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Aim We present a model to account for self‐assembly of the slough–ridge–tree island patterned landscape of the central Everglades in southern Florida via feedbacks among landforms, hydrology, vegetation and biogeochemistry. We test aspects of this model by analysing vegetation composition in relation to local and landscape‐level drivers. Location We quantified vegetation composition and environmental characteristics in central Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A, southern WCA‐3A and southern WCA‐3B in southern Florida, based on their divergence in water management and flow regimes over the past 50 years. Methods In 562 quadrats, we estimated species coverages and quantified maximum, minimum and average water depth, soil depth to bedrock, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and proximity to the nearest tree island. We used non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling (NMS) to relate compositional variation to local and landscape‐level factors, and evaluated environmental differences among eight a priori vegetation types via anova . Results Water depth and hydroperiod decreased from sloughs to ridges to tree islands, but regions also differed significantly in the abundance of several community types and the hydroregimes characterizing them. NMS revealed two significant axes of compositional variation, tied to local gradients of water depth and correlated factors, and to a landscape‐scale gradient of proximity to tall tree islands. Sawgrass height and soil thickness increased toward higher ridges, and NDVI was greatest on tree islands. Main conclusions This study supports four components of our model: positive feedback of local substrate height on itself, woody plant invasion and subsequent P transport and concentration by top predators nesting on taller tree islands, compositional shifts in sites close to tree islands due to nutrient leakage, and flow‐induced feedback against total raised area. Regional divergence in the relationship of community types to current hydroregimes appears to reflect a lag of a few years after shifts in water management; a longer lag would be expected for shifts in landscape patterning. Both local and landscape‐level drivers appear to shape vegetation composition and soil thickness in the central Everglades.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades freshwater landscape exhibits a distribution of islands covered by woody vegetation and bordered by marshes and wet prairies. Known as “tree islands”, these ecogeomorphic features can be found in few other low gradient, nutrient limited freshwater wetlands. In the last few decades, however, a large percentage of tree islands have either shrank or disappeared in apparent response to altered water depths and other stressors associated with human impacts on the Everglades. Because the processes determining the formation and spatial organization of tree islands remain poorly understood, it is still unclear what controls the sensitivity of these landscapes to altered conditions. We hypothesize that positive feedbacks between woody plants and soil accretion are crucial to emergence and decline of tree islands. Likewise, positive feedbacks between phosphorus (P) accumulation and trees explain the P enrichment commonly observed in tree island soils. Here, we develop a spatially-explicit model of tree island formation and evolution, which accounts for these positive feedbacks (facilitation) as well as for long range competition and fire dynamics. It is found that tree island patterns form within a range of parameter values consistent with field data. Simulated impacts of reduced water levels, increased intensity of drought, and increased frequency of dry season/soil consuming fires on these feedback mechanisms result in the decline and disappearance of tree islands on the landscape.  相似文献   

The biologically mediated transfer of nutrients from one part of a landscape to another may create nutrient gradients or subsidize the productivity at specific locations. If limited, this focused redistribution of the nutrient may create non-random landscape patterns that are unrelated to underlying environmental gradients. The Florida Everglades, USA, is a large freshwater wetland that is patterned with tree islands, elevated areas that support woody vegetation. A survey of 12 tree islands found total soil phosphorus levels 3–114 times greater on the island head than the surrounding marsh, indicating that the Florida Everglades is not a homogeneous oligotrophic system. It was estimated that historically 67% of the phosphorus entering the central Everglades was sequestered on tree islands, which are ~3.8% of the total land area. This internal redistribution of phosphorus onto tree islands due to the establishment of trees may be one reason that marshes have remained oligotrophic and may explain the spatial differentiation of the patterned Everglades landscape.  相似文献   

