enzyme, to which only one of the isomers was bound, and for the first time allowed characterization of the mode of porphyrin macrocycle distortion by ferrochelatase. Crystallization of ferrochelatase and N-MeMP in the presence of Cu(2+) leads to metallation and demethylation of N-MeMP. A mechanism of porphyrin distortion is proposed, which assumes that the enzyme holds pyrrole rings B, C and D in a vice-like grip and forces a 36 degrees tilt on ring A.  相似文献   

Nuclease E colicins that exert their cytotoxic activity through either non-specific DNase or specific rRNase action are inhibited by immunity proteins in a high affinity interaction that gives complete protection to the producing host cell from the deleterious effects of the toxin. Previous X-ray crystallographic analysis of these systems has revealed that in both cases, the immunity protein inhibitor forms its highly stable complex with the enzyme by binding as an exosite inhibitor-adjacent to, but not obscuring, the enzyme active site. The structures of the free E9 DNase domain and its complex with an ssDNA substrate now show that inhibition is achieved without deformation of the enzyme and by occlusion of a limited number of residues of the enzyme critical in recognition and binding of the substrate that are 3' to the cleaved scissile phosphodiester. No sequence or structural similarity is evident between the two classes of cytotoxic domain, and the heterodimer interfaces are also dissimilar. Thus, whilst these structures suggest the basis for specificity in each case, they give few indications as to the basis for the remarkably strong binding that is observed. Structural analyses of complexes bearing single site mutations in the immunity protein at the heterodimer interface reveal further differences. For the DNases, a largely plastic interface is suggested, where optimal binding may be achieved in part by rigid body adjustment in the relative positions of inhibitor and enzyme. For the rRNases, a large solvent-filled cavity is found at the immunity-enzyme interface, suggesting that other considerations, such as that arising from the entropy contribution from bound water molecules, may have greater significance in the determination of rRNase complex affinity than for the DNases.  相似文献   

It is more than 80 years since Gratia first described 'a remarkable antagonism between two strains of Escherichia coli'. Shown subsequently to be due to the action of proteins (or peptides) produced by one bacterium to kill closely related species with which it might be cohabiting, such bacteriocins have since been shown to be commonplace in the internecine warfare between bacteria. Bacteriocins have been studied primarily from the twin perspectives of how they shape microbial communities and how they penetrate bacteria to kill them. Here, we review the modes of action of a family of bacteriocins that cleave nucleic acid substrates in E. coli, known collectively as nuclease colicins, and the specific immunity (inhibitor) proteins that colicin-producing organisms make in order to avoid committing suicide. In a process akin to targeting in mitochondria, nuclease colicins engage in a variety of cellular associations in order to translocate their cytotoxic domains through the cell envelope to the cytoplasm. As well as informing on the process itself, the study of nuclease colicin import has also illuminated functional aspects of the host proteins they parasitize. We also review recent studies where nuclease colicins and their immunity proteins have been used as model systems for addressing fundamental problems in protein folding and protein-protein interactions, areas of biophysics that are intimately linked to the role of colicins in bacterial competition and to the import process itself.  相似文献   

