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The C-1027 enediyne antitumor antibiotic from Streptomyces globisporus possesses an ( S )-3-chloro-5-hydroxy-β-tyrosine moiety, the chloro- and hydroxy-substituents of which are installed by a flavin-dependent halogenase SgcC3 and monooxygenase SgcC, respectively. Interestingly, a single flavin reductase, SgcE6, can provide reduced flavin to both enzymes. Bioinformatics analysis reveals that, similar to other flavin reductases involved in natural product biosynthesis, SgcE6 belongs to the HpaC-like subfamily of the Class I flavin reductases. The present study describes the steady-state kinetic characterization of SgcE6 as a strictly NADH- and FAD-specific enzyme.  相似文献   

目的:在天蓝色链霉菌Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)中多效性调节因子AtrA(AtrA-c)可通过激活放线紫红素途径特异性的调节因子ActII-ORF4的转录来控制放线紫红素的产生。在灰色链霉菌Streptomyces griseus NBRC13350和阿维链霉菌Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680中也发现了AtrA-c 编码基因(atrA-c)的同源基因,分别影响链霉素和阿维菌素的生物合成。本文目的在于探索球孢链霉菌C-1027(Streptomyces globisporus C-1027)中是否存在AtrA,克隆球孢链霉菌C-1027中atrA基因并进行生物信息学分析,为进一步确定其对力达霉素产生的调控作用及调控机制奠定基础。[方法] 采用在球孢链霉菌C-1027中异源表达AtrA-c,来确定AtrA-c对力达霉素产量的影响;通过Southern blot 分析来判断在球孢链霉菌C-1027 基因组中是否有atrA-c同源基因;PCR扩增方法获得球孢链霉菌C-1027 atrA基因(atrA-gl)并测序;通过多种生物信息学软件来分析atrA-gl及其与旁侧基因的组织结构、对已发现的AtrA蛋白进行同源性比对及亲缘关系分析。[结果]在球孢链霉菌C-1027中异源表达天蓝色链霉菌AtrA-c蛋白,发现其对力达霉素的产量有影响。以atrA-c为探针,通过Southern blot分析显示球孢链霉菌C-1027基因组中存在atrA-c的同源基因。PCR扩增得到球孢链霉菌C-1027 的atrA基因的全序列以及该基因上下游的旁侧序列(GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ 登录号GU723707)。通过对球孢链霉菌C-1027、天蓝色链霉菌A3(2)、灰色链霉菌NBRC13350以及阿维链霉菌MA-4680 AtrA蛋白序列进行同源性分析发现,四种AtrA蛋白编码氨基酸序列一致性达到65%至 87%,相似性高达70% 至89%。并且,球孢链霉菌C-1027 atrA基因与相邻基因形成的组织结构与天蓝色链霉菌和灰色链霉菌完全一致。根据蛋白质同源性绘制进化树,发现球孢链霉菌AtrA蛋白与灰色链霉菌AtrA蛋白亲缘关系最近。[结论]确定在球孢链霉菌C-1027中存在atrA同源基因并影响力达霉素的产量,克隆了首个力达霉素生物合成基因簇外的调节基因--atrA基因,通过生物信息学分析初步推测了该基因的功能,为进一步研究AtrA-gl对力达霉素途径特异性级联调控网络的调控关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The apoprotein gene for a chromoprotein antitumor antibiotic, C-1027, was cloned from the producer strain, Streptomyces globisporus C-1027, and sequenced. The process verified that; (1) the sequence included the entire structural gene directing a precursor of the apoprotein (pre-apoprotein having Met1---Ala33 leader peptide ahead of the apoprotein) and flanking regions, (2) the amino acid sequence of the apoprotein deduced from the base sequence perfectly matched the one based on protein analysis, (3) 3rd letters of the codons were 88% G or C, while the 1st plus the 2nd letters were 63% G or C, (4) the structural gene had 57% homology with that of macromomycin apoprotein (mcmA) while the flanking regions had little homology with the corresponding ones of mcmA, except some homology at the -10th and -35th promoter regions, and (5) the gene was transcribed as a monocistronic mRNA in an early growth phase, independent of chromophore production.  相似文献   