Due to their position at the land–sea interface, barrier islands are vulnerable to both oceanic and atmospheric climate change‐related drivers. In response to relative sea‐level rise, barrier islands tend to migrate landward via overwash processes which deposit sediment onto the backbarrier marsh, thus maintaining elevation above sea level. In this paper, we assess the importance of interior upland vegetation and sediment transport (from upland to marsh) on the movement of the marsh–upland boundary in a transgressive barrier system along the mid‐Atlantic Coast. We hypothesize that recent woody expansion is altering the rate of marsh to upland conversion. Using Landsat imagery over a 32 year time period (1984–2016), we quantify transitions between land cover (bare, grassland, woody vegetation, and marsh) and the marsh–upland boundary. We find that the Virginia Barrier Islands have both gains and losses in backbarrier marsh and upland, with 19% net loss from the system during the timeframe of the study and increased variance in marsh to upland conversion. This is consistent with recent work indicating a shift toward increasing rates of landward barrier island migration. Despite a net loss of upland area, macroclimatic winter warming resulted in 41% increase in woody vegetation in protected, low‐elevation areas, introducing new ecological scenarios that increase resistance to sediment movement from upland to marsh. Our analysis demonstrates how the interplay between elevation and interior island vegetative cover influences landward migration of the boundary between upland and marsh (a previously underappreciated indicator that an island is migrating), and thus, the importance of including ecological processes in the island interior into coastal modeling of barrier island migration and sediment movement across the barrier landscape.  相似文献   

The differential accumulation or loss of carbon and nutrients during decomposition can promote differentiation of wetland ecosystems, and contribute to landscape-scale heterogeneity. Tree islands are important ecosystems because they increase ecological heterogeneity in the Everglades landscape and in many tropical landscapes. Only slight differences in elevation due to peat accumulation allow the differentiation of these systems from the adjacent marsh. Hydrologic restoration of the Everglades landscape is currently underway, and increased nutrient supply that could occur with reintroduction of freshwater flow may alter these differentiation processes. In this study, we established a landscape-scale, ecosystem-level experiment to examine litter decomposition responses to increased freshwater flow in nine tree islands and adjacent marsh sites in the southern Everglades. We utilized a standard litterbag technique to quantify changes in mass loss, decay rates, and phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) dynamics of a common litter type, cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco L.) leaf litter over 64 weeks. Average C. icaco leaf degradation rates in tree islands were among the lowest reported for wetland ecosystems (0.23 ± 0.03 yr−1). We found lower mass loss and decay rates but higher absolute mass C, N, and P in tree islands as compared to marsh ecosystems after 64 weeks. With increased freshwater flow, we found generally greater mass loss and significantly higher P concentrations in decomposing leaf litter of tree island and marsh sites. Overall, litter accumulated N and P when decomposing in tree islands, and released P when decomposing in the marsh. However, under conditions of increased freshwater flow, tree islands accumulated more P while the marsh accumulated P rather than mineralizing P. In tree islands, water level explained significant variation in P concentration and N:P molar ratio in leaf tissue. Absolute P mass increased strongly with total P load in tree islands (r 2 = 0.81). In the marsh, we found strong, positive relationships with flow rate. Simultaneous C and P accumulation in tree island and mineralization in adjacent marsh ecosystems via leaf litter decomposition promotes landscape differentiation in this oligotrophic Everglades wetland. However, results of this study suggest that variation in flow rates, water levels and TP loads can shift differential P accumulation and loss leading to unidirectional processes among heterogeneous wetland ecosystems. Under sustained high P loading that could occur with increased freshwater flow, tree islands may shift to litter mineralization, further degrading landscape heterogeneity in this system, and signaling an altered ecosystem state.  相似文献   

