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Thrombospondin (TSP) contains the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence that is thought to be important for cell adhesion mediated by several cell-surface integrin receptors. The RGD sequence is located in the type 3 repeat region of TSP that has multiple Ca2+ binding sites and is subject to a complex intramolecular thiol-disulfide isomerization. TSP that we isolated from thrombin-activated human platelets using buffers containing 0.1 mM Ca2+, in which Cys974 is the major labeled cysteine, did not have RGD-inhibitable adhesive activity. However, one of our preparations of TSP and TSP purified following alternative procedures using greater than or equal to 0.3 mM Ca2+ did have RGD-inhibitable adhesive activity. Reduction of TSP with DTT, either before or after adsorption to surfaces, enhanced its adhesive activity. Reduced TSP supported robust cell spreading when coated at concentrations as low as 1 micrograms/ml, whereas "adhesive" TSP not treated with DTT was active at coating concentration of greater than 20 micrograms/ml and supported only modest cell spreading. Lower DTT concentrations were required for enhancement of the adhesive activity of TSP if Ca2+ was chelated with EDTA. Cellular adhesion to DTT-treated TSP was inhibited by RGD-containing peptide and by mAb to a functional site of the alpha v beta 3 integrin. Cell blots of reduced proteolytic fragments of TSP localized the adhesive activity to the RGD-containing type 3 repeat region. These results suggest a novel mechanism for regulation of integrin-ligand interactions in which the ligand can isomerize between inactive and active forms.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix proteins and their proteolytic products have been shown to modulate cell motility. We have found that certain tumor cells display a chemotactic response to degradation products of the matrix protein elastin, and to an elastin-derived peptide, VGVAPG. The hexapeptide VGVAPG is a particularly potent chemotaxin for lung-colonizing Lewis lung carcinoma cells (line M27), with 5 nM VGVAPG eliciting maximal chemotactic response when assayed in 48-microwell chemotaxis chambers. Binding of the elastin-derived peptide to M27 cells was studied using a tyrosinated analog (Y-VGVAPG) to allow iodination. Scatchard analysis of [125I]Y-VGVAPG binding to viable M27 tumor cells at both 37 and 4 degrees C indicates the presence of a single class of high affinity binding sites. The dissociation constant obtained from these studies (2.7 X 10(-9) M) is equivalent to the concentration of VGVAPG required for chemotactic activity. The receptor molecule was identified as an Mr 59,000 species by covalent cross-linking of the radiolabeled ligand to the M27 tumor cell surface and subsequent analysis of the cross-linked material by electrophoresis and size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography. These results suggest that M27 tumor cell chemotaxis to VGVAPG is initiated by high affinity binding of the peptide to a distinct cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP) is a trimeric glycoprotein of Mr 420,000. It was originally described as a major component of human platelet alpha granules and is essential for the secondary phase of platelet aggregation. TSP is also synthesized and secreted by a variety of nucleated cells where it functions in processes involving growth and adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix. Many of these processes are heparin-inhibitable and are mediated by a proteolytic fragment of TSP called the heparin binding domain (HBD). In order to facilitate the analysis of the structure and function(s) of this domain, we have expressed this molecule in Escherichia coli. A fragment of a TSP cDNA that encodes the heparin binding domain was inserted into the prokaryotic expression vector pJBL6. In bacterial cells grown at 42 degrees C, this vector directs the synthesis of a 24,000-Da polypeptide. Milligram quantities of this protein were purified to homogeneity from E. coli lysates. The structure of the recombinant HBD was confirmed by protein sequencing. The protein was further characterized by analysis of its conformation and function. The recombinant HBD binds [3H]heparin with a Kd of 71 nM, almost identical to that of TSP-derived HBD (80 nM). Additionally, the recombinant HBD is able to compete for TSP binding to 11B carcinoma cells. These studies indicate that the recombinant HBD is synthesized and purified in a native configuration and is functionally equivalent to thrombospondin-derived HBD. They further indicate that glycosylation of the thrombospondin HBD is not necessary for its interaction with heparin and that sequences essential to this interaction reside within the first 229 amino acids of secreted thrombospondin.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(4):1059-1067
A new member of the thrombospondin gene family, designated thrombospondin-4, has been identified in the Xenopus laevis genome. The predicted amino acid sequence indicates that the protein is similar to the other members of this gene family in the structure of the type 3 repeats and the COOH-terminal domain. Thrombospondin-4 contains four type 2 repeats and lacks the type 1 repeats that are found in thrombospondin-1 and 2. The amino-terminal domain of thrombospondin-4 has no significant homology with the other members of the thrombospondin gene family or with other proteins in the database. RNAse protection analysis establishes that the initial expression of Xenopus thrombospondin-4 is observed during neurulation. Levels of mRNA expression increase twofold during tailbud stages but decrease by the feeding tadpole stage. The size of the thrombospondin-4 message is 3.3 Kb and 3.4 Kb in the frog and human, respectively. Northern blot analysis of human tissues reveals high levels of thrombospondin-4 expression in heart and skeletal muscle, low levels in brain, lung and pancreas and undetectable levels in the placenta, liver and kidney. These data establish the existence of a new member of the thrombospondin gene family that may participate in the genesis and function of cardiac and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Calcium-replete thrombospondin has been purified from outdated platelets using heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, gelatin-Sepharose to remove fibronectin, and gel filtration to eliminate low-molecular-weight heparin-binding proteins. Edman degradation of six different preparations revealed the amino-terminal sequence of thrombospondin (TSP) to be Asn-Arg-Ile-Pro-Glu-Ser-Gly-Gly-Asp-Asn-Ser-Val-Phe-. This sequence was obtained in initial yields as high as 85%, indicating that no blocked chains are present. Cleavage of calcium-replete TSP with thermolysin or plasmin results in the production of relatively stable fragments. Chromatography of these digests on heparin-Sepharose followed by elution with 0.6 M NaCl affords purification of an Mr 25,000 fragment from the thermolysin digest and an Mr 35,000 fragment from the plasmin digest. The binding of these fragments to heparin-Sepharose does not require divalent metal ions. Neither fragment is disulfide-bonded to other fragments present in the digests. The heparin-binding domains from both digests have similar amino acid compositions and their tryptic peptide maps on high performance liquid chromatography are identical with the exception of one peptide unique to each fragment. Automated Edman degradation in a vapor-phase sequenator of the thermolytic heparin-binding domain electroeluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels indicates that the heparin-binding domain resides at the amino terminus of the Mr 180,000 TSP peptide chain.  相似文献   

