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Summary The characteristics of uridine transport were studied in basolateral plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat liver. Uridine was not metabolized under transport measurement conditions and was taken up into an osmotically active space with no significant binding of uridine to the membrane vesicles. Uridine uptake was sodium dependent, showing no significant stimulation by other monovalent cations. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-dependent component showed a single system with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Parameter values were K M 8.9 m and V max 0.57 pmol/mg prot/sec. Uridine transport proved to be electrogenic, since, firstly, the Hill plot of the kinetic data suggested a 1 uridine: 1 Na+ stoichiometry, secondly, valinomycin enhanced basal uridine uptake rates and, thirdly, the permeant nature of the Na+ counterions determined uridine transport rates (SCN > NO 3 > Cl > SO 4 2– ). Other purines and pyrimidines cis-inhibited and trans-stimulated uridine uptake.This work has been partially supported by grant PM90-0162 from D.G.I.C.Y.T. (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain). B.R.-M. is a research fellow supported by the Nestlé Nutrition Research Grant Programme.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the driving forces for the concentrative uptake of unconjugated bile acids by the hepatocyte, the effects of pH gradients on the uptake of [3H]cholate by rat basolateral liver plasma membrane vesicles were studied. In the presence of an outwardly directed hydroxyl gradient (pH 6.0 outside and pH 7.5 inside the vesicle), cholate uptake was markedly stimulated and the bile acid was transiently accumulated at a concentration 1.5- to 2-fold higher than at equilibrium ("overshoot"). In the absence of a pH gradient (pH 6.0 or 7.5 both inside and outside the vesicle), uptake was relatively slower and no overshoot was seen. Reductions in the magnitude of the transmembrane pH gradient were associated with slower initial uptake rates and smaller overshoots. Cholate uptake under pH gradient conditions was inhibited by furosemide and bumetanide but not by 4, 4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic stilbene (SITS), 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), or probenecid. In the absence of a pH gradient, an inside-positive valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potential caused a slight increase in cholate uptake which was insensitive to furosemide. Moreover, in the presence of an outwardly directed hydroxyl gradient, uphill cholate transport was observed even under voltage clamped conditions. These findings suggest that pH gradient-driven cholate uptake was not due to associated electrical potentials. Despite an identical pKa to that of cholate, an outwardly directed hydroxyl gradient did not drive uphill transport of three other unconjugated bile acids (deoxycholate, chenodeoxycholate, ursodeoxycholate), suggesting that a non-ionic diffusion mechanism cannot account for uphill cholate transport. In canalicular vesicles, although cholate uptake was relatively faster in the presence of a pH gradient than in the absence of a gradient, peak uptake was only slightly above that found at equilibrium under voltage clamped conditions. These findings suggest a specific carrier on the basolateral membrane of the hepatocyte which mediates hydroxyl/cholate exchange (or H+-cholate co-transport). A model for uphill cholate transport is discussed in which the Na+ pump would ultimately drive Na+/H+ exchange which in turn would drive hydroxyl/cholate exchange.  相似文献   

The functional molecular mass of the cholate, phallotoxin, iodipamide, and ouabain transport proteins in isolated basolateral plasma membrane vesicles was determined by radiation inactivation. Purified basolateral plasma membrane vesicles were irradiated (-90 to -120 degrees C) with high energy electrons from a 10-MeV linear accelerator at doses from 0 to 30 megarads. After each dose, the initial uptake, the equilibrium binding, and the binding of the substrates at 4 degrees C were checked. The size of the transporting function was, for cholate, 107 +/- 8.9 kDa; for phallotoxin, 104 +/- 7 kDa; and for ouabain, 120 +/- 4.7 kDa. The target size for the binding proteins was 56 +/- 4.2, 57 +/- 5, and 47.2 +/- 1.95 kDa for cholate, phallotoxin, and taurocholate, respectively. In the case of iodipamide, the functional molecular mass for both the transport and binding proteins was 54 +/- 4.8 kDa.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing basolateral membrane vesicles from rat renal cortex was developed by differential centrifugation and Percoll density gradient centrifugation, and the uptake of d-[3H]glucose into these vesicles was studied by a rapid filtration technique. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, the marker enzyme for basolateral membranes, was enriched 22-fold compared with that found in the homogenate. The rate of d-glucose uptake was almost unaffected by Na+ gradient (no overshoot).  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from isolated rat liver parenchymal cells. The transport of several amino acids was studied and found to be identical to that in membrane vesicles from whole liver tissue.  相似文献   