Restoring small-scale habitat heterogeneity in highly diverse systems, like tropical forests, is a conservation challenge and offers an excellent opportunity to test factors affecting community assembly. We investigated whether (1) the applied nucleation restoration strategy (planting tree islands) resulted in higher habitat heterogeneity than more homogeneous forest restoration approaches, (2) increased heterogeneity resulted in more diverse tree recruitment, and (3) the mean or coefficient of variation of habitat variables best explained tree recruitment. We measured soil nutrients, overstory and understory vegetation structure, and tree recruitment at six sites with three 5- to 7-year-old restoration treatments: control (no planting), planted tree islands, and conventional, mixed-species tree plantations. Canopy openness and soil base saturation were more variable in island treatments than in controls and plantations, whereas most soil nutrients had similar coefficients of variation across treatments, and bare ground was more variable in control plots. Seedling and sapling species density were equivalent in plantations and islands, and were substantially higher than in controls. Species spatial turnover, diversity, and richness were similar in island and plantation treatments. Mean canopy openness, rather than heterogeneity, explained the largest proportion of variance in species density. Our results show that, whereas canopy openness and soil base saturation are more heterogeneous with the applied nucleation restoration strategy, this pattern does not translate into greater tree diversity. The lack of a heterogeneity–diversity relationship is likely due to the fact that recruits respond more strongly to mean resource gradients than variability at this early stage in succession, and that seed dispersal limitation likely reduces the available species pool. Results show that planting tree islands facilitates tree recruitment to a similar degree as intensive plantation-style restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract To interpret broad-scale erosion and accretion patterns and the expansion and contraction of shrub thickets in response to sea level rise for a coastal barrier system, we examined the fine-scale processes of shrub recruitment and mortality within the context of the influence of ocean current and sediment transport processes on variations in island size and location. We focused on Myrica cerifera shrub thickets, the dominant woody community on most barrier islands along the coastline of the southeastern USA. Observations suggest that M. cerifera, a salt-intolerant species, is increasing in cover throughout the Virginia barrier islands, yet rising sea level in response to climate change is increasing erosion and reducing island area. Our objective was to explain this apparent paradox using pattern–process relationships across a range of scales with a focus on ocean currents and sediment transport interacting with island characteristics at intermediate scales. Multi-decadal comparisons across scales showed a complex pattern. At the scale of the entire Virginia barrier complex, modest decreases in upland area were accompanied by large increases in shrub area. Responses were more variable for individual islands, reflecting inter-island variations in erosion and accretion due to differences in sediment transport via ocean currents. Several islands underwent dramatic shrub expansion. Only for within-island responses were there similarities in the pattern of change, with a lag-phase after initial shrub colonization followed by development of linear, closed canopy thickets. Understanding the fine-scale processes of shrub seedling establishment and thicket development, in conjunction with the influence of ocean currents and sediment transport, provides a framework for interpreting island accretion and erosion patterns and subsequent effects on shrub thicket expansion or contraction across scales of time and space.  相似文献   

Tree island ecosystems are important and distinct features of Florida Everglades wetlands. We described the inter-relationships among abiotic factors describing seasonally flooded tree islands and characterized plant–soil relationships in tree islands occurring in a relatively unimpacted area of the Everglades. We used Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce our multi-factor dataset, quantified forest structure and vegetation nutrient dynamics, and related these vegetation parameters to PCA summary variables using linear regression analyses. We found that, of the 21 abiotic parameters used to characterize the ecosystem structure of seasonally flooded tree islands, 13 parameters were significantly correlated with four principal components, and they described 78% of the variance among the study islands. Most variation was described by factors related to soil oxidation and hydrology, exemplifying the sensitivity of tree island structure to hydrologic conditions. PCA summary variables describing tree island structure were related to variability in Chrysobalanus icaco (L.) canopy cover, Ilex cassine (L.) and Salix caroliniana (Michx.) canopy cover, Myrica cerifera (L.) plot frequency, litter turnover, % phosphorus resorption of co-dominant species, and nitrogen nutrient-use efficiency. This study supported findings that vegetation characteristics can be sensitive indicators of variability in tree island ecosystem structure. This study produced valuable, information which was used to recommend ecological targets (i.e. restoration performance measures) for seasonally flooded tree islands in more impacted regions of the Everglades landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract. To assess the effects of site type, forest initiation periods and fire regimes on the dynamics of Pinus banksiana (Jack pine), the age structure of 69 populations of the species was analyzed. Two landscapes with different fire regimes were selected in the southern part of the Canadian boreal forest in Québec: the ‘mainland landscape’ is characterized by a fire regime of large lethal fires, the ‘island landscape’ is affected by a complex fire regime including lethal and non-lethal fires. Age structure was compared between forest initiation periods and site types (mesic mainland, xeric mainland and xeric island) using the Shannon regularity index. An even-aged population structure was found within the first 100 yr following a lethal fire, while after that period the population structure becomes more uneven-aged. Under mesic conditions, populations tend to have an even-aged structure, under xeric conditions an uneven-aged structure. Natural openings present in xeric sites allow for recruitment in the absence of fire. This permits the self-maintenance of Pinus banksiana. Xeric island populations show more uneven-aged structures than xeric mainland populations. The occurrence of non-lethal fires on the islands creates uneven-aged structures. Further, the results suggest that the selection pressure of the island fire regime, favouring non-serotinous and mixed P. banksiana individuals, is one of the factors responsible for a higher recruitment in the absence of fire on islands than on the mainland.  相似文献   