Endosialin, the antigen identified with monoclonal antibody FB5, is a highly restricted 165-kDa cell surface glycoprotein expressed by tumor blood vessel endothelium in a broad range of human cancers but not detected in blood vessels or other cell types in many normal tissues. Functional analysis of endosialin has been hampered by a lack of information about its molecular structure. In this study, we describe the purification and partial amino acid sequencing of endosialin, leading to the cloning of a full-length cDNA with an open reading frame of 2274 base pairs. The endosialin cDNA encodes a type I membrane protein of 757 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 80.9 kDa. The sequence matches with an expressed sequence tag of unknown function in public data bases, named TEM1, which was independently linked to tumor endothelium by serial analysis of gene expression profiling. Bioinformatic evaluation classifies endosialin as a C-type lectin-like protein, composed of a signal leader peptide, five globular extracellular domains (including a C-type lectin domain, one domain with similarity to the Sushi/ccp/scr pattern, and three EGF repeats), followed by a mucin-like region, a transmembrane segment, and a short cytoplasmic tail. Carbohydrate analysis shows that the endosialin core protein carries abundantly sialylated, O-linked oligosaccharides and is sensitive to O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase, placing it in the group of sialomucin-like molecules. The N-terminal 360 amino acids of endosialin show homology to thrombomodulin, a receptor involved in regulating blood coagulation, and to complement receptor C1qRp. This structural kinship may indicate a function for endosialin as a tumor endothelial receptor for as yet unknown ligands, a notion now amenable to molecular investigation.  相似文献   