Conjugation of cancer targeting peptides (CTPs) with small molecular therapeutics has emerged as a promising strategy to deliver potent (but typically nonspecific) cytotoxic agents selectively to cancer cells. Here we report the engineered production of a CTP (NGR)-containing C-1027 and evaluation of its activity against selected cancer cell lines. C-1027 is an enediyne chromoprotein produced by Streptomyces globisporus, consisting of an apo-protein (CagA) and an enediyne chromophore (C-1027). NGR is a CTP that targets CD13 in tumor vasculature. S. globisporus SB1026, a recombinant strain engineered to encode CagA with the NGR sequence fused at its C-terminus, directly produces the NGR-containing C-1027 that is equally active as the native C-1027. Our results demonstrate the feasibility to produce CTP-containing enediyne chromoproteins by metabolic pathway engineering and microbial fermentation and will inspire efforts to engineer other CTP-containing drug binding proteins for targeted delivery.  相似文献   

Dynemicin is a novel anthraquinone-fused member of the 10-membered enediyne antitumor antibiotic family. The development of a genetic system for the dynemicin producer Micromonospora chersina confirmed, for the first time, the requirement of the putative enediyne core biosynthetic genes (dynE8, U14 and U15) and a tailoring oxidase gene (orf23) for dynemicin production. Cloning and sequence analysis of a 76 kb of genomic sequence region containing dynE8 revealed a variety of genes conserved among known enediyne loci. Surprisingly, this fragment and flanking chromosomal DNA lacked any obvious genes encoding for the biosynthesis of the anthraquinone, suggesting that the location of genes encoding for the biosynthesis of the dynemicin enediyne core and the dynemicin anthraquinone are chromosomally distinct. The demonstrated trace production of a shunt product from mutant strain QGD23 (Deltaorf23) also sets the stage for subsequent studies to delineate the key steps in enediyne core biosynthesis and tailoring.  相似文献   

【目的】构建亮氨酰氨肽酶基因(pep A)被阻断的刺糖多孢菌工程菌株,并鉴定该基因对刺糖多孢菌菌丝形态、生物量、菌体全蛋白表达水平及产多杀菌素能力的影响,探究该基因调控多杀菌素合成的可能机制。【方法】利用PCR扩增刺糖多孢菌中的pep A基因同源片段,经酶切连接技术构建敲除载体p OJ260-pep A;通过接合转移和单交换同源重组将该载体整合至刺糖多孢菌染色体中,获得工程菌株S.sp-△pep A;利用培养特征、形态学、高效液相色谱、SDS-PAGE等方法对菌株进行研究分析。【结果】工程菌株S.sp-△pep A菌丝片段化程度加剧,生长态势被延缓且生物量降低,但有效促进了多杀菌素的生物合成。阻断亮氨酰胺肽酶基因的表达使刺糖多孢菌菌体全蛋白表达情况发生明显改变,找到表达水平显著上调的差异蛋白核糖体蛋白亚基和醛基脱氢酶,核糖体蛋白亚基通过影响蛋白质代谢对菌体生长产生影响;醛基脱氢酶则可与乙醇脱氢酶、乙酰辅酶A的合成酶相互作用影响辅酶A合成,而辅酶A是合成多杀菌素的重要底物。【结论】在刺糖多孢菌合成多杀菌素的次级代谢过程中,pep A基因作为负调控因子发挥作用。  相似文献   

The Streptomyces aureofaciens sigF gene encodes a sigma factor. By integrative transformation, via double cross-over, a stable null mutant of sigF gene was obtained. This mutation appeared to have no obvious effect on vegetative growth, but affected the late stage of spore maturation. Microscopic examination showed that spores were deformed, and spore wall was thinner, compared with the wild-type spores. The spore pigment of sigF mutant was green, compared to wild-type grey-pink spore pigmentation. The plasmid-born wild-type sigF gene complemented the mutation after transformation of the mutant strain.  相似文献   