Tree islands in the Everglades wetlands are centers of biodiversity and targets of restoration, yet little is known about the pattern of water source utilization by the constituent woody plant communities: upland hammocks and flooded swamp forests. Two potential water sources exist: (1) entrapped rainwater in the vadose zone of the organic soil (referred to as upland soil water), that becomes enriched in phosphorus, and (2) phosphorus-poor groundwater/surface water (referred to as regional water). Using natural stable isotope abundance as a tracer, we observed that hammock plants used upland soil water in the wet season and shifted to regional water uptake in the dry season, while swamp forest plants used regional water throughout the year. Consistent with the previously observed phosphorus concentrations of the two water sources, hammock plants had a greater annual mean foliar phosphorus concentration over swamp forest plants, thereby supporting the idea that tree island hammocks are islands of high phosphorus concentrations in the oligotrophic Everglades. Foliar nitrogen levels in swamp forest plants were higher than those of hammock plants. Linking water sources with foliar nutrient concentrations can indicate nutrient sources and periods of nutrient uptake, thereby linking hydrology with the nutrient regimes of different plant communities in wetland ecosystems. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) over long periods, upland tree island communities incrementally increase their nutrient concentration by incorporating marsh nutrients through transpiration seasonally, and (2) small differences in micro-topography in a wetland ecosystem can lead to large differences in water and nutrient cycles.  相似文献   

AimsAmidst the Campos de Altitude (Highland Grasslands) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, woody communities grow either clustered in tree islands or interspersed within the herbaceous matrix. The functional ecology, diversity, and biotic processes shaping these plant communities are largely unstudied. We characterized the functional assembly and diversity of these tropical montane woody communities and investigated how they fit within Grime''s CSR (C—competitor, S—stress‐tolerant, R—ruderal) scheme, what functional trade‐offs they exhibit, and how traits and functional diversity vary in response to bamboo presence/absence.MethodsTo characterize the functional composition of the community, we sampled five leaf traits and wood density along transects covering the woody communities both inside tree islands and outside (i.e., isolated woody plants in the grasslands community). Then, we used Mann–Whitney test, t test, and variation partitioning to determine the effects of inside versus outside tree island and bamboo presence on community‐weighted means, woody species diversity, and functional diversity.ResultsWe found a general SC/S strategy with drought‐related functional trade‐offs. Woody plants in tree islands had more acquisitive traits than those within the grasslands. Trait variation was mostly taxonomically than spatially driven, and species composition varied between inside and outside tree islands. Leaf thickness, wood density, and foliar water uptake were unrelated to CSR strategies, suggesting independent trait dimensions and multiple drought‐coping strategies within the predominant S strategy. Islands with bamboo presence showed lower Simpson diversity, lower functional dispersion, lower foliar water uptake, and greater leaf thickness than in tree islands without bamboo.ConclusionsThe observed functional assembly hints toward large‐scale environmental abiotic filtering shaping a stress‐tolerant community strategy, and small‐scale biotic interactions driving small‐scale trait variation. We recommend experimental studies with fire, facilitation treatments, ecophysiological and recruitment traits to elucidate on future tree island expansion and community response to climate change.  相似文献   

In the Florida Everglades, tree islands are conspicuous heterogeneous elements in the herbaceous wetland landscape. We characterized the biogeochemical role of a seasonally flooded tree island during wet season inundation, specifically examining hydrologically mediated flows of nitrogen (N) and N retention by the tree island. We estimated ecosystem N standing stocks and fluxes, soil and litter N transformation rates, and hydrologic fluxes of N to quantify the net ecosystem N mass flux. Results showed that hydrologic sources of N were dominated by surface water loads of nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4). Nitrate immobilization by soils and surficial leaf litter was an important sink for surface water dissolved inorganic N (DIN). We estimated that the net annual DIN retention by a seasonally flooded tree island was 20.5 ± 5.0 g m−2 during wet season inundation. Based on the estimated tree island surface water DIN loading rate, a seasonally flooded tree island retained 76% of imported DIN. As such, seasonally flooded tree islands have the potential to retain 55% of DIN entering the marsh landscape via upstream canal overland flow in the wet season. By increasing reactive surface area and DOC availability, we suggest that tree islands promote convergence of elements that enhance DIN retention. Tree islands of this region are thus important components of landscape-scale restoration efforts that seek to reduce sources of anthropogenic DIN to downstream estuaries.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity in soils is often characterized by the presence of resource-enriched patches ranging in size from a single shrub to wooded thickets. If the patches persist long enough, the primary constraint on production may transition from one limiting environmental factor to another. Tree islands that are scattered throughout the Florida Everglades basin comprise nutrient-enriched patches, or resource islands, in P-limited oligotrophic marshes. We used principal component analysis and multiple regressions to characterize the belowground environment (soil, hydrology) of one type of tree island, hardwood hammocks, and examined its relationship with the three structural variables (basal area, biomass, and canopy height) indicative of site productivity. Hardwood hammocks in the southern Everglades grow on two distinct soil types. The first, consisting of shallow, organic, relatively low-P soils, is common in the seasonally flooded Marl Prairie landscape. In contrast, hammocks on islands embedded in long hydroperiod marsh have deeper, alkaline, mineral soils with extremely high P concentrations. However, this edaphic variation does not translate simply into differences in forest structure and production. Relative water depth was unrelated to all measures of forest structure and so was soil P, but the non-carbonate component of the mineral soil fraction exhibited a strong positive relationship with canopy height. The development of P-enriched forest resource islands in the Everglades marsh is accompanied by the buildup of a mineral soil; however, limitations on growth in mature islands appear to differ substantively from those that dominate incipient stages in the transformation from marsh to forest.  相似文献   