Transport of the antifolate cancer drug methotrexate was studied in vesicles isolated from the basolateral membrane of rat liver. Transport of methotrexate by basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMVs) was mostly via uptake into an osmotically active intravesicular space, with some binding (approximately 9%), as shown by initial uptake studies and by varying medium osmolarity with increasing concentrations of sucrose. Methotrexate transport was linear for the first 20 s of incubation. Transport was not affected by imposition of a Na+ gradient across the vesicular membrane. Transport of methotrexate displayed a broad pH optimum: at an intravesicular pH of 7.5, the initial rate of uptake was not significantly different at extravesicular pH values ranging from 5.5 to 7.5, but uptake was less at extravesicular pH of 5.0 or 8.0. Methotrexate transport was saturable: Km = 0.15 +/- 0.05 microM and Vmax = 11.4 +/- 1.1 pmol 10 s-1 mg-1 protein. Methotrexate uptake into BLMVs was not inhibited by 5-methyltetrahydrofolate nor by 5-formyltetrahydrofolate but was weakly inhibited by folic acid in a concentration-dependent manner. Uptake was also inhibited by anion-exchange inhibitor 4,4'-diisothio-cyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), and by the structurally unrelated anions ATP, ADP, Cl-, SO4(2-), and oxalate2-. Adenosine (no negative charge) had no effect on transport. When vesicles were preloaded with anions (ADP, SO4(2-), oxalate2-) such that an anion gradient existed from the intra- to the extravesicular compartment, and methotrexate uptake was measured, no stimulation of uptake was seen. Methotrexate uptake into rat liver BLMVs was electrogenic as shown by stimulation of the initial rate of uptake by a valinomycin-imposed K+ diffusion potential across the vesicular membrane. These results suggest that methotrexate is transported into the hepatocyte across the basolateral membrane by an electrogenic, multispecific anion carrier system.  相似文献   

Inside-out vesicles prepared with basolateral plasma membranes from rat kidney proximal tubular cells can accumulate Na+ actively in two ways. Mode 1, which is K+-independent, is ouabain-insensitive and is inhibited by furosemide and mode 2, which is K+-dependent, is inhibited by ouabain and is insensitive to furosemide. The presence of Mg2+ and ATP in the incubation medium is essential for both modes of Na+ uptake to proceed and in both cases, the nucleotide is hydrolyzed during the process. These results are consistent with the idea of the existence, in these membranes, of two Na+ pumps: one, which can work in the absence of K+ (Na+ pump) and another, which needs K+ to work (Na+ + K+ pump).  相似文献   