Beta-lactam antibiotics, including penicillins and cephalosporins, inhibit penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), which are essential for bacterial cell wall biogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria have evolved efficient antibiotic resistance mechanisms that, in Gram-positive bacteria, include mutations to PBPs that enable them to avoid beta-lactam inhibition. Lactivicin (LTV; 1) contains separate cycloserine and gamma-lactone rings and is the only known natural PBP inhibitor that does not contain a beta-lactam. Here we show that LTV and a more potent analog, phenoxyacetyl-LTV (PLTV; 2), are active against clinically isolated, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae strains. Crystallographic analyses of S. pneumoniae PBP1b reveal that LTV and PLTV inhibition involves opening of both monocyclic cycloserine and gamma-lactone rings. In PBP1b complexes, the ring-derived atoms from LTV and PLTV show a notable structural convergence with those derived from a complexed cephalosporin (cefotaxime; 3). The structures imply that derivatives of LTV will be useful in the search for new antibiotics with activity against beta-lactam-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Artemis (SNM1C/DCLRE1C) is an endonuclease that plays a key role in development of B- and T-lymphocytes and in dsDNA break repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Artemis is phosphorylated by DNA-PKcs and acts to open DNA hairpin intermediates generated during V(D)J and class-switch recombination. Artemis deficiency leads to congenital radiosensitive severe acquired immune deficiency (RS-SCID). Artemis belongs to a superfamily of nucleases containing metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) and β-CASP (CPSF-Artemis-SNM1-Pso2) domains. We present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of wildtype and variant forms of Artemis, including one causing RS-SCID Omenn syndrome. The catalytic domain of the Artemis has similar endonuclease activity to the phosphorylated full-length protein. Our structures help explain the predominantly endonucleolytic activity of Artemis, which contrasts with the predominantly exonuclease activity of the closely related SNM1A and SNM1B MBL fold nucleases. The structures reveal a second metal binding site in its β-CASP domain unique to Artemis, which is amenable to inhibition by compounds including ebselen. By combining our structural data with that from a recently reported Artemis structure, we were able model the interaction of Artemis with DNA substrates. The structures, including one of Artemis with the cephalosporin ceftriaxone, will help enable the rational development of selective SNM1 nuclease inhibitors.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2021,81(21):4527-4539.e8
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The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases link tRNAs with their cognate amino acid. In some cases, their fidelity relies on hydrolytic editing that destroys incorrectly activated amino acids or mischarged tRNAs. We present structures of leucyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with analogs of the distinct pre- and posttransfer editing substrates. The editing active site binds the two different substrates using a single amino acid discriminatory pocket while preserving the same mode of adenine recognition. This suggests a similar mechanism of hydrolysis for both editing substrates that depends on a key, completely conserved aspartic acid, which interacts with the alpha-amino group of the noncognate amino acid and positions both substrates for hydrolysis. Our results demonstrate the economy by which a single active site accommodates two distinct substrates in a proofreading process critical to the fidelity of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Flap endonuclease-1 (FEN1) is a key enzyme for maintaining genomic stability and replication. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) binds FEN1 and stimulates its endonuclease activity. The structural basis of the FEN1-PCNA interaction was revealed by the crystal structure of the complex between human FEN1 and PCNA. The main interface involves the C-terminal tail of FEN1, which forms two beta-strands connected by a short helix, the betaA-alphaA-betaB motif, participating in beta-beta and hydrophobic interactions with PCNA. These interactions are similar to those previously observed for the p21CIP1/WAF1 peptide. However, this structure involving the full-length enzyme has revealed additional interfaces that are involved in the core domain. The interactions at the interfaces maintain the enzyme in an inactive 'locked-down' orientation and might be utilized in rapid DNA-tracking by preserving the central hole of PCNA for sliding along the DNA. A hinge region present between the core domain and the C-terminal tail of FEN1 would play a role in switching the FEN1 orientation from an inactive to an active orientation.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(8):1328-1339.e4
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The family of conserved colicin DNases E2, E7, E8, and E9 are microbial toxins that kill bacteria through random degradation of the chromosomal DNA. In the present work, we compare side by side the conformational stabilities of these four highly homologous colicin DNases. Our results indicate that the apo-forms of these colicins are at room temperature and neutral pH in a dynamic conformational equilibrium between at least two quite distinct conformers. We show that the thermal stabilities of the apo-proteins differ by up to 20 degrees C. The observed differences correlate with the observed conformational behavior, that is, the tendency of the protein to form either an open, less stable or closed, more stable conformation in solution, as deduced by both tryptophan accessibility studies and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Given these surprising structural differences, we next probed the catalytic activity of the four DNases and also observed a significant variation in relative activities. However, no unequivocal link between the activity of the protein and its thermal and structural stability could easily be made. The observed differences in conformational and functional properties of the four colicin DNases are surprising given that they are a closely related (> or =65% identity) family of enzymes containing a highly conserved (betabetaalpha-Me) active site motif. The different behavior of the apo-enzymes must therefore most likely depend on more subtle changes in amino acid sequences, most likely in the exosite region (residues 72-98) that is required for specific high-affinity binding of the cognate immunity protein.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and acyl-CoA oxidases are two closely related FAD-containing enzyme families that are present in mitochondria and peroxisomes, respectively. They catalyze the dehydrogenation of acyl-CoA thioesters to the corresponding trans-2-enoyl-CoA. This review examines the structure of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, as a representative of the dehydrogenase family, with respect to the catalytic mechanism and its broad chain length specificity. Comparing the structures of four other acyl-CoA dehydrogenases provides further insights into the structural basis for the substrate specificity of each of these enzymes. In addition, the structure of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase II from rat liver is compared to that of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and the structural basis for their different oxidative half reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mutant EcoRI endonucleases bind to the canonical site GAATTC more tightly than does the wild-type endonuclease, yet cleave variant (EcoRI(*)) sites more rapidly than does wild-type. The crystal structure of the A138T promiscuous mutant homodimer in complex with a GAATTC site is nearly identical to that of the wild-type complex, except that the Thr138 side chains make packing interactions with bases in the 5'-flanking regions outside the recognition hexanucleotide while excluding two bound water molecules seen in the wild-type complex. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm exclusion of these waters. The structure and simulations suggest possible reasons why binding of the A138T protein to the GAATTC site has DeltaS degrees more favorable and DeltaH degrees less favorable than for wild-type endonuclease binding. The interactions of Thr138 with flanking bases may permit A138T, unlike wild-type enzyme, to form complexes with EcoRI(*) sites that structurally resemble the specific wild-type complex with GAATTC.  相似文献   