修建大坝形成水库蓄水是造成景观破碎化的原因和形式之一.本研究选取了浙江千岛湖库区景观破碎化的典型区域小金山林场,调查了74个大小不一的岛屿,研究了面积对植物物种分布的影响,并比较了使物种多样性最大化的几种植物物种保护方案:小岛组合、中岛组合、大岛组合、大中小组合岛.调查共记录到乔木物种56种,灌木物种79种.将岛屿按照面积由大到小排序,将相对应分布的乔木、灌木绘制成植物物种分布表.结果显示:乔木中分布不受面积影响的物种有15种,受面积影响的有11种,介于两者之间的有30种;灌木物种中不受面积影响的有24种,受面积影响的有16种,介于两者之间的有39种.将乔木、灌木和总物种数分别累加,同时将相对应的岛屿面积按不同组合累加,绘制累加物种和面积关系图,发现在特定的相同累加面积下,组合岛的累加乔木、灌木、总物种数最多,小岛组合次之,大岛组合最少.因此,建立相同面积的保护区时,组合岛有利于保护更多的物种.  相似文献   

We address the relative importance of nutrient availability in relation to other physical and biological factors in determining plant community assemblages around Everglades Tree Islands (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA). We carried out a one-time survey of elevation, soil, water level and vegetation structure and composition at 138 plots located along transects in three tree islands in the Park’s major drainage basin. We used an RDA variance partitioning technique to assess the relative importance of nutrient availability (soil N and P) and other factors in explaining herb and tree assemblages of tree island tail and surrounded marshes. The upland areas of the tree islands accumulate P and show low N concentration, producing a strong island-wide gradient in soil N:P ratio. While soil N:P ratio plays a significant role in determining herb layer and tree layer community assemblage in tree island tails, nevertheless part of its variance is shared with hydrology. The total species variance explained by the predictors is very low. We define a strong gradient in nutrient availability (soil N:P ratio) closely related to hydrology. Hydrology and nutrient availability are both factors influencing community assemblages around tree islands, nevertheless both seem to be acting together and in a complex mechanism. Future research should be focused on segregating these two factors in order to determine whether nutrient leaching from tree islands is a factor determining community assemblages and local landscape pattern in the Everglades, and how this process might be affected by water management.  相似文献   

We investigated the regeneration of a threatened tree, the yew Taxus baccata, in relation to the presence of fleshy‐fruited woody plants acting as seed dispersal foci as well as protecting yew recruits against ungulate herbivores. We seek to determine if local facilitative effects are consistent across landscape in the Cantabrian range (NW Spain). Yew seed rain by birds mostly concentrated under yew trees and beneath hollies Ilex aquifolium. Seedling emergence distributed similarly to seed rain, but first‐year seedling survival was higher beneath hollies. In one site where woody vegetation was structured as nucleation centres (multispecific patches of fleshy‐fruited plants acting as foci for seed rain) yew recruits mostly occurred in yew‐dominated centres, suggesting dispersers‐mediated facilitation. However, holly was the main nurse plant for most of these recruits, considering the nurse as the species whose canopy covered directly the yew recruit. Living beneath nurse plants reduced herbivore damage on saplings and enhanced seedling survival. A planting experiment with yew rooted‐cuttings beneath different spiny shrubs corroborated this effect. Additional evidence on yew recruitment limitation by herbivory emerged from one population where ungulates were fence‐excluded. Our results suggest that nurse plants mitigate the negative effect of herbivores on yew regeneration, by providing defence against browsing and trampling. Shelter ability related to nurse structure, cone‐shaped shrubs with branches at their bases acting better as a barrier. Paradoxically, this structure resulted from heavy browsing on nurse plants. The study of yew regeneration and habitat structure in seven sites provided evidence for the consistency of facilitation by holly at the landscape level, since local values of yew recruitment positively related to nurse ground cover. Range‐scale yew management must consider the local functioning of the interaction among avian seed‐dispersers, nurse fleshy‐fruited plants and ungulate herbivores, in combination with regional measures, targeting the habitats where facilitation emerges.  相似文献   

