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Influences of estrogens on the differentiation of psychosexual traits in the female guinea pig were studied. Pregnant animals were injected intramuscularly with either 1, 2, or 3.3 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB) or with 1 or 3 micrograms diethylstilbestrol dipropionate (DESDP). Injections were started on the 29th day of pregnancy, given daily for 6 days, and continued every other day until parturition. Female offspring were evaluated for onset of puberty, ovarian function, and lordosis and mounting behavior in adulthood. Prenatal treatment with 3 micrograms DESDP caused delayed puberty, impaired ovarian function, reduced responsiveness of lordosis to EB and P in adulthood (defeminization), augmented mounting in the absence of hormones (masculinization), and reduced responsiveness of mounting to exogenous EB and P in adulthood (defeminization). Prenatal treatment with 1 microgram DESDP produced similar but less pronounced effects. Prenatal treatment with 3.3 micrograms EB also caused a delay in puberty. However, responsiveness of lordosis to EB and P in adulthood was enhanced by treatment with either 1 or 3.3 micrograms EB prenatally. Further, neither mounting in the absence of hormones nor mounting in response to EB and P in adulthood were affected in any measurable way by any prenatal treatment with EB. These results show that estrogens can have masculinizing and defeminizing effects on sexually dimorphic reproductive traits in guinea pigs. The failure of EB to duplicate or parallel the effects of DESDP is not completely understood at this time, but it may indicate that less of the active substance reaches the target tissues following maternal and placental metabolism of EB than of DESDP.  相似文献   

Activation and mechanism of action of suppressor macrophages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intravenous administration of Corynebacterium parvum to alloimmunized mice activates splenic suppressor macrophages that effectively curtail primary and secondary generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in vitro. CTL generation was significantly inhibited in suppressed primary cultures by Day 3, the earliest time point that activity is first detected in control cultures. Suppressor macrophages had to be present during the first 24–48 hr of culture to effectively curtail the generation of CTLs. However, if suppressor macrophages were reactivated by 48-hr in vitro culture and then added to primary sensitizations that had been initiated 48 hr previously, they were capable of significant suppression. Suppressor cells produced a soluble factor that mediated the inhibition of CTL generation. The production or action of this factor could not be counteracted by indomethacin.  相似文献   

The effect of Triton WR-1339 on activity of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase was measured in rat serum following addition of Triton to the serum in vitro or after intravenous injection of the detergent. The inhibitory effect of Triton WR-1339 on activity of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase when the detergent was added in vitro was dose dependent and appeared to result from a direct action on the enzyme rather than from a physical modification of the substrate by the detergent. The serum half-life (T12) of Triton WR-1339 injected intravenously in the rat was 23.1 ± 1.0 h. The inhibitory effect of Triton on serum LCAT activity when the detergent was given intravenously was also dose dependent and was reversed when the serum concentration of Triton decreased; under specific conditions, LCAT activity reached values higher than control. This behavior after treatment of the animal may be explained by increased concentration of the enzyme in the plasma, by stimulation of LCAT activity by the very low density lipoprotein or metabolites accumulating in the plasma of rats treated with Triton WR-1339, or by a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Column segments taken from hydra of different species can be grafted together; they separate after a period ranging from hours to weeks, depending on the species pair. The healing and separation processes were studied in homografts and heterografts by light and electron microscopy, using seven species of the genera Hydra, Chlorohydra and Pelmatohydra. In homografts, the edge cells show pseudopodial activity and attach and adhere rapidly. Heterografts show some normal tissue healing activities, but the poorer heterotypic cell adhesions result in the tissues eventually separating. In combinations where the tissues heal poorly initially, the tissues fall apart soon after grafting. In other heterografts, cell attachments arise which resemble septate desmosomes, and there is sufficient healing to hold the tissues together for at least several days. Later a constriction develops at the graft site and progresses until the unlike tissues are pinched apart. This constriction appears to represent not immunological rejection, but rather a replacement of the heterotypic cell junctions by homospecific attachments, leading to a gradual separation of the tissues.  相似文献   