The development of safe subunit vaccines requires adjuvants that augment immunogenicity of non-replicating protein-based antigens. Current vaccines against infectious diseases preferentially induce protective antibodies driven by adjuvants such as alum. However, the contribution of antibody to host defense is limited for certain classes of infectious diseases such as fungi, whereas animal studies and clinical observations implicate cellular immunity as an essential component of the resolution of fungal pathogens. Here, we decipher the structural bases of a newly identified glycoprotein ligand of Dectin-2 with potent adjuvancy, Blastomyces endoglucanase-2 (Bl-Eng2). We also pinpoint the developmental steps of antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T responses augmented by Bl-Eng2 including expansion, differentiation and tissue residency. Dectin-2 ligation led to successful systemic and mucosal vaccination against invasive fungal infection and Influenza A infection, respectively. O-linked glycans on Bl-Eng2 applied at the skin and respiratory mucosa greatly augment vaccine subunit- induced protective immunity against lethal influenza and fungal pulmonary challenge.  相似文献   

The enzymatic cleavage of the nicotinamide-glycosidic bond on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) has been proposed to go through an oxocarbenium ion-like transition state. Because of the instability of the ionic intermediate, there has been no structural report on such a transient reactive species. Human CD38 is an ectoenzyme that can use NAD(+) to synthesize two calcium-mobilizing molecules. By using NAD(+) and a surrogate substrate, NGD(+), we captured and determined crystal structures of the enzyme complexed with an intermediate, a substrate, and a product along the reaction pathway. Our results showed that the intermediate is stabilized by polar interactions with the catalytic residue Glu(226) rather than by a covalent linkage. The polar interactions between Glu(226) and the substrate 2',3'-OH groups are essential for initiating catalysis. Ser(193) was demonstrated to have a regulative role during catalysis and is likely to be involved in intermediate stabilization. In addition, a product inhibition effect by ADP-ribose (through the reorientation of the product) or GDP-ribose (through the formation of a covalently linked GDP-ribose dimer) was observed. These structural data provide insights into the understanding of multiple catalysis and clues for drug design.  相似文献   

The virulence of Gram-positive bacteria is enhanced by toxins like the Streptococcus pyogenes β-NAD(+) glycohydrolase known as SPN. SPN-producing strains of S. pyogenes additionally express the protein immunity factor for SPN (IFS), which forms an inhibitory complex with SPN. We have determined crystal structures of the SPN-IFS complex and IFS alone, revealing that SPN is structurally related to ADP-ribosyl transferases but lacks the canonical binding site for protein substrates. SPN is instead a highly efficient glycohydrolase with the potential to deplete cellular levels of β-NAD(+). The protective effect of IFS involves an extensive interaction with the SPN active site that blocks access to β-NAD(+). The conformation of IFS changes upon binding to SPN, with repacking of an extended C-terminal α helix into a compact shape. IFS is an attractive target for the development of novel bacteriocidal compounds functioning by blocking the bacterium's self-immunity to the SPN toxin.  相似文献   

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