Steady state mRNA levels in various human tissues reveal that the proinflammatory cytokine IL-18 is constitutively and ubiquitously expressed. However, limited IL-18R alpha-chain (IL-18Ralpha) expression in tissues may restrict ligand-acting sites and contribute to a specific response for IL-18. To study the IL-18R complex, [(125)I]IL-18 was studied for binding to the cell surface receptors of IL-18-responsive NK and macrophagic KG-1 cells. After cross-linking, [(125)I]IL-18 formed three IL-18R complexes with sizes of approximately 93, 160, and 220 kDa. In KG-1 cells, Scatchard analysis revealed the presence of 135 binding sites/cell, with an apparent dissociation constant (K(d)) of 250 pM; in NK cells, there were 350 binding sites per cell with an apparent K(d) of 146 pM. Each domain of extracellular IL-18Ralpha was cloned and individually expressed in Escherichia coli. An mAb specifically recognized the membrane-proximal third domain; this mAb blocked IL-18-induced IFN-gamma production in NK cells. Furthermore, deletion of the membrane-proximal third domain of IL-18Ralpha prevented the formation of IL-18R ternary complex with IL-18R beta-chain. The present studies demonstrate that the biologically active IL-18R complex requires the membrane-proximal third Ig-like domain in IL-18Ralpha for the formation of IL-18R ternary complex as well as for signal transduction involved in IL-18-induced IFN-gamma in NK cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a heterodimeric complex immunologically related to the fibrinogen receptor could function as a thrombospondin (TSP) receptor in TSP-mediated cell-substratum adhesion of human melanoma cells. We found that polyclonal antibodies to the platelet GPIIb-IIIa complex, GPIIIa, and the human vitronectin receptor inhibited TSP-mediated cell adhesion by 63–68%. Immunoprecipitation of detergent extracts of 125I-surface-labeled melanoma cells using either anti-human platelet GPIIb-IIla or anti-human vitronectin receptor antibody revealed the presence of a single heterodimeric complex, suggesting that both antisera recognize the same integrin receptor, GPIIb-IIIa-like antigen. Adhesion of cells to TSP is likely mediated through a region of the TSP molecule containing the arginine-glycine-aspartic (RGD) peptide sequence, since cell attachment to TSP was inhibited 50–66% in the presence of peptides containing RGD. These results strongly suggest that a GPIIb-IIIa-like/vitronectin receptor can serve as a cell binding site for TSP in mediating cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   

Using mAb technology (Wayner, E. A., W. G. Carter, R. Piotrowicz, and T. J. Kunicki. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 107:1881-1891), we have identified a new fibronectin receptor that is identical to the integrin receptor alpha 4 beta 1. mAbs P3E3, P4C2, and P4G9 recognized epitopes on the alpha 4 subunit and completely inhibited the adhesion of peripheral blood and cultured T lymphocytes to a 38-kD tryptic fragment of plasma fibronectin containing the carboxy-terminal Heparin II domain and part of the type III connecting segment (IIICS). The ligand in IIICS for alpha 4 beta 1 was the CS-1 region previously defined as an adhesion site for melanoma cells. The functionally defined mAbs to alpha 4 partially inhibited T lymphocyte adhesion to intact plasma fibronectin and had no effect on their attachment to an 80-kD tryptic fragment containing the RGD (arg-gly-asp) adhesion sequence. mAbs (P1D6 and P1F8) to the previously described fibronectin receptor, alpha 5 beta 1, completely inhibited T lymphocyte adhesion to the 80-kD fragment but had no effect on their attachment to the 38-kD fragment or to CS-1. Both alpha 4 beta 1 and alpha 5 beta 1 localized to focal adhesions when fibroblasts that express these receptors were grown on fibronectin-coated surfaces. These findings demonstrated a specific interaction of both receptors with fibronectin at focal contacts. In conclusion, these findings show clearly that cultured T lymphocytes use two independent receptors during attachment to fibronectin and that (a) alpha 5 beta 1 is the receptor for the RGD containing cell adhesion domain, and (b) alpha 4 beta 1 is the receptor for a carboxy-terminal cell adhesion region containing the Heparin II and IIICS domains. Furthermore, these data also show that T lymphocytes express a clear preference for a region of molecular heterogeneity in IIICS (CS-1) generated by alternative splicing of fibronectin pre-mRNA and that alpha 4 beta 1 is the receptor for this adhesion site.  相似文献   

The adhesive domain of SdrD from Staphylococcus aureus was solubly expressed in Escherichia coli in high yield. After a series of purification steps, the purified protein was >95% pure, which was SdrD from S. aureus identified by SDS–PAGE and MALDI-TOF MS. Crystals were grown at 18 °C using 25% polyethylene glycol 3350 as precipitant. Diffraction by the crystal extends to 1.65 Å resolution, and the crystal belongs to the space group C2, with the unit cell parameters a = 133.3, b = 58.3, c = 112.3 Å, α = 90.00, β = 111.14, γ = 90.00.  相似文献   