A new method was developed which allows for rapid (2 min) physical isolation of viable K562 target cells after being programmed to lyse (lethally hit) by purified human natural killer (NK) cells (LGL). To achieve this K562 cells which were obtained from the 34-36% interface of discontinuous Percoll gradients and purified human NK cells (LGL) which were obtained from the (43-45% Percoll) interface were employed. Using a Ca2+ pulse method and the separation of NK-K562 conjugates with EDTA and rapid centrifugation on Percoll gradients at 4 degrees C we could physically isolate the lethally hit K562 cells from the LGL allowing the study of the events leading to their subsequent lysis. Lysis of "purified" lethally hit K562 cells occurred in the absence of Ca2+ or Mg2+ and was blocked by reduced temperature (4 degrees C), or by the protease enzyme trypsin. When lethally hit targets were held at 4 degrees C (to block lysis) then rewarmed to 37 degrees C lysis ensued but with a rate slower than that of control cells not held at 4 degrees C. These data support the concept that transfer of protease-sensitive and possibly temperature-dependent structures from the NK cell to the target is a requisite step in NK cytolysis.  相似文献   

We reported earlier that tubulin levels increase in the developing mouse oviduct during that period after birth when ciliogenesis is at a maximum (Staprans, I., and Dirksen, E. R. (1974) J. Cell Biol., 62, 164). To determine the degree to which de novo synthesis and tubulin pools contribute to this increase, [3H]leucine-incorporation experiments were performed in vivo and in culture. Soluble, particulate and axonemal fractions, obtained from homogenized oviducts of 3-, 5-, 8- and 12-day-old suckling mice, were electrophoresed on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and the specific activity of the tubulin band determined. The present work shows that more than 90% of the tubulin in 3-day-old and 75% in 5-day-old mouse oviducts is synthesized de novo. From both the in vivo and in culture experiments we conclude that although tubulin pools are present in mouse oviduct, they are continuously being replenished by newly synthesized protein as there is a rapid outflow from the soluble and particulate to the axonemal fraction into structures such as basal bodies and cilia. This burst of de novo tubulin synthesis corresponds to evidence from electron microscopic autoradiography, where label is present to a greater extent over centriole precursors and basal bodies than over other cell organelles. [3H]leucine incorporation into tubulin was inhibited by cycloheximide, demonstrating that we are dealing with synthesis, while colchicine below 10?3, M concentration had no effect on tubulin assembly into axonemes.  相似文献   

A voltage-gated hydrogen ion-selective conductance has been previously described in the immature oocyte of the urodele amphibian Ambystoma. The present study was prompted by reports that changes in membrane voltage and internal pH, as well as in internal sodium ion concentration, occur during the hormone-induced maturation of oocytes from other amphibians. As activation of membrane currents might mediate changes in internal ion concentrations in addition to altering the membrane voltage, microelectrode recording techniques have been employed to examine changes in membrane conductances which occur during maturation of Ambystoma oocytes. It was observed that during the first 5 hr of maturation the magnitude of the hydrogen ion conductance gradually decreased, and that subsequently there was an increase in the amplitude of a voltage-dependent noninactivating sodium conductance. After 6 to 7 hr, after the loss of the hydrogen conductance and at about the time of germinal vesicle breakdown, the resting potential of the oocyte spontaneously shifted from approximately -10 mV to approximately +30 mV, where it remained until at least 24 hr after the initiation of maturation. This voltage transition was due to the appearance of mechanisms generating inward current in the oocyte membrane; part of this inward current was due to the tonic activation of the sodium conductance. Changes in internal pH and internal sodium ion concentration occurred during maturation, as judged from shifts in the reversal potentials of both hydrogen and sodium currents. A gradual decrease in internal hydrogen ion concentration was observed up until the time of disappearance of the hydrogen conductance (change in internal pH from about 7.15 in immature oocytes to about 7.40 by 3 hr after application of progesterone). This was followed, as sodium conductance increased, by an apparent rise in the internal sodium ion concentration (from about 6 mM to about 17 mM by 10 hr postprogesterone).  相似文献   

A volumetric method has been developed which permits continuous registration of volume flows across epithelial tissues. The method was applied to volume flow measurements across rabbit gall bladder epithelium. The rate of fluid reabsorption measured in this way was twice as high as previously observed in sac preparations of the gall bladder. This is probably due to better aeration and stirring of the mucosal solution. It was demonstrated that electrical gradients across the gall bladder induced volume flows towards the negative electrode. In non-transporting bladders volume flows were linearly related with current between 300 and 900 μA in both directions. However, volume flow rates were three times higher from mucosa to serosa than in the opposite direction. From the magnitude of polarization potentials, observed after switching off the current, the conclusion was reached that all of the current-induced volume flow is an osmotic flow due to salt polarization in the unstirred layers of the tissue. By implication, so-called streaming potentials observed during osmotic flows reflect solely polarization effects. In actively transporting gall bladders a 200 μA current increased or decreased the flow rate twice as much as expected from polarization effects alone. Therefore passage of current interfered directly with the active transport mechanism of gall bladder epithelium.  相似文献   