Abstract An uracil auxotrophic mutant of baker's yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii , which is resitant to 5-fluoro-orotic acid, was complemented by transformation with YEp24 which harbors 2 μm origin and URA3 derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae . The phospholipase B in T. delbrueckii cells is active in both acidic and alkaline conditions. However, activity of phospholipase B gene ( PLB1 ) in cells of disruption mutant ( plbI : : URA3 ) was lost in both conditions, which indicates that all phospholipase B activity is encoded by a single gene (or a single polypeptide) in these yeast cells. Over-expression of PLB1 with YEp plasmid vector in T. delbrueckii cells showed ∼ 2.5-fold increase in phospholipase B activity, comparing with that in wild-type cells. Cells of plb1 Δ mutant showed increased survival when cells of plb1 Δ mutant and wild-type strain were incubated in water at 30 °C. Cells of PLB1 -over-expressed strain died rapidly even during the cultivation period, indicating that phospholipase B activity may be a determinant for the survival of this yeast.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effects of the deletion of hydrogenase genes on nitrogenase-based photobiological H(2) productivity by heterocystous N(2)-fixing cyanobacteria, we have constructed three hydrogenase mutants from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120: hupL(-) (deficient in the uptake hydrogenase), hoxH(-) (deficient in the bidirectional hydrogenase), and hupL(-)/ hoxH(-) (deficient in both genes). The hupL(-) mutant produced H(2) at a rate four to seven times that of the wild-type under optimal conditions. The hoxH(-) mutant produced significantly lower amounts of H(2) and had slightly lower nitrogenase activity than wild-type. H(2) production by the hupL(-)/ hoxH(-) mutant was slightly lower than, but almost equal to, that of the hupL(-) mutant. The efficiency of light energy conversion to H(2) by the hupL(-) mutant at its highest H(2) production stage was 1.2% at an actinic visible light intensity of 10 W/m(2) (PAR) under argon atmosphere. These results indicate that deletion of the hupL gene could be employed as a source for further improvement of H(2) production in a nitrogenase-based photobiological H(2) production system.  相似文献   

Lidamycin with high antitumor activity is a novel enediyne antitumor antibiotic produced by Streptomyces globisporus C1027. The 75 kb biosynthesis gene cluster of lidamycin containing 33 open reading frames has been cloned from S. globisporus C1027. In this paper, the function of sgcD (ORF24) is investigated. Gene disruption experiment proved that sgcD is involved in lidamycin biosynthesis. With homologous comparing analysis, we deduce that sgcD codes aminomutase catalyzing a-tyrosine to β-tyrosine which is one motif for lidamycin. To identify the function of enzyme coded by sgcD, sgcD is cloned into vector pET30a for inducing expression and the activity of expression product is analyzed. The result showed that the expression product of sgcD has the activity of aminomutase. Aminomutase coded by sgcD is the first characterized enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of enediyne antitumor antibiotics. Our research will be helpful to clarifying the biosynthesis mechanism of such kind of antibiotic and to producing new antitumor compounds.  相似文献   

Lidamycin, an antitumor antibiotic composed of a macro-molecule peptide and enediyne chromophore[1] and originally named C1027, is produced by Streptomyces globisporus C1027 isolated from the soil in Qianjiang County, Hubei Province, China. It has extremely high antitu- mor activity, which has been proved to be the highest among antitumor compounds[2], being 1000- fold higher than that of adriamycin commonly used in clinic. The structure of lidamycin consists of an acid apoprotein and a chr…  相似文献   

The frequency of targeted gene disruption via homologous recombination is low in the clinically important dermatophyte, Trichophyton mentagrophytes . The Ku genes, Ku70 and Ku80 , encode key components of the nonhomologous end-joining pathway involved in DNA double-strand break repair. Their deletion increases the homologous recombination frequency, facilitating targeted gene disruption. To improve the homologous recombination frequency in T. mentagrophytes , the Ku80 ortholog was inactivated. The nucleotide sequence of the Ku80 locus containing a 2788-bp ORF encoding a predicted product of 728 amino acids was identified, and designated as TmKu80 . The predicted TmKu80 product showed a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity to known fungal Ku80 proteins. Ku80 disruption mutant strains of T. mentagrophytes were constructed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated genetic transformation. The average homologous recombination frequency was 73.3 ± 25.2% for the areA/nit-2 -like nitrogen regulatory gene ( tnr ) in Ku80 mutants, about 33-fold higher than that in wild-type controls. A high frequency ( c . 67%) was also obtained for the Tri m4 gene encoding a putative serine protease. Ku80 mutant strains will be useful for large-scale reverse genetics studies of dermatophytes, including T. mentagrophytes , providing valuable information on the basic mechanisms of host invasion.  相似文献   