Neuromodulin (formerly designated P-57) is an abundant, neural specific, calmodulin-binding protein which exhibits higher affinity for calmodulin in the absence of free Ca2+ than in the presence of free Ca2+. In this study a series of proteolytic fragments of neuromodulin were systematically screened for calmodulin-Sepharose binding activity. A 9-amino acid fragment, designated M1-C1 and having the sequence RGHITRKKL, was identified as the putative CaM-binding domain of neuromodulin. Two heptadecapeptides, designated FP57-Phe and FP57-Trp, were synthesized, each containing the M1-C1 sequence and the four flanking amino acids from each site. The FP57-Trp peptide contained a tryptophan residue in place of the native phenylalanine. Anti-FP57-Phe antibody binding to neuromodulin was inhibited by preincubation of antibodies with excess FP57-Phe. 125I-CaM gel overlay of neuromodulin was inhibited by anti-FP57-Phe antibodies. Addition of CaM to FP57-Trp increased peptide tryptophanyl fluorescence. In the presence of Ca2+, the stoichiometry of the FP57-Trp.CaM complex was 1:1, FP57-Trp binding to CaM was competitive with neuromodulin. The Ca2+-independent dissociation constant of the FP57-Phe.CaM complex was 0.41 microM. The Ca2+-dependent affinity of the complex could not be measured directly but appeared to be significantly greater than the Ca2+-independent affinity.  相似文献   

Various chimeric ETA and ETB receptors were produced in CHO cells for the elucidation of a specific domain which influences the affinity of the receptor toward BQ-123, a selective ETA antagonist. Replacement of the first extracellular loop domain (B-loop) of the ETA receptor with the corresponding domain of the ETB receptor, reduced the inhibition by BQ-123 drastically, while the replacements of other extracellular domains of ETA did not. By contrast, the introduction of the B-loop of ETA in place of the corresponding domain of the ETB receptor endowed the ETB-based chimeric receptor with a sensitivity to BQ-123. These observations suggest that the B-loop domain of the ETA receptor is involved in ligand binding.  相似文献   

The CD95 death receptor plays an important role in several physiological and pathological apoptotic processes involving in particular the immune system. CD95 ligation leads to clustering of the receptor cytoplasmic "death domains" and recruitment of the zymogen form of caspase-8 to the cell surface. Activation of this protease through self-cleavage, followed by activation of downstream effector caspases, culminates in cleavage of a set of cellular proteins resulting in apoptosis with disassembly of the cell. It is very well known that the extracellular region of the CD95 receptor is required for CD95L interaction and that the death domain is necessary for the induction of the apoptotic signaling. Here, we identified and characterized a novel CD95 ligand- and death domain-independent oligomerization domain mapping to the NH(2)-terminal extracellular region of the CD95 receptor. In vitro and in vivo studies indicated that this domain, conserved among all soluble CD95 variants, mediates homo-oligomerization of the CD95 receptor and of the soluble CD95 proteins, as well as hetero-oligomerization of the receptor with the soluble variants. These results offer new insight into the mechanism of apoptosis inhibition mediated by the soluble CD95 proteins and suggest a role of the extracellular oligomerization domain in the regulation of the non-signaling state of the CD95 receptor.  相似文献   