Tissue healing was studied in hydra tissue grafts by means of light and electron microscopy. Healing is begun by the gastrodermis: subsequently the epidermis fuses and the mesoglea is repaired. Epidermis fusion is first brought about by long processes from the basal portions of the epithelial cells bridging the wound gap and adhering to opposing cells. Irregular septate desmosomes form early in this process and continuously become more neatly organized. Concommitant with the healing process at the graft site, neighboring cells are also rearranging, their septate desmosomes undergoing transient disorganizations. We conclude that the organization of septate junctions is dynamic, and may be undergoing a balanced but continuous, steady state turnover. During the healing process the forces acting on the desmosomes, and other aspects of the cells' architecture, are not balanced, and the junctions grow and become more highly organized.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity associated with the plasma membrane of normal human erythrocytes is similar to that of erythrocytes from patients with hereditary spherocytosis. When spherocytic ghosts are compared to age-matched controls, however, they show a significantly decreased Ca2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity. The role of the relative deficiency of Ca2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase in spherocytic ghosts is discussed in the light of the effects of intracellular [Ca2+] on the deformability and the rigidity of the cell membrane. This enzyme may be involved in the molecular mechanism of hereditary spherocytosis.  相似文献   

MLC-generated cells were tested on 7 consecutive days in the single cell cytotoxicity assay to determine the kinetics of natural and allospecific killing. Maximum cytotoxicity to the NK-sensitive target, K562, was found on Day 3 of MLC with an increase at that time in both the number of cells binding and the number of cells killing K562. The maximum allospecific response was found on Days 6 and 7 with an increase in cells able to bind and kill the alloantigen-bearing target. To determine whether the anti-K562 and allospecific killing were mediated by the same effector cells or different cell populations, both targets were tested simultaneously in the single cell assay. At no time during the 7 days were cells detected capable of simultaneously binding both K562 and allospecific targets. These data indicate that there are two different cell populations responsible for allospecific cytotoxicity and MLC-induced NK-like cytotoxicity. The cytotoxic specificity of unstimulated and MLC-generated NK-like cells was also investigated. When two different NK-sensitive targets (e.g., K562 and MOLT-4) were tested together in the single cell assay, there was no concurrent binding of targets by either fresh PBL prior to MLC stimulation or Day 3 MLC-generated cells. When unstimulated effector cells were enriched for NK activity by Percoll density gradient centrifugation, only a small number of effector cells simultaneously binding two different NK-sensitive targets was detected in the single cell assay. These results imply that the NK cell population is heterogeneous and composed of subpopulations recognizing diverse target specificities.  相似文献   

Serial observations were conducted on the time course of surface immunoglobulin (Ig) redistribution (capping) on individual mouse spleen lymphocytes. Capping of surface Ig by anti-Ig fluorescein and also antigen-induced capping of receptors on specific sheep erythrocyte antigen-binding cells were observed and the times required for individual cells to clear 90 and 180 ° of their circumference were recorded. There were striking differences between individual cells in both the onset and duration of receptor movements. Although the number of cells achieving complete clearing of first and second quadrants in successive time intervals declined, there was no correlation between the time required by a cell to clear the first quadrant and the time required by the same cell to clear the second quadrant. Thus, instead of observing gradual progressive migration of marker toward one pole of each individual cell at a rate resembling that of the whole population, we observed grossly discontinuous receptor movements, characterized by brief major shifts in receptors followed by a period of relative stability. Capping is thus viewed as a series of discrete contractile events related to the activity of membrane-associated cytoskeletal elements rather than a manifestation of “membrane flow”.  相似文献   

Cultured peripheral blood monocytes from subjects with trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) demonstrated a 3.7-fold enhanced sensitivity to the maturation-inhibiting effect of leukocyte interferon. This increased sensitivity is considered to be the result of the presence of an increased concentration of the interferon receptor, which is controlled by the IfRec locus on human chromosome 21, on the surface of the trisomic monocytes. Since macrophages are important components of many immune processes and interferon is itself a product of and has regulatory functions in immune reactions, the enhanced sensitivity of trisomic monocytes to interferon may be a factor leading, paradoxically, to the greater susceptibility of trisomic individuals to viral and bacterial infections.  相似文献   

