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A cementum protein 1‐derived peptide (CEMP1‐p1) consisting of 20 amino acids from the CEMP1's N‐terminus region: MGTSSTDSQQAGHRRCSTSN, and its role on the mineralization process in a cell‐free system, was characterized. CEMP1‐p1's physicochemical properties, crystal formation, and hydroxyapatite (HA) nucleation assays were performed. Crystals induced by CEMP1‐p1 were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy‐attenuated total reflectance (FTIR‐ATR), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and atomic force microscopy. The results indicate that CEMP1‐p1 lacks secondary structure, forms nanospheres that organize into three‐dimensional structures, possesses affinity to HA, and induces its nucleation. CEMP1‐p1 promotes the formation of spherical structures composed by densely packed prism‐like crystals, which revealed a Ca/P ratio of 1.56, corresponding to HA. FTIR‐ATR showed predominant spectrum peaks that correspond and are characteristic of HA and octacalcium phosphate (OCP). Analysis by XRD indicates that the crystals show planes with a preferential crystalline orientation for HA and for OCP. HRTEM showed interplanar distances that correspond to crystalline planes of HA and OCP. Crystals are composed by superimposed lamellae, which exhibit epitaxial growth, and each layer of the crystals is structured by nanocrystals. This study reveals that CEMP1‐p1 regulates HA crystal formation, somehow mimicking the in vivo process of mineralized tissues bioformation.  相似文献   

Proline peptide group isomerization can result in kinetic barriers in protein folding. In particular, the cis proline peptide conformation at Tyr92-Pro93 of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been proposed to be crucial for chain folding initiation. Mutation of this proline-93 to alanine results in an RNase A molecule, P93A, that exhibits unfolding/refolding kinetics consistent with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group conformation in the folded structure (Dodge RW, Scheraga HA, 1996, Biochemistry 35:1548-1559). Here, we describe the analysis of backbone proton resonance assignments for P93A together with nuclear Overhauser effect data that provide spectroscopic evidence for a type VI beta-bend conformation with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group in the folded structure. This is in contrast to the reported X-ray crystal structure of [Pro93Gly]-RNase A (Schultz LW, Hargraves SR, Klink TA, Raines RT, 1998, Protein Sci 7:1620-1625), in which Tyr92-Gly93 forms a type-II beta-bend with a trans peptide group conformation. While a glycine residue at position 93 accommodates a type-II bend (with a positive value of phi93), RNase A molecules with either proline or alanine residues at this position appear to require a cis peptide group with a type-VI beta-bend for proper folding. These results support the view that a cis Pro93 conformation is crucial for proper folding of wild-type RNase A.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent endothelial cell-specific mediator of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. VEGF is involved pathologically in cancer, proliferative retinopathy and rheumatoid arthritis, and as such represents an important therapeutic target. Three classes of disulfide-constrained peptides that antagonize binding of the VEGF dimer to its receptors, KDR and Flt-1, were identified previously using phage display methods. NMR studies of a representative peptide from the most potent class of these peptide antagonists, v107 (GGNECDAIRMWEWECFERL), were undertaken to characterize its interactions with VEGF. v107 has no defined structure free in solution, but binding to VEGF induces folding of the peptide. The solution structure of the VEGF receptor-binding domain-v107 complex was determined using 3940 (1970 per VEGF monomer) internuclear distance and 476 (238 per VEGF monomer) dihedral angle restraints derived from NMR data obtained using samples containing either (13)C/(15)N-labeled protein plus excess unlabeled peptide or (13)C/(15)N-labeled peptide plus excess unlabeled protein. Residual dipolar coupling restraints supplemented the structure determination of the complex and were found to increase significantly both the global precision of VEGF in the complex and the agreement with available crystal structures of VEGF. The calculated ensemble of structures is of high precision and is in excellent agreement with the experimental restraints. v107 has a turn-helix conformation with hydrophobic residues partitioned to one face of the peptide and polar or charged residues at the other face. Contacts between two v107 peptides and the VEGF dimer are mediated by primarily hydrophobic side-chain interactions. The v107-binding site on VEGF overlaps partially with the binding site of KDR and is similar to that for domain 2 of Flt-1. The structure of the VEGF-v107 complex provides new insight into how binding to VEGF can be achieved that may be useful for the design of small molecule antagonists.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the phosphocarrier protein, HPr, from Bacillus subtilis has been determined by analysis of two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectra acquired for the unphosphorylated form of the protein. Inverse-detected 2D (1H-15N) heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation nuclear Overhauser effect (HMQC NOESY) and homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn (HOHAHA) spectra utilizing 15N assignments (reported here) as well as previously published 1H assignments were used to identify cross-peaks that are not resolved in 2D homonuclear 1H spectra. Distance constraints derived from NOESY cross-peaks, hydrogen-bonding patterns derived from 1H-2H exchange experiments, and dihedral angle constraints derived from analysis of coupling constants were used for structure calculations using the variable target function algorithm, DIANA. The calculated models were refined by dynamical simulated annealing using the program X-PLOR. The resulting family of structures has a mean backbone rmsd of 0.63 A (N, C alpha, C', O atoms), excluding the segments containing residues 45-59 and 84-88. The structure is comprised of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with two antiparallel alpha-helices on one side of the sheet. The active-site His 15 residue serves as the N-cap of alpha-helix A, with its N delta 1 atom pointed toward the solvent to accept the phosphoryl group during the phosphotransfer reaction with enzyme I. The existence of a hydrogen bond between the side-chain oxygen atom of Tyr 37 and the amide proton of Ala 56 is suggested, which may account for the observed stabilization of the region that includes the beta-turn comprised of residues 37-40. If the beta alpha beta beta alpha beta (alpha) folding topology of HPr is considered with the peptide chain polarity reversed, the protein fold is identical to that described for another group of beta alpha beta beta alpha beta proteins that include acylphosphatase and the RNA-binding domains of the U1 snRNP A and hnRNP C proteins.  相似文献   