In the semiarid Chaco savannas, the balance between herbaceous and woody species affects landscape configuration and ecosystem services such as forage production. Therefore, understanding the factors that control this balance is crucial for management. In a factorial experiment, we assessed the effects of fire and water availability on the emergence and recruitment of grasses, forbs and woody species. The results showed that the effects of fire and water availability on early regeneration stages differed among the three functional groups. For grasses, fire and water addition enhanced emergence when acted solely, but only the positive effects of fire were translated into a greater recruitment, irrespective of the water availability. For forbs, only water addition, when acted solely, promoted the emergence, although this effect was not translated into a greater recruitment. Lastly, in the case of woody species, both fire and water addition reduced emergence and recruitment. Our results support the notion that both fire and greater water availability would contribute to the maintenance and recovery of a grass‐dominated state of vegetation through a positive effect of fire on grasses recruitment and a general negative effect of fire and water on woody species emergence and recruitment.  相似文献   

Freshwater marshes are the only significant natural ecosystems remaining in the Buenos Aires province section of the Lower Delta of the Parana River (Argentina), occupying 80% of the total island area. The Lower Delta hydrology is dominated mainly by the Parana river and the De La Plata estuary; different temporal superpositions of floods and landscape configurations of the islands result in four distinct flooding patterns. We studied the response of freshwater marsh vegetation to the flooding patterns using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The study area was gridded and 13 cells were selected representing the different flooding patterns. We found significant environmental heterogeneity in the region and a consequent response in the vegetation, expressed through successive species replacements, and variation in species richness and the number and type of dominant species. The environmental heterogeneity of the region is caused by hydrological variations, geomorphological changes in the islands from upstream to downstream areas of the delta, and patterns of human activity.  相似文献   

We investigated six different bush encroachment control treatments on the responses of 29 woody species in southern Ethiopia. During the post-treatments (i.e. between June 2004 and 2005), we monitored tree stump total kill, partial kill and the responses of woody species to disturbances, in terms of coppicing and seedling regeneration. Protection from disturbance promoted seedling regeneration by 4.6%. The effects of tree cutting and fire greatly reduced woody species regeneration, while tree cutting and fire combined with grazing treatment was more effective in reducing coppicing. The fire and grazing methods were effective in reducing the regeneration of seedlings, although grazing alone had no effect. The effect of the tree cutting was comparable with tree cutting and fire, as well as tree cutting and fire combined with grazing on woody species regenerations. Overall, tree cutting and fire combined with grazing were more effective in suppressing the regeneration of encroaching species. We identified two major disturbance strategies. Some species invested in coppicing, while others invested in seedling recruitment. About 10% of the species were adapted relatively to either of the strategies. Only one of the 29 woody species was ranked among the top five in both of the two disturbance-adaptation strategies. The results have important implications for post-treatment management and public education.  相似文献   

Sustained elephant browsing and intense burning could result in the loss of woodlands under conditions where elephant densities are high, such as in northern Botswana. Three woodland types dominated by Acacia erioloba, Baikiaea plurijuga and Colophospermum mopane were monitored in plots and contemporary recruitment rates of woody plants were compared with the associated local elephant densities and fire occurrences. Woodland types differed with respect to structure, extent of elephant damage and the occurrence of fire. Canonical correlations indicated that high extent of fire damage and high elephant densities did not covary within the woodland types investigated. Low tree densities in some woodland types were associated with high elephant densities and new elephant damage to plants increased with high elephant densities during the dry season. Plots with an apparent high fire frequency had lower tree densities and higher cover abundance of shrubs and seedlings.The annual rates of tree recruitment/loss in each woodland type were estimated through a model based on observed seedling recruitment, mortality and reversal to lower height classes due to combinations of fire occurrence and elephant browsing. The model suggested that elephants induce tree loss in woodlands dominated by plant species which are principal food sources. Fire however, seems to have a widespread effect across woodlands which could result in extensive tree loss.  相似文献   

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