Glutamine metabolism in the liver is essential for gluconeogenesis and ureagenesis. During the suckling period there is high hepatic protein accretion and the portal vein glutamine concentration is twice that in the adult, whereas hepatic vein glutamine concentration is similar between adult and suckling rats. Therefore, we hypothesized that glutamine uptake by the liver could be greater in the suckling period compared to the adult period. The present studies were, therefore, designed to investigate the transport of glutamine by plasma membranes of rat liver during maturation (suckling--2-week old, weanling--3-week old and adult--12-week old). Glutamine uptake by the plasma membranes of the liver represented transport into an osmotically sensitive space in all age groups. Inwardly directed Na+ gradient resulted in an "overshoot" phenomenon compared to K+ gradient. The magnitude of the overshoot was greater in suckling rats plasma membranes compared to adult membranes. Glutamine uptake under Na+ gradient was electrogenic and maximal at pH 7.5, whereas uptake under K+ gradient was electroneutral. Glutamine uptake with various concentrations of glutamine under Na+ gradient was saturable in all age groups with a Vmax of 1.5 +/- 0.1, 0.7 +/- 0.1 and 0.5 +/- 0.06 nmoles/mg protein/10 seconds in suckling, weanling and adult rats, respectively (P < 0.01). Km values were 0.6 +/- 0.1, 0.5 +/- 0.1 and 0.5 +/- 0.1 mM respectively. Vmax for Na(+)-independent glutamine uptake were 0.6 +/- 0.1, 0.55 +/- 0.07 and 0.54 +/- 0.06 nmoles/mg protein with Km values of 0.54 +/- 0.2, 0. +/- 0.1 and 0.5 +/- 0.2 mM, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Thel-alanine-dependent transport of sodium ions across the plasma membrane of rat-liver parenchymal cells was studied using isolated plasma membrane vesicles. Sodium uptake is stimulated specifically by thel-isomer of alanine and other amino acids, whose transport is sodium-dependent in rat-liver plasma membrane vesicles. Thel-alanine-dependent sodium flux across the membrane is inhibited by an excess of Li+ ions, but not by K+ or choline ions. Sodium transport is sensitive to-SH reagents and ionophores, and is an electrogenic process: a membrane potential (negative inside) can enhancel-alanine-dependent sodium accumulation. The data presented provide further evidence for a sodium-alanine cotransport mechanism.  相似文献   

The mechanism of exit of folate from the enterocyte, i.e. transport across the basolateral membrane, is not known. In this study we examined, using basolateral membrane vesicles, the transport of folic acid across the basolateral membrane of rat intestine. Uptake of folic acid by these vesicles represents transport of the substrate into the intravesicular compartment and not binding to the membrane surface. The rate of folic acid transport was linear for the first 1 min of incubation but decreased thereafter, reaching equilibrium after 5 min of incubation. The transport of folic acid was: (1) saturable as a function of concentration with an apparent Km of 0.6 +/- 0.17 microM and Vmax. of 1.01 +/- 0.11 pmol/30 s per mg of protein; (2) inhibited in a competitive manner by the structural analogues 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and methotrexate (Ki = 2 and 1.4 microM, respectively); (4) electroneutral; (5) Na+-independent; (6) sensitive to the effect of the anion exchange inhibitor 4,4'-di-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS). These data indicate the existence of a carrier-mediated transport system for folic acid in rat intestinal basolateral membrane and demonstrate that the transport process is electroneutral, Na+-independent and sensitive to the effect of anion exchange inhibition.  相似文献   

An improved method for the isolation of plasma membrane from rat liver is presented.Gentle homogenization of perfused livers in buffered isotonic KCI, followed by direct flotation of a low-speed nuclear pellet through a discontinuous sucrose density gradient results in a 32% yield, and 25-fold enrichment for the plasma membrane marker, phosphodiesterase I, in a crude plasma membrane fraction. This fraction contains less than 1% of the mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum present in the original homogenate, but is more heavily contaminated with lysosomes and Golgi membrane.Vigorous mechanical disruption of this material, followed by a second discontinuous sucrose density gradient, gives a light plasma membrane fraction with an 80-fold purification and 20% yield of phosphodiesterase I over the original homogete (with further reduction of contaminants).  相似文献   