The capping of antigen-binding cell receptors by bound sheep erythrocytes (SRC) demonstrates that antigen mounted on a cell surface can generate a signal leading to the capping reaction. SRC-induced capping of ABC is: (a) highly dependent on both aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, (b) unaffected by agents altering intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations, (c) slightly more vigorous in strain A than in CBA mice, (d) inhibited by calcium ionophore, (e) inhibited by the local anesthetic dibucaine and the tranquillizer chlorpromazine, (f) dependent on cytoskeletal activity (i.e., inhibited by the simultaneous presence of colchicine and cytochalasin B), (g) not dependent on the membrane ATPases inhibited by ouabain, (h) not dependent on motility, in that agents which inhibit motility (cytochalasin B alone) or stimulate motility (carbachol) do not alter capping behavior. These properties represent similarities between the capping of surface Ig by the cellular antigens on SRC and by proteins such as anti-Ig. SRC-induced capping is much slower than anti-Ig-induced capping, and only engages 30–40% of ABC, indicating that the nature of the crosslinking agent can influence the kinetics and extent of capping. But SRC cap with the rapid kinetics typical of anti-Ig-induced capping if the surface membrane of the ABC is first cleared of other glycoproteins with trypsin. The removal of negatively charged sialic acid residues by neuraminidase has no such effect. It is probable that the compression of bound SRC into a small area of the membrane requires more energy than does the capping of protein ligands, and that some cells cannot muster enough energy to achieve it.  相似文献   

It has been shown that retinoic acid (RA) can promote morphologic differentiation and inhibit the growth of a human neuroblastoma cell line, LA-N-1. The present study tests the histological generality of these phenomena by determining the effects of RA on seven other human neuroblastoma cell lines. Results show that RA strongly inhibited anchorage-dependent growth and induced morphologic alterations in six of seven of the cell lines. These alterations included morphologic differentiation as evidenced by formation of neurite extensions in four of the lines, cellular enlargement and vacuolization in one culture, and formation of large, flattened epithelial or fibroblastic-like cells in another culture. Although one cell line was relatively insensitive to the effects of RA in monolayer culture, all seven were strongly inhibited by RA in soft agar assays. Cellular RA-binding proteins were detected in 2/2 lines tested. These findings suggest that, as a histological group, human neuroblastoma cells are extremely sensitive to RA-induced growth inhibition and morphological alterations generally associated with reduced expression of the malignant phenotype of this type of cancer.  相似文献   

The effects of retinoic acid (RA) on the induction of antibody-producing cells from human tonsillar lymphocytes sensitized to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) have been evaluated. Our results indicated that 10(-5) to 10(-7) M RA caused up to a three-fold increase in the number of plaque-forming cells (PFC) and a qualitative increase in the size of the plaques during the induction of PFC in 5- to 7-day cultures. Enhancement also occurred when tonsil cells were preincubated with RA for 24 hr and then washed, or when RA was added any time in the first 4 days after initiation of the culture. When T- and B-cell fractions were pretreated with RA for 24 hr, washed, and recombined with SRBC, RA-induced augmentation of PFC occurred only in conjunction with RA treatment of the B-cell fraction. Pretreatment of the T-cell fraction had no effect on PFC induction or on the RA-enhanced response when the B-cell fraction was simultaneously treated with RA. Other experiments suggested that RA did not modulate PFC induction by influencing regulatory functions of adherent accessory cells. Our study demonstrates that RA can enhance human antibody responses and shows that this effect is not caused by increased activity of T cells or adherent accessory cells, but is instead the result of a direct effect of RA on B-cell populations.  相似文献   

A theory of language is derived for complex systems by contrasting the difference between “hard” systems and “soft” systems. Complexity in a field system made up of atomistic entities is defined by the capability of the atomistic-like entities in soft systems to absorb energy internally into fluid-like, gel-like, dissipative processes rather than to equipartition energy rapidly among all degrees of atomistic freedom. Language then emerges as the “mechanistic” linkages that can catalytically switch or evoke changed atomistic states in such “soft” systems. A note on the source of syntax is also provided.  相似文献   