Beneficial mutations can become costly following an environmental change. Compensatory mutations can relieve these costs, while not affecting the selected function, so that the benefits are retained if the environment shifts back to be similar to the one in which the beneficial mutation was originally selected. Compensatory mutations have been extensively studied in the context of antibiotic resistance, responses to specific genetic perturbations, and in the determination of interacting gene network components. Few studies have focused on the role of compensatory mutations during more general adaptation, especially as the result of selection in fluctuating environments where adaptations to different environment components may often involve trade‐offs. We examine whether costs of a mutation in lacI, which deregulated the expression of the lac operon in evolving populations of Escherichia coli bacteria, were compensated. This mutation occurred in multiple replicate populations selected in environments that fluctuated between growth on lactose, where the mutation was beneficial, and on glucose, where it was deleterious. We found that compensation for the cost of the lacI mutation was rare, but, when it did occur, it did not negatively affect the selected benefit. Compensation was not more likely to occur in a particular evolution environment. Compensation has the potential to remove pleiotropic costs of adaptation, but its rarity indicates that the circumstances to bring about the phenomenon may be peculiar to each individual or impeded by other selected mutations.  相似文献   

The sexual cycle of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum , offers a suitable experimental system to analyze sexual cell interactions. We have been analyzing molecular mechanisms involved in sexual cell fusion using complementary heterothallic strains in D. discoideum and have identified several cell surface proteins involved in the process. One of them, gp138 is present in strains of both mating types and considered to be responsible for membrane fusion itself. Two genes with high mutual homology, GP 138 A and GP 138 B , have been identified so far as encoding this protein. Expression of antisense RNA for GP 138 B has been shown to suppress sexual cell fusion, confirming the critical importance of these genes in sexual cell fusion. However, neither the functional relationship of the two gp138 genes nor the possibility of the existence of more genes that encode gp138 has been determined yet. In the present study, GP 138 A and GP 138 B were disrupted by homologous recombination in an effort to clarify these points. Analysis of the double knock-out mutants suggested the presence of a third gene for gp138.  相似文献   

Calpains are a family of Ca(2+)-dependent intracellular cysteine proteases, including the ubiquitously expressed micro- and m-calpains. Both mu- and m-calpains are heterodimers, consisting of a distinct large 80-kDa catalytic subunit, encoded by the genes Capn1 and Capn2, and a common small 28-kDa regulatory subunit (Capn4). The physiological roles and possible functional distinctions of mu- and m-calpains remain unclear, but suggested functions include participation in cell division and migration, integrin-mediated signal transduction, apoptosis, and regulation of cellular control proteins such as cyclin D1 and p53. Homozygous disruption of murine Capn4 eliminated both mu- and m-calpain activities, but this did not affect survival and proliferation of cultured embryonic stem cells or embryonic fibroblasts, or the early stages of organogenesis. However, mutant embryos died at midgestation and displayed defects in the cardiovascular system, hemorrhaging, and accumulation of erythroid progenitors.  相似文献   

Lidamycin with high antitumor activity is a novel enediyne antitumor antibiotic producedby Streptomyces globisporus C1027. The 75 kb biosynthesis gene cluster of lidamycin containing 33 open reading frames has been cloned from S. globisporus C1027. In this paper,the function ofsgcD (ORF24) is investigated. Gene disruption experiment proved that sgcD is involved in lidamy-cin biosynthesis. With homologous comparing analysis, we deduce that sgcD codes aminomutasecatalyzing α-tyrosine to β-tyrosine which is one motif for lidamycin. To identify the function of en-zyme coded by sgcD, sgcD is cloned into vector pET30a for inducing expression and the activity ofexpression product is analyzed. The result showed that the expression product ofsgcD has theactivity of aminomutase. Aminomutase coded by sgcD is the first characterized enzyme involved inthe biosynthesis of enediyne antitumor antibiotics. Our research will be helpfulto clarifying thebiosynthesis mechanism of such kind of antibiotic and to producing new antitumorcompounds.  相似文献   

The diurnal and circadian expression of light-harvesting genes (Lhc) is well documented for many plant species of the Angiospermae division. Here we present the diurnal mRNA levels of species of the Gymnospermae, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta and Phycophyta divisions. Except for four Coniferophytina species, diurnal Lhc mRNA accumulation is detected in fern, moss and algae, supporting the idea that the concept of circadian clock-controlled gene expression is an ancient process. Possible reasons why plants need the circadian clock control mechanism are discussed.Dedicated to Dr H. W. Heldt on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

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