A technique is described for the isolation of a plasma membrane-enriched preparation from a rat liver post-mitochondrial fraction by using discontinuous Percoll density-gradient centrifugation. The procedure is simple, of high reproducibility and yield and requires a total isolation time of only 90 min. The preparation consists almost exclusively of membrane vesicles and is enriched approx. 26-fold in plasma membrane-localized enzymes with minor contamination (less than 10%) with membranes derived mainly from the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Approx. 20% of the fraction comprises tightly-sealed vesicles in the inverted orientation which are capable of accumulating calcium ions and exhibiting vanadate-insensitive Ca2+-ATPase activity. The properties of these activities, including insensitivity to vanadate, oxalate, and to p-chloromercuribenzoate as well as a lack of requirement for added Mg2+, contrast markedly with the reported properties of Ca2+ transport by the endoplasmic reticulum isolated from rat liver. The technique may have wide application in the study of plasma membrane-associated activities in rat liver, particularly in relation to sinusoidal membrane surface-related events.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles prepared from intact rat liver or isolated hepatocytes retain transport activity by systems A, ASC, N, and Gly. Selective substrates for these systems showed a Na+-dependent overshoot indicative of energy-dependent transport, in this instance, driven by an artificially-imposed Na+ gradient. Greater than 85% of Na+-dependent 2-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake was blocked by an excess of 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid (MeAIB) with an apparent Ki of 0.6 mM. Intact hepatocytes obtained from glucagon-treated rats exhibited a stimulation of system A activity and plasma membrane vesicles isolated from those same cells partially retained the elevated activity. Transport activity induced by substrate starvation of cultured hepatocytes was also evident in membrane vesicles prepared from those cells. The membrane-bound glucagon-stimulated system A activity decays rapidly during incubation of vesicles at 4 degrees C (t1/2 = 13 h), but not at -75 degrees C. Several different inhibitors of proteolysis were ineffective in blocking the decay of transport activity. Hepatic system N transport activity was also elevated in plasma membrane vesicles from glucagon-treated rats, whereas system ASC was essentially unchanged. The results indicate that both glucagon and adaptive regulation cause an induction of amino acid transport through a plasma membrane-associated protein.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the isolation of peroxisomes from rat liver   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A preparative method for the isolation of peroxisomes from the liver of normal, untreated rats is described. The peroxisome-enriched "light mitochondrial" fraction is layered on a 30% Nycodenz (5-[N-2,3-dihydroxypropylacetamido]-2,4,6-triiodo-N,N'-bis[2, 3-dihydroxypropyl]isophthalamide) solution containing 1 mM tetrasodium EDTA and then centrifuged in an angular rotor for 1 h at 130,000gavg. Peroxisomes are sedimented to the bottom leaving other organelles at the top of the tube. On the basis of morphological and biochemical studies, it is found that the peroxisomes (marker-enzymes catalase and urate oxidase) obtained in this method are not contaminated with lysosomes (marker-enzyme acid phosphatase) and contained very few mitochondria (marker-enzyme succinate-cytochrome c reductase) and microsomal vesicles (marker-enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase).  相似文献   

Vesicles of brush-border and basolateral plasma membrane were prepared from enterocytes of the rat small intestine. The separateness of these two varieties of plasma membrane was confirmed by appropriate enzyme assays. The uptake of Fe2+ by these membrane vesicles was studied, and the results suggest differences between the two types of membrane in both the amount of Fe2+ taken up and in the rate of uptake. At low (up to 3 micrometer) concentrations of Fe2+, uptake by both membrane types showed evidence of saturation and could be blocked with the thiol inactivator N-ethylmaleimide. The studies suggest that Fe2+ is taken into an osmotically active space by a process of facilitated diffusion at low concentrations, but that at higher concentrations the process appeared to obey first-order kinetics. The data provide further evidence for the existence of functional polarity in the epithelial cell of the small intestine.  相似文献   