The demonstration that TNP-binding B lymphocytes from animals whose B cells have been rendered tolerant to TNP by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid cannot undergo antigen-induced capping of their TNP receptors for at least a year despite recovery of immune responsiveness has led to a search for the mechanism of the capping failure. Microtubule-dependent membrane “locking” analogous to that induced by concanavalin A appears to afflict the tolerant B cells, in that capping TNP receptors is restored after exposure to 10?4M colchicine or overnight incubation at 4 °C. Assignment of the defect to the cytoskeleton rather than the receptors themselves is also supported by the observations that enzymatic stripping and regrowth of receptors does not unlock the cell and that non-Ig membrane molecules recognized by antilymphocyte serum also cannot be capped on the tolerant cells. Cells which have remained locked for 4 days to 8 months after a single tolerogen exposure become unlocked 4 days after immunogen is given. Four days after immunogen, tolerogen fails to lock the membranes of TNP-binding cells. These results suggest that tolerogen contact interferes in a much broader range of functions in the TNP-binding cell than those which affect the immune response. Among these effects is a remarkably stable “locked” configuration of the cytoskeleton which is independent of immune responsiveness or receptor turnover, but which can be reversed by exposure to immunogen whether or not an immune response ensues.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to determine whether substances could be identified which exhibited differential regulatory effects--either positive or negative--on the growth of murine alloreactive cytolytic (Tc) and helper (Th) cloned T-cell lines. The following lines of evidence suggested that Tc and Th proliferate in response to the same growth factor (GF). (1) When GF-containing fluids from cultures of phorbol myristic acetate (PMA)-activated EL4 thymoma were fractionated by a variety of biochemical techniques. Tc and Th eluted together. (2) Absorption of GF-containing supernatants with either cloned Tc or cloned Th depleted GF activity for each to a similar extent, and GF eluted from either Tc or Th to which it had adsorbed supported the proliferation of Tc and Th equally well. (3) Lectin-depleted supernatants from cultures of concanavalin A (Con A)-activated Th stimulated the proliferation of Th as well as Tc. (4) Recombinant human interleukin (IL-2) supported the growth of Tc and Th with equal efficiency. On the other hand, the following observations indicated that Tc and Th differed in their responses to inhibitors of GF-driven proliferation. (1) Con A at greater than or equal to 0.3 micrograms/ml inhibited the GF-driven proliferation of each of three Th lines but not either of two Tc lines. To the contrary, Con A enhanced GF-dependent proliferation of Tc. (2) Like Con A, allogeneic splenocytes selectively depressed GF-driven proliferation of Th but not Tc. (3) A substance generated during the acid elution of GF from cells, possibly a modified fetal calf serum component, greatly reduced the GF-driven proliferation of Tc but not Th. These results suggest that differential control of the proliferation of Tc and Th in cellular immune responses may be achieved via negative regulatory signals and raise the possibility that substances which can selectively depress the proliferation of specific T-cell subsets might be found which would be of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

In order to study the membrane function of tolerant B antigen-binding cells, tolerance to the trinitrophenyl (TNP) determinant was induced in mice by injecting the reactive form of the hapten, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). By appropriate transfer experiments, Fidler and Golub (J. Immunol.112, 1891, 1974) had previously shown that this form of tolerance is a B-cell property, induced and expressed in the absence of T cells. Hapten inhibition demonstrated the TNP-specificity of receptors on TNP-donkey erythrocyte(TNP-D)-binding cells in tolerant and nontolerant mice. About 88% of these cells were B cells by immunofluorescence, and the remainder were T cells. In the tolerant mice, challenge with TNP-sheep erythrocytes failed to expand the TNP-binding population, but sheep erythrocyte binders and anti-sheep plaque-forming cells expanded normally. Despite little or no change in TNP-binding cell numbers after tolerance induction, the TNP-binding cells of tolerant animals could not cap their receptors, in contrast to the sheep erythrocyte-binding cells from the same animals which capped normally. Although there is no anti-TNP plaque-forming cell response when tolerogen and immunogen are given simultaneously, capping failure is not evident until 2–4 days after tolerogen exposure. By Day 7, substantial recovery of immune responsiveness had occurred, yet even 12 months after a single dose of tolerogen there was no restoration of capping. Thus despite the association of both capping failure and unresponsiveness with tolerogen exposure, these lymphocyte functional defects appeared not to be causally related.  相似文献   

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