We report NMR assignments and solution structure of the 71-residue 30S ribosomal protein S28E from the archaean Pyrococcus horikoshii, target JR19 of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium. The structure, determined rapidly with the aid of automated backbone resonance assignment (AutoAssign) and automated structure determination (AutoStructure) software, is characterized by a four-stranded beta-sheet with a classic Greek-key topology and an oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide beta-barrel (OB) fold. The electrostatic surface of S28E exhibits positive and negative patches on opposite sides, the former constituting a putative binding site for RNA. The 13 C-terminal residues of the protein contain a consensus sequence motif constituting the signature of the S28E protein family. Surprisingly, this C-terminal segment is unstructured in solution.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin AS-48 is a 70-residue cyclic polypeptide from Enterococcus faecalis that shows a broad antimicrobial spectrum against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The structure of bacteriocin AS-48 consists of a globular arrangement of five helices with a high positive electrostatic potential in the region comprising helix 4, the turn linking helix 4 and 5, and the N-terminus of helix 5. This region has been considered to participate in its biological activity and in particular in membrane permeation. To understand the mechanism of the antibacterial activity of AS-48 and to discriminate the several mechanisms proposed, a simplified bacteriocin was designed consisting of 21 residues and containing the high positively charged region. A disulfide bridge was introduced at an appropriate position to stabilize the peptide and to conserve the helix-turn-helix arrangement in the parent molecule. According to (1)H and (13)C NMR data, the designed simplified bacteriocin fragment adopts a significant population of a native-like helical hairpin conformation in aqueous solution, which is further stabilized in 30% TFE. The designed peptide does not show any antibacterial activity, though it is shown to compete with the intact native bacteriocin AS-48. These results suggest that the mechanism of membrane disruption by bacteriocin is not as simple as being driven by a deposition of positively charged molecules on the plane of the bacterial membrane. Some other regions of the protein must be present such as, for instance, hydrophobic regions so as to enhance the accumulation of the peptide and favour membrane permeation.  相似文献   