Transport of L-carnitine into skeletal muscle was investigated using rat sarcolemmal membrane vesicles. In the presence of an inwardly directed sodium chloride gradient, L-carnitine transport showed a clear overshoot. The uptake of L-carnitine was increased, when vesicles were preloaded with potassium. When sodium was replaced by lithium or cesium, and chloride by nitrate or thiocyanate, transport activities were not different from in the presence of sodium chloride. However, L-carnitine transport was clearly lower in the presence of sulfate or gluconate, suggesting potential-dependent transport. An osmolarity plot revealed a positive slope and a significant intercept, indicating transport of L-carnitine into the vesicle lumen and binding to the vesicle membrane. Displacement experiments revealed that approximately 30% of the L-carnitine associated with the vesicles was bound to the outer and 30% to the inner surface of the vesicle membrane, whereas 40% was unbound inside the vesicle. Saturable transport could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Km of 13.1 microM and a Vmax of 2.1 pmol.(mg protein-1).s-1. L-Carnitine transport could be trans-stimulated by preloading the vesicles with L-carnitine but not with the carnitine precursor butyrobetaine, and was cis-inhibited by L-palmitoylcarnitine, L-isovalerylcarnitine, and glycinebetaine. On comparing carnitine transport into rat kidney brush-border membrane vesicles and OCTN2, a sodium-dependent high-affinity human carnitine transporter, cloned recently from human kidney also expressed in muscle, the Km values are similar but driving forces, pattern of inhibition and stereospecificity are different. This suggests the existence of more than one carnitine carrier in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transport was studied by using basolateral plasma membrane vesicles from rat parotid gland prepared by a Percoll gradient centrifugation method. In these membrane vesicles, there were two Ca2+ transport systems; Na+/Ca2+ exchange and ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport. An outwardly directed Na+ gradient increased Ca2+ uptake. Ca2+ efflux from Ca2+-preloaded vesicles was stimulated by an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. However, Na+/Ca2+ exchange did not show any 'uphill' transport of Ca2+ against its own gradient. ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport exhibited 'uphill' transport. An inwardly directed Na+ gradient also decreased Ca2+ accumulation by ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. The inhibition of Ca2+ accumulation was proportional to the external Na+ level. Na+/Ca2+ exchange was inhibited by monensin, tetracaine and chlorpromazine, whereas ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport was inhibited by orthovanadate, tetracaine and chlorpromazine. Oligomycin had no effect on either system. These results suggest that in the parotid gland cellular free Ca2+ is extruded mainly by an ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport system, and Na+/Ca2+ exchange may modify the efficacy of that system.  相似文献   

As part of the enterohepatic circulation, taurocholate is taken up by hepatocytes by a Na+-gradient-dependent, carrier-mediated process. The dependence of taurocholate uptake on the presence of a Na+ gradient, outside greater than inside, has been studied in isolated rat liver plasma membranes. The uptake is specific for sodium, and a cotransport stoichiometry of 2 Na+ per taurocholate taken up was found. The presence of K+ ions inside the vesicles was also found to be essential for maximum Na+-stimulated uptake of taurocholate, although a K+ gradient is not required. Mg2+ was almost as effective as K+ in this regard. The symport of Na+ and taurocholate during uptake was shown to be electrogenic, so that K+ may act as an exchange counterion preventing the accumulation of positive charge within the vesicles.Dedicated to the memory of Prof. David E. Green, friend, mentor, and colleague.  相似文献   

The driving forces for taurocholate transport were determined in highly purified canalicular (cLPM) and basolateral rat liver plasma membrane (LPM) vesicles. Alanine transport was also examined for comparison. Inwardly directed Na+ but not K+ gradients transiently stimulated [3H]taurocholate (1 microM) and [3H]alanine (0.2 mM) uptake into basolateral LPM 3-4- fold above their respective equilibrium values (overshoots). Na+ also stimulated [3H]taurocholate countertransport and tracer exchange in basolateral LPM whereas valinomycin-induced inside negative K+ diffusion potentials stimulated alanine uptake but had no effect on taurocholate uptake. In contrast, in the "right-side out" oriented cLPM vesicles, [3H]taurocholate countertransport and tracer exchange were not dependent on Na+. Efflux of [3H]taurocholate from cLPM was also independent of Na+ and could be trans-stimulated by extra-vesicular taurocholate. Furthermore, an inside negative valinomycin-mediated K+ diffusion potential inhibited taurocholate uptake into and stimulated taurocholate efflux from the cLPM vesicles. These studies provide direct evidence for a "carrier mediated" and potential-sensitive conductive pathway for the canalicular excretion of taurocholate. In addition, they confirm the presence of a possibly electroneutral Na+-taurocholate cotransport system in basolateral membranes of the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the functional reconstruction of amino acid transport from liver plasma-membrane vesicles using the neutral detergent decanoyl-N-glucamide ('MEGA-10') is described. The method is a modification of that previously employed in this laboratory for reconstitution of amino acid transport systems from kidney brush-border membranes [Lynch & McGivan (1987) Biochem. J. 244, 503-508]. The transport activities termed 'System A', 'System N', and 'System L' are all reconstituted. The reconstitution procedure is rapid and efficient and is suitable as an assay for transport activity in studies involving membrane fractionation. By using this reconstitution procedure, System A transport activity was partially purified by lectin-affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

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