AMP and adenosine are found in all cell types and can be released by cells or created extracellularly from the breakdown of ATP and ADP. We have identified an orphan G protein-coupled receptor with homology to the P2Y family of nucleotide receptors that can respond to both AMP and adenosine. Based on its ability to functionally bind the nucleotide AMP, we have named it P2Y15. Upon stimulation, P2Y15 induces both Ca2+ mobilization and cyclic AMP generation, suggesting coupling to at least two different G proteins. It is highly expressed in mast cells and is found predominantly in the tissues of the respiratory tract and kidneys, which are known to be affected by AMP, adenosine, and adenosine antagonists. Until now, the effects of AMP have been thought to depend on its dephosphorylation to adenosine but we demonstrate here that P2Y15 is a bona fide AMP receptor by showing that it binds [(32)P]AMP. Because AMP and adenosine have bronchoconstrictive effects that can be inhibited by theophylline, we tested whether theophylline and other adenosine receptor antagonists can block P2Y15. We found inhibition at a theophylline concentration well within the therapeutic dose range, indicating that P2Y15 may be a clinically important target of this drug.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is a matrix protein that has been implicated in mechanisms of tumor progression. Our laboratory previously showed that the CSVTCG (cys-ser-val-thr-cys-gly) sequence of TSP-1 functioned as a tumor cell adhesion domain and CSVTCG peptides as well as an anti-peptide antibody possessed anti-metastatic activity in a murine model of lung metastasis. In a subsequent study, a putative TSP-1 binding protein from lung carcinoma was isolated by CSVTCG-peptide affinity chromatography. In this study, we present the full-length cDNA of this binding protein isolated from a prostate cancer cell (PC3-NI) cDNA library. The purified recombinant protein, termed angiocidin, is a potent inhibitor of tumor growth of Lewis Lung carcinoma in vivo and tumor invasion and angiogenesis in vitro. In addition, the recombinant protein inhibits tumor and endothelial cell proliferation and induces apoptosis. The activity of angiocidin both in vivo and in vitro is partially dependent on its TSP-1 binding activity, since an angiocidin deletion mutant missing a high affinity-binding site for TSP-1 failed to inhibit tumor growth in vivo and was less active in its anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activities in vitro. These results suggest that the anti-tumor activity of TSP-1 reported in many studies may be mediated in part by binding proteins such as angiocidin. Such proteins may function as tumor-suppressor proteins, which limit the growth of tumors by inhibiting angiogenesis and cell matrix interaction.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a betaretrovirus that infects rodent cells and uses mouse transferrin receptor 1 for cell entry. To characterize the interaction of MMTV with its receptor, we aligned the MMTV envelope surface (SU) protein with that of Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MLV) and identified a putative receptor-binding domain (RBD) that included a receptor binding sequence (RBS) of five amino acids and a heparin-binding domain (HBD). Mutation of the HBD reduced virus infectivity, and soluble heparan sulfate blocked infection of cells by wild-type pseudovirus. Interestingly, some but not all MMTV-like elements found in primary and cultured human breast cancer cell lines, termed h-MTVs, had sequence alterations in the putative RBS. Single substitution of one of the amino acids found in an h-MTV RBS variant in the RBD of MMTV, Phe(40) to Ser, did not alter species tropism but abolished both virus binding to cells and infectivity. Neutralizing anti-SU monoclonal antibodies also recognized a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein that contained the five-amino-acid RBS region from MMTV. The critical Phe(40) residue is located on a surface of the MMTV RBD model that is distant from and may be structurally more rigid than the region of F-MLV RBD that contains its critical binding site residues. This suggests that, in contrast to other murine retroviruses, binding to its receptor may result in few or no changes in MMTV envelope protein conformation.  相似文献   

A surface protein antigen that is produced only during the induction of aggregation of Streptococcus faecalis was shown to contribute to and perhaps be primarily responsible for aggregation. The antigen is an immunodominant surface component of induced cells. F(ab) fragments of immunoglobulins specific for this antigen prevented aggregation, providing direct evidence that the antigen is an adhesin. Consistent with this proposed association was the coincident timing of appearance of the antigen and the timing of aggregation after induction.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of triglycerides in plasma lipoproteins is mediated by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) that is bound to vascular endothelial cells. The specific endothelial cell surface protein(s) with which LPL associates has not been characterized. To identify this LPL binding protein(s), radioiodinated cell surface proteins from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells were chromatographed using bovine LPL-Sepharose. A single radioiodinated protein of apparent molecular mass 220 kDa was specifically retained by the gel and eluted with 0.4 M NaCl. A LPL-binding protein of similar size was obtained after metabolic labeling of the cellular proteoglycans with 35SO4, indicating that the 220-kDa protein is a proteoglycan. After heparitinase or nitrous acid treatments the molecular mass of the LPL-binding protein decreased to approximately 50 kDa, suggesting that it contains heparin sulfate chains. A 220-kDa protein from the basal cell surface was also identified using LPL-Sepharose chromatography. 125I-LPL was cross-linked to the endothelial cell surface using ethylene glycobis (succinimidylsuccinate). A single ligand-receptor complex, approximately 350 kDa, was obtained. Heparin and unlabeled LPL decreased the cross-linking of radioiodinated LPL to the cell surface receptor. To examine whether the receptor mediates the internalization of cross-linked 125I-LPL, cells containing 125I-LPL complexed to the surface were incubated at either 37 or at 4 degrees C. The amount of 125I-LPL internalized by the cells was 74% greater at 37 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. This suggested that LPL cross-linked to the receptor was internalized in a temperature-dependent manner. Thus, a 220-kDa heparan sulfate proteoglycan functions as an endothelial cell surface receptor for LPL.  相似文献   

Isolation of a tumor cell laminin receptor   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
BL6 murine melanoma cells contain approximately 110,000 cell surface binding sites for the basement membrane glycoprotein laminin. Treatment of isolated melanoma cell plasma membranes with detergent yields a single class of laminin receptor. The receptor was purified 900 fold by laminin affinity chromatography. The isolated receptor has a Mr of 67,000 and binds laminin with high affinity: kd = 2 nm. The binding affinity of the isolated receptor was similar to that of the plasma membranes or the whole cells. Such a laminin receptor, isolated here for the first time, could facilitate the interaction of metastasizing tumor cells with the basement membrane.  相似文献   

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