The atomic resolution structure of Pf1 coat protein determined by solid-state NMR spectroscopy of magnetically aligned filamentous bacteriophage particles in solution is compared to the structures previously determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, the structure of its membrane-bound form, and the structure of fd coat protein. These structural comparisons provide insights into several biological properties, differences between class I and class II filamentous bacteriophages, and the assembly process. The six N-terminal amino acid residues adopt an unusual "double hook" conformation on the outside of the bacteriophage particle. The solid-state NMR results indicate that at 30 degrees C, some of the coat protein subunits assume a single, fully structured conformation, and some have a few mobile residues that provide a break between two helical segments, in agreement with structural models from X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction, respectively. The atomic resolution structure determined by solid-state NMR for residues 7-14 and 18-46, which excludes the N-terminal double hook and the break between the helical segments, but encompasses more than 80% of the backbone including the distinct kink at residue 29, agrees with that determined by X-ray fiber diffraction with an RMSD value of 2.0 A. The symmetry and distance constraints determined by X-ray fiber and neutron diffraction enable the construction of an accurate model of the bacteriophage particle from the coordinates of the coat protein monomers.  相似文献   

Smt3 belongs to a growing family of ubiquitin-related proteins involved in posttranslational protein modification. Independent studies demonstrate an essential function of Smt3 in the regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport, and suggest a role in cell-cycle regulation. Here we report the high-resolution NMR structure of yeast Smt3 in the complex free form. Our comparison of the Smt3 NMR structure with the Smt3 crystal structure in complex with the C-Terminal Ulp1 protease domain revealed large structural differences in the binding surface, which is also involved in the Smt3-Ubc-9 interaction detected by NMR. The structural differences in the region indicate the important functions of conserved residues in less structurally defined sequences.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) from bovine heart, a 15 kDa cytoplasmic protein has been investigated by multidimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR-spectroscopy. Perdeuterated palmitic acid has been used as fatty acid ligand. The tertiary structure has been determined from distance geometry calculations with the variable target functions algorithm (DIANA) [1] utilizing 1027 interproton distance constraints, which were obtained from1H-homo-nuclear NOESY spectra. Overlapping NOE crosspeaks were assigned by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR-experiments with a15N-labelled sample. The tertiary structure resembles a -barrel (-clam) consisting of ten anti-parallel -strands and a short helix-turn-helix motif. The -strands are arranged in two nearly orthogonal -sheets composed of 5 strands each. The solution structure is compared with the x-ray cyrstal structure of bovine heart [4] and rat intestinal FABPs.Abbreviations DOF-COSY Double Quantum Filtered Correlated Spectroscopy - TOCSY Total Correlated Spectroscopy - NOE Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement - NOESY Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement and Exchange Spectroscopy - HMQC Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence - FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - FABPc Cellular Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - H-FABPc Cellular Heart Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - I-FABPc Cellular Intestinal Fatty Acid-Binding Protein  相似文献   

The synthetic peptide fragment (LC5: LRCRNEKKRHRAVRLIFTI) inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1) infection of MT‐4 cells. In this study, the solution structure of LC5 in SDS micelles was elucidated by using the standard 1H two‐dimensional NMR spectroscopic method along with circular dichroism and fluorescence quenching. The peptide adopts a helical structure in the C‐terminal region (residues 13–16), whereas the N‐terminal part remains unstructured. The importance of Phe17 in maintaining the structure of LC5 was demonstrated by replacing Phe17 with Ala, which resulted in the dramatic conformational change of LC5. The solution structure of LC5 elucidated in the present work provides a basis for further study of the mechanism of the inhibition of HIV‐1 infection. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IscU is a highly conserved protein that serves as the scaffold for IscS-mediated assembly of iron-sulfur ([Fe-S]) clusters. We report the NMR solution structure of monomeric Haemophilus influenzae IscU with zinc bound at the [Fe-S] cluster assembly site. The compact core of the globular structure has an alpha-beta sandwich architecture with a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and four alpha-helices. A nascent helix is located N-terminal to the core structure. The zinc is ligated by three cysteine residues and one histidine residue that are located in and near conformationally dynamic loops at one end of the IscU structure. Removal of the zinc metal by chelation results in widespread loss of structure in the apo form. The zinc-bound IscU may be a good model for iron-loaded IscU and may demonstrate structural features found in the [Fe-S] cluster bound form. Structural and functional similarities, genomic context in operons containing other homologous genes, and distributions of conserved surface residues support the hypothesis that IscU protein domains are homologous (i.e. derived from a common ancestor) with the SufE/YgdK family of [Fe-S] cluster assembly proteins.  相似文献   

The 3-dimensional structure of the pheromone Er-1 isolated from the ciliated protozoan Euplotes raikovi has been determined in aqueous solution by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The structure of this 40-residue protein was calculated with the distance geometry program DIANA on the basis of 503 upper distance constraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects and 77 dihedral angle constraints derived from spin-spin coupling constants, and refined by restrained energy minimization with the program OPAL. The Er-1 solution structure is represented by a group of 20 conformers with an average RMS deviation relative to the mean structure of 0.55 A for the backbone atoms N, C alpha, and C', and 0.93 A for all heavy atoms of the complete polypeptide chain, residues 1-40. The molecular architecture is dominated by an up-down-up bundle of 3 alpha-helices formed by residues 2-9, 12-19, and 24-33. Although this core part coincides closely with the previously determined structure of the homologous pheromone Er-10, the C-terminal peptide segment adopts a novel conformation. This is of interest in view of previous suggestions, based on sequence comparisons, that this molecular region may be important for the different specificity of receptor recognition by different pheromones.  相似文献   

Cementum protein 1 (CEMP1) has been recently cloned, and in vitro experiments have shown functions as regulator of cementoblast behavior and inducer of differentiation of non-osteogenic cells toward a cementoblastic/osteoblastic phenotype. In this study, we have produced a full-length human recombinant CEMP1 protein in a human gingival fibroblast cell line. The purified protein (hrCEMP1) has a Mr 50,000. Characterization of hrCEMP1 indicates that its secondary structure is mainly composed of β-sheet (55%), where random coil and alpha helix conformations correspond to 35% and 10%, respectively. It was found that hrCEMP1 is N-glycosylated, phosphorylated and possesses strong affinity for hydroxyapatite. Even more important, our results show that hrCEMP1 plays a role during the biomineralization process by promoting octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystal nucleation. These features make CEMP1 a very good candidate for biotechnological applications in order to achieve cementum and/or bone regeneration.  相似文献   

We report the solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of CHU_1110 from Cytophaga hutchinsonii. CHU_1110 contains three α-helices and one antiparallel β-sheet, forming a large cavity in the center of the protein, which are consistent with the structural characteristics of AHSA1 protein family. This protein shows high structural similarities to the prokaryotic proteins RHE_CH02687 from Rhizobium etli and YndB from Bacillus subtilis, which can bind with flavinoids. Unlike these two homologs, CHU_1110 shows no obvious interaction with flavonoids in NMR titration experiments. In addition, no direct interaction has been observed between CHU_1110 and ATP, although many homologous sequences of CHU_1110 have been annotated as ATPase. Combining the analysis of structural similarity of CHU_1110 and genomic context of its encoding gene, we speculate that CHU_1110 may be involved in the stress response of bacteria to heavy metal ions, even though its specific biological functions that need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The caseins (alphas1, alphas2, beta, and kappa) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1-44) of bovine kappa-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. kappa-Casein (1-44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro8 to Arg34. This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins.  相